Arthrosis of the shoulder joint: symptoms, stages, treatment features

Pain in the shoulder joints is a common reason for patients to seek treatment. They arise for several reasons, and if left untreated, they lead to limited abduction in the shoulder joints, after which the person cannot raise his arm above his head. The most common cause of this pain is arthrosis of the shoulder joint. Modern treatment methods make it possible to slow down or even stop the development of degenerative joint diseases and maintain vital activity in patients.

Causes of development of arthrosis of the shoulder joint

  • Excessive prolonged load on the shoulder, including of a professional nature (for example, builders, plasterers, loaders).
  • An acquired or congenital defect of cartilage, ligaments and other structures, against which the joint quickly wears out even under normal load.
  • Hand injuries - dislocations, fractures, bad falls.
  • Deposition of salts in the joint cavity due to metabolic disorders.
  • Constant microtrauma over a long period of time, for example due to regular sports activities.
  • Chronic and acute inflammation of the joints.

Shoulder arthrosis is a hereditary disease: if your parents were ill, be vigilant

Why does the disease occur?

The shoulder experiences less stress throughout life than, for example, the knees. Therefore, this form of the disease occurs less frequently. The causes of arthrosis of the shoulder joint may be the following:

  • constant heavy loads: lifting objects with heavy weights, sports activities that require wear and tear, exposure to vibration in the workplace;
  • congenital disorders in the structure of the joint;
  • autoimmune diseases: Libman-Sachs disease, rheumatoid arthritis;
  • weak connective tissue;
  • complex injuries; bone fractures, ligament rupture;
  • hormonal changes during pregnancy, menopause;
  • impaired metabolism, for example, with diabetes;
  • inflammatory diseases: bursitis, arthritis, etc.

Some people are predisposed to arthrosis.

Degree of development of arthrosis of the shoulder joint

Aching pain in the shoulder is an initial sign that cannot be ignored. If arthrosis is not treated, the load on the problem joint is not reduced, and you generally believe that “it will hurt and stop,” events will develop according to this scenario.

  • The first degree of the disease is accompanied by aching pain that intensifies at night. The person can still move the arm freely, but already notices a limitation in the amplitude of movement, especially when moving the limb back. An x-ray shows a “ring symptom” - the glenoid cavity resembles an oval ring.

The first stage of shoulder arthrosis can last several years

  • The second degree makes itself felt with much more vivid symptoms. The pain intensifies and does not stop, hand movements are accompanied by a characteristic crunch, and the amplitude is significantly reduced. The image shows a narrowing of the joint space, bone growths and thickening of the bone surfaces. In some cases, atrophy of the shoulder muscles is also found.

At the second stage, joining your hands behind your back is a real feat!

  • The third degree is always accompanied by severe joint deformation and constant pain. At this stage, it is almost impossible to move your hand - only pump with a small amplitude. In the area of ​​the junction of the scapula and shoulder, bone outgrowths are visually visible. The position of the hand becomes unnatural: the patient reflexively looks for the least painful position.

Do you keep putting pressure on your sore joint? There is a high risk of developing arthrosis of the third degree

Massage for glenohumeral periarthritis

Massage for glenohumeral periarthritis is an important component of the treatment course and recovery process. Massage is combined with drug treatment, which will ensure a faster recovery. The method is aimed at preventing a decrease in joint activity and the development of rough scar tissue. muscle atrophy. It allows you to quickly restore the function of the upper limbs. In the acute phase of the disease, massage is not used.

With the help of massage, the collar area, glenohumeral joint and shoulder, deltoid and pectoralis major muscles are affected. Manual therapy is carried out only after acute inflammation in the joint capsule has been relieved and pain has been reduced. The procedures are carried out 14–20 days after immobilization of the joint. This allows you to obtain a pronounced therapeutic effect. Complete a course of effective treatment for glenohumeral periarthritis by making an appointment with a doctor by calling the contact center of the Yusupov Hospital.

How is arthrosis of the shoulder joint treated?

Classical medicine offers a traditional treatment regimen for arthrosis, aimed at reducing symptoms and preventing complications. It includes:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve pain and tissue swelling plus painkillers;
  • local anti-inflammatory ointments;
  • chondroprotectors that restore the structure of cartilage.

To improve the trophism of the affected joint, doctors recommend starting its dosed development with the help of physical therapy, and to consolidate the effect, regularly undergoing physiotherapeutic procedures. In different cases, therapeutic baths, dry heating, magnetic therapy, mud therapy and other manipulations are indicated. All this is allowed only during the period of remission.

Physical therapy for second or third degree arthrosis should be performed only under the supervision of a specialist. But for preventive purposes, in order to strengthen the shoulder joint, you can exercise even before alarming symptoms appear. For example, according to this simple scheme:

Information about treatment methods and diagnostics

At the earliest stage, it is difficult to determine the disease. For this reason, people seek medical help already at an advanced stage of osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint. Diagnosis begins with an analysis of the patient’s complaints (history collection). To make a diagnosis, an X-ray and ultrasound of the joints, CT or MRI will be required. The main task is to identify typical degenerative changes. Radiation methods make it possible to determine the condition of the joints long before the onset of pain, which already indicates the fact of deformation of the cartilage tissue.

What other recommendations are given for shoulder arthrosis?

The patient is recommended to limit the consumption of spicy and salty foods, and increase collagen-containing foods: fresh herbs, poultry, seafood, salmon fish. Diet helps to eliminate pain more quickly, but is by no means an independent treatment method. An integrated approach helps reduce symptoms, eliminate inflammation and put the disease into remission.

However, traditional treatment does not affect the root causes of degenerative intra-articular changes. One of them is the lack of synovial fluid, which acts as an intra-articular lubricant. Against the background of its deficiency, excessive friction of the joint tissues and their rapid wear begin. The problem can be eliminated by intra-articular injections.

Mechanism of action of intra-articular injections "Noltrex"

To restore the viscosity of synovial fluid, a special artificial endoprosthesis Noltrex with the addition of silver ions has been developed. The gel is injected into the joint cavity in a medical office at intervals several times. The composition is completely biocompatible with tissues and therefore does not cause allergic or other reactions.

By introducing the drug into the joint cavity, the following results can be achieved:

  • protect cartilage - the gel covers the synovial membrane and articular surfaces with an even layer, softens mechanical stress and stops further destruction;
  • restore the viscosity of the synovial fluid - a drug with viscosity characteristics close to natural normalizes the properties of the joint environment;
  • dilute the rubbing surfaces - the product restores the normal viscosity of the synovial fluid, as a result of which the joint spaces widen and friction stops.

Noltrex relieves pain in the shoulder joint for a year and a half

Treatment of joints in St. Petersburg

The TitAn Clinic offers effective joint treatment in St. Petersburg to everyone who needs professional help. Over the years of our work, we have managed to accumulate experience that allows the clinic’s specialists to improve the condition of patients without resorting to surgical intervention.

Consultation and diagnosticsPriceDuration
Appointment with a neurologist (examination-consultation)1,900 rub.60 min.
Consultation with a neurologist (repeated)1,400 rub.30 min.
Appointment with the head doctor (examination-consultation)2,800 rub.60 min.
Consultation with the chief physician (repeated)1,800 rub.30 min.
Repeated consultation with MRI interpretation1,800 rub.30 min.
Control by the chief physician, examination with the irt procedureRUB 3,80060 min.
Electrocardiogram with interpretation1,500 rub.30 min.

*Prices are subject to change, as we always have promotions and special offers.
Neurologists leading the initial appointment
Titarchuk Andrey Borisovich Chief physician

Yurasov Pavel Aleksandrovich Neurologist

Find out the cost of treatment

How often to take a course of injections

Unlike drugs with hyaluronic acid, Noltrex has a much more prolonged effect. It is recommended to administer it at intervals of 9 months to 2 years, depending on the degree of damage to the shoulder joint. The medicine is of synthetic origin, therefore it is not detected and is not rejected by phagocytes - the immune cells of the body. This explains the long-term therapeutic effect.

Of course, any treatment for arthrosis will be effective only if the load on the joint is reduced. In the case of a shoulder, the prognosis is always favorable, especially if you seek help in a timely manner, without waiting for critical symptoms. “It will hurt and stop” - with this diagnosis, such an option, unfortunately, is excluded.

Shoulder pain does not always indicate the onset of arthrosis. Sometimes the reason is, indeed, a joint overwork, an uncomfortable position during sleep, or being in a draft. But much more often, pain is caused by other serious diseases, such as cervical osteochondrosis or glenohumeral periarthritis. Do you feel discomfort? Consult a specialist!

Types of therapy

Treatment of arthrosis of the shoulder joint is determined by the degree of damage. In the initial stages, the development of the disease can be stopped with medications. In case of severe destruction, restoration of mobility and elimination of pain is possible only through surgical intervention.

Drug treatment

With the help of medications, you can reduce the symptoms and restore cartilage tissue. The following groups of drugs are used:

  • NSAIDs – stop the inflammatory process, reduce pain, available in tablets, gels, suppositories, injections;
  • drugs with hormones - have a similar effect to the previous group, create a prolonged effect, and are injected directly into the joint;
  • antispasmodic drugs, B vitamins - reduce muscle spasms;
  • Chodroprotectors – restore cartilage tissue;
  • means that improve blood microcirculation - stimulate regeneration processes;
  • enzyme blockers - slow down the process of destruction of cartilage tissue.

The selection of medications is carried out only by the attending physician.


Physiotherapy and exercise therapy methods alleviate the course of the disease and enhance the effect of medications. The following procedures are considered effective:

  • therapy using a magnetic field - relieves inflammation and pain, improves blood circulation, stimulates the renewal of cartilage tissue;
  • UVT – leads to the destruction of growths, facilitates mobility in the diseased joint;
  • iontophoresis – improves the absorption of medications;
  • therapeutic exercises and massage - increase blood circulation in the tissues.

None of the manipulations (listed above) can be carried out at home. They are done only under medical supervision.

Surgical treatment

Arthrosis at the last stage is accompanied by increased symptoms, irreversible changes in the joints, and requires surgical intervention. Endoprosthesis replacement can restore mobility to the patient, as a result of which a prosthesis is inserted instead of a destroyed joint, which completely takes over its functions. This operation will allow you to forget about pain for many years.

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