Synovitis of the knee joint: etiology and a brief overview of current treatment methods

Synovitis of the knee joint is an inflammatory process limited to the joint membrane of the lower limb. A characteristic feature of the development of the pathological process is the accumulation of fluid in the joint, which significantly reduces the functionality of the knee.

Among the key reasons are previous injuries, as well as other joint pathologies and various metabolic disorders, including infectious lesions.

The main clinical manifestations are pain, the intensity of which increases when attempting to perform a movement, as well as swelling and an outwardly noticeable increase in the size of the localization site.

The diagnosis is made based on the patient’s existing complaints, visual examination, as well as the results of the study (laboratory/instrumental).

The treatment plan for each patient is determined individually, in accordance with the existing symptoms and his state of health.

Why is synovitis dangerous?

The synovial membrane performs an important function in the joint - it ensures the separation of hard tissues. Due to this, the joint moves with minimal bending of the components. The membrane is capable of changing shape, thereby adapting to supporting surfaces and providing shock absorption. The quality and quantity of synovial fluid in the joint depends on its condition, the same fluid whose deficiency develops coxarthrosis or gonarthrosis.

The connective tissue that forms this membrane can become inflamed. Swelling forms in the joint, during movement the person feels pain, and bleeding is possible. If the disease is not treated, the synovial membrane thickens and new blood vessels appear in it. In the future, this will lead to frequent joint bleeding.

Synovitis without treatment can lead to joint dysfunction

Treatment of synovitis of the knee joint

The pathology is treated by a wide group of specialists at various levels. In acute and purulent types, the patient must be hospitalized.

The first stage is the removal of fluid accumulated inside the joint, and only then complex therapy is prescribed using medications and physiotherapeutic methods.

The main goal of therapeutic treatment is to eliminate the factors that provoke an increase in the volume of joint fluid.

Drug treatment

The use of medications falls into the category of conservative methods and involves puncture with evacuation of accumulated fluid and the use of a number of drugs that eliminate symptoms and help combat the causes.

The following groups of drugs are prescribed as drug therapy:

  • glucorticosteroids;
  • chondroprotectors;
  • painkillers;
  • antibiotics.

Particular attention should be paid to chondroprotectors, the use of which can accelerate the process of tissue regeneration. One of the most effective among them is considered to be the drug “Artracam”.


Physiotherapeutic techniques help restore the functionality of the affected joint. Already 3-4 days after the start of treatment, patients are referred to activities such as:

  • phonophoresis using corticosteroid drugs;
  • UHF therapy;
  • therapy using magnetic and electric fields.

Surgical intervention

Radical methods are used in situations where the patient’s treatment is not amenable to conservative methods. Thus, surgical intervention is indicated for recurrent chronic synovitis, the progression of which is accompanied by changes in the tissue of the joint capsule.

Surgery involves partial or complete removal of the inflamed joint membrane.

The postoperative period involves immobilization and the prescription of drug therapy with the use of antibiotics, painkillers and, of course, chondroprotectors, which provide the opportunity to accelerate regenerative processes within the joint tissues.

Therapeutic physical education (PT) as a method of complex treatment of synovitis

The use of exercise therapy complexes is an integral part of complex treatment and allows you to speed up the recovery process, helping to improve metabolic processes within the affected tissues.

A set of exercises is selected individually, in strict accordance with the recommendations of the attending physician.

Preventive actions

There is no way to insure against all diseases, but there are measures to prevent their occurrence, in particular, such an unpleasant disease as synovitis.

Among the most effective methods of prevention are:

  • wearing comfortable orthopedic shoes;
  • reduction of strong physical activity;
  • lesson with a physical therapy instructor;
  • maintaining balance in the daily diet;
  • giving up bad habits;
  • preventive examinations with the attending physician.

Pay special attention to health. At the first signs of pathology, seek medical help and follow all the instructions of your doctor in order to live a full life.

What is tenosynovitis

Tenosynovitis is an inflammation of the tendon sheaths. The latter are tubular-shaped connective tissue filled with liquid lubricant. The sheaths surround the tendons, which are made of flexible fibrous collagen tissue. It is what attaches muscles to bones. If the outer covering of the tendons becomes inflamed, it is called tenosynovitis. Both inflammatory diseases are accompanied by pain when moving, so only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis.

Tenosynovitis most often affects the hands, wrists and feet

Prevention of synovitis

To prevent a relapse, you must not forget about preventive measures. Prevention is a set of rules and measures that will help maintain the health of your lower extremities.

When playing sports, do not forget to be careful, this will help protect your knee from injury. Also, special attention should be paid to the choice of shoes, not only those in which you train, but also everyday ones. Having the right shoe collection will protect you from future injuries. Professional athletes should fix the articular surfaces with special pads or bandages. Contact us if you have severe or moderate synovitis, we will help. We employ qualified specialists. Prices can be found in the price list on the website or by calling +7,).

Causes of synovitis and tenosynovitis

Synovitis is one of the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis of an autoimmune (unexplained) nature. Chronic inflammation of synovial membranes provokes inflammatory processes in other organs - a full-scale process is launched in the body, causing a person no less pain than arthrosis of the knee joint in advanced forms.

Synovitis can also occur with the following diseases:

  • juvenile arthritis;
  • psoriatic arthritis;
  • lupus;
  • rheumatic fever;
  • gout;
  • tuberculosis;
  • injuries.

The causes of tenosynovitis still raise questions. It is believed that inflammation occurs after excessive strain on the tendons, but this is just a guess. Obviously, due to increased physical activity, tendons, surrounding muscles and bones are injured, so the risk of inflammation of the membranes increases.

What is synovitis of the knee joint?

Synovitis of the knee joint is a common pathological inflammation, the development of which results in the accumulation of fluid that can become purulent. Synovitis belongs to the category of serious pathologies that require timely diagnosis and an integrated approach to treatment.

The pathological process occurs mainly as a result of trauma or as a concomitant inflammation with arthrosis.

It is important to note that synovitis is not an independent disease, but only becomes the result of other general or local pathologies.

Diagnosis and treatment

During the initial examination, the doctor checks the condition of the joint visually: notes the presence of pain, changes in skin color, difficulties with movement, and an increase in local temperature. MRI or ultrasound can help determine the amount of accumulated fluid. If there is tissue damage in the joint, an x-ray will show it.

To determine the root cause of the inflammatory process, the following is prescribed:

  • a blood test to determine the bacterial infection that triggered the inflammation;
  • analysis of synovial fluid.

Self-medication of synovitis, especially warm compresses, can lead to dangerous complications

Diagnostic measures

In order to obtain the most accurate diagnosis, when the first signs of an inflammatory process appear, it is recommended to immediately seek professional medical help.

The key diagnostic method is puncture (extraction of a small amount of joint fluid for the purpose of research). The most informative is bacteriological or bacterioscopic analysis of the extracted material.

The type of pathogenic microflora present is determined. It is mandatory to analyze the resistance of identified bacteria to antibacterial agents.

In addition, at the diagnostic stage, instrumental methods are also important, which include:

  • arthroscopy;
  • arthropneumography;
  • CT/MRI.

If there are symptoms suggesting benign or malignant neoplasms, patients are prescribed a biopsy of the affected membrane.

Based on the results obtained, the severity of a particular clinical case is determined, which helps to outline ways to resolve it.

The standard treatment regimen includes:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve swelling and reduce pain;
  • short-term corticosteroids;
  • cold compresses to reduce pain and swelling;
  • rest to reduce the load on the joint;
  • antibiotic therapy - in the presence of a bacterial infection.

If the joint is severely damaged, sometimes synovitis can only be cured by surgery

Is it worth pumping out fluid from the knee joint? Opinion of a practicing orthopedic traumatologist:

Synovitis is often diagnosed in people with degenerative joint diseases. Damaged cartilage surfaces become inflamed and fluid accumulates in the joint. In such conditions, it is impossible to begin treatment for osteoarthritis. It is necessary to stop the inflammation, and only after that undergo a course of intra-articular injections of synovial fluid prosthesis or resort to other, less effective therapy.

Symptoms of synovitis of the knee joint

Common symptoms of synovitis of the knee joint, regardless of the etiology of its origin, include:

  • swelling of the affected area;
  • visually noticeable increase in the size of the affected area;
  • mild/moderate pain;
  • feeling of "fullness".

Specific symptoms of synovitis of the knee joint are determined by the type of pathology present and the degree of its development.

Symptoms of acute synovitis of the knee joint

With the development of pathology, the size of the joint of the lower limb noticeably increases in volume. The patient experiences an unpleasant feeling of fullness, as well as pain that intensifies when performing movements. Swelling is observed.

An important symptom is the voting of the patella (with external influence, it moves down until it touches the bone. After the influence stops, it returns to its original position).

In rare cases, general malaise occurs.

The severity of symptoms is determined by the amount of fluid accumulated inside the joint capsule.

Symptoms of chronic synovitis of the knee joint

The pathology of this type is characterized by a wave-like course, in which exacerbation alternates with remissions.

The symptomatic picture during an exacerbation is similar to acute synovitis, but is less pronounced. Additionally, the following may be observed:

  • inactivity;
  • dull, aching pain;
  • increased fatigue when walking at varying intensity.

Symptoms of purulent synovitis of the knee joint

Local symptoms: noticeably enlarged joint, sharp pain, almost complete loss of mobility.

Unlike other varieties, purulent inflammation has clear symptoms, similar to those that occur during intoxication:

  • increase in body temperature up to 40°C;
  • chills, fever;
  • the occurrence of neurological disorders;
  • indigestion.

Articular symptoms can also be observed, which usually include swelling of the skin.


The disease can occur in acute or chronic form. In the acute form, pain, swelling, and redness of the skin occur in the joint area. Movements are limited due to pain. In the chronic form, the same symptoms are present, but they are less pronounced. They then subside, then a new exacerbation develops. Inflammation of the articular membrane when an infection is attached can turn into a purulent form. The joint swells even more, severe pain occurs, and pus accumulates under the skin. The general condition of the patient is disturbed, body temperature rises.

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  • Initial consultation – 3,000
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Treatment with folk remedies

This disorder can also be treated with folk remedies. But this should be done only after an accurate diagnosis has been made and the main course of treatment has been prescribed. Traditional methods of getting rid of this type of illness help well at the initial stage of the disease.

The following folk remedies are used to treat synovitis:

  • lotions from herbal decoctions;
  • rubbing the knee with tinctures;
  • taking decoctions;
  • ointments based on herbs and animal fats.

But you can begin to treat synovitis with folk remedies only as prescribed by a doctor. Even if all the symptoms indicate a disease, you should still not self-medicate. Such a disorder should only be treated by a specialist after a final diagnosis. Treatment will be most effective if you combine “grandmother’s” recipes with drug therapy.

Exercise therapy

After arthroscopy, joint surgery or conservative treatment, it is recommended to perform a set of exercises to quickly restore the functions of the limb (start exercises within the time frame indicated by the doctor):

  1. Lie on your back, then perform partial flexion and extension of the knee (10 times).
  2. While lying down, squeeze any flat object up to 10 cm thick under the knee (10 times).
  3. In any position, strain the muscles of the thigh and lower leg (5-6 times).
  4. Lie on your back, slowly lift your straight leg 40 cm from the floor and lower it (10 times).
  5. Lie on the side opposite the side of the affected leg, then move the affected leg up (5 times).
  6. Sit on a chair and slightly lift the sore leg above the floor surface with a 1-kilogram load attached (5 times).
  7. Standing on the affected leg, half-squat and perform rotational movements with the other leg (1 minute).

After stabilizing the condition, it is recommended to walk for a distance of up to 500-600 m several times a week at a slow speed, as well as exercise on an exercise bike.

Therapy for villous nodular synovitis

This form of synovitis is, by its nature, a benign tumor. The most effective treatment option is removal of the formation. For this purpose, arthroscopic operations are currently performed:

  • make two small incisions of 1-2 cm each;
  • they are used to remove the tumor;
  • After the procedure, the incisions are sutured;
  • instruments are inserted into the joint. One of them is a camera with a flashlight, and the second is an electric knife or tweezers.

Complications after such manipulations occur very rarely. They do not require long hospitalization - on average, the patient stays in the hospital for 4-7 days.

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