Balms and ointments from Thailand: application and beneficial properties

Thai medicine is a well-known branch of national, traditional oriental medicine. Thailand is famous for its massage, but among packaged medicines you can also find something interesting. Many local residents, as well as those who simply live in Thailand for a long time, and residents of other countries who order Thai medicine products online or purchase them while traveling, use Thai balms and ointments.

Thai balms and ointments can be divided into many varieties. They are divided according to their effect, or more precisely, according to the sensations of the person who uses them (warming, cooling, neutral, warming-cooling, or mixed), and according to their healing properties, but the division is generally accepted “by color”.

So, there are black, white, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, pink balms. Vegetable dyes are used to color products. There are also tiger balm and cobra venom ointment. The most popular manufacturers:

  • Wangprom (Wangphrom)
  • Samunpraitaksin
  • Tiger balm
  • Hamar Osoth
  • Novolife
  • Namman Muay
  • Green Herb
  • Taisho Counterpain

What are balms and ointments used for? The range of applications of oriental medicine is very wide and, if used correctly, they can be a useful additional medicine in any first aid kit:

  1. Analgesic effect, for example, relieving pain in joints or muscles. People who are seriously involved in sports often use Thai folk remedies.
  2. Anti-inflammatory effect, for example, to relieve irritation after insect bites.
  3. Anti-cold effect.
  4. Massage product (not necessarily Thai).
  5. Bactericidal effect.
  6. A remedy for improving blood flow.
  7. Anti-edema agent.
  8. Effective against motion sickness, headaches
  9. Remedy for fungal infections.
  10. Use for inhalation.

This is, in general, not a complete list of what traditional Thai medicine can help with.
The Thais have been using medicinal herbs for centuries, and these balms are remedies developed in ancient times and tested by many generations. They really have useful properties, and a complete breakdown of the colors and varieties will help you figure out which balm is best to have in your home medicine cabinet and for what occasion. Cost of Thai balms and ointments

NamePrice in Moscow (in rubles)Price in Thailand (in rubles)Weight
Green balm (Vangprom)45020050
Sesame Black Thai Balm400160150
White balm (Vangprom)45020050
Yellow balm45020050
Rose balm45020050
Blue balm45020050
Tiger balm50025025
Red Thai balm “CHILI Formula” RED HERB50025050
Traditional red Thai balm OSOTIP 100 ml300150100

Thai black balm

This ointment belongs to the category of the most powerful Thai medicines. You must be careful when using it, as the product has a powerful effect, and sometimes, if used incorrectly or due to individual intolerance, it can even cause discomfort. Refers to warming ones. As a rule, it contains snake venom. It differs in that it acts quickly and penetrates deeply to the source of pain and discomfort. One of the famous brands of black balm is Mho Shee Woke, the packaging depicts what appears to be a Thai monk. A jar of such balm with a volume of 100 grams will cost about 250-300 rubles in Moscow.

When and how does black ointment help:

  • decongestant: can relieve swelling fairly quickly;
  • relieving pain and inflammation for problems with the musculoskeletal system;
  • help with sports injuries, help for those involved in extreme sports;
  • help with salt deposits;
  • local anesthetic.

The action of the main components of black balm Cobraa Gold

Aloe contains a large number of biologically active substances, polysaccharides, salicylic acid, vitamins A, C, B and amino acids. Aloe vera perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin, regenerates, as it contains vitamins, amino acids and polysaccharides. Heals, relieves inflammation, removes old dead cells, has strong antibacterial properties, and relieves swelling. It is the best antifungal, anti-inflammatory and antiviral agent, and has the strongest antioxidant and regenerating properties.

Lavender oil has a delicate, soothing aroma and pronounced healing properties. The oil refreshes and tones the skin well, maintaining the water-fat balance by strengthening the lipid barrier. The oil suppresses inflammatory processes, disinfects abrasions and wounds. It accelerates skin regeneration and helps tighten scars. Oil gives aging skin freshness and elasticity.

Eucalyptus oil is considered the best pain reliever with a relaxing and calming effect. Eucalyptus oil can reduce swelling, help get rid of or significantly reduce various types of pain, not only headaches, but also sprains, bruises, arthritis, radiculitis, neuralgia and others.

Coconut oil has moisturizing, nourishing and protective properties. It also soothes the skin, normalizing the skin's production of sebum, gives the skin elasticity, smoothes out wrinkles, and protects the skin from the cold. The oil is able to protect the epidermis from the harmful effects of UV radiation and photoaging. Coconut oil stimulates cellular respiration, which has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the dermis.

Sesame oil has a fairly wide range of healing effects, including anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, analgesic, bactericidal, anthelmintic, immunostimulating, laxative, and diuretic properties. Sesame oil is also useful for diseases of the joints, bones, and teeth due to its bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. They ensure the proper development, functioning and rapid restoration of dental cartilage and bone tissue. Therefore, sesame oil is used in the treatment of injuries to the musculoskeletal system, osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, gout, arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, caries, periodontal disease, and periodontitis.

Terminalia hebula plant extract significantly reduces the symptoms of various types of arthritis, relieving inflammation and discomfort. Allows you to maintain mobility, slowing down the progression of the disease. The extract effectively suppresses the vital activity of a number of dermatophytes and yeasts that affect the nail plate, causing ringworm, scab and a number of other diseases. The uniqueness and value of this plant also lies in its high content of antioxidants, seventeen of the twenty most important proteins, minerals and vitamins essential for human health.

Thai white balm

White ointment is strikingly different from black - it is one of the softest. It can be used even when the skin is very sensitive and tender. The white balm contains whale oil, as well as other natural ingredients. It has either a cooling or warming-cooling effect. One of the famous white balms is Wangprom. It is sold in jars of about 20-50 grams and costs about 200 rubles in Moscow.

When and how does white ointment help:

  • used for massage, relieving muscle tension;
  • is an effective anti-cold remedy: can help relieve a runny nose and sore throat;
  • helps with neuralgia;
  • can be used for inhalation for problems with the respiratory system;
  • will help relieve itching after insect bites and relieve skin irritation.

Composition and effect of balms from Thailand

Thai balmsCompoundEffect
Orange balmMain components: petroleum jelly, menthol, camphor, patchouli, Buchanan's cryptolepis .Warming
Yellow balmIngredients: petroleum jelly, menthol, camphor laurel, clove and coconut extract , ginger.Cooling
Green balmIngredients: borneol, camphor, paraffin, petroleum jelly and Barleria wolfis extract .Warming-cooling
Red tiger infusionIngredients: playa, ginger and turmeric oil , paraffin, borneol, camphor, menthol.Warming
Black balmIngredients: sesame oil, wintergreen extract, black galangal oil , beeswax, camphor.
There is also a black infusion with snake venom!
Blue gelIngredients: clove oil, trifoliate clitoris extract, menthol , petroleum jelly, camphor, borneol.Cooling
PinkIngredients: lotus oil , camphor, borneol, petroleum jelly.Cooling
White brindleIngredients: eucalyptus oil, mint and clove extract , whale oil, camphor.Warming-cooling

Thai red balm

Red Thai balm has warming properties. Often contains oil from natural Thai herbs and vines growing in the mountains of Thailand. One of the famous brands is Ya Mong Sud Pai Red. The jars range from 100 to 200 grams and cost differently: you can find the product for less than 100 rubles, while a large jar can cost around 350 rubles in Moscow.

When and how red ointment helps:

  • is a traditional remedy for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system: arthritis, arthrosis and others;
  • effectively helps in rubbing tired joints;
  • Some varieties can be used for massage, relieving muscle pain.

It should be noted that regularity is important in using this ointment - the effect is not noticeable immediately, but after a few days. The product ensures blood flow to the sore spot and is indispensable for older people suffering from intractable “lumbago” in different places - the back, joints of the legs and arms.

Thai snake farm products

Even in ancient times, people knew that snake venom not only kills, but also heals. Doctors learned to use the right proportions of poison to treat people and successfully cured many ailments. For a long time, this medicinal component was obtained by snake catchers in natural conditions. This profession cannot be mastered at any university; knowledge was gained from others, experience was gained in practice. Today, entire farms are being created where poison is collected in sufficient quantities from the reptiles living there. The products of the snake farm are known all over the world.

Thai orange balm

Orange ointment is similar in effect to red ointment. It also has a warming effect. The components typically contain Buchanan's cryptolepsis. The stems of this medicinal plant give the product anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and warming properties. A 50 gram jar from the Wangprom brand will cost around 300 rubles when purchased in Moscow.

When and how does orange ointment help:

  • decongestant for feet;
  • pain in joints and muscles – analgesic and warming effect;
  • helps with long-term and frequent back pain;
  • can be used to relieve headaches (although, according to reviews, it does not help in every case).

Purpose of the product

Black Balm with Cobra venom from the famous brand Binturong provides a quick analgesic, anti-inflammatory and decongestant effect.

A natural remedy from Thailand significantly alleviates the condition in the following cases:

  • degenerative diseases of the joints and spine (arthrosis, osteochondrosis);
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • neurological pain (sciatica, lumbago, sciatica);
  • consequences of fractures, bruises, sports injuries and excessive stress;
  • congestion in colds.

In their reviews, consumers note that if you apply Binturong black balm to tired legs after a hard day at work and take a horizontal position, a feeling of lightness and comfort comes very quickly. This effect is due to improved blood circulation and elimination of tissue swelling.

Thai yellow balm

Yellow ointment comes in a variety of brands: Yellow Siang Pure Balm, Kongka, “Golden Cup” and others. Depending on the specific product, it may contain ginger, cajuput oil, menthol, turmeric and other natural ingredients. Jars come in different sizes: from 12 to 400 grams, and in Moscow they cost in the range from 100 to 400 rubles.

When and how yellow ointment helps:

  • used for massage and rubbing of joints and muscles;
  • for bruises and (as an additional remedy) for injuries;
  • for motion sickness, “sea sickness” (need to inhale);
  • in the prevention of fungal infection;
  • used to combat rheumatism;
  • may help relieve itching and skin irritation from insect bites.

In general, according to reviews, this product is quite versatile in application and in its properties. In addition, it is not so “powerful” and does not require increased caution in use.

Thai blue balm

The components of the cooling blue balm include menthol (in a large percentage), camphor, and cloves. According to people who have used this balm, it really effectively and gently cools the sore spot. The well-known company Wangprom also offers this product. A jar of 50 grams of balm will cost approximately 250-300 rubles when purchased in Moscow.

When and how blue ointment helps:

  • has a cooling and analgesic effect on bruises and bruises;
  • used for tired legs;
  • can help with varicose veins - does not cure completely, but relieves symptoms and relieves fatigue; to use for varicose veins, you need to apply the product and raise your legs for about half an hour;
  • helps with dizziness and weakness;
  • can be used for the first time after signs of a cold appear.

Active components

Black balm with cobra venom is made according to the traditional recipe of Thai healers using modern technologies. Its therapeutic and preventive effect is due to a complex of natural ingredients.

The active tripeptide of king cobra venom has a pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Improves microcirculation and lymphatic drainage, accelerates regeneration and revitalization processes.

The composition of natural oils complements and enhances the effect of the main component.

  1. Ginger – warms and stimulates blood circulation, useful for colds.
  2. Clove – exhibits antiseptic and analgesic properties.
  3. Peppermint – brings a feeling of freshness and renewal, relieves fatigue and calms.

Borneol in the Thai black balm Binturong with cobra venom eliminates spasm of muscle fibers and activates blood flow in problem areas of the body.

Note! Thai Binturong balm with cobra venom is not a medication and does not replace a doctor’s prescription.

Black Balm with Cobra venom is available in a 50 ml glass jar. The color is black, the consistency is viscous, the aroma is specific - camphor-menthol. It spreads easily on the skin and is well absorbed.

Thai rose balm

Pink Thai ointment is similar in its softness to white ointment, and it is white in color, here the pink one is only in a jar. Pink balm can even be used on a child’s skin (just be sure to test the product on yourself first, and, of course, we are not talking about very young children or children with allergies). May contain precious lotus flower oil. The product is produced by such manufacturers as Wangprom, Kongka. A 50 gram jar of medicine in Moscow will cost approximately 300-350 rubles.

When and how pink ointment helps:

  • used as an anti-inflammatory agent for colds;
  • can be used as an antipyretic before bedtime;
  • helps with neuralgia, pinched muscles;
  • May help with mild sun irritation (use with caution).

Thai Tiger Balm

Tiger balm consists of herbs and medicinal oils, comes in white and red (respectively, it has a cooling or warming effect). Produced by Tiger Balm, and the label features a tiger - it won't be confused with anything else. A jar of balm weighing 20 grams will cost approximately 400-450 rubles in Moscow.

White tiger balm is traditionally used to combat diseases of the nose or respiratory system, as well as muscle pain. Red tiger balm is rubbed into the skin slowly, rubbing and helps well with problems of the musculoskeletal system, as well as muscle numbness.

Price of balms directly from Thailand

Thai balmPrice in rublesWeight
Orange249 rub.50 gr.
Yellow249 rub.50 gr.
Green249 rub.50 gr.
Red brindle199 rub.10 gr.
Black260 rub.50 gr.
Blue249 rub.50 gr.
Pink249 rub.50 gr.
White199 rub.10 gr.

Thai cobra balm

It’s not for nothing that cobra ointment has such a name: the product actually contains ingredients directly obtained from this reptile: skin, bone, snake venom. On the jar there is an image of a cobra and, as a rule, the inscription Cobra Balm (Kobra Balm). 50 grams of a healing agent will cost about 300 rubles in Moscow. This product must be applied to the area of ​​sore joints and muscles; it helps especially well with regular use (several times a day, from two to four). Has an analgesic, anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory effect.

In addition to the main varieties, there are also Thai ointments with individual additional ingredients: for example, there is a product containing hot pepper and coconut oil (recommended for cellulite). There are also products with pleasant aromatic additives: lemongrass or rose oil.

Reviews from doctors and buyers

Amina, 43 years old

“A good remedy for joints and muscles! I used it for about a month and the pain stopped tormenting me. Plus I follow a special diet. I noticed that with proper nutrition and the use of these Thai gels, the effect is greater.”

Alla Vladimirovna, surgeon, 57 years old

“Thai joint balms are a good remedy for relieving pain and aches. But not for the treatment of arthritis or arthrosis. These serious diseases require medical intervention. Of course, if the problem begins to appear, then you can use these gels from Thailand. This product is also great for athletes and people who lead an active lifestyle.

Conclusion: balms have a good effect on the joints, but their therapeutic effect is not enough for a complete recovery.”

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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