Clinically, osteochondrosis manifests itself with a variety of symptoms. Some of them are so specific that complex instrumental studies are required to establish their relationship with this pathology of the musculoskeletal system. These signs include pain in the mammary gland. It can be constant or episodic, acute or aching, pulling. Only a doctor can determine whether the pain is a consequence of osteochondrosis, or whether it radiates to the mammary gland for some other reason.
Can the mammary gland hurt with osteochondrosis?
Most often, the mammary gland hurts with thoracic osteochondrosis or damage to the lower cervical vertebral segments. This happens due to the gradual destruction of intervertebral discs and the development of severe complications. Osteochondrosis is a chronic degenerative-dystrophic pathology that, if left untreated, slowly and steadily progresses. Damage to the discs causes them to become flattened, compacted, and lose their shock-absorbing properties. They are no longer able to prevent excess loads arising from static and dynamic movements.
Damage to the discs leads to the following pathological conditions:
- spinal deformities;
- proliferation of bone tissue, formation of osteophytes (bone growths);
- displacement of discs with the formation of protrusion or hernia.
Since there are many sensitive nerve endings and blood vessels located near the spine, their pinching provokes severe back pain. They are not localized in one area, but spread to neighboring areas of the body, for example, the mammary glands.
Causes of fibrocystic mastopathy (FCM)
Changes in breast tissue occur under the influence of ovarian hormones. With hormonal imbalance (excess estrogen), especially long-term, FCM develops.
Other reasons include:
- pathologies of the endocrine system;
- stress;
- heredity;
- lack of breastfeeding;
- prolonged insolation;
- abortions;
- lipid metabolism disorder;
- liver pathologies;
- gynecological diseases;
- lack of sex life;
- thyroid diseases;
- diabetes;
- menstrual irregularities;
- harmful working conditions.
In nulliparous women, the likelihood of developing FCM is higher: the more children born and the longer breastfeeding, the lower the risk of fibrocystic mastopathy.
Causes of pain syndrome
Pain radiates to the mammary gland, usually due to chest pathology, which is diagnosed very rarely. The discs and vertebrae in this area are reliably protected by a strong rib frame. They are rarely exposed to excessive stress, as they take little part in movement. But if a segment of the thoracic region is affected by osteochondrosis, then the clinical picture contains very specific symptoms, for example, chest pain, similar to an attack of angina.
Discomfort in the mammary gland rarely occurs due to compression of large or small blood vessels, although this may cause an increase in their intensity. Pain appears as a result of infringement of the spinal root:
- sharp edges of osteophytes;
- hernial protrusion;
- inflammatory edema.
In response to pinching of the spinal root, muscle spasm occurs. By limiting mobility, the body tries to reduce the severity of pain. But tension in the skeletal muscles often only makes the situation worse. The pain spreads to the mammary gland, shoulders, forearms, and internal organs.
Diagnosis of breast cancer
The mammary gland is an organ in which tumors, both benign and malignant, often develop, and the latter are much more common.
Among all malignant tumors in women, breast cancer occupies one of the first places. At the same time, according to most modern clinical and statistical studies, the incidence of breast cancer throughout the world is increasing.
The increase in the number of patients with breast cancer cannot be attributed solely to improved early diagnosis, better recording of patients with precancerous conditions and effective health education.
It is known that the glandular (mammary) epithelium, due to neuro-endocrine influences, constantly changes during the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and menopause. At the same time, the activity of the mammary gland is in close hormonal connection with the ovaries, pituitary gland, and adrenal glands. The role of hormonal factors in the occurrence of breast cancer is confirmed by clinical and statistical studies. It is known that breast cancer rarely occurs before puberty, i.e. until about 18 years of age. With age, as a woman's body ages, the incidence of cancer increases significantly. Finally, breast cancer is more common among women who have not been pregnant or have given birth, as well as women who have given birth but not breastfed.
The connection between hormonal disorders and the appearance of various forms of benign tumors and fibrocystic mastopathy in the mammary gland is especially noticeable. The latter, as well as fibroadenomas, are dishormonal precancerous diseases of the mammary gland. The frequency of transformation of benign dyshormonal tumors into cancer, according to various authors, ranges from 0.8-1.8 to 15-52.4%. Particularly unfavorable neoplasms in this regard include nodular forms of fibrocystic mastopathy and proliferating cystadenomas.
Pathological studies show a variety of forms of breast cancer.
Almost all of them, except Paget's cancer, arise in the thickness of the organ at various depths, most often along the outer edge of the mammary gland. Gradually increasing in size and growing, the tumor invades surrounding tissues, primarily nearby tissue and milk ducts. Over time, muscles, fascia, and skin are involved in the cancer process. The growth rate of a cancerous tumor varies and depends on many factors.
In young women, tumor growth, spread and metastasis occurs much faster. There are 2 main directions of immediate (regional) metastasis: axillary and retrosternal (parasternal). The first of these is the main one, since the axillary lymph nodes allow lymph flowing from all parts of the mammary gland. It then follows through the sub- and supraclavicular lymph nodes.
It is these listed collectors that are primarily affected by metastases, especially when the primary cancer tumor is localized in the outer quadrants of the mammary gland and when it is centrally located (peripapillary). Tumors growing in the internal sectors of the gland can metastasize to the parasternal lymph nodes.
There are no uniform rules or laws of metastasis. Both immediate and distant metastases can appear at any time before and after radical treatment. Distant metastases most often affect the lungs, liver, and skeletal bones. Distant metastases have been described in almost all other organs and systems without exception.
IN BREAST CANCER, in the initial period of its occurrence, clinical symptoms and complaints are, as a rule, ABSENT.
Most often, a lump in the mammary gland is first discovered accidentally by the patient or doctor herself, sometimes during examination of other organs, conducting an ECG, etc.
The presence of a “breast injury” in the past should be taken into account, since there are many observations when the appearance of a cancerous tumor in the gland was preceded by its trauma.
Never seek advice about a breast tumor from healers, grandmothers and “religious” figures. Such appeals often, and almost always, cost a human life.
Despite the abundance of information about treatment centers, now, already in the 21st century, women came to see us who, on the advice of, to put it mildly, ignorant people, and, to put it in legal terms, criminals, brought their illness to incurable stages. Surprisingly, in 2005 A woman came in who had been treating a small tumor of the mammary gland for half a year with lard and kerosene on the advice of a neighbor. When she went to the doctor, all nearby lymph nodes and the spine were affected by metastases. She turned only because the tumor, despite the “treatment,” was growing larger, and a “skin allergy” appeared to the “drug,” which upon examination turned out to be the involvement of the skin in the cancer process (read: stage 4). You can’t even bring your neighbor to court, since she is not even an illegal healer, and the woman died. It must be remembered that cancer is curable, BUT if the disease is detected by a doctor at an early stage.
The Church considers healing to be a godly activity and, as a rule, Orthodox priests always give a blessing for surgery and treatment. If this does not happen, then, as they say, something is wrong here.
PAIN – There is almost no pain in the initial stages of breast cancer. In some cases, moderate pain first appears in the axillary region, where palpation reveals a “package” of dense lymph nodes.
Severe pain, especially stabbing or pulsating in nature, often accompanies various benign diseases of the mammary glands, mainly of inflammatory origin.
In advanced cases of breast cancer, which compress large nerve trunks, intense excruciating pain appears, radiating to the back, shoulder blade, and arm. Severe debilitating back pain is observed with metastatic lesions of the spine.
CHANGES IN THE SHAPE OF THE BREAST – with breast cancer, as a rule, various types of deformations are observed, the more pronounced the longer and more advanced the disease. Thus, a decrease in size, wrinkling, and blurring of the usual rounded configuration (due to the recessed area) are characteristic of the scirrhous form of cancer. In this case, the gland shifts towards the tumor. On the contrary, with diffuse infiltrative cancers, the affected gland is enlarged (larger than the healthy one), edematous, its configuration is disturbed, and it drops below the border of the healthy gland.
SKIN CHANGES – the skin of breast cancer undergoes pronounced changes during breast cancer, especially with more superficially located tumors. The skin and subcutaneous tissue over the cancerous node lose their elasticity and mobility, become denser, and are not so easily captured in folds. Over time, this area first becomes flat, then acquires fine folding wrinkles, resembling a “lemon peel” pattern.
CHANGES IN THE NIPLE – changes in the nipple are of a different nature; in the initial phase of tumor development, the nipple may deviate or fall to the affected side. As the tumor grows, the nipple flattens and then retracts. Particular attention should be paid to the presence of bloody discharge from the nipple.
The first thing is to see a doctor. Many researchers point out that many women avoid breast examinations for fear of losing them.
In the early 1980s, only a quarter of women in the United States knew that breast reconstruction could be achieved after a mastectomy (removal of the breast). Today it is more widely known that modern plastic surgery can create a new breast in place of a removed one. Many women claim that if they knew more about the possibility of breast reconstruction, most of them would undergo examination at an early stage. Early diagnosis improves prognosis.
Previously, it was believed that a woman should be allowed to grieve over the loss of a breast in order to better appreciate the new one, since the breast was never restored at the same time as the tumor was removed. And now it is still common to restore the mammary gland long after surgery to remove a tumor, although studies have shown that 96.6% of women would prefer that this be done immediately.
The very diagnosis of breast cancer and its subsequent removal leads to mental disorders in 96.1% of women. In the postoperative period, patients after mammary gland removal and chemotherapy experience social maladaptation, which can be expressed in job loss or disability, family breakdown, emotional isolation, joining religious organizations, and the acquisition of addictions. Moreover, the more time passes after removal of the mammary gland, the more these mental disorders increase.
Therefore, a one-stage operation to remove the tumor and restore the mammary gland is a means of psychological protection for the woman.
After removal of the mammary gland, a violation of posture naturally occurs, and the larger the size of the remaining mammary gland, the naturally greater the load on the spine. This disorder leads to pain in the thoracic and cervical spine, often accompanied by neurological symptoms in the arms.
Even a woman’s awareness of possible breast restoration at the diagnostic stage includes psychological defense mechanisms
In the process of treating breast cancer, two contradictory problems must be solved. On the one hand, saving a life and curing a patient from a deadly disease, on the other hand, preserving an aesthetically significant organ. Therefore, the strategy should be based on the simultaneous solution of two tasks: ensuring maximum oncological radicality and the best aesthetic result.
There are several ways to restore the mammary gland: with the help of implants and with the help of your own displaced tissue. The latter is of course more traumatic and leaves behind additional scars on the stomach or back. The choice of operation in each specific case is strictly individual.
Since breast cancer is a systemic disease, that is, a disease that affects all organs and systems, sometimes mastectomy is not the only operation in the treatment of breast cancer. Removal of the ovaries, which is necessary in some cases, is performed laparoscopically (i.e., without an incision). Also, without a mutilating incision in the chest, we remove the retrosternal lymph nodes if they are affected (thoracoscopic lymph node dissection).
For small breast tumors, RADICAL RESECTION is possible.
The operation consists of removing a sector of the mammary gland in one block with the lymph nodes of the subclavian-axillary-subscapular area.
Usually after surgery, chemo-radiation treatment is performed.
Depending on the location of the tumor, the size and shape of the breast, and the presence of a previous biopsy, it is possible to perform a skin-sparing mastectomy.
The operation includes mandatory removal of the nipple-areolar complex and removal of regional lymph nodes.
As an analysis of socio-psychological status shows, the loss of a mammary gland is a serious psychological trauma for a woman, which has a decisive impact on her behavior in everyday life and in society. About 30% of these women cannot come to terms with the loss of their breasts. To overcome these problems, it is possible to perform an operation with SINGLE-STAGE or DELAYED BREAST RECONSTRUCTION.
Pain in the mammary gland can occur with osteochondrosis of 2-3 degrees of severity, when irreversible destruction of the intervertebral discs has occurred. And at the initial stage of development, the pathology does not manifest itself clinically. Therefore, the disease is most often diagnosed based on already pronounced radiographic signs. The following symptoms are characteristic of osteochondrosis of 2-3 degrees of severity:
- acute pain during relapses that occur after hypothermia, excessive physical exertion, ARVI, influenza;
- dull pain in remission that appears when the weather changes or after a hard day at work;
- limited mobility, difficulty bending or turning the body;
- adoption of a forced body position to prevent pain;
- decreased sensitivity.
Compression of the spinal roots causes the formation of extravertebral syndrome. One of its symptoms in thoracic osteochondrosis is pain in the mammary gland.
How to distinguish breast diseases from manifestations of osteochondrosis
It will not be possible to independently establish the relationship between osteochondrosis and pain syndrome. A definite clue is the presence of the main symptoms of pathology of the musculoskeletal system - pain when bending or turning, their disappearance in the supine position. At the initial appointment, a neurologist or vertebrologist differentiates damage to the intervertebral discs from mastopathy, benign, and malignant formations based on the following characteristics:
- when trying to take a deep breath, sharp or dull pain occurs;
- tingling in the chest is accompanied by a burning sensation;
- raising your arms leads to numbness and tingling in your fingers;
- “referred” pain is felt in the area of the heart, kidneys, and gastrointestinal tract;
- Increased symptoms are observed during menstruation.
But these symptoms serve only as markers suggesting that pain in the mammary gland is caused by osteochondrosis. Mastopathy and tumors can masquerade as symptoms of breast degenerative-dystrophic pathology.
Mastopathy against the background of degenerative-dystrophic disease of the spine
Mastopathy, unlike mastalgia, is not just a pain syndrome, but an independent disease characterized by the proliferation of glandular or fibrous tissue of the gland or the formation of cysts (fibrocystic disease). The main cause of mastopathy is hormonal diseases, in which the production of estrogen and prolactin increases. Negative factors also include stress, smoking, alcohol abuse, and poor or irregular nutrition.
Osteochondrosis as a factor in the development of mastopathy is considered from the point of view of neurological disorders caused by damage to the spinal nerve endings against the background of their pinching by osteophytes or pulpous protrusions. Constant spasm of the spinal muscles, characteristic of thoracic osteochondrosis, also negatively affects the circulation of blood and lymph, provoking various inflammatory processes and pathologies of the mammary glands.
Mastopathy as a consequence of intercostal neuralgia
Important! True mastopathy as a complication of chronic osteochondrosis is quite rare (no more than 3-5% of the total number of patients with thoracic osteochondrosis) and develops as an independent disease mainly against the background of hormonal imbalance. In most cases, chest pain is mastalgia and has a reflected course, that is, it is in no way related to damage to the gland itself.
Diagnostic methods
If a tumor or mastopathy is suspected, an X-ray examination (biocontrast mammography) is performed. The most informative and specific images are taken in frontal and lateral projections. Patients are also shown an ultrasound of the mammary glands to identify cystic changes in the echogenicity of the tissue structure.
If nodular formations are detected during palpation, then a biological sample is taken using a puncture for histological examination. To diagnose thoracic osteochondrosis directly, the following measures are taken:
- radiography of the spine to detect osteophytes, narrowing of the spinal canal, reducing the distance between the vertebral bodies;
Osteochondrosis on x-ray.
- MRI or CT to identify hernial protrusion, assess the condition of the spinal roots, blood vessels, muscles, ligamentous-tendon apparatus.
MRI of the spine.
Discography allows for a targeted examination of the affected intervertebral discs. Electrophysiological studies - electroneurography, electromyography - help determine the degree and localization of damage to nerve endings.
Which doctor should I contact?
Patients with pain in the mammary gland usually turn to a mammologist, and if he is not on staff of the medical institution, to a therapist. Doctors will conduct an external examination and prescribe all the necessary general clinical and instrumental studies. If their results indicate a neurogenic origin of symptoms against the background of progressive osteochondrosis, then the patient will be referred to a neurologist or vertebrologist for further treatment.
You can contact these highly specialized doctors immediately if you suspect that pain in the mammary gland is caused by the destruction of intervertebral discs.
Osteochondrosis is treated by a vertebrologist.
What treatments are used
An integrated approach is used to treat osteochondrosis of any localization. At the initial stages of development, the pathology responds well to conservative treatment. Patients are recommended to wear orthopedic devices during the day - elastic bandages, corsets with rigid inserts in the form of rings, spirals, plates. They stabilize damaged spinal segments and promote proper distribution of loads. To eliminate painful symptoms, medications, massage and physiotherapy, and exercise therapy are used. If conservative treatment is ineffective, persistent pain, or complications arise, the patient is prepared for surgery.
Drug therapy
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are used to improve the patient's well-being. Parenteral administration of solutions containing diclofenac, ketorolac, meloxicam, and lornoxicam helps eliminate acute pain.
You can get rid of mild and moderate discomfort by taking tablets Celecoxib, Nimesulide, Ibuprofen, Ketorol, Etoricoxib. The therapeutic regimens also include drugs from the following clinical and pharmacological groups:
- muscle relaxants Baklosan, Mydocalm, Sirdalud to relieve muscle spasms;
- Nicotinic acid, Eufillin, Pentoxifylline to improve blood circulation;
- chondroprotectors Artra, Structum, Teraflex for partial restoration of cartilage tissue of intervertebral discs.
The drugs of first choice in the treatment of osteochondrosis complicated by neurological disorders are drugs with B vitamins. These are Combilipen, Milgamma, Neurobion, Neuromultivit. The active ingredients of the drugs normalize the transmission of nerve impulses, eliminating vertebrogenic disorders.
Physiotherapeutic treatment
For severe pain, patients are prescribed several sessions of electrophoresis or ultraphonophoresis with NSAIDs, anesthetics, and, less often, glucocorticosteroids. To improve innervation, blood circulation, and microcirculation during the rehabilitation period, B vitamins and chondroprotectors are used. The following physiotherapeutic measures are also used in the treatment of osteochondrosis:
- galvanic currents;
- UHF therapy;
- magnetic therapy;
- laser therapy;
- shock wave therapy.
Shock wave therapy for osteochondrosis.
After relieving severe pain and aseptic inflammation, applications with paraffin and (or) ozokerite are carried out. Patients are recommended balneotherapy with healing mud and mineral waters.
This is the name given to the mechanical impact on acupuncture points located along the spinal column for therapeutic purposes. Acupuncture is most in demand in the treatment of osteochondrosis complicated by breast pain.
Acupuncture session for osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic region.
During the procedure, small thin needles made of steel, silver or gold are placed on the patient's body. They irritate sensitive nerve endings, stimulating blood flow and providing a distracting effect. In response to impulses entering the central nervous system, biologically active substances are produced:
- endorphins that improve human well-being;
- prostaglandins, cytokines that relieve pain and inflammation.
One of the areas of reflexology is treatment with medicinal leeches. When annelids bite through the skin, they not only irritate the receptors, but also inject beneficial bioactive substances into the blood.
Hirudotherapy session.
Neurological symptoms of osteochondrosis can be eliminated by performing classical, acupressure, segmental, and Swedish massage. Therapeutic procedures are indicated to relax spastic skeletal muscles, eliminate pinching of spinal roots and blood vessels, and improve blood supply to tissues with nutrients and oxygen. Typically, massage is combined in treatment regimens with physiotherapeutic measures and exercise therapy.
Often, visiting a chiropractor can help avoid surgery. The doctor acts on the spine and nearby muscles, resulting in an increase in the distance between the vertebrae.
Massage for osteochondrosis.
Daily exercise therapy and gymnastics are the most effective way to get rid of pain in the mammary gland and prevent relapses of osteochondrosis. A physical therapy doctor draws up a set of exercises and a training schedule only after studying the results of the diagnosis and treatment. The physical fitness of the patient, the severity of the pathology, and any complications that arise must be taken into account.
For thoracic osteochondrosis, patients are recommended to bend and rotate the body, stretching exercises, for example, hanging on a crossbar or exercising on the Evminov board. Movements should be smooth, with a small amplitude. Regular training helps strengthen the muscle frame, improve blood circulation and microcirculation.
Contraindications for mastopathy
General restrictions must be observed by patients who have been diagnosed with the disease, as well as women with a family history.
Contraindications for mastopathy are as follows:
- It is prohibited to visit the sauna, steam bath, hammam;
- It is highly undesirable to take sunbathing;
- physiotherapy should be carried out with caution;
- take hormonal medications without a doctor’s prescription;
- it is necessary to refuse massage;
- Breast surgery is contraindicated, as it can cause inflammation;
- Abortion is not recommended as it increases the risk of complications.
The menu plays an important role in the prevention of mastopathy. The nutritionist compiles a list of permitted and prohibited foods. Compliance with restrictions helps to avoid cancer and chronic inflammation in the chest.
The importance of observing contraindications
At doctor’s appointments, people are often asked about how non-compliance with contraindications affects the development of the disease. To answer this question, let’s take a closer look at each limitation:
- Bath, sauna or hammam are thermal procedures that negatively affect the condition of the mammary gland in the presence of mastopathy. As the temperature rises, the vessels dilate and blood flows to various areas of the body, thus enhancing pathological processes.
- Tanning is the body's attempt to protect itself from the sun. Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause the development of skin cancer. However, most doctors believe that sunbathing can be done in moderation.
- Physiotherapy is a procedure, the need for which depends on the type of disease. For any form of mastopathy, thermal procedures are prohibited; ultrasound treatment is carried out with caution.
- The question of using or limiting hormonal drugs is decided only by the attending physician.
- Massage is allowed only after consultation with a doctor. Any careless impact on the mammary gland can lead to injury to the nodules, tissue degeneration and their further growth. If the doctor does not prescribe such procedures, they can cause harm.
- Surgeries – surgery can accelerate the development of pathology. In the initial stages of the disease, breast correction is allowed, but after surgery it is necessary to be under strict medical supervision.
- Abortion – termination of pregnancy negatively affects hormonal levels. At the same time, carrying a baby and breastfeeding can lead to getting rid of the disease.
- Compliance with a diet is a necessary condition for detecting mastopathy. Coffee, alcohol, spicy, fatty and fried foods can negatively affect the course of the disease. Vegetables and fruits containing vitamins and antioxidants will bring benefits.
One of the factors that provokes the appearance of cancer is smoking. Physical overload can also cause harm. Sports activities when sick should be moderate.
Restrictions depending on the type of disease
The list of contraindications is determined by the type of disease. Let's pay attention to the most important points:
- Fibrous mastopathy is a disease that often affects young women and goes away on its own after childbirth. It is important to exclude any thermal procedures and tanning, which contribute to the degeneration of nodules into oncology. Sports activities are permissible, but only with a professional trainer. Physiotherapeutic treatment and contraceptives are used with caution, under the strict supervision of the attending physician.
- Cystic mastopathy is a disease with an impressive list of contraindications, since the risk of complications is high. Heat and sun baths, massage, physiotherapy and increased physical activity can cause harm.
- Fibrocystic mastopathy is a mixed form of the disease, which requires strict adherence to the doctor’s recommendations. This form of mastopathy often affects women over 40 years of age. When identifying it, it is necessary to pay attention to the psychological status and observe the work and rest regime.
When diagnosing a specific type of disease, you should consult your doctor. He will give recommendations that will help avoid complications.
Traditional medicine is used during the rehabilitation period, when the main treatment has already been carried out. They do not contain ingredients that have regenerative or pronounced analgesic properties. Therefore, it is advisable to use folk remedies to eliminate mild discomfort and prevent the progression of osteochondrosis.
The only exception is teas made from fresh medicinal raw materials (St. John's wort, elecampane, rosehip, lemon balm, oregano). They are prescribed to patients to improve their physical and psycho-emotional condition. Making tea is simple - pour a teaspoon of dry plant material into a glass of boiling water for an hour, cool, strain, drink 100 ml after meals 3 times a day.
Folk remedy for eliminating mild pain in osteochondrosis | Recipe |
Compress | Mash a fresh leaf of burdock or horseradish, grease it with honey and apply it to the area where the discs and vertebrae affected by the pathology are located. Place film and thick fabric on top, secure the bandage with a bandage. Keep the compress for 1-2 hours |
Homemade ointment | In a mortar, mix 50 g of medical petroleum jelly and baby cream, add a teaspoon of red pepper tincture, 2 drops of essential oils of thuja, pine, and fir. Transfer the ointment to a container with a lid and store in the refrigerator. Rub into the back if discomfort occurs. |
Herbs are good because they are completely free of chemicals.
Possible complications
Breast pain is a clinical manifestation that cannot cause complications. But the increased anxiety, restlessness, and psycho-emotional instability provoked by it can become a prerequisite for the development of pathologies. Osteochondrosis itself, if left untreated, leads not only to complications, but also to human disability.
The most dangerous consequences of a degenerative-dystrophic disease are the formation of an intervertebral hernia, vertebral artery syndrome, and radicular syndrome. And advanced discogenic myelopathy cannot be completely eliminated even by surgery.
Types of thoracic osteochondrosis and complications
Based on the nature of pain, two types of thoracic osteochondrosis are distinguished:
- dorsago, which is characterized by acute sharp pain in the form of a lumbago, localized in the thoracic spine. The condition is accompanied by muscle tension, problems with movement in the neck and thoracic region;
- dorsalgia, in which pain increases slowly. Inhalations and turns of the body, as well as prolonged stay in one position, increase the discomfort. At night, the discomfort deepens and disappears while walking.
In the absence of adequate therapy, the nerve endings are increasingly compressed. As a result, osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine can cause complications:
- kidney pathologies;
- diseases of the digestive system;
- immobility;
- persistent pain;
- disruptions in cardiac activity;
- intervertebral hernia;
- decreased ability to conceive;
- disturbance in the functioning of the lungs caused by the proliferation of connective tissue.
Prevention and prognosis
With timely conservative therapy, the prognosis is favorable. Treatment helps achieve stable remission and allows the patient to lead an active lifestyle, but with some restrictions. Prevention of exacerbations consists of avoiding serious physical activity. Neurologists and vertebrologists recommend stopping smoking, limiting the consumption of alcohol and foods high in fat and simple carbohydrates.