Back pain above the lower back: nature of pain, causes, prevention

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It is difficult to meet a person who has not experienced back discomfort. According to WHO, 2/3 of the world's population suffers from back pain of varying intensity. The older a person is, the higher the likelihood of developing problems with the spine, and by the age of 45, 66% of people experience pain in the back, of which 25% have a significantly impaired quality of life.

Causes of back pain

It is possible to understand the true cause of pain in the back only after a thorough examination. Therefore, if back pain persists for a long time, it is strongly recommended to consult a specialist for timely diagnosis and proper treatment.

There are many factors that cause back pain. Sometimes healthy people can experience unpleasant sensations in the back if their appearance was preceded by excessive stress on the back, prolonged uncomfortable body position, etc. But in most cases, the cause of back pain is various diseases of the spine, muscular corset or internal organs.

To determine the cause of back pain, you need to take into account the patient's age and gender. Each age has its own, most likely causes.

  • If back pain bothers a child, it is most likely caused by injury (falling on the tailbone and sacrum is one of the most common injuries in early childhood). Parents may miss the moment of falling, and a small child is not yet able to accurately describe his feelings. The consequences of such a bruise can manifest themselves much later, when the child and parents have long forgotten about the previous injury. Birth trauma can also cause back pain in a child.
  • The consequences of childhood and birth injuries may first appear in adolescence, when the body undergoes active hormonal changes and growth spurts.
  • In young women, back pain is most often associated with pregnancy and childbirth. During pregnancy, the whole body undergoes restructuring and hormonal levels change. Due to the fetus growing in the uterus, internal organs are displaced and the chest expands. The center of gravity shifts due to the growing belly, the load on the back increases several times. Sometimes after childbirth the body cannot recover on its own and pain appears in the back or lower back.
  • In men over 35-40 years of age, back pain can be caused by many factors. For example, various injuries received both in childhood and in adulthood, sedentary work in an incorrect position, excessive physical activity, stress. Chronic diseases and various surgical interventions can also cause back pain.

How to find out what hurts

Having found out what causes back pain on the right above the lower back, you can move on to effective therapy. To begin with, it is worth reporting one important fact. If the pain goes from the side towards the spine, then this indicates (as a rule) kidney disease. When the pain is directed from the spinal column to the sides, it signals problems of a different nature - this requires checking the condition of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs.

If the right side hurts from the back above the lower back, and the sensation is pulling and quite intense, then it is most likely the kidneys. With a slight physical impact on the lumbar region, you can feel the pain reverberating with each blow. When the sensations are very acute, there is no longer any doubt - most often it is renal colic.

Does the right side of your back hurt above the lower back, but the sensations are blurred and unclear? This is how disorders in the spinal column usually manifest themselves. The patient may require treatment of the spine and joints. However, much depends on the nature of the disease.

Localization of pain

Depending on the part of the back where the pain is localized, we can assume the cause of its occurrence.

Lower back pain

The intensity ranges from minor discomfort to severe pain and loss of performance (lumbago). Low back pain is divided into primary and secondary .

Primary pain occurs due to diseases of the spine:

  • osteochondrosis, spondyloarthrosis;
  • protrusion and herniation of intervertebral discs;
  • spinal deformities (scoliosis, kyphosis, kyphoscoliosis);
  • autoimmune diseases (Bechterew's disease);
  • infectious diseases of the spine (osteomyelitis).

Secondary pain in the lumbar region appears due to causes not related to spinal diseases:

  • injuries and fractures;
  • neoplasms inside the spine;
  • muscle spasm;
  • pathologies of the digestive system;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • pregnancy.

Pain above the lower back and in the area of ​​the shoulder blades.

May occur in the following diseases:

  • malignant and benign tumors in the chest;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • stress and neuroses.

Pain extending to the entire back.

If the pain spreads to the entire back, and other symptoms are present (fever, headache, difficulty breathing, pain in the stomach or heart, etc.), you should seek medical help as soon as possible. These symptoms may indicate the development of a serious illness.

Complications and consequences

It is highly not recommended to neglect diseases associated with the spine and back. Even slight discomfort in this area can lead to serious complications:

  • If the spine is severely deformed, compression of the nerve roots may occur. The result is numbness of the limbs and complete paralysis. This happens in advanced cases of intervertebral hernia.
  • Back pain often serves as a signal for the onset of pyelonephritis. Untreated disease is fraught with tissue necrosis.
  • Loss of flexibility in the lumbar region occurs due to chronic injuries and myositis.

Chronic pain syndrome is practically not relieved by painkillers, so it is better to take preventive measures than to get constant excruciating pain. Unfortunately, discomfort in the lower back can “mask” serious diseases, such as kidney stones, acute inflammation of the intestines, rupture of a cyst in a woman, or inflammation of the ureter. In some cases (less than 4%), pain in the lower back may be associated with nerve damage (more precisely, the spinal nerve root). Previously, this disease was called radiculitis (today - radiculopathy). In rare cases, surgery may be required.


To determine the cause of back pain and carry out effective treatment, you need to undergo examination by a specialist.

If your back hurts, which doctor can make the correct diagnosis?

If you have back pain, you should first consult a general practitioner if you are concerned about:

  • dysphagia (difficulty swallowing);
  • painful urination;
  • difficulty breathing or shortness of breath.

It is better to consult a neurologist if you are worried about acute back pain,

  • radiating to the arm or leg;
  • there is numbness in the arm or leg;
  • the pain intensifies with changes in body position.

And if your back pain occurs after falling on your pelvis or on your back, guess what kind of doctor you need? Of course, a traumatologist, since it is necessary to exclude a compression fracture of the spine.

The nature of the back pain also matters:

  • acute;
  • dull;
  • aching;
  • shooting;
  • burning.

Depending on the time of occurrence, back pain can be:

  • chronic (permanent),
  • Occurs periodically.

Try to remember how often the pain occurs, what its nature is, and what area of ​​the back hurts?

It is also necessary to inform the doctor about previous injuries and operations, difficult working conditions, existing chronic and past diseases.

After collecting anamnesis and a thorough examination, based on the data obtained, the doctor may recommend additional diagnostic procedures:

  • Computed tomography (CT)
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
  • Radiography
  • Ultrasound
  • Electromyography (a test to determine muscle condition)
  • Clinical blood and urine tests

When all the necessary studies have been completed and the immediate cause of back pain has been established, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Types of back pain above the lower back

The nature of the pain may have diagnostic value and may help in making a preliminary diagnosis.

Girdle pain Girdle pain is characteristic of intercostal neuralgia, inflammation of the pancreas, intervertebral hernia, and rib fractures.
It's a dull pain Aching pain is observed with myositis, scoliosis, pregnancy, and diseases of the internal organs.
Nagging pain Nagging pain is diagnosed in gynecological pathologies, kidney diseases, and gallstones.
Blunt pain Dull pain is a symptom characteristic of bruises, cirrhosis of the liver, and pathological muscle spasm.
Sharp pain Sharp back pain can occur with osteochondrosis of the spine, with hernias and protrusions of intervertebral discs, compression fractures of the spine, and age-related changes.
Continuous pain Severe constant pain is a sign of radicular syndrome, which occurs when spinal nerves are pinched, acute inflammation of the intervertebral disc (discitis), spinal cord tumor, or osteoporosis.

The effectiveness of osteopathy in the treatment of back pain

In classical medicine, there are many methods for treating back pain, but in most cases they are aimed at eliminating symptoms. At the same time, the root cause causing discomfort in the back remains, so the problem soon returns. In order to forget about pain in the back and lower back once and for all, it is necessary to identify their cause.

For example, the immediate cause of back pain is a herniated disc, then the root cause, that is, the cause of a herniated disc, can be an injury to the ankle or elbow joint, appendicitis, or even a birth injury.

Osteopathic treatment uses a systematic approach to treating the patient, aimed at eliminating the root cause of back pain. All factors that led to the development of the disease are taken into account: the period from birth to one year, injuries received, characteristics of growth and development, congenital and acquired pathologies. An osteopathic diagnosis is made on the basis of anamnesis, examination of the patient, as well as manual diagnosis performed by a doctor.

An osteopathic doctor, using special techniques, acts on places of pathological tension in body tissues and neutralizes it. This helps the spine to take the correct position, unload and align the intervertebral discs, and restores normal biomechanics (trajectory of movement) of the joints. As a result, inflammation in damaged tissues passes, and the process of their natural restoration begins. Thus, osteopathic treatment helps to get rid of back pain.

Diagnostic measures

It is impossible to make a diagnosis without undergoing an examination, and even less so for yourself. After all, similar clinical manifestations can be the result of completely different diseases. It is for this purpose that a specialist prescribes a comprehensive examination.

There is no need to engage in self-diagnosis; a qualified specialist will not only prescribe the necessary examination, but also select a set of treatment measures

Diagnostics includes the following methods:

  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • blood chemistry;
  • ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity, pelvic organs and kidneys;
  • Vascular ultrasound;
  • gynecological smear;
  • x-ray of the pain location;
  • if necessary, CT or MRI, electromyography, scintigraphy.

All these types of studies can be carried out in a medical center that has special equipment and reagents. Only on the basis of the data obtained, the doctor makes an accurate diagnosis and prescribes effective treatment.


In some cases, by paying due attention to your health, back problems can be prevented. To do this, just remember a few tips:

  1. Take your child to an osteopath for a routine examination, even in the absence of complaints, at the age of one month, in order to promptly identify and eliminate disorders that have formed in utero or during childbirth.
  2. If a child falls on his tailbone, sacrum or back, it is worth ruling out a fracture of the pelvic bones or spine, for example, using x-rays. Then, if there is no fracture, it is recommended to visit an osteopath in order to promptly eliminate the consequences of the injury on the body. In the event of a fracture, it makes sense to immediately contact a traumatologist, and one to two weeks after the injury, contact an osteopath to speed up healing and prevent the consequences of injury for the entire body.
  3. During the active growth of a child, it is important to pay due attention to the condition of the back and posture. Regularly undergo preventive examinations with an orthopedist and osteopath.
  4. During pregnancy, women are advised to visit an osteopath (optimally at the beginning of the second trimester) to prevent exacerbation of chronic diseases in later stages, as well as to prevent labor disturbances.
  5. After childbirth, you should not neglect physical therapy exercises. This will help the body recover faster after pregnancy and reduce the risk of possible complications.

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Causes of pain

Pain in the right side and back is often associated with an inflammatory process in the digestive organs. For example, with pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas), a dull, cramping pain syndrome occurs that spreads to the right side and lower back.

Referred pain is caused by diseases of the spinal column. Often severe discomfort is provoked by pathologies of the kidneys and urinary tract.

Women experience pain in the right side and lower back due to gynecological diseases or pregnancy. The list of causes of discomfort in this area can be supplemented with purely male diseases, for example, prostate adenoma.

Only a qualified doctor can determine the cause and accurately diagnose. Therefore, you should not engage in self-diagnosis.

Intestinal problems

Pain in the back and right side can be caused by pathological changes in the intestines. This symptom is often accompanied by flatulence and bowel dysfunction.

Causes of discomfort in the right side associated with disruption of the activity of different parts of the small or large intestine:

Inflammation of the appendix (worm-shaped appendage of the large intestine). The pathology is manifested by a dull pain that spreads from the upper abdomen to the right side, where it becomes acute. Additional symptoms are loss of appetite, flatulence, fever (37 – 39?), nausea, vomiting.

Irritable bowel syndrome is a chronic disease in which the intestinal walls stretch under the pressure of accumulated gases. This leads to pain in different parts of the abdomen and in the right side.

Inflammatory bowel diseases. The most common cause of discomfort is Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. The patient's right side hurts, cramps are felt in the abdomen, and its tissues swell. In addition, diarrhea mixed with blood occurs, weight loss occurs, and weakness appears.

Constipation may cause discomfort or pain in the abdomen and right side.

Duodenal ulcer – damage to the mucous membrane by Helicobacter pylori. The bacteria leads to the appearance of ulcers, which causes a burning sensation in the chest, bloating, heaviness, pain in the abdomen and right side, and nausea.

A dull pain occurs due to increased gas formation after consuming certain foods or drinks, for example, legumes, white cabbage, soda. With intestinal colic (smooth muscle spasm), a burning, paroxysmal pain reaction occurs.

Liver and gallbladder diseases

The liver does not have nociceptors (pain receptors), so it does not hurt. However, discomfort in the right hypochondrium can still occur in the later stages of diseases of this organ. This happens when the size of the liver increases greatly, then its capsule, which has nerve endings, stretches.

This leads to a feeling of heaviness, bloating, and pain. Patients complain of weakness, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and sometimes jaundice.

Liver diseases are caused by viruses, poor diet, and regular alcohol abuse. The above symptoms are caused by hepatitis (viral or alcoholic), fatty hepatosis, cirrhosis, and liver tumor.

Pain in the right side and upper back (under the shoulder blades) occurs with cholecystitis. Discomfort occurs periodically (with an interval of 30–60 minutes), more often at night or early in the morning, and intensifies after consuming fatty foods or alcoholic beverages.

In addition to pain, there is a bitterness in the mouth, nausea, and sometimes vomiting of bile occurs. A similar clinical picture is observed with biliary dyskinesia (hypermotor or hypotonic).

Spinal diseases

Pathologies of the spinal column are accompanied by pain, which intensifies when moving the torso or limbs.

A condition where the back and right side hurts can be caused by the following spinal diseases:

Osteochondrosis is the gradual destruction of intervertebral discs. Thoracic osteochondrosis provokes a dull pain reaction in the affected area, which can spread to the right side. Discomfort increases with movement, prolonged static posture, and physical activity.

Spondylosis is the growth of bone tissue along the edges of the vertebrae. Osteophytes compress the spinal cord or its roots, causing severe pain, sensory disturbances, and muscle weakness. The affected area corresponds to the innervation zone.

Protrusion (displacement of the core of the cartilaginous lining between the vertebrae) or intervertebral hernia (relapse of the nucleus pulposus due to rupture of the fibrous membrane of the disc). These formations can also compress the spinal nerves, causing a nagging pain that becomes acute with sudden movements.

Injuries (fractures, bruises), osteoporosis, and osteomyelitis can lead to damage to the thoracic spine and pain in the right side from the back. But most often this symptom occurs due to radiculopathy (pinching of the spinal cord and nerve roots). Then the pain is combined with neurological disorders.

The roots of the spinal cord are affected due to osteochondrosis, spondylosis, intervertebral hernia, curvature of the spine (scoliosis), malformations of the musculoskeletal system, etc.


With this pathology, stones (gallstones) can form in the gallbladder or its ducts. Stones can be small, medium, and sometimes occupy the entire cavity of the organ. This is a dangerous pathology that can lead to severe complications, including death.

With cholelithiasis (cholelithiasis), the pain syndrome appears suddenly and quickly intensifies. The pain spreads to the right side of the body: stomach, side, back, subscapular region.

An attack can last from 2 minutes to several hours. More often it occurs after eating hot, spicy, fatty foods, or alcohol. In addition to pain, nausea, vomiting, and low-grade fever (37.1 – 38?) appear.

Kidney and urinary tract diseases

A condition where the right side behind and the back hurts is often caused by diseases of the urinary system:

Nephropotosis is pathological mobility, as well as displacement of the right kidney down and towards the pelvis. The organ moves when a person in an upright position coughs/sneezes sharply and forcefully or lifts a heavy object. An intermittent dull pain appears.

Urolithiasis is the appearance of stones in the kidneys or urinary tract. The disease causes excruciating pain in the lower abdomen, side, and back on the right side. The discomfort increases and then decreases.

Renal colic is an exacerbation of urolithiasis. The upper urinary tract becomes clogged with stones, which leads to acute, paroxysmal pain in the right side, which radiates to the pubis and lower back. The clinical picture is complemented by fever, bloating, and vomiting.

Hydronephrosis is a pathology in which the renal pelvis and calyces dilate. The patient complains of constant aching pain, darkening of the urine or the presence of blood clots in it, weakness, and nausea.

Pyelonephritis is a bacterial infection of the kidneys. Aching pain is accompanied by frequent urination, swelling of the face and legs.

Kidney abscess is purulent inflammation of the kidneys. It develops against the background of pyelonephritis and is manifested by acute, sharp pain.

To understand that the pain syndrome is caused by a pathology of the urinary system, it is necessary to exclude diseases of the spine and muscles.

Reproductive diseases

Pain in the right side from the back in women can cause diseases of the uterus, ovaries, and premenstrual syndrome.

Before menstruation, and sometimes during it, some girls experience pain in the lower part of the right side. This is a harmless symptom, but still unpleasant.

An ovarian cyst does not cause discomfort at first, but when it twists or ruptures, pain of a different nature appears. You can distinguish a cyst from other pathologies by painful sensations during sexual intercourse, irregularities in the menstrual cycle, and frequent urination.

Discomfort on the right side is sometimes associated with pregnancy. Aching or nagging pain occurs due to an enlarged uterus and stretching of the surrounding muscles and ligaments. This condition is not dangerous and does not require treatment.

An ectopic pregnancy threatens a woman’s life—fertilization and fetal development occurs outside the uterus (fallopian tube, cervix, ovary, or other place in the abdominal space). The growing fetus presses on the walls of the organ, then sharp or stabbing pain occurs. Pathology can lead to its rupture, internal bleeding and death.

In men, the right side hurts due to an inflammatory process in the testicles caused by sexually transmitted diseases or prostate adenoma. Nagging pain occurs with tumors of the genital organs.

Respiratory diseases

If the pain in the side and back at the top right increases during inhalation, then it can be caused by diseases of the respiratory system:

  • Pleurisy is inflammation of the pleural membrane of the right lung.
  • Unilateral pneumonia.
  • Pneumothorax of the right lung - air entering the pleural cavity.
  • Lung cancer.
  • Pulmonary infarction is a disruption of the blood supply to a certain part of the right lung.

In case of lung diseases, the clinical picture is supplemented by cough, fever, and shortness of breath. During a heart attack, severe pain is accompanied by tachycardia and hemoptysis.

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