Dead bees: recipes for use and contraindications

People who choose folk remedies to heal and improve their health are interested in: for what diseases do they use tincture of dead bees in vodka, and how to use it correctly.

Dead bees are dried dead bees. They are collected in spring, summer, and autumn in apiaries and beehives. The bees die, having completed their life cycle, having not survived the difficult winter, and having weakened.

The easiest way is to collect their bodies in the hive. If the bee dies outside of it, this is more difficult to do. And although spring death is considered less useful, it accounts for the largest share of the total mass. But still try to purchase autumn dead fruit from the apiary with the maximum number of useful compounds in its composition.

Bee bodies contain many useful substances. Therefore, when they are infused on an alcohol basis, effective medicines are obtained for many diseases.

Dead bees - what is it, characteristics

Dead bees are dead bees and drones whose life cycle ends naturally.
Beekeepers carry out cleaning twice a year. In the process of cleaning, they collect what is called waste. The bee has a relatively short life cycle, living on average from 25 to 35 days

Since scheduled cleaning is carried out at the end of summer or early autumn or in the spring, the collection is divided into autumn-summer and spring according to seasonality. The quality of spring deadstock will be much better, because it is perfectly dried, does not have a putrid odor or foreign substances (bees are actually not active in winter).

Basically, during this period, these insects feed as efficiently as possible, so if they die, it is not from disease, as can happen in summer or autumn. The beekeeper who looked after the apiary and cleaned it regularly, preventing the accumulation of pollution, mold, and stagnant odors, will be of higher quality.

In winter , cleaning the hive for the beekeeper does not cost much; during wintering, about 500 g of bees die; they can simply be collected from the bottom of the hive. The aroma should not be musty and musty, but slightly sweet and natural.

In case of insufficient quality of transportation, insufficient quality of apiaries, especially poor-quality transportation of packages of bees (steamed insects), it can also result in death


Depending on the time of collection, it can be spring, summer or autumn.

The most valuable are the corpses of bees collected in the fall, since the insects gain good shape over the summer.

Mostly honey plants die by accident; these are the strongest and most efficient individuals, whose bodies, in addition to other healing substances, contain bee venom in high concentrations.

Therefore, the best medicine is prepared on the basis of autumn death.

Spring bee death, despite its abundance, can only be used for the manufacture of external use products, which is due to the severe exhaustion of bees over the winter and the presence of a large amount of feces in them.

The bodies of weakened and exhausted insects that died in winter have significantly less healing value and contain a small amount of poison.

Important! High-quality dead bees have a faint sweetish odor and cannot give off mold or other unpleasant “odors.”

Storing dead bees

Storing dead bees does not require any special conditions.

Properly assembled, high-quality material can be dried in an oven, or in a Russian oven at a temperature of 45-50 C.

The room should be dry, well ventilated.

The material itself is placed in a linen bag, suspended by weight, and storage is also possible in a cardboard box.

Storage in the freezer is possible, but provided that it does not thaw, as this will render the material completely unusable. The shelf life of the material in its pure form is no more than one year.

There is no clear agreement among beekeepers regarding the possibility of drying in the fresh air. The option of drying in sunny weather on wire racks involves stirring up to 3 times a week.

In contrast to this opinion, there is a theory that at a temperature of 26-35 C there is a high probability of rotting, and the medicinal material can instantly turn into poisonous, unsuitable for further use.

Well-dried dead fruit is suitable for preparing various tinctures and other medicines. The material is intensively dried only after dirt and all kinds of impurities have been separated from it.

Collection and preparation

To ensure that the product does not lose its healing properties, you must follow the preparation rules:

  1. Dead bee bodies need to be sifted. This way they are cleared of any debris that might have gotten into them during the collection process.
  2. It is necessary to dry this resource in an oven or on a heater at a temperature of 40-50 degrees Celsius.
  3. Pour the resulting mixture into fabric bags in which it will be stored.
  4. Store in a well-ventilated area with low humidity. A freezer is also suitable for this.
  5. The resulting “ingredients” must be dry and mold-free. There should also be no odor present. This will help avoid loss of the healing qualities of the composition.
  6. If the purpose of cooking dead food is to obtain a product for internal use, then a raw material resource is used that has not been treated with pesticides.

Preparing medicine from bee corpses is a complex process, so most people prefer to buy a ready-made product in a store or from beekeepers.

Bee death occurs in spring, autumn and summer. Over the summer, bees gain good shape, which is why the autumn tincture is of great value. The spring composition is used to prepare ointments and steams.

What properties should a dead animal have?

Thanks to a number of biologically active properties, all waste products of insects can be found in the sea.

Beekeeping products have unique value for strengthening human immunity. Royal jelly, propolis, protein, chitin, melanin - this is not a complete list. It is worth noting the fortified composition, including vitamins C, P, K, D, E.

In addition to iron and zinc, fluorine, magnesium, sodium, potassium and calcium are inherent. About 27 useful macro and microelements.

  • Heparin is found in the uppermost layer of bees and has a suppressive effect on inflammatory processes, improves the structural elasticity of blood vessels and blood quality.
  • Bee venom (apitoxin) - has a significantly lower concentration than a bee sting, significantly increases the number of red blood cells in the blood, and activates the processes of normalizing healthy sleep.
  • Chitosan is also found in the uppermost layer of bees; for humans, it is a component that actively fights the absorption of fat by the body. Anti-radiation, analgesic, blood flow-stopping, and general strengthening properties are noted.
  • Bee fat is an exceptional material; according to scientists, according to certain parameters, it exceeds the value of fish oil. An easily digestible natural healing drug, it eliminates possible fluctuations in blood sugar levels.
  • The body of a bee contains dietary fiber , which are healing in the fight against various diseases.

Chemical composition

This product has many healing qualities.

All thanks to the special composition:

  • amine compounds - proteins and organic acids, which have a positive effect on the entire body, normalize sleep processes;
  • melanins are coloring pigments that determine the color of skin and hair and protect them from ultraviolet radiation;
  • heparin is a substance that inhibits any inflammation in the body and has therapeutic and prophylactic properties;
  • bee venom is preserved in small quantities, due to which it has a positive effect on humans;
  • vitamins A, B, B2, B3 and many others;
  • chitin is a biopolymer that has a restorative effect on the body and destroys harmful bacteria in the body;
  • fat improves immunity and normalizes blood pressure;
  • macro- and microelements responsible for the vital processes of the human body.

A huge number of people from different parts of the world are treated with bee death. But before use, you must consult a specialist.

What diseases does bee death treat?

By using this product as a medicine, you can get complete relief from various diseases.

Podmor is also used for preventive measures.

Podmore is effective in treating the following diseases:

  • Excessive accumulation of fat mass
  • Removing harmful substances from the body
  • Bactericidal effect
  • Optimization of digestive processes
  • Normalization of blood vessels, getting rid of blood clots
  • Rehabilitation of the body due to radiological exposure
  • Removal and relief of pain
  • Regeneration, rejuvenation, at the cellular level
  • Stabilization of hemoglobin levels
  • Increasing the body's defenses
  • Improving overall skin tone
  • Prevention and treatment of diseases associated with the liver, kidneys, eyes
  • Prevention and control of colds.

Podmor tincture

As you might easily guess, the main component of any tincture of this type is the same deadhead. He, in turn, is nothing more than dead bees. They appear constantly, because they do not live long enough. A month, sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less. It should be noted that in winter, the lifespan of these insects becomes longer, since they do practically nothing.

The main active ingredients of this apiary result are components such as melanin and chitosan

. They are found in bee corpses and are very beneficial for human health. Since simply eating dead field workers is not a good idea, humanity has long ago invented the ability to infuse them, isolating all the useful substances and filtering out unnecessary elements.

The Tibetan recipe for alcohol medicine based on the natural product we are considering is very popular. How to prepare it?

It is interesting that in this case we are talking about a method of comprehensive healing of the body. It is very important to comply with all the nuances of its use.

The use of garlic infusions plays a very important role in this method. But beekeeping products will also be useful here.

As you know, insects secrete poison. Of course, in large quantities it is dangerous for the human body, but in small dosages, on the contrary, it is extremely useful. It is on this effect that the positive effect when using the natural medicine we are considering is based.

What is the remedy we are considering? In fact, these are the bodies of winged apiary workers who died of natural causes. We can agree that such a medicine has a rather intimidating name. However, we must not forget that this name hides a real storehouse of microelements useful for the human body.

The natural medicine we are considering has been used for a long time and quite successfully in both official and alternative medicine. Based on such a product, there is a huge number of a wide variety of folk recipes against various ailments.

Various medicines are specially produced based on this product. Among them you can find the following options:

  • decoctions;
  • infusions;
  • ointments;
  • mixtures.

The very product that we will talk about today, namely an alcohol medicine based on powder from the bodies of winged beekeepers, has enormous healing potential. It will be easy and simple to prepare even for beginners in the field of traditional medicine.

The only thing is that it takes some time. As a rule, our natural medicine infuses for quite a long time - approximately 21 days.

At the same time, you need to clearly understand what kind of raw materials you will use. The fact is that the product we are considering can be divided by harvest season:

  • winter;
  • spring;
  • summer;
  • autumn.

And it's not just about the time it takes to receive the product. First of all, we are talking about the healing properties of natural medicine.

The most popular option is the autumn harvest. What is the reason for such preferences? The fact is that winged apiary workers gain significant weight over the summer. Thus, we can say that by the time autumn arrives, a fairly large amount of vitamins accumulates in their relatively small bodies.

But it is better not to ingest insects that died in winter or early spring. Their bodies, as a rule, are severely depleted, and they are full of harmful substances accumulated in the feces.

On the contrary, there will be quite a few useful microelements there, but they are still present. Therefore, although it is better not to use them indoors, they can be used outdoors. For example, create various drugs based on them:

  • ointments;
  • lotions;
  • compresses.

For the manufacture of drugs according to folk recipes, only the dried version of the product we are considering is suitable. It is believed that medicine made with alcohol from such natural raw materials is endowed with powerful healing powers.

After collection, such a product is cleaned of various debris. It is best to use a preparation option that involves drying the prepared raw materials in a Russian oven.

Of course, in modern conditions this is not always possible. That is why now or in the oven at a temperature of 40-50 degrees Celsius. Properly processed powder from dead insects should have no odor, traces of mold or dampness.

Method of preparing tincture from dead bees

There are many recipes for making tincture of dead meat:

  • Alcohol tincture. For 200 ML of vodka (or 40% alcohol), calculate 20 g of dead water. Infuse in a dark container, covered with a lid, for 21 days, shaking occasionally. For oral administration, take 20 drops after meals, twice a day. Duration of use is 2 weeks.
  • Oil tincture. Add 20 g of dead meat, ground to a powder, into vegetable oil heated over low heat. Take 1 tablespoon orally before meals, also twice a day.
  • Infusion. In the ratio of half a liter of boiling water, combine with 30 g of dead meat. Simmer over low heat for about 2 hours. The strained liquid is taken internally. Shelf life: no more than 2 weeks in the refrigerator.

Compresses, ointments, and decoctions based on bee material are also prepared.

How to store?

Some time after harvesting, the substance may become moldy, emit an unpleasant odor and, most importantly, lose all its beneficial qualities. To avoid this outcome, it is necessary to ensure acceptable storage conditions.

Experienced beekeepers recommend removing dead bodies from the hive once a month. Before storing the composition, you need to clean it of dirt and beeswax.

The substance is sifted and then dried at a temperature of 40-50 degrees.

Storage rules must be followed:

  • store in a cool, well-ventilated area;
  • put the composition in cotton bags;
  • remove products with a strong odor from the room where raw materials are stored.

Many people use refrigerators for freezer storage. If a medicine is prepared based on the product, it must be tightly closed and placed in a dark place.

The decoction and tinctures are stored in the refrigerator and used within 15 days.

Application of tincture

The use of tincture is divided depending on the disease:

  • Diabetes. Tincture (5%) is taken after eating food, but not more than 15 drops per day
  • Genitourinary system. The tincture (70%) consists of a slight predominance of liquid over the material itself. Taken in a course for a month, 1 tablespoon before meals, for one month.
  • Pain in muscles and joints. A tincture based on vegetable oil is used, which is stored in the refrigerator and taken by rubbing into a sore spot, based on the presence of pain.
  • Treatment of giardiasis. The tincture is taken orally for a month, 25 drops after eating food, about 3 times a day.
  • Uterine fibroids. The tincture is taken orally twice a day, 1 tablespoon, diluted with water. Promise of complete recovery after systemic daily use.
  • Oncology. The duration of treatment can be more than one year, the process is quite protracted and lengthy. Take 2 tablespoons of the tincture; it can be diluted with honey water. Take 15 minutes before meals, three times a day. A break in the course of treatment is required for 2 months, after which it is repeated.
  • Prostatitis and impotence. The tincture is taken for 2 months, 20 drops after meals.

The use of tincture is also distinguished according to the specificity of its action:

  1. As a means for losing weight. The use of tincture improves metabolism, which is directly related to the normalization of excess weight. A positive effect on cleansing the intestines has been noticed, removing toxins and heavy metals.
  2. When improving the general condition of the body , improving the functioning of the immune system. The tincture is taken for 2 months, 20 drops 2 times a day.

How to use?

This remedy is used in different ways.


To prepare, you will need 50 grams of dead meat and 0.5 liters of boiling water. You need to pour boiling water over the bodies of the bees, then send them to cook on the fire for 2 hours.

After this, you need to let the broth brew for 2 hours and strain. Take 200 grams per day: 100 grams in the morning and evening. Follow the course for no more than 1 month. If necessary, it can be repeated only after a two-week break.


Due to the huge number of useful qualities, this method of cooking is popular.

To prepare, you need to take 100 grams of the original product, steam it with boiling water for 15 minutes, and then strain through cheesecloth. Used by applying to problem areas. It is necessary to keep it until the steam has completely cooled down.


First you need to fry the bodies of the bees in vegetable oil for 5 minutes. After this, the product must be cooled and crushed. Take 1 teaspoon before meals. To enhance the therapeutic effect, you can fill the composition with goat's milk.


It also has another name - liniment. To prepare, you need to take 1 tablespoon of the starting substance.

Grind as much as possible. After this, pour in sunflower oil, a creamy consistency should form. Apply externally to affected areas. Stored in the refrigerator.


Helps with prostatitis and oncology. You need to take one tablespoon of dead bees and pour one glass of purified alcohol. Infuse for 3 weeks in a dark place with low humidity, this will help avoid the formation of mold.

After this, strain through gauze. Take 15 drops of the mixture three times a day before meals.


To prepare, take 1 tablespoon of the original raw material, burn it, and then grind it to obtain ash. A teaspoon of honey and 100 ml of water are added to the mixture. The resulting composition is thoroughly mixed. The product is used as eye drops.

Death from specific diseases


Fried dead meat is effective for myopia. It is recommended to take 1 tsp. morning and evening half an hour before meals.

You need to drink it with milk. Treatment lasts 30 days. After two months, the drug can be repeated.

Treatment of inflammation and prostate adenoma

Men suffering from prostate adenoma are recommended to simultaneously take 20 ml of a decoction of dead fruit and half a glass of warm water containing a teaspoon of honey for a month in the morning and evening.

After a two-week break, the course is repeated.

Another recipe that is effective for prostate adenoma is to take on an empty stomach twice a day 20 ml of a mixture prepared from 500 ml of dead bee decoction, 60–70 g of honey and 2 tsp. propolis tinctures.

Treatment can be quite long and last several years, but it promotes the gradual resorption of the neoplasm, prevents its degeneration into malignant and restores normal urination.

Also, for adenoma, dead bees are used in the form of an alcohol tincture.

It is taken once a day after meals, 1 ml for two months. For the treatment of prostatitis with bee death, this method is also effective, but its duration should be 3 months.

Treatment of joints

In the treatment of joint diseases, dead bees are used externally in the form of baths, ointments or compresses.

To prepare the bath, 25–30 g of dried dead meat is poured with boiling water and the resulting mixture is infused for 20 minutes. Hands or feet are immersed in such a bath for a period of 5 to 15 minutes.

The same product can also be used for compresses. It reduces pain, relieves tension and increases mobility of sore joints.

Dead bee ointment for joints is used in a heated state. It is rubbed into painful areas at night.

It is effective for vertebral hernias, muscle pain, thrombophlebitis, for healing wounds and ulcers on the skin, and for varicose veins.

Important: Bee dead ointment should not be rubbed into the skin of the face and scalp!

Cleansing the body

To strengthen the immune system and cleanse the body, dead bees are taken in the form of an alcohol tincture. The number of drops per day corresponds to the person’s age.

They can be drunk at one time or divided into two doses. To improve the taste, the required amount of tincture can be diluted slightly with water.

Treatment is continued for 30 days, after which they take a break for 6 months and again take the tincture of Podmora.

Treatment of mastitis

To treat mastitis, warm steam from dead bees is used.

It is applied to the inflamed area, and a package with bees remaining after filtering is placed on top.

The whole thing is covered with cling film or cellophane on top, secured with a bandage and covered with a towel or blanket. Keep this compress until it cools completely.

Cardiovascular diseases

Dead bees are very effective for the prevention and treatment of vascular and heart diseases.

It helps reduce high blood pressure, strengthen vascular walls, improve the rheological properties of blood, and prevent thrombosis.

For these purposes, it is recommended to take 1 ml of Podmore tincture with vodka or moonshine every day for 2 months.

Treatment of cerebral vessels

As a preventive measure, you need to take 10 drops of tincture daily before meals. The frequency of taking the product is 2 times a day.

At the recovery stage after a stroke, a classic decoction is used, which must be drunk according to the following scheme:

  • The first week and a half - a glass a day;
  • The next 2.5 weeks - 2 glasses.

Then the body must rest from taking the medicine for a month. After which we resume taking the product.

It is recommended to treat the brain vessels and the entire vascular system with a decoction 3 times a year.

For the stomach

The drug is used internally, methods vary depending on the disease:

For gastritis, you need to drink a classic decoction. It is recommended to start taking 10 drops of the product on an empty stomach. You can eat 15 minutes after taking the medicine.

Gradually the dosage increases to 1 tablespoon per day. Therapy is carried out in courses of 2 weeks with a break of 7-10 days.

For gastric ulcers, you can use dead food only at the stage of stable remission.

It is recommended to dilute 1 tsp. decoction in the same amount of honey and wash down the mixture with milk. Duration of therapy is 10 days.

For pancreatitis

To treat inflammation of the pancreas, a water infusion of dead fruit with honey is suitable.

It is necessary to mix half a cup of infusion with the same amount of warm boiled water, dissolve 1 tsp. honey

Take 0.5 cups of the prepared product 2 times a day. A similar recipe for dead bee infusion is also used for treatment and gentle cleansing of the liver.

The water infusion can be taken not only internally, but also externally. In this case, the product will help cure a lot of skin diseases.

So, the following recipe with dead bees will help against psoriasis:

  1. Add 2 tsp to the prepared hot infusion. daisies.
  2. Let it cool and add a quarter teaspoon of honey to the warm drink.
  3. Soak a piece of cotton wool with the product and wipe the affected areas of the skin.
  4. The procedure is carried out 2-3 times a day.

For multiple sclerosis

The most effective remedy is considered to be an alcohol tincture, which perfectly reveals the properties of the strongest natural antibiotic and immunostimulant apitoxin.

The alcohol infusion helps in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system and is used to improve immunity.

The number of drops of tincture should be equal to the age. The dosage should be divided into two doses. Treatment must be carried out 2 times a year.

For external use, compresses with steam twice a day for 30 minutes on the spine and head are suitable.

Such procedures will not only alleviate symptoms, but are also suitable for strengthening hair (when using steam in the scalp area).

The classic decoction should be taken 1 tsp. 3 times a day.

For varicose veins

Bee product is a very effective remedy for the treatment of varicose veins.

Compresses with steam and healing ointment are used.

For varicose veins, you need to apply steam for 20 minutes, then additionally rub the affected area with alcohol tincture.

Ointment for varicose veins should be applied to a previously washed body and rubbed in for 3 minutes. The procedure is carried out 2 times a day for three weeks in a row.


Podmore is a powerful natural antioxidant. It helps to quickly cleanse the blood, removing toxins and waste from the body. This type of cleansing prevents the development and growth of tumors.

Kidney diseases

They are often accompanied by the formation of hard deposits that must be removed from the body. Dead bee improves the healing of tissues that are damaged during the removal of stones, and also reduces pain, thereby facilitating the gradual release of solid fractions.

Flu, cold

Death of bees has a depressing effect on the inflammatory processes of the body, so it is recommended for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, pneumonia, and also for the prevention of influenza. For these purposes, decoctions and tinctures of Pomor bees are used.

Against Giardia

Podmor-based products help eliminate lamblia from the liver. To do this, it is recommended to take 30 drops of podmore tincture per day for a month.

For type 2 diabetes

Using bee product tincture helps reduce glucose levels, alleviate symptoms, and prevent possible complications arising from diabetes.

You need to drink 15 drops of the product after meals.

For pulmonary tuberculosis

For treatment, you need to take 20 drops of alcohol tincture (2 times a day, after meals).

A classic decoction of honey is also used for pulmonary tuberculosis. You need to drink half a glass 3 times a day.

Thyroid treatment

Bee products are actively used to heal the thyroid gland. For thyroid diseases, an alcohol tincture is suitable.

It should be drunk on an empty stomach, 1 tbsp. The duration of treatment is 21 days. Then you need to give the body a rest for a week and continue treatment again.

Important! In the first week of taking the tincture, compresses from the same product should be applied to the neck.

From pressure

For hypertension, you need to drink tincture of podmora according to the following scheme:

Age is equal to the number of drops that need to be divided into two doses (i.e. at 50 years old you need to drink 25 drops of tincture in the morning and before bed).

The course lasts 30 days, then you need to take a break for six months. Treatment is carried out twice a year.

This therapy with dead bee tincture normalizes cholesterol levels, cleans blood vessels and improves heart function.

For children

Bee medicine benefits a child's body by reducing the body's natural resistance. After long-term treatment with antiviral and antibacterial drugs, the natural resistance of the child’s body is significantly reduced.

It is in the case of severe and long-term illnesses that death helps to strengthen the growing and developing organism.

For women

Chitin and melanin, which are the main active components of podmor, promote the resorption of scar tissue. This feature was identified and began to be used to treat diseases of the mammary glands.

For mastopathy and mastitis, bee medicine is prescribed in the form of a decoction, which eliminates the symptoms of inflammation, reduces pain, and reduces tissue swelling.

For weight loss

The most effective among all recipes for weight loss is considered to be tincture of dead bees.

It is prepared as follows:

  • The dead fruit is poured into a liter jar. Alcohol or vodka is added in such a volume as to cover the bee product by 2 fingers.
  • Close the jar with a lid and leave to infuse for 3 weeks in the dark. Shake the product every day.
  • Then we filter the medicine.

How to take a remedy to combat excess weight? You need to drink the tincture 2 times a day half an hour before meals. A single dose is a tablespoon, which is diluted in a quarter cup of water.

Diet during treatment

Diet during treatment is mandatory.

The following products need to be excluded:

  • Meat broths
  • Dairy products
  • Animal products
  • Bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol
  • Sweet, salty, spicy

The diet also prescribes the following foods:

  • Natural juices at least one liter per day (beetroot, cabbage, potato)
  • Herbal infusions
  • Porridges prepared exclusively with water
  • Maximum consumption of greens: dill, nettle, onion, parsnip.

The healing properties of bee tincture

This substance has a lot of healing properties. It can improve the functioning of many internal organs, has an anti-inflammatory effect, removes toxins, destroys harmful microorganisms, destroys tumors, stabilizes blood pressure, protects against radiation, accelerates and improves the healing process of wounds, and so on.

When to take:

  • for joint pain;
  • with a lack of vitamins;
  • for problems in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • to rejuvenate the body;
  • for memory problems;
  • for diabetes mellitus;
  • in case of poisoning;
  • for any viral diseases;
  • upon receipt of external damage;
  • in inflammatory processes;
  • for weight loss and so on.

Separately, it should be noted that in the vast majority of cases, such an alcohol-containing product can interact quite successfully with medications. It does not reduce their effectiveness, but on the contrary, significantly increases it. It is because of this that a significant part of doctors have nothing against dosed and careful use of the tincture. You can also drink it for preventive purposes.

, which will also have a very positive effect on the human body.

In general, the tincture of dead bees does not cure anything. In fact, any disease can be cured to one degree or another with the help of this useful product, so you should refuse to use it only in special cases when there are direct contraindications.

How to prepare the medicine we are considering? We will need dried insect bodies, as well as 40 percent alcohol.

Place dead insects in a bowl. It is best to use an ordinary half-liter glass jar for these purposes. You will need to remember the container with raw materials until about the middle.

Then put some visible mark on the glass of the jar. Then you need to fill the indicated container with alcohol: in order to correctly perform this procedure, you will need to focus on the mark you set.

The alcohol should fill the container so that the level of the mixture is approximately 2-3 centimeters above the line you marked. The liquid must be infused for 2-3 weeks .

In order for the medicine to be prepared correctly, you need to shake the glass jar periodically: of course, this must be done with extreme caution. Before use, the medicine must be filtered.

To enhance the healing effect of the drug, it is recommended to use some tricks. For example, you can add a component such as crushed eucalyptus leaves to the mixture.

Of course, certain proportions must be observed. Crushed eucalyptus should be approximately 10% of the amount of the main component we are considering.


Contraindications for this drug should also be taken into account with particular importance.

Despite the enormous benefits, death can cause significant harm.

Take or avoid taking this natural medicine with caution:

  • In case of intolerance to beekeeping products or an allergic reaction
  • Allergy to dust
  • Cardiac aneurysms
  • Unsteady rhythm and heart rate
  • Presence of malignant diseases of the system
  • Severe kidney disease
  • Mental disorders
  • Acute form of thrombosis
  • Anemia and chronic liver diseases
  • Presence of blood disease

On a note

  1. Dead bees contain bee venom, bee pollen and wax, chitonins, melanins, amino acids. It also contains a complex of vitamins and minerals that have a positive effect on the human body in case of any inflammatory processes or metabolic disorders.
  2. The step-by-step recipe for preparing vodka tincture is simple and requires minimal attention, time and effort - even men who do not have the skills of a cook or pharmacist can easily handle the preparation.
  3. Before starting treatment with tincture, it is recommended to undergo examination by a doctor, obtain an accurate diagnosis and determine the optimal treatment regimen.
  4. Medicines based on bee products and alcohol are a potential allergen and have a number of contraindications, so it is recommended to begin the course of treatment with caution, carefully monitoring the body’s reaction.
  5. The tincture is convenient to dose depending on age and diagnosis; if stored correctly, the properties of the medicine do not change throughout the year.

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