How to prepare dead bees for joints at home?

To get rid of joint diseases, inflammatory processes, bruises and wounds, and other health problems, bee ointment is recommended. This natural remedy is rich in components that are found only in the dead bodies of insects. The medicine is easy to prepare on your own at home; you just need to buy a podmor.

Medicinal properties

Dead bees are a valuable natural remedy with a powerful healing effect. Its use has an effect on literally all systems of the human body.

Positive traits:

  • removes toxins;
  • disinfects;
  • increases immunity;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • promotes liver cell regeneration;
  • prevents the proliferation of microbes, bacteria and fungi;
  • improves blood supply to tissues with oxygen and nutrients.

The beneficial properties of biological raw materials are widely used to treat various joint pathologies. All kinds of tinctures, ointments and decoctions are made on its basis.

Bee-derived drugs have no contraindications or side effects. People over forty years of age are recommended to use them for preventive purposes.

What is podmor

In folk medicine, dead bees are used to treat joints.

Dead bees are dead bees. This means that even after death, bees are able to benefit humans. After death, many substances with healing properties remain in the body. Among them: honey, propolis, pollen, wax and drone jelly.

After the required amount of dead bees is collected, they are poured into a special sieve. With its help, all unnecessary particles are removed. After this, the selected material is dried in the oven. Podmor is collected only from healthy bees, which during their lifetime could collect a large amount of pollen. But bees cannot be killed specifically for preparing medicine, since all the beneficial properties will simply disappear.

Biochemical composition

The therapeutic effect of Podmor is due to the presence of bioactive components. Their concentration varies. The chemical set of raw materials is determined by the living conditions of the bees, the location of the apiary and other circumstances.

But the general chemical components are approximately the same for all dead honey plants. The majority (50–60%) is occupied by protein compounds (amino acids, heparin, enzymes, etc.)

Dead bodies contain a lot of propolis, bee venom, which is a natural source of antibiotics, as well as honey residues - natural antihistamines.

The chemical composition is supplemented by macro and microelements. All components are easily absorbed by the human body.


These are polymers that are universal protectors and products of oxidative processes in the amino acid tyrosine. Their amount in raw materials is up to 30%.

Effect of melanins:

  • prevent cell destruction;
  • inhibit and freeze destructive and degenerative processes in joints and internal organs;
  • helps protect the mucous membranes of the body from the formation of ulcers;
  • is a sorbent against the accumulation of radioactive chemical elements.

Melanin is a natural anti-stress that lifts your mood and prevents weight loss as a result of depression.


This is a natural element belonging to the group of polysaccharides containing nitrogen. Chitin is the main component in the exoskeleton of bees.

Useful properties of chitin:

  • eliminates inflammation;
  • prevents joint destruction;
  • reduces body weight, reducing the load on the spine and joints;
  • stimulates cleansing of the body from waste and toxins, and also removes salts.

Mineral elements

The bodies of dead bees contain almost 30 trace elements. Among them, the leading place is occupied by phosphorus, potassium, iron, copper, and calcium. Such a rich set fully meets the body’s needs for normal joint function.

Podmor-based products accelerate the restoration of cartilage tissue and tendon-ligamentous apparatus.

How to collect?

Traditional healers prefer insects that died in summer and autumn. They consider winter death to be defective, since at this time of year bees are prone to various diseases.

Features of seasonal pestilence:

  • Spring. These are bees that died in the spring during hibernation.
  • Autumn. Bees collected at the end or during the summer are considered the most valuable. Insects are collected in different places - in hives, on their roofs, in flight houses, on the ground.

Rules for collecting and preparing waste:

  • Take dead bees only from reliable beekeepers. Irresponsible hive owners, for the sake of profit, can palm off bees that have died due to serious infectious diseases.
  • Clear the bees of debris. It should not contain mold or unpleasant odor.
  • You can store dead insects for one year. Then the healing properties disappear. Place the finished raw materials in a cotton bag or glass jar. Store it away from light and moisture. Possible storage in the freezer.

Properly dry purchased or personally collected dead meat using a natural or artificial drying method. When harvesting, you should pay special attention to drying. If technology is violated, raw materials can be hopelessly damaged.


  1. In room. Place the bees in a 1 cm layer on a table in a warm and well-ventilated room. Dry the insects, stirring regularly.
  2. In the oven. The insects are laid out on a baking sheet. Dry by setting the temperature at + 40... + 50°C, stirring occasionally. Total drying time is 1 hour.
  3. In the sun. There is no clear opinion among experts whether it is possible to dry dead meat directly under the sun. But most of them believe that such a method will not harm the raw materials.

It is prohibited to use deadstock if the bees have died due to the treatment of fields with pesticides.

For what diseases is bee death indicated?

Preparations based on biologically pure raw materials are used for a wide variety of joint diseases. These are powerful agents whose effects are comparable to medications.

Helps with the following joint diseases:

  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • rheumatism;
  • radiculitis;
  • osteoporosis;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • spondylosis;
  • bursitis;
  • synovitis;
  • chondropathy
  • injuries and healing fractures, etc.

Dead bee remedies also have a healing effect on varicose veins. Taking unique drugs has a powerful complex effect.


If you decide to treat arthrosis with the help of podmora, then use the entire arsenal of the proposed means. So, it could be a compress of dead bees based on vodka tincture.

Also, this can be a bath, into which you need to add a water infusion of the medicine. Treatment with ointments is very effective.

CompressSoak a folded cloth in warm vodka tincture and apply it to the problem area, wrap it up. Leave for 5 minutes. Use twice a day, gradually increasing the duration of the procedure to half an hour.
BathAdd 500 ml of water infusion to a hot bath. Take within 5-15 minutes.
OintmentApply a thick layer to the affected area with a spatula.
IngestionTake 30 drops of alcohol tincture with the required amount of water.

Treatment effectiveness

Joint diseases affect a huge number of people, including young people. They cause pain, limit mobility, and worsen quality of life.

The biologically active substances contained in dead bees act gradually. The process proceeds according to the cumulative principle.

In the treatment of joint diseases, tinctures and other preparations made from dead bees have the following effects:

  • relieve chronic inflammation;
  • treats bruises and microcracks;
  • reduce pain in joints, including during flexion and extension;
  • relieve morning stiffness;
  • eliminate crunching, crackling, clicking noises when performing movements;
  • improve microcirculation of blood and lymph;
  • relieve swelling.

Therapeutic drugs improve the general condition of all joints. They increase their functionality due to partial regeneration of tissues affected by the disease.

Features of products based on natural raw materials:

  • Can be used for prevention. Taking bee preparations helps maintain healthy joints for a long time.
  • Along the way, beneficial effects are observed - hormonal levels are leveled, cardiac activity and the functioning of the nervous system are improved.
  • The drugs are the safest and, unlike pharmacy analogues, do not have side effects.
  • Tinctures and ointments used internally and externally reduce almost all symptoms associated with inflammation and degenerative processes.

Folk remedies obtained from dead bees are not used when the patient has an acute or subacute period of joint disease. They are used during rehabilitation after the main treatment.


Today, many patients use dead bees to treat diseases of the spinal column, bones, and joint capsules. In addition, it is effective for hematomas, sprains, bruises and other problems affecting bones and tissues.

Dead bee joint medicine is extremely beneficial for overall health and well-being. It also has generating characteristics, reduces inflammatory processes and the manifestation of pain syndromes, has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, the hematopoietic system, and the male genital area.

How to use?

The main condition and rule for receiving bee products is a high-quality product.

Admission rules:

  • Buy dead meat in powder form only from reliable suppliers. Keep it for no more than a year.
  • Use sea tinctures only on an empty stomach. Approximately 25–30 minutes before meals.
  • Take medications in courses, taking breaks. Tinctures - 3 months, ointments - 2-3 weeks.
  • Rub external remedies into sore areas and massage until the ointment or cream is completely absorbed. The procedure should last approximately 20 minutes.
  • When taking tinctures, the dosage depends on the age of the patient. The formula is that the number of drops is equal to the number of years of a person.

Dosage calculation example:

  1. If the patient is 45 years old, he needs to take 45 drops per day.
  2. Considering that the intake is carried out three times a day, 45 drops are divided by 3. It turns out 15 drops at a time.

How I made dead ointment using this recipe

I myself tried to make the ointment according to our customer’s recipe. In the photo in the black bath, the mass is a mixture prepared in a water bath from dead meat, oil and hot wax. The photo below shows the cooled and finished ointment.

When I kept the mixture in a water bath, it seemed too liquid to me, and I added another stick of wax, the total weight of the wax turned out to be just over 50 grams. As it turned out in the end, this was too much. The ointment turned out to be too thick. It is enough to take 25 grams. wax as directed in the recipe. In addition, I left the mixture to cool without stirring, as a result it froze unevenly, the wax separately, the bees separately. Yes, and I ground the bees by hand too poorly; for the ointment, you still need to grind them into powder, for this you can use a coffee grinder. Well, the first damn thing is lumpy!


Based on dead bees, healing remedies of almost all existing forms are prepared. Pure (medicinal) alcohol/vodka, vegetable oils, etc. are used as complementary components. Decoctions are no less effective. In addition to ingestion, they are poured into bathing water.


Alcohol based products are considered the most useful. Bee tincture is recommended for people with sore joints. The product is easy to prepare, but takes time.

Recipe No. 1. Tincture on dead bees:

  1. Pour 300 ml of powder (crushed dead meat) into 1 liter of vodka. It can be replaced with the same amount of moonshine.
  2. Close the bottle with the mixture with a stopper and leave for 2 weeks in a dark place.
  3. When the product is suitable, strain and use externally or internally.

Typically, the tincture is used to make compresses. A cloth/gauze is soaked in it and applied to the painful joint for a quarter of an hour.

The tincture can be used for rubbing. They are carried out 3 times a day. And after each procedure, the sore spot is wrapped in a warm cloth.

The course of treatment with tincture is 3 months. Then they take a break. If you continuously use alcohol, you can harm your body. This applies to both types of applications.

Recipe No. 2. Alcohol extract:

  1. Fill 1/2 of the jar with dead bees.
  2. Fill with alcohol. Pour it in so much that the raw material is covered by 3 cm.
  3. Infuse the product in a dark and cool room for 2 weeks.
  4. Strain the finished extract and use according to the recipe.

It is recommended to take the extract 2 times a day, 1 tbsp. l. courses for 3 months.

This remedy, like the previous tincture, is used internally and externally. It is important, especially when consumed internally, that the extract is clean, without traces of mold. Recommended for arthritis and diseases of the knee joints.


A variety of ointments are prepared on the basis of dead bees. They relieve pain and swelling within half an hour.

Recipe No. 1. Ointment with wax:

  1. Grind the raw materials into powder - 60 g.
  2. Mix 400 ml of vegetable oil into the resulting powdery substance.
  3. Mix the oil and powder thoroughly for 10 minutes, and then add beeswax - 160 g;
  4. Stir for another 10 minutes, then add pine resin - 200 g.
  5. Place the mixture on the stove and turn on for 10 minutes. When the product acquires a uniform consistency and becomes viscous, remove the container from the heat.
  6. Cool the ointment. Place in a cool room, away from the sun.

Use 2-3 times a day if joint pain occurs. Apply the ointment to the joint for half an hour, or make a compress at night.

Recipe No. 2. With propolis:

  1. Heat 300 ml of olive oil to + 30... + 40°C.
  2. Add 60 g of dead meat, crushed into powder, to the oil.
  3. Stir, add 60 g of wax and propolis, cut into small pieces, to the mixture.
  4. Place the mixture on the stove and stir.
  5. When the mixture boils, remove from heat and cool.

Place the ointment in the refrigerator. Use as needed - for rubbing and compresses.

Recipe No. 3. With salicylic ointment:

  1. Mix 30 g of podmor and 150 g of salicylic ointment.
  2. Stir the mixture until smooth.

This remedy doesn't just help your joints. Also treats burns, cuts, purulent wounds.

Recipe No. 4. With pork fat:

  1. Mix 30 g of crushed dead meat with 60 g of propolis.
  2. Add 300g pork roast.
  3. Place all ingredients in a saucepan, cook for 10 minutes, stirring constantly. Then remove from heat and cool.

The ointment relieves inflammation and improves skin condition. It contains elements that improve the absorption of calcium - this strengthens the joints. Used as compresses for 2 weeks.


You can prepare a creamy composition based on dead bees. It has a lighter structure, it is less viscous than ointment, but is in no way inferior in medicinal properties.

How to prepare the cream:

  1. Steam 200 ml olive oil. It shouldn't boil.
  2. Add 1 tbsp to the oil. l. chopped dead meat and 1 tsp. propolis.
  3. Keep the mixture on low heat for an hour, stirring occasionally.

Apply the cream to sore spots 1 to 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 3–4 weeks. After applying the cream, wrap the treatment area with a bandage and wrap it with a warm cloth.

Lotions and rubs

Dead bees are widely used to prepare a variety of lotions and rubs. They are prepared right before use.

Recipe No. 1:

  1. Pour 4 tbsp. l. dead meat ground into powder with water heated to + 60–70°C. The water should be hot, but not boiling water. Stir.
  2. After half an hour, drain the water and wrap the resulting mass in gauze.
  3. Apply the lotion to the sore spots for a couple of hours.

After use, rinse the area where the lotion was applied and rub moisturizing cream into the skin.

Recipe No. 2:

  1. 3 tbsp. l powder pour 250 ml of boiling water.
  2. After 6 hours, strain.
  3. Soak a large napkin in the solution and apply it to the sore spot. Secure the compress with film, cloth and bandage. The procedure time is from 2 to 3 hours.


If there are contraindications to taking alcohol tinctures, you can limit yourself to using decoctions.

How to prepare the decoction:

  1. 1 tbsp. l. add 1 liter of water.
  2. Place the pan with the raw materials on low heat and cook for 2 hours.
  3. After removing the broth from the stove, cool and strain.

Before taking the product, add 2 tbsp. l. honey, stir. Use 1 tbsp. l. in a day. A decoction with honey effectively relieves inflammation.

If there is no negative reaction to alcohol, you can add propolis tincture to the decoction - from 5 to 7 drops, this will enhance the healing properties of the decoction.


Dead bees work well as a base for baths. They have not only a healing, but also a sedative effect, so it is recommended to take the procedures before bed.

How to take a bath with dead bees:

  1. Pour boiling water over the raw materials - 3 liters per 100 g. Close the lid and leave for 2 hours.
  2. Strain and pour the express infusion into a warm bath.
  3. Add essential oils of thyme and fir to the water. Take a bath for half an hour.

Oil extract

In a concentrated oil extract, it is possible to concentrate the maximum beneficial qualities of dead meat. This remedy is used to treat rheumatism, arthritis, hernia, radiculitis.

Preparation of oil extract:

  1. Pour vegetable oil (200 ml) into a dark glass container.
  2. Add 1 tbsp. l. bee component.
  3. Close the jar with a lid and shake for 20 minutes.
  4. Store the finished extract in a cool place.

Used for rubbing and preparing compresses when joint pain occurs. The product has both an analgesic, warming and anti-inflammatory effect.

For external use only. The extract cannot be used internally due to its high fat content and high concentration of active substances.

Delicate cream-ointment with deadheading

Using podmora you can make a wonderful, gentle ointment. It is suitable for the care and treatment of sensitive skin, suitable for children.


  • dead bees - 3-4 tbsp;
  • coconut oil (linseed, olive) - 200 ml.


  1. Grind the dead bees into powder.
  2. Mix with oil in a small saucepan, bowl, or any heat-resistant dish.
  3. For the water bath, boil water in a wide bowl or saucepan.
  4. Place the container with the oil mixture in the water and warm it well, but do not let it boil.
  5. Stir while heating, making sure that no water gets into the container.
  6. Cool slightly, transfer to a glass or ceramic jar with an airtight lid.
  7. Place in the refrigerator.

If everything is done correctly, the output is a creamy emulsion with a characteristic sweetish odor.


Take the required amount of cream ointment, warm it in your hands, then apply to the affected area of ​​the body. This emulsion is especially effective for colds, sore throat, and bronchitis. You can lubricate nodes with varicose veins and thrombophlebitis with it. This cream is also used to make lotions for boils.


Stimulates blood circulation, softens, nourishes and regenerates the skin, reduces inflammation and swelling.

If you still have questions about the effect of ointment with beekeeping products, areas of application and methods of preparing the product, watch this useful and interesting video:

Important! The main condition is to use a gentle medicine for two weeks. The drug cannot be stored for more than 14 days, even in the refrigerator, since it is completely natural and does not contain preservatives.

High-quality vegetable oils are an excellent base for cream ointment from dead meat.


Allergies are not the only danger that is important to remember. Diseases and conditions for which the use of medicinal products at sea is contraindicated even in small doses:

  • allergy to honey;
  • oncology;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding.

When taking bee products, people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, and cardiovascular system should also be careful. For children under 10 years of age, treatment with all types of bee products is contraindicated.

For people with unhealthy joints, death can be a good help in the fight against the disease. You should not self-medicate. Consultation with your doctor is required. With the doctor's approval, the recipe and dosage must not be violated. Otherwise, you can cause serious damage to your health instead of benefit.



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