Which side of the orthopedic pillow should you sleep on?

Sleep is an essential daily process without which no person can function properly. It occupies a third of our entire life, and if the average person lives 90 years, then 30 years will be devoted to sleep. Incredible, but it's a fact. This is a special state of consciousness, which is the subject of study in many fields of medicine - neurology, psychology, sociology and anthropology. Each studies it in its own field, but they definitely agree on one thing. Without proper sleep, a person's health deteriorates. It is all the more important to know the basic rules of sleep and improve its quality. This applies to both adults and newborns. But how to sleep correctly on an orthopedic pillow? We need to figure it out.

Rules for healthy sleep

There are several recommendations that significantly improve the body's rest:

  1. Go to bed at the same time. The body gets used to the established order and falls asleep easier.
  2. It is best to go to bed before eleven in the evening. It is at this time that hormones responsible for the youth of the body are released.
  3. You should not eat food several hours in advance. Heaviness in the stomach will not allow you to fall asleep, and the gastrointestinal tract, which works all night, will not rest as it should.
  4. There is no need to drink alcohol or energy drinks such as coffee several hours in advance. A nervous system excited by caffeine will not allow you to fall asleep. It is best to opt for chamomile tea or warm milk.
  5. Fresh air is very beneficial. A short walk will fill your lungs and brain with fresh air.
  6. Before you lie down, you can take a warm shower or bath. Never use cold or too hot water. On the contrary, it will invigorate you.
  7. Ventilate your bedroom. The cool evening air will help you fall asleep faster.
  8. Do not leave light sources on; the room should be completely dark. Otherwise, rest will be superficial, restless and intermittent.
  9. Choose the right position. It is recommended that the head be positioned to the north or east. When lying down, choose a comfortable body position. Scientists advise sleeping horizontally, on each side in turn.
  10. Don't think about the day's problems, relax. You can think about this during the day, and in the evening it will be appropriate to listen to music or read literature.

And of course, we shouldn’t forget that what we sleep on—the mattress and pillow—are also of great importance.

The main thing in the treatment system

The main benefit of treatment with orthopedic products is achieved through the correct projection of the human body.

For example, an orthopedic sleeping pillow sags under the weight of the head, forming a single straight line in the neck and back of a person!

Of course, it is unlikely that many people will be able to solve all their health problems by using one pillow with an orthopedic effect. On the other hand, each orthopedic product offers systemic protection, creating constant comfort for a person in various life situations!

In general, such an item can be compared to a highly reliable monitor of human body positions, be it lying on a bed or sitting behind the wheel of a car. On the contrary, all other types of pillows, including products made from down and feathers, are unable to constantly control the desired positioning of the human body.

The effect of a pillow on sleep quality

The right pillow is the key to deep dreams and well-being. It depends on her whether you will toss and turn all night or snore sweetly in bed. How does it affect:

  • Relieves stress. A convenient copy gives sleepers a feeling of relaxation and comfort. It improves not only your well-being, but also your mood.
  • Keeps you healthy. It is on this that your neck and head lie. It maintains the correct position of the neck and maintains proper circulation in it. Muscles that are tired during the day relax, which is why, when looking for pillows for sleeping, many people prefer to buy orthopedic or anatomically shaped ones.
  • Relieves allergies. This applies to those people whose allergies begin at night. Modern coating helps solve this problem, giving healthy sleep thanks to synthetic hypoallergenic fillers.
  • Helps fight cold and heat. Thanks to air circulation in the material, it is able to adapt to the temperature of the human body, creating comfortable conditions for relaxation.

Features of care

Some models are easy to care for: you can put them in the washing machine and wash them, and they will still perform their functions perfectly. But still, most modern materials are not designed for machine wash. To keep them clean longer, it is recommended to put the product in a protective cover - it can be washed along with the rest of the bedding.

Information on how to care for the anatomical pillow is in the product data sheet. Follow these tips to enjoy comfortable sleep for years to come. Do not neglect the instructions if you do not want to damage the product. So a model filled with polyester balls can be washed in a washing machine. Whereas a product with memory foam neck rolls will most likely require dry cleaning only.

Choose a suitable anatomical model in the Askona online store.
Photos and descriptions of products will help you make an informed decision. Order online or in stores: we will help you sleep properly and enjoy daily comfort and well-being. Share:

The right pillow as it should be

What you need to know to choose a pillow, how to choose a pillow so that a person can sleep as comfortably as possible:

  1. Height. It depends on the structure of the person’s body and the height of the neck, and should fill the entire space between the bed and the neck. The height also depends on the favorite sleeping position; if you sleep on your back, a low pillow up to ten centimeters is suitable; for a correct position on your stomach, a flat product is suitable, otherwise you risk injuring your neck and head. For resting on your side, something a little taller, about twelve centimeters, is suitable.
  2. Weight. The more a person weighs, the larger the size of the product.
  3. Form. Gone are the days when only square-shaped pillows were in use. Now there are anatomical shapes, some with a notch, and some with ridges along the edges. There is also a material with a memory effect that can take on any body shape.
  4. Buyer's preference. If a person likes to sleep on his back, low, flat products will suit him. And if a person likes to sleep on his side, anatomical shapes will suit him, which will give the neck the correct position.

The main thing in this choice is to clearly select what you really need and use it correctly.

How is the spine structured?

Blood arteries pass through it, supplying blood to the brain.
So the girl went to bed.

Nice girl, beautiful pajamas, silk bed... Many people fall asleep on their backs with their heads raised, reading a book or watching TV. The cervical spine (its middle part) makes almost a right angle with the lower part of the spine. The head bends forward, the chin almost touches the chest, and accordingly this wonderful picture will fundamentally change. Now we will see what happens to the spine. You see - the head is pressed to the chest. Here are the two most difficult places. One is at the entrance of the blood artery into the canal, that is, it is near the chest, and the second place is where the blood arteries enter the cranial cavity, under the back of the head. Both paired vessels are compressed, blood flow decreases, and decreases fundamentally.

The older a person is and the longer the spine has been altered by what we call osteochondrosis, the more dangerous this position is, the more cerebral blood flow is disrupted.

And we take all these poses of our own free will.

For older people, this pose risks a stroke. The vast majority of ischemic strokes occur in the early morning hours, that is, when a person spent a significant part of the night in an incorrect, uncomfortable position.

What happens if you lie on a high pillow on your side?

The same thing only on one side. On one side there may be no blood flow at all.

Why do we constantly talk about the vertebral arteries, because they supply blood to very specific areas of the brain. And often there is no other blood flow, only through these two arteries. Therefore, these same vertebral arteries must be nurtured and cherished.

Types of orthopedic pillows for the head

Depending on the material from which this orthopedic product is made, they are:

  • Made of latex. This is a natural, hypoallergenic and elastic material for the most sensitive sleepers. It is perfect for allergy sufferers and can perfectly retain its shape for a long time and is easy to care for.
  • Polyurethane foam. This is a version of artificial latex that tolerates washing well.
  • Orthopedic foam. It has that notorious “memory effect”, which allows the pillow to fully display all the curves of the body. Most convenient for those who often toss and turn at night.
  • Polyester. Easy to care for and comfortable material, which also has a low price.
  • Gel filler. Can take different shapes, they are usually flat in shape, good for those who like to sleep on their stomach.
  • Buckwheat husk. Eco-friendly filler that has a massage effect. You need to know how to use such a pillow, because once it takes one shape, it cannot change it.

Choice is a responsible process, where everyone relies on their own feelings and tests each option on themselves.

Main characteristics

When choosing a model, pay attention to: shape, size, filling and price of the pillow. Be sure to consider your sleeping position. Search the Internet for reviews from independent customers who have already purchased the model you have chosen and are honest about its advantages and disadvantages.

But what you shouldn’t do is trust the advice of bloggers - companies pay them to promote products, which is why bloggers praise pillows, attributing to them properties that they never had. This is not an objective assessment of the product. Look for reviews from real customers who did not receive money for advertising, but paid themselves by purchasing the product.


Classic The most common, traditional, trusted form of pillow. Despite the fact that many other options have appeared recently, the rectangular one does not lose its popularity. You can rotate it as you like, you can change your sleeping position on it - and it will still be comfortable.

On such a pillow you can spin as you please.

Two cushions of different heights The most popular form of orthopedic pillow. The cushion supports the natural curves of the neck and relieves tension from the muscles. On such a pillow, the head is guaranteed to be in the correct position. Often the bolsters are of unequal height; you can turn the model and sleep on the side where it is more comfortable.

Models with two rollers of different heights are the most popular

With a recess for the shoulder The pillow is designed for those who sleep on their side. It is difficult for such people to find a comfortable sleeping position because their head is high above the level of the bed. A regular feather pillow has to be fluffed up and placed on its edge, which is not very convenient. With an orthopedic pillow with a recess for the shoulder, there is no need to perform such complex manipulations; the manufacturer has already thought through everything and created a model of the required height and shape.

A pillow with a shoulder hole is comfortable for side sleepers

Star. An unusual model helps you sleep comfortably on your stomach. On a regular pillow or without one at all, the sleeper strongly arches his neck and sticks his nose into the mattress. The star shape helps you quickly find a comfortable position and breathe easily. The thermoactive material from which the model is made does not compress the delicate skin of the face and prevents the appearance of swelling and wrinkles.

Pillow for the road and more


Measure your shoulder. The pillow should have approximately the same height, plus or minus two centimeters. If you sleep on your stomach, take a lower model, if you sleep on your side, take a slightly higher one.

The length and width of the product are not particularly important. The orthopedic properties of the 50x70 cm model do not differ from the 65x35 cm pillow. It is important that the pillow fits completely on the bed and does not hang down.


The orthopedic properties of the pillow depend more on the filler than on other parameters.

Memory reacts to pressure and heat, changing its structure and adapting to the shape of the sleeper’s body. When a person lies on a regular mattress, his own weight compresses the soft tissues in the place where they come into contact with the bed. This doesn't happen with memory. It takes the shape of the human body without resistance. The absence of back pressure is the main advantage of the innovative material.

Memory remembers the contours of the human body and does not put pressure on the skin.

Tempur. An improved version of memory foam. Not only does it not put pressure on soft tissues, but it also distributes body weight evenly over the surface of the pillow, creating a feeling of floating in weightlessness.

Soy foam. As the name implies, one of the components of the material is natural soy. There are many soy foams, and they all have different properties. Often the manufacturer combines several types of foams in one model. For example, memory foam is on top, and a more rigid, dense material is underneath. You can turn the pillow over and sleep on the side that is more comfortable. There are models scented with natural neroli oil - it is added during the manufacture of the material, so the light soothing smell of wild orange does not fade, but remains throughout the entire life of the pillow.

Natural latex. Obtained from the juice of the Hevea plant. One of the most durable materials, its service life is at least 10 years. It is perforated over the entire surface, so it is well ventilated and does not accumulate dust inside. It has bactericidal properties; even after years of use, microorganisms do not settle inside.

Polyurethane foam. It is inferior to other materials in elasticity, has a greater pushing effect, and is more suitable for men.

Cooling gel. It is not used on its own, but on top of other materials. Thanks to its structure, it removes the heat of the human body inside the product. Lying on a cool surface is pleasant and beneficial; a person turns over less in his sleep and sleeps more soundly.

By purpose

Few people sleep all night in one position. If you know you fall asleep on your back

If you wake up
on your stomach
, a universal rectangular pillow made of memory or natural latex will suit you. Elastic materials do not compress soft tissues, no matter how you lie down.

For sleeping on your back

A wave-shaped pillow is perfect.
Those who like to lie on their side
will love the model with a recess for the shoulder.
sleeping, the best option is a low, star-shaped model.


How is an orthopedic pillow different from other pillows? Because it supports the spine in a physiologically correct position and improves blood circulation. This effect is achieved through the use of more expensive fillers, so most often the cost of an orthopedic model is higher than a traditional one.

For example, Tempur pillows made of thermoactive material cost 10,000-30,000 rubles. These are not small amounts, but clients who have tried sleeping on innovative material then do not want to use other models, and give comfortable Tempur pillows to their loved ones for the holidays.

If you don’t think it’s necessary to spend that kind of money, but still want to get a model that will support the spine in the correct position, pay attention to Dimax Basis Maxi. The model costs less than 3,000 rubles, but thanks to its shape and memory filling it creates a comfortable sleeping place.

Non-orthopedic pillows, such as those made from down, may cost even more than orthopedic pillows, but they do not support the neck as much as needed, so they are not as comfortable to lie on.

How to put a pillow under your head correctly

How to properly place your head on a pillow? If you want to choose an optimally comfortable position and have tried to lie on it in advance, then you have already decided exactly how you will position it. A friend or relative will help you look at the body’s posture from the outside. Ask to see how to place an orthopedic pillow for comfortable lying and the body takes the correct position. Naturally, right away, during the first few nights, you will need to get used to your new purchase. But after the adaptation period, you will feel relaxation and comfort.

What will help you improve your health?

The variety of options available—such as regimens, exercise, fitness, diets, and medications—make it difficult for a person to choose a truly effective treatment.

However, you can avoid most of these procedures if you promptly start using only one orthopedic item - a pillow. This is confirmed by the classics of medicine, who leave positive reviews about orthopedic pillows. In their opinion, each orthopedic product has sufficient potential to raise a person’s vitality.

How to properly place an orthopedic pillow under your head during a hernia

The use of orthopedic products is widespread for the prevention of treatment of hernias in the cervical spine. They restore blood circulation throughout the spine and relieve pain. Orthopedic pillow: how to sleep correctly - the neck should rise under the head; for this, rectangular pillows are purchased that have either bolsters or elevations. Then it is better to sleep on your side, without allowing the vertebrae to bend. If you prefer to lie on your back, a small product with a semi-rigid filler will do. In case of exacerbation of the disease, you need to make a choice in favor of a soft filler; it will carefully support the vertebrae, the neck should lie relaxed.

Manufacturers and prices

To finally understand which orthopedic pillow is best to buy, consider popular and reliable companies that have a high rating and produce the best orthopedic products, as well as how much they cost.

Ortamek (Russia). Specializes in the production of products of both traditional and ergonomic shapes. The company provides a wide selection of models. A domestically produced latex pillow is affordable, although the quality is no worse than its foreign counterparts. The company produces models with buckwheat husks, Memorix foam, eco-label and cooling gel. The price of such a thing is no more than 3 thousand rubles.

How to sleep on orthopedic pillows for newborns

At any age, the spine needs support - both adults and infants. This is especially true for newborn children. After all, it is in the initial stages of life that the shape of the head is formed and the way the baby lies is very important. An anatomical pillow for newborns is a product in the shape of a small butterfly, the two sides of which provide the proper barrier and maintain the correct position. How to use an orthopedic pillow for babies? Doctors advise putting small children to bed before the age of one and a half years. This promotes healthy sleep for both parents and babies. It is recommended to choose eucalyptus filler so that the children’s heads do not sweat too much, and the aroma can calm the nervous system.

How to improve efficiency?

Nowadays it is possible for people to create better conditions for treatment with orthopedic pillows using the time factor.

To do this, they need to use additional types of orthopedic pillows. Their potential allows them to affect certain parts of the human body, including the lower limbs, head, neck and back. We should also highlight the popular orthopedic seat cushion, which helps to drive a car or work at a computer.

And an orthopedic pillow for cervical osteochondrosis is also no less in demand among consumers. Moreover, all this variety of products has no side effects on human health, which means it is available to the maximum number of people.

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