Why does my neck hurt after sleeping on an orthopedic pillow?

If your neck hurts after using an orthopedic pillow, it means that the product was chosen incorrectly. This pillow is intended for people with back and muscle diseases and for the prevention of problems with the cervical vertebrae, but if you do not pay due attention to a number of characteristics, you can only aggravate the disease. It has long been proven that if the head is positioned incorrectly during sleep, lack of sleep, chronic fatigue, pain in the spine and joints, muscle cramps and a number of other problems can occur.

To prevent this from happening, you should give preference only to high-quality bedding, including an anatomical pillow that supports the head and neck in the most comfortable position. But, in some cases, even with the use of orthopedic products, severe pain in the cervical region may occur, which gradually spreads throughout the back. The reason is that the pillow was initially chosen incorrectly. When purchasing, you need to pay attention to a number of features and characteristics.

Bad morning, or when your head is pounding

“There are no trifles when it comes to health,” says a forum member on a portal about healthy lifestyle. “Regimen, nutrition, proper sleep... In a word, after reading magazines and watching a program with Elena Malysheva, I decided that I simply needed an anatomical pillow.”

The thoughts are logical, the mood is understandable. But then the woman tells how she made a mistake with her purchase. I decided to save money and ordered a new product from an unfamiliar online store. She complained that her head and neck hurt after sleeping.

And, indeed, this happens. Unpleasant sensations may appear if, for example, the sleep product was chosen incorrectly. There are subtleties, and we will talk about them a little later.

It can also hurt for other reasons. Well, let's say you have problems with your spine or other ailments. Neck and head pain are quite common symptoms. By the way, a popular question: will anatomical models of pillows help if you suffer from osteochondrosis? Experts have different opinions. So be sure to consult your doctor!

Criteria for choosing an anatomical pillow

  • Size. It is worth considering that only the neck and head should be on the pillow, and not half the body, as it was before. This is far from being an attribute of luxury, but a serious threat to the spine, so it is better to immediately retrain yourself and sleep correctly. For people with a large build, a size from 50*70 cm is suitable. For those with an average build, a product with parameters of 60*40 cm is intended, and for children – 20*30 or 50*40 cm.
  • Height. Selected based on your favorite sleeping position. For those who sleep on their back, the optimal option would be a height of 6 to 10 cm, on the side - 12 cm, on the stomach - a minimum thickness so that the neck is not in an unnatural position. Some models allow you to adjust the height, but they are much more expensive. Height should also depend on weight and build.
  • Form. Orthopedic pillows are available in a wide range, ranging from conventional rectangular ones to those with waves, notches, bolsters or cartridges. The most popular is the anatomical one with two special rollers, thanks to which the most convenient shape for a person is taken.

Particular attention should be paid to the filler, since only a few materials are the criterion for a quality product:

  • Elastic foam. Quickly changes shape and retains it for a long time. The structure is fine-mesh, the material itself is soft, hypoallergenic and safe, and has breathable properties. In addition to synthetic ones, bio-foams can also be used.
  • Viscous foam. Originally developed for astronauts, but now used throughout the world for correct orthopedic products. It can be natural or synthetic. Service life – up to 10 years.
  • Buckwheat husk. A unique, modern and completely natural raw material that has an excellent memory effect and can quickly take on a new shape depending on the position of a person’s head and neck. Husk is used only for classic options without rollers and cartridges.

If the orthopedic pillow was initially chosen incorrectly, then after just a few days of use, neck pain will appear. Over time, it will gradually intensify, moving to the shoulders, spine, lower back and even legs. It will be difficult to choose a comfortable sleeping position, problems with sleep will appear, including headaches. Therefore, it is better not to wonder whether an orthopedic pillow can cause neck pain, but to immediately solve the problem at the slightest manifestation.

It's all about...

Do you remember your most interesting dream? Maybe you flew or traveled in it. Maybe you returned to childhood: the old yard, friends, swings... In what position did you open your eyes? Each of us has our own favorite sleeping position. Some people need to lie down like a sun, others need to curl up in a ball.

How does all this relate to physiology and health? The correct sleeping position is crucial! It depends on it how healthy your sleep is. The natural position of the spine is what we need to feel “at our best.” And on a fluffy, high pillow, the cervical region is strongly curved.

You will not feel any discomfort in your sleep. Well, you're used to sleeping like that. But the lack of oxygen due to impaired blood flow and muscle tension, which should not exist during a night’s rest, will eventually result in headaches, dizziness, insomnia... In general, you don’t need this. This is why the correct choice of anatomical pillow is so important.

Remote work broke our necks: How to save your spine if you sit in front of the computer for hours

Strict restrictions have long been lifted, but many still have not returned to the office and continue to work from home. Somewhere an employer decided to save money on office rent. Somewhere, citizens themselves prefer not to increase the risk of contracting a dangerous infection. Indeed, if you have a computer, the Internet, mobile communications, then what difference does it make where you perform your duties?

However, not everyone can boast that they have a good home office. Often you have to hang out in front of the computer for hours on the kitchen table, windowsill or stool in front of the sofa - as conditions permit.

After a year of hard work, the consequences of such a spartan environment are already beginning to appear. Together with a famous chiropractor, a doctor in physical therapy and sports medicine, an assistant at the Department of Sports Medicine and Medical Rehabilitation of the First Moscow State Medical University named after. I. M. Sechenov Ksenia Iurku we looked at all the poses in which people at home at the computer, and how conditions can be made healthier.

If we lie on the sofa on our stomach, then in this position we lean on our elbows, and if this happens for a long time, then the so-called tunnel syndrome (or carpal tunnel syndrome - a neurological disease manifested by prolonged pain and numbness of the fingers) may develop. In addition, when we lie on our stomach and lift our thoracic region from the surface with the help of our arms, the spine is fixed in a non-physiological state: the head is thrown back, and the lower back is in a deflection. It is undesirable to stay in this position for a long time: headaches, pain in the neck and lower back may appear. So you shouldn’t work for more than 15-20 minutes in this position.

If we lie on our stomach, then in this position we rely on our elbows, and if this happens for a long time, then the so-called tunnel syndrome may develop

If we lie on our stomach, then in this position we rely on our elbows, and if this happens for a long time, then the so-called tunnel syndrome may develop

You can work on the sofa or lying on your back. Lying on your back is generally useful, but as soon as we place a laptop in front of us, in order to see the screen, we are forced to put a high pillow under our head. In this position, the neck flattens, the muscles of its back surface stretch, and the front surface, on the contrary, spasms. This leads to protrusions and herniations of intervertebral discs and, as a result, headaches, dizziness, and numbness of the hands.

You shouldn't lie in this position at all. But if there is no other choice, then you can use a special laptop stand, which is fixed on the stomach and ensures that the screen is positioned in front of the eyes. In this case, the neck is in a relaxed state. Laptop on lap

If you work remotely, then why not from the park in the spring? Well, or at least from the balcony - why not a mini-park. Laptop on your lap, got Wi-Fi, your boss won’t understand that you’re not working hard, but enjoying yourself. But if you place the laptop on your lap, the heat from the fan below is directed towards the pelvic organs. And it is better not to overheat them, because this can provoke the development of inflammatory reactions. Also, when we are in this position, we have to lean down towards the screen, we slouch and get the same problems associated with the spine that we talked about above.

You can also sit on the sofa with a laptop on your lap, with your back pressed against the backrest and your legs stretched out. But in this case, you need a stand for the computer so that it is higher: a blanket or a blanket could be suitable, but on such a soft pillow the laptop runs the risk of quickly overheating. So it’s worth purchasing a special fan stand. And you should bend your knees a little, placing some small cushion under them, for example a folded blanket. This position will give the legs the correct position, blood circulation in the lower extremities will not be impaired.

You can also sit on the sofa with a laptop on your lap

It would seem that the ideal option is to work at a normal desk. But we slouch, lean on the tabletop, push our heads forward when the height of the seat and table is not suitable for our back.

It is important that the monitor is at eye level, otherwise we have to tilt our heads, which is bad for the thoracic and cervical spine. This can lead to back pain, headaches, dizziness and fatigue. To avoid this, you can buy a special monitor stand, attach it to the wall, or place a box or several books under it and raise the screen to eye level.

The optimal distance from the face to the screen is from 60 to 100 cm, depending on the diagonal of the monitor.

We slouch, lean on the tabletop, push our heads forward when the height of the seat and table is not suitable for our back.

After 10 - 15 minutes of sitting, a person ceases to control the position of the spine: he begins to slouch, fall apart in a chair or on a chair. As a result of this, in addition to the thoracic and cervical regions, the lumbar region also begins to suffer compensatory damage: physiological curves become flattened, which, with everyday long-term sitting, can lead to degenerative changes in the spine and pain.

To avoid this, you can buy a special bolster for the lower back, like the ones used by motorists. The roller helps maintain the physiological curve (lordosis).

Secondly, you can train your muscles and spine: sit not on a seat, but on an attached balancing pillow. It can be purchased at a sporting goods store. Our body on the pillow feels instability and tries to fix itself in the correct position. The work of the muscles is not felt, but at the same time it goes on, and the person simply cannot slouch: the muscles surrounding the spine do not allow this to be done. In this case, the position on the pillow should be alternated with sitting on a chair every 40 - 45 minutes so that the muscles do not become overly tired.

You can also use a large inflatable ball - a fitball - instead of a chair. You should alternate positions on the ball and on the chair in the same way as in the case of a pillow. Maintaining the correct position of the spine is easiest when your back and neck are adjacent to the back of the chair. Therefore, when working, you should use a seat with a high backrest.

Leg joints suffer

When we sit on a chair, the hip joints are bent at an angle of 90 degrees, which in itself is not physiological. People also often cross their legs, which disrupts the blood supply and lymph flow in the lower extremities. And this can provoke the formation of edema, as well as the development of diseases of the veins and pelvic organs.

To avoid this, get up every 40 - 45 minutes and do a short stretch for 5 - 8 minutes.

Don't let yourself get sick!

Sitting for more than 10 hours a day causes more health problems than smoking!

Link to publication: kp.ru

“Assorted” for a sweet dream

The selection of anatomical pillows is huge. They are distinguished by height, size, filling, shape. And, of course, the purpose:

  • for adults
  • lactating and pregnant women
  • children
  • rest and travel (under the neck, back, legs, etc.)

Listening to your body, you should also choose the material from which the product is made. There are natural and artificial fillers. All of them are safe: hypoallergenic, non-toxic, hygienic. If we are talking, of course, about a quality product. Be vigilant and beware of fakes!

A real and properly selected pillow will provide you with a sound and restful sleep. She will give you comfort. After all, it bends just enough so that the spine takes on an anatomically correct shape.

What kind of pillow should it be?

Each person should “try on” a pillow before buying, since each model has its own functional purpose. There are the following types of products:

  • for sleeping on your back;
  • for sleeping on your stomach;
  • for sleeping on your side;
  • for people with migraines, frequent headaches and snoring;
  • for people with osteochondrosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • for pregnant women;
  • for children;
  • for lower back and leg health.

In most cases, they have an anatomical effect and retain the initially specified parameters, “remembering” the person’s posture so that it is comfortable to sleep. If you choose the wrong option, the problems will only get worse, and you can forget about a comfortable sleep.

The pillow itself, regardless of type, must be hypoallergenic, safe, durable, have a healing effect, be lightweight and easy to care for. In addition, the surface should not absorb odors. If your neck hurts after sleeping on an orthopedic pillow, then one of the criteria is not met.

Choose so choose

Now about what you need to consider when choosing. So as not to complain later that your neck hurts after using an anatomical pillow or that you have a constant headache.

So, the position of the head. The shoulders only touch the edge of the pillow; only the neck and head are located on it. If the model has a bolster and its height matches your shoulder, everything is fine.

A few more “secrets” that everyone should know. The ideal width of bedding, which we have dedicated this article to, is equal to the width of your shoulders. Then it will be as comfortable as possible to sleep.

When deciding on rigidity, experts advise focusing on your favorite position. Softer should be chosen for those who sleep on their stomach, medium-hard for those who sleep on their back, and hard for those who like to sleep on their side.

Feeling of numbness in the neck - where to go

If you have a feeling of numbness in your neck, you need to make an appointment with a neurologist. This specialist has the necessary level of professional competence to identify the potential cause and eliminate it.

In most cases, numbness in the back of the neck is caused by osteochondrosis and its complications. In this situation, the best choice would be a vertebrologist. This doctor will be able to develop a course of restorative therapy, thanks to which you will be able to completely restore the lost health of the spinal column.

If numbness in the skin of the neck or muscles appears after a traumatic impact (fall, blow, participation in an accident, or simply emergency braking while driving in a car with the head thrown back), then you should immediately visit a traumatologist. This doctor will order an x-ray to rule out the possibility of a fracture or crack in the bone tissue of the spinal column. This is a very dangerous condition in which complete paralysis of the entire body can quickly develop. Therefore, you should not hesitate to seek medical help.

After contacting a neurologist or vertebrologist, an X-ray examination will also be prescribed. It will reveal indirect signs of the development of osteochondrosis (decrease in the height of the intervertebral spaces), deforming spondyloarthrosis (narrowing of the joint space), the development of osteophytes and disruption of the position of the vertebral bodies with their possible displacement. For further diagnosis, you will need to conduct an MRI examination, ultrasound examination of the vessels of the neck and brain. Consultation with an otolaryngologist, pulmonologist and cardiologist may be required.

If numbness of the neck muscle is caused by endocrine and vascular problems, such as diabetic angiopathy or atherosclerosis, then additional treatment will be required from an endocrinologist and vascular surgeon.

Tips and signs

And finally, a few points that may be useful to you:

  • place your bets only on trusted manufacturers
  • lie on the pillow before buying it
  • if you want to put your palm under your cheek or put your hand under the pillow - the height is not yours
  • good support for the head while sleeping will save you from premature wrinkles
  • If you sleep a lot and don’t get enough sleep, it’s time to change your night companion!

Choosing an anatomical pillow is not an easy task.
But if you approach this issue with all responsibility, you will recharge yourself to the maximum every day. And you can forget about pain in the cervical spine. Your spine will be pleased! And the body will respond with excellent health! Share:

Neck pain due to osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine causes pain in the neck regardless of whether a person is sleeping or awake, but at night the discomfort may intensify, which is associated with a long stay of the head in a motionless position.

During the day, a person constantly strains his neck muscles; this promotes proper blood flow and is a unique way of natural pain relief. At night, blood circulation slows down, blood stagnates in the veins, this causes tissue swelling and increased irritation of the nerve roots, which are already injured and inflamed due to displacement of the vertebrae and the appearance of bone growths along their edges.

Unpleasant sensations in the neck with this disease can be two- or one-sided. To “check” the origin of the pain, you can conduct a test: press on symmetrical points located on the back of the neck on both sides of the spine. If there is an injured nerve root in the area of ​​pressure, this action will cause increased pain.

Nighttime symptoms of osteochondrosis intensify when choosing the wrong pillow, which also needs to be taken into account by patients who want to cope with neck pain. But just changing bedding will not help; for diagnosis and treatment you need to consult a neurologist.

What can you do

For additional activities that may help you feel better, try learning to do the following.

  1. Learn to relax. Doctors’ assertion that many health problems and stress are interconnected is not unfounded. Try (as much as possible) to remove stress from your life. It is pointless to be upset about little things and things that you cannot influence. Massage has an excellent relaxing effect. Make it a rule to take breaks during the working day, giving your body a little rest. Lie down on a flat surface and try to relax your neck muscles.
  2. Posture. The condition of the back, shoulders and neck largely depends on correct posture. If you cannot control your posture on your own, seek help from a doctor. Alternatively, he may recommend wearing a corset and a set of special exercises (especially important for teenagers).
  3. Normal charging. If most of your workday is spent sitting (for example, at a sewing machine or in front of a computer), be sure to distract yourself and set aside time to warm up. A set of basic exercises usually takes no more than 5-10 minutes. However, even this time will be enough to relieve the stress from your shoulders and neck.

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