Why does the lower abdomen hurt and pull after sexual intercourse?

August 4, 2021

Pain during sexual intercourse in a man signals urological, venereal or surgical problems. Depending on how the pain syndrome manifests itself and the results of the initial diagnosis, the specialist will prescribe instrumental and laboratory tests. The sooner diagnosis and treatment begin, the fewer physical and psychological complications await the patient.

When pain is not associated with pathology

Sometimes it is unnecessary to panic, since discomfort in the lower abdomen is due to physiological reasons:

1. Approaching menstruation.

7-10 days before its onset, the sensitivity of the vaginal walls increases several times. A woman complains of heaviness and bloating in her abdomen. Therefore, for many, intercourse during this period will be unpleasant.

2. Too passionate or even rude actions of the partner, lack of foreplay.

Excessive pressure on the vaginal walls and internal organs causes nagging pain after intimacy. You can avoid this by spending enough time on foreplay and talking with your partner about your feelings and preferences.

3. Poorly chosen position and impressive penis size.

Although it is believed that there is no anatomical incompatibility between partners, since the vaginal mucosa is extremely elastic, the first intercourse, when “getting used to” each other, can be very painful. Incorrect posture will complicate the situation. The use of lubricants and the choice of positions in which the woman herself regulates the depth of penetration will help here.

4. Adhesions in the pelvis after previous illnesses, difficult childbirth or operations.

In this case, pain can be observed not only after intercourse, but also in everyday life, even when the weather changes. Look for a position in which the discomfort will go away, use gels and lubricants.

5. Congestion in the pelvic organs due to irregular sexual activity and muscle spasm after orgasm.

The unpleasant sensations are short-term and go away on their own.

What is pain like during sex?

pain that occurs during intimacy, dyspareunia . It can hurt in different ways. Often women describe this as an unpleasant sensation, a burning sensation, discomfort, stretching, tingling. Often the pain is accompanied by copious discharge of an unnatural color.

According to medical observations, more than half of all women experience dyspareunia at one time or another in their lives. This disease most often occurs among women in the postpartum period, as well as during menopause.

The cause of pain can be anything - in fact there are many of them. Depending on the source of pain, the causes are:

  • Symptomatic, or physical . In this case, pain during sexual intercourse is a symptom of some disturbance in the functioning of the genitourinary system - these are cicatricial changes in organs, their traumatic injuries, inflammation, tumor processes, disruption of the integrity of the hymen (defloration).
  • Psychological . In this case, dyspareunia is caused solely by the psychological state of the patient. These are conflicts in the couple, anxiety and obsessive states (for example, fear of pregnancy or the possibility of contracting sexually transmitted infections), traumatic situations in the past (for example, betrayal of a partner or sexual violence), feelings of guilt towards a partner, fear after a painful childbirth, loss loved ones and others.
  • Mixed . In this type of dyspareunia, physiological causes first arise, to which psychological ones are then added. The woman begins to fear the pain will recur and refuses intimacy. A striking example is endometriosis . It leads to quite noticeable pain during sex with a partner. The next time the woman begins to fear the appearance of this pain, she cannot relax, the muscles of her intimate organs spasm (this phenomenon is called vaginismus), causing discomfort. Since there is no arousal, mucus is not produced, and an additional feeling of dryness and discomfort occurs. It's a vicious circle.

Depending on the location of the pain, dyspareunia occurs:

  • Superficial – when it hurts “outside” . Somewhere where the labia majora and minora are, the clitoris, near the entrance to the vagina. Discomfort appears during foreplay or at the very beginning of sexual intercourse, when partners try to get closer. Often such superficial pain indicates fungal diseases, genital herpes, bartholinitis and genital defects.
  • Deep - when the pain is localized somewhere inside, in the pelvic area. Unpleasant sensations arise directly during lovemaking. This type of pain often indicates inflammation of the female organs, the presence of infectious diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, and tumors.

When nagging pain is an alarming symptom

If your lower abdomen often hurts after sex, this may be a sign of the following diseases:

PathologyWhy does pain occur?Associated symptoms
EndometriosisEvery second woman with this diagnosis experiences pain during and after sex. It is caused by the fact that pathological tissues reach the vaginal area, and the penis, upon penetration, puts strong pressure on this area, causing pain. Heavy menstruation, breakthrough bleeding, infertility.
True cervical erosionUlcers and extensive wounds on the neck sharply increase its sensitivity, which leads to pain.It is asymptomatic or manifests itself as nagging pain and bleeding after sex.
Ovarian cystThis is a liquid formation that increases the volume of the organ several times. It puts pressure on surrounding organs and tissues, which causes discomfort. A functional cyst can rupture on its own during heavy lifting or after sexual intercourse. The pain is nagging and intense, and may be accompanied by nausea and dizziness.
CandidiasisThe fungus causes irritation and inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, which makes physical intimacy not enjoyable.Burning, profuse vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor.
Infectious diseasesCaused by staphylococci, chlamydia, gonococci, E. coli, etc. Pain appears against the background of inflammation of the urinary and reproductive systems.Accompanied by unusual vaginal discharge, itching, and frequent urination.

Treatment of dyspareunia in our medical center:

  1. Effective . The result is noticeable after the first procedure!
  2. Safe . Thanks to the use of the latest laser, the genitals are not injured, and there are no complications after the procedure.
  3. Painless . No discomfort during or after the procedure.
  4. Fast . Three procedures are often sufficient.
  5. Long term . The effect after the procedure, as a rule, lasts for life, with the exception of traumatic situations.

The procedure for laser treatment of pain during sexual intercourse is carried out only by qualified gynecologists who have the skills to use the Deka Mona Lisa Touch device.

Postcoital cystitis is one of the most common causes of pain

Acute inflammation of the bladder quite often occurs during active sexual activity. There is even a special term for this - honeymoon cystitis. Why does sexual intercourse become an unfavorable factor?

It's all about the mechanical effect on the urethra, stagnation of blood in its lower third and changes in the tone of the pelvic floor muscles. These factors can appear separately or combine, reinforcing each other. As a result, E. coli or Staphylococcus aureus - the main causative agents of inflammation - easily penetrate the genitourinary system. Cystitis also often develops after unprotected sexual intercourse, during which there is a high risk of bacterial infection.

The use of contraceptives containing spermicides makes the situation even more tense: their active components reduce the number of beneficial lactobacilli in the vagina and change its pH level, opening access to the urethra for bacteria.

An effective way to treat postcoital cystitis and eliminate pain is antibacterial therapy, but it should only be prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication is unacceptable.

Should I end intimate relationships?

Only a doctor can answer this question after carrying out diagnostic measures. During the inflammatory process, intimate relationships are undesirable due to the high risk of the pathology spreading to healthy tissues and organs. If one of the partners has a specific or nonspecific infection, then sexual contact will lead to primary or secondary infection.

After examination and diagnosis, the doctor will tell you whether to pause intimate relationships.

How to treat

First of all, the gynecologist will look at the patient in a chair, take a smear and prescribe an ultrasound. Further tactics depend on the diagnosis. Thus, drug therapy will help to cope with thrush, hormonal drugs are effective for endometriosis, and surgical intervention is required for polyps.

There are many causes of pain in the lower abdomen. You should not look for concomitant signs of all the above pathologies. Only a specialist, having carried out all diagnostic procedures, will prescribe competent treatment. But you don't have to endure the pain! Paying close attention to the health of the body helps to recognize the disease in its early stages, which in most cases makes it easier to treat. Take care of yourself - make an appointment with one of our gynecologists today.

When the left side of the lower back hurts

Unilateral localization of pain in men often indicates urological problems, in women - inflammation of the pelvic organs. This is usually how vaginitis (colpitis) manifests itself. This is a whole group of pathologies that are accompanied by inflammatory processes in the vaginal mucosa. Pain in the left lower back often signals the progression of osteochondrosis. If a formed intervertebral hernia or bone growths (osteophytes) infringe on the spinal roots located on the left, then pain appears on the same side.

What to do to relieve pain

Physical health also depends on your emotional state. Often a woman is unable to concentrate on having sex if she has any problems due to nervous tension. And constant dissatisfaction becomes the cause of various functional disorders.

If the doctor has not found any serious obstacles to ending intimate relationships, then it is better to have sex in the position on top, with your back turned to the man. Pain will not occur or its severity will significantly decrease during sexual intercourse in positions where the man is behind.

Methods for diagnosing pain during intimacy

Pain during sex in women is not normal. If this symptom occurs regularly, it is important to seek help from a gynecologist. In the absence of timely treatment, a number of pathologies can progress, and other symptoms will be added to the discomfort.

At the initial appointment, the specialist will collect anamnesis, carefully listen to the patient’s complaints and conduct an examination in a gynecological chair. Additionally, laboratory and instrumental techniques may be prescribed:

  • testing for sexually transmitted infections. If latent sexually transmitted infections are suspected, smears are taken from the vagina and cervix (the study is carried out using the PCR method);
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs. This is a simple and safe method that does not require special training. With its help, a specialist can assess the structure and size of the ovaries, uterus and its cervix, detect foci of endometriosis, the presence of follicles and neoplasms (cysts);
  • colposcopy. It involves a visual examination of the cervix, vagina and vulva under a microscope. The technique allows us to identify various pathologies of the mucous membranes of the genital organs;
  • hysteroscopy. This is an examination of the cervical canal and uterine cavity using a special optical system. It is performed if endometriosis is suspected.
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