How to talk about a hernia in a child? Umbilical hernia in a child: causes, symptoms and treatment

To treat umbilical hernia in newborns, healers use special spell words, but rituals performed by the mother at home can also bring recovery to the child. To do this, you need to know the rules of the magical procedure. The words of prayer spoken by mother with love and hope turn out to be stronger than the conspiracies of psychics and grandmothers-healers. You just need to be confident in the success of the spell, and the disturbance in the navel area will gradually disappear.

Since you can heal a hernia in a baby yourself, there is no need to torment your child with trips to healers.

Medical certificate

The child, while in the womb, is connected to the mother through the umbilical cord. Through it, it receives the nutrients necessary for formation and growth. After birth, the umbilical cord is tied by an obstetrician-gynecologist and cut. The umbilical cord falls off on its own after a few days. Over time, thanks to the muscles of the peritoneum, the umbilical ring tightens. However, in newborns it is weak and may not close completely. This leads to bulging of the intestinal loop.

An umbilical hernia in a child is a condition in which organs of the peritoneum protrude under the skin through the umbilical ring. It occurs predominantly in newborns, but can also occur in one-year-olds and older children (6-8 years).

Rules for reading conspiracies

To carry out a conspiracy of hernia in newborns, you must have knowledge of the time and rules for reading the prayer:

  • Lunar energy plays a major role in healing with spells. In order for the ritual to achieve its goal, magic words are pronounced when the lunar month is waning.
  • The prayer is read by the baby's close relatives. The mother or grandmother is chosen as the baby's healer. In a newly born baby, an umbilical hernia can be caused by both of them together. After all, loved ones worry deeply and with all their hearts about the health of the newborn.
  • The mother's confidence in healing is transferred to the baby during the spell, strengthening his spirit and body. And the healing power of words has been known for a long time. And during the ritual, actions are not as important as prayer that brings health.

  • The procedure of reading a prayer aimed at expelling an illness from a baby is carried out while being charged with positive emotions. Calm and goodness reign in the children's room of the mysterious ritual. Women dress in a white shirt over their naked body, without tying it with a belt. The hair is loosened and neatly styled.
  • You shouldn’t talk about the conspiracy even to your loved ones. This is a sacrament that will give healing to the baby. There is no need to make a show out of the procedure. After all, talking about a conspiracy and the results of the ritual will harm the baby and his health.

An umbilical hernia in a baby can be healed independently, following the rules and timing of the ritual.

Main reasons

The defect may be congenital or acquired. In the first case, its reasons are the following:

  • prematurity;
  • weakness of the abdominal muscles, caused genetically;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • an infectious disease suffered by the mother during pregnancy.

Among the acquired causes of hernia in newborns are the following:

  • intestinal colic;
  • birth weight deficiency;
  • constipation, cough, flatulence;
  • lactase deficiency.

A hernia may appear towards the end of the first year of life. As a rule, it is associated with frequent constipation or early onset of walking, when the muscles have not yet become sufficiently strong.

What is an umbilical hernia in a baby?

An umbilical hernia is an enlargement of the umbilical ring caused by muscle weakness and bulging of organs that are usually found in the abdominal cavity. Does not cause discomfort if there are no complications. Very rarely, newborns experience unpleasant consequences of this anomaly.

The disease can be diagnosed by external symptoms. A hernia looks like a lump in the navel area. It increases in size with muscle tension and almost disappears with rest.

Umbilical hernia is considered the most common type of condition in newborns, followed by inguinal bulge.

The causes of umbilical hernia in children include:

  • muscle weakness;
  • excess gas;
  • Prolonged crying;
  • concomitant diseases - hypertrophy, rickets;
  • intestinal colic, constipation.

There is also a genetic factor. A hernia can be congenital or acquired. More often this happens some time after the umbilical cord fragments have fallen off. The size of the bulge can vary from “pea” to “pear”.

It is important to understand when you need to urgently consult a doctor and not self-medicate:

  • lightly press to stop the bulge and re-enter the abdominal cavity;
  • the skin becomes rough and red;
  • nausea, vomiting and flatulence appear;
  • the baby becomes restless and cries a lot.

A serious complication is damage to the hernia. In this case, surgical intervention is necessary.

Non-surgical treatment for a hernia in an infant includes:

  • wearing a bandage, gauze compress;
  • massage;
  • diet;
  • Elimination of situations that increase intra-abdominal pressure.

Clinical picture

An umbilical hernia in a child is quite easy to determine on your own. It is a protrusion above the navel, resembling a ball in appearance. Its dimensions can vary from 1 to 10 cm. If you press lightly on it, the ball will be pushed into the peritoneum, but after a while it will appear again.

With a slight protrusion, the hernia can only be noticed when the abdominal muscles are tense. For example, when sneezing, coughing or crying. The color of the skin in this area also changes. It becomes more red.

Children with a hernia are usually restless. This is due to the fact that their characteristic bloating and colic are more painful. In addition, such babies are weather dependent. They react to changing weather conditions with whims or lethargy and drowsiness. Therefore, parents are looking for various options on how to prevent a hernia in a child. Healers have several ways of performing the ritual.

An ancient plot for umbilical hernia

This version of the conspiracy is equally suitable for newborns, small children, and even adults. But use it only in addition to traditional treatments prescribed by your doctor. The conspiracy does not act on its own, but greatly enhances the effectiveness of the drugs.

It is necessary to wake up early in the morning three days in a row, before dawn comes. And read the following magic words over the patient:

If the ritual is performed by the child’s mother, while pronouncing the spell, she needs to hold the baby with her hands in the place where the hernial formation is located. You can touch lightly - you should not cause pain to the child.

Diagnostic methods

An umbilical hernia is clearly visible upon examination. In case of this pathology, an experienced pediatrician immediately refers the child to a surgeon. However, one examination is not enough to confirm the diagnosis. The protrusion may have other reasons for its appearance.

To exclude or confirm a hernia, it is additionally necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination, which includes:

  • blood analysis;
  • Ultrasound;
  • herniography;
  • X-ray of the stomach.

Additional diagnostic methods allow you to choose the right treatment.

Treatment Options

The doctor chooses the method of eliminating the hernia depending on its size. For example, with a slight protrusion and no discomfort, several massage sessions are usually sufficient. If the defect is pinched or persists for a long time, surgical intervention is required.

However, some parents prefer to use alternative medicine methods. They turn to healers or try to heal the child’s hernia on their own. How the various treatment options work will be discussed in detail later in the article.

What is the disease?

This defect can appear already in the first month of life: a small process in the navel area or swelling in the groin area, which stands out during muscle tension and can be pressed in when pressed. Premature babies are more often susceptible to umbilical ulceration: it can be acquired as a result of frequent crying of newborns (“tummy twitching”), less often from disorders in the digestive system. The protrusion cannot always be distinguished, it depends on its size. With the inguinal type, the contents of the abdominal region enter the inguinal canal. Boys are more often affected.

Is intervention and timely treatment necessary? Some pediatricians believe that when the child turns 1 year old, the growth will go away on its own. Otherwise, surgery is performed up to two years. But, if the defect causes anxiety and discomfort to the baby, measures should be taken. A remedy such as a medicinal patch or wearing a bandage does not always bring the desired effect. Most doctors do not agree to remove an appendix from a small child. Where is the salvation? How to help your child? Often, treatment with traditional methods does not bring the desired results, and doctors are not always conscientious representatives of their profession. Then ancient methods of treatment come to the rescue.

Massage sessions

Massage is an effective and at the same time effective method of combating bulging in babies. To perform this, you should contact a specialist. You can also conduct sessions at home. It is enough to massage the baby's belly clockwise every day. Movements should be confident, but smooth and without sudden shocks. You can press lightly with your fingertips, just like a spring works. The whole procedure lasts no more than 5 minutes.

The positive effect becomes noticeable after about a month. In addition, doctors recommend placing the baby on his stomach several times a day. This helps to reduce intra-abdominal pressure, improve the discharge of gases, and increase motor skills of the upper and lower extremities. For older children, massage is also beneficial. However, the movements should be more intense.

What causes defecation disorders?

Most often, constipation in infants is functional, that is, acquired (almost 90%). Arise due to lack of milk and improper diet of the nursing mother; with early transfer of a child to artificial formulas and a sudden change from one formula to another; in cases of drinking violations; in case of allergic reactions to components of milk or formula (for example, to cow's milk protein); malfunction of the thyroid gland; iron deficiency. Among the reasons we will also name dysbacteriosis, immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract and the baby’s central nervous system. The cause of bowel problems is often lactase deficiency - a deficiency of lactase, the enzyme that breaks down milk sugar (lactose). As a result, difficulties arise with the absorption of breast milk.

At the same time, constipation in infants can be organic, that is, congenital . They, as a rule, torment the baby from the very first days of life and are associated with various developmental anomalies. We can talk about narrowing the intestine and lengthening its section; intestinal infections; disturbance of intestinal motility due to weakness of its muscles; rickets (lack of vitamins D); cystic fibrosis; Down's disease; hypothyroidism; Hirschsprung's disease. Often, so-called organic constipation is provoked by various birth injuries. The reasons for delayed bowel movements sometimes lie in the gallbladder. For a number of reasons (both congenital and acquired), it may not work correctly, which leads to digestive disorders in infants.

Using a bandage

Surgeons recommend using a bandage as an addition to massage. It helps keep the abdominal muscles in the correct position. Thanks to slight but constant pressure on the area of ​​bulging of the hernial sac, a state is reached in which its exit through the hernial orifice becomes impossible.

A baby bandage is usually made of a soft, elastic material. You can start wearing it immediately after the umbilical wound has healed. However, it is better to refuse the bandage if there is severe damage to the skin in the navel area. We are talking about rashes due to chickenpox, atopic dermatitis, eczema of various etiologies. In the case of a small hernia, a bandage is considered the most effective way to eliminate it. It is important to consult your doctor before using it.

Treatment of hernia in infants with folk remedies

You definitely shouldn’t rely only on magic when it comes to your child’s health. Also try to heal a hernia using folk remedies:

  1. Clay. It needs to be diluted with warm water to the consistency of thick sour cream. Make a cake from the clay and heat it until it is warm enough, but does not burn. Place the resulting cake on the baby's navel and leave until completely dry.
  2. Vinegar. Prepare a weak vinegar solution: 1 tablespoon of vinegar per 2 liters of water. Wash painful areas three times a day.
  3. In the warm season, you can pick fern and prepare a decoction. Cool it, remove the leaves and apply to the baby’s stomach three times a day. Do not forget to insulate the compress with a scarf or piece of woolen fabric.

Traditional medicine experts also advise using a compress of gauze soaked in fresh whey.

Important: at the first sign of a hernia, be sure to consult a doctor and follow his recommendations. Get permission to use folk remedies. Use spells only as an addition to traditional treatment.

The need for surgery

Surgical intervention is not an alternative to a conspiracy for a hernia in a child’s umbilical cord. The operation is prescribed in exceptional cases when:

  • baby age 3-5 years and older;
  • there is pinching;
  • large size of protrusion.

The intervention is carried out using general anesthesia. The doctor makes a small incision under the belly button, closes the hernia and applies stitches. Self-absorbable materials are usually used. The likelihood of relapse and complications is negligible. However, if you experience vomiting and nausea, headache, or tenderness at the wound site, you should seek medical attention.

Unconventional methods of treatment: how to talk about a hernia in a child?

In newborns, such protrusion, as noted above, occurs quite often. Parents do not want to subject their child to anesthesia. Therefore, they are looking for various ways to eliminate pathology. One of these is conspiracy. To overcome the disease, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • perform a ritual on the waning moon;
  • reading a prayer is the responsibility of a close relative (most often they choose a mother or grandmother);
  • it is important to believe in the power of words and not be skeptical about them;
  • You cannot tell anyone about the ritual being performed.

How to talk about a hernia in a 1 month old baby? To do this, they usually choose prayer for healing. Early in the morning, if the baby woke up in a good mood and nothing bothers him, you need to undress him and put him on the bed. Then run the little finger of your left hand over the hernia and say a prayer.

You can also perform the ritual with soap. Our ancestors believed that water treatments were good for getting rid of illness. The prayer should be read on the soap that is directly used during the child’s hygiene procedures. Mom or grandmother should say the following words:

  • “I’ll wash away all the dirt with soap. Let her go into distant forests, dark swamps, far, far away, but don’t come back. Amen!"

After this, you need to soap the baby well and rinse off the resulting foam under running water. All words and actions must be repeated twice, each time spitting over your left shoulder. After the ritual, it is better to throw away the bar of soap.

It should be noted that it is difficult to talk about a hernia in a child, just like in an adult. The person pronouncing healing words must have certain knowledge in this area. Pediatricians still strongly do not recommend resorting to the help of healers, but using traditional treatment options.

Hernia spell: read by mother

This version of the plot is suitable if his mother wants to cure the baby. Maternal energy and love in themselves are a very powerful amulet and have healing powers. And with the help of a ritual, the effect can be enhanced many times over.

The ceremony is carried out as follows: first, the mother needs to lightly bite the hernia that has formed. Then, without letting it out of your mouth, say the words of the conspiracy:

After you say the words of the spell three times, spit over your left shoulder.

This version of the conspiracy is considered the most powerful. But you can perform the ritual only once - others can be repeated if they did not work the first time.

The conspiracy will take effect within 24 hours, and the hernia will gradually disappear from the baby’s body.

Prevention methods

We described how to heal an umbilical hernia in the article above. Is it possible to prevent its occurrence? According to pediatricians, with proper care of the newborn and compliance with basic rules of prevention, the risk of a defect is reduced several times.

Below are tips for preventing pathology:

  1. To prevent constipation, breastfeeding should be maintained for as long as possible.
  2. It is advisable for a nursing mother to adhere to a diet.
  3. When breastfeeding is not possible for certain reasons, the pediatrician must select a suitable formula for the newborn.
  4. It is necessary to protect your child from colds.
  5. It is important to try to avoid prolonged crying or screaming, as this increases intra-abdominal pressure.
  6. Gymnastics, massage and swimming are good for strengthening a child’s abdominal muscles.

By following these recommendations, you can minimize the likelihood of an umbilical hernia.

To prevent a hernia from occurring in an infant: preventive measures

  • do not allow the child to cry hysterically and for a long time;
  • prevent constipation, if you are prone to it, use an enema, a gas tube, consult a doctor to see if you can use a mild laxative;
  • avoid bloating; if your baby often has colic, use products that will reduce gas formation;
  • attend swimming lessons with your child from an early age (as a rule, modern sports clubs offer classes from 2 months of age), this helps strengthen the muscles of the abdominal wall;
  • Contact your ENT doctor promptly to prescribe cough medicine if your child is sick;
  • when playing with your baby, do not throw him up: this increases internal pressure in the peritoneum;
  • Don't swaddle your baby too tightly.
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