Why does my back hurt after sleep? Main causes of pain and prevention of back diseases

Many people complain that their lower back hurts very much in the morning. Sometimes the pain is so severe that a person cannot stand up or straighten up. Doctors also observe cases in which a person complains of loss of mobility and flexibility.

The problem cannot be ignored. This is a sign of serious damage to internal organs and a variety of diseases of the human body.

In this article we will talk about why the lower back hurts after sleeping on the sofa, consider the common causes of pain and the affected areas.

We will also try to answer the question of which doctor and when to contact for treatment and diagnosis, and what to do on your own if you can’t get an appointment.

Types of back pain

The diagnosis can be assumed taking into account the nature of the pain in the back.

For example, if the pain is aching and worsens with heavy lifting, physical overexertion, hypothermia or prolonged immobility, then the cause may be myositis, lumbago or intervertebral hernia.

Acute pain radiating to the legs or arms may indicate radiculitis, intervertebral hernia or osteochondrosis. The discomfort intensifies when walking, bending or coughing, and weakness is felt in the limbs.

The same intervertebral hernia, lumbago and osteochondrosis, as well as spondylosis can also cause throbbing pain. This is confirmed when the pain does not subside even after analgesics.

If bursting or pressing pain occurs in the chest area, this is a sign of pulmonary embolism or myocardial infarction. Discomfort in the spine indicates spondyloarthrosis, and in the lumbar region - intestinal obstruction. The cause of pressing pain in the neck may be atherosclerosis.

Back pain after sleep

In the morning, your back can hurt not only because of an incorrectly selected mattress or incorrect posture during sleep. Hypothermia, stress, or heavy lifting the day before can cause stiffness and pain below the shoulder blades, in the lower back, or in the right or left side.

There may be other reasons: curvature of the spine, osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia or obesity. Additionally, your back may hurt in the morning during pregnancy.

Pathologies of the spine and joints

Discomfort in the spine may be associated with diseases of the musculoskeletal system:

  • Ankylosing spondylitis. Due to muscle spasm, the patient leans forward to reduce discomfort. Subsequently, the inflamed vertebrae become woody and grow together, causing the spine to become less flexible.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis. The disease begins in the knees, hips or shoulders, subsequently moving to the cervical spine. In the morning, patients experience shooting sensations and stiffness: the affected vertebrae put undue pressure on the nerves.
  • Spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis. The patient feels discomfort in the lower back: the vertebrae are displaced and compress the nerve endings.
  • Osteomyelitis. Acute muscle pain occurs due to infection in the bone tissue of the spine.
  • Osteochondrosis. With this disease, the depreciation of the spine becomes worse. The discs between the vertebrae are damaged, and the fibrous ring is torn: the core of the disc comes out through cracks and is pinched.
  • Intervertebral hernia. The protrusion between the vertebrae is compressed during movement, resulting in pinching.

Muscle-related diseases

The source of discomfort can be spasms and tightness in the muscular corset that supports the spine:

  • Fibromyalgia. With this disease, the back hurts from the neck to the lower back, and the discomfort worsens when pressing on certain places.
  • Dermatomyositis. The skin around the striated and smooth muscles becomes inflamed.
  • Polymyositis. The disease occurs due to overexertion or hypothermia: it hurts to turn, and the muscles feel weak.
  • Polymyalgia rheumatica. It is difficult for the patient to get to his feet without someone’s help, and asymmetry is clearly noticeable in his back.
  • Charcot's disease. Peripheral nerves along the spine become inflamed. Sensitivity becomes worse, muscles become weaker, and the patient’s gait changes.

Spinal cord diseases.

Unpleasant sensations may occur due to the fact that any part of the spinal cord is pinched or inflamed.

Sources of pain in this case:

  • compression of the spinal membranes as a result of a fracture, hematoma or abscess;
  • inflammation of nearby muscles;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • hemorrhage;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • complication of HIV or syphilis;
  • back tumor of various etiologies;
  • multiple sclerosis.


The back can also hurt due to psychological factors: depression, nervous strain, chronic stress or sexual dissatisfaction.

After sleep, the spine hurts in the middle: curvature, scoliosis

After sleep, the spine may hurt due to curvature
Scoliosis or curvature of the spine is a disease in which the spinal column can deviate away from its original position. Compression of nerve endings and blood vessels is observed. In the initial stages of its progression, a person does not feel unwell. Only as the disease progresses further do serious complications occur.

  • At night, the human spine is practically motionless.
  • Disruption of sleep and rest patterns is accompanied by its curvature.
  • After sleep, the pain only increases and it seems that the entire spine in the middle of the back hurts.
  • At later stages, the disease is already extensive.
  • The spinal column has an external curvature, disturbances in the functioning of internal organs occur, and severe pain appears in the spinal region.

In children and adolescents, tissues have high elasticity, so adults are more often at risk. Scoliosis is accompanied by additional ailments. These include:

  • Inflammation in the tissues and muscles that are under pressure from a curved spine.
  • Ischemia – oxygen and trophic starvation develops because the vessels are under pressure.
  • The nerve endings that send signals to the brain are damaged.
  • Repeated nerve root injury.

Scoliosis is best treated in childhood, when the tissues are more elastic and the curved spinal table can be easily corrected with the help of massage, physical exercise and other techniques.

Localization of back pain

Unpleasant sensations in different points of the back are caused by different factors.

For example, pain in the right side occurs due to lordosis, scoliosis, kyphosis or displaced intervertebral disc. The left side hurts due to splenitis, pinched spine or duodenitis, and the source of pain in the lower back can be radiculitis, osteochondrosis or intervertebral hernia.

If it hurts just above the lower back on the right, it could be myositis, on the left it could be osteochondrosis.

Discomfort throughout the spine signals protrusion, which can develop into osteochondrosis.

When do you need to see a doctor as quickly as possible?

If the cause of back pain is overexertion or stress, it will subside after a few days. However, in cases where the pain only increases, urgent medical attention is needed.

Immediate consultation with a doctor is necessary in the following situations:

  • it is not possible to find a body position in which the pain becomes weaker;
  • recently had a back injury or bruise;
  • the condition worsens at night;
  • the patient's gait has changed;
  • the patient has a fever;
  • limbs weaken, go numb, tingling is felt;
  • Painkillers don't help.

Diagnosis of back pain

To determine the cause of discomfort in the back, you need to make an appointment with a neurologist. If necessary, blood tests may be required to determine infection or inflammation. Examinations may also be required, which will be prescribed by a specialist.

Duplex and triplex ultrasound scanning of the vessels of the neck and brain is needed to diagnose the causes of headaches, dizziness or high blood pressure.

MRI allows you to see tumors on the vertebrae, compression of the spinal nerves and spinal cord, herniated intervertebral discs, and narrowing of the spinal canal. CT scan is needed to detect vertebral fractures.

X-rays help evaluate the condition of bone structures to diagnose fractures, spondylolisthesis, arthritis and degrees of postural impairment.

Electromyography reveals nerve compression due to spinal stenosis or herniated disc.

Other diseases

The course of therapy depends on the diagnosis. If osteochondrosis is excluded, a study is carried out for the presence of other diseases.

Injuries and hernias of the skeleton of our body require surgery if the back hurts in the morning. In medicine, they are performed in a minimally invasive manner through punctures using radio waves, lasers and other techniques without external incisions. Pinched nerves are released from compression, but are not damaged or affected. Operation using radio waves helps eliminate the hernia by destroying it and removing decay products.

Problems with urology are treated with medication. The basis of therapy is the use of antibacterial medications. Surgery for kidney problems is performed for special indications.

Metabolic disorders require tests to determine the state of the hormonal system. If abnormalities are detected, the endocrinologist prescribes a course of hormonal therapy, consisting of hormone injections or oral administration.

For muscle swelling, medications are prescribed to relieve inflammation and tension in muscle tissue. Therapeutic relaxing massages are indicated.

If pathology of other organs is diagnosed, treatment is determined by the doctor based on the diagnosis.

How to relieve back pain?

First of all, you need to relax. To do this, lie on your stomach on a flat, hard surface, preferably the floor. After a few minutes, roll over onto your back and raise your legs so that they are at a 90-degree angle. This will reduce the load on the spine.

Anti-inflammatory ointments and creams will also come in handy. When the pain subsides, you need to carefully get up and bandage the painful area with a scarf or towel.

If there are no painkillers, a cold compress - an ice pack or a product from the freezer - will help relieve severe pain. It will not be possible to completely get rid of discomfort, but it can alleviate the condition. The diametrically opposite option will also help - a heating pad or a heating compress.

A light workout or a leisurely walk will help get rid of discomfort.

The spine hurts severely after sleeping during pregnancy: what to do?

Spine hurts after sleeping during pregnancy
During pregnancy, a woman has to experience various discomforts associated with her body. You often have to change the position of your body when sitting or lying down so that the unpleasant feeling goes away. But it happens that the spine hurts a lot in the morning after waking up. To prevent pain from bothering a pregnant woman so much after sleep, you must follow these rules:

  • Wear the right shoes to support your feet, and only wear them while sitting. Don't wear heels.
  • It is necessary to provide good support for the spine while sleeping , so sleep on a mattress with medium hardness.
  • Pregnant women should not load their body from side to side . Therefore, when sitting in a chair, place a pillow behind your back. Avoid sitting on chairs without backrests so that the seat is on a firm base. Doctors generally recommend sitting for no more than an hour.
  • When falling asleep, place a pillow under your tummy and between your legs.
  • If there are no contraindications, do not neglect sports activities . This is also good preparation for childbirth. But do it under the supervision of a professional trainer.
  • Stick to a diet and eat foods rich in calcium - milk, cottage cheese, cheese, and seafood.
  • Watch your weight , as extra pounds overload the spine.
  • Do not stand for a long time , always lean on something.

Following these tips will help relieve and strengthen the spine so that it does not hurt after sleep and at other times of the day.

Treatment of back pain

After examination and diagnosis, the doctor prescribes treatment. To relieve discomfort, the specialist prescribes painkillers, B vitamins and muscle relaxants. Sometimes bed rest and wearing a special corset are recommended.

An important stage of treatment is physiotherapy. These are electrophoresis with drugs, laser therapy, phonophoresis and magnetic therapy. Electrical nerve stimulation and acupuncture also help.

For back pain, massage, manual therapy, osteopathy and exercise therapy are effective. They also help with rehabilitation after injuries.

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