After sleep, back hurts in the lumbar region: causes, possible diseases

Reasons why your lumbar back hurts after sleep

The reasons why the lower back hurts in the morning after sleep are very diverse and ambiguous - from the most frivolous and easily eliminated to intractable pathologies. But sometimes it is enough to take a closer look at the external circumstances that provoke this painful symptom every morning.

Hard surface, awkward position

Too hard or, on the contrary, soft bed forces you to take an unhealthy and uncomfortable position in your sleep. As a result, the muscles that should rest at night are unable to relax - and after sleep, the back hurts in the lumbar region. Moreover, even owners of orthopedic mattresses often suffer from this problem. A properly organized place will not relieve painful inconvenience in the morning if a person sleeps in the wrong position. It is recommended to sleep in such a way that the muscles do not have to stretch or strain; one of the proven options is on your back with your legs elevated.


Overstrain of the back muscles occurs in those who engage in heavy physical labor or, on the contrary, sit in one position for a long time. During sleep, the muscles do not have time to rest, which is why the lower back hurts after sleep. This condition is temporary and goes away without the intervention of a doctor, but for its further prevention it is recommended to do physical exercise.

So that your back doesn't hurt

In order for the body to fully rest at night, and pain not to bother a person, one must adhere to the recommendations. It is better to fall asleep at the same time at 22.00 or 23.00. Before going to sleep, the bedroom is ventilated. The temperature should not exceed 20 ºС. Thanks to fresh air, sleep will be deep and a person will have a good rest. For a person during sleep, the physiological position is the lateral position, the knees are pulled up to the stomach. If there is pain in the back, it will go away over time thanks to this position.

You need to sleep at least 7 hours; if sleep lasts more than 10 hours, it will harm

You should sleep in the bedroom, and not in a chair in front of the TV or computer. It should be comfortable for a person to sleep on a bed, the bed should be spacious, and the mattress should not make squeaks. It is desirable that it be orthopedic. The pillow should also not be large and hard. It’s a good idea to have a neck roll on it that supports the cervical spine in a physiological position, then morning pain will not bother the person. It is better to sleep on an orthopedic pillow.

You should not eat a hearty meal before going to bed and drink strong tea or coffee. You should sleep no earlier than 3 hours after eating. During this period, it is better to take a walk in nature. If you take a warm bath or stand under a contrast shower, a person will relieve stress and have a good night's rest. If you adhere to these simple rules, then a person will become much healthier, and the next day he will be energetic, ready to work, the thought will come to him: “I sleep well at night, nothing bothers me, which means I’m healthy!”

Spinal diseases

One of the common reasons why back pain in the lumbar region after sleep is various pathologies of the spine. Localization of pain in the lumbar region indicates that the source is located in the lumbar spine. There are the following pathological conditions that provoke this unpleasant symptom:


We are talking about lumbar osteochondrosis, when various tissues of the lumbar region are damaged. The pain is caused by the fact that the disease affects the nerve endings, which is why the lower back hurts during sleep, even on the back and after it. The only way to stop the pain is to actively treat the disease, since advanced osteochondrosis results in even more serious complications and painful manifestations.


This is a spinal pathology in which one of the vertebrae is displaced forward and backward. If the lumbar region hurts after sleep, it is in this part of the back that a change in the structure of the spine has occurred. Most rarely, spondylolisthesis is caused by traumatic lesions of the spine; more often it is a congenital anomaly or the result of neoplasms affecting the vertebra.


Consequence of untreated lumbar osteochondrosis. Hard bone tissue grows around the spine, forming spines that periodically touch soft tissue. This causes back pain in the lumbar region after sleep. Spondylosis often accompanies other chronic diseases of the spine. This condition is typical for older people.

Intervertebral hernia

It is characterized by rupture of the fibrous ring of the intervertebral disc and compression of the nerves. This causes back pain in the lumbar region after sleep, lasting all day. The spine in the lumbar region is most vulnerable to the pathological condition, since it bears the highest load.


This is a lesion of the intervertebral joints, which is often combined with osteochondrosis and spondylosis. The connections between the vertebrae are disrupted, resulting in pinched nerves and discs. Therefore, after sleep, back pain occurs in the lumbar region. Spondyloarthrosis is often provoked by developing vertebral diseases; it occurs with vitamin deficiencies.

Fetal position

From a psychological point of view, this is probably the most comfortable position, but it cannot be called useful for the musculoskeletal system. During the day, the spine experiences enormous static and dynamic loads. All this is aggravated by the fact that during the day we rarely monitor our posture. Our spinal axis is constantly shifting, especially when we work at the computer. Sleeping in the fetal position only further strains the spine, loading the cervical and shoulder regions, as well as the joints. This sleeping position is also fraught with breathing and circulation problems.

Why is insomnia dangerous? This is a problem with serious consequences

What happens to the body when you eat at night?

Diseases and pathologies of internal organs

Many internal organs and vessels are adjacent to the lumbar region. Therefore, back pain in the lumbar region after sleep can appear in the absence of any problems with posture, as a result of damage to nearby organs. Pain may indicate the following diseases:

Pathologies of the pancreas

A girdle pain of aching nature is characteristic of various problems with the pancreas. If your lower back hurts like this after sleeping, you should visit a doctor, as this is a common symptom of pancreatitis of the pancreas.


It is an acute inflammation of the kidneys. The kidneys are located close to the lower back, so back pain after sleep is localized in this area. The nature of the pain is dull aching. They may not stop all day.


This gynecological disease is inflammation of the uterus and ovaries, which makes itself felt primarily by pain in the lower abdomen. Sometimes after sleep with pelvioperitonitis, back pain occurs in the lumbar region. You also need to pay attention to the general condition: body temperature, the presence of nausea and vomiting. Additionally, other symptoms may accompany pelvioperitonitis - for example, amenorrhea (prolonged absence of menstruation).

Metastases and tumors

The back in the lumbar region may hurt after sleep due to tumors in the internal organs: pancreas, stomach, kidneys, etc. Quite often, this symptom manifests itself as urological diseases. This is a serious phenomenon that needs to be thoroughly investigated.

Kidney diseases

Due to their close location to the lumbar part of the back, the kidneys can make themselves felt by dull, aching and intense pain in the lower back. Sometimes lower back pain after sleep appears during movements and blocks them, thereby limiting a person’s capabilities. The pain is usually localized in the lateral part of the lower back. This symptom is also accompanied by swelling. Kidney diseases require accurate diagnosis.

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels

In rare cases, the back in the lumbar region hurts after sleep due to problems with blood circulation and the functioning of the heart muscle. Night pain is typical, and its intensity is disproportionate to the severity of the problem. Therefore, people prone to cardiovascular diseases should pay attention to this symptom.

Is it possible to sleep on your stomach?

Here opinions differ. Some scientists do not recommend this night position, with the exception of patients suffering from flatulence. During “animal” sleep:

  • The head turns to the side, which strains the muscle fibers of the shoulders and neck, and blood flow to the brain and facial tissues worsens.
  • The arteries are pinched.
  • Internal organs are compressed, especially the lungs.

Sleeping on your stomach:

  • Increases the load on the diaphragm.
  • Makes breathing difficult.
  • Negatively affects oxygen supply.

Black humor of doctors

Sleeping on your stomach is called the “corpse pose” in medical circles. Doesn't sound like much, does it?

True, some snorers love this position. She claims that she does not allow them to snore, and, turning over on her stomach, they fall asleep peacefully. However, timely CPAP therapy will be much better than such “remedies”.

As you can see, there is no single correct and universal pose for “meeting Morpheus.” Therefore, taking into account all the above rules, choose the appropriate option for yourself so that you can fully rest and wake up energetic and invigorated.

How to relieve pain

Since the causes of lower back pain after sleep can be different, it is strictly not recommended to independently diagnose yourself and relieve the pain. Some external problems do not require a doctor's attention, while serious internal problems require proper treatment. Relieving pain on your own is an important symptom that will allow the doctor to determine the source of the problem - it is not recommended until examined by a specialist. Only your doctor can tell you how to relieve an attack of back pain in the lumbar region after sleep. Drug therapy may be prescribed to treat pain. You need to know that pain is a symptom, but not the cause of the problem. Often, lower back pain goes away after proper organization of the sleeping area, adjustment of the diet, correction of posture and two to three weeks of physical therapy.

Which doctor should I contact?

If you have back pain in the lumbar region after sleep, first of all you need to consult a therapist

He will conduct a survey and examination, send you for a medical examination, and, if necessary, to a specialist. This could be a massage therapist
or other specialist. Pain in the back - in the lumbar region - after sleep can be a sign of a serious illness, so you should consult a doctor immediately after it occurs. This will prevent possible costs for serious treatment of complications of the disease and save your health.

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