Compare Aquadetrim and Vigantol: descriptions

The drug Vigantol is effective when necessary to regulate the exchange of phosphorus and calcium in the body.


  • Release form and composition
  • Pharmacology and pharmacodynamics
  • Why take Vigantol
  • How to take Vigantol correctly for infants
  • Contraindications and adverse reactions
  • Overdose
  • How to properly store Vigantol
  • Interaction
  • Reviews about Vigantol
  • Which drug is better: Aquadetrim or Vigantol
  • How to replace Vigantol
  • Where to buy Vigantol, price

Pharmacology and pharmacodynamics

The drug takes part in regulating the metabolism of phosphorus and calcium. At the same time, the lack of vitamin D3 is compensated, the absorption of calcium into the gastrointestinal tract and the absorption of phosphates in the kidneys improves. Also, the effect of the drug is aimed at bone mineralization, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the parathyroid glands.

Reabsorption of the drug occurs from the digestive system. The active component accumulates in bones, liver, kidneys, and adipose tissue. The maximum content of the component in the body is reached after 4-5 hours, after which it gradually decreases, but still continues to remain at the proper level for a long time.

During clinical studies, it was revealed that the active substance is able to penetrate into breast milk.

The drug is excreted from the body mainly in bile and a little in urine.

Forms of Vitamin D: Advantages and Disadvantages

Vitamin D is available to the consumer in several different forms. The most common are its aqueous and oily solutions, as well as tablets. Each of these forms has its own strengths and weaknesses.

  • Water solution. Its advantage is its rapid absorption. Vitamin D in this form is easily absorbed and immediately begins to work without disrupting digestive function. The effect of taking an aqueous solution lasts 2 times longer. Unfortunately, most water-soluble sun vitamin preparations additionally contain preservatives, stabilizers and flavorings. For example, benzyl alcohol, which, when interacting with ascorbic acid, turns into the powerful carcinogen benzene. Or anise flavor, which is a strong allergen, causes skin redness and peeling. And dosing with drops is not entirely convenient: it is difficult to take the drug in transport, in a public place, or at work. Because of this, many patients violate their dosage regimen. It is difficult to accurately calculate the dose - an overdose is possible.
  • Oil solution. Vitamin D itself is fat-soluble, and therefore its intake into the body in combination with coconut or olive oil is most natural. However, the oil form of the vitamin is recommended to be taken after meals, which is not always convenient. It is absorbed more slowly and accumulates in the body; before absorption it requires breakdown by digestive enzymes. Drip administration can again cause an overdose. For diseases of the kidneys, liver, gall bladder or enzyme deficiency, this form is generally contraindicated.
  • Pills. Their undeniable advantages are dosage accuracy and ease of administration. The tablet can be taken at any time of the day or night, anywhere, even while driving a car. This form of vitamin D does not require additional conditions, such as food intake. Its only drawback is the lowest suction speed. However, if we remember that the sunshine vitamin can accumulate in our body and be used as needed, then we can say that this deficiency is not so significant.

The answer to the question of which vitamin D is the best will be incomplete if you do not understand the types of sunshine vitamin.

How to take Vigantol correctly for infants

The instructions for the medicine describe in detail how to give the drug to young children. To do this, you need to combine the liquid with breast milk in a tablespoon.

In order to prevent rickets, a healthy and full-term baby from 2 months is given 1 drop every day. Duration of use is 5 days, after which you need to stop taking it for 48 hours. Children aged 1-2 years should not take the medicine in the summer. Premature infants from the 10th day of life are prescribed to take 2 drops every day for 5 days, with breaks of 2 days. The exception is the summer season.

If a child has rickets, doctors usually prescribe taking the medicine in a higher dose. From the 10th day of life, the baby is given 3-7 drops every day.

In other cases, the dosage of the medicine and the duration of treatment are determined by the attending physician. It is necessary to determine in advance the significance of the lack of vitamin D3 in the body, the indicator of which must be maintained at the proper level at the time of therapy.

Vitamin D – which is better to buy: D2 or D3?

Another important point when purchasing vitamin D, which can confuse the average consumer, is the variety of varieties of the substance. Science knows as many as five forms of the sun vitamin: D2, D3, D4, D5, D6. Experts call them vitamers. The functions of all vitamers are the same. The difference lies in their biological activity and methods of replenishment in the body. The most active are D2 (ergocalciferol) and D3 (cholecalciferol). It is these forms that are found in modern vitamin D preparations.

In nature, D2 is produced by plants and fungi under the influence of sunlight. We get it by eating plant foods. The human body is capable of producing D3 on its own, and therefore this type of vitamin is closer to us than the first. According to the observations of researchers, ergocalciferol is converted much more slowly into its active, “working” form, its duration of action is 33% shorter, and its toxicity is higher than that of cholecalciferol. The efficiency of D3 is 2–5 times higher.

The best vitamin D today, according to most experts, is D3. This form of calciferol is gradually displacing its “lazy” and health-hazardous brother from the pharmaceutical market, the production of which is more profitable for pharmaceutical companies, but not for the consumer.

Contraindications and adverse reactions

Medicines should not be taken under the following conditions:

  • increased susceptibility to constituent components;
  • excessive presence of calcium in the body;
  • the presence of calcareous stones in the kidneys;
  • immobilization.

Sometimes taking the drug can provoke negative reactions:

  • high levels of calcium in the blood;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • problems with consciousness and mental state;
  • weight loss;
  • lack of appetite.


The concentration of the main active ingredient, colecalciferol, corresponds to 15,000 IU

Excipients: sucrose, macrogol glyceryl ricinoleate, sodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate, citric acid monohydrate, anise flavor - may cause an allergic reaction; benzyl alcohol is a dangerous carcinogen that is not completely washed out of the body and provokes the development of tumor diseases; purified water.


  • replenishment of vitamin D deficiency;
  • Treatment and prevention of such diseases:;
  • rickets;
  • hypocalcemic tetany;
  • bone diseases;
  • osteomalacia.

The daily intake rate is set depending on the conditions in which the child lives, as well as the daily amount of vitamin that enters the body with food.


If the level of vitamin D3 in the body increases, an overdose may occur. It is manifested by the following symptoms: vomiting, nausea, constipation, upset stomach, headache, malaise. More serious negative manifestations include: high blood pressure, itching, bone pain. If such symptoms appear, the doctor may stop the drug, change the dose, or prescribe vitamin E or other medications.

In very advanced conditions, it is necessary to administer an intravenous solution of sodium chloride, electrolytes, and furosemide. To prevent cases of overdose, it is necessary to constantly monitor the level of calcium in the body.

Other analogues

The main competitors in this industry were reviewed, highlighting differences in drug composition and dosage. However, it is worth remembering that there are other drugs to compensate for vitamin D deficiency in the body.

"Complivit Aqua D3"

An aqueous solution containing vitamin oil capsules. The amount of the main substance in one ml corresponds to 15,000 IU. Due to the variety of excipients (macrogol glyceryl ricinoleate, white sugar, sodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate - 7 mg, citric acid (citric acid monohydrate) - 0.43 mg, anethole - 0.825 mg, benzyl alcohol - 15 mg, purified water - up to 1 ml.) may cause allergic reaction.

"Kolif D3"

An imported water-based preparation that contains 1600 IU of vitamin in 1 ml of the composition, which allows you to use it sparingly. Does not contain dyes or flavors. The composition is as close to natural as possible, which reduces the risk of developing allergies.

"California Gold Nutrition Vitamin D3"

American oil-based drug for children. The composition is completely natural, the drug does not contain sugar, gluten, soy, alcohol-containing substances and components that can cause an allergic reaction. 1 ml contains 8000 IU of active ingredient.

As you can see, the modern pharmaceutical market does not suffer from a shortage of drugs, but their quality cannot always be called decent. The clear leader in this rating was the drug “California Gold Nutrition Vitamin D3”. However, it is worth remembering that the high concentration of the active substance causes the high cost of the drug.

Reviews about Vigantol

Parents often leave their reviews on the Internet about taking this medicine. Most reviews indicate that sometimes pediatricians prescribe an aqueous solution of Aquadetrim to children. There are cases when, during examinations, rachitic changes are discovered in a child, after which they are prescribed oil solutions, which include Vigantol.

Reviews of the drug Vigantol confirm its effectiveness. For a couple of years, no pathological conditions in the skeletal system are detected in children. Despite the possibility of various adverse reactions from taking the medication, there have been no descriptions of such cases.

Comparison of drugs

As the survey shows, the most popular drugs that contain cholecalciferol, the scientific name of the additive, are Vigantol and Aquadetrim.


The main active ingredient is colecalciferol. The concentration is 500 mg, which corresponds to 20,000 IU (international units) of vitamin D.

Medium chain triglycerides - 935.5 mg. This is a special type of dietary fat, synthesized specifically for the treatment of patients whose bodies are not able to digest regular fats. At the same time, an equivalent clinical effect was observed when compared with drugs based on long-chain triglycerides.


  • osteoporosis therapy;
  • prevention and treatment of hypoparathyroidism and pseudohypoparathyroidism;
  • osteomalacia;
  • treatment and prevention of rickets;
  • prevention of vitamin D deficiency.

The drug is taken with milk.

Drug interactions

Pharmaceuticals primidone, medications included in the category of barbiturates increase the rate of biotransformation, which increases the requirement of vitamin D.

The combined use of Vigantol with bisphosphonates, calcitonin, plicamycin reduces the effectiveness of vitamin D3.

Combining the drug with glycosides and benzodiazepines, thiazide diuretics increases the risk of developing hypercalcemia.

The effectiveness of the drug decreases when combining it

isoniazid, rifampicin, since these drugs increase the biotransformation of the components of Vigantol.

A decrease in the effectiveness of this drug is observed with simultaneous treatment with rifampicin and isoniazid, as they increase the rate of biotransformation.

special instructions

If a person suffers from pseudohypoparathyroidism, then it is worth strictly monitoring the presence of overdose symptoms. This is explained by the fact that in pathology there are moments of normal sensitivity to the drug, so it is necessary to adjust the dosage of the vitamin. The drug should be stopped after the parathyroid glands begin to recover, otherwise poisoning will occur.

Unfortunately, no studies have been conducted on the effect of the drug on the ability to drive a car.

Data on the interaction of alcohol and drugs are not provided.

Side effects

In some cases, taking the drug causes negative consequences:

  • arrhythmia
  • hypercalcemia
  • hypercalciuria
  • vomit
  • nausea
  • change of consciousness
  • mental disorders
  • urolithiasis
  • weight loss
  • thirst
  • poor appetite

What is the difference?

Aquadetrim contains 15 thousand IU of vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). Produced in the form of drops for oral administration by Medana Pharma (Poland).

What is the difference between Vigantol and Aquadetrim:

  1. concentration of the active substance (it contains 20 thousand IU),
  2. a set of auxiliary and formative substances (oil solution versus water solution in Aquadetrim),
  3. the company that manufactures the drug, which is Merck (Germany).

According to consumer reviews, Vigantol is easy to use because there is a dropper on the neck of the bottle. Mothers consider it preferable for children because the vitamin solvent is triglycerides (substances that make up cell membranes in the body), and not benzene alcohol and glyceryl ricinooleate, as in Aquadetrim. In addition, more frequent cases of allergic reactions have been reported after taking Aquadetrim.

What types of vitamin D are important for humans?

The two most common and important types of this vitamin for the human body are designated D2 and D3.

The first is synthesized from the substance ergosterol, which is found in the membranes of fungi and, under the influence of the sun, is converted into ergocalciferol - vitamin D2. Therefore, you can only get it from food (in addition to mushrooms, from some types of oils and yeast).

The second - D3 (aka cholecalciferol), is synthesized directly by the human body under the influence of the same ultraviolet radiation, which should reach exposed areas of the skin. That is, walking in the sun in closed clothes, a hat and sunglasses, you can get only a minimal portion of vitamin D3, and vice versa, in the summer, when a person sunbathes under the sun in a bathing suit, the production of this vitamin will occur in large quantities.

You can also get D3 naturally by eating fatty fish that has been raised in the wild. Research shows that salmon, mackerel, sardines, and tuna grown in natural conditions have 10 times more vitamin D3 than fish raised on special farms. It is especially abundant in the liver of these fish.

Fatty fish contain the most vitamin D. Photo: Baltphoto / Olga Androsova

Walking in the sun in spring and autumn, you can stock up on “sunshine” vitamins for almost the whole year. Accumulating under the influence of the sun in fatty tissues and the liver, vitamin D covers 80% of the total annual consumption.

The human body can absorb both D2 and D3. But the effectiveness of vitamin D3 is a quarter higher - once it reaches the liver and kidneys, a larger percentage of it goes into the active form, in which it performs its main tasks.

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