COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY in the diagnosis of injuries to the foot and ankle joint

The problem of cracked heels

Most often, women experience increased dryness of the skin in the area of ​​the feet, and in particular the heels. Men and children - less often. Painful cracks of varying depths cause pain when walking. In addition, such open wounds are an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria, which can easily get there.

You cannot ignore cracked heels, nor can you treat them with an ordinary cosmetic moisturizer. Its texture does not allow it to penetrate deep into rough skin. The problem must be resolved by other methods. To get rid of it, traditional methods of fighting, hardware medical techniques and medicines prescribed by a doctor are used.

How are cracked feet treated?

The goal of the upcoming treatment is to determine the cause of the crack and eliminate it. The situation is easiest in cases where cracks have arisen due to incorrectly selected shoes or improper skin care - it is enough to eliminate the factor that provokes their appearance.

If cracks occur due to a fungal infection or vitamin deficiency, the patient may be prescribed antifungal therapy or a complex of vitamins and microelements. Only a specialist can prescribe both!

The patient may also require antibacterial therapy if an infection has entered the wound and an inflammatory process has begun.

A professional pedicure will help remove the stratum corneum of the skin; a hardware pedicure does an excellent job of this task. With its help, you can remove only dead cells without affecting healthy ones. And to eliminate dry skin, the specialist selects moisturizing ointments and creams for the patient.

Many patients are interested in whether it is possible to use some home remedies for treating cracked feet. Podologists do not deny the beneficial effects of some of these methods - baths with decoctions of medicinal herbs, lotions, etc. However, experts recommend using any of these methods only under the supervision of a podiatrist. Traditional methods of treatment by themselves are ineffective - they can only be an auxiliary part of complex therapy.


A consultation with an experienced doctor at a clinic can help identify the cause of cracked heels. The most common causes of occurrence are:

  1. Vitamin deficiency in the body. Due to a lack of vitamins A, D and E, the skin begins to become rough and crack. A selected complex of vitamins and the inclusion of a large amount of fruits, vegetables, herbs and nuts in the diet will help correct the situation.
  2. Lack of fluid intake. A person consists of 75% water, and therefore it plays an important role in the functioning of all vital systems. The norm for an adult is about 2 liters per day.
  3. Skin diseases. Bacteria and fungi can compromise the integrity of the outer layer, causing the skin to become thicker and more inelastic. It can also be caused by psoriasis, a disease with a hereditary predisposition that can develop against the background of chronic or acquired infections in the body.
  4. Incorrectly selected shoes. Shoes made from non-natural materials that are too tight in the heel area lead to deformation of soft tissues, excessive sweating and the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria.
  5. Diseases of internal organs. Diseases there include chronic forms of diabetes mellitus, dysfunction of the thyroid gland and iodine deficiency, disruption of the digestive system and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney and liver diseases. All this can lead to disruption of the water-salt balance and the appearance of cracks.

It is recommended to approach treatment comprehensively. First, contact your doctor, examine your body and get tested. Only after eliminating all serious problems can you engage in treatment with traditional methods.

Stages and symptoms

Bedsores can develop quickly, but the formation of bedsores and ulcers occurs through four stages (each of which has its own symptoms):

  • Stage 1

Redness of intact skin. It is slightly inflamed and may be painful, itchy and warm to the touch. You may also notice that the texture of your skin has changed slightly. At this stage, bedsores on the heels resemble a sunburn. This initial stage is difficult to detect in people with dark skin.

  • Stage 2

In the second stage, the first signs of skin damage appear. They look like abrasions, blisters or small pits. The outer layer of skin is broken, red and painful. The surrounding tissue may be pale, red, and swollen. The upper layers of tissue, as the most damaged ones, begin to die and peel off. Bruising at this stage indicates suspicion of possible deeper tissue damage, involving fat or muscle tissue.

  • Stage 3

Complete loss of tissue. The damage extends to the deeper layers of tissue in the heel. Crater ulcers are present and are susceptible to infection. Subcutaneous fat may be visible, but no bones, tendons or muscles are affected. The depth of a stage 3 ulcer depends on its anatomical location. Most often, bedsores on the heels progress to stage 3, until others notice them and begin to treat them.

  • Stage 4

Loss of tissue, opening of bone and tendons. Ulcers with black edges spread to the heel bone and can lead to the development of osteomyelitis (a purulent-necrotic process in the bone). The exposed calcaneus is visible or directly palpable at the bottom of the trophic ulcer. These ulcers are extremely difficult to treat and may require many months and activities to heal. Therefore, preventing the development of ulcers should be taken more seriously.

Treatment methods for heel cracks

Effective treatment of cracks involves several methods that help to have a comprehensive effect on the skin. These include:

  • steaming the skin;
  • peelings;
  • the use of creams and disinfectants to treat cracks;
  • treatment of open wounds.

Special disinfectants help get rid of bacteria and fungus.

Prevention of heel cracks and folk remedies

Strict adherence to the rules of personal hygiene, wearing only appropriate shoes, a balanced diet and proper care of the skin of the feet will help prevent the appearance of heel cracks.

To prevent cracked heels, special attention must be paid to the selection of shoes. It should be made of natural materials, be well ventilated and fit the size of the foot. You should not buy shoes that are too tight, too big or too small, or with too high a heel - all this increases the stress on the skin of your feet.

Traditional medicine involves the use of compresses, baths and ointments to combat dry skin:

  1. Compresses. Apply to the heels and moisturize the skin of the feet. After applying the composition to the heels, they are wrapped in plastic film, and socks are put on to enhance the effect.
  2. Baths. The key to success here is systematicity, and the main ingredients used are sea salt, starch, various herbs and white wine.
  3. Ointments based on Vaseline or badger fat are an effective remedy that perfectly softens rough skin, making it more elastic and receptive to all procedures.

It is worth noting that rough skin on the affected areas can only be removed using mechanical treatment.

Calcaneal fractures

Severe intra-articular fractures of the calcaneus can lead to permanent disability, that is, disability.

  • Mechanism of damage.

With rare exceptions, this is a blow, i.e. high-energy load on the heel, on the hindfoot. A fall. Unsuccessful jump. This is why calcaneal fractures are often combined with spinal fractures. After all, the force is transmitted through the lower limbs to the spine. And the greater the force of the damage, the higher the energy of the injury, the greater the chance that the spine will also be damaged.

  • Diagnosis of a fracture.

The patient usually experiences severe pain. Soon after the injury, swelling appears, and a little later, bruises appear, which can spread to the nail phalanges of the fingers and to the knee joint. X-rays are required. Computed tomography (CT) is performed in the following cases: the X-ray picture is not clear enough, there is a suspicion of a fracture in certain areas of the heel, for precise planning of the operation (if surgery is indicated).

  • Main types of calcaneal fractures.

First of all, all calcaneal fractures are divided into intra-articular and extra-articular. With intra-articular fractures, indications for surgical intervention often arise. The prognosis for rehabilitation, all other things being equal, is worse than for extra-articular injuries. In addition, “duck beak” type fractures are distinguished separately (this is what the heel looks like on a lateral X-ray with such a fracture). In the event of such an injury, the powerful heel (Achilles) tendon pulls part of the body of the heel bone upward beyond the attachment zone. As a result, the heel seems to split into two parts, forming a picture on the radiograph similar to an open duck beak. Duckbill fractures are one of the few situations where emergency surgery for a calcaneal fracture may be indicated. The fact is that the Achilles tendon pulls and displaces the broken fragment of the heel so much that it puts very much pressure on the skin from the inside, which can lead to skin necrosis.

  • Treatment of calcaneal fractures.

A significant proportion of calcaneal fractures can be treated conservatively. Gypsum is generally not used. Physical therapy and rehabilitation in general are of great importance.

Intra-articular fractures, in most cases, are treated surgically. At the same time, the heel bone is one of the few where, during surgery for an intra-articular fracture, not only the joint must be restored, but also the natural shape of the entire bone itself. Surgeries for calcaneal fractures can be very different - from minimally invasive, performed through skin punctures, to quite extensive ones, with fixation with special plates.

What influences the choice of surgical treatment method? The type and nature of the fracture. Additionally, the heel bone lies just under the skin. Therefore, the blood supply conditions here are not the best. The risk of circulatory impairment in the skin flap is quite high. Based on this, both in determining the indications for surgery and in choosing the method of operation, traumatologists and orthopedists at the Ilyinskaya Hospital are very careful. Moreover, we (Volna A.A., Lantukh T.A.) have developed a special scoring scale that allows us to predict surgical risks with a high degree of reliability, based on relatively simple clinical and radiological data. When published, we called this scale the “ABCDEF Calcaneal Risk Scale.” Here, each criterion is assigned a certain number of points, summing which one can judge the degree of risk of a particular surgical method. Without going into detail about the scores (this is the domain of specialists), we will simply list the criteria that are subject to evaluation:

A – Age

, patient's age. The older the patient, the higher, other things being equal, the risk of developing local complications.

B - Blisters

, conflicts. Phlyctenes are blisters that develop mainly in the superficial layer of the skin after some injuries and are an excellent clinical indicator of the condition of the soft tissues. Phlyctenas can be filled with serous, clear fluid (the mildest degree of soft tissue damage). Or maybe bloody liquid. And even with areas of skin necrosis (severe damage to soft tissues and a high risk of complications).

C – Comorbidities

, presence (or absence) of concomitant diseases. Especially such as diabetes, atherosclerosis, immunodeficiency. The presence of serious concomitant diseases significantly complicates the prognosis.

D – Detrimental health habits

, unhealthy habits. Especially smoking and drug addiction.

E – Energy of the injury

– damage energy. It is clear that a calcaneal fracture is not a low energy injury. However, a jump from a height of two meters and a fall from the fourth floor result in different energy damage. And the risk of local complications varies here.

F - Fragments

– this is the number of intra-articular fragments in the subtalar joint (detected primarily during CT scanning). The smaller the number of fragments, the better the forecast.

All these (and some other) factors are taken into account by our surgeons when choosing the most effective treatment method for a given patient.

  • Rehabilitation.

Highly professional rehabilitation is extremely important for calcaneal fractures. Both with conservative and surgical treatment. For each patient, rehabilitation specialists at the Ilyinskaya Hospital draw up an individual program that takes into account his needs and individual characteristics.

Treatment of heel cracks at the Belleza Clinic

Specialists from the Belleza clinic will help you effectively get rid of the problem of heel cracks. Only professional equipment is used here, and all the technicians have extensive experience in eliminating this problem. With the help of hardware medical pedicure and heel care individually selected by the clinic’s doctors, you will forget about cracks.

In addition to this problem, doctors solve other, more complex problems. For example, laser treatment of nail fungus. Contact the Belleza clinic in Kiev now, make an appointment at a time convenient for you and get advice and help from professionals.

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