Computed tomography (CT). Patient Information

Computed tomography is one of the most popular types of studying bone and cartilage anatomical formations. The scan is carried out using x-rays. Hard tissues of the body actively absorb ionizing currents, providing the possibility of detailed visualization of the structure of internal structures. A CT scan of the spine is performed to determine the condition of bone and cartilage elements, surrounding tissues, and blood vessels.

Thoracic fracture (three-dimensional and sagittal views)

As a result of computed tomography, a series of layer-by-layer images of the area under consideration is obtained. Monochrome photographs have high resolution. Unlike radiography, the images do not show defects or shadows from nearby structures. Changing the plane during image reconstruction allows you to carefully study anatomical structures. The advantage of CT is the ability to create a 3D model of the spine.

To enhance the information content of the scan, contrast is used. A solution of iodine, which has a high X-ray absorption capacity, is used as a “coloring” substance.

Features and benefits of CT

A CT scan of the lumbar spine is a layer-by-layer scan using X-rays that are absorbed by body tissues. This is the main difference between the method and MRI, where the study is carried out under the influence of a magnetic field.

Computed tomography of the spine provides numerous images in various projections. After processing them with a special computer program, a three-dimensional image is formed. Thus, a CT scan of the lumbar region shows any changes in the shape and structure of objects. Despite the use of X-rays, the technique is characterized by low radiation exposure.

Tomography has a number of advantages over radiography. The first allows you to examine the object under study from all sides, the second provides only two-dimensional images, and at the same time has a negative effect on the body.

Approximate prices in Russia and Ukraine for CT scan of the spine

Before signing up for an examination, patients are interested in how much they will have to pay for the diagnosis.

In the capital of Russia, the cost of diagnostics for one department is 3200–5300 rubles . depending on the pricing policy of the clinic. In cities of regional significance, you can undergo such an examination for 1700-2000 rubles . An examination with contrast will cost 2 times more.

In Ukraine, you will have to pay 650–1000 UAH . When scanning the entire spine to look for metastases, you will have to pay 1,750 UAH . For a computed tomography with contrast you will have to pay about 1,700 UAH .

Separately, you should find out how much it costs to record the examination results on disk or film. In some clinics, these services are included in the total price, in others, payment is made separately.

Indications for the procedure

Tomography of the lumbosacral spine is prescribed to identify inflammatory processes, deformations as a result of injuries, destructive and other lesions. It is necessary to examine the lumbar spine to clarify the diagnosis if:

  • back pain of unknown origin;
  • pain in the hip joint area, radiating to the leg;
  • stiffness in the lumbar region;
  • visible deformities of the spine;
  • injuries of the sacral region, including to identify bone fragments in soft tissues.

CT scan of the lumbar region is recommended before performing surgical operations, as well as during the rehabilitation period to monitor recovery processes, tissue regeneration, and timely detection of relapses of the disease.

Tomography of the lumbar and sacral regions is often used as a further examination method. This is necessary, for example, for accurate diagnosis of tumors and bone tissue metastases, clarification of MRI or radiography data, identification of congenital anomalies of the vertebrae, and the anatomical features of their structure.

What does a CT scan show?

Different areas of the spinal column are characterized by different pathologies. For example, the cervical spine more often suffers from osteoarthritis and other bone growths, the thoracic spine – from pinched nerves and bone deformation due to poor posture.

Computed tomography of the lumbosacral spine allows one to evaluate the structure of cartilage tissue and bones, the condition of the vertebrae and the width of the spinal canal, and the structure of nerve fibers in the spinal cord roots. CT scan of this area shows:

  • osteoporosis and osteochondrosis;
  • the presence of intervertebral hernias;
  • destruction of intervertebral disc tissue;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • spinal canal stenosis;
  • fractures, vertebral displacements;
  • neoplasms, their type and prevalence;
  • spinal hematomas.

Using tomography of the lumbar spine, you can evaluate the thickness and functionality of the intervertebral discs, the presence of voids in the bone tissue, violations of the integrity of the vertebrae, and the presence of loose elements.

Thyroid examination

The thyroid gland is the largest in the human body. It is located in the throat area. The gland consists of two lobes, which are connected by an isthmus. In rare cases, its absence is revealed. The gland is protected by fibrous and outer membranes. The space between them is filled with adipose tissue. It is permeated by a network of blood vessels and nerves. The thyroid gland is involved in the formation of hormones necessary for the body - thyroxine, calcitonin, triiodothyronine and thyrocalcitonin.

In the diagnosis of diseases and pathological neoplasms, CT examination is not inferior in information content to procedures such as MRI and ultrasound. Using computed tomography, the doctor can promptly detect the presence of cystic formations, adenomas and other pathological nodes.

CT with contrast

To examine soft tissues, a CT scan with contrast injection is performed. This method allows you to better examine small vessels and study blood flow. A contrast agent is used to distinguish a benign neoplasm from a malignant one, as well as in situations where a study without the introduction of a contrast agent turned out to be uninformative.

The essence of contrast is the use of an iodine-based drug. With the introduction of such a composition, you can see a clear circulatory network in the lumbosacral spine. In this case, an initial scan is performed without contrast, and then an appropriate substance is injected, which makes it possible to analyze the rate of blood filling of the vessels.

Examination of the trachea and larynx

The larynx is connected by nine movable hyaline cartilages. They are connected by ligaments, membranes and joints. The inside of the larynx is covered with mucous tissue. The larynx is made up of three parts - upper, middle and lower.

The main function of the larynx is the circulation of air currents. This is where the vocal cords are located. When air flows through them, sound occurs. Its sound depends on several parameters: the shape and size of the larynx, humidity, ligament tension and elasticity.

A little lower, the trachea, which has the shape of a tube, connects to the larynx. The trachea consists of fibrous, muscle and cartilage tissues. It is covered by a mucous membrane. Its main function is to ensure air circulation in the lungs.

Using CT, you can also examine the condition of the larynx

Using this method, you can find out what changes occur in the trachea and larynx under the influence of inflammation, laryngitis, stenosis and trauma in this area of ​​the neck. This method is considered the most informative, as it provides research in layer-by-layer projections. Thanks to this, the doctor has a good understanding of where the pathology is located. This in turn contributes to correct diagnosis and effective treatment. It can be either medicinal or surgical.

Preparing for the examination

No special preparation is required for a CT scan of the lumbar spine. But if the tomography is done using a contrast agent, it is better not to eat or drink 2 hours before the CT scan. This will help avoid the risk of nausea and vomiting. Before such an examination, it is recommended to do a test for the body’s sensitivity to iodine-containing compounds.

In preparation for a tomography of the lumbosacral region, it is necessary to remove all metal jewelry and warn the doctor about the presence of metal prostheses, a pacemaker and other non-removable devices or metal elements.

What is spinal tomography?

Magnetic resonance imaging of the spine is a high-tech method for diagnosing back pathologies. The operating principle of the tomograph is based on the effect of nuclear magnetic resonance. The scanning device itself consists of an installation that creates a powerful magnetic field and radio frequency signal detectors. When a patient gets inside the scanning part of the device, under the influence of a strong magnetic field and RF signals, the hydrogen atoms in the body's cells begin to resonate, that is, make oscillatory movements. The tomograph's computer translates these impulses into three-dimensional images, which the radiologist sees on the monitor screen.

Main contraindications

You should also consult with your doctor to make sure there are no contraindications to tomography. The examination of the sacral and lumbar regions is not carried out:

  • pregnancy period;
  • with confirmed cancer;
  • for epilepsy, convulsive syndrome;
  • for mental disorders;
  • with pathological lesions of the liver and kidneys.

Contraindications to CT of the lumbar region may include diabetes mellitus, high body weight, and children under 12 years of age. Breastfeeding mothers need to express breast milk in advance so that there is enough for 48 hours of feeding the baby. During this time, the contrast agent will be completely eliminated from the body naturally. There are also some restrictions on body size and weight. Thus, most tomographs are designed for people weighing no more than 120 kg.

Contraindications to computed tomography

Contraindications are determined by ionizing radiation and the possible use of iodine-containing contrast.

Tomography is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women and young children. The risk due to ionization of the body during a CT scan of the spine in a child should always be lower than the potential information content of the scan.

The use of contrast is limited in cases of allergy to iodine, decompensated somatic diseases, renal failure with a significant increase in creatinine. In such cases, either an MRI scan is performed or non-ionic isosmolar contrast agents are used with preliminary premedication.

How is the procedure done?

To perform a CT scan of the lumbar spine, the patient lies on the platform of a special device - a tomograph. The procedure has some features:

  • to identify pathological changes in the lumbosacral region, the patient must lie still throughout the entire study;
  • the platform slides inside the device, which can create unpleasant sensations for people prone to claustrophobia;
  • scanning takes about 5-7 minutes;
  • the doctor is in another room, but constantly sees the patient through a transparent partition;
  • The tomograph makes quite a lot of noise, this is normal, and earplugs help reduce its irritating effect;
  • if health deteriorates, the patient can stop the procedure at any time by pressing a button on a special device.

If it is necessary to examine the sacral spine using contrast, a special composition is injected intravenously into the forearm or into the lumbar region.

Examination of lymph nodes in the cervical spine

Using a CT scan, inflammatory processes in the neck and larynx can be detected.

Lymph nodes can be anterior, lateral, deep and retropharyngeal. They are covered with a dense capsule containing the cortex and medulla. From them, lymph enters the venous bed, which is involved in regulating the water balance.

Using CT, you can see pathological changes occurring in the lymph nodes. CT can detect inflammation, the development of tumors, and abnormalities in the development of lymph nodes. Thanks to the procedure, it became possible to accurately determine the diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment. CT scans are also performed before surgery and to monitor the disease.

Decoding the results

After completing the examination, the doctor interprets the results. The patient receives a conclusion on paper and a recording on a disk or flash drive. The conclusion indicates the size of the vertebrae, the characteristics of the tissues in and around the spine, the condition of the intervertebral discs, identified anomalies and pathologies.

Tomography of the lumbar region allows you to identify pathologies in the early stages, when they are still treatable.
This makes it possible to avoid the development of many dangerous complications. It is worth considering that the degree of radiation exposure is determined by the quality of the equipment used in the medical center. If modern tomographs are used, the procedure does not create any danger to the body. Rate this article: (1 rated 5 out of 5)

Which specialist can prescribe a CT examination of the cervical region?

Diseases of the neck area are extremely diverse. Thus, a referral for a CT examination can be prescribed by various specialists. They can be an orthopedist, surgeon, oncologist, traumatologist, etc. The main symptom used for CT diagnostics is pain in the cervical region. After the process is completed, the patient leaves with an image in his hands, a disk with information about the examination performed and a text conclusion.

Any specialist can prescribe a CT scan of the neck, since in this area there may be disorders associated with both the spine and internal organs

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