The main causes of severe pain in the pelvic bones - information for patients

Pelvic pain

- this is any pain below the navel or in the perineum. This pain can be caused by various reasons: diseases of the intestines, bladder and urinary tract, kidneys, female or male genital organs. Acute pelvic pain is a signal for urgent medical attention. If there is pain in the rectal area that occurs during defecation or immediately after it, you should consult a proctologist; pain associated with urination is a reason to consult a urologist.

Chronic pelvic pain syndrome

- long-term pelvic pain, ranging in intensity from mild to unbearably strong. Constant excruciating pain contributes to the appearance of depression, severe anxiety and strong feelings.

Chronic pelvic pain in men

and in women they worsen the quality of life because they last a long time (six months or more) and do not allow them to lead a normal lifestyle.

At CELT you can get advice from a specialist algologist.

Make an appointment

Pelvic pain is very common in women. Every 6th patient suffers from them, but no more than 10% go to a gynecologist. At the same time, pain can signal a serious gynecological disease. If pain in the groin occurs when walking, and intensifies when supporting the leg, the patient may have a disease of the hip joint - it is necessary to consult an orthopedic traumatologist.

If you do not know which doctor to contact or have already contacted specialists, but the cause of the pain has not been found, contact a pain treatment specialist.

More about coxarthrosis

Pathologies of the musculoskeletal system

One of the clinical manifestations of diseases of the musculoskeletal system is pain in the pelvic area.


DiseaseClinical manifestationsDiagnosticsTreatment
Osteochondrosis of the sacrolumbar region
  • chronic pelvic pain;
  • feeling of weakness in the muscles of the lower extremities;
  • aching pain, sometimes sharp, radiating to the lower extremities
  • CT scan;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • radiography
  • taking anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • pain relief measures;
  • exercise therapy;
  • manual therapy techniques
Herniated discs
  • severe pain symptoms in the back;
  • irradiation of pain to the legs and gluteal region;
  • a feeling of numbness in the legs, including complete loss of sensation;
  • inflammation, swelling
  • CT scan;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • Lacen test
  • drug treatment: muscle relaxants, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antidepressants, inhibitors;
  • physiotherapeutic techniques;
  • exercise therapy;
  • surgical intervention when indicated
Neoplasms of the pelvic bones, metastases to the spinal column
  • dull pain in the pelvis and buttocks;
  • pain while walking;
  • limited movement
  • CT scan;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • biopsy;
  • radiography;
  • angiography
  • surgical intervention aimed at removing the tumor;
  • radiation and chemical therapy
Arthrosis of the sacroiliac joint
  • dull pain, sometimes becoming permanent;
  • limited movement
  • CT scan;
  • examination by a doctor;
  • radiography;
  • tests
  • drug treatment: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • blockades to eliminate pain;
  • bandage;
  • manual therapy techniques;
  • physiotherapeutic techniques
Tuberculosis ODA
  • feeling of heaviness and pain in the back;
  • limited movement;
  • amyotrophy;
  • joint swelling;
  • lameness
  • CT scan;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • myelography;
  • radiography;
  • tests
  • drug treatment: antibiotics;
  • immobilization of the affected joint;
  • surgical intervention;
  • Exercise therapy in remission

A little about the hip joint

The hip joint is the largest joint in the musculoskeletal system. It connects the lower limbs to the torso. The head of the femur is inserted into the acetabulum of the pelvis. Ligaments and muscles are located around this structure, and synovial fluid is produced inside, which acts as a lubricant.

It is the quantity and quality of synovial fluid that determines how well the joint will function and whether degenerative changes will begin in it. After all, if changes affect the cartilage, they will become inflamed and eventually spread to the bones, which will lead to necrosis of the joints.

It is impossible to live comfortably with a damaged hip joint.

Pathologies of the urinary system

A number of diseases of the urinary system are characterized by chronic pelvic pain


DiseaseClinical manifestationsDiagnosticsTreatment
NephroptosisModerate pain that is aching in nature at the initial stage of the disease. As it progresses, it spreads to the abdominal area and intensifies, becomes permanent, and is accompanied by the appearance of blood in the urine.
  • CT scan;
  • Ultrasound;
  • lab tests
  • wearing a fixing bandage;
  • physiotherapy;
  • surgical intervention, if indicated
Chronic cystitisA symptom of pelvic pain, which is accompanied by the urge to urinate frequently, accompanied by unpleasant sensations and blood in the urine.
  • lab tests;
  • Ultrasound;
  • smear test
  • drug treatment: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, venotonics;
  • physiotherapeutic techniques;
  • Exercise therapy
Congenital malposition of the kidneys - dystopia
  • minimal pain in the lumbar region;
  • pain symptoms in the abdominal area;
  • problems with urination
  • radiography;
  • scintigraphy;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • urography;
  • Ultrasound
  • drug treatment: antibiotics, drugs to increase blood flow in the kidneys;
  • surgery
Urolithiasis disease
  • nagging pain in the lower back;
  • blood in the urine;
  • acute pain symptoms when the stone moves;
  • increase in body temperature
  • Ultrasound;
  • CT scan;
  • tests
  • lithotripsy;
  • drug treatment: means for dissolving sand and microliths, painkillers, antispasmodics;
  • physiotherapeutic techniques

Gastrointestinal pathologies

There are many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract that require treatment for pelvic pain

, along with eliminating the root cause that caused them.

DiseaseClinical manifestationsDiagnosticsTreatment
Adhesions due to surgery, inflammatory processes, injuriesPainful pulling sensations in the abdomen, radiating to the pelvis and lower back.
  • CT scan;
  • Ultrasound of the peritoneum;
  • lab tests;
  • laparoscopy
  • methods of drug treatment using anti-inflammatory and enzyme drugs;
  • surgical intervention aimed at cutting adhesions
Irritable bowel syndrome
  • pain symptoms of varying intensity;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • heartburn, flatulence
  • blood and stool tests;
  • colonoscopy;
  • Ultrasound
  • methods of drug treatment using laxatives or anti-diarrhea drugs, probiotics;
  • correct diet
Chronic colitis
  • attacks of pain in the lower or side of the abdomen;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • persistent pain in the pelvic area;
  • heartburn, flatulence;
  • sudden weight loss while maintaining the same diet
  • blood and stool tests;
  • colonoscopy
  • methods of drug treatment using anti-inflammatory drugs, sobrents and antispasmodics;
  • physiotherapeutic techniques


Diagnostic measures are carried out by traumatologists and orthopedists. According to indications, examinations by surgeons, oncologists, and other specialists are prescribed. The examination program may include the following procedures:

  • Survey
    . The specialist finds out the time and circumstances of the onset of the pain syndrome, its nature, frequency, duration, clarifies the connection with external factors, and the presence of other symptoms.
  • Physical examination
    . The doctor evaluates the appearance of the pelvic area, identifies deformities, pathological mobility, forced body position, and examines the mobility of the spine and hip joints.
  • X-ray of the pelvis.
    Basic examination for bone pathology. Detects fractures, signs of inflammation or osteodystrophy, infectious foci, and neoplasms.
  • Ultrasound
    . Prescribed for diseases of soft tissues, suspected symphysitis during pregnancy. It makes it possible to clarify the localization and nature of the pathological process, confirm the presence of inflammation, space-occupying formations, and other changes.
  • Other imaging techniques
    . If the basic methods are insufficiently informative, at the final stage of the examination, examinations are carried out for a detailed study of bone structures and MRI to assess the condition of soft tissues.
  • Lab tests
    . They are used to confirm the inflammatory process, clarify the type of pathogen, and detect specific markers of rheumatic diseases.


Pelvic pain in women

Pelvic pain in women

- a common phenomenon. Between the ages of 18 and 50, it affects 5 to 15% of the fair half of humanity. The percentage increases to 20 when it comes to patients who have suffered inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system.

The causes of pain in the pelvic area can be different, but most often they are associated with changes in the organs of the reproductive system. Chronic pain symptoms are vague and can lead to a variety of other problems, which ultimately have a negative impact on quality of life. The table below shows the main pathologies of the internal organs of the woman’s reproductive system, one of the manifestations of which is pain in the pelvic area.

DiseaseClinical manifestationsDiagnosticsTreatment
Symphysitis (inflammatory processes and injuries in the area of ​​the pubic symphysis received during childbirth)
  • pain in the pubic area and lower abdomen;
  • gait disturbances, characteristic “duck” waddling from foot to foot;
  • clicking noises while walking
  • Ultrasound of the damaged area;
  • radiography
  • pain relief measures;
  • taking anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • taking vitamins;
  • exercise therapy;
  • bandage
  • intense or aching pain in acute and chronic forms of the disease, respectively;
  • increased body temperature;
  • constipation;
  • infertility
  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • smear analysis;
  • Ultrasound
  • medication: taking antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, hormones;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • surgery to remove adhesions
Myomatous nodes
  • pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the pelvic area;
  • intense menstruation, bleeding between them;
  • constipation and urinary disorders
  • gynecological examination;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • hysteroscopy;
  • Ultrasound
  • medicinal: hormones, painkillers;
  • EMA;
  • surgical for pronounced symptoms, large nodes or their intensive growth
Neoplasms of the uterus and cervix of a malignant nature
  • inflammatory processes of the reproductive system organs;
  • discomfort during sexual intercourse;
  • intense and prolonged menstruation;
  • bloody, purulent discharge
  • Ultrasound;
  • biopsy;
  • tests;
  • oncocytology
  • surgical intervention aimed at removing the tumor;
  • radiation and chemical therapy

Pelvic pain

may occur
during pregnancy
due to natural changes in the pubic and sacroiliac joints. During this period, the pelvis is prepared for childbirth and “stretched.” As a rule, they appear in those expectant mothers who previously had diseases of the musculoskeletal system. If the pain lasts a long time and is intense, you should urgently seek professional medical help.

If the intrauterine device is selected or installed incorrectly, pain in the pelvic area may also occur. They arise as a result of inflammatory processes and are accompanied by rejection of the coil and intense bleeding. Menstruation, accompanied by intense pain in the pelvic area, is a consequence of neurological disorders and a number of diseases of the female reproductive system. They are accompanied by weakness, cramping attacks of pain, a feeling of weakness and can be eliminated by taking analgesics, NSAIDs, and hormonal drugs.

Bone pain after a fracture

Quite often, ossalgia occurs in people with old fractures. In most cases, this occurs after excessive physical activity. In addition, old fractures can make themselves felt in blood diseases (lymphogranulomatosis, leukemia), in violation of collagen synthesis, autoimmune pathologies, infectious diseases and severe allergic reactions. If your bone hurts when pressed after a fracture, we recommend consulting with a specialist who, after examination and additional examination, will prescribe treatment. For the purpose of prevention, in this case it is appropriate to use vitamin-mineral complexes and calcium supplements.

Pelvic pain in men

Pain in the pelvic area in men does not have a clear localization. Most often they are felt in the area near the navel and spread to the lower abdomen, as well as to the perineum, back, and rectum. The causes that cause them are represented by diseases of the reproductive system, which are presented in our table below.

Disease-causeClinical manifestations
Chronic bacterial prostatitisPainful symptoms of moderate intensity, which intensifies at the beginning of urination. As the disease develops and the urethra is involved in the process, the pain becomes constant and the man becomes irritable
Tunnel pudentopathy - damage to the pudendal nerve due to pathological changes in the lumbar spineFeeling of tension and pain in the genitals and pelvic floor muscles, accompanied by urination problems
Prostate tuberculosis due to diseases of the urinary tract and testiclesSymptoms depend on the location of the foci of the disease and are expressed in pain in the pelvic area. It is accompanied by a false urge to urinate and its disturbances, purulent discharge in advanced disease
Prostate fibrosisPainful symptoms in the pelvic area are accompanied by a number of sexual disorders and urination disorders


It is easier to prevent pelvic diseases than to treat pathological processes and their consequences.

You can protect the female pelvic organs from the inflammatory process by following certain rules:

  • Compliance with intimate hygiene standards;
  • Elimination of hypothermia;
  • Minimization of intrauterine manipulations;
  • Use of barrier methods of contraception (condom);
  • Regular examination of both the woman by a gynecologist and the sexual partner by a urologist-andrologist.
  • When the first symptoms of the disease appear, seek medical help early.

Treatment of pelvic pain in men

Treatment methods directly depend on the cause that caused them. In any case, it is carried out comprehensively. Thus, for prostate tuberculosis, anti-tuberculosis medications “Salyuzida”, “Metazid” are prescribed, and therapeutic methods are used. If there are indications, they resort to surgery - cavernotomy.

In prostate fibrosis, efforts are directed toward eliminating prostate sclerosis, for which surgical intervention is used to eliminate the affected areas and restore patency of the urinary tract. In addition, treatment of pelvic pain in men

may include physiotherapeutic and local procedures, exercise therapy aimed at stimulating blood flow in the legs. Drinking alcohol, smoking tobacco, and consuming spicy foods is not recommended.

Which doctor should I contact?

A visit to the doctor is simply necessary if the pain does not stop for a long time and is accompanied by fever, numbness of the lower extremities, nausea, or if it occurs as a result of injury. If you want to be sure that you will be correctly diagnosed and treated at a high quality level, contact the CELT clinic. In order to become our patient and get rid of pain, it is not necessary to have a Moscow residence permit. Contact your doctor, and depending on the nature of the pain, the cause of its occurrence and accompanying symptoms, you will be referred to one of our specialists:

  • pain management specialist;
  • traumatologist-orthopedist;
  • rheumatologist;
  • neurologist;
  • oncologist;
  • physiotherapist;
  • gynecologist;
  • to a urologist.

How to understand that you have coxarthrosis

At different stages of the disease, pain has different intensity. Initially, the patient periodically feels aching pain after exercise, which is more pronounced in the groin. In the second stage, it increases and does not stop at night. Movement is somewhat limited, and there is a characteristic swaying or limp in the gait. As a rule, at this stage the person already has a clearly defined diagnosis and is undergoing treatment.

If this does not happen, the joint becomes completely motionless, and the limb is significantly shortened. Conservative treatment rarely helps - surgery is necessary.

Most people understand that they have coxarthrosis only at stage 2

Why is it so important to see a doctor promptly?

Painful symptoms in the pelvic area can signal a number of diseases of the genitourinary and musculoskeletal systems, as well as the gastrointestinal tract. Taking painkillers will only temporarily eliminate the symptom, but the cause that caused it will not be eliminated - and the disease will continue to develop, which is dangerous for health and life. By consulting a doctor in a timely manner and undergoing a diagnostic test, the patient will find out the cause of the pain and, together with the doctor, will be able to direct efforts to eliminate it, avoiding much more serious consequences, irreversible processes, and sometimes even surgical intervention. Do not delay your visit to the doctor under any circumstances if:

  • pain symptoms have an intense paroxysmal nature;
  • an admixture of blood is found in the urine or stool;
  • internal organs hurt;
  • there is headache, nausea, high body temperature;
  • Women experience uterine bleeding.

Treatment of pelvic pain

Treatment of pelvic pain is determined by the reasons that caused it. Even if causes of pain associated with damage to internal organs are excluded, patients can be helped! Modern medicine offers a number of techniques that can help eliminate not only the pain syndrome, but also the disease that caused it. These include:

  • drug treatment that involves taking medications;
  • various types of therapy: tissue, vascular, microcirculatory;
  • elimination of biomechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system of the pelvis;
  • correction of psychological state;
  • surgical interventions if there are appropriate indications or if there is no effect when using conservative treatment methods.

Thanks to the advent of modern techniques associated with blockade of nerves, nerve plexuses, large joints, as well as modern radiofrequency nerve ablation techniques, patients with chronic pelvic pain syndrome have hope of returning to a normal lifestyle. To find out the cause of pelvic pain, as well as the possibilities of modern medicine to help cope with it, please make an appointment with a pain treatment specialist at our clinic!

Make an appointment through the application or by calling +7 +7 We work every day:

  • Monday—Friday: 8.00—20.00
  • Saturday: 8.00–18.00
  • Sunday is a day off

The nearest metro and MCC stations to the clinic:

  • Highway of Enthusiasts or Perovo
  • Partisan
  • Enthusiast Highway

Driving directions

Therapy methods

The goal of treatment is to remove the tumor along with part of the healthy bone and surrounding tissue (taking into account zonation), as well as to prevent recurrence and metastasis. Most often, combination cancer treatment is used using chemotherapy and/or radiation methods in combination with surgery.


The extent of the operation is determined based on the results of histological examination, tumor size, and general condition of the patient. Often, along with the tumor, it is necessary to remove the muscular-fascial sheath (sheath principle). If the fascial border is technically difficult to access, then the layer of muscles that surrounds it is removed (zonal principle). These features must be taken into account when planning the operation.

The gold standard of surgical treatment is organ-conserving surgery. Such an intervention for cancer of the pelvic bones is interiliac-abdominal resection.

If the tumor affects the hip joint, then endoprosthetics can be performed simultaneously. The use of an endoprosthesis allows one to quickly improve the patient’s quality of life while fully restoring limb function.

Radiation therapy

The method of radiation therapy is selected taking into account the morphological type of cancer and its radiosensitivity. This treatment is used together with chemotherapy, as well as in the process of preoperative preparation.


Most often, several drugs are used that mutually potentiate each other's effects. If there is a solitary (single) lesion in the pelvic bones and subsequent surgical intervention, chemotherapy is carried out locally. The antitumor drug is delivered directly to the pathological focus using an arterial catheter. This method is highly effective because it helps to achieve an increased concentration of the drug in the tumor. For a generalized process, systemic chemotherapy is used.

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