Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the shoulder joint

MRI of the shoulder joint X-rays are usually used to diagnose diseases of the musculoskeletal system. In case of damage to the soft tissue elements of the joints, ultrasound diagnostics is used. However, the listed methods do not allow clear visualization of all joint structures. If the information content of radiography and ultrasound is low, the doctor prescribes magnetic resonance imaging. This is a safe and highly informative diagnostic procedure that reflects the condition of all elements of the articulation, making it possible to identify most diseases. Treatment tactics depend on what an MRI of the shoulder joint shows. The advantage of the method is its informativeness even with the earliest pathological changes.

Shoulder joint diseases

The joint functions fully if all its elements are healthy:

  • bones;
  • cartilage;
  • synovial membrane;
  • blood vessels;
  • nerves;
  • muscles;
  • tendon apparatus.

The phenomenon of magnetic nuclear resonance allows one to obtain layer-by-layer images of the area under study (slices). It is difficult to identify bone or vascular pathologies based on the results of an MR scan, but soft tissue can be examined in detail and the following lesions can be detected:

  • damage to the stabilizers of the shoulder joint (lips, capsules, ligaments, etc.);
  • muscle sprains and tears (biceps, trapezius, deltoid, rhomboid, etc.);
  • Hill-Sachs fracture (change in the shape of the outer part of the head of the humerus);
  • rotator cuff tendon rupture;
  • (in)complete dislocations of the humerus;
  • arthrosis (destructive-dystrophic processes);
  • fusion of the articular surfaces of the articulation;
  • arthritis (inflammatory processes of an infectious, autoimmune or other nature in the joint);
  • pathological characteristics (presence of blood, pus) and changes in the volume of synovial fluid;
  • inflammation of the joint capsule, muscles;
  • osteochondropathy (disturbances in the trophism of bones and cartilage, which lead to their necrosis);
  • purulent processes (abscess, phlegmon, osteomyelitis);
  • developmental anomalies;
  • neuropathy, brachial plexus lesions;
  • tendon dystrophy;
  • sclero- or necrotic changes in articulation elements;
  • neoplasms.

MRI of the shoulder joint
Native MRI thoroughly reflects the anatomy of the shoulder joint. A contrast study allows you to identify the smallest foci of inflammation, tumors and circulatory disorders.

The procedure is performed to assess the consequences of injuries or make a diagnosis. MRI of the shoulder joint is used to monitor the dynamics of disease development and the effectiveness of prescribed treatment. The study does not involve radiation exposure and is completely safe for health.

Interpretation of information obtained after MRI

After the MRI is completed, decoding of the received information begins - this is done by an expert in the field of radiation testing. Often, the waiting time for results is no more than 120 minutes, but if there is a high level of workload, the patient will have to return for answers the next day. In the photographs after the MRI, the doctor will be able to see:

  • Inflammatory processes occurring in the studied area, causing degenerative and destructive deformations of hard structures and cartilage (intensively highlighted in the image).
  • Oncology appears as areas with a dense texture.
  • In case of ligament rupture, displacement and changes in areas are visible.
  • When a complete or partial fusion of the gap forms, there is a possibility of developing joint immobility.
  • In situations where dead zones form, there is a danger of the spread of an infectious disease.
  • The accumulation of fluid indicates bursitis.

MRI for shoulder pain

The diagnostic procedure is often prescribed by a traumatologist or orthopedist. The main indication for MRI is pain in the shoulder joint. The study allows us to identify the causes of discomfort. Other reasons for an MRI scan include:

  • clicks, crunching in joints, etc.;
  • swelling in the joint area;
  • stiffness, limited movement of the joint or its hypermobility;
  • skin redness;
  • local hyperthermia;
  • joint deformation;
  • shortening or lengthening of the arm on the affected side, etc.

An MR examination of the shoulder with contrast is carried out if the inflammatory or tumor nature of the pathology is suspected, or if there are signs of dystrophy. Magnetic resonance imaging is prescribed for injuries, if radiation diagnostic methods are contraindicated or the damage is old.

Periodic MRI is recommended for people with systemic autoimmune diseases, athletes, and people whose shoulder joints are subject to increased stress due to professional activities. The study is carried out at the planning stage of surgical intervention to determine the volume and type of operation.

Decoding the results

As a rule, the process of decrypting images takes about an hour. If this is necessary, inform your doctor in advance about the need to record images on digital media.

When conducting diagnostics, the following pathological processes can be identified:

  • The presence of congenital anomalies in the structure of soft or bone structures;
  • Degenerative or inflammatory changes in bone and cartilage tissue;
  • Benign or malignant neoplasms;
  • Damage to the integrity of tissues, muscles, bones;
  • Destruction of cartilage;
  • Vascular pathologies;
  • Reducing joint space;
  • Arthritis or arthrosis.

After receiving a transcript of the results, the patient can immediately go to the attending physician to establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Be healthy!

How is an MRI of the shoulder performed?

The diagnostic procedure is carried out by appointment. During registration, it is necessary to notify the medical staff about the presence of metal structures in the body (endoprostheses, pins, plates, etc.). There are clear contraindications for MRI related to the above. You will need to provide an official document stating what material the structure is made of. The certificate can be obtained from the clinic where the operation to install the latter was performed.

The MRI procedure of the shoulder joint does not require specific preparation steps from the patient. You need to come to the clinic 10-15 minutes before the appointed time to fill out documents and undergo instructions. If contrast surgery is planned, you should have a light snack 45 minutes before the procedure to reduce autonomic reactions to the drug. Women during breastfeeding should reserve milk for 2 feedings, which will have to be skipped if a contrast agent is administered.

Shoulder MRI

Before the examination, the patient must remove all jewelry and clothing with metal elements. Electronic devices (watch, phone, hearing aid, etc.) must be left outside the diagnostic room. The procedure for performing an MRI of the shoulder joint is as follows:

  1. The patient enters the tomography room and lies down on the mobile platform of the device. The conveyor moves so that the area under study is in the center of the device frame.
  2. To stabilize the position of the joint, the technician secures the patient's body and arm with straps or bolsters. The free limb provides a button for emergency communication. If you are worried or have any unpleasant sensations, you can use it and the procedure will be suspended. The tomograph is quite noisy, so the patient is offered to listen to relaxing music through headphones. You can also use regular earplugs.
  3. The X-ray technician goes into the next room, from where he observes the patient through the glass, checks the serviceability of the speakerphone, instructs him to lie still and turns on the equipment. Complete stillness is necessary to obtain clear photographs.
  4. Upon completion of the diagnosis, the patient is given his personal belongings and asked to wait for the results.

MRI of the shoulder joint is contraindicated in women in the first trimester of pregnancy, as well as in persons with a pacemaker or insulin pump. For contrast studies, safe drugs based on gadolinium chelates are used, which do not have a negative effect on the body. However, MRI with contrast is contraindicated for pregnant women at any stage.

For patients with claustrophobia, the study is carried out using open-type devices. They are considered less accurate, but do not require placement in a camera. People with acute pain, hyperkinesis or other neurological disorders are offered to be examined under sedation in a hospital setting.

Features of the procedure

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The duration of the procedure is 20-30 minutes. The patient lies down on a special retractable couch. The head, legs and arms are fixed with special rollers or soft straps, and a special coil is attached to the area of ​​study, with which images are obtained - to obtain an accurate result, it is necessary to remain motionless throughout the entire scanning process. The couch slides into the tube of the device and scanning begins.

The device produces a fairly loud sound during operation, which can cause panic attacks or neurasthenia. If there is a sharp deterioration in the patient’s condition, the patient can contact the x-ray technician via two-way communication.

Deciphering the results takes from 30 minutes to several hours, depending on the specific case. The description is made by a radiologist and issued in the form of a preliminary report. The final diagnosis is determined by the attending physician.

MRI of the shoulder joint, how long does it take?

It takes approximately 10-15 minutes to complete the paperwork, interview and prepare the patient. Magnetic resonance scanning takes about 15-20. Contrasting extends the procedure time to half an hour. Preparing the results by a radiologist takes from 15 to 60 minutes. To undergo an MRI of the shoulder joint, the patient will have to spend 1 to 2 hours in the clinic, which is determined purely on an individual basis.

Shoulder MRI

Expert equipment

The Clinical Hospital on Yauza uses the latest generation 1.5 T Philips Ingenia fully digital magnetic resonance imaging scanner, which provides:

  • Reduced scanning time (less time to lie in the magnet)
  • The maximum possible diameter of the tunnel (73 cm) - the patient’s waist circumference (circumference) is up to 225 cm
  • Highest quality images
  • Full range of studies due to maximum equipment
  • Additional information through advanced software
  • Environmental control system (music from the patient’s playlist, choice of lighting, personal climate control)
  • Automated quality control system for research and descriptions
  • IT platform with triple control of research results - with the support of professors, leading specialists from Russia, Europe and Israel (“second opinion”)

Interpretation of photos of MRI images of the shoulder joint

The result of MR scanning is layer-by-layer images of the area under study in three mutually perpendicular projections. The photo is analyzed by a radiologist who records and describes any deviations in the joint structure from the norm.

The patient receives a conclusion in the form of a document and a complete set of images on an information medium. The radiologist can provide explanations regarding the changes identified during the study and advise which doctor to contact, but he does not make a diagnosis, prescribe treatment or give prognosis. The interpretation of the MRI results of the shoulder joint indicates:

  • characteristics of the main structures (size, uniformity, etc.);
  • presence of signs of inflammation, tissue degeneration, tumors;
  • cartilage changes;
  • consequences of injuries;
  • signs of calcification in joint structures;
  • the presence of foci of necrosis, scarring;
  • abnormalities of the joint space;
  • pathological accumulation of fluid.

Based on the findings and photographs, the doctor can detect signs of the following diseases:

  • peri-, arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • gout;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • plexitis (inflammation of the nerve trunks of the brachial plexus);
  • bursitis, synovitis;
  • neuropathy;
  • tumors, etc.

Copies of the description can be sent by email if you indicated its address when filling out the documents. You are allowed to come for the original on any other day, but in this case it is impossible to get an explanation from the radiologist.

If necessary, you can use, which involves decoding the received data by another specialist. The option is especially useful in case of atypical course of the disease or a long history.

What determines the cost of the research?

The financial side of diagnostics consists of many components, but the main point is the quality and power of the screening equipment. Tomography machines are produced with different generated powers, which will determine the quality of the results obtained.

Devices with a declared power of 1.5 Tesla and higher are considered the highest priority, since the clarity of the resulting images is at a high level, and the speed of the session increases significantly. In some situations, the patient is prescribed scanning on low-floor machines in order to reduce the risks of individual prohibitions on tomographic examination.

The price is also affected by the presence of the institution’s own specialists – diagnosticians, who work on the final conclusion in real time. Some organizations are reducing the cost of maintaining medical professionals and deciphering the received data remotely.

When to carry out comprehensive research

Our body is a single system in which everything is interconnected. And if a pathological process occurs in one part of the body, there is no guarantee that over time it will not spread to neighboring formations. That is why it is sometimes impossible to limit oneself to one area of ​​research. An example is rapidly growing tumors and their metastases, which can spread through the blood or lymph to any part of the human body.

And in cases of difficulties with differential diagnosis, it would not be amiss to examine several areas to make a single correct diagnosis. Remember that the sooner doctors detect pathology, the sooner treatment will begin!

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