X-ray examination of the shoulder joint: diagnostic capabilities, technique and indications

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X-ray of the shoulder joint is performed in two projections (frontal and lateral), and the examination itself lasts 10–15 minutes. No special preparation is required for the study. An X-ray of the shoulder joint allows you to visualize the joint itself (articular surfaces, joint space), its components (marginal areas of the bone of the shoulder and scapula, as well as the collarbone and tissues adjacent to the shoulder joint.

What does an x-ray of the shoulder joint help to identify?

X-rays of the shoulder joint are used to diagnose:

  • injuries of the shoulder joint: dislocation and subluxation, sprains/ruptures of ligaments and tendons, fractures of articular components, cracks;
  • tendinitis and bursitis of the shoulder joint;
  • location, type and level of humerus fracture;
  • pathological growths of bone tissue of the shoulder joint in metabolic diseases;
  • tumors of the bones that form the shoulder joint;
  • intra-articular foreign bodies;
  • arthritis and arthrosis of the shoulder joint;
  • necrosis of the head of the humerus;
  • osteoporosis;
  • hemarthrosis of the shoulder joint (bleeding into the joint cavity);
  • congenital malformations of the shoulder joint;
  • cysts of the shoulder joint.


The shoulder X-ray procedure takes on average 15 minutes, although the actual scanning process takes less than a second. During the procedure, the patient is wearing a lead apron to protect the reproductive organs.

An X-ray of the shoulder can be performed either in an X-ray room or using portable X-ray machines, which are used in operating rooms or intensive care units.

The technician or radiographer positions the patient (lying or standing) and then goes into the adjacent equipment room. As a rule, two photographs are taken - in frontal and lateral projection. When taking pictures, the patient needs to hold his breath for a short time. Stillness is necessary to avoid blurring of the image.

Indications for x-ray of the shoulder joint

X-ray of the shoulder joint is performed in the following cases:

  • pain in the joint (after sports, heavy work, prolonged standing, after injury);
  • limited mobility in the joint;
  • fatigue in the shoulder joint after exercise;
  • swelling, redness of the skin in the shoulder area;
  • joint deformation, shortening of the upper limb (dislocation/subluxation).

An x-ray of the shoulder joint is also performed if:

  • joint tumors;
  • degenerative changes in joint cartilage (metabolic and systemic diseases);
  • congenital anomalies of the shoulder joint;
  • the presence of foreign objects in the joint.

X-rays are performed on the eve of treatment and after (comparison of fragments, reduction of dislocation of the shoulder joint, effectiveness of drug therapy).

Preparing for X-rays

When planning a procedure, the patient is recommended to wear loose clothing that can be easily removed. At the same time, there should be no metal fasteners or decorative elements on it. It is better to leave all jewelry at home - any metal object can distort the results of the study.

If radiography with the introduction of a contrast agent is prescribed, then there are some restrictions on the consumption of food and liquids - a “starvation” diet is recommended for 4-6 hours. Additionally, it is necessary to conduct an analysis of the body's sensitivity to a certain type of contrast agents.

Alternative Methods

  • CT scan of the shoulder joint - allows you to evaluate bone changes, identify the presence of foreign bodies in the joint, a highly accurate method, but with a significant radiation exposure.
  • MRI is a study of the structure of periarticular soft tissues, ligaments, tendons and cartilaginous surfaces, but the study is expensive.
  • Ultrasound is a safe and accessible method for studying cartilage and soft tissue elements of the joint - synovial membrane, ligaments, periarticular structures (muscles, tendons). Detects inflammatory changes (including rheumatoid arthritis), blood, inflammatory exudate in the joint cavity.

During the procedure

The patient will not feel anything during the test. The x-ray room may be cool due to the air conditioning used to operate the equipment.

The positions required to take x-rays may be uncomfortable for the patient, but the patient will only have to remain in this position for a few seconds.

After the x-rays are taken, the patient will be asked to wait a few minutes because if the images are blurry, the x-rays will have to be repeated.

X-ray of the shoulder joint at the Yauza Clinical Hospital

In our hospital, you can take an X-ray of the shoulder joint using the Digital diagnost digital radiographic system (Philips, the Netherlands), which provides:

  • high-quality image at maximum research speed due to digital signal transmission;
  • convenience of the procedure (flat panel detectors allow you to obtain images in the required projection without moving the patient);
  • instant availability of the received images to the attending physician (all images are sent immediately via Wi-Fi to the hospital server).

The study is performed by experienced radiology specialists according to strict international protocols, the results are accepted in any medical institution in the world.

You can see prices for services

The article was checked by radiologist M.A. Petrova. , is for general informational purposes only and does not replace specialist advice. For recommendations on diagnosis and treatment, consultation with a doctor is necessary.

How is the research conducted?

Radiography does not require special preparation. The patient is recommended to remove all metal objects without exception before the procedure. If you have implants and prostheses, you should consult a diagnostician.

Progress of the procedure:

  • To examine the shoulder joint, the patient bares his torso and lies down on a special table.
  • The specialist fixes the position of the body in accordance with the selected projection.
  • The diagnostician covers the patient's thyroid gland and genitals with lead protective devices, after which he goes into a special room, observing the procedure through a porthole window.

The X-ray examination lasts several minutes. The patient is waiting outside for the diagnostic results.

You can prevent the consequences of the negative effects of X-ray radiation on the body by first including vitamins A, C and E in your diet. It is recommended to consume more fermented milk products before the procedure.

Indications and contraindications

Computed tomography has its indications and contraindications

If alternative imaging methods do not provide comprehensive information or there are contraindications, MRI is a good alternative for establishing a diagnosis. Computer scanning of the shoulder is usually used to assess the condition of the joint after prosthetics, fractures, and dislocations. The doctor may prescribe this study if the patient is bothered by pain in the shoulder, characteristic clicking, limited range of motion, swelling and redness of the skin over the joint.

As with any x-ray, there is some radiation exposure during a CT scan. Its level is absolutely safe for adults if the diagnosis is carried out using a modern high-quality tomograph. During pregnancy, lactation and in childhood under 14 years of age, radiation exposure can have an adverse effect on the body, so it is preferable to do an MRI or ultrasound of the shoulder joint. Computer scanning for this category of people can be performed for health reasons. A woman who does not rule out a desired pregnancy in the early stages should refrain from any x-ray examinations.

There are also restrictions on the patient’s weight: CT is not possible for technical reasons if the body weight exceeds 150 kg.

Contraindications for contrast CT

Modern radiopharmaceuticals have a minimal risk of side effects, but for some patients, enhanced CT scans are not prescribed. Absolute contraindications to the administration of contrast are:

  • hypersensitivity reactions (polyvalent allergy, urticaria, Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock) to the radiopharmaceutical.
  • chronic renal failure in the sub- and decompensation stage.
  • condition after kidney transplantation, nephrectomy.

In these cases, the question of the possibility of performing computed tomography with the introduction of contrast is decided on an individual basis.

At the diagnostic ]“Magnit”[/anchor] (St. Petersburg) you can do CT and MRI of the shoulder at a time convenient for you. There is a flexible system of discounts, we work 24/7. At night, examination prices are lower. A modern tomograph, high quality images, experienced specialists, an individual approach to each patient - everything that is necessary to determine the cause of the disease.

Features of joint diagnostics


The picture is taken in several projections. Based on the results of the examination, the doctor gets an accurate picture of all the bone and joint formations of the feet. The method allows you to detect injuries, degenerative changes, diagnose deformities, flat feet, heel spurs, synovitis, etc.

Ankle joint.

This joint experiences enormous loads and is therefore susceptible to disease. The most common pathologies are injuries, arthrosis, inflammatory diseases of the joint and joint capsule. To make a diagnosis, the image is taken in three projections.


A common reason for investigation is injuries: meniscus tear, dislocation, condyle fracture. Also, using an x-ray, a doctor can diagnose arthrosis, arthritis, hemorrhages in the joint and other diseases. This diagnosis makes it possible to examine both the joint and part of the fibula, tibia, and femur.

Elbow joint.

Injuries to this joint occur quite often, and they are especially common among athletes. Fractures of the shoulder, radius, processes of the ulna, and dislocations of the bones of the forearm may occur. Often there are cases of bursitis - inflammation of the synovial bursa.

Hip joint.

X-ray allows you to diagnose arthritis, necrosis of the femoral head, neck fracture, tumors, changes in tissue structure, coxarthrosis, etc. X-ray of joints is affordable. This is one of the few types of radiography that requires preparation: to increase the accuracy of the image and eliminate unnecessary shadows, you must have a bowel movement before the examination. This can be done naturally, using a laxative or an enema. When choosing a method, it is better to consult a doctor. Also, if possible, it is better to avoid foods that increase gas formation 2-3 days before the procedure. Such preparation measures will also be required when planning an x-ray of the pelvic bones.

Shoulder joint.

An X-ray may be required if glenohumeral periarthritis is suspected, as well as tumors, inflammatory and degenerative processes, fractures and dislocations. The image also allows you to visualize the collarbone and scapula.

Temporomandibular joint.

Radiography of this joint is often used in dental practice and maxillofacial surgery. It allows you to diagnose joint diseases and injuries. The data obtained is also used by the doctor to identify malocclusions. An image of the jaws allows one to draw conclusions about the volume and structure of bone tissue; this information is necessary when planning orthopedic treatment and dental implantation.

Why do you need an x-ray?

Shoulder (image is normal)
The image visualizes manifestations of pathologies: violation of the integrity of the bone, growth of cartilaginous elements along the edges, areas of salt deposits, etc.

Through the procedure, complications and secondary pathologies associated with diseases of other organ systems are identified. Radiography helps plan the therapeutic course and monitor its course.

Titanium plate for a clavicle fracture
The technique does not demonstrate a pathological condition in all cases. Probably, during the examination, changes are observed in the soft tissue; they are not visible on the negative.

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