Customer reviews about the drug Movex and its effect on joints

Movex is a medicine that has chondroprotective properties. The drug is used to normalize bone and cartilage tissue. With long-term use of the medicine, it is possible to establish phosphorus-calcium metabolism, thanks to which a person stops degenerative processes.

Movex is based on glycosaminoglycans and proteoglycan - together they form a compound that, in its chemical composition, differs little from ordinary human cartilage. To achieve maximum results, long-term use of Movex is required.

pharmachologic effect

Movex is based on glucosamine, a natural building material for joints. The component accelerates the restoration processes in cartilage, protects them from damage, accelerates the regeneration process and normalizes the recovery process.

Regular use stops degenerative and pathological processes. These two substances make up the natural structure of cartilage, thanks to which it is possible to return the joints to their natural structure.

Glucosamine is a component that is a structural part of normal human cartilage tissue. When ingested, this substance promotes the accelerated production of proteoglycans. Also, such changes contribute to faster absorption of sulfates by the joints.

Proteoglycans compensate for the deficiency of useful components that are necessary for the construction of structural bone tissue. It should be borne in mind that glucosamine, which is present in the base, is responsible for the production of hyaluronic acid. Such changes help slow down degenerative processes in bone tissue.

The active components of Movex are necessary for the production of chondroitinsulfuric acid. It helps improve the quality of synovial fluid and normalizes the rate of deposition of many chemical components in the body.

Long-term use of the drug helps relieve pain caused by damage to bone tissue. Such changes in the body will only occur if you take the medicine for a long time.

Movex has a fairly powerful chondroprotective effect. This is provided by chondroitin sulfate. The active components accelerate the process of regeneration of cartilage and bone tissue and have a powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

The drug has a positive effect on the state of phosphorus-calcium metabolism and significantly slows down the rate of bone loss. Long-term therapy helps replenish the required amount of joint fluid.


The active components of this medicine are perfectly absorbed by the body. About 25% of glucosamine sulfate is rapidly absorbed by body tissues immediately after receiving the drug. The highest concentration of this substance is present in the kidneys, liver and cartilage tissue.

90% of glucosamine is absorbed by the small intestine and travels through the bloodstream to the liver. Under the influence of metabolites, the product breaks down to the state of urea, carbon dioxide and ordinary water.

30% of the active ingredients of the drug can be present for a long time in the connective tissues of the body. The components of the drug are excreted naturally through the kidneys and liver in the form of urine and feces.

Sodium chondroitin sulfate causes reactions in the body 3-4 hours after use, while its maximum concentration in the synovial fluid occurs after 5 hours. This component is completely eliminated by the body in just 25 hours.

Movex comfort instructions and frequently asked questions


for medical purposes





dyuchi speeches:

glucosamine sulfate, sodium chondroitin sulfate;

1 tablet containing glucosamine sulfate 500 mg, sodium chondroitin sulfate 400 mg;

additional speeches:

microcrystalline cellulose, anhydrous silica, talc, croscarmellose sodium, sodium starch glycolate (type A), hypromelose, polyethylene glycol 6000, titanium dioxide (E 171), tartrazine (E 102), ethyl cellulose .

Medicine form.

Tablets, sealed with film.

Main physical and chemical authorities:

yellow-colored tablets, oval, biconvex, scored on one side, coated.

Pharmacotherapeutic group.

Make sure that the musculoskeletal apparatus becomes ill when it becomes stagnant. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and anti-rheumatic agents.

ATX code M01A X.

Pharmacological power.


Glucosamine is a substrate for subglobular cartilage and stimulates the regeneration of cartilage tissue. Glucosaminoglycans and proteoglycans are part of the foldable matrix that makes up cartilage.

Glucosamine enters the warehouse of endogenous glycosaminoglycans of cartilage tissue, stimulates the production of proteoglycans and increases the depletion of sulfate by cartilage.

Thus, glucosamine replenishes endogenous deficiency of glucosamine. Take part in the biosynthesis of proteoglycans and hyaluronic acid, which prevents the progression of degenerative processes in the joints, spine and excess soft tissues; stimulates the creation of chondroitinsiric acid, normalizes the deposition of calcium in bone tissue, promotes the renewal of global functions and the reduction of pain syndrome.

Sodium chondroitin sulfate has a chondroprotective effect, stimulates the regeneration of cartilage tissue, and has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect. Sodium chondroitin sulfate, which contributes to phosphorus-calcium metabolism in cartilage tissue, and high molecular weight mucopolysaccharide (mw 20000-30000). The drug increases the resorption of cartilage tissue and reduces the loss of calcium, increasing the process of degeneration of cartilage tissue. It overcomes the tightness of the fabric, “smoothes” the moist surfaces and normalizes the ventilation of the moist area.


Glucosamine sulfate.

The bioavailability of glucosamine when administered orally is 25-26%. After the division of tissues, the highest concentrations are found in liver, nirka and cartilaginous tissue. Approximately 90% of glucosamine, which is available to the body orally, in the form of glucosamine salt, is absorbed from the small intestine and passes through the portal circulation to the liver. The vagoma part of the glucosamine, which is soaked up, is metabolized by the liver, breaks down to waste, water and carbon dioxide. Approximately 30% of the administered dose persists for three hours in the tissue. Excreted head-to-head with nirkah and even a small amount - with feces.

Chondroitin sulfate sodium.

After a single dose of chondroitin, the maximum concentration in blood plasma (Cmax) is reached after 3-4 years, in the synovial region - after 4-5 years. The concentration in the synovial fluid exceeds the concentration in blood plasma. The bioavailability of sodium chondroitin sulfate becomes 13-15%. Be in nirk for 24 years.

Clinical characteristics.


Degenerative-dystrophic illness of the slopes and ridges; primary and secondary osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis, humeroscapular periarthritis; fractures (for faster healing of callus).


Increased sensitivity to any of the components of the drug, impaired liver function or at the stage of decompensation, bleeding to the point of bleeding. Do not use the drug if you have an allergy to shellfish.

Interactions with other medicinal agents and other types of interactions .

With one-hour stagnation, the absorption and concentration of tetracyclines in the serum may increase, but the clinical significance of such an interaction has not been established; The infusion of penicillins and chloramphenicol may change.

When the drug is stagnated, the need for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs decreases.

The drug can enhance the action of anticoagulants (oral vitamin K antagonists, including warfarin), which will require monitoring of laryngeal symptoms during one-hour stagnation. Blood concentrations may be affected by cyclosporine and warfarin.

Features of stagnation.

Do not overdo the recommended dose.

We treat patients with blood sugar diabetes and patients with poor glucose tolerance should monitor the level of sugar in the blood much more often and during the period of drug withdrawal.

In patients with a known risk factor for cardiovascular disease, it is recommended to monitor the level of lipids in the blood in case of episodes of hypercholesterolemia during treatment with glucosamine.

When treating asthma, the drug should be administered with caution, as such patients may be more susceptible to developing allergic reactions to glucosamine and may worsen the symptoms of their illness.

Immobilize the body under the supervision of a doctor for patients with thrombophlebitis.

Patients with nicotine and liver insufficiency should be treated with caution.

In rare cases, patients with cardiac and/or neuronal insufficiency were careful to avoid swelling and/or loss of water in the body. This may be due to the osmotic effect of chondroitin sulfate. It is advisable to add 2.2 mmol sodium per tablet. Be careful with stagnant patients who are on a controlled diet instead of sodium. Barn tartrazine (E 102) may cause allergic reactions.

Suspension during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Due to the fact that clinical data indicate the effectiveness and safety of the drug during pregnancy or breastfeeding, the drug should not be frozen during this period.

This is due to the fluidity of the reaction during treatment with vehicles or other mechanisms.

The fluidity of the reaction to the infusion of the drug during treatment with vehicles or other mechanisms was not carried out. Be careful when using transport means and work that requires respect. Once the drug is taken, you may experience drowsiness, drowsiness, confusion and/or blurred vision, which can be avoided when using vehicles or other mechanisms.

Method of congestion and dosage.

Take the tablets internally with a small amount of radish.

During the first 3 years, take 1 tablet 3 times per dose; nadali - 1-2 tablets 2 times a day for 3 months. Repeat the course 2-3 times per river.

For the doctor's reasons, treatment may be trivial.


Due to the fact that the drug has been administered to children as young as 24 hours of age, it is not recommended.


It is possible to reduce side effects. In case of overdose, symptomatic treatment is recommended.

Adverse reactions.

On the side of the scilicointestinal tract

: dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting, pain in the epigastric region, diarrhea, constipation, bloating.

On the side of the skin and structures:

dermatitis, hair loss.

On the side of the immune system

: allergic reactions, including skin irritation, urticaria, hyperemia, eczema, itching, angioedema.

On the side of the nervous system and organs

: headache, mental weakness, drowsiness, insomnia, fatigue, confusion, disturbed vision.



All side effects disappear after treatment.

Term of attribution.

3 rocks.

Save your mind.

Keep the original packaging out of the reach of children at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C.


30, 60 or 120 tablets per pack, 1 pill per cardboard package;

2 drops of 60 tablets in a cardboard package.

Release category.

Over the counter.


Meditop Pharmaceutical Ltd.

The locality of the distributor and the addresses of the locality for the promotion of its activities.

Ugorshchina, Edі Endre Yu. 1., Pilisborosieno, 2097.


Movi Health GmbH.

The applicant's location.

35 Jägerstrasse, Baar, 6340, Switzerland.


Glucosamine sulfate is the most important active ingredient in Movex. This component is responsible for restoration processes in bone tissue, accelerates the production of synovial fluid and prevents bone loss. The composition also contains diclofenac sodium and chondroitin sulfate.

These components are essential for maintaining healthy connective tissue. With any damage, these substances slow down in production, which causes their deficiency. A person is faced with a pain syndrome that gradually increases. To establish the regeneration of damaged tissues, therapy is carried out with Movex tablets.

Cost and release form

Movex is a fairly powerful drug that is highly popular among patients. It is usually prescribed to slow down degenerative processes in tissues. The product is produced by an Indian company in two forms:

  1. Movex Active - tablets of 30 or 60 pieces, the average cost of which is 1000-1600 Russian rubles;
  2. Movex Comfort - tablets of 30 or 60 pieces, which can be purchased for 800 or 1400 Russian rubles.

Indications for use

Movex is a drug that represents a group of chondroprotectors. It is designed to protect cartilage tissue from destruction. The product has a combined effect and has a positive effect on the functioning of the entire body.

High efficiency from the use of the drug is ensured due to its unique composition. The medicine is based on glucosamine and chondroitin. In a mutual reaction, the components of the active substance react with each other, due to which the cartilage tissue is restored in a person.

Movex’s action is also aimed at normalizing the chemical properties of synovial fluid.

The active components ensure that it constantly maintains a viscous, dense consistency. They reduce the activity of elastase and hyaluronidase, which have a destructive effect on the structure of cartilage tissue.

With an integrated approach, you will be able to normalize calcium-phosphorus metabolism, thereby stopping the process of bone loss. This helps slow down destructive processes, a person gets rid of inflammation and can lead a full life.

Movex is usually used in the following cases:

  • Subsequently, injuries, intense physical activity that caused damage to bone or cartilage tissue;
  • For pathological processes in bones: osteopathic dysfunction, osteochondropathy, chondromalacia, periarthritis;
  • With degenerative changes in the spinal column or joints;
  • To significantly accelerate the rate of healing of fractures;
  • For the prevention of primary and secondary osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis, spondyloarthrosis.

Mode of application

Using this medicine is quite simple; to understand all controversial issues, study the instructions for use in detail. The tablets are intended for oral use. They need to be washed down with plenty of water, and this does not need to be tied to meals.

During the first 3 weeks of treatment, you need to take 1-2 tablets of the drug per day; in the future, it is advisable to increase the dose of the active substance. On average, the duration of treatment is 3 months; longer treatment should be discussed with your doctor.

To achieve the best results, treatment with Movex should be carried out 2-3 times a year.

Patients say

I take Movex tablets in courses, during exacerbation seasons - in the spring and closer to the cold, in the fall. They help and relieve frequently occurring acute pain and swelling from the knee.

Anastasia, patient, 53 years old

Advice from patients

Many people taking these pills are advised to pay more attention to their health problems, not to let the disease progress, and, using the drug in courses, to plan possible physical activities, active recreation and other activities related to stress on the joints.

It is also recommended to take the medicine during maintenance therapy closer to the active period, in the first half of the day.

Treatment with Movex will protect the cartilage tissue of the joint from destruction, restore the desired balance in the joint, and save the patient from unnecessary suffering, acting as an analgesic.

Side effects

Movex is a fairly safe drug that has a positive effect on the functioning of the body. It extremely rarely causes side effects, usually due to improper use of the drug.

Among the negative consequences of using the drug are:

  1. Headache and dizziness;
  2. Nausea and vomiting;
  3. Lack of appetite;
  4. Diarrhea and constipation;
  5. Severe pain in the stomach area;
  6. The appearance of allergic reactions;
  7. Insomnia and nervousness;
  8. Impaired concentration.

Are there any contraindications?

The drug is contraindicated:

  • if the patient has intolerance to glucosamine or chondroitin;
  • with intolerance to diclofenac potassium,
  • if allergic reactions to shellfish occur.

The drug is not prescribed to patients with diabetes mellitus, people with stomach ulcers, thrombophlebitis. Children's age is also a contraindication to the use of the drug; the active form is not prescribed until the age of 18, and Movex Comfort - until the age of 12.

The use of the drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

The drug can affect vasomotor processes and cause a slow reaction, decreased attention, therefore, while taking it, it is prohibited to drive a car or use other technical equipment.


To prevent negative consequences, it is necessary to stop using Movex if there are contraindications. The manufacturer does not recommend taking this product in the following cases:

  • In case of individual intolerance to components or hypersensitivity to them;
  • With developing thrombophlebitis or phenylketonuria;
  • With an increased tendency to bleeding;
  • For diabetes and other endocrine diseases;
  • In children under 12 years of age.

To prevent side effects, read the instructions for use in advance. It is strictly forbidden to take Movex if there are contraindications.


Description of the drug Movex Comfort tablet. p/o No. 120 on this page is a simplified author’s version of the apteka911 website, created on the basis of the instructions for use.
Before purchasing or using the drug, you should consult your doctor and read the manufacturer's original instructions (attached to each package of the drug). Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Only a doctor can decide to prescribe the drug, as well as determine the dose and methods of its use.


If Movex is used incorrectly, a person may experience an overdose. Most often, it manifests itself in the form of an exacerbation of all side effects, but if the dose is exceeded too much, the patient develops other, more serious pathologies. These include thrombotic complications, optic neuritis, inflammatory process in the gastrointestinal tract, and the opening of internal bleeding.

To get rid of signs of overdose, you need to immediately induce vomiting to cleanse the stomach and take sorbents. If necessary, call an ambulance.

Overdose and additional instructions

An overdose of the drug serves as an additional burden on the body, causes side effects and can even lead to irreversible changes.

The symptoms of an overdose are quite pronounced:

  • from the digestive system, pain in the stomach, cramps appear, vomiting occurs, and bleeding may occur in patients with ulcers;
  • On the part of the central nervous system, drowsiness, nausea, and severe conditions up to coma occur.

The urinary system also suffers, and an acute form of physiological renal failure occurs. Depression of the respiratory center and decreased blood pressure can lead to anaphylactic shock.

Side effect

Usually the drug is easily tolerated and does not cause negative reactions, but it is worth keeping in mind that the following undesirable consequences may occur:

  • the central nervous system reacts with increased irritability, convulsions, spatial disorientation, and sleep disturbances;
  • inflammation of the liver, colic, indigestion;
  • on the part of hematopoiesis, a decrease in leukocytes, platelets, and anemia may occur;
  • skin manifestations – eczema, urticaria, etc.

special instructions

No specific antidote is known.
The drug should be stored out of the reach of children. It is undesirable to drink alcohol during treatment; there is an additional burden on the circulatory and endocrine systems, the risk of exacerbation of existing chronic diseases, depression of the respiratory center, and the occurrence of cardiovascular failure.

If the liver function is impaired, it is not advisable to prescribe the drug, since its therapeutic effect is designed for the high-quality functioning of the organ. It is undesirable to overload the body during the acute course of the disease; other treatment regimens should be selected.

The maximum of the final product of the drug is excreted by the kidneys and if their function is impaired, the course of the underlying disease can be aggravated; it is necessary to consider replacement therapy.

The use of the drug during physiological conditions such as pregnancy and lactation is prohibited, since the drug penetrates the placental barrier. If use is necessary, lactation must be stopped.

The drug is not suitable for use in young patients; it is not used for patients under 12 years of age, and for patients over 12 years of age, the Movex Comfort form, which does not contain diclofenac potassium, is used.

Interaction with other drugs

When Movex is used together and dosage forms of the penicillin series and chloramphenicol, their absorption decreases, and when interacting with tetracyclines, it increases.

Features of application

You should not take Movex simultaneously with penicillin antibiotics - this significantly reduces their absorption, which reduces the effectiveness of such therapy. If you take the tablets together with tetracycline antibiotics, the concentration of active substances in the blood increases.

You should not take Movex together with anticoagulants or glucocorticoids - as a result of a chemical reaction, dangerous components are formed that cause abnormalities in the body's functioning.

special instructions

Do not exceed the recommended dose.

At the beginning of treatment in patients with diabetes, it is advisable to monitor blood glucose levels. Use only under medical supervision in patients with thrombophlebitis. Use with caution in patients with renal and hepatic insufficiency.

Use during pregnancy and lactation. Due to the fact that there are no clinical data on the effectiveness and safety of the drug during pregnancy and lactation, the drug should not be used during this period.

The ability to influence reaction speed when driving vehicles or other mechanisms. Studies on the effect of the drug on the reaction rate when driving vehicles or other mechanisms have not been conducted. If drowsiness, fatigue, dizziness and/or visual impairment occur while using the drug, you should refrain from driving vehicles or other mechanisms.


Movex is a fairly expensive product that is not supplied to all pharmacies. There are its complete analogues, which are no less effective. You can always replace this drug:

  • Actinak 100;
  • Remisid;
  • Ameolin;
  • Indomethacin;
  • Ketonal.





Vasily, 44 years old, Volgograd “When I underwent a health examination, a specialist said that I was developing osteochondrosis. I didn’t think much of it right away, but after a few months I encountered serious pain. I consulted a doctor who advised me to take a course of Movex. After only 3 months I was able to return to a full-fledged lifestyle and got rid of constant nagging pain. I recommend this product to everyone, it really works.”

Igor, 36 years old, Voronezh “Several years ago I broke my leg and could not recover for a long time. Even after complete fusion, I continued to limp due to discomfort. The doctor advised me to take Movex. I took these pills for about 3 months, but after a few weeks I felt significant relief. By the first month I was free of pain at rest, and by the end of the second month I was free of discomfort during active activities. The only thing I didn’t like was a slight heartburn after use.”

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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