Burbo liz Joints. Positive thought form - Hip joints (pain)

The largest joint in the human body is the hip joint, which is where the pelvis meets the femur and is made up of a variety of bones, tissues, and other structures.

Functions of this joint: providing rotational, flexion-extension movements. Also, a healthy hip joint supports the weight of the entire body and ensures a person’s upright posture.

Signs of hip diseases are:

  • pain,
  • deterioration of mobility in this area,
  • swelling in the joint area,
  • redness and increased local temperature (with inflammation),
  • difficulty moving (due to destruction of cartilage or bone tissue),
  • shooting and “jerking” pains,
  • heat,
  • swelling and redness with purulent lesions of joint tissue.

The most common diseases of the hip joint include:

  • Coxarthrosis (arthrosis) is a metabolic disorder in articular cartilage, leading to its degeneration.
  • Arthritis (coxitis) – inflammation in the hip joint.
  • Bursitis is an inflammation in the synovial bursa of a joint, the purpose of which is to prevent friction.
  • Hip dislocation is a displacement of the head of the femur, which is accompanied by damage to the joint capsule.
  • Dysplasia is underdevelopment of bone tissue.
  • Tendonitis is inflammation of the tendons in the area of ​​the joint with the hip bones.
  • Osteosclerosis is damage to areas of bone due to compaction of bone tissue.
  • Osteoporosis is a decrease in bone density due to leaching of calcium and phosphorus.
  • Perthes disease (aseptic necrosis) is a non-infectious destruction of the head of the hip bone.

In medicine, the following causes of pain in the hip joint are identified:

  • inflammation (infectious arthritis),
  • autoimmune damage (rheumatoid and reactive arthritis),
  • violation of tissue integrity,
  • joint injury in athletes or elderly people,
  • endocrine changes in adolescents and children,
  • metabolic disease,
  • coxarthrosis,
  • destruction of joint joints,
  • fractures, dislocations,
  • necrosis and other diseases of the hip joint, as well as congenital anomalies of the hip joint.

The most common diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Even doctors claim that more than 85% of all joint diseases have an explanation from a psychological point of view. For the remaining 15% of diseases, although it was not possible to prove the dependence on psychological causes, this will need to be done within a couple of years in the future. A person is controlled by feelings and emotions, they are the ones who govern behavioral factors, so their influence on a person’s health, energy level and general well-being is quite natural. Many may refer to microbes, viruses, hypothermia, but they act as triggers.

Scientists have been working on the problem of treating diseases of the leg joints (knees, hips) for the last 20-30 years, focusing on the invention of new medications. However, those doctors, and sometimes even the patients themselves without outside help, who focus on studying the psychosomatics of the disease have a much greater chance.

Among the main diseases of the joints are:

  • Knee diseases;
  • Diseases of the hip joint;
  • Ailments and injuries of the ankle joint;
  • Diseases of the shoulder, elbow and wrist joints.

Moreover, the higher the disease is on the list, the greater the percentage of its incidence among the population. Diseases of the joints of the knee, shoulder or elbow are equally unpleasant, accompanied by pain and deformities. However, in the case of problems with the lower extremities, the disease affects the quality of life more pronounced, since the patient often has slow or difficult movement.

The nature of joint diseases

How does the problem, pain in the knee or elbow, develop over time physically? The articular cartilage is gradually destroyed, as less and less synovial fluid melts, the distance between the bones is reduced, that is, a lot of load is placed on it. Thus, the cartilage loses its elasticity and slowly begins to wear away. All this against the background of inflammation and pain, the inability to perform everyday work.

Now we need to look at diseases of the hand joints from a psychosomatic point of view. According to statistics, diseases such as arthrosis and knee arthritis occur more often in workaholics, whose thoughts are always immersed in work. It is work that is the meaning of his existence; even during rest, such people manage to find some kind of activity. They don’t know what it’s like to experience the joy of being, because the main meaning is in work.

In parallel with this, the psychosomatics of joint pain in the knee can indicate indecision or self-doubt, fatigue and reluctance to take action. Gradually, the patient begins to block his leg joints and, by default, moves less and more slowly.

Action through force, not joy

If you trace the peak incidence of the musculoskeletal system, you will notice a pattern. Although the younger population may also face this problem, it still affects the “working class” generation most of all. That is, now these are people of pre-retirement and retirement age. Many have heard about the terrible times when the system literally exploited people. Through intimidation or even violence, states obtained free and permanent labor. Then people got involved, got used to it, and later for them work and activity became the meaning of life.

  • Psychosomatics: Diseases of the knee joints - arthrosis, gonarthrosis, knee deformity

Although times have passed, people are exploited and forced to work, albeit using completely different tactics. These are different methods of suggestion and advertising, when a person sets unnecessary goals for himself and achieves them to the detriment of his health. Any action that does not give a person true pleasure, according to psychosomatics, is reflected in the state of the musculoskeletal system in the form of pain and gradual destruction.

Many will object, citing the fact that rural residents simply cannot feed themselves without daily work. However, having visited the village, you can see the picture - a whole garden is planted with potatoes and onions, and in the spring a lot of it is left and thrown away, since it was grown beyond the need. But they provided themselves with work and spent their free time.

According to the famous healer Lazarev S.N., all problems or illnesses are given because a person presents something, praises more than God. This refers to the connection with the divine, with your soul. And in this case, work, action, activity is a much greater priority than connection with the divine .

How to overcome the disease

Most often, psychosomatic illnesses are the result of frequent stress and an incorrect reaction to it. Stress is a mechanism of adaptation of the body to extreme conditions and strong influences. In response to such an impact, a number of hormones are released into the blood, blood vessels narrow, blood circulates faster, and the body works “in accelerated mode” for some time. Animals in such a situation have two options for behavior: to flee from danger or to attack the enemy.

During active actions, excess hormones are spent to maintain such activity, and when the danger disappears, the functioning of the cardiovascular, respiratory, and digestive systems is normalized. Therefore, animals are not at risk of illness due to stress.

People often cannot cope with stress, in particular, this is due to the fact that they suppress negative emotions and do not allow themselves to throw them out. As a result, the level of stress hormones goes through the roof, and they are not spent on the activities for which they were produced. Prolonged vascular spasm and muscle tension provoke the development of various diseases.

The founder of the concept of stress, Hans Selye, identified two types of stress (general adaptation syndrome):

  • eustress – stress that helps to mobilize defenses and is beneficial for the body;
  • distress is stress that leads to negative consequences, illnesses, and exhausts adaptive capabilities. It can be acute or chronic, with chronic distress being the most dangerous.

All psychosomatic specialists argue that treatment of the disease must begin with awareness of psychological problems and work with them. Traditional treatment of arthrosis is mainly aimed at eliminating manifestations (symptoms) and consequences, rather than combating the cause. If you eradicate the psychological cause of arthrosis, its drug and physiotherapeutic treatment will be much more successful.

And if the cause of the problem is not eliminated, then the symptoms of arthrosis will soon return. The main components of psychotherapeutic treatment of any disease: overcome the fear of “they don’t love me”, move from the position of a victim to the position of an individual who is responsible for his own destiny, accept and love himself.

Recommendations from various specialists regarding the treatment of joint arthrosis are as follows:

  • Louise Hay recommends that to overcome insufficient flexibility and fear of movement, convince yourself that you are ready for change and always choose the right direction;
  • according to Liz Burbo, patients with arthrosis should be more friendly to others and take responsibility for their own destiny. If you don’t convince yourself that everything is bad, then negative emotions will not accumulate and spill out. It is important to learn to relax, to do any work with joy, not through force, to be able to refuse;
  • S. Konovalov also points out that it is important for patients with joint diseases to learn to say “no”;
  • according to Torsunov, for joint health it is necessary to be able to hope and forgive, to be hardworking, friendly and polite;
  • Luule Viilma recommends first thanking the disease for opening your eyes to the problem, forgiving it for the pain it caused and letting it go. Then forgive yourself for your own imperfections and ask forgiveness from your body for subjecting it to suffering.

Many diseases, including arthrosis of the joints, cannot be cured either with pills or procedures. According to psychosomatics, this happens because we are fighting the effect instead of turning our efforts to eliminating the cause of the disease. And the cause of almost any disease is internal conflicts, dissatisfaction with oneself, and the dominance of negative emotions.

This concept can be treated with skepticism, but there is a rational grain in it. Many patients were surprised to discover that physical illnesses receded after psychotherapy sessions, correction of their own inner world in accordance with the postulates of psychosomatics. Try to overcome your disease yourself!

Metaphysical causes of hip disease

Hips, according to psychosomatics, are success, realization, achieving goals, the ability to achieve, strive, win, lead, conquer, etc. If arthritis or arthrosis occurs, then this is evidence of constant racing and competition in a person’s life. All thoughts and actions are aimed at victory and success.

Abnormalities can be observed in the left or right hip. If a diagnosis of arthrosis of the left leg has been made, then psychosomatics speaks of disharmony in the sphere of family relationships and the ability to find a common language with relatives. In other words, a person tries to lead in the family, constantly proving to his partner or relatives that he has achieved a lot and has arranged his life better and more successfully.

If it wears off on the right side of the thigh, then the psychosomatics are as follows: a person has to constantly prove his superiority at work, to colleagues or to his superiors. Or an increased desire to climb up the career ladder.

Psychosomatics of arthritis and arthrosis of the knees

Diseases of the knee joints, according to psychosomatic teaching, are a manifestation of pride and unwillingness to admit one’s weakness and someone else’s power over oneself. Knee pain can also occur due to stubbornness, unwillingness to apologize and repent of what you have done. But how can pride not allow this to be done?

If arthrosis or knee pain occurs, then psychosomatically a person cannot admit that his strengths and capabilities are completely different from what they were 10-20 years ago and that he, like everyone else, is subject to time. Not judging your capabilities is when a person takes on overwhelming work and refuses to ask for help. Moreover, he does the work in such a way that people themselves come and help. The disease “asks” the person to do this. To cure knee diseases, you need to apologize to your family and friends for taking on so much work. After all, it is those around you who will have to finish the work.

Also, the problem with your knees can be resolved by admitting that you were wrong or that you acted without calculating your strength. For the future, you need to analyze how to correctly balance your strengths and your goals. .

Why do shoulder diseases occur?

The shoulder joint intersects with the cervical-collar area, problems in which, according to psychosomatics, signal an outweighing of the problems or responsibility of others onto oneself. “He took too much on his shoulders,” this is often said if a person cannot refuse and tries to help everyone. If we made a promise to someone, then we put the burden on our shoulders and pull, pull until the bones wear out in the form of arthritis. That's all psychosomatics.

If you look closely, arthritis or arthrosis of the shoulder is much more common in that category of people who like to pull not only their own burden, but also that of many others. When the joint of the right shoulder is worn out, the person is observed to be busy with work at work. With pain on the left side, a person in the family is completely overwhelmed with everyday problems. That is, he shouldered the entire household, from washing dishes to cleaning the apartment. And the most interesting thing is that he does not even think of giving up this state of affairs, because the meaning of life comes down to arranging everyday life.

  • Psychosomatics of hand diseases: forearm, elbow, wrist

Lack of purpose in life

If a person does not know why he lives, what to do with this life, what to strive for, whether he needs to achieve anything, then he may have problems with his hips.

Example 1 . A person sits for hours every day at a computer or TV and does nothing else. What for? After all, there is no meaning or purpose in life. This can lead to hip disease.

Example 2 . A person works, moves, but in his soul he believes that all this is not necessary. I don’t want to work, or achieve anything, or go anywhere... Why? It is better to exist without these unnecessary movements. This can also lead to hip disease.

Healing . Find out the purpose of your life. Globally, God created us people for the sake of love. Love arises only when we do good to other people. This means that for the sake of love you need to move both physically and spiritually.

You need to pray and find out your purpose. Through what activities am I meant to do good? What is my talent, what is my gift? Accept the goal received from God and move towards it.

Joint diseases of the elbow and wrist

With the help of hands, a person conducts love from the heart into the world around him. This easily explains the heartfelt examples of creative handicraft, open arms. And problems in the elbow joint can precisely indicate a fear of showing love. It is the actuation of the elbow that compresses the arms or spreads them to the side. You should think about this psychosomatics of the disease. If pain occurs only when you try to hug a specific person, you need to understand what exactly is preventing you from accepting, hugging and greeting them.

Also, psychosomatics of the upper extremities speaks of prohibiting oneself from engaging in certain work or creativity. If the disease manifests itself in the form of pain when raising or lowering a limb, psychosomatics should be analyzed and what specific situation this movement corresponds to.

There is another version, close to the above - a person’s lack of confidence in himself, as a worker or creative figure. An idea appeared to create something, to make something, but because of the fear of making a mistake, the fear of criticism, the energy from being transferred from the hands to action is blocked, and at the ideological level everything remains stuck. In other words, there is not enough energy in the elbows or wrist to maintain full functionality. At the physical level, this manifests itself as destructive processes in bone tissue.

Psychosomatics of problems with the wrist also indicate that all the time you have to perform routine, monotonous, operational work, actions related to fine motor skills (knitting, typing, counting). It is also the desire to keep everything under control and build your own order with pronounced perfectionism or a sense of duty.

Treatment of disease by reprogramming consciousness

An illness or a problem in life can be associated with speech, the language of the soul. To understand the mechanism of the disease, you need to find the corresponding setting in your unconscious. After this, the most difficult thing awaits: you need to radically change your life.

So, you need to understand the psychosomatics of the disease, such as arthritis or arthrosis, realize the programs embedded within yourself, and then simply replace them with healing ones. At once these are just words or sentences, and then they program the consciousness and the person changes, his actions and decisions become different, the disease recedes.

What kind of words are these? These are affirmations, in other words, attitudes for healing a disease. Here are some of them that relate to the psychosomatics of joints:

  • When there is pain in the wrist, you need to repeat “My actions are filled with wisdom, lightness and love.”
  • For pain in the ankle joint - “I am worthy of enjoying life. I accept with gratitude any joy that happens in life.”
  • For bunions – “I move forward with joy to welcome wonderful events in my life.”
  • In case of arthritis - “I love myself and approve of my actions. I look at other people with sincere love.”

No one claims that working on yourself, the courage to change your life and recover from a disease will be something easy. Yes, this is such a paradox. As confirmation, many people prefer to take pills and numb the pain, just so as not to change. When the ground disappears from under your feet, this is the worst thing for many. Therefore, flexible people who easily perceive change are less likely to encounter such problems. If you don’t move your foundation on your own, life will do it for you.

Hip joint , psychosomatics of the origin of diseases - myths or objective reality? Do emotions and thoughts really contribute to the emergence of physical pathologies?

Arthrosis of the hip joint, also known as coxarthrosis, is a disease associated with a disruption of the metabolic process in the cartilage of the joint, eventually leading to its destruction.

As the disease develops, aching pain, limping, crunching during movement, limited mobility with subsequent atrophy of the thigh muscles occur.

This is the medical component of the disease. What is the essence of this disease in the context of the metaphysics of the formation of ailments?

We invite you to a free webinar by Konstantin Dovlatov “3 super exercises that will get you off the couch. A recipe for moving towards a goal from true achievers."

To recover, you need to set this goal correctly.

Gout lyz burbo. Psychology of diseases: Arthritis (gout)

Name of disease or organ

ARTHRITIS (gout) - (Louise Hay)

Causes of the disease

Understanding that I never loved (loved). Criticism, contempt.

A Possible Solution to Promote Healing

I am love itself. I have now decided (decided) to love myself and treat myself with love. I look at others with love.

ARTHRITIS (gout) - (V. Zhikarentsev)

Causes of the disease

The feeling of being unloved. Criticism, feelings of resentment, indignation. Anger.

A Possible Solution to Promote Healing

I am love itself. Now I choose to love myself and approve of my actions and thoughts. I look at people and feel love for them.

GOUT - (Louise Hay)

Causes of the disease

The need to dominate. Intolerance, anger.

A Possible Solution to Promote Healing

I'm completely safe. I live in peace and harmony with myself and with others.

GOUT - (V. Zhikarentsev)

Causes of the disease

The need for dominance. Lack of patience, anger.

A Possible Solution to Promote Healing

I'm safe. I am at peace with myself and others.

Causes of psychosomatics of the hip joints. Expert opinion.

The famous psychosomatics researcher Liz Burbo in her treatise “Your body says: “Love yourself”” states that the occurrence of these diseases is facilitated by the fact that the patient cannot decide to make some kind of movement (change jobs, forgive a loved one, etc.)

The author also believes that joint diseases are associated with the patient’s indecision, lack of self-confidence, fatigue and reluctance to act.

And, the stronger the pain in the joint, the more pessimistic the victim is.

In the metaphysics of diseases, it is important to pay attention to the side on which the disease manifested itself.

This gives additional clues. Thus, the right hip joint, the psychosomatics of the disease, directly indicates competition at work and the fact that the victim does not receive satisfaction from the work performed. He tries to prove his worth and importance while holding back his feelings.

If you have problems with the hip joint, we recommend attending the free webinar by Konstantin Dovlatov “How to turn life’s crises into resources.”

Any problem or illness contains a lot of value for us if we know how to extract it.

Problems of the left hip indicate fear of the future, fear of making decisions, the desire to prove one’s success to family, relatives, friends, as well as rigidity and lack of plasticity.

But the Estonian doctor, parapsychologist Luule Viilma explains the problems of the hip joints in psychosomatics, with such emotions and mental trauma (see table):

AilmentsMental traumaBookPage no.
Hip problemsProblems of economic and material life."Warmth of Hope"171
Foot problems and diseasesSecrecy in communication related to material and financial issues.
The desire to receive material benefits, honors and praise in everything.
“Pain in your heart”
“No harm to yourself”
Hip painFeeling of responsibility. Shyness “Forgiveness, real and imaginary”211

Louise Hay, popular all over the world, author of the bestseller “Heal Yourself,” explains that the psychosomatics of the hip joint has the following sources (see table):

DiseasePossible reasonsPositive Affirmations
Upper thighsA stable base for the body. Basic design when moving forward. Long live the hips. Every day I am filled with joy. I am free and I stand firmly on my feet.
Hips: diseasesFear of moving forward in implementing major decisions. Lack of goals. My resilience is unshakable. I move forward through life with ease and joy at any age.
Right side of the bodyConcession, refusal, male energy, men, father.I easily and effortlessly balance my masculine energy.

Dr. R.G. Hamer, author of New German Medicine, confirmed the connection between disease and mental trauma using the biological laws of the root causes of disease.

He explains the occurrence of psychosomatics of arthrosis of the hip joint by a slight conflict of self-depreciation associated with the location of the damaged joint.

The main experience that leads the patient to pathology is: “Something will not work out for me, or for a person close to me. I feel anxious that I won’t be able to.” The victim may or may not be aware of such a thought. But if the patient is worried about whether he will succeed, pathologies begin to arise in the cartilage tissue of the joint.

When the patient manages to resolve the formative conflict, the healing stage begins.

Causes of arthrosis of the hip joint - causes of coxarthrosis

There are many pseudo-scientific theories that explain the development of coxarthrosis and talk about the reasons for its occurrence. And this is understandable - after all, when we get sick, we begin to look for the cause of our illness. And since we all tend to want to look for the simplest explanations for any phenomena, here too we want to find one, simple and understandable interpretation of the troubles that have happened to us.

And there will always be a charlatan or amateur who will give you an “exclusive” idea about how your illness arose. He will tell you a bunch of nonsense about how your coxarthrosis appeared, also known as arthrosis of the hip joints .

Thanks to such charlatans, persistent myths arise that arthrosis develops supposedly due to the deposition of salts in the joints (in fact, with rare exceptions, salts are not deposited in the joints - and certainly table salt is not deposited in the joints); or myths about how arthrosis supposedly occurs due to eating tomatoes, or some other nonsense, including “evil eyes” and something like that.

However, in fact, there is no single, all-explaining cause of arthrosis disease. Coxarthrosis can develop for a number of reasons, but most often arthrosis is provoked by a combination of a number of circumstances unfavorable for the joint. And now we will talk about what these circumstances are.

1. In 10–20% - injuries and microtraumas of the joint

From the scientific literature and my personal practice, I know that in about a third of cases, the development of coxarthrosis is preceded by trauma. And the injury doesn't have to be too severe. For example, a person stumbled, or twisted his leg, “knocked out” a joint, etc. At the first moment, the pain is acute, but then it goes away and only mild discomfort remains, to which the person does not attach importance. And in general, he does the right thing, because in the vast majority of cases the joint recovers safely after a few days.

But in rare cases, in the presence of other unfavorable circumstances, such an injury can trigger the development of arthrosis. Particularly harmful to the joint are repeated injuries or chronic microtraumas, which often accompany the careers of professional athletes and people in certain “traumatic” professions.

Such repeated or chronic injuries sometimes lead to the development of arthrosis even in people so young who, for natural reasons, should not yet have arthrosis. After all, chronic trauma (microtrauma) contributes to the “accumulation” of a number of damages in the joint. In particular, chronic injuries provoke “cracking” and thinning of the cartilage, leading to tears of the joint capsule and microfractures of the bone beams, which results in deformation of the bones of the joint. All this, in turn, serves as fertile ground for the occurrence of arthrosis.

In addition, recently patients are increasingly suffering from “post-accident arthrosis,” that is, arthrosis resulting from car accidents. Severe bone fractures and crushed joints that occur during an accident sometimes lead to the development of severe arthrosis, and sometimes to complete immobility of the affected joint. But if in young people post-accident joint injuries often respond quite well to treatment, then in older people the treatment of post-traumatic arthrosis most often requires great effort.

2. 20–30% - overload of the joint, or prolonged excessive load on the joint

It is generally accepted that excessive load on the joints of professional athletes or people engaged in heavy physical work, or those forced to walk vast distances as a result of their duties, leads to the early development of coxarthrosis. However, studies conducted in recent years have shown that excessive loads themselves rarely lead to arthrosis if the joint being loaded is completely healthy, not injured, and does not have any congenital or age-related defects.

That is, an athlete who spent the years of his sports career safely, or a person who worked in hard physical work, but did without injuries, has every chance of avoiding arthrosis - unless, of course, he has other prerequisites for the disease, from those that will are mentioned below.

But arthrosis can easily occur if a person tries to load a joint that has not fully recovered from injury. Or it puts too much stress on joints that are not fully functional from birth - for example, joints that have hidden birth defects or hereditary underdevelopment of cartilage tissue. Or it overloads joints previously affected by inflammation (arthritis). This means that excess load has a bad effect on those joints that have at least some flaws and damage.

In addition, overload has an adverse effect on the joints of elderly people. After all, joints that have already undergone “classical” age-related changes do not hold up even normal everyday loads well. And an attempt to overload such joints very often leads to their damage.

But overload has a particularly bad effect on the joint that has already suffered from the initial manifestations of arthrosis. In this case, physical overload, even running or long walking, can greatly accelerate the destruction of the diseased joint and provoke rapid progression of the disease.

A case from the practice of Dr. Evdokimenko.

Tatyana Ivanovna, a 62-year-old woman, went on a tourist trip abroad, where she walked unusually a lot, including walking high into the mountains several times. Already after the first trip to the mountains, Tatyana Ivanovna felt pain in the groin and thigh, but did not pay attention to them and continued to actively travel. By the end of the trip, the pain became intense, and upon returning home Tatyana Ivanovna was forced to see a doctor. The doctor discovered the initial form of arthrosis of the hip joint in the patient. Perhaps the woman’s hip joints were not entirely ideal even before the trip. But it is quite obvious that unusually long walks on foot, especially in the mountains, provoked a transition from the latent phase of the disease to its exacerbation.

3. 10% - heredity and congenital anomaly of the femoral head

The role of heredity in the development of coxarthrosis is debated. It is now quite obvious that arthrosis itself is not inherited. But the peculiarities of metabolism, the structure of cartilage tissue and skeletal weakness are transmitted from parents to children genetically. Therefore, if your parents or close relatives suffer from severe forms of arthrosis, then you may have a slightly higher chance of developing any type of arthrosis, and in particular coxarthrosis.

This risk increases if a person from birth has underdevelopment of the joint or congenital anomalies in its development. Even if “caught” and treated in time in childhood, a joint abnormality significantly increases the risk of developing arthrosis in old age.

However, an abnormal development of the joint is by no means a death sentence. There are millions of people in the world who have a congenital abnormality of the joints, but who have not developed arthrosis (and are not “going to” develop it in the future). After all, an anomaly in the development of a joint usually leads to disease only if there are other damaging circumstances from those that we have already considered and will consider further.

4. Excess weight: 5–10%

For a long time, it was unequivocally believed that the presence of excess body weight in itself leads to the appearance of arthrosis - primarily arthrosis of the hip, knee and ankle joints. However, recent statistical studies have brought some controversy among scientists. On the one hand, it is known for certain that many of those suffering from arthrosis of the hip, knee and ankle joints gained significant weight shortly before the disease. But the studies did not give a clear answer as to whether arthrosis was a consequence of weight gain, or whether the weight gain was superimposed on other “aggravating” circumstances.

In general, statisticians are still arguing about the effect of excess body weight on the development of arthrosis. And you and I must think for ourselves and reason logically. In our discussions we will rely on research carried out at the University Biomechanical Laboratory at the Orthopedic Hospital of Berlin.

In a Berlin hospital, patients underwent bilateral hip replacement (that is, the diseased, destroyed hip joint was replaced with a metal joint prosthesis). And for scientific purposes, a telemetry sensor was inserted into the joint prosthesis, which made it possible to measure the load on the joint under various walking modes.

Studies have shown that the load on the joint when standing is 80–100% of body weight, when walking it increases to 250%, and when walking and running quickly it reaches 350–500% of the patient’s own weight. That is, when walking and running, the load on the hip joints is 3–5 times greater than the body weight. Now imagine a plump person weighing about 150 kg. With each step, from 400 to 600 kg of load falls on the joints of his legs!

Let's assume that while a person is young, his cartilage tissue is still able to withstand increased pressure. But will the joints endure such increased load in old age, when the elasticity of cartilage decreases?

It seems to me that being overweight, although not the main cause of the disease, still increases the risk of arthrosis of the hip, knee and ankle joints. Especially in the presence of other unfavorable circumstances: congenital weakness of the skeleton or ligamentous apparatus, previous injuries, metabolic and circulatory disorders, etc. But excess weight has a particularly bad effect on the joints of the legs, which are already affected by arthrosis - arthrosis of the hip joints occurs in obese people heavier than the others.

5. Inflammation of the joints, that is, arthritis: 2–3%

Inflammation of the joints (arthritis) very often causes the appearance of so-called secondary arthrosis. When the joints become inflamed, the properties of the joint fluid change, the properties of the cartilage tissue itself change, and it becomes defective. In addition, with arthritis, blood circulation in the joints is almost always impaired, and unfavorable changes occur in their synovial membrane. Therefore, arthritis, even cured, often subsequently leads to the development of arthrosis (more details about arthritis are described in Dr. Evdokimenko’s book “Arthritis”).

6. Hip infarction: 10 to 30% of cases

Scientifically, this is called aseptic necrosis of the joint. It is usually triggered by injury, alcohol abuse, corticosteroids, a single episode of severe overuse, or severe stress. The circulatory disturbance of the joint resulting from a heart attack very often leads to coxarthrosis.

Learn more about avascular necrosis*

7. Prolonged stress and prolonged excessive experiences: from 30 to 50% of cases

Currently, it has become obvious to advanced scientists and doctors that one of the main reasons for the development of unfavorable changes in the joints is prolonged nervous tension and chronic stress in the patient.

You probably know that during periods of prolonged stress and prolonged experiences, there is a persistent increase in the level of corticosteroid “stress” hormones in the blood. And physiologists and biochemists have recently proven that the excessive release of these hormones into the blood inhibits the production of hyaluronic acid, which is an important component of joint fluid (“joint lubrication”). And if the joint fluid becomes small, or if it becomes “incomplete,” the articular cartilage dries out. The cartilage cracks and thins - arthrosis occurs.

This process is aggravated by the fact that an excess amount of “stress” hormones in the blood leads to a decrease in capillary permeability and a deterioration in blood flow in damaged joints. And the combination of chronic stress with the above-mentioned unfavorable circumstances (joint overload, trauma, heredity, etc.) leads to the fact that articular cartilage is gradually deformed and destroyed.

You can read more about the effects of chronic stress and negative experiences on joint health in special medical reference books. The only thing that these reference books do not talk about is what kind of negative emotions lead to damage to the hip joints. Working with such patients for many years, I have identified a number of patterns that I will be happy to share with you.

In particular, I noticed that arthrosis of the hip joints very often affects people who are pleasant, who almost never conflict with anyone and rarely express their dissatisfaction with anyone. Outwardly, they look very reserved, calm and friendly. However, strong passions often rage inside them, which do not come out only due to their upbringing or characteristics of their “Nordic” character.

As a result , restrained emotions, such as irritation, frustration (intimate dissatisfaction), anxiety or suppressed anger , provoke the release of corticosteroid hormones into the blood and through them affect hyaluronic acid, which, as we have already said, is the most important component of joint lubrication.

In addition, the internal tension of the nervous system is known to affect the state of skeletal muscles - their spasm and hypertonicity occur. And since there are particularly strong muscles around the hip joints, their spasm leads to the fact that these muscles “pinch” the damaged joint. As a result of prolonged muscle pressure, the tight hip joint is deformed and destroyed even faster.

Of course, unrestrained and emotional people sometimes also suffer from arthrosis of the hip joints. But they get arthrosis more often due to “excessive” negative emotions, when a certain emotional “limit” is exceeded. In general, in an emotional person, other organs usually have weak points - the thyroid gland, heart, stomach, as well as the back and respiratory organs. The hip joints of overly emotional people, with some exceptions, are almost the last to be damaged. After all, arthrosis of the hip joints, I repeat, is most often a disease of people who are accustomed to restraining and suppressing their emotions.

I spoke in more detail about the influence of experiences and stress on the condition of the hip and knee joints in the book “The Cause of Your Illness”

8. Hormonal changes during age-related changes in the body (during menopause), diabetes mellitus, loss of sensation in the legs due to a number of nervous diseases, congenital “looseness” of ligaments and osteoporosis : all these circumstances, as a rule, also contribute to the development of hip arthrosis joint

Thus, as you already understand, there is no one “exclusive” cause for all cases of coxarthrosis. In each specific case it is different, and most often it is a combination of two or three, and sometimes more unfavorable factors that leads to the development of coxarthrosis .

Article by Dr. Evdokimenko© for the book “Arthrosis”, published in 2003. Edited 2011. All rights reserved.


  • No more medications needed?
  • Symptoms of coxarthrosis
  • What is arthrosis of the hip joint (coxarthrosis) often confused with?
  • Structure of the hip joint
  • Changes in the hip joint with coxarthrosis
  • Examination of a patient with arthrosis of the hip joint
  • X-ray diagnosis of coxarthrosis: the most common mistakes
  • Treatment of arthrosis of the hip joint: prospects
  • Surgical treatment of arthrosis of the hip joint
  • Therapeutic treatment of arthrosis of the hip joint
  • Our best exercises for the treatment of coxarthrosis

All articles by Dr. Evdokimenko

Psychosomatics of arthrosis of the hip joint and its healing using the methods of Spiritual Integration.

Methods of Spiritual Integration are gaining more and more popularity among progressive individuals. And this is not surprising, because when a person turns to Spiritual Integration in an attempt to find a way out of a hopeless situation, or to cure an illness that has been tormenting him for decades, and as a result he receives a radical improvement in life in general.

In this author’s system of a successful, progressive psychologist of our time, candidate of psychological sciences, Konstantin Dovlatov, there is an opportunity for everyone in the shortest possible time, using the strength of their soul, to determine for themselves the hidden sources of diseases and problems.

And as a result, get rid of problems, failures, diseases, including psychosomatic diseases of arthrosis of the hip joint.

The name of the system explains that the work to gain one’s own integrity occurs at the level of subtle, spiritual planes.

Developing the skills and fundamentals of this system is available to everyone.

One of the unique techniques in Spiritual Integration is reintegration , which allows you to clarify and clarify various obstacles that hinder positive metamorphoses in the life of a student,

Master reintegration techniques,

Nowadays, you can study the basic basis of Spiritual Integration both through live training and through online training.

The essence and history of psychosomatics

The expression “A healthy mind in a healthy body” has long become popular.
We are used to interpreting it this way: mental health and spiritual comfort are a consequence of physical health. But few people know that this quote was taken out of the context of the work of the Roman poet Juvenal, and the author put a completely different meaning into it. Psychosomatics is a science at the intersection of medicine and psychology that studies the relationship between personal characteristics and physical (somatic) diseases. The name comes from two ancient Greek words meaning soul and body. The idea of ​​the influence of the state of mind on physical health originated in Ancient Greece, and the term appeared only at the beginning of the 19th century. Psychosomatic medicine developed actively in the United States in the first half of the 20th century.

The founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, paid great attention to the research and treatment of psychosomatic diseases. He argued that thoughts, feelings, desires that a person considers unacceptable and represses into the unconscious, break back, provoking illness. His method was aimed at helping patients realize what was repressed and suppressed.

Traditional medicine classifies as psychosomatic diseases the development of which is caused by psychogenic factors:

  • destructive reaction to stressful situations (distress);
  • suffered psychological trauma;
  • internal conflict;
  • constant suppression of negative emotions.

Psychosomatics, as a branch of alternative medicine, claims that the cause of any bodily ailment lies in psychological problems. There are tables that interpret the psychological background of various diseases and provide recommendations on what can be changed in your inner world in order to take the path to recovery.

The relationship between the inner world, personality traits, character, behavioral stereotypes and susceptibility to certain diseases has been studied by many specialists:

  • Louise Hay, author of a number of works devoted to self-help and self-healing, including a reference book that lists the psychological causes of many somatic diseases and provides harmonizing thoughts that help overcome them;
  • Liz Burbo – founder of the “Listen to Your Body” school, researcher of the metaphysics of disease;
  • Colin Tipping - creator of the radical forgiveness technique;
  • Luule Viilma, doctor, parapsychologist;
  • Oleg Torsunov, Candidate of Medical Sciences, author of a number of books from the “Laws of a Happy Life” series.

All authors agree that our illnesses are the result of insufficient love for oneself, including one’s own body. Diseases are signals that the soul gives us through the body, telling us about its problems. But we do not know how to listen to these signals and decipher them, so the diseases progress.

Many of us have formed misconceptions about ourselves in childhood; some have suffered psychological trauma that prevents us from being happy. If a person is unhappy, he gets sick. You need to understand the psychological causes of your illnesses, believe that you are worthy of happiness and health, love yourself in order to take the path of healing. This is the philosophy of the metaphysics of disease of Liz Burbo.

Colin Tipping sees the root of all ills, including illness, in the fact that we are accustomed to imagining ourselves as victims of circumstances and accumulating negative emotions. They need to be realized and released, and then love yourself with all the shortcomings, forgive yourself of your own sins. By denying our shortcomings and focusing on the role of the victim, we spend a lot of energy, blocking ourselves from accessing our own inner strengths, which can help get rid of misfortunes and illnesses.

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