Pain in the hip joint lying on your side at night: why it hurts and what to do

Pain in the hip joint while lying on your side at night (synonym: coxalgia) is a pathological symptom that can cause serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system and lead to various complications. In this article we will look at why the hip hurts on the side of the joint at night.


Attention! In the International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision (ICD), coxalgia is designated by code M25.5.


Many people ask: why do hip joints hurt so much in men and women - what are the main reasons responsible for this? There are various causes of hip pain. They can be caused by infections, lesions, or hip dysplasia (congenital abnormality of the acetabulum).

Another cause may be a metabolic disease (such as gout or rheumatism). Osteoporosis is also a cause, but is much less common. Sometimes excessive physical stress on the back or pelvis, poor diet and substance abuse can cause the disorder. The patient may experience pain if he wears tight clothing or suffers from diabetes.

One of the most common causes of pain when lying down on the left side is coxarthrosis, a degenerative joint disease. As we age, healthy articular cartilage typically degenerates. If the cartilage layer breaks down, it increases friction between the bones, which can cause severe pain in patients. Most older people are susceptible to the disease. It is not always the hip joint itself that causes pain; often the discomfort comes from tendons, muscles or other joints.


Generalized diseases of the skeletal system (for example, rheumatism) cause discomfort in the hip joint. Therefore, to facilitate diagnosis, it is important to accurately characterize the type, intensity, and duration of pain.

If coxalgia occurs suddenly, it often indicates muscle strain. This condition is caused by sudden movements during sports or prolonged monotonous exercises.

It is necessary to stop exercising for several days and cool the affected area. If the pain is severe or there is no improvement, you should consult your doctor as a precaution to rule out a muscle tear or bone injury.

Pelvic fractures are usually the result of a severe fall or accident, however, in older people with osteoporosis, even a minor injury can cause a femur fracture. The condition then manifests itself as very severe pain.

Inflammation of the bursa (bursitis) can cause burning pain in the joint. Coxalgia initially occurs only during exercise. It occurs when walking, running or swimming.

The cause is often overuse, which leads to irritation of the bursa. But even with infections, gout, or after joint surgery, bursitis can occur.

  • Pain in the stomach and joints

With coxarthrosis, gradual destruction of articular cartilage occurs over several years. However, injuries, circulatory and metabolic disorders, or congenital joint defects can also cause arthrosis.

Typical symptoms include morning joint stiffness or pain that goes away with exercise. At a later stage, this can lead to limited mobility and pain at rest: symptoms can even occur at night.

Hip inflammation (coxitis) can be caused by bacteria and usually occurs after hip surgery. Also, inflammation of the bone marrow (osteomyelitis) can lead to inflammation of the joint through the spread of bacteria.

Regardless of the cause of the inflammation, there is usually unilateral hip pain that can occur during exercise and at rest. Swelling, redness and overheating of the affected area are often observed.

Epiphysiolysis causes pain in the hip so severe that walking and standing can be difficult. The disease often develops from late-stage obesity. If epiphysiolysis is suspected, the child should be taken to the emergency room immediately because if the condition is not treated, death of the femoral head may occur. To avoid this, surgery is necessary in many cases.


Wrong shoes can cause coxalgia. It is necessary to choose shoes after consultation with an orthopedist. The patient should always perform stretching exercises before exercise to prevent sprain or tear of the ligaments.

A skeletal disorder that may be associated with pain is osteomalacia. Insufficient mineralization leads to softening of the bones, which causes damage to the skeletal system and sometimes severe coxalgia. The most common cause of the disease is vitamin D deficiency. In children, osteomalacia is called rickets.

Paget's disease also usually affects older patients, causing uncontrolled bone formation. Bone deformities can put pressure on surrounding tissue and cause pain.

  • Causes of pain in the hip joint at night while lying on your side, accompanying symptoms


To diagnose the main cause of coxalgia, the doctor collects various data about the patient’s condition:

  • medical history;
  • blood test results;
  • functional test results;
  • assesses the nature of symptoms.

Gout is also a possible cause of pain. However, the most common cause of coxalgia is osteoarthritis. By measuring your blood glucose levels, your doctor can determine if there are any risk factors for coxalgia, such as diabetes, infections, or other metabolic disorders.

Tumors can also cause coxalgia, but in very rare cases. Another common cause is pain that originates from the nerves, tendons, muscles, or bursa in the joint area. Also interesting for diagnostics is the measurement of electrical muscle potential (EMG). The study measures the electrical activity of the muscles in the thigh. Using X-ray examination, you can evaluate the condition of bones and cartilage.


Ultrasound examination helps to identify the condition of tendons and soft tissues. MRI can effectively identify pathologies of muscles, tendons and cartilage. You can undergo examinations only on the direct indications of the attending physician.

Therapy for pain in the hip joints

Many people ask: how to treat pathology? The main goal of therapy is to reduce pain, restore joint mobility and relieve swelling. Treatment should be aimed at the cause of coxalgia. If the underlying cause of the pathology cannot be identified, the doctor prescribes painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs, or prescribes physical therapy (for example, thermotherapy). Orthotic measures (orthotics, bandages, or orthoses) may also be used.

Classical physiotherapy is also suitable for the treatment of coxalgia. If the pain is caused by an inflammatory process, you can treat the patient with cold packs or prescribe cryotherapy.

What to do if your hip joint aches at night and conservative treatment does not bring results? It is recommended to undergo surgical procedures.

Basic methods of surgical intervention:

  1. Arthroscopy.
  2. Impaction surgery.
  3. Replacement of bone tissue of the hip joint.
  4. Bursectomy.
  5. Osteotomy (correction of joint deformities).
  6. Joint endoprosthetics.

However, young people (under 55 years of age) are advised not to use a total joint prosthesis. As an alternative, a prosthesis is used to replace the surface of the bone.

  • Why do hip joints hurt at night in women: causes and treatment, what to do


Advice! To find out the exact cause of nighttime aching pain, it is recommended to consult a doctor. It is not recommended to get rid of pain in joints using folk remedies, gymnastics or physical therapy without consulting a doctor.

If excessive pain occurs on the left or right side in a horizontal position, it is recommended to call an ambulance. It is not recommended to engage in self-diagnosis or self-medication, since improper therapy can cause adverse complications.

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Answers from doctors ComplainEkaterina Belysheva, March 13, 2020 PediatricianComplainElena Furmanova, March 13, 2020 PediatricianComplainHedi Balaeva, March 13, 2021 Pediatrician Perhaps some nerves are pinched due to scoliosis, consultation with an orthopedist and surgeon is necessary, ComplainRoman Cheryomushkin, March 13, 2020 Therapist Hello! An MRI of the spine shows a relative stenosis of the spinal canal (16 mm). The causes are protrusions (hernias) that appear due to scoliosis, when the load on the intervertebral discs is unevenly distributed. This is where all your symptoms come from. Contact a neurologist/neurosurgeon. This is much more important and dangerous than a lipoma. People can walk with lipomas and live their entire lives without any limitations, but hernias in such parts of the spine are dangerous. Health to you!!! ComplainIrina, March 15, 2020Client Roman, yes, I understand. Yesterday, an MRI of the thoracic spine revealed trabecular edema of the vertebrae. Complain Roman Cheryomushkin, March 15, 2021 Therapist Good evening, please attach the result. If we are talking about the same thing, then protrusions aggravate this edema, hence all the somptomatics. Have you already made an appointment with a neurosurgeon/neurologist? ComplainIrina, March 15, 2020Client Roman, attached. ComplainIrina, March 15, 2020Client Roman, I’ll make an appointment tomorrow. ComplainIrina, March 15, 2020Client Roman, another moment, if while sitting on a chair you put the edge of the foot of your right leg on the knee of your left and bring your right knee closer to you, you feel pain approximately in the thigh-buttock area, it’s not clear exactly. In the lotus position, bring the knee 90 degrees, hip pain. If you bring your leg closer with your hand, without straining, there is almost no pain. Now, after a walk, my entire back is tired, as if I was carrying heavy weights. Thank you for participating. ComplainRoman Cheryomushkin, March 15, 2020 TherapistComplainIrina, March 15, 2020Client Roman, for example? Could you list them? Otherwise I'm very worried. Then I will make an appointment with a neurosurgeon. ComplainIrina, March 15, 2020Client Roman, that is, the pain in the hip is not related to the MRI picture? A separate problem? ComplainRoman Cheryomushkin, March 15, 2020 TherapistComplainIrina, March 15, 2020Client Roman, there were definitely no injuries. Thank you. Complain Yusupov Alfret, March 14, 2021 ENT Hello. Contact your neurologist again if treatment is not effective. Similar questions on the topic Possibility of infection after transvaginal ultrasound 3 answers March 4, 2017 Angela Question closed Ultrasound of the brain 56 answers January 6, 2019 Alena, Ozersk Question closed Thickening at the site of autograft attachment after ACL plastic surgery on the knee 9 answers April 22, 2019 Natalya, Moscow Question closed Interested in the dynamics of changes in the heart according to ultrasound 11 answers October 25, 2019 Anatoly, Kar AgandaQuestion closedDogs sometimes the hind legs are failing, which part should be done during an MRI? 1 answer February 25, 2020 Oleg Question closed The child has increased ionized calcium and phosphorus. 5 answers November 13, 2020 Marina Question closed Results of ultrasound of the pelvic organs 23 answers December 4, 2020 Natalya, Krasnoyarsk Question closed What should I do if I haven’t found the answer to my question?

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After increased physical activity, the thigh muscles and hip joint may begin to ache at rest.

Injuries are also a common cause of this pathology. This could be a fracture, dislocation, sprain or rupture of ligaments or muscles. Active young people and teenagers, as well as the elderly, are especially susceptible to them. Moreover, in old age, the most common injury is a fracture of the femoral neck. Due to the aging process, as well as the fact that bones lose calcium, they become fragile and break at the most vulnerable point. And this is the femoral neck, since the bone here is quite thin, and it has to support the entire weight of the body. In this case, acute pain occurs, which is especially severe at night.

Inflammatory processes in the joint can occur due to injury or joint diseases. But systemic pathologies can become the cause of inflammatory processes. Usually these are infections, for example, tuberculosis, boreliosis, gonorrhea, syphilis. But even an ordinary flu or sore throat can cause complications in the form of joint pain. Moreover, they are felt especially strongly at night.

Women also often complain of pain in the hip joint during pregnancy or after childbirth. In the later stages of pregnancy, the load on the entire musculoskeletal system increases. But the hip joint is especially affected. The body prepares for childbirth, which causes the elasticity of muscles and ligaments to increase and bones to move. Pain may also appear after childbirth, especially if there were any problems. This happens due to pinched nerve roots or damaged ligaments.

It is very important to get examined by a doctor to understand why your hip joints hurt at night.

Only a complete diagnosis can identify the problem in time and help in choosing adequate treatment. It usually starts with blood tests. They are done to determine the presence of rheumatoid factor, infection, and inflammatory process. The joint itself must also be examined. For this purpose, radiography, ultrasound, MRI or CT are performed. These procedures allow you to see the condition of bone and cartilage tissue, muscles, ligaments and blood vessels. Sometimes arthroscopy is also prescribed to examine the condition of the joint from the inside. In this case, synovial fluid can be taken for analysis.

You can get rid of such pain only after determining their cause. After all, the choice of treatment method depends on what causes the pain. But there are general treatment methods that are almost always used:

To get rid of pain in the hip joint, you need to carry out comprehensive treatment

The choice of other treatment methods depends on the cause of the pain. In inflammatory diseases, it is very important to stop the inflammatory process. This is done with NSAIDs or glucocorticoids. They are prescribed in the form of tablets or injections. In rheumatoid arthritis, it is also necessary to use cytostatics and immunosuppressants to eliminate the causes of the inflammatory process.

When treating coxarthrosis, it is necessary to stop the destruction of cartilage tissue, for which chondroprotectors are used. These could be Dona, Chondroitin, Atrtra, Structum or other drugs. If there is an infection, it must be destroyed with the help of antibacterial agents, otherwise it will not be possible to get rid of the inflammation. Such drugs are selected strictly individually, usually these are quite strong drugs: Erythromycin, Cefazolin, Tetracycline, Tsiprolet.

In addition to the therapy prescribed by the doctor, traditional methods are used. They help speed up recovery and alleviate the patient's condition. To relieve pain, you can use compresses, homemade ointments, and herbal decoctions.

  • Compresses made from medicinal clay are used for various pathologies. Do the procedure at night, it will prevent pain.
  • A cabbage leaf compress is also effective. The leaf needs to be crushed so that it releases the juice, spread with honey and applied to the sore joint. Wrap the top warmly and leave overnight.
  • If severe pain occurs frequently, you can make a healing decoction. To do this, chop 2 lemons, 130 g of garlic and 300 g of celery, pour boiling water over them, and wrap warmly. Leave overnight, then strain. You need to take a teaspoon before meals.

If serious pathologies of the hip joint appear, their treatment will be difficult and lengthy. Therefore, it is better not to allow this to happen. To do this, you need to avoid injuries, hypothermia and infections, strengthen your muscle corset, and prevent excess weight. And to strengthen the immune system and bone tissue, proper nutrition is necessary, which will provide the body with all the necessary microelements.

Diagnosis of pathology

If a patient feels discomfort in the area of ​​the hip joint, he should definitely consult a doctor. Why should this be done? This will make it possible to prescribe adequate and correct treatment. Diagnostics involves the following studies:

  • a general blood test, which makes it possible to determine whether there is an inflammatory disease;
  • biochemical blood test. This analysis is carried out in order to find out whether metabolic processes in tissues are proceeding well. It shows exactly how the internal organs function: liver, kidneys and others. The study allows you to confirm or refute the presence of malignant pathologies;

  • determination of rheumatoid factor, as well as nonspecific markers;
  • morphological examination of the joint, as well as checking the synovial fluid for the presence of pathogenic microorganisms. This should be done in order to determine the condition of the cartilage tissue;
  • radiography. This is a basic study that allows you to see the condition of bone tissue;
  • computed tomography or MRI. These procedures are as reliable as possible, as they visualize the entire joint. Not only bone and cartilage tissues are taken into account, but also muscles, ligaments and other parts of the joint. The presented study also allows us to determine the causes of pain in the hip joint;
  • Ultrasound;
  • arthroscopy. The presented study of the joint can be done both for examination and for the treatment of pathology. Special miniature tools are used for it.

Specifics of night pain

If you have any of the diseases listed above, a person has a question: why is discomfort and unpleasant sensations more pronounced at night than during the day? The fact is that during sleep the body tries to restore its energy reserves in order to overcome inflammatory processes in the body. This is why the pain in the joint increases.

However, treatment should not be started without consulting a doctor. Therefore, you cannot delay your visit to a specialist. Be healthy!

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Pain in the hip when lying on your side is a common complaint when visiting a surgeon or orthopedist. The symptom is typical for people of different age categories. Develops as a result of damage to the genesis of soft tissue, traumatic, degenerative lesions in the hip joint, the area of ​​the anatomical or surgical femoral neck, lumbar and sacral parts of the spinal column.

Pain in the thigh when lying or sitting, occurs after training with an incorrectly selected load, when climbing stairs, after an intramuscular injection or vaccination in a child. In women, the medial part of the thigh hurts after childbirth, the surface of the leg hurts more when sitting. The vastus medialis, lateralis and quadriceps femoris muscles are affected.

The doctor examines, finding out the reasons that caused the pain in the lying position.

Pleasant resting position

Types of pain

Depending on what disease caused the pain, it may have a different character. There are the following types of pain:

  1. Spicy. This pain does not last long, that is, it is short-term and paroxysmal. It has precise localization, so it is not difficult to determine. Such sensations are best treated.
  2. Aching pain in the hip joint already causes more discomfort. It is more difficult to identify as it can radiate to other parts of the body. The area of ​​its distribution is quite extensive. The intensity of sensations increases gradually. Treatment of the disease is difficult and requires more thorough diagnosis.
  3. Chronic. Such sensations are extremely difficult to treat and can last for a long time.

Whatever the pain, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since an untreated disease can lead to complete destruction of the hip joint.

Diagnostic tests

To determine the cause of pain in the lateral surface of the thigh and hip joint, when sitting and lying on the side, the following studies are carried out:

  • Hardware methods. Includes computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, x-ray examination of the joints and spine. The x-ray is taken in three projections.
  • Instrumental methods - arthroscopy, with simultaneous biopsy of the affected tissue.
  • Laboratory tests reveal signs of inflammation in the joints and metabolic disorders. The cause of joint destruction is identified.

To make a diagnosis, the accompanying symptoms of pathology of the joints and spine are taken into account. At the initial visit, the doctor detects pathological signs:

  1. Hip pain, acute, chronic, wandering, permanent.
  2. Hip discomfort depends on the time of day.
  3. Irradiation of pain occurs in the groin area, lumbar back, and along the lower limb.
  4. The pain when lying on the side changes in character when turning over or sitting. When turning, bending, walking, running, the pain subsides or intensifies.
  5. Painful sensations affect the surface of one thigh, or both at once.

Women indicate the presence of complicated childbirth, intense training. A child's pain may be caused by a vaccination.

Hip pain


An important condition for the successful treatment of diseases that cause pain in the hip joint is the elimination of factors that cause structural changes in bone, cartilage and soft tissue in the joint area.
For acute pain, rheumatologists at the Yusupov Hospital prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The well-being of patients significantly improves with the use of local treatment methods - external applications of gels and ointments, patches that contain non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They reduce pain in the hip joints during inflammatory processes of soft tissues (tendinitis, bursitis, epicondylitis), after injuries. If such therapy is not effective enough, doctors inject glucocorticoids into the cavity of the hip joint. The joint space with deforming coxarthrosis is narrowed, it is difficult to get into it. For this reason, rheumatologists at the Yusupov Hospital perform the procedure under X-ray control. In the presence of pain caused by inflammation of muscles and tendons, glucocorticoid hormones are injected into the periarticular tissues.

In order to improve the condition of cartilage and reduce pain in the hip joint, chondroprotectors (glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate) are used. The therapeutic course lasts several months. For spasms of the muscles that take part in movements in the hip joint, muscle relaxants (sirdalud, mydocalm) are prescribed.

Drug therapy is supplemented with physiotherapeutic procedures. They are of secondary importance for pain in the hip joint. The effectiveness of physiotherapeutic treatment methods is reduced due to deep location. The severity of pain in the hip joint decreases after ultraviolet irradiation with medium-length waves.

In the presence of an inflammatory process, high-intensity centimeter wave therapy, infrared laser treatment, and low-intensity UHF are performed. High-intensity high-frequency magnetic therapy, ozone therapy, shock wave therapy stimulate tissue restoration. The intensity of pain that occurs due to circulatory disorders and nutrition of the hip joint is reduced under the influence of various types of electrotherapy (exposure to currents) and ultrasound.

To reduce the load on the hip joint, rheumatologists advise patients to use a cane if there is acute pain. After reducing the severity of the pain syndrome, rehabilitators conduct therapeutic exercises. An individual set of exercises is developed for each patient to quickly restore the function of the lower limb. When the structures that take part in the formation of the hip joint are destroyed, the pain can be so severe that the only method of eliminating it is to replace the joint with an endoprosthesis.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed to relieve pain. Treatment depends on the disease that affects the hip joints. The patient is prescribed chondroprotectors for cartilage tissue damage. An orthopedic doctor prescribes effective treatment, diet, and exercises to improve blood circulation in the joint, restore cartilage tissue, and maintain joint mobility. In severe cases, joint replacement with an endoprosthesis is required, which significantly improves the quality of life and eliminates pain.

Causes of hip pain

The causes of hip pain are typical for young people. Infectious processes in joints, sports training, conditions after childbirth in women. Elderly people are characterized by autoimmune osteoarthritis and deforming osteoarthritis of the hip joint.

There are a number of causes of pain in the legs, groin, and discomfort in the lateral thigh when lying on the side and sitting. The hip joint functionally unites the components of the pelvic region. The anatomical structure of the hip joint includes the bones of the pelvis and thigh, the main muscle groups (usually the quadriceps and biceps femoris), the ligamentous apparatus, the femoral vein and nerves. Damage to one part leads to pain in the joint area when lying down.

The reasons are conventionally divided into three groups:

  1. Traumatic injuries to bones and soft tissues - fractures, dislocations, sprains of the ligaments and tendons in the quadriceps femoris muscle, soft tissue bruises. Often during childbirth, the bony elements of the pelvis are displaced to allow the baby's head to pass through. The medial muscle of the thigh, vastus lateralis, and also the quadriceps suffer.
  2. Inflammatory processes, infectious and aseptic in nature.
  3. Degenerative-dystrophic conditions developing in the joints - osteoarthritis of the joints, osteochondrosis of the spine.

Hip joint disease

People involved in heavy physical labor have pain in their legs on one side. Diggers complain of pain in the right hip. Weightlifters have pain on both sides of their legs when squatting and lifting weights. This determines the prevalence of soft tissue lesions. Often, after training, the quadriceps muscle hurts or goes numb.

The mechanism of pain is associated with the formation of lactic acid in muscle fibers. To relieve pain, do a light muscle massage. After rest, the pain in the hip subsides spontaneously. The vastus lateralis muscle often hurts and becomes numb.

Injuries occur in active young adults and adolescents. Damage to the femoral neck and hip joint often occurs in older people, whose bones become brittle and thin due to osteoporosis. For older people, minor physical activity, awkward movement, or falling from one's own height is enough. Often in older people, the area of ​​the surgical femoral neck, the thinnest part of the femur, is affected. The injury requires long-term treatment, osteosynthesis surgery, and rehabilitation. Often, due to somatic diseases, contraindications to surgery arise, the patient is cared for and conservative treatment is prescribed.

Signs and nature of pain depending on the disease

Different hip diseases can manifest differently. Therefore, treatment is prescribed individually. So, if you take into account the nature of the disease, pain and other signs may appear like this:

Rheumatoid arthritis

This disease can develop as a result of damage to the tissues of the hip joint at the immunological level, hypothermia, physical overexertion, or hereditary predisposition. As for symptoms, the pain is of medium intensity. The disease first affects small joints. At night, the patient feels stiffness, and the pain intensifies. The pathological process then spreads to larger joints. The pain begins to intensify when walking. Rheumatoid arthritis is characterized by the appearance of effusion in the joint capsule. If treatment is not started on time, the joint begins to deform over time.


The reason for the development of this disease is changes in the structure of cartilage tissue, impaired nutrition and blood supply to tissues. The problem can be caused by abnormal skeletal structure, metabolic disorders in the body, or too much body weight. The symptoms are as follows: initially, a starting pain appears, which is of moderate intensity. However, over time, discomfort and unpleasant sensations intensify.

If at stage 1 they first appear only during movement, then as the disease develops, the pain syndrome does not go away even during rest. In the second and third stages of development of the pathology, the pain does not disappear even at night. The volume of traffic is decreasing every day. Naturally, it is imperative to treat this disease. If it is already advanced, then at stage 4 of the pathology you will have to undergo surgery. The fact is that the disease contributes to deformation of the hip joint. With this disease, pain can even appear in the side, groin and knee. With coxarthrosis, the muscles become very tense, and the patient begins to limp.

Ankylosing spondylitis

With ankylosing spondylitis, pain begins to appear not in the hip joint itself, but in the sacrum and lower back. The sensations are dull, aching in nature and can be felt not only in the hip joint, but also in the side, groin, knee and sacrum. The pain syndrome is most intense at night, as well as in the morning before waking up. Lying down, a person also feels discomfort. The disease occurs periodically. There are periods of exacerbation and improvement of the condition.

Arthritis of infectious nature

This disease can also manifest itself acutely or develop gradually. Pain is most often observed on one side. The joints hurt even when lying down. The disease provokes not only a violation of the functionality of the hip joint, but also a change in its shape. Often in the later stages of development of this pathology, surgical intervention is necessary. There are also other symptoms: an increase in general body temperature, intoxication, which is inherent in any infectious disease.

This pathology is an inflammation of the synovial bursa of the joint. It is accompanied not only by painful sensations, but also by aching in the area of ​​the joint. Lying on the injured side, the patient feels maximum discomfort and pain.


Tendinitis is a disease characterized by the appearance of an inflammatory process in the ligaments. In addition to pain, a person feels stiffness. He cannot move his limb to the side.

Hip and hip injuries

In case of injuries, clinical manifestations are unilateral.

  • With fractures of the femoral neck, the patient complains of pain in the thigh on the side on which he fell, which intensifies when trying to lie on the injured side while walking. The limb loses its supporting function, the victim is unable to move without assistance. Pain in the groin area and the vastus lateralis and medial muscles. Femoral neck fracture
  • Damage to soft tissues gives a less intense clinical picture. The intensity of pain is less than with fractures. Supportive function when walking and standing is not affected. The range of motion in the joint is limited. Damage to the ligaments occurs during rapid labor as the baby's head passes through the birth canal.
  • A mild form of injury is a bruise or rupture of the muscle groups of the thigh and gluteal region. The pain is local in nature and intensifies when trying to roll over or when trying to stand up. The pain does not radiate to the groin area.

For injuries, treatment begins with conservative methods:

  1. Bed rest is prescribed, a cast or skeletal traction is applied to treat the femoral neck. Treatment includes massage on the foot area and healthy leg to improve blood circulation and prevent bedsores.
  2. To relieve an attack of pain, painkillers from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. Medicines are used orally, by injection, or in the form of rectal suppositories.
  3. Skeletal traction is prescribed for fractures of the femoral neck with displacement of the femur. Manual reduction often eliminates the need for surgery.
  4. Treatment with folk remedies, physiotherapy, massage, and exercise therapy are added to the complex.

Complex, comminuted fractures, fractures with deformation of the femoral neck or its body are treated surgically. To heal the fragments, titanium plates and special bolts are inserted into the patient.

During the rehabilitation period, after osteosynthesis surgery, a set of therapeutic exercises is performed to restore range of motion and joint function. The first workouts begin with minimal loads, avoiding discomfort in the joints and muscles. In women, after childbirth, the symphysis is injured, leading to disturbances in walking and sitting.

Inflammatory processes in the thigh area

Often the inflammatory process affects cartilage and bone tissue. Inflammation is not an isolated syndrome, but manifests itself as a complication of an infectious disease.

The causative agent of osteomyelitis is purulent bacterial flora or tuberculosis bacillus. This process complicates injuries to the femoral neck. The disease begins with a deterioration in general condition. The temperature rises, malaise and headache develop. With tonsillitis, wandering pain occurs in the quadriceps muscle and joints. Pain appears in the gluteal and femoral surface after an intramuscular injection. In a child, the cause of pain may be a vaccination.

Muscle inflammation has the following clinical symptoms:

  1. The pain spreads over the entire surface of the thigh. The quadriceps muscle causes pain in the front of the leg.
  2. The pain radiates to the back or leg.
  3. The range of movement in the leg is limited.
  4. The skin on the thigh is hyperemic and hot to the touch. An abscess forms at the site of an intramuscular injection or vaccination in a child if antiseptic rules are violated. The saphenous vein may be involved in the inflammatory process.

Inflammation of the tendons manifests itself more subtly:

  • The pain in the leg is local.
  • On palpation, the back of the thigh hurts and goes numb.
  • The range of motion in the leg is not affected.

Joint inflammation

The patient's condition is rare. Pain or numbness in the back of the thigh, vastus medialis and vastus lateralis muscles. There is swelling of the lower limb and groin. The cause of edema is a thrombosed femoral vein.

To eliminate inflammation, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. After the acute period is over, physiotherapeutic treatment is prescribed. Pain and swelling in the quadriceps muscle are relieved using folk remedies. Pain from an injection or vaccination in a child is treated with compresses with mint tincture or magnesium sulfate. A light massage of the injection area is performed to speed up the resorption of the infiltrate.

If a child’s leg hurts or goes numb after vaccination, use antipyretic and analgesic suppositories. Osteomyelitis is treated with antibiotics. Sometimes there is a need for surgery. If the inflammation is not purulent in nature, they resort to treatment with folk remedies.

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