Pain under the ribs after drinking alcohol

Read in the article:
  1. Why does my back hurt after drinking alcohol?
  2. Possible diseases
  3. Consequences of back pain
  4. How to relieve pain
  5. Alcohol addiction treatment

The article was prepared by expert
Nabiullin Rustam Airatovich

Psychologist, psychoanalyst, group psychotherapist

Long-term alcohol consumption often causes various unpleasant sensations. Depending on where it hurts, you can determine the cause of the discomfort. Most often, after drinking, people complain of a headache. But no less often you can come across complaints of back pain. Why is this happening? Internal organs destroyed by alcohol extend to the lumbar region or under the shoulder blade. In our article we will look at the causes and processes that disrupt the proper functioning of the musculoskeletal system and cause pain in the back.


  1. Why do kidney diseases develop when drinking alcohol?
  2. Which alcohol is more harmful to the kidneys?
  3. Does alcohol affect the kidneys?
  4. What to do if your kidneys fail due to alcohol
  5. Treatment

Diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract develop in people who abuse alcoholic beverages due to the toxic effects of ethanol and its metabolites. Alcohol can be not only a direct cause of damage to the renal (renal) system, but also a provoking factor in the exacerbation of existing chronic conditions. When the pathology has developed, treatment is required under the supervision of a narcologist, nephrologist, or urologist. In severe cases, hospitalization will be required. Of course, if symptoms of kidney damage are detected, a complete abstinence from alcoholic beverages is necessary.

How to relieve pain

To alleviate the patient's condition, medications can be used:

  1. Paracetamol. The most effective drug to help cope with pain. Helps improve the condition.
  2. Ibuprofen. Helps get rid of pain. Overdose can lead to intoxication.
  3. Diclofenac. Relieves inflammation and has an analgesic effect. An allergic reaction is likely to develop.

After relieving acute pain, it is necessary to show the patient to a doctor who will prescribe an individual treatment plan. A person who drank too much alcohol the day before may experience lumbar pain, which can be easily eliminated. If a chronic alcoholic has back pain, then you can get rid of the pain only after completely giving up alcoholic beverages.

Why do kidney diseases develop when drinking alcohol?

The urinary system removes associated toxic substances from the body. At the same time, the load on the kidneys increases significantly. Acetaldehydes, ethanol catabolites, have a particularly harmful effect on renal tubular cells.

These toxins:

  • Damage tissue structures.
  • Complicate glomerular filtration.
  • They prevent the reabsorption (reabsorption) of nutrients.

As a result, it develops:

  • Inflammatory reaction.
  • Accumulation of fluid and salts in the body with a subsequent increase in blood pressure.
  • Removal of beneficial microelements, causing mineral deficiency.
  • Edema syndrome.

The process is aggravated by eating spicy snacks that contain a lot of salt, overeating, and eating fatty, smoked and fried foods. It irritates the renal structural units - nephrons. Ethanol surrogates are especially toxic. Against this background, both acute and chronic kidney diseases develop.

Which alcohol is more harmful to the kidneys?

Harm is determined not by what exactly a person drinks, but by how much he drinks. Ideally, it is better to stay away from drinking alcohol. Even small doses are harmful to the human body. And if use becomes regular and turns into abuse, then the destructive impact becomes obvious.

Some people believe that low-alcohol products in moderation are not as harmful as strong drinks. But it should be borne in mind that in addition to ethanol, they contain many additives that have a damaging effect on all human organs. Alcohol of any strength causes dependence and the need to increase doses. The total amount of alcohol supplied during a feast when drinking a “low-alcohol drink” is not much different from a feast at which they drank vodka, wine, or cognac. The urinary system suffers from ethanol of any strength.

Binge drinking

At the initial stage of binge alcoholism, the addict realizes that alcohol abuse is contrary to the social and ethical norms accepted in his family and work collective. That is why he justifies the next binge (family and calendar holidays, etc.), but if there is no good reason, he tries to find one himself.

However, everything is not limited to one feast - a person drinks for several days, but almost always finds the strength to stop, although, as a rule, this happens under the influence of some external reasons (work schedule, scandal in the family, financial difficulties, etc.). d.). Such alcoholic excesses (they are also called “false”) usually occur in the second stage of alcohol addiction.

As alcoholism progresses, the addict's craving for alcohol becomes more and more obsessive. He is no longer stopped by the wrong time, place, or environment for drinking. Gradual social degradation begins. The addict loses interest in work, previous hobbies, and family. Memory and intellectual abilities deteriorate, speech becomes monosyllabic, egocentrism and vindictiveness appear.

The third stage of alcoholism is characterized by true binge drinking. An uncontrollable desire to drink occurs spontaneously, sometimes preceded by a prodromal period, accompanied by:

  • tremor;
  • chills;
  • sweating;
  • anxiety, intolerance, irritability;
  • insomnia.

True binges are very difficult: withdrawal symptoms appear quickly - literally a few hours after the last “dose” of alcohol, so the addict drinks almost constantly, interrupting only to sleep and buy another bottle. In such a situation, a person cannot stop on his own, and the multi-day “tailspin” ends when alcohol intoxication reaches its peak, and the body simply “cannot” cope with a new portion of alcohol.

Does alcohol affect the kidneys?

Alcohol abuse causes an acute pathological process, or contributes to the exacerbation of an existing renal pathology.

Doctors in drug treatment hospitals have to deal with:

  • Jades.
  • Kidney stone disease.
  • Pyelitis/pyelonephritis.
  • Amyloidosis.
  • Alcoholic nephropathy.

Nephritis is an acute or chronic disease in which changes affect the glomerular apparatus with subsequent involvement of other structures. The disease gradually progresses and leads to nephrosclerosis and kidney failure.

Patients develop:

  • Increased blood pressure. It is caused by the retention of sodium and water in the body, activation of the renin system, and a decrease in the depressant effect on the organ.
  • Edema as a result of decreased filtration in the glomeruli, increased reabsorption of salts and increased volume of circulating blood.
  • Urinary syndrome, accompanied by the appearance of protein, red blood cells, and white blood cells in the urine.

Urolithiasis (nephrolithiasis) is manifested by the deposition of salt stones of various sizes.

Acute obstruction of the pyelocaliceal system by stones causes:

  • Severe pain syndrome of a spastic nature - colic.
  • Nausea.
  • Vomiting.
  • Hematuria (the appearance of blood in the urine).

Exacerbation of pain in the kidneys especially often occurs after drinking alcohol.

The chronic form occurs with pain of less intensity. They occur more often after the influence of physical activity, running, walking, riding.

Pyelonephritis is an inflammatory nonspecific process in the pelvis, calyces and parenchyma (interstitium) of the organ.

The acute course is manifested by complaints of:

  • High temperature.
  • Alternating chills, fever and drenching sweats.
  • Pain in the lumbar area.
  • I'm thirsty.
  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • Weakness.

Drinkers look exhausted and dehydrated. Especially after alcohol, their kidneys “strain.” With chronicity, the intensity of complaints decreases, but their nature becomes constant.

Amyloidosis is a pathology characterized by metabolic disorders with the formation of amyloid, a complex that includes proteins, plasma glucoproteins and other hematogenous inclusions. Amyloid compounds are deposited in renal tissues and disrupt their function.

Patients are tormented by:

  • Weakness and decreased appetite, decreased performance.
  • Swelling in the legs.
  • Back pain.
  • Hypotension, gastrointestinal disorders.

When diagnosing, laboratory urine parameters are taken into account:

  • The appearance of protein.
  • Leukocyturia.
  • Lipoiduria with birefringent crystals in the sediment (specific sign).

Alcoholic nephropathy is a progressive inflammatory-immune damage to the kidney tissue caused by alcoholic beverages. This disease is common to almost all people suffering from alcoholism. Exacerbations occur against the background of drunken excesses.

In this case, patients experience:

  • Decreased urine output – oliguria.
  • Erythema (red color) of the palms.
  • Headaches and flushing of the face.
  • Obesity.

The disease gradually leads to symptoms of kidney failure. Whether the kidneys can hurt from alcohol with amyloidosis depends on the stage of the disease. The majority of drinkers experience only minor discomfort in the lumbar region. Most often, the pathology occurs in an asymptomatic form until complications arise.

Possible diseases

Due to alcohol abuse, the functioning of organs is disrupted. Lumbar pain indicates that urolithiasis, nephrosclerosis, pyelonephritis, pathology of the adrenal glands, oncology, atrophy of the spinal muscles, spinal curvature, hernia are developing.

Daily drinking of alcohol can cause various malfunctions of the renal parenchyma. Subsequently, it becomes overgrown with connective tissue. The kidneys stop coping with their functions, and severe pain pierces the back.

What to do if your kidneys fail due to alcohol

If you notice that your lower back hurts after drinking alcohol, do not look on the Internet for advice on how to treat your kidneys - consult a doctor! Self-medication is permissible only as a temporary measure - to make you feel better for a short period of time until you can see a doctor. Is it possible and how to restore the normal function of this organ? Yes, but a lot depends on the patient.

To normalize your health it is useful:

  • Unconditionally refuse any alcohol-containing products.
  • Go on a diet without aggressive dishes. There are mainly boiled and baked ones. The frequency of meals should be 5-6 times a day.
  • Establish an increased but controlled drinking load, excluding coffee, tea, and carbonated drinks. Use herbal remedies.

The regime and lifestyle are of no small importance. What to do at home to alleviate your condition? You should devote enough time to sleep. It is important to avoid hypothermia during an exacerbation. The body needs regular moderate intensity exercise. It is advisable to select them after discussing your situation with your doctor.

These tips can help at the very beginning of the development of renal pathology. Severe forms require special therapy.

Gallbladder problems due to alcohol consumption

The gallbladder is a hollow organ whose job is to secrete a special secretion. It produces bile, which helps digest fats. Problems with this organ can arise due to addiction to alcoholic beverages. A few main signs will help you understand that they really have appeared:

  • Nausea occurs regularly;
  • suffers from diarrhea or, conversely, constipation;
  • general weakness, increased body temperature
  • there is pain after eating.

Due to excessive alcohol consumption, cholelithiasis may occur, the culprit of which is a violation of the exchange of bilirubin and cholesterol. For a long period of time, the disease proceeds secretly. As the stones increase, a person experiences severe pain that cannot be relieved with conventional medications. Only surgery can help. Rarely are stones passed in excrement. In order not to suffer from pain, you must remember that alcohol and the gallbladder will never be friends!


Inpatient treatment is based on the use of pharmacotherapy. The drugs, their doses and frequency are selected individually for each patient, depending on the type of lesion and stage.

For chronic nephritis with high blood pressure, intravenous injections of glucose (4 g) and magnesium ascorbate (0.5 g) help well. To do this, prepare 10 ml of the mixture. The course includes 15-20 injections.

Additionally used:

  • ACE inhibitors.
  • Calcium antagonists.
  • Substances affecting the renin-angiotensin system.

These medications are good at normalizing high blood pressure numbers.

Curing kidney stones involves prescribing a medicine that can remove stones from the kidney tissue. Avisan is excellent for these purposes. It is used at a dose of 0.05-0.1 g 3-4 times a day. Therapy lasts from 1 to 3 weeks. The drug eliminates spasms of the ureters, facilitating the passage of stones.

Inflammation is relieved by using antibiotics. The duration of therapy is selected taking into account the sensitivity of the pathogenic flora and the body. Antibiotic therapy requires mandatory “covering” with antifungal agents. In the presence of inflammation, nitrofurans are especially indicated: furadonin and furazolidone. They not only have an antibacterial effect, but also have a sensitizing effect towards alcohol. With their help, an additional barrier is created that prevents drinking. In addition to nitrofurans, 5-NOK is prescribed at a dose of 0.1 g 4 times a day. It also has an anti-alcohol effect along with a bacteriostatic effect.

The consequences of ethanol poisoning lead to metabolic disorders. A particular danger to renal structures is the failure of the release of purines. They are neutralized with allopurinol.

To alleviate the condition and eliminate severe forms of pathology, use:

  • Corticosteroids.
  • Cytostatics.
  • Hemodialysis.

Prevention of kidney disease after alcohol means maintaining a sober lifestyle. Early detection of the disease creates the most favorable conditions for obtaining a positive prognosis for therapy. With chronic renal failure, recovery is unlikely. Modern therapeutic methods provide those in need with acceptable support that ensures a good quality of life.

Pancreas problems due to alcohol consumption

The pancreas is an organ that creates proteases. These are enzymes that ensure the saturation of the body with carbohydrates, the absorption of proteins and the breakdown of fats. In addition, the pancreas is involved in the formation of insulin, which is necessary to maintain optimal sugar levels.

The functions that this organ performs can be disrupted by becoming addicted to alcoholic beverages. After all, due to problems in the functioning of the pancreas, such a terrible disease as pancreatitis occurs. Among the main signs of this disease are:

  • girdle pain;
  • constant feeling of weakness and high fatigue;
  • flatulence and diarrhea, loss of appetite;
  • nausea, vomiting, weight loss.

An experienced doctor can identify pancreatitis, especially chronic pancreatitis. According to research by specialists, this disease is encountered in most cases by women who abuse alcohol. If the disease is not treated, it can cause cancer.


  1. On the issue of changes in the kidneys during intoxication with hashish and alcohol in an experiment: Abstract of thesis. for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences. (14.764) / Tashk. Institute for advanced training of doctors. — Tashkent: [b. i.], 1969. - 17 p.
  2. Endogenous intoxication syndrome (manual) / S. G. Musselius. — Ed. 2nd, revised and additional - Moscow: Author's book, 2019. - 356 p.
  3. Patient's Handbook / Ferry, Fred F. - St. Petersburg: Eco-Vector, 2015. - 1009 p.

The text was checked by expert doctors: Head of the socio-psychological service of the Alkoklinik MC, psychologist Yu.P. Baranova, L.A. Serova, a psychiatrist-narcologist.


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