Treating feelings of heaviness in the body or limbs

The causes of the feeling of heaviness in the body or limbs can be either neurological disorders or mental disorders. Feelings of heaviness are very difficult for a person to bear, especially if he works or studies. Such sensations are always associated with the presence of a disorder of the nervous system and higher nervous activity. Therefore, the approach to treating a feeling of heaviness in the body or limbs should not be one-sided and carried out using monotherapeutic methods. We approach the problem comprehensively, taking into account all the existing prerequisites and individual characteristics of the body’s development.

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Causes of heaviness in the hands

Depending on the location of the feeling of pressure and fullness in the hand, the presence of one or another disease can be assumed. For example, discomfort in the wrist or hand most often indicates the occurrence of inflammation of the joints, diffuse heaviness on the left side throughout the entire limb can signal disturbances in cardiac activity, and pathological mobility of the bones indicates their traumatic damage. Therefore, in order to determine what disease is causing heaviness in the hands, it is necessary to undergo a full examination and tell doctors about all the accompanying symptoms.

Natural causes of heaviness in the hands

  1. Uncomfortable (“frozen”) posture while sleeping, performing professional duties or doing household chores.
  2. Wearing heavy objects or clothes, accessories (watches, bracelets, rings) that squeeze the hands.
  3. The influence of magnetic storms and sudden changes in atmospheric pressure and air temperature.
  4. Stressful situations leading to temporary vasospasm and, as a consequence, impaired peripheral circulation in the extremities.
  5. A sedentary lifestyle, excess weight, and lack of physical activity cause congestion in the limbs and a feeling of heaviness in them.

When the provoking factor is eliminated (change of posture, rest, relaxation, weight loss), the discomfort in the hands disappears without a trace.

Pathological causes (diseases) that cause heaviness in the hands

  1. Heart and vascular diseases:
      angina pectoris, ischemia, in which a pressing sensation occurs not only in the left arm, but also spreads to the scapula and sternum, it is accompanied by a burning sensation and pain of a bursting or shooting nature;
  2. hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia, cardiomyopathy, arteritis, atherosclerosis, these pathologies occur with a feeling of heaviness in one or both arms, with the appearance of slight swelling of the subcutaneous tissue on them, changes in blood pressure, headaches, a feeling of nausea and weakness.
  3. Pathologies of the musculoskeletal system:
      osteochondrosis (cervical or thoracic), spondylosis, which occurs with inflammation or mechanical compression of the nerve roots and choroid plexuses, which causes heaviness, muscle spasm or sharp pain in the back and arm on the affected side;
  4. curvature of the spine (scoliosis), occurs with overstrain of the skeletal muscles, which tries to maintain it in a physiological state, because of this, sensations of pressure and tension appear in the back, shoulder girdle, and in the area of ​​the shoulder blades;
  5. inflammation of muscles (myositis), the disease is manifested by their swelling and soreness associated with the accumulation of lactic acid and loss of natural elasticity of muscle fibers; the initial stage of the disease can occur with a feeling of aching and heaviness in sore areas, including the hands.
  6. Diseases of the skeletal system:
      arthritis, rheumatism, glenohumeral periarthritis, synovitis, bursitis, osteomyelitis, bone tuberculosis, these conditions are characterized by inflammatory changes in the joints, the accumulation of pathological effusion, which can be expressed in the appearance of a feeling of heaviness and a feeling of fullness in the sore arm;
  7. arthrosis, osteoporosis, degenerative tissue changes, these processes are often expressed by discomfort in the upper limbs in the morning (stiffness and heaviness when moving the arms).
  8. Diseases of the blood and lymph:
      anemia, leukemia, in which the cells experience a severe oxygen deficiency, so patients often complain of weakness and heaviness in the arms, legs, and throughout the body;
  9. lymphostasis, lymphadenitis, lymphogranulomatosis, here a violation of the outflow of lymph provokes its stagnation in the vessels and impregnation of nearby tissues with exudate, which is subjectively felt as heaviness, bloating or pressure in the hand.
  10. Hormonal diseases:
      diabetes mellitus, obesity, these pathologies occur with disturbances in cellular metabolism, with them significant changes in the nutrition and functioning of all tissue structures occur in the body, and their dystrophy and atrophy develop over time;
  11. thyrotoxicosis, myxedema, here changes in the normal level of hormones provoke weakness of muscle tissue and pathological changes in the bone and cartilaginous structures of the human body.
  12. Injuries:
      bruises, sprains, cracks are characterized by a feeling of heaviness and moderate pain in the hand;
  13. dislocations, fractures, sprains occur with severe pain, abnormal mobility of the limb, weakness or heaviness in it.
  14. Kidney diseases that occur with the accumulation of excess fluid in the tissues can be expressed by a feeling of “cast iron” arms and legs.

What to do if your hand hurts

27 bones, muscles, nerves, ligaments and tendons are the components of the human hand, thanks to the coordinated work of which we can perform a variety of actions. Nature has arranged all this quite compactly, but if some kind of trouble occurs with one of the parts of the system, the entire body suffers and the quality of human life is greatly deteriorated.

Pain syndrome can affect joints, bones, soft tissues, fingers; observed in individual parts of the upper limb or along the entire length of the arm. One or both limbs can hurt at the same time. Due to the fact that pain in the arm is caused by many diseases, a person has to turn to more than one specialist. It is quite possible that in addition to a therapist, you will need consultation:

  • cardiologist;
  • rheumatologist;
  • traumatologist;
  • surgeon;
  • neurologist.

Additional symptoms

Each disease, the symptom of which is heaviness in the hands, has a number of additional clinical signs:

  • In diseases of the spine, discomfort usually occurs during active movements, physical activity or heavy lifting, which is accompanied by a feeling of numbness in the limbs, a feeling of “crawling goosebumps”. These pathologies are most often the result of intense physical or intellectual work or prolonged hypothermia;
  • endocrine diseases have a negative impact on the entire body: muscles lose their strength (become flabby and weak), sudden changes in weight (gain or fall) and appetite (increase or decrease), emotional instability, sleep disturbances are possible. Exacerbations occur with severe changes in diet or after emotional overload;
  • Heart diseases are characterized by changes in pulse rate, the appearance of shortness of breath, and skin cyanosis. They worsen after physical exertion or stress;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the joints and bones are manifested by violent local reactions (redness and swelling of the subcutaneous retina), increased body temperature. Often these pathologies manifest themselves in response to viral or bacterial infections.

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An important step in determining the origin of heaviness in the hands is interviewing patients, establishing the first moment of appearance of this sensation, previous injuries or diseases.

Examination of patients can tell a lot: the color of their skin, breathing and heart rate, blood pressure, the presence of edema, muscle tension, etc.

To study the work and condition of internal organs, instrumental techniques are widely used: ECG, ultrasound, CT, MRI, X-ray, etc.

Laboratory tests help identify inflammatory diseases in the body and changes in the biochemical balance in it.

Studies of hormone levels in the body reveal endocrine abnormalities.


Therapy for the feeling of heaviness in the hands is based on the treatment of the underlying disease:

  • for degenerative processes in the spine and joints, anti-inflammatory and painkillers, chondroprotectors and physiotherapy are used;
  • for endocrine diseases, hormone replacement therapy, diet, and sedatives are prescribed;
  • Cardiac glycosides and anabolic agents help with heart ailments;
  • In case of traumatic injuries, surgical interventions and subsequent rehabilitation measures (physical therapy, massage, swimming) are necessary.

In any case, treatment should only be prescribed by a doctor, after a comprehensive diagnosis.

Treating feelings of heaviness

Any treatment must begin with a correct diagnosis, and it is good if it is carried out by an experienced doctor with extensive experience in practical work. As it became clear from the article, there are many reasons for the appearance of feelings of heaviness in the body. Therefore, when carrying out differential diagnosis, the participation of both a neurologist and a psychotherapist or psychiatrist is necessary.

After establishing a complete and accurate diagnosis and identifying the individual developmental characteristics of the body, the doctor selects the necessary treatment to remove the feeling of heaviness in the body as quickly as possible and then continue to treat the cause of the feeling of heaviness.

The basic treatment regimen for feelings of heaviness takes into account the cause and consists of neurometabolic therapy, psychotherapy, daily routine, and, if necessary, physiotherapy and exercise therapy can be added.

Rationale for the main causes of heaviness in the body

What is the most common cause of a feeling of heaviness in the body or limbs, which can occur together with other physical complaints? Why do competent doctors with complaints of a feeling of heaviness in the body or limbs refer for consultation to a psychotherapist? Why are such painful physical sensations as heaviness in the body or limbs and other manifestations associated with the higher function of the brain?

The explanation for this is quite logical and is confirmed by human physiology. The brain is the analyzer and main coordinator of all processes that occur in the body. It is he who transmits information about the state of the body to our consciousness and, with its help, we feel and separate various processes, feel pain, heat or cold, see, hear, touch, express feelings, etc. If the mechanisms of interaction between brain cells, neurons, are disrupted, then both our sensations and physiological processes in the body are disrupted. Therefore, along with sensations, physiological disorders of various organs and tissues often begin to appear. Eg. Due to some negative effect on the brain, a malfunction occurred in one of its departments. This area begins to incorrectly process incoming information from the limbs or the whole body, and transmits this incorrect information to the person in his consciousness, which is perceived as heaviness in the limbs. Naturally, a person begins to worry and look for a reason.

Home treatments

In cases of injury or suspected acute heart failure or other pathologies of the cardiovascular system, self-medication is unacceptable; it is important to call an ambulance as quickly as possible.

You can relieve heaviness in your hands at home if it is caused by diseases of the spine, myositis, or degenerative diseases of the joints. The following will help reduce discomfort:

  • gymnastic exercises: swinging your arms up and down, shaking them, at least 5-6 times;
  • massage or self-massage: light stroking and pinching in the up and down direction, 10-15 minutes.

The symptom will indicate the cause

It doesn’t happen that your hand swells for no reason and hurts. There is always an explanation. And the doctor will definitely find that the person has suffered an injury or a degenerative joint disease has manifested itself.

One of the most common today is carpal tunnel syndrome. It affects people who have been making similar movements with their hands for many years. The nerve becomes swollen and pinched, causing tingling and numbness. Treatment is carried out by immobilization of the joint, pain relief, physiotherapeutic procedures, and massages. The doctor may recommend simple exercises: make circular movements with your wrist, squeeze a ball. In difficult cases, surgery is performed to release the pinched nerve.

Severe pain in the arm may indicate arthritis, diabetes, or Raynaud's syndrome. In any case, it is necessary to give the limb a rest, massage it, and apply a cold compress.

If the shoulder goes numb and the pain goes down to the elbow, most likely the person has capsulitis. It is almost impossible to move a limb, and it is also impossible to do anything.

With myositis, in addition to pain, weakness is felt and chills occur.

Neuralgia threatens hand disability. The pain goes along the nerve - up to the elbow from the shoulder, comes in periods, is characterized as dagger-sharp.

Inflammation of the tendon - tendinitis - causes pain in the same area.

Aching pain in the arm is characteristic of sprains, and tugging pain is characteristic of ligament ruptures.

To get rid of discomfort, doctors advise taking non-steroidal drugs. But it is better not to prescribe them yourself, since they are harmful to the stomach. Even those who have everything in order with their gastrointestinal tract can drink them for no more than ten days. Therefore, it is better to contact a specialist who will create the correct treatment regimen for a particular person.

When people complain that their arm joints hurt, the reasons may be:

  • arthrosis;
  • arthritis;
  • gout.

Osteoarthritis is a type of arthritis that leads to joint deformation. It develops slowly and gradually destroys periarticular and bone tissue. The joint moves poorly, hurts, and reacts to the weather.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic disease and affects the entire body. The person feels unwell and his temperature rises. First, small joints suffer, they swell, gradually become deformed, hurt all the time, and gradually lose functionality.

Gout is caused by the accumulation of uric acid salts. It affects the hands infrequently, but gives completely unbearable pain and destroys the joints.

Joint ailments are one of the most common reasons for visiting clinics. At the same time, it’s not just the hand that hurts, but there is a real threat of becoming disabled due to the fact that the joints become immobile and the person cannot perform the simplest actions.

Unfortunately, medicine has not yet learned how to cure people from systemic diseases, which include a significant number of joint pathologies. However, a significant number of products have been developed to help patients suffering from arthritis, arthrosis, inflammation of connective and cartilage tissue.

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