7th week of pregnancy: symptoms and sensations, photos, ultrasound

Causes of pain

The whole variety of causes can be divided into 2 groups: physiological (do not pose a danger to the woman and fetus) and pathological (require medical attention).

Physiological reasons

Increasing load and moving the center of gravity

Most often, back pain occurs due to the fact that the center of gravity moves. During pregnancy, a woman gains 16-20 kilograms. As a result, the load on the spine and legs increases. In addition, as the abdomen enlarges, its muscles stretch and cannot fully support the torso. In this case, the load moves to the spine, which causes back pain.

Incorrect posture

To compensate for the movement of the center of gravity and maintain balance, the woman tenses her back muscles, sticks out her stomach, bends her neck, and pulls her shoulders back. As a result, posture changes, the spine bends, and a painful feeling of pain occurs in the back.

Enlarged uterus

In pregnant women, the uterus enlarges and displaces internal organs. In addition, it compresses the diaphragm, blood vessels, and nerve endings, which causes pain.

Venous stagnation

During pregnancy, the flow of blood to the uterus increases. At the same time, the outflow of venous blood may be disrupted, which leads to swelling of the soft tissues and severe back pain. They usually appear or get worse at night.

Hormonal changes

At the beginning of pregnancy, a woman’s body is actively preparing for pregnancy and childbirth. The placenta secretes the hormone relaxin, which makes the intervertebral ligaments and pelvic joints elastic and causes them to expand so that the baby can pass through the birth canal. At the same time, relaxed joints and ligaments cause back pain.

Braxton Hicks contractions

As labor approaches, the synthesis of estrogen and hormones that promote uterine contraction increases, and the production of progesterone decreases. In this case, “training contractions” (preliminary pain) appear, which, in addition to nagging pain in the abdomen, can also cause pain in the lower back. If the pain in the back and abdomen becomes sharp and is accompanied by bloody discharge, then there is a possible risk of miscarriage. In this case, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Sedentary lifestyle

If a woman moved little before pregnancy, then her back muscles are very weak. They cannot bear the increasing weight, which causes back pain.

Pathological causes

Causes that are caused by pathological changes in the body and require immediate examination by a specialist.

Spinal abnormalities

Due to increased load on the spine, spinal diseases can worsen (protrusions, hernias, scoliosis, osteochondrosis, spondylosis, spondyloarthrosis, spondylolisthesis, lumbar stenosis). In such cases, the pain is usually local in nature and occurs or intensifies with physical activity, bending, turning, or getting out of bed. When nerves are compressed, numbness of the limbs, digestion and urination problems are possible.

Another pathology – segmental instability of the spine – usually first “makes itself known” during pregnancy. Overweight women are especially susceptible to it.

Muscle lesions

With muscle pathologies (fibromyalgia, myositis, sprains), pain usually appears on one side of the back, but can spread throughout the body. They can be dull, aching or strong, occur suddenly, especially with movement, or be present all the time. The skin over the inflamed muscle often turns red.


Inflammation of the pubic symphysis, leading to divergence of the pubic bones and pain in the back. Occurs only in pregnant women.


Inflammatory process in the pancreas. Accompanied by acute pain in the abdomen and lower back, acquiring a girdling character. In some cases, they are accompanied by heartburn, flatulence, vomiting, and diarrhea.


Inflammatory kidney disease. Causes nagging or aching pain in the lower back, increased body temperature, possible renal colic, cloudy urine, blood impurities.


Inflammation of the gallbladder. Pain occurs in the lower back and right hypochondrium, a feeling of heaviness appears, and a bitter taste in the mouth.


Cystitis. Causes frequent urination, accompanied by pain, cutting and burning. Pain that occurs in the lower abdomen can radiate to the back.

Urolithiasis disease

Stones form in the kidneys and bladder, the displacement of which causes severe paroxysmal pain in the lower back. Enlargement of the uterus can provoke the movement of stones.

Gynecological pathologies

In diseases of the genital organs, pain in the lower abdomen can be combined with aching and nagging (and sometimes unbearable) pain in the back. Uterine bleeding, dizziness, weakness, and increased urination are possible.

Placental abruption

Due to the rupture of blood vessels, the back begins to hurt severely, and uterine bleeding is detected. In this case, urgent medical attention is needed.

Threatened miscarriage in early pregnancy - symptoms and treatment

If you have had two early miscarriages, but are striving for the birth of a healthy baby, it is important to carefully plan your pregnancy and avoid stress, overload, hypothermia and other negative factors. You don’t need to be left alone with your misfortune; it is important to find a specialist whom you trust, who knows what to do if there is a threat of miscarriage and how to reduce the risks when planning a new conception.

One of the important points is to find the root cause of what is happening. It is important to remember the symptoms of a threatened miscarriage, when they occurred, and whether they were preceded by any events that could have played a decisive role. As recommended by your doctor, undergo special examinations:

  1. Blood tests - interpretation of results in laboratory conditions will help to find hormonal problems or identify negative features of the immune system;
  2. Chromosomal tests - to identify signs of a threatened miscarriage in the early stages, it is enough for partners to donate blood, which may reveal chromosomal abnormalities. Ideally, fetal tissue will be analyzed, which will also be thoroughly checked.

To find out how to prevent the threat of early miscarriage resulting from uterine pathology, you need to go through:

  • Ultrasound – thanks to the action of high-frequency sound waves, an image is formed on a computer monitor, which accurately reflects the features of the areas, tissues, and organs being examined. The specialist conducts an examination using external scanning and examination through the vagina. Thanks to the ultrasound method, fibroids and other anomalies can be detected;
  • Hysteroscopy – insertion of a hysteroscope through the cervix into the internal cavity of the organ. Thanks to special lighting, the doctor can clearly see structural changes in tissues, which allows him to diagnose the problem and prescribe effective treatment to prevent miscarriage in the early stages;
  • Hysterosalpingography and sonohysterography - a contrast agent is injected into the uterus through a catheter. This makes it possible to make the structure of the organ and fallopian tubes visible on x-rays and ultrasound. Using this method, the uterine contour is examined and the presence of obstructing formations in the fallopian tubes is revealed.

If the cause of spontaneous abortion is not found, every effort is made to achieve a new conception. Knowing the symptoms of a threatened miscarriage, a woman treats her health with particular care and monitors changes in conditions. During pregnancy planning, it is important to get more rest, eat right, and take vitamin and mineral supplements prescribed by your doctor.

It is necessary to get rid of bad habits, get enough sleep, and not expose yourself to stress. Try not to appear in public places unless necessary, so as not to become a victim of an airborne infection that can adversely affect pregnancy. If there are factors harmful to health at work, it is better to exclude their influence.

What's happening to the baby

The first trimester is characterized by incredible rates of fetal development. At the seventh obstetric week, the unborn child’s heart is already beating: by the end of the sixth week it already has two atria, and at the end of the seventh it becomes four-chambered. It is important to note that since the fetus develops very quickly, during this period it especially needs useful substances, so a pregnant woman’s diet should be varied, rich in vitamins and microelements.

Fetal development.

The organs and systems of the fetus, which are still in their infancy, at this stage of embryonic development begin to take on a formalized appearance. The brain is actively developing: the cerebellum and pituitary gland appear. The lymphatic and circulatory systems are improved, the placenta is formed: with its help, substances that enter the child from the mother’s body are filtered. Facial features begin to form, which will subsequently become clearer. At the same time, the child begins to develop as a boy or girl: the genitals are not yet formed, but there is already a tubercle on the body from which they will grow. The kidneys, lungs and bile ducts of the liver are formed, the spleen begins to work.

What can be seen on an ultrasound.

The seventh week is divided into obstetric and embryonic; these periods differ from each other by about 2 weeks. But the size of the fetus increases significantly over these 14 days. If at the 7th obstetric week it is no larger than a bean (up to 14 mm), then at the embryonic (ninth obstetric) week it is already approximately the size of a small plum (up to 30 mm). This can be seen during an ultrasound.

  • The gender cannot yet be determined, but the fetus already looks like a little man who has limbs and a beating heart.
  • The head at this stage is very large, much larger than everything else. This is due to the fact that in the seventh week the brain is actively developing.

Examinations in the seventh week of pregnancy

The seventh week and the first months in general are considered the most risky. During this period, the child is actively developing, and almost anything can affect his condition, so observation by a doctor is mandatory: thanks to him, alarming symptoms can be noticed in advance. It is in the seventh week that a woman registers as pregnant. The gynecologist conducts an examination, gives the pregnant woman recommendations for lifestyle changes, and refers her to other specialists. Among the studies that need to be completed:

  • blood test for hCG, a hormone that can be used to determine pregnancy;
  • gynecological examination;
  • if necessary, for example if there is a suspicion of multiple pregnancy, ultrasound;
  • ECG (cardiogram).

The gynecologist prescribes examination by specialized specialists: ophthalmologist, ENT specialist, dentist, surgeon, geneticist, endocrinologist. This is important because pregnancy affects all systems of the body, and you need to understand in advance what state they are in and whether the pregnant woman will need additional support.

Belly in the seventh week of pregnancy

At this stage, the fetus is still small, so pregnancy does not affect the size of the abdomen in any way. This is proven by numerous photos on the Internet. The tummy has not yet begun to grow, but the breasts may become enlarged: this is due to hormonal changes in the body and is completely normal. Some may note that buttoning your pants has become a little more difficult, but this is not due to the growth of the belly, but to bloating. The fact is that the hormone progesterone, which is actively released during pregnancy, affects the motility of the gastrointestinal tract and can provoke such symptoms. But if the expectant mother notices swelling, it is better to consult a doctor. At this time, they can be an alarming sign.

Recommendations and advice for expectant mothers

  • Sexual activity can continue if there is no threat of miscarriage.
  • Get more rest and walk in the fresh air. However, refrain from heavy physical activity.
  • Pay attention to your breasts - you should start using special products that will help keep them soft and prevent them from stretching.
  • Self-medication is contraindicated. Treat any ailments only after consultation with a gynecologist.
  • Give up alcohol and cigarettes.
  • Contact less with household chemicals.

Pregnancy is an amazing stage in the life of every beautiful lady. Drawing conclusions, after all that has been written, the most important thing for a woman is to pay attention to herself, experience only positive emotions, not overload her body, eat right and enjoy her condition.

Alarming symptoms

Some signs are abnormal and their occurrence is a reason to consult your doctor immediately. It is in the seventh week that deviations most often manifest themselves, so you should not ignore the symptoms - it is better to consult a doctor so as not to harm yourself and the child.


Bleeding is abnormal and can accompany dangerous conditions: miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy. This can threaten the life of the mother herself. If it starts, you can’t delay getting medical help.

Increased body temperature.

It may also indicate a common ARVI, but during pregnancy even a cold affects the condition of the fetus. But if the temperature is not associated with a respiratory infection, this is a reason to immediately contact a doctor. This happens with a frozen or ectopic pregnancy. You should also consult a specialist if you have an infectious disease. Some of them (flu, rubella) can seriously affect the fetus, so even before pregnancy a woman is recommended to be vaccinated. “There are many infectious diseases, and all of them, as a rule, pose a danger to the unborn child. Each of them has a negative effect to a greater or lesser extent, depending on the duration of pregnancy and the mother’s immunity... That is why a preliminary, even before pregnancy, thorough medical examination of future parents is necessary,” says the Methodological Recommendations of the Moscow Department of Health for future parents “How to give birth to a healthy child” [1].

Nagging pain in the lower abdomen.

If the pain is mild and infrequent, this is considered normal and is caused by the growth of the uterus. But constant spasms and pain are a reason to worry. Perhaps the pregnant woman needs the help of a doctor.

Abdominal pulsation.

Pulsation, like most other symptoms, may indicate natural changes, or it may be a dangerous sign of a pathological condition. It is better to consult a doctor: he will tell you what to do depending on the situation. You should not self-medicate and look for advice on forums, because each woman is individual, as are the symptoms of her pregnancy.

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