Evminov’s amazing board for the spine: being healthy is easy

Often, pain in the joints and spine significantly impairs the quality of life. It interferes with walking, sitting, lying down, and sometimes even prevents you from falling asleep on long winter evenings. In an attempt to get rid of torment once and for all, people rush to different extremes, drink tons of painkillers, turn to inveterate charlatans, and are ready to shell out all their savings for a miraculous potion or remedy. However, most drugs sold in pharmacies have only symptomatic effects. They can temporarily relieve swelling, pain or inflammation, but cannot eliminate their causes. But the price of such drugs often stuns even people with average incomes.

According to statistics, more than seventy-five percent of the citizens of our country suffer from diseases of the spine and/or joints. Moreover, our medicine still insists on surgical intervention, stubbornly discarding information about alternative, new methods of treatment. One of these methods is the Evminov spine board, which will be discussed in our article.

What is Evminov’s prophylactic: exercises for a healthy body

Initially, the orthopedic simulator in question was invented specifically to relieve pinching and decompression of the spinal column. In fact, the main principle of operation of such a device is traction (stretching) of the spine under the weight of one’s own body. The prophylactic affects the entire pillar, without exception. In addition, it easily relieves excess tension from the muscles of the spinal girdle and is able to treat scoliosis, osteochondrosis and coxarthrosis.

Vyacheslav Vladimirovich Evminov, who invented a special board for improving the spine, is an honored coach of Ukraine in rowing. But before taking up teaching, he was a rower himself. Therefore, he knew firsthand about problems of this kind.

The author and his brainchild

During the next competition, Evminov received a serious injury. Her treatment involved surgery, the outcome of which doctors estimated at fifty-fifty. Either health and sports, or a wheelchair for the rest of my days. The man immediately refused such intervention, and at the same time began to take a keen interest in alternative treatment methods.

He began to practice various exercises, which he carefully selected to restore the damaged spine. He tried to perform all of them in a supine position, so that the muscles did not squeeze the already damaged discs. That is why ordinary exercises and gymnastic complexes were completely unsuitable here. It was then that he came up with the idea of ​​​​using an inclined plane to unload the back, with the ability to use different angles of inclination during exercises.

Thus, Vyacheslav Vladimirovich managed to select the correct alternations of unloading and movements, amplitude and scope, dosage of loads, and the correct starting positions. He created a truly effective technique that stimulated metabolic processes in the body and significantly strengthened (pumped) the back muscles. As a result of a long, painful struggle for health, Evminov even developed a completely new method of therapy - kinesitherapy on an inclined plane.

It was he who helped the author of the method achieve a lot, become a successful, active person, completely getting rid of the disease without drugs, and most importantly, without going under the surgeon’s scalpel. Now Evminov is the President of the Kyiv Vertebral Health Center, where they are ready to help everyone achieve the same results.

Application of the Evminov board: benefits and indications

The technique developed by Evminov is patented by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. It is the only one that really starts the recovery processes. Moreover, even the structures of the spine themselves can be restored. It skillfully combines targeted training of the short back muscles, as well as dosed unloading (stretching) of the spinal column itself. So what problems will Evminov’s board help solve?

  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Radiculitis (prevention, treatment).
  • Spondylolisthesis (vertebral displacement).
  • Correction of various postural disorders at almost any stage.
  • Pain in the lumbar region, neck, back.
  • Schmorl's hernia and intervertebral variants.
  • Protrusion of intervertebral discs (prevention, treatment).
  • Scoliosis (as an element of complex treatment).
  • Functional recovery after surgery or injury.

In addition, the inclined exercise machine is recommended for those who simply want to maintain good posture, a beautiful figure for a long time, and remain young, fit and slim for a long time. Such exercises will help calm the excited central nervous system and improve its functioning in case of malfunctions. They will relieve the tension and fatigue accumulated over a hard day at work, and will also help you forget for a long time what back pain is.


Despite all the benefits that the prophylactic brings, there are direct contraindications when training on it will only bring harm. Basically, they are caused by the serious condition of the patient. It is best to visit a doctor first and get all the tests done so as not to accidentally create additional difficulties for yourself. Only after this can you start practicing on Evminov’s board.


  • Hemorrhagic stroke.
  • Chronic calculous cholecystitis (LCC) and the presence of coral stones in the kidneys.
  • Severe disorders of the central nervous system, for example, paralysis, paresis, disruptions after a stroke, cerebral palsy, encephalitis.
  • Tuberculosis and other acute somatic and infectious diseases.
  • Multiple sclerosis.
  • Glaucoma, retinal detachment.
  • Recent skull or spine fractures.
  • Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, senile dementia, dementia.
  • Aneurysms (heart, aorta, lungs).
  • Cancerous tumors with metastases.
  • Decompensated hydrocephalus.
  • Myelopathy, periduritis, arachnoiditis.
  • Epilepsy, regular fainting for unknown reasons.
  • Multiple or single large hemangiomas.


  • Hypertension (you can’t exercise during blood pressure surges).
  • Myasthenia.
  • Pulmonary failure.
  • Any intoxication of the body.
  • Advanced pregnancy.
  • Disturbances in cerebral circulation.
  • High grade osteoporosis.
  • Myocardial infarction (if a year has not passed since its moment).
  • Diffuse uterine bleeding or risk of its occurrence.
  • High body temperature.
  • General condition.

As you can see, there are quite a few contraindications, all of them must be taken into account before starting training on the simulator.

Indications for use

Evminov's board is shown to those people who are diagnosed with:

  • osteochondrosis,
  • kyphosis,
  • ankylosing spondylitis,
  • various postural disorders,
  • spondyloarthrosis,
  • herniated intervertebral discs,
  • coxarthrosis,
  • flat feet,
  • certain scoliotic diseases,
  • lordosis,
  • lumbago,
  • pelvic distortion,
  • contractures of the joints of the lower and upper extremities,
  • radiculitis.

The exercise machine will also help with pain in the neck, lower back, and back.

For the purpose of recovery and rehabilitation, the Evminov board is used after spinal surgery and after an acute period of illness.

Classes at the Evminov dispensary will be useful for those men and women who want to maintain their youth, royal posture, and a beautiful, fit and slender figure for as long as possible.

Application of Evminov board

Let us repeat once again that you can start doing gymnastics only after consulting a doctor. Otherwise, you may not only not be cured, but also seriously harm yourself. If there are no medical prohibitions, it is worth studying the exercises for the spine in pictures on Evminov’s board.

Intervertebral hernia

In order not to worsen the symptoms of this disease, not to aggravate it, you need to relieve the tension from the spine as much as possible. Typically, a hernia can appear where the discs do not receive adequate nutrition, moisture and sufficient oxygen. Exercises on this simulator make it possible to almost completely “unload” your back, while triggering self-regulation of water balance.

In the process of performing the exercises of the complex, the details of which will be given below, intervertebral fluid begins to be produced, which is not enough there. It helps damaged cartilage recover and stimulates metabolism.


The simulator was developed by the trainer not without taking into account the development of the spinal column. Moreover, almost all the exercises that he invented are aimed at stretching muscle fibers. This, in turn, can greatly stimulate the rapid recovery of not only the muscles themselves, but also the vertebrae and blood vessels.

Moreover, most exercises to eliminate curvatures should be performed in a head-down position, in the so-called half-hang. This allows the spine to relax without being squeezed by a muscle corset. Regular training and proper treatment of scoliosis on the Evminov board allow many people to fully restore their posture, as well as proper blood supply to the spine.

Flat feet

Scientists have long found out that flat feet can cause various problems with the spine and posture. Scoliosis, osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernias are only a small part of what a seemingly harmless disease can do to you. However, you can still cope with it by studying at a preventive clinic according to a certain scheme.

For this disease, a special board design was invented, where almost all actions are performed with the feet. This allows you to get rid of constant pain, swelling, improve blood circulation, saturation with oxygen and nutrients, strengthen the muscles of the feet, strengthen ligaments and joints.


This disease has become almost one of the most common in the world. It is usually accompanied by excruciating pain in the back, curvature of the spine, discomfort, and fatigue. Evminov’s board will unload it, release it, due to which the pressure inside the discs will also decrease, which is why the main problems arise. It must be remembered that such exercises most often have a small amplitude to avoid injury.

Disc offset

When the problem already exists, it is definitely impossible to do without the intervention of a doctor. However, a former rower's prophylactic will help prevent such problems. By exercising regularly, you will strengthen your back muscles, ligaments, joints, vertebrae, and also stimulate the circulatory system to more actively supply nutrients and oxygen.

However, even if the displacement already takes place, but is not advanced, then there is no need to be upset. Exercises will help gradually return them to their place. At the same time, the muscular corset is significantly strengthened, which prevents a possible repetition of the precedent in the future. But here a mandatory consultation with a doctor is necessary, without it you can harm yourself.

a brief description of

Evminov's prophylactic is made of pine wood. The peculiarity of the board is that it has slight flexibility, which is why it is used for medicinal purposes, to stretch the back muscles. It can be adjusted individually to the height of each patient, and there are also eight handles attached to it, each with its own purpose. The equipment may be slightly changed, and then a height meter, a mat and a loop for special exercises are added to the unit.

The angle of the board can be adjusted, this will help complicate the stretching process or, conversely, simplify it. The best mount for a preventer is a wall bars. After securing it, you should make sure that the fastening is strong and can withstand human weight. During exercises, it is necessary to change the angle of inclination, depending on the severity of the exercise. This device is not hazardous, easy to install and use for physical exercises.

Exercises on the Evminov board can be done at home

If you have the opportunity and time, using improvised means you can make an Evminov board at home. All procedures to be performed should be agreed upon with the attending physician, since not all patients are allowed to perform them, since there is a list of contraindications. Ideally, all therapeutic measures, including exercise therapy at a preventive clinic, should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

A set of exercises for the spine

When your back starts to bother you, doing normal daily activities can sometimes become unbearable. Therefore, it makes sense to immediately consult a doctor to make a correct diagnosis. In addition, we must not forget that everything must be done according to certain rules, neglecting which is not the best solution.

Recommendations and rules

Training is permissible only if you feel normal; this must be remembered forever, like a holy letter. If you have pain or dizziness, a fever, or just aches throughout your body, it is better to postpone classes.

  • If pain or discomfort arises during the exercise, you should immediately stop it or at least reduce the intensity and load.
  • All exercises are performed very slowly and smoothly. There should be no jerking or sudden twitching. This also applies to getting into and out of the machine.
  • Initially, do not try to repeat the movements exactly the same as in the complex, using the body, help yourself with your arms and legs.
  • The prophylactic has the ability to constantly keep the body in tension, so after each approach you need to give it a rest for at least 5-15 seconds.

When practicing on the Evminov board, your shoulders should be completely straight. This is relevant not only for those who have spinal curvatures, but also for other diseases that have a very mediocre relationship to posture. Therefore, it is very important how correctly you grab the crossbar.

Strength exercises

To get started, just do a few preparatory exercises. Gymnastic complexes are good for warming up before going to the gym or stretching exercises. It won’t hurt to master Strelnikova’s breathing technique along with this complex.

  • Lie on the machine with your back, with your arms extended and tightly grasping the handles. Bend only with one foot in different directions.
  • Next, do pull-ups and toes extensions towards you and away from you. At the same time as your legs, you must first lower your head and then raise it.
  • Holding the handles, first pull up one leg, bent at the knee, and then the other. Next, lift both legs together. Make sure that your feet slide along the board itself while lifting and lowering.
  • Without lifting your right leg from the board of the exercise machine, bend the other at the knee, bring your foot in a sliding motion towards the buttocks and turn your knee outward. Repeat with your left leg, and then move both knees as far apart as possible.
  • Make arbitrary swings to the sides, first with one leg and then with the other. Finally, swing with both legs.
  • Raise one leg, keeping it straight, until it forms a right angle with your body and the board. Repeat with the other leg, and then both.
  • Bend both knees and bring your heels toward your buttocks. Perform bending in different directions with both legs at once.
  • Bend your knees, pressing your feet firmly against the board. Raise your pelvis in the same way as when doing a glute bridge.
  • Bend your legs at the knees, pull them up, raise your head if possible and touch it to your forehead. In this case, the pelvis is lifted off the board, and a kind of twisting is performed.
  • Do two familiar exercises: “Bicycle” and “Scissors.” In this case, you need to keep your shoulders straight and your hands tightly around the handles.
  • Roll over onto your stomach, bend your knees and stretch your toes towards the back of your head. At the same time, raise your head, stretch towards your legs, lifting your shoulders and arching your spine.
  • Keeping your legs suspended, smoothly bring them together and spread them apart.
  • Raise your right leg and left arm up. Repeat with opposite limbs.
  • Turn upside down so that your toes can catch on the handles. Place your palms behind your back and clasp them under your lower back. Raise your body, performing a maximum deflection. Repeat the same, keeping your arms behind your head and then extended to the sides.
  • Slowly pull your arms towards your chest, while bending your entire body. You need to keep your palms on the board without lifting them off.

The main thing in classes is a leisurely rhythm, smoothness and absence of jerks. If the movements are sharp or jerky, you can get quite serious injury.

Complex for the lumbar region

Pain in the back and waist area plagues many people today. Sedentary work in offices and a sedentary lifestyle make residents of large cities more vulnerable to this problem. To relieve tension and get rid of unpleasant sensations, just study this set of exercises.

  • Lie comfortably on the board with your back, while holding the handles with your hands. Slowly release your arms, lowering them along your body. “Slide” from the board to the floor, making sure that your lower back is pressed firmly against the surface of the machine.
  • Lie on your back with your feet attached to the handles of the board. Stretch your arms down above your head, straightening them as much as possible. Hold the position for exactly three minutes. “Slide” off the board, keeping your back straight.
  • Do the same as in the first case, but extend your arms along your body.
  • Turn your stomach down and your head up. With your arms straight, just stretch out as best you can, and then relax and lie down for five or seven minutes.

All exercises should be done slowly, there is no need to rush. The effectiveness is due to the fact that the spine relaxes, the muscle corset begins to work correctly, without creating unnecessary pressure on the vertebrae.

Evminov neck trainer

If you are planning to buy the invention of a former rower, you should know that it should come with one more additional device - the Glisson loop. It is with this additional equipment that you can make a neck exerciser out of an ordinary board. These are straps that are attached to the top of the apparatus, and then support your head on both sides and your chin.

Here the effect is based on stretching, when the vertebrae gradually move apart, releasing compressed nerves and muscles. There are no specific guidelines for this, just do half hangs on the loop, being careful not to overdo it. When practicing, you need to be very careful, because you can get seriously injured.

Children's programs and prevention

Lesson programs for little ones are very popular. They are basically no different from adult options, but, like preventive measures, they are more gentle and calm.

  • Just lie on the board, bracing yourself with your arms outstretched.
  • Slowly bend your knees as you slide your feet along the machine, pulling your heels as close to your buttocks as possible. Also slowly return to the starting position. At the extreme points, fix the position for 4-7 seconds.
  • Remaining in the same position, slowly raise your legs until they form a right angle to your torso.
  • Without lowering your legs, bend them one by one, touching your knees to your chest.
  • We lower our legs with our feet onto the machine, pulling them closer to the buttocks, alternately tilt our legs in different directions.
  • Turn over and secure yourself on the board with your toes. After this, perform body lifts with your hands behind your head and clasped in a lock.

A well-chosen exercise course by a professional will help you recover from illness, and simply remain vigorous, young, agile and flexible for many years.


Like any medical procedure, spinal traction has certain contraindications. It is not carried out when:

  • acute stage of the disease with severe pain;
  • any acute infectious processes;
  • cancer diseases;
  • spinal column fractures;
  • sequestered hernia;
  • inflammatory processes in the spine and/or spinal cord;
  • lack of spinal stability;
  • disruption of blood circulation in the spinal cord;
  • pregnancy;
  • recent operations;
  • osteoporosis;
  • over 60 years old and weighing over 100 kg;
  • tumors of the spine or spinal cord;
  • coronary heart disease, the presence of pacemakers and heart failure of 2-3 degrees;
  • mental disorders;
  • tuberculous spondylitis;
  • some skin diseases;
  • elevated body temperature.

Some contraindications are temporary - after the patient’s condition has normalized, traction procedures are allowed.

Do-it-yourself Evminov board: drawings and step-by-step instructions

Unfortunately, the price of such simulators, despite their simplicity, turns out to be quite high. For example, in Moscow the cost ranges from seven to ten thousand. However, many craftsmen say that there is nothing difficult in producing such a board. Indeed, a little dexterity, the ability to handle tools, as well as the necessary materials - and the trick is in the bag, a useful healing prophylactic is ready.

Materials and equipment

  • Pine timber (150x50) for the base of the simulator with cabinet chipboard (16 mm) attached to it. The length is, according to our drawing, 2 meters 40 centimeters.
  • For the carriage there is the same beam (length 27 centimeters). It is advisable to choose durable types of wood.
  • Two meters of mounting rail (2x40).
  • Three meters of metal chain, 4 mm thick.
  • The lower base (length 0.6 meters) is easiest to saw off from the blank for the handle of a shovel or hoe.
  • The carriage crossbars are made from the same cuttings (length 0.55 meters)
  • Screws with a diameter of 5 millimeters for securing slats and beams.
  • Nuts and washers, 8 mm in diameter.
  • Screws with washers, diameter 6 millimeters (length 10 centimeters).
  • Bolt Ø 8, L 70.
  • Dowels and hooks for the wall.
  • Carbine.
  • Nails of different sizes.
  • An electric drill, preferably with a screwdriver.
  • A set of cutter attachments for drilling large holes.
  • Wood saw and metal hacksaw.
  • Screwdriver Set.
  • Hammer.

Manufacturing method

To prevent your board from slipping, we have come up with a simple and effective life hack. To do this, a piece of rubber is cut to size, for example, from an old camera, and then fixed to the lower edge of the simulator.

  • In order to secure the board from below, drill a large hole into which the base will be recessed. Coordinate all dimensions with the presented drawing.
  • On the other side, a hole is drilled at an angle. It must be end-to-end and is intended for the securing chain.
  • Make holes in the base for the bolt heads so that they do not damage the floor surface during exercise.
  • Two more holes are drilled at the base of the carriage, which will be used for fastening.
  • It is better to cut the ends of the carriage (200×320) from a durable board. It should easily support the weight of the person who will exercise on the machine.
  • Make holes at the ends for the crossbars (handles).

To make working out on such equipment not only useful, but also enjoyable, its base must be covered with thick fabric. The easiest way to secure it is with a stapler. Experienced people advise using an old overcoat or something similar for this.


First, the carriages are assembled. To do this, you need to glue the ends to the base and connect them through a through hole in the base. Be sure to tighten the connecting nuts thoroughly to prevent the structure from becoming loose with regular use. The top crossbar can simply be nailed to the ends. The bottom one just needs to be inserted - it will be adjustable and there is nothing to secure it to.

  • Thread the chain through the hole in the beam.
  • Secure the beam itself with chipboard screws.
  • The lower base is attached to the screws.
  • On the back side it wouldn’t hurt to screw some slats on which you can adjust the carriage.

Lastly, you need to drive dowels onto the wall or ceiling to which the chain will be attached. By rearranging the carabiner along the links of the chain, you can easily change the inclination of the board. Pay attention to the drawing of the assembled Evminov board, how it will look when attached to the wall.

However, there are people who do not want to suffer for a long time, but just get up and study. They take an ordinary board, attach a crossbar to it, and then simply lean it against the wall. This simplified version also has a right to life. However, keep in mind that the stability of such a simulator leaves much to be desired, so you can easily fall off it, causing yourself further injuries.

The effectiveness of the treatment method

Spinal stretching gives a noticeable positive result if:

  • carried out after a full examination (CT, MRI, etc.) and with a doctor’s prescription;
  • the patient understands how spinal traction is performed and understands the importance of strictly following all the doctor’s recommendations;
  • the doctor who prescribes the procedure has sufficient knowledge and skills in vertebrology;
  • It is combined with other types of therapy (injections, medications, physiotherapeutic procedures, etc.), and is not isolated.

Traction increases the interval between the spinal discs and vertebrae, and also activates local blood circulation and helps strengthen the ligamentous apparatus and muscles.
Spinal traction for a herniated lumbar spine or neck expands the intervertebral space and ensures retraction and reduction of the protruding portion of the disc. Thanks to this, compression of the spinal nerves is reduced or eliminated, and pain relief occurs. Traction provides the creation of comfortable conditions for the restoration of the torn area of ​​the fibrous ring of the intervertebral discs. Traction of the cervical spine, lower back and thoracic region relaxes the spasming muscles that compress weakened spinal discs. Please follow and like us:

The result of spinal traction

The complex effect allows you to get rid of functional blockades in the intervertebral joints in just one procedure. The position of the vertebrae is restored, the distance for the intervertebral disc increases, and the pressure inside the intervertebral discs decreases.

In total, this gives a greater chance of correcting the main problem of the intervertebral discs—reducing the prolapsed hernia. Massage with traction on the spine helps relieve symptoms of compression of the spinal nerve roots.

Manufacturing process

If you decide to make a back treatment machine yourself, be sure to keep in mind that it must be rigid, resistant to deformation, and non-slip.

The technology for making a board that is as close as possible to a simulator is not as complicated as it seems at first glance. If you don’t have a quality piece of wood at hand, you can replace it with chipboard.

Do-it-yourself Evminov board is made in several stages:

  1. A board is being prepared on which the spine will be stretched.
  2. A mechanism is made to hold the patient on the board.
  3. A metal limiter and mechanism position lock are made.


Its production takes the least time. In addition, no special equipment other than a plane, sandpaper and a can of drying oil with a brush is required:

  1. Take a board of the following dimensions: length - 240 cm, width - 26 cm, thickness - 2.5 cm. These are the parameters of the finished product, so the workpiece should be slightly larger.
  2. Remove shavings from the board using a plane. The surface should be smooth, without burrs or gouges.
  3. Lay the board on the floor and check its levelness with a building level.
  4. Sand the surface with medium-grit sandpaper. If you really want aesthetics, open the board with drying oil, dry it, and then apply two layers of varnish.

Holding mechanism

You'll have to work hard here. To work, you will need a grinder, a pipe or channel, and welding. Manufacturing technology step by step:

  1. Take a pipe measuring 25*60 and cut it into 2 equal parts with a grinder. You can use a channel.
  2. Weld together the metal parts specially made for the holder to one side of the pipe. The height of these parts is 18 cm.
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