Hygroma of the knee joint: photos, causes, symptoms and treatment


The formations appear in the form of lumps or swellings, the size of which varies from a few millimeters to centimeters. These are hard, elastic buds. Movable, but fixed at the base. Sometimes there is local soreness of the surrounding tissues.

The cause of the development of hygroma of the hand joint is unknown. There are two theories: the first considers the effect of injury, and the second associates it with a disruption in the flow of fluid in the tendons and sheaths, an increase in pressure inside these sheaths, which together cause the appearance of a bag in which the liquid contents collect.

A detailed clinical examination with anamnesis is sufficient. Diagnostic biopsy is recommended only in cases of unclear diagnosis to differentiate from rare but malignant soft tissue changes. Sometimes an x-ray is needed to evaluate the condition.

Conservative approaches for treating “bumps”

  • Laying various fabrics (for example, felt) to reduce pressure on the bunion area.
  • Physiotherapy treatment: laser, ultrasound are carried out to relieve the inflammatory and degenerative manifestations of the disease.
  • Any calluses or abrasions on the skin that are also a source of pain should be treated.
  • In order to prevent deviation of the first toe, it is recommended to wear physiological, properly selected shoes.
  • If the deformity of the toe is severe, it is necessary that the shoes stretch well, especially the toe - this will relieve pressure on the bone.
  • It is recommended to wear individual orthopedic insoles, which help to correctly distribute the loads on the foot when walking and running.
  • Range of motion should be improved through exercise therapy and foot massage.

Treatment of hygroma

Treatment uses conventional crushing, but it is painful and causes frequent relapses. The radical method is surgery.

The essence of the operation when removing, for example, hygroma of the knee joint or wrist joint is detachment of the cyst followed by suturing. Puncture aspiration of the contents is possible. Subsequently, a course of UHF is prescribed with wearing a tight bandage for 2-3 days. Elimination of swelling, inflammation, pain, restoration of movements in the affected area is accelerated with the help of physiotherapy.

What kind of bumps appear under the knees?

We decided that we need to talk about the main pathology that causes such complaints in more detail.

Becker's cyst - this term refers to the accumulation of inflammatory fluid (not pus) in the mucous bursa located on the back of the lower leg, just below the popliteal fossa. In 50% of people, this bursa is located between the tendons of the muscles (gastrocnemius and semimembranosus), it communicates with the knee joint through small holes and is a variant of the normal development of the joint.

If a long-term inflammatory process occurs in the knee joint, the fluid that is formed as a result accumulates in this intertendinous bursa and acquires the name of this disease. Physically, a cyst is a swelling on the back of the knee. When inflammation occurs, fluid accumulates in the knee, which can seep into this “bag,” thereby increasing its size. Most often, the disease develops due to metabolic-dystrophic or inflammatory processes that occur in the knee joint. Becker's cyst is caused by pathologies such as osteoarthritis, arthrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, but other options are also possible. In addition, there are complex Baker cysts - fused (synechia), with septa inside (septa), with small daughter cysts inside the main one.

The main causes of the development of Becker cyst:

Excessive physical activity.

Pathological changes in the menisci.

Inflammatory processes in the knee joint.

Mechanical damage to the knee.

Problems with cartilage, their gradual destruction.

Regardless of what exactly caused the pathological process to start, this will cause increased production of synovial fluid, which fills the tendon bursa, which is why a cyst is formed. According to statistics, this disease most often occurs in older people, athletes, and loaders, but it can also occur in children.

A small cyst of the knee joint, as a rule, does not manifest itself; the disease proceeds without obvious signs. The skin over the neoplasm is not hyperemic, not hot, its structure does not change. This indicates the absence of inflammation above the cyst. Visually - a small cystic formation protruding under the knee; there is no pain when palpated. During physical activity, minor pain may occur. At the same time, the cyst is mobile and changeable, and may disappear without treatment.

At the beginning of the development of Baker's cyst, the patient begins to feel only some discomfort in the knee joint, but if it continues to increase, characteristic signs of the disease appear:

️Pronounced, mobile tumor with clear edges under the knee; ️

Painful sensations on palpation;

️Constant aching pain in the knee joint; ️

As the cyst enlarges, the pain spreads to the muscles of the lower leg, intensifies under the influence of loads, and can radiate to the thigh or lower leg.

️A feeling of fullness and discomfort from a foreign formation appears and increases, associated with its growth. ️ During movement and loads, stiffness appears in the joint;

️The mobility of the knee joint is significantly reduced, numbness of the limb develops; ️

Swelling of the entire organ of movement is noted; ️

It becomes problematic to bend the knee, difficult to climb stairs and squats, and the pain intensifies; ️The onset of complete immobility of the knee joint is possible.

Diagnosis of Becker's cyst ‍

An examination by a specialist will reveal changes characteristic of this pathology.

X-ray examination, unfortunately, cannot detect a cyst, so... ‍

The main, most accessible method is ultrasound diagnostics of the joint and/or soft tissues of the joint. It allows you to clarify the size and structure of the cyst. ‍

The cyst can also be detected by MRI of the knee joints. ️

The course and treatment of the disease can be lengthy. In this case, swelling of the knee and lower leg, redness under the knee and in the calf muscles, acute pain in the joint, and increased body temperature are observed. The enlarging cyst puts pressure on the veins of the leg, in which stagnation develops and the walls of the vessels become inflamed.

With very large cysts, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins and thrombosis may occur (we will present you a separate article about the risk of complications of which). Compression of the lymphatic vessels leads to swelling of the limb. Pressure on the nerves causes numbness in the leg.

Metabolic processes may also be disrupted, which provoke the development of necrosis and trophic ulcers. Suppuration of the cyst can cause inflammation of the joint - arthritis.

The disease begins to be treated after diagnosis, taking into account the general health of the patient, the presence of chronic diseases, age, lifestyle, and profession. It is aimed, first of all, at eliminating the cause that caused the appearance of this pathology.

The patient is advised to rest and avoid putting stress on the affected leg. Pain and swelling are reduced by applying cold to the knee periodically for up to two days. But this is a temporary effect. Fixing the organ of movement with an elastic or simple bandage helps reduce swelling. The bandage should be tight, but not impair the blood supply, which can aggravate the disease. In this case, the leg should be in an elevated state, which helps improve blood flow and reduce swelling.

If there is no need for hospital treatment, the doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs with an analgesic effect - non-steroidal drugs (ibuprofen, nimesulide, paracetamol or others). You can use NSAIDs and local ones, in the form of ointments. But it must be remembered that the use of ointment is only an additional method of treatment. Their correct use and compliance with dosages is also important. An increase in temperature with a Baker's cyst usually causes suppuration, its rupture, or an exacerbation of the underlying disease. In this case, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used and antibiotics may be added to treatment. Etiotropic treatment is also determined and prescribed, which is aimed at suppressing the causes that caused the pathological process.

If the formation of Baker's cyst is associated with autoimmune connective tissue diseases - rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus, then treatment includes corticosteroid hormonal drugs (Dexamethasone, Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone). The medications stop the effects of the patient's immune system cells on the body's connective tissue cells.

In the presence of psoriatic arthritis, corticosteroids are prescribed, antihistamines are prescribed to relieve itching, and immunomodulatory drugs are prescribed to improve the functioning of the immune system. To reduce the amount of formation and accelerate the removal from the body of uric acid, which causes inflammation and promotes the production of joint fluid, allopurinol, etc. is prescribed for gouty arthritis.

If the cyst is diagnosed to be caused by osteoarthritis, the doctor may use a method of injecting corticosteroid drugs into the cavity of the cyst. This relieves inflammation and swelling in the area of ​​the tumor well. Often, specialists decide to treat a cyst using drainage. Using a thick needle, they penetrate into its cavity, and use a large syringe to suck out the liquid contents. After this, hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs are administered. The procedure can be repeated. Its positive effect comes quickly. Pain goes away, swelling decreases, motor functions of the joint are restored.

Modern physiotherapeutic methods are also used in conservative treatment.

If medications and additional methods do not give a positive result, a relapse of the disease is observed, the cyst reaches a large size, the disease continues to develop, symptoms of complications appear, and surgical treatment is resorted to. During surgery, the pathological formation is dissected and removed. A modern method of surgical treatment of cysts using an arthroscope through two point incisions on the knee. This is an operation with minimal trauma and the possibility of wound infection. ️

Be healthy, but don't forget about disease prevention!


Pain varies but is rarely a serious problem. Movement and function of the limb may be limited, which especially hinders creative people and those whose work involves the use of motor skills (musicians, artists, seamstresses, etc.). But the most common reason why patients go to the hospital is their unaesthetic appearance.

Due to the same hygroma of the shoulder joint, a decrease in functionality occurs, which jeopardizes the quality of life and comfort. It is likely to reappear spontaneously or after surgical treatment.

Read more about hygroma removal in Moscow

Reasons for the appearance of “bumps” on the legs

  • Joint diseases, all kinds of arthrosis, exostoses, bursitis, flat feet and much more can lead to an increase in the bone on the foot;
  • Genetics: in many cases, this disease is inherited;
  • Disruption of the endocrine system;
  • Tight or incorrectly selected shoes (this risk zone includes women who, neglecting their health, prefer high heels);
  • Various foot or lower leg injuries, congenital defects, as well as the results of dislocations, or improper healing of bones after fractures;
  • Certain activities (such as ballet) place increased pressure on the forefoot and may increase the chances of developing a deformity.


Preventive measures are possible only for chronic bursitis. Patients should wear knee braces if their occupational activities involve stress on the knees.

Important! If a soft lump (thickening of tissue) suddenly appears, pain occurs in the joints when flexing or extending, and the leg swells, you should immediately consult a doctor.

If a very hot and elastic lump appears after a bruise, you need to call an ambulance. It is not recommended to make compresses or take folk remedies until the cause of the pathology is determined. The attending physician will give detailed explanations to a teenager, adult or elderly patient. If there is a strong external thickening of the lump (in the back or front of the joint) without signs of infection, you can smear the area with anti-inflammatory medications.

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Healthy and strong joints of the lower extremities are the key to active longevity and the ability to engage in active sports. However, precautions should be taken. At least in order not to wonder why a lump appeared under the knee at the back, what it is and which doctor should be consulted for treatment.

For what reasons a lump may form at the back of the knee, we will examine it in detail in this material. You can learn about those diseases that manifest themselves with similar symptoms and the possibilities of treating them using manual therapy techniques.

It is important to understand that any neoplasms, regardless of their location, require close attention from medical personnel. A lump on the leg behind the knee may be the result of a deformed blood vessel (vein or artery), a blood clot, an inflamed lymph node, etc. Wen, hygroma and dermoid cysts are often localized here. These pathologies are surgical in nature and are benign neoplasms. You will not be able to determine on your own what kind of lump has formed. Therefore, we suggest that you seek medical help in a timely manner to make an accurate diagnosis.

If you have a lump on your leg under the back of your knee after a domestic or sports injury, knee sprain, twisted ankle or bruise, you can sign up for a free initial consultation at our manual therapy clinic. We provide rehabilitation after various injuries. We have developed special proprietary programs that allow us to restore the integrity of the ligamentous, tendon and muscle apparatus, internal synovial bursae and cartilaginous tissues of the joint.


In addition to a lump on the side of the knee caused by arthrosis, the mobility of the knee is primarily limited and problems with posture arise. The gradual loss of cartilage tissue causes the ends of the bone to rub more and more, causing severe pain when moving. Constant mechanical irritation also causes inflammation and joint effusions to occur more frequently, which in turn leads to swelling.

Worth knowing! About 10 million people in Russia suffer from symptoms of osteoarthritis. The disease is one of the most common causes of pain in the CS. Arthrosis can appear at any age with excessive overload or serious disorders of the patient’s locomotor system.

In front of and under the kneecap there is a bursa - a cavity covered with connective tissue that protects the kneecap from injury. If a bruise or prolonged irritation (such as frequent exercise) leads to inflammation, the inner skin of the bursa secretes more fluid (synovium). The result is swelling. When a bursa ruptures due to a fall or blow, there is extensive bleeding under the skin. When bacteria enter the bursa through an open wound, it causes a purulent inflammation with severe pain and redness.


A lump behind the knee in an adult with infectious arthritis indicates a significant spread of pathogens in the knee. Purulent processes occur very often. If the infection is not cleared quickly, permanent damage to the meniscus or joint capsule may occur.

Important! If other lumps come out from the outside (on the right or left side), you need to visit a doctor. Delayed treatment can lead to serious consequences.

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