Hygroma of the knee joint: photos, causes, symptoms and treatment

A bump on the knee can be caused by various factors. These may be injuries and increased physical activity, the development of deforming osteoarthritis, myositis, bursitis, tendovaginitis and many other pathologies.

A hard lump on the knee can also be a result of a cystic deformity of the head of the femur or tibia. Such pathologies often appear after traumatic exposure due to incorrectly chosen treatment tactics. A hard lump on the front of the knee is a reason to immediately consult an orthopedic doctor.

Cancers of bone tissue, such as osteosarcoma, can manifest themselves in a similar way. Their full-fledged successful treatment is possible only at the initial stage of development. Therefore, you should not wait for everything to go away on its own without medical help. If a hard lump appears on your knee, consult a doctor immediately.

You can schedule a free consultation with a doctor at our manual therapy clinic. An experienced orthopedist will conduct an examination. He will find out why the lump appeared on the knee, what reasons provoked this pathology. After this, effective and safe treatment will be prescribed.

Reasons for the appearance of a lump

There are several reasons for the appearance of a lump under the knee:

  • knee injuries;
  • frequent inflammations;
  • chronic diseases.
  • below the knee in front;
  • lump under the knee at the back;
  • on the inside of the knee.

For different diseases, the lump on the leg is located in different places.

Inflammation of the bursa (bursitis)

  • injury;
  • infection;
  • knee diseases;
  • overvoltage.

Baker's cyst

  1. Crisscross. With such a cyst, the muscle bursae touch.
  2. Crescent. This type is characterized by a lack of fluid in the bursa.
  3. Semicircular. The muscle bursae do not touch each other.
  4. Multiple. Outwardly it resembles a handful of berries.

A Baker's cyst appears as a result of a more serious disease of the knee joint (arthrosis and arthritis) as well as due to injuries. It causes discomfort to the joint and mild pain appears. The treatment is simple, it involves suctioning out the fluid under the knee from behind using a needle, after which special agents (anti-inflammatory) are administered.

Purulent inflammation

Appears if there was a wound and the infection remains. Bacteria that form pus can leak into the lymph nodes, causing inflammation. A formation appears behind the knee.

The main causes of bumps on the knees

All causes of bumps on the knees can be divided into main groups of negative influence factors. The appearance of neoplasms may be influenced by the following aspects:

  • accumulation of blood in hidden internal cavities after traumatic exposure;
  • accumulation of synovial fluid in the cavity of the joint capsule (manifests itself in the form of a dense round lump on the outer or inner side of the knee);
  • formation of inflammatory exudate in arthritis, arthrosis, tendovaginitis, bursitis and other diseases;
  • rheumatoid and autoimmune or idiopathic changes;
  • scar formation at the site of injury to the ligamentous, tendon or muscular system;
  • deformation of bone tissue due to osteoarthritis (gonarthrosis) or cystic cavitary enlargement as a result of injury);
  • development of hygroma or other tumor.

Potential causes of bumps on the knees include inflammatory diseases of the joint and surrounding tissue, injuries, increased physical activity due to excess body weight, incorrect foot placement and curvature of the tibia. In children, bumps on the knees most often occur as a result of deformation of bone tissue due to rickets. They are usually accompanied by an O-shaped curvature of the legs and clubfoot.

In an adult, a lump on the knee may be the result of bursitis or the development of rough scar tissue in the area of ​​the cruciate or collateral ligament of the knee. Typically, a neoplasm appears a few days after traumatic exposure.

Cones in children and adolescents

  • behind the knee;
  • behind the knee;
  • in the popliteal fossa.

Sports that can damage your knees and cause swelling include team sports. Workouts that injure your knees during active activities:

  • roller skating or ice skating;
  • jumping (especially high);
  • running (at speed);
  • gymnastics;
  • team games (football, volleyball).

Most often, formations appear during puberty in adolescents. In addition to injuries, a child may have the following illnesses that precede a lump:

  • Schlatter's disease;
  • Baker's cyst;
  • tumors;
  • inflammation.

The appearance of a neoplasm cannot be left unattended; this can lead to the development of further pathologies and complications. Depending on the disease, there may be different complications.


Treatment depends on the cause of the formation. The doctor diagnoses the disease, carries out all the necessary diagnostic methods and prescribes appropriate treatment.

For joint diseases, treatment is carried out with non-steroidal drugs with an anti-inflammatory effect. The most common drugs:

  • Why can a child have pain in his knees at night or when walking, which doctor should he contact and how to treat his joints?
  • Ketolorac;
  • Indomethacin;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Meloxicam.

The drugs will relieve inflammatory processes, which in this case are the cause of the appearance of the lump. The formation will go away along with the inflammation.

Where does a child get a rash on his elbows? Find out here.

In case of cartilage damage, drugs are prescribed to help restore cartilage tissue. The time taken to use drugs (tablets) is long because the cartilage takes a long time to recover. The drugs will help with minor tissue lesions.

In case of diseases affecting the bones of the knee joint, restorative drugs and vitamins (calcium, phosphorus and others) are prescribed. The drugs are ineffective for large lesions.

Treatment is complex, usually conservative (in very rare cases, surgical - surgery is prescribed). Treatment may include exercise and wearing special shoes.

A hard lump under the knee is a pathological condition that can be caused by diseases of the musculoskeletal system of various etiologies. In this article we will look at why a lump occurs under the knee in front.

Pronounced bump

Attention! In the International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision (ICD-10), intra-articular lesions are designated by code M23.


There are three types of swelling in the knee joint (abbreviation: KS):

  1. Hemarthrosis is the accumulation of blood in the knee joint as a result of open wounds, such as damaged blood vessels.
  2. Hydratosis is the accumulation of synovial fluid. The fluid comes from the cavity behind the joint capsule.
  3. Piarthrosis is the accumulation of pus in a joint, which is formed, among other things, during inflammatory processes and poorly healing wounds.

Regardless of the type of fluid accumulation, swelling, especially if it is prolonged and associated with other associated symptoms (knee pain, overheating and redness), often indicates serious damage to the joint.


A detailed diagnosis is extremely important in this case, since the further prognosis of the disease depends on it. Diagnosis can only be made using imaging techniques:

  • MRI;
  • CT;
  • radiography.

The most obvious cause of a swollen knee is any knee injury. Injuries can occur at any age and during any activity. Light impacts, as well as most dislocations, are usually not a cause for concern. The swelling in this case is usually mild hydration if the joint capsule was damaged during injury.

However, swelling may be more problematic if it is associated with falls from a great height or a very unfavorable angle of fall. Here, in addition to extensive accumulations of synovial fluid, hemarthrosis may occur. In the presence of inflammatory processes in the joint area, pyatrosis cannot be excluded. The following injuries often lead to swelling:

  • falling during sports or from stairs;
  • shocks (for example, due to accidents at work or at home);
  • physical violence;
  • lesions caused by short-term overload;
  • ligament ruptures;
  • meniscal damage.

Another very common cause is osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is stress-related joint degeneration that does not only occur in old age, but can also occur in younger patients.

The cause of premature osteoarthritis of the knee joint (PAC) is the constant overuse of the knee joint. Unnatural stress leads in the long term to a consistent reduction in the cartilage tissue that protects the bones. The following risk factors increase the likelihood of ACS:

  • age-related signs of wear and tear (degeneration);
  • persistent and heavy loads;
  • excessive stress on the knee (jogging or sprinting);
  • congenital diseases of the CS;
  • permanent deformation of the joint (due to excess body weight or improper shoes);
  • repeated or poorly healed knee injuries.

In the case of arthritis, infectious processes can develop directly from existing wounds on the knee and enter the bloodstream. There are various infectious agents:

  • bacteria (streptococci, staphylococci, tuberculosis and borreliosis bacteria);
  • viruses (hepatitis, measles, mumps);
  • mushrooms (candidiasis).

Rheumatoid arthritis is the main cause of non-infectious arthritis and belongs to the group of autoimmune diseases. The autoimmune process causes an increase in the migration of immune cells into the joints, where they produce pro-inflammatory messengers. As a result, inflammation occurs, which leads to degradation of surrounding structures (cartilage, bones, ligaments).

Pain in the knee joint (knee pain) can be caused not only by arthrosis and arthritis, but also by damage to soft tissues, which must be diagnosed in time. Timely treatment of these conditions completely eliminates the problem of pain in the knee joint.

Foot anserine bursitis

P is an inflammation of the tendons of the semitendinosus, sartorius and gracilis muscles located in the area of ​​​​attachment to the tibia. This place is located 3-4 cm below the projection of the knee joint fissure along its medial surface. Inflammation of this area very often develops in obese women suffering from arthrosis of the knee joints. It is usually not accompanied by significant swelling, but causes pain on exertion and local tenderness on palpation in the affected area. The disease occurs as a result of household, professional or sports microtrauma to the knee.

Prepatellar bursitis

P repatellar bursitis is an inflammatory process in the synovial bursa, which is located between the patella and the skin covering it. Most often, this is an independent disease that develops in people whose profession involves frequent kneeling (parquet workers, miners, etc.). With the development of bursitis, a large, painless tumor with clear boundaries appears in front of the patella.

Infrapatellar bursitis

And infrapatellar bursitis is an inflammation of the infrapatellar bursa. As bursitis develops, swelling and edema appear below the patella.

Popliteal bursitis

Popliteal bursitis (Baker's cyst). A feature of the popliteal serous bursa is that in half of the cases it connects to the cavity of the knee joint, therefore in most cases gonarthritis and popliteal bursitis develop simultaneously. The causes of primary popliteal bursitis are injuries, microtraumas, overload of the knee joint (in particular when statics are disturbed), secondary causes are rheumatoid arthritis, gonarthrosis with reactive synovitis and other diseases of the knee joint.

ista is manifested by moderate pain in the popliteal fossa, aggravated by straightening the leg, sometimes by weakness and numbness of the limb (compression of the tibial nerve passing here). The popliteal fossa is filled with a round elastic tumor that disappears when the tibia is flexed. Extension of the knee joint is painful and limited. Sometimes the swelling spreads to the upper part of the calf muscle. When the cysts are punctured, a clear fluid resembling synovial fluid is obtained. Signs of arthritis of the knee joint are often observed simultaneously.

Enthesopathies of the lateral surface of the patella

The inferolateral surface of the patella from the lateral or medial side (accompanies gonarthrosis). The diagnosis is made by palpation, noting that the patient responds most to pressure at the above points. There may be several of them on both sides of the patella.

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In addition to a lump on the side of the knee caused by arthrosis, the mobility of the knee is primarily limited and problems with posture arise. The gradual loss of cartilage tissue causes the ends of the bone to rub more and more, causing severe pain when moving. Constant mechanical irritation also causes inflammation and joint effusions to occur more frequently, which in turn leads to swelling.

Worth knowing! About 10 million people in Russia suffer from symptoms of osteoarthritis. The disease is one of the most common causes of pain in the CS. Arthrosis can appear at any age with excessive overload or serious disorders of the patient’s locomotor system.

In front of and under the kneecap there is a bursa - a cavity covered with connective tissue that protects the kneecap from injury. If a bruise or prolonged irritation (such as frequent exercise) leads to inflammation, the inner skin of the bursa secretes more fluid (synovium). The result is swelling. When a bursa ruptures due to a fall or blow, there is extensive bleeding under the skin. When bacteria enter the bursa through an open wound, it causes a purulent inflammation with severe pain and redness.


A lump behind the knee in an adult with infectious arthritis indicates a significant spread of pathogens in the knee. Purulent processes occur very often. If the infection is not cleared quickly, permanent damage to the meniscus or joint capsule may occur.

Important! If other lumps come out from the outside (on the right or left side), you need to visit a doctor. Delayed treatment can lead to serious consequences.

Lump on the side of the knee on the inside and outside

A painful lump on the lateral side of the knee may be due to a cystic expansion of the bone tissue of the head of the tibia. This pathology mainly affects young people leading an active lifestyle. A severe bruise with damage to the periosteum leads to the fact that the bone tissue loses its integrity. A deep crack forms on the surface. From the damaged blood vessels of the periosteum, blood begins to flow into the crack. It provokes inflammation and aseptic melting of the tissue. A cavity is formed, inside of which there is fibrous scar tissue.

With a cystic lesion of the head of the tibia, the lump on the leg on the side of the knee has a dense structure and is absolutely painless on palpation. The X-ray image shows a dark cavity. Treatment is possible only through surgery. The danger is that there is a high probability of a bone fracture in this place.

With Schlatter's disease, a lump on the outside of the knee may be associated with congenital or acquired osteochondropathy. A lump appears when there is a serious scar change in the cartilage and tendon tissue in the area of ​​increased tuberosity of the tibia.

Other probable causes include the following diseases:

  • chondromalacia of articular tissues;
  • hygromas, lipomas and other types of cystic tumors;
  • bursitis and tendovaginitis;
  • cicatricial deformities of the lateral ligaments of the knee joint;
  • exit of the head of the tibia from the joint capsule;
  • oncological processes.

Do not discount the possibility of developing rheumatism, gout, idiopathic polyarthritis and other serious pathologies of a systemic nature. Self-diagnosis when a lump appears on the knee is impossible and unacceptable. Consult a doctor who, during the examination, will be able to make a preliminary diagnosis and prescribe additional examinations as necessary.

Treatment methods

At the forefront of therapy is protecting the affected knee. In addition to immobilizing the knee joint, it is recommended that you stop playing sports until you have fully recovered. For recurrent discomfort and purulent infections, it is recommended to constantly change the bandages. Cooling (such as using cold packs) and pain relievers (NSAIDs) reduce inflammation and relieve pain.

The exception is purulent, that is, bacterial bursitis. In this case, the pus must be drained to prevent the possible spread of bacteria in the body (sepsis). This requires urgent surgery under partial anesthesia, in which most of the bursa is removed (bursectomy). In addition, purulent bursitis usually requires antibiotics; monotherapy with antibiotics is sufficient, but only in exceptional cases.


Chronic pain often responds well to heat therapy such as infrared light or heat packs. In case of obvious, persistent tumor, the contents of the bursa can be removed using a syringe. If these measures do not have a long-term effect, only surgical removal of the bursa (bursectomy) is recommended. Unlike purulent bursitis, the procedure can be performed on an outpatient basis and, depending on the size, even under local anesthesia.

Alternative medicine

Alternative methods have also proven themselves well:

  • physiotherapy;
  • homeopathy;
  • acupuncture;
  • magnetic therapy.

What are all the alternative treatments for bone diseases, these types of therapy have unproven effectiveness.


Preventive measures are possible only for chronic bursitis. Patients should wear knee braces if their occupational activities involve stress on the knees.

Important! If a soft lump (thickening of tissue) suddenly appears, pain occurs in the joints when flexing or extending, and the leg swells, you should immediately consult a doctor.

If a very hot and elastic lump appears after a bruise, you need to call an ambulance. It is not recommended to make compresses or take folk remedies until the cause of the pathology is determined. The attending physician will give detailed explanations to a teenager, adult or elderly patient. If there is a strong external thickening of the lump (in the back or front of the joint) without signs of infection, you can smear the area with anti-inflammatory medications.

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Healthy and strong joints of the lower extremities are the key to active longevity and the ability to engage in active sports. However, precautions should be taken. At least in order not to wonder why a lump appeared under the knee at the back, what it is and which doctor should be consulted for treatment.

For what reasons a lump may form at the back of the knee, we will examine it in detail in this material. You can learn about those diseases that manifest themselves with similar symptoms and the possibilities of treating them using manual therapy techniques.

It is important to understand that any neoplasms, regardless of their location, require close attention from medical personnel. A lump on the leg behind the knee may be the result of a deformed blood vessel (vein or artery), a blood clot, an inflamed lymph node, etc. Wen, hygroma and dermoid cysts are often localized here. These pathologies are surgical in nature and are benign neoplasms. You will not be able to determine on your own what kind of lump has formed. Therefore, we suggest that you seek medical help in a timely manner to make an accurate diagnosis.

If you have a lump on your leg under the back of your knee after a domestic or sports injury, knee sprain, twisted ankle or bruise, you can sign up for a free initial consultation at our manual therapy clinic. We provide rehabilitation after various injuries. We have developed special proprietary programs that allow us to restore the integrity of the ligamentous, tendon and muscle apparatus, internal synovial bursae and cartilaginous tissues of the joint.

Lump on the back of the knee

A hard lump on the back of your knee may be completely painless. In this case, the development of a Baker's cyst or hygroma is likely. These two types of neoplasms are cystic in nature and are subject to surgical removal.

If the bump on the leg behind the knee is painful on palpation, inactive and the skin over it is inflamed (there is redness and a feeling of increased temperature), then there is a high probability that this is a symptom of bursitis. Inflammation of the joint capsule can be triggered by a traumatic impact (impact, sprain) or increased physical activity. In the absence of timely medical care, bursitis constantly progresses and at a certain point in time may require surgical intervention. In the early stages, it responds well to treatment using conservative methods of therapy.

A dense and immobile lump on the bend of the knee may be a manifestation of Hoffa's disease associated with lipodystrophic changes in the tissue around the joint. Inflammation of adipose tissue can occur due to injuries and arthrosis. If treatment is not carried out, then lesions remain in which inflammatory processes provoked the deposition of fibrin and the formation of scar tissue. It is these changes that lead to bumps appearing on the back of the knees.

Why did a lump form on the back of my knee?

A lump under the knee at the back may be a consequence of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Without timely assistance, serious complications may develop. Let's look at some common reasons why a lump may form on the back of the knee:

  • bursitis (inflammation of the synovial bursa);
  • pathology of the meniscus in the posterior part (may be associated with chondropathy and chondromalacia of a traumatic nature);
  • cicatricial changes in ligaments and tendons at muscle attachment points;
  • Baker's cyst;
  • Hoff's disease.

If a lump has formed at the back of the knee, then it is necessary to conduct an examination and exclude all possible causes. A preliminary diagnosis can be made during the initial examination. Thus, with Hoffa's disease, during palpation you can hear the sound of distinct crepitus at the attachment points of the lateral ligaments. Pain syndrome occurs when trying to forcefully extend the leg at the knee joint. The area where the lump has formed at the back of the knee is usually swollen. Fluid may gradually accumulate inside the joint. Without timely and correct treatment of Hoffa's disease, the patient inevitably receives persistent contracture of the knee joint. Any movements in it will be limited.

Baker's cyst, like Hoff's disease, limits the mobility of the leg and occurs mainly due to traumatic exposure. The initial accumulation of fluid, forming a lump, occurs due to slight bleeding, which occurs, for example, with a small rupture of the ligaments. Then the accumulated blood undergoes decay and destruction. An inflammatory reaction occurs, during which fibrin is formed in large quantities in the resulting cavity. This substance is the basis of connective tissue, which in the form of scars replaces normal structures after injuries to ligaments, tendons, muscles and epidermis.

In order to prevent scar tissue degeneration, it is necessary to carry out proper and effective rehabilitation after any serious injury. If you have suffered a knee sprain, then immediately after the pain has been eliminated, you should begin rehabilitation measures under the guidance of an experienced specialist. The program includes osteopathy and reflexology, massage and gymnastics.

On the leg near the knee after a bruise a lump has formed on the bone

Even a small lump on the knee on the bone is a reason for serious concern, since this is how osteosarcoma manifests itself. The trigger for oncogenic cell division is often a blow. If a bone lump begins to grow after an injury, consult a doctor immediately. Modern laboratory diagnostics make it possible to identify such diseases in the early stages. And this is a guarantee of successful recovery.

After an injury, a lump on the leg near the knee may be a manifestation of vascular pathology:

  • varicose veins as a result of thrombosis of a large vessel with a bone fragment or a fragment of cartilage tissue;
  • the appearance of an aneurysm in the area of ​​the knee artery during prolonged compression, for example, when the rules for applying a hemostatic tourniquet to the ankle are violated;
  • an increase in intravascular pressure with compression pressure from edematous soft tissues.

If a lump forms on the knee in the first hours after the impact, then measures must be taken to stop internal bleeding. You can apply ice for this. In the next day, it is important to create favorable conditions to accelerate the process of restoring tissue integrity. To do this, it is advisable to use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and apply heat. After 5-7 days, it is very important to begin rehabilitation measures. These include massage, the use of osteopathy and reflexology, kinesiotherapy and therapeutic exercises. These measures can prevent fibrotic and scar tissue changes.

If a lump on the knee after a bruise persists for several weeks, special treatment should be started immediately. This is a consequence of the fact that medical care for the injury was provided incorrectly and the process of fibrous and scar tissue changes was started. If it is not interrupted and negative changes are not eliminated, then in the future the person risks losing the ability to move independently.

A child has a lump on the back of his knee

Many parents, after their child complains of pain in the leg, notice that a lump has appeared at the back of the knee and it makes free flexion and extension movements difficult. Usually these are the consequences of injuries. Boys are more often diagnosed with hygroma (accumulation of intercellular and lymphatic fluid in the projection of the posterior lateral meniscus), and girls are more often diagnosed with Baker's cyst.

A lump under the back of the knee in a child can also be associated with deformation of the meniscus, ligaments and tendons. Therefore, self-diagnosis is not recommended. Contact an experienced orthopedist. The doctor will order examinations and make an accurate diagnosis. After this, effective treatment can be carried out.

Treatment for bumps on knees

Various methods of treatment are used to treat bumps on the knees. The basis of therapy is the restoration of the physiological integrity of pathologically altered tissue. Therefore, if the lump appears as a result of an inflammatory reaction, then the actions of the chiropractor will be aimed at eliminating the cause of this reaction. And if the lump is formed due to deformation of cartilage or bone tissue, then when developing a course of individual treatment, the emphasis will be on techniques that allow restoring blood microcirculation and starting the regeneration process.

Treatment includes massage and osteopathy, kinesiotherapy and therapeutic exercises, reflexology and laser therapy. The course of treatment is always developed individually and depends on what disease is detected in the patient.

Do not self-diagnose or treat. Schedule a free orthopedic appointment at our chiropractic clinic. During the consultation, you will be diagnosed and treated.

How to treat a lump under the knee at the back?

Before treating a lump under the knee at the back, you need to clarify the etiology of the origin of this clinical sign. Only the disease that provoked the appearance of the tumor can be treated. It is impossible to treat a lump at the back of the knee in isolation.

Therefore, first you need to make an appointment with an orthopedist. You can do this right now by exercising your right to a free initial consultation at our chiropractic clinic. We employ experienced doctors. During your first appointment, you will be given a preliminary diagnosis. As necessary, various types of examinations will be recommended to clarify the diagnosis. Information is also provided about the methods and methods, possibilities and prospects of the treatment.

In particular, if there was a sports (domestic) injury and after it a lump appeared under the knee at the back, but there was no discomfort in movement, then perhaps help would be in the use of massage and osteopathy techniques. The specialist, using special techniques, will ensure the drainage of lymphatic fluid from the posterior projection of the knee joint. The lump will go away on its own within a few weeks of treatment.

If bursitis or inflammation of the meniscus is diagnosed, then in such a situation treatment will begin with first aid to the patient. The doctor will relieve the pain and then a course of rehabilitation therapy will be developed.

Any treatment is developed strictly individually. The doctor takes into account all the individual characteristics of the patient. Therefore, you can find out detailed information regarding your case during an initial free consultation.

Remember! Self-medication can be dangerous! Contact your doctor

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Question to the doctorTrubnikov Vladislav IgorevichCandidate of Medical Sciences Vertebrologist, neurologist, chiropractor, rehabilitation specialist, specialist in reflexology, physical therapy and therapeutic massage. Mikhail Yurievich Savelyev, chiropractor of the highest category, has more than 25 years of experience. Many years of experience in the use of kinesiological diagnostics, soft manual techniques, including PIR (post-isometric relaxation), mobilization and articulation. Myofascial release and MET (muscle energetic techniques) are used. Analysis of necessary exercises for exercise therapy. Creating a comprehensive self-health plan.

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Hygroma of the knee joint is an acute or chronic pathology, the characteristic symptom of which is the formation of a synovial cyst. In the area of ​​articulation, a cavity is formed, covered with a connective tissue membrane. Its internal contents are represented by exudate with impurities of mucus or fibrin. At the initial stage, the disease is asymptomatic. As the pathology progresses, pain in the knee occurs, which intensifies with movement. To diagnose hygroma, a number of instrumental and laboratory studies are used. The disease responds well to treatment, and in almost all cases the prognosis for full recovery is favorable.

What to do: how to treat and remove a bump on the knee?

The first thing to do when a lump appears on your knee is to see an orthopedist. An experienced doctor will be able to make an accurate diagnosis. only after this will it be possible to talk about how to treat a bump on the knee with minimal risk of harm to human health.

It is important to understand that a lump is not an independent disease. This is a symptom of pathological changes affecting the bone, cartilage or soft tissue of the knee joint. Methods for treating bursitis and tenosynovitis may differ radically from methods of treating deforming osteoarthritis or Baker's cyst. Therefore, correct diagnosis is the most important step towards effective treatment.

There are several ways to remove bumps on your knees, and they include:

  1. surgery to remove bone growths due to deformation of the head of the femur or tibia;
  2. performing a puncture to remove accumulated fluid in the joint capsule or bursa;
  3. arthroscopic intervention for the purpose of enucleation of cystic cavity tumors (lipoma and hygroma);
  4. endoprosthesis replacement is an operation to replace the knee joint with severe deforming osteoarthritis.

All of these are extreme measures that will be required if timely treatment is not started. In the early stages, any pathology in which bumps develop on the knees can be treated conservatively.


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The reason for the formation of hygroma is the thinning of the walls of the synovial bursa, which begins to bulge. Its increase in volume occurs as a result of increased loads on the joint or the production of an excess amount of synovium. This provokes the development of an acute inflammatory process in the joint, severe swelling, and the appearance of painful sensations. And the impetus for the formation of hygroma can be various external and internal unfavorable factors:

  • joint diseases accompanied by infection of joint cavities - arthritis, bursitis, synovitis;
  • exposure to increased statistical and dynamic loads on the knee during heavy lifting, active sports, and long walking;
  • injury to the knee joint - fractures, dislocations, subluxations, ligament or tendon ruptures;
  • genetic predisposition to thinning and protrusion of the bursa;
  • the presence of diseases occurring against the background of metabolic disorders, for example, diabetes mellitus.

Hygroma is often diagnosed in children. This is due to the high permeability of blood vessels and the completely unformed musculoskeletal system. In women, hygromas are diagnosed three times more often than in men. The risk group also includes people who, due to their line of work, perform monotonous movements of the same type throughout the day.

Why do osteophytes appear in the knee joint?

Osteophytes appear as a result of the development of a degenerative-dystrophic process in the joints.
Against the background of inflammation, tissue destruction occurs. The body interferes with this process and tries to compensate for the increased load on the joint. This is accompanied by the proliferation of bone tissue in the form of osteophyte spines. That is, on the one hand, this is a protective mechanism, but on the other, excessive growth leads to impaired mobility and pain. There are many reasons for joint destruction; it can be a symptom of a primary disease, for example, arthrosis, or appear as complications and consequences of other health problems.

Growths on the knees have the following causes:

  • inflammatory processes, infections;
  • advanced age;
  • consequences of injuries;
  • monotonous physical activity;
  • degenerative-dystrophic processes (arthrosis, chondromalacia);
  • hormonal disorders (menopause, diabetes);
  • excess weight;
  • malignant neoplasms, metastases.

Most often, osteophytes of the patella and bone spines are found on the inner surface of the joint, as places of greatest load and friction of the articular surfaces. Sometimes a growth on the knee joint comes as a surprise to a person, since the disease practically does not manifest itself in any way in the early stages.

After an injury or inflammatory process, cartilage ceases to perform its function, the bones come into direct contact and are damaged by friction. The body begins to compensate for the destruction, and this is how spines appear on the knee joint.

Osteophytes can appear at any bone junction that is subject to chronic stress, injury, or inflammation. They often become an occupational disease for those who spend the working day on their feet, actively work with their hands, and perform the same type of movements. The most common weak points are the knees, wrists, and feet.

Clinical picture

Often a person is not aware of the presence of a hygroma in the knee joint: the compaction does not cause any inconvenience other than an aesthetic one. Hygroma is not capable of degenerating into a malignant tumor, but there is a possibility of it increasing in size up to 6 cm in diameter. In this case, the asymptomatic course is replaced by a clinical picture of inflammation.

The first sign of pathology is the formation of a small localized tumor, clearly visible under the skin. In most cases, only one hygroma is formed, but sometimes a person is diagnosed with several lumps in different joints. Unlike synovitis, bursitis, and malignant neoplasms, hygroma has clear boundaries.

It can be soft, elastic or hard. The seal is not interconnected with the epidermis, so upon palpation the skin easily moves. As the disease progresses, patients complain of the following symptoms:

  • pain and discomfort that occurs when trying to bend and straighten the knee;
  • decreased range of motion in the joint;
  • increase in pain intensity with increased physical activity;
  • irradiation of pain to the ankle area after physical activity.

The severity of pain depends on the location of the hygroma and its size. As the compaction increases, it begins to irritate sensitive nerve endings and compress muscle fibers. Therefore, as the pathology progresses, the pain gradually intensifies.

Usually the condition of the skin over the lump does not change. But people with dry, irritation-prone epidermis may experience flaking. The skin becomes rough, red, and cracks. Another feature of hygroma is that after increased physical activity it increases, and after a few hours its size decreases.


Typically, a patient's description of symptoms, an external examination, and a history are sufficient to make a diagnosis. In some cases, exclusion of osteoarticular disease is required. Radiography is used as a differential diagnostic procedure. If the obtained images are uninformative, then other instrumental studies are prescribed:

  • magnetic resonance imaging to detect nodular formations and determine the structure of the walls of the seal;
  • Ultrasound examination visualizes the compaction. It allows you to determine the presence of blood vessels in the wall of the cyst, which is necessary before surgery.

Carrying out differential diagnosis helps to exclude the formation of a lipoma, atheroma, or epithelial traumatic cyst in the knee joint.

With a certain location and consistency, a hygroma can resemble a benign or malignant tumor of bone or cartilage. The puncture allows you to assess the qualitative composition of the contents of the cyst and make a correct diagnosis.

Treatment methods for hygroma of the knee jointPharmacological drugs, procedures, surgical techniques
SurgeryClassic surgical excision technique, endoscopic surgery
Physiotherapeutic proceduresBalneological treatment, electrophoresis, mud baths, magnetic therapy
Course intake of medicationsNonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, glucocorticosteroids, antihistamines, antibiotics


Conservative therapy

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This method of treating hygroma of the knee joint is rarely practiced due to its low clinical effectiveness and the risk of relapses. Taking pharmacological drugs is necessary when the inflammatory process develops due to compression of soft tissue by the cyst. Often the cavity of the knee joint becomes infected with pathogenic bacteria. Inflammation intensifies and even spreads to the walls of the hygroma.

If no infectious agents are found in the contents of the hygroma, the patient is prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs:

  • Nimesulide;
  • Meloxicam;
  • Indomethacin;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Ibuprofen.

At the same time, antihistamines (Suprastin, Tavegil, Loratadine) can be used to eliminate inflammatory edema. If NSAIDs are ineffective, the therapeutic regimen is supplemented with glucocorticosteroids - Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone, Dexamethasone - for intra-articular administration. Hormonal drugs are very toxic to the human body and have contraindications. They are not used in the treatment of patients with diseases of the stomach, liver and kidneys.

Detection of pathogenic microorganisms in the contents of a hygroma is an indication for urgent surgical intervention. Antibiotic therapy in this case is not advisable due to the active proliferation of bacteria and a significant risk of complications.

A course of antibiotics is recommended for the patient in the postoperative period for the final destruction of infectious and inflammatory foci.


Some clinics still practice crushing or kneading the hygroma. During diagnosis, the cyst is strongly compressed, its integrity is damaged, and the contents are simply poured into the joint cavity. This type of treatment is gradually abandoned due to the severe pain that arises. In addition, there is a possibility of infection of the joint and the development of an inflammatory process.

Puncture of the cyst and the simultaneous administration of drugs to glue its walls also lose relevance, since this method of treatment does not exclude the rapid occurrence of relapses. In the treatment of hygroma the following are used:

  • physiotherapy;
  • balneology;
  • applying bandages with ointments that have a resolving effect.

Physiotherapeutic manipulations are ineffective, and during their implementation exacerbations of pathology are possible.

After conservative treatment, relapses of the disease occur in 80% of cases. And after surgery, exacerbations are diagnosed only in a fifth of patients.

The operation is indicated for patients in the following cases:

  • the occurrence of pain during movement and at rest;
  • localization of the cyst in the popliteal fossa;
  • significant limitation of range of motion;
  • the patient’s desire to get rid of hygroma as a cosmetic defect;
  • rapid increase in seal size;
  • excessive compression of the nerve endings by the cyst;
  • high probability of complications.

During the operation, local anesthesia of the knee joint is used. A rubber tourniquet is applied to bleed the limb. The purpose of surgical intervention is to excise the hygroma in such a way that no areas of altered tissue remain. After removal of the tumor-like formation, the cavity is washed, sutured and drained. A pressure bandage is applied to the knee joint, and the leg is fixed with a plaster cast. Complete immobilization is especially necessary after excision of a large hygroma. Sutures are removed one week after surgery.

Folk remedies are not used in therapy due to their ineffectiveness . Treatment is carried out only after differentiating the hygroma from other benign and malignant tumors. Rheumatologists, orthopedists, and traumatologists recommend surgical intervention, and conservative treatment can speed up recovery in the postoperative period.

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  • https://prokoleni.ru/simptomatika/shishka-pod-kolenom-szadi
  • https://lechisustavv.ru/zabolevaniya-kolennogo-sustava/9615-shishki-speredi-pod-kolenom.html
  • https://freemove.ru/health/shishka-na-noge-pod-kolenom-szadi.php
  • https://sustavlive.ru/drugie-bolezni/gigroma-kolennogo-sustava.html
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