How to cook with gelatin and what to replace this thickener with?

Super food - this is what they sometimes say about gelatin. And only if you do not know about its beneficial properties can you doubt the correctness of such a characteristic. In fact, this, at first glance, inconspicuous product is responsible for the health of the skin, nails, hair, protects joints from inflammation, tones the body, activates digestion and muscle growth, strengthens blood vessels and cell membranes. In addition, it strengthens bone tissue, improves immunity, removes toxins from the body, eliminates excess weight, accelerates wound healing and even restores healthy sleep. So gelatin is a real super food. Now let’s try to understand how this powder manages to have such a beneficial effect on the body.

What is gelatin


  • What is gelatin
  • The nutritional value
  • Role in the body
  • How to take gelatin
  • Possible harm
  • Gelatin for bodybuilders
  • Gelatin in the food industry
  • What can be made from gelatin

Gelatin is a colorless, tasteless, solid substance, the name of which is translated from Latin as “frozen.” Widely used as a gelling agent in food products, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetology. It is found in most chewing candies, marshmallows, jelly, ice cream, some sauces and yogurts. In addition to its active use in the food industry, it is used in the process of creating photographs, it is part of drugs that stop bleeding, is necessary for the production of X-ray films, and is found in artificial plasma.

Gelatin is a unique component of the diet. It is made from collagen, which is obtained from a variety of animal products. This product is a combination of proteins and peptides, which makes it an excellent source of amino acids necessary for a wide variety of processes occurring in the body. Many people associate gelatin exclusively with sweet jellies containing dyes and other not very healthy components. But pure gelatin is a dehydrated and powdered broth made from bones and cartilage, it is rich in minerals and amino acids (contains half of all essential ones). The main amino acids in gelatin are glycine and proline, which, by the way, most people do not get in sufficient quantities.

For the production of gelatin, products of animal origin (bones, cartilage and skin of pigs, horses, cattle), as well as some plants (agar-agar algae) and fish products are usually used.

Properties and indications for use

Both in medical practice and in sports, gelatin is prescribed if:

  • There is crunching and aching in the joints, especially at night, and discomfort when walking.
  • The pain is accompanied by swelling over the area of ​​injury.
  • Pathological changes in the musculoskeletal system were revealed.
  • Joint mobility is limited and stiffness appears.
  • Erythema and swelling of the supra-articular surface are visualized.
  • A diagnosis of arthrosis or arthritis is made.

In cases of minor discomfort and crunching, the effect occurs within a couple of weeks:

  • Cartilage regenerates.
  • The ligaments are being restored.
  • Demineralization is inhibited.
  • The growth of hair shafts is activated, the condition of the nail plates improves.
  • Metabolism, brain activity and memory improve.

The qualities of gelatin are similar to collagen. It perfectly restores joint tissues and heals the body as a whole. In addition, it is quickly absorbed in the intestine, which is important during the severity of the pathological process.

The nutritional value

From a nutritional composition perspective, gelatin is a source of certain minerals, vitamins and organic compounds, including copper, calcium, and phosphorus. But the main substance that a person gets from gelatin is protein.

Proteins make up approximately 98% of the total mass of the product.

Meanwhile, this powder does not contain the entire complex of amino acids, which means it cannot serve as a source of complete protein.
However, it has many other delicious properties. Nutritional value per 100 g of product

Calorie content355 kcal
Squirrels87 g
Fats0.5 g
Carbohydrates0.6 g
Ash1.7 g
Potassium1 mg
Calcium700 mg
Magnesium80 mg
Sodium11 mg
Phosphorus300 mg
Iron2 mg
Manganese0.1 mg
Copper1.58 mg

Essential amino acids in gelatin (per 100 g)

Leucine2.6 g
Isoleucine1.1 g
Valin2 g
Lysine3.5 g
Threonine1.5 g
Methionine0.6 g
Phenylalanine2 g

Essential amino acids (per 100 g of product)

Arginine6.6 g
Histidine0.7 g
Glycine19 g
Aspartic acid5.3 g
Glutamic acid8.8 g
Alanin8 g
Proline12.2 g
Serin2.6 g

Role in the body

But now it’s time to talk about the most interesting thing - the effect of this culinary powder on the human body. Many of the functions of gelatin will undoubtedly pleasantly surprise you.

Weight and Metabolism

Some studies have shown that gelatin is an important component in stimulating the production of growth hormone. In addition, it is known that it activates metabolic processes in the body. And its high protein content (about 6 g per tablespoon) makes it a food that eliminates cravings and prevents overeating.

Gelatin is an excellent source of proteins that activate metabolic processes. Regular consumption of jelly and aspic will help start the process of creating new healthy cells in the body instead of sick and damaged ones, and will accelerate muscle growth.

Wound healing

Proteins serve as an integral component that promotes faster healing of wounds. The gelatin formula contains the amino acid glycine, which directly affects inflammation. Thus, while eating gelatinous food, wounds heal faster, and the risk of inflammation in damaged areas is significantly reduced.

Nails, hair, teeth

Keratin, part of the gelatin protein complex, helps maintain healthy hair, nails and teeth. This product contains an abundance of magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and some other minerals necessary for hair and nails.

Joints and bones

The proteins contained in gelatin, as well as phosphorus and copper, have a beneficial effect on the condition of bone tissue, increasing its density through additional mineralization. Thus, gelatin is a product that prevents osteoporosis. And some other amino acids and the substance chondroitin relieve inflammation in the joints and serve as an effective remedy against arthritis. In addition, this product is extremely important for maintaining the health of cartilage tissue, which strengthens and protects bones and joints.


It is believed that the amino acid proline can strengthen the immune system, thereby improving overall health and increasing the body's resistance to infections and viruses. Gelatin is an excellent source of this amino acid.

Improved sleep

Research has proven that the amino acid glycine (found in gelatin proteins) is important for improving sleep quality. It stimulates certain neurotransmitters and enzymes that affect the duration and proper cycling of sleep.

Stretch marks and cellulite

By improving skin firmness and elasticity, gelatin helps prevent stretch marks. The destruction of collagen in the body is also manifested by another nuisance known to many women, cellulite. However, introducing foods rich in collagen (containing gelatin) into your diet will help remove the “orange peel.”


Gelatin, when combined with water, acts in the digestive tract on the principle of fiber: it prevents constipation and improves the peristalsis of the smooth muscles of the colon. In addition, it has been proven that this product stimulates the secretion of digestive juices, which is also important for proper digestion of food.

Anti-aging effect

Gelatin is essentially pure collagen. This means that this substance has important properties that protect the skin from early aging. Collagen maintains the elasticity and firmness of skin cells. For this reason, frequent consumption of gelled products helps maintain youthful skin, makes it tight and elastic, and activates regular cell renewal.

By the way, some scientists believe that collagen depletion in the body begins after 20 years, so after 30 it is important to seriously think about additional sources of this substance. However, there is an opinion that collagen creams are useless to maintain youth. This is explained by the fact that collagen molecules are too large to pass through the skin. And in this case, gelatin will come to the rescue. Taking it internally, improvements in skin condition will soon become noticeable. Thus, restoring youth is important to do from within.

Liver cleansing

Gelatin foods are rich in glycine, a conditionally essential amino acid important for detoxifying the body. Science has already proven that an organism lacking glycine is unable to produce the required amount of glutathione, which is indispensable for the second phase of liver detoxification.

Hormonal balance

In addition to participating in detoxification, this amino acid (glycine) indirectly, through the production of glutathione, is involved in the regulation of estrogen levels in the body. An excess of this hormone in the female body is called one of the causes of cancer. In addition, insulin production also depends on glycine.

In addition, gelatin improves the functioning of the adrenal glands, relieves allergies, and also prevents bleeding in people with poor blood clotting.

Rules of use

A huge advantage of edible gelatin is its availability. For this reason, it is added to many recipes, which means creating a healthy menu is not difficult.

To strengthen joints, bones and rejuvenate the body, you should consume at least 10 g of gelatin every day. There are many options - make homemade fruit jelly from it, just soak it in a small amount of water, cook jellied meat. The choice of dish depends only on culinary preferences.

To improve collagen production, it is not enough to simply consume gelatin. The diet should include more foods rich in vitamins C and B6, zinc, sulfur, copper, iron, manganese, bioflavonoids and amino acids. The main sources of these substances are high-protein foods. Among them are fish and vegetable oils.

How to take gelatin

This product can enter the human body along with a variety of foods, with medications, and it can also be taken directly in diluted form. It is believed that the body needs approximately 1-2 tablespoons of gelatin daily. As a rule, it is taken on an empty stomach. This daily intake will protect against many diseases and also improve your appearance. If the product is taken in dry form, it should be washed down with a glass of warm water with vitamin C, which will improve absorption. On average, the “gelatin” preventive and therapeutic course lasts 4 weeks. After some time you can repeat.

Possible harm

The only known side effects from gelatin are burping, bloating, and indigestion. But even these reactions occur quite rarely. There was a period when gelatin was considered a potentially harmful substance. It was believed that humans could become infected with animal diseases, such as mad cow disease. But these assumptions have never been confirmed by science.

Another danger is taking gelatin as a dietary supplement for too long. It can cause excessive blood viscosity and high blood pressure.

Gelatin for bodybuilders

The benefits and harms of gelatin are almost completely listed above. But this product has one more useful property, which is worth talking about in a little more detail. Professional bodybuilders take this substance to accelerate muscle growth.

Meanwhile, gelatin in the form of a sports supplement is not something unusual. This product is a source of proteins for people who dream of strong muscles. By the way, an interesting comparison: while in most expensive protein powders the protein content does not exceed 80%, in gelatin this figure is not lower than 95%.

The cocktail invented by Steve Reeves is especially popular among athletes. The famous American athlete took a mixture of gelatin, milk powder, orange juice, banana and raw eggs.

Another way to replenish supplies is edible gelatin in capsules or in pure form, diluted with liquid. Not so long ago, it was believed that consuming pure gelatin was harmful to health, in particular the digestive system. Meanwhile, today, more and more often, researchers are proving the opposite: this product is absorbed by the etching organs without problems.

In addition, sports nutritionists have calculated that essential amino acids such as valine, leucine and isoleucine are contained in gelatin in larger quantities than in eggs, fish, chicken, lamb and pork. However, to meet the daily needs of essential amino acids for athletes, you will need at least 150 g of gelatin, which significantly exceeds the recommended daily dose of the product.

In addition, gelatin is important for strengthening the joints and ligaments of bodybuilders. The best way to prevent injuries and strains during exercise is to regularly replenish collagen, which is known to be found in large quantities in gelled foods. It has already been noted that collagen production in the body stops by the age of 30. But this does not mean that gelatin should not be taken at a young age. In 20-year-old organisms, collagen promotes the expansion of ectomorphic (very thin) bones.

Do you need to eat less?

What volume and mode of food contributes to youth? Should we give dinner to the enemy and share lunch with a friend?

“Every person is unique,” ​​says endocrinologist E. Ivannikova. “Moreover, at certain periods of life the body has its own characteristics, for example, during pregnancy, the need for proteins increases several times, and when kidney pathology develops, vice versa. There are no universal tips or answers to this question. In the presence of chronic diseases, as well as overweight and obesity, the selection of the frequency of meals and its volume is carried out under the supervision of a nutritionist. Of course, the so-called hypocaloric balanced diet in small portions allows not only to prolong life, but also to improve its quality. The classic example of the most studied dietary option is the Mediterranean diet. A recent study demonstrated the positive effect of this diet on reducing the risk of prostate cancer progression. In addition, such a diet is associated with a later onset of Parkinson’s disease and a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease.”

Got fat for no reason. Why does my weight suddenly start to increase? More details

Gelatin in the food industry

In the food industry, this component is used for the production of canned food, in the confectionery industry - for the production of jellies, creams, ice cream, and candies. There are many products that we consume every day and do not even realize that they contain this amazing substance.

The role of gelatin in food production:

  • enhances taste and saturates color, serves as a protective coating for sausages and some other meat products;
  • due to its neutral taste, it serves as a stabilizer and emulsifier in dairy products and desserts;
  • helps to give the necessary shape to various confectionery products;
  • used as a clarifying ingredient in juices and wines;
  • in pies and other confectionery products it is used as a foaming agent.

What can be made from gelatin


This delicacy is easy to prepare in your home kitchen. All you need is honey, gelatin, vanilla and water. By the way, some people add probiotics to this dessert, which makes homemade marshmallows even healthier. And cocoa powder or, for example, mint extract will help improve the taste.

Vitamins for children

Most children love pharmacy chewable vitamins. But they tend to contain a lot of sugar. You can try making exactly the same tasty vitamins, but less sweet, yourself. To do this, you will need 8 teaspoons of gelatin, 1 glass of freshly squeezed juice, 2 tablespoons of honey, vitamins and minerals of your choice (for example, ascorbic acid, magnesium, probiotics).

Fruit jelly

You will need freshly squeezed juice of your favorite fruits or berries, a glass of warm water, gelatin (calculated at 1 tablespoon per 1 glass of liquid), a little sugar or honey (if the juice is too sour). Pour the prepared mixture into the mold, and after hardening, cut into cubes.

Watermelon jelly candies

This delicacy will delight both children and adults, as it is very healthy and tasty. To prepare, you will need 2 cups of watermelon juice, 6 tablespoons of gelatin, half a glass of lemon juice, 2 tablespoons of honey.

Hair medicine

To prepare the product you will need 2 tablespoons of gelatin, a glass of warm water, 2 teaspoons of vinegar and the same amount of honey. Apply the mask from the resulting mixture to your hair and rinse with warm water after 5 minutes. This product, used once a week, will help strengthen your hair.

Mask for the face

Although gelatin in food form is much more effective, a collagen mask also works. To prepare it you will need 2 tablespoons of gelatin, 4 tablespoons of warm water, 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Apply the finished mixture to your face and rinse after 15 minutes.


Hydrolyzed collagen has few restrictions on its use:

  • High blood clotting.
  • Vascular pathologies.
  • GSD and ICD.
  • Problems with the digestive system.
  • Haemorrhoids.
  • Individual intolerance.
  • Sensitization with gelatin.
  • Gout.
  • CKD.
  • Exchange disorders.

To prevent intestinal problems, it is recommended to combine gelatin intake with natural laxatives: prunes, beets, kefir, dried apricots. Senna is also useful.

Recipe: 200 g of natural laxatives are mixed with 50 g of herbs, brewed with a liter of boiling water and infused. Drink a chilled teaspoon at night. Store in a glass container in the refrigerator. The product can be frozen if placed in a plastic container.

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