Bandage for rib fractures - how to apply it correctly?

Indications and contraindications

Cracks and fractures of the ribs are an indication for wearing a bandage.
Not all experts evaluate the bandage positively for fractured ribs. Due to the inability to breathe deeply, the patient is significantly more likely to develop pulmonary diseases, especially if the recovery period is long.

As a rule, the ribs have time to fully recover within 1-2 months. With such periods of use, a tight bandage for rib fractures can have a positive therapeutic effect.

Indications for use:

  • myositis (inflammatory process in muscle tissue) and myalgia (muscle pain);
  • cracks and fractures of ribs;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • performing surgical intervention on the chest organs.

Despite a number of positive effects, the rib bandage has a list of contraindications:

  • Do not wear if you have diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • It is prohibited to use for displaced fractures, since when compressed, fragments can injure soft tissues and organs. It follows that the advisability of using a brace for broken ribs depends on the exact diagnosis and its characteristics.

Tight bandages for rib fractures increase the likelihood of developing pneumonia (pneumonia) due to congestion in the respiratory organs when they are compressed.

The medical device immobilizes the muscular system and reduces the load on some parts of the spine. This leads to atrophic processes, after its removal you will need to do physical therapy and attend physiotherapeutic procedures.

How to help a person?

A rib fracture is accompanied by pain at the site of injury and difficulty breathing. Severe discomfort can be caused by normal coughing, talking and breathing. In the event of a rib fracture, first aid should be provided at home.

  1. Call an ambulance.
  2. Have the person sit in a chair, give him pain medication, and apply a cold bandage to the fracture site to help numb the discomfort.
  3. Apply a tight bandage.

Advice: broken ribs can happen in the most unexpected places, far from civilization. If you cannot go to the hospital, you should apply a tight bandage, take analgesic and broad-spectrum antibiotics. The course of treatment is 7 days.

Post-traumatic pneumonia may occur due to rib fractures. This is a very dangerous disease that should only be treated in a hospital setting. In case of intoxication of the body, fever, vomiting and dizziness, consult a doctor immediately. It is these signs that indicate the progressive development of post-traumatic pneumonia.

Bandaging for rib fractures is a prerequisite for injury. How to bandage a rib fracture, and what types of bandages exist?

Bandages for broken ribs

Application of a bandage for rib fractures is carried out only after a thorough medical examination.
Application of a bandage should be carried out only after a thorough medical examination and preliminary identification of the injury site. Dressings for rib fractures are the supporting structure of the chest. The procedure must be carried out under absolutely sterile conditions. Before using it, it is important to thoroughly wash your hands with soap and treat them with an antibacterial solution.

There are several types of bandages:

  • Dry dressing, which is indicated for use in cases of open rib fractures. All foreign objects are first removed from the wound surface, and the damaged area is treated with ethyl alcohol. Several layers of sterile wipes, which are richly soaked in chlorhexidine, are applied to the wound surface. Do not cover immediately; it is recommended to allow the napkins to dry a little. Using a mortar, crush several Furacilin tablets and sprinkle them on top of the material. A layer of sterile cotton wool is applied on top, covered with a layer of gauze and all this is fixed with a medical adhesive plaster. Applying such a bandage for an open rib fracture is first aid until a team of medical personnel arrives.
  • Immobilizing bandages. Indicated for use in closed rib fractures. The bandage can be removed only if the patient has no pain. Before applying a bandage, you need to prepare a wide medical gauze or bandage. The chest is bandaged from bottom to top, going directly under the armpits. No more than 10 spiral moves are performed. If the ribs are fractured, the bandage should not be tightened too tightly, otherwise this may provoke the development of congestive pneumonia.

    Technique for applying an occlusive dressing for rib fractures

  • An occlusive dressing is also used for open rib fractures. Open fractures in most cases are accompanied by the accumulation of air, so in specific cases it is recommended to give preference to the occlusal type. The dressing is applied in strict accordance with the given diagram: clean the surface of debris and other foreign bodies. Treat the edges of the wound with Vaseline and cover it completely with a sterile cloth. A sealed material is placed on top of the napkin, which will not allow air to pass through. The applied bandage is fixed with a medical adhesive plaster.

Applying the bandage should always be done while exhaling. If you neglect this rule, the corset will not have the desired fixing effect.

Treatment after a clavicle fracture

Clavicle fracture

is an injury most common in children and young adults. A fracture is usually caused by a direct blow to the collarbone area, strong compression of it, or a fall on the side on an outstretched arm, and the first place among the causes of fractures is taken by sports injuries and road accidents.

Clavicle fractures can be divided into groups depending on the location and the presence of fragments and displacement; further treatment depends on these factors. Complex fractures with fragments and displacements require surgery, but relatively simple closed fractures can be treated conservatively with fixation

and subsequent physical therapy. It is important to understand that the decision on the type of treatment and the choice of fixing bandage is made only by the doctor after a thorough examination and x-ray.

immobilization is sufficient to treat most clavicle fractures.

(immobilization) of the damaged area. In children, the elderly, and also in the case of a simple fracture, softer options are used instead of plaster: a bandage, an orthosis or a fixing bandage. Their task is to reliably limit the mobility of the shoulder girdle and ensure the correct position of the arm during the recovery period, without injuring the skin and soft tissues. A properly selected and applied bandage helps relieve pain - the shoulder muscles relax, and the bone fragments do not move and do not press anywhere.

Clavicle fracture in the elderly

It does not occur as often as in young people, but has more serious consequences. Due to the nature of regeneration after 50 years, doctors usually abandon traditional plaster, since such rigid fixation can cause arthrosis and also irritate surrounding tissues.

Clavicle fracture in children

sometimes called a “green stick fracture” - that is, bone fragments are held by the periosteum and therefore heal much faster, and fixation with such a fracture may not be absolute. For young children, a bandage or reclinator is also indicated instead of a cast.

Bandages and bandages are supportive


Gusset support

or a scarf bandage is usually used for first aid, as well as as an addition to a classic cast. It unloads the muscles and ligaments of the shoulder apparatus, relieves stress from the shoulder joint and scapula, and keeps the arm in the optimal position for recovery. However, the fixation when using such a bandage is not complete, therefore, for better healing during the rehabilitation period, other types of bandages are usually used - fixing ones.

the Deso bandage is most often used.

. Its prototype was invented back in the 18th century by the French doctor Pierre Dezo and the principle of operation has remained almost unchanged over the past centuries. The Dezo bandage firmly fixes the shoulder and forearm to the body and is used not only during the treatment of a fracture, but also during the rehabilitation and postoperative period.

In case of a more complex fracture, a figure-of-eight bandage or Delbe rings

. Delbe rings (orthopedic reclinators) are 2 belts crossed between the shoulder blades and threaded through one or more rings. This design allows you to adjust the size and tension of the belts. The reclinator fixes the shoulders in a divorced state, opens the shoulder blades, ensuring the correct position of the collarbone. The arm is not fixed in this type of bandage. Delbe rings can be worn under clothing, they are usually made of breathable material, and thanks to the soft lining they are comfortable to wear around the clock.

Modern versions of the Deso bandage and Delbe rings have several options for fixation and tension force and, in general, are a fairly simple design that does not require special knowledge and skill when putting them on. However, it is very important that the bandage is put on by a doctor for the first time (he will also determine how long the bandage should be worn).

If treatment begins on time and the patient follows all the doctor’s recommendations, the healing period after a clavicle fracture usually does not exceed 10 weeks for adults and 3 weeks for children. With a simple fracture, already on the 2nd day you can begin to gradually develop the hand, returning activity and blood circulation to the injured hand: bend and straighten your fingers, make light circular movements with your fingers and hand - no more than 2 minutes a day. At the same time, you should not strain the damaged area of ​​the shoulder girdle and exercise through pain.

After the initial stage of rehabilitation, according to the doctor’s indications, the patient may be prescribed physical therapy

. Typically these are magnetic, ultrasound and high-frequency therapy procedures. It is also important to support your body with proper nutrition: eat more calcium (found in dairy products), vitamin D and C (fresh greens, legumes, berries). In rehabilitation, you need to do everything gradually, listening to yourself, your feelings and, of course, your treating specialist.

Criterias of choice

Various types of bandages and corsets for fractured ribs
There is an opinion that the high cost of a product is a guarantee of the best quality, but this is not always the case. When purchasing bandages or corsets, you need to pay attention to several important aspects:

  • Material of manufacture. It is best to give preference to hypoallergenic materials; they are pleasant to the touch, do not irritate the skin and do not cause allergic reactions.
  • Availability of a valid quality certificate. When purchasing, it is important to ensure that there is a certificate issued by the Ministry of Health of a particular country.
  • Rigidity, there are several of them. For each case, this parameter is selected individually. This information should be provided by the attending physician, taking into account the specific clinical picture.
  • Manufacturer. It is recommended to give preference to manufacturers of medical products with a good reputation.
  • Product type. Before purchasing, you need to pay attention to the versatility of using models or their strict division into male and female.
  • Quality of fasteners. It is best to give preference to hooks or Velcro. It is important that they provide reliable grip for high-quality fixation of damaged ribs.
  • Size. The size chart must be indicated on the packaging, the main indicator of which is chest circumference.

It is important to choose a corset for ribs for fractures in such a way that it actually has a therapeutic effect. The appropriate model is selected individually for a specific patient. You cannot do this on your own; you need the help of a doctor or qualified specialist.

It is necessary to determine what level of rigidity will be most optimal for specific types of injuries. Next you can start calculating the sizes.

To make sure that the bandage does not cause inconvenience, it is tried on and adjusted to the patient’s parameters. After adjusting the medical device, the changes are saved, this is possible due to the independence of the cut fasteners.

Recovery period for rib injuries

In the absence of contraindications, regular visits to the pool are recommended.
Restoring the body after an injury is an important stage on the path to a fulfilling life. The duration of rehabilitation usually reaches several months. During this period, it is important to follow the following recommendations:

  • Perform breathing exercises regularly, which will have a beneficial effect on the muscle tissue of the chest.
  • Enrich your daily diet with foods that contain a lot of calcium. If it is not possible to diversify your diet, you can purchase special multivitamin supplements at the pharmacy.
  • Try to spend as much time as possible outdoors.
  • Whenever possible and in the absence of contraindications, it is strongly recommended to visit the pool.

At the end of the rehabilitation period, you need to wear supportive corsets, which will reduce the load on the chest and spine. During treatment, girls should not wear high-heeled shoes.

Taping for rib fractures is gaining popularity, but it is more often used not in traumatology departments, but in cosmetology rooms.

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