Turtle bandage for the elbow and knee joints: application technique

The knee and elbow joints are the most mobile parts of the body. No one is immune from damage to these parts. Every person has had a bruise or cut on their knee or elbow at least once in their life. It is in such cases that a tortoiseshell bandage is used. It reliably fixes the dressing material. The bandage is made using a bandage or gauze. The natural material provides air access to the wound surface, protects the wound from infection, and retains medicinal substances well on the moving part of the body.

Types of tortoiseshell dressing

This bandage is applied only to the knee and elbow joints. Sometimes this type is used for damage or injury to the foot. This bandage is not used for application to other parts of the body.

A regular bandage does not stay on the moving area and slips off. This is due to the structural features of the knee/elbow. A bandage applied using the turtle method is very convenient if you need to bandage an injured knee or elbow. There are two types of tortoiseshell dressing - converging and divergent. The difference is how the bandaging begins. Otherwise, the techniques of both types are similar.

What is the fixation bandage used for?

Fixing bandages and bandages are becoming a mandatory method in the treatment of shoulder, elbow, knee and other joints.

We list all the areas of application of dressings:

  • During the recovery period after arthroscopic and other operations.
  • After injuries, for the purpose of rehabilitation and restoration of the former motor capabilities of articular elements, ligaments and muscles.
  • Diseases of cartilage and ligaments - arthritis, tendinitis, arthrosis. Together with medications and physical therapy, joint fixators can reduce treatment time and reduce pain.
  • Amateur and professional athletes use bandages to reduce the risk of spraining, bruising or tearing ligaments in the joint area. The fixing device in the variety is called a caliper.

Bandages on different joints and a bandage are usually fixed by an orthopedic doctor; also, to purchase a device in a salon, you must first consult a doctor. The specialist will be able to select the right type of retainer for the patient.

Basic Rules

When applying a bandage, a number of rules should be taken into account:

  • The dressing should be done in a comfortable position, sitting or lying down. In this case, the injured limb should be in a relaxed state.
  • During application of the bandage, the limb must remain motionless. It is best to use a stop, this position is the most comfortable.
  • The correct choice of dressing material for bandaging. For the elbow, use a bandage ten cm wide, for the knee – fifteen to twenty cm.
  • To bandage correctly, pass the bandage from left to right, holding the roller in your right hand from above.
  • Pull the dressing material moderately, without creating excessive pressure on the skin and do not make the dressing too loose.
  • The beginning of bandaging is two or three securing circles.
  • If during this process the edges of the bandage (or gauze) begin to “wiggle,” you should wrap the bandage around the axis 180 degrees and continue bandaging, straightening it.
  • The applied layer should overlap the previous one by half. Only in this case will the bandage be strong, provide reliable fixation and will not loosen.
  • When completing bandaging, do not secure the bandage directly above the wound site and the moving part of the knee/elbow joint.

It is important to remember that the bandage should not cause discomfort to the victim. She must perform her functions (stop bleeding, fix the joint, hold medications, protect the damaged area from infection if it is an open wound) and be careful.

In what cases is a bandage prescribed?

The bandage is used to stop bleeding and prevent swelling of the damaged area. This bandage restricts movement in the elbow joint, and if applied correctly, the injury will heal more quickly.

A bandage is better than a bandage or glue because:

  • the bandage does not cause an allergic reaction and after its application there are no visible marks on the skin;
  • the gauze can be easily adjusted and pulled into the desired position;
  • it is easy to regulate the pressure on the wound by loosening the bandage;
  • The bandage tightly and reliably fixes the damaged joint.

Before starting the procedure you need:

  • cutting tool;
  • brilliant green;
  • dressing material.


Important! The doctor, turning to the patient, monitors his emotions. Having discovered an unpleasant expression on the part of the victim, the gauze is unwound and reapplied. If this is not done, numbness and swelling of the limbs may develop.

The injured area is treated with different types of bandage, because it all depends on the degree of damage. There are several known methods of bandaging, which differ in their technique. The following types of dressings are distinguished:

  • turtle;
  • circular;
  • spiral;
  • spica-shaped;
  • creeping.

Let's look at each of them separately.

The purpose of the bandage is due to its excellent fixing effect.

Technique for applying a turtle bandage to the elbow joint

When falling, the elbow joint is the fulcrum. Therefore, cases of its damage are not uncommon. A regular bandage is inconvenient because it does not stay on the moving part and slips. Turtle wrap is best suited for dressing an injured elbow. For injuries close to the joint, it is better to use a converging turtle bandage. It will better fix the wound and the necessary medications. For damage located slightly below or above the elbow joint, a divergent bandage is used.

We apply convergent and divergent

How to make a turtle bandage for the elbow joint? Example of a convergent overlay:

  1. The injured arm must be bent at the elbow at an angle of ninety degrees.
  2. Then mentally divide the forearm into three parts.
  3. Then you should start applying the bandage from the lower part of the forearm.
  4. To secure the bandage, you need to make three initial turns.
  5. Perform ten circles in the form of eights around the arm, so that the bandaging ends in the middle of the elbow.
  6. Apply a fastening coil to the elbow.
  7. Secure the end of the bandage with a pin or staple.

A diverging tortoiseshell bandage is applied to the elbow joint in the same way, only in the opposite direction. That is, the bandage starts in the center of the joint with two or three turns. And then it diverges from the center up and down the forearm.

Advantages and disadvantages

In the case of surgical application of a bandage to the elbow or knee joint, in some cases a visit to the doctor can be prevented.

Emergency application of a bandage in such cases significantly reduces pain in the patient, prevents microorganisms from entering the wound and ensures rapid recovery.

If all the necessary stages of this manipulation are competently performed, the patient’s general condition will certainly be alleviated, and pain symptoms will also be significantly reduced.

As a rule, this dressing does not have any obvious disadvantages. The only thing that can be noted is a possible allergic reaction to the bandage.

Important to remember! When applying a turtle bandage, you must adhere to all hygiene rules (washed hands, use of gloves and sterile bandages, treating the wound with antiseptics).

Technique for applying to the knee joint

Who hasn't injured their knee? Unfortunately, this is a common occurrence.

In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor, but if this is not possible, then you should apply a bandage. It will prevent infection in case of injury, dislocation or severe bruise, and will help immobilize the damaged joint. Most often, in case of injury, a turtle bandage is applied to the knee joint. It is effective for wounds in and around the knee joint. How to make such a bandage? Now we'll tell you.

An example of applying a divergent tortoiseshell bandage:

  1. The previously injured knee must be bent at an angle of 100-120 degrees. For convenience, find support for the leg so that the joint is not strained and maximum comfort is ensured when applying the bandage.
  2. Applying the bandage begins from the middle of the joint. Two or three securing turns are made.
  3. Next, the rounds of the bandage are overlapped on the previous layer and diverge from the middle up and down in the form of a figure eight.
  4. The last turns are made above the knee joint, where two or three securing turns are made with a bandage.
  5. Then the end is secured with a pin or staple.

The technique for applying a turtle bandage to the knee joint is no different from how it is applied to the upper limb. The only difference is the material used. For bandaging the upper extremities, use a bandage ten cm wide, for the lower extremities - a bandage fifteen to twenty cm wide.

How to tie an elastic bandage

Elastic bandages are relatively new, preceded by a long history of woven bandages, thin or thick, in the form of a diaper or a long narrow strip, followed by knitted bandages, which created a more comfortable feeling for patients and made it possible to regulate the pressure of the bandage on the sore area. All this is done by the science of desmurgy - the art of applying bandages.

Elastic bandages are a rather complex product created for repeated use. Using various technologies, an elastic thread, such as latex, is wrapped in a single or double layer of cotton or synthetic thread. And from these “threads” the bandage itself is woven.

However, before you buy or wrap an elastic bandage, carefully study its packaging: elastic bandages, in addition to length and width, have different degrees of elongation - low, medium and high. These elastic bandages are used in various situations:

Low-extensibility bandages (extensibility of at least 30%) are used to treat complicated forms of chronic venous insufficiency and deep vein thrombosis; provide quick application of bandages when providing first aid; provide convenient and reliable fixation of dressings on affected areas of the body.

Medium extensibility bandages (extensibility of at least 100%) are used for the treatment of varicose veins, diseases with trophic complications, and for the treatment of postphlebitis syndromes. Recommended for maintaining soft tissues after plaster removal and compression sclerotherapy.

Highly tensile bandages (extensibility of at least 150%) are used for the treatment of varicose veins of I and II degrees, for the treatment of lipodermic diseases; used in the postoperative period for lymphedema, to maintain joints at rest after injuries and operations; recommended for bandaging bedridden patients.

The question: “how to wrap an elastic bandage” can be answered very simply - just like a regular bandage. Those. dressing with an elastic bandage should follow the schemes developed for dressing with a regular bandage.

Of course, there is a difference, it consists in the huge advantage of an elastic bandage - by creating additional continuous pressure (compression) perpendicular to its surface, it leaves soft tissues and joints the opportunity to move and function within certain limits.

This quality of the elastic bandage allows it to be used both for securing bandages and for treating injuries to the musculoskeletal system and diseases of the vascular and lymphatic systems.

How to properly wrap an elastic bandage

Before using an elastic bandage, let's consider the basic dressing schemes and the goals they serve.

Circular bandage.

We hold the edge of the bandage with our left hand, and with our right hand we make several rounds at the same level - as a rule, this is how they begin to apply an elastic bandage.

Spiral bandage - ascending and descending.

With an upward spiral, an elastic bandage is applied from bottom to top.

With a downward spiral, you need to apply an elastic bandage from top to bottom:

This is how they bandage the lower leg, hand or chest. Each subsequent round overlaps the previous one by about 1/3

Creeping bandage

Very often we have to solve the following problem: how to tie an elastic bandage around the entire leg or chest. In general, around a large surface.

To do this, you need to apply the bandage in two layers. In the first, we use a method similar to a spiral, but we do not overlap the previous round, but move away from it at a certain distance equal to the width of the bandage. And in the opposite direction we bandage or spiral, or some other method recommended by the doctor.

The creeping bandage is perfect for the arms (shoulder and forearm) and for the conical areas of the leg - thighs and lower legs. More complex techniques are used for bandaging joints: knee and ankle.

How to apply an elastic bandage to the ankle The most common is a cross-shaped (eight-shaped) bandage on the ankle joint.

The illustrations below show how to correctly apply an elastic bandage to the ankle joint:

Such a bandage will be appropriate for almost all injuries of the ankle joint.

How to apply it?

1) We make several turns of the bandage around the shin itself (secure it)

2) Move along the outside of the ankle under the instep

3) Wrap it around the ankle and bring it out again

4) Fasten around the shin

With such a bandage, the ankle joint retains mobility, and this is very important for maintaining the ability of an injured person to work. This type of bandage does not slip or create painful excessive pressure on any part of the foot or lower leg. If necessary, you can easily bandage a hard insole under the sole with such a bandage.

You can apply an elastic bandage to the ankle either over the sock or under the sock. It all depends on the nature and extent of damage to the ankle joint.

A cross-shaped bandage is also applied to the chest and neck:

Now let's discuss how to properly bandage your knee with an elastic bandage. By the way, we will also bandage the elbow!

Turtle headband.

Bandaging the knee and elbow joint with an elastic bandage is the most common procedure in everyday life.

Take a close look at the picture below, this is the so-called “Turtle” bandage for the knee joint:

Left and center - we wrap an elastic bandage towards the center, this is a “converging” tortoiseshell bandage.

But on the right we wrap an elastic bandage in “up and down” circles from the center - this is a diverging turtle bandage.

The purpose of such a bandage is to limit the mobility of the knee joint and NOT FALL OFF.

So how do you put an elastic bandage on your knee so that it doesn't fall off?

How to wrap your knee with an elastic bandage

The first thing you should do is ask the patient to bend their knee so that it is as comfortable as possible.

The knee can also be a sprain!

The bandage will need to be wound as evenly as possible to avoid wrinkles.

We place the bandage on top of the knee and fix it with a double turn. We lower it below the knee and fix it again. The intersection is under the knee. The procedure is repeated in reverse order and so on several times.

You can use an elastic bandage on the elbow joint in the same way.

How to properly bandage your foot with an elastic bandage in the heel area

Believe me, it's difficult!

The heel is rounded and the bandage tends to slip off when walking up or down.

The most successful bandage is in the form of a divergent tortoiseshell bandage, but the first securing move is made directly through the heel:

For heel bursitis, a more voluminous bandage is needed:

This bandage makes it possible to apply medications and lotions to the heel, and also protects the heel quite well from stress.

How to wrap your leg with an elastic bandage for sprains

Before bandaging a sprained leg, you need to cool it down - to do this, you will have to lie down for half an hour with a cold heating pad, an ice bag, or just a bottle of cold water.

It is strictly forbidden to overheat the sprained area or lubricate it with warming ointments.

The next task is to immobilize the stretched area as much as possible. Bed rest may be prescribed for several days.

When spraining a ligament, you need to bandage the limb from BOTTOM. This will prevent tissue swelling that is inevitable during stretching).

An elastic bandage is attached below the stretched area (let's say these are the toes).

Here, the screw bandaging technique is most suitable, which in the joint area may contain elements of a tortoiseshell bandage.

Even after applying a bandage, apply an ice pack to the sprained area.

It is good to alternate such applications every 15 minutes.

At night, you can loosen the bandage a little.

Modern desmurgy offers a technique for taping sprained ligaments:

Kinesio tape or elastic tape bandage of low extensibility, adhesive - it is glued in the directions of damaged ligaments or muscles, it is also called an elastic bandage.

This elastic bandage is literally indispensable during the rehabilitation period after an injury.

If the ligaments or muscles are injured and are unable to stretch, this method of application is used - the kinesio tape is stretched before applying it to the skin. Due to its elasticity, the tape contracts and forms folds on the skin and at the same time supports the injured area.

Foot bandage

How is a tortoiseshell bandage applied to the foot? Using the same method, a bandage is made for damage or inflammation of the ankle joint and sprained ligaments. When bandaging applied to the heel area, use a divergent bandage.

The algorithm for applying a turtle bandage to the heel area is the same as for the joints of the limbs.

Bandaging begins on the most protruding part, that is, on the heel. This is the most difficult part of bandaging.

Two or three initial rounds are done. After which they should be secured with one or two turns of bandage through the sole and on the back of the heel. Next, the bandage is applied as usual, figure eights are made with a bandage, spreading upward to the ankle and down to the foot.

Dislocations, sprains, bruises, joint inflammation. What is used?

In these cases, a tortoiseshell bandage is applied using an elastic bandage. The latter is made using stretch threads that provide a snug fit and tightening if necessary. A bandage is often used to limit mobility and create compression pressure that is comfortable for the patient. Sometimes it can be applied over an existing dressing. The application procedure is the same as using a regular bandage. The difference between elastic is that there is no need to twist it during bandaging. Because the stretch fibers provide a perfect fit. This bandage is attached using pins, staples or special plastic fasteners sold complete with the bandage.

Purpose of the ankle bandage:

  • medicinal (for healing damage);
  • compression (for sprained ligaments, tendons);
  • fixing (used in sports medicine);
  • protective (for an open ankle fracture).

This bandage will protect the injured ankle and speed up healing and recovery.

Required skill: apply a bandage

The technique of applying a turtle bandage is quite simple. The ability to do it at the right time can save someone’s life or avoid the fate of being crippled for the rest of their days. The most important thing in case of injury is first aid. After all, it is not always possible to immediately see a doctor. A properly made bandage will protect against infection, help fix the damaged joint and wait for the doctors to arrive. Of course, it is better that such a skill is not useful, but, unfortunately, no one is immune from this.

Common Knee Injuries

The knee joint in the human body is the largest and most complex compared to others. For various reasons, this joint receives injuries much more often than others.

Most injuries can be treated without surgery, but a serious knee injury may put the patient on the operating table.

Major knee injuries

These include: damage to the menisci and cruciate ligaments, bone fractures and hemoarthrosis (hemorrhages).

It is important to know that such injuries can be combined, for example, a torn meniscus and cruciate ligament.

Such injuries are mainly caused by unsuccessful falls from a height onto the legs and knees. Any damage to this joint may be accompanied by swelling, pain, hemorrhage, etc.

An effective method of immobilization is a scarf bandage. You can find out what application methods exist by following the link. About in what cases the application of modern pneumatic tires is recommended - what rules and nuances exist.

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