Deso bandage as one of the methods for treating shoulder injuries

The online store “Kind Orthopedist” offers to buy a fixing bandage for the shoulder joint at a competitive price. Our consultants will help you choose the optimal type of bandage. The main task of a shoulder brace is to fix the shoulder in its natural position. This eliminates the possibility of worsening damage to the articular elements. The main advantage of a brace for the shoulder joint is the ability to fix not only the shoulder, but also immobilize the elbow joint, reduce the motor activity of the back, which contributes to the rapid restoration of the ligaments and muscles of the spinal region.

Basic functions of a medical device

The joint is characterized by constant intense loads as a result of movement of the upper limb. If the functional activity of the arm decreases, the shoulder joint is examined. Wearing a bandage is recommended by traumatologists for immobilization and stress reduction, for example, during active sports. It provides moderate fixation, that is, it simultaneously stabilizes the joint and relieves its ligamentous-muscular system. The orthosis performs the following functions:

  • supports the joint and arm, accelerating the regeneration of damaged tissues;
  • prevents excessive joint mobility, which can provoke further injury;
  • prevents the occurrence of discomfort when moving your hand, turning or bending.

Wearing fixing devices limits the dynamics of the striated muscles, which has a positive effect on the condition of the ligaments. They are significantly injured when dislocated, especially the abdominal end of the clavicle. To restore them, complete immobility is necessary, otherwise relapses of the pathology occur, accompanied by severe pain in the shoulder joint. An orthosis is often used to simultaneously fix the arm and shoulder, since if injured, any movements of the upper limb can slow down recovery. If necessary, medical devices are used to completely immobilize the entire thoracic spine.

Designs made of breathable materials are prescribed to patients who have rapidly progressing degenerative changes in the articular structures. In addition to taking NSAIDs, glucocorticoids, and chondroprotectors, weak fixation of the joint is required. This method of conservative treatment does not allow destruction to neutralize the positive effect of pharmacological drugs.

The bandage was first mentioned as a separate medical device in manuscripts dating back to 1700 BC. The famous laws of King Hammurabi of Babylon describe the procedure for wearing a fixation device to prevent the protrusion of an inguinal hernia.

Diagnosis of shoulder ligament lesions

To properly diagnose an injury, a doctor needs to know the symptoms, timing, and circumstances of the injury. For an accurate examination, it is important to establish the nature of the pain in order to determine the extent of ligament damage. The specialist may also ask about past injuries, if any, and methods of treating them.

When examining the patient, the specialist determines:

  • presence and degree of edema;
  • degree of shoulder mobility;
  • intensity of pain.

In order to exclude the presence of dislocations, cracks, fractures and other mechanical damage, the patient may be prescribed an X-ray examination. It is done when the doctor suspects that the shoulder ligaments are injured.

Additional diagnostic methods are usually used:

  • arthroscopy – minimal surgical manipulation using special equipment;
  • Ultrasound – examination using ultrasonic waves;
  • MRI – visualization of a joint using a magnetic field.

Only a specialist can correctly determine the nature and extent of damage to the shoulder ligaments. In addition, the symptoms of their sprains are similar to other possible shoulder injuries, so it can sometimes be difficult to determine what kind of injury the victim suffered.

Indications for applying a bandage

A bandage restricts shoulder movement after an injury.
Wrapping the shoulder with an elastic bandage helps reduce pain. It holds well without interfering with excessive movement.

You need to secure your shoulder with an elastic bandage in the following cases:

  • soft tissue bruises;
  • sprain of the shoulder girdle - often occurs when playing volleyball, basketball, tennis;
  • exacerbation of arthritis, arthrosis of the shoulder joint;
  • bursitis, tendonitis.

You should not bandage your shoulder if you have thrombophlebitis or open wounds in the damaged area.

Results of using the orthosis

PROP The Prometer unloads and also secures the joint in a certain position and, with the help of an orthosis, reduces pain. The injured area remains stationary; compression and warming effects lead to increased blood circulation and lymphatic flow.

In cases of displacement, the fixator is used in complex therapy and is able to eliminate the resulting deformation. The effectiveness of the fixator depends on the correctness of its choice, which should be carried out together with the doctor after diagnosis and examination of the victim. It is the doctor who regulates the level of fixation of the orthosis and the period of its wearing.

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Materials used for dressing

Various types of fiber and fabric media can be used in dressings:


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  • non-sterile or sterile gauze is used to make bandages, napkins and tampons;
  • for purulent-inflammatory diseases, adsorbent gauze with special medicinal impregnation is used;
  • when applying a tight bandage, a special fabric of a slightly reddish color is used - calico;
  • in case of damage to the shoulder joint, accompanied by burns of various etiologies, tilexol is used;
  • sometimes when dressing, bleached and unbleached cotton wool (viscose and cellulose) is used;
  • elastic material and adhesive plasters.

Tilexol is impregnated with special oil, sterilized and used as an ointment bandage.
As a rule, when applying bandages, several types of material are used, for example, hygroscopic and impregnated gauze or cotton wool in combination with gauze, etc. Different materials complement each other and enhance the therapeutic effect on the joint.

Rehabilitation after arthroscopy

After arthroscopy of the shoulder joint, the rehabilitation period lasts from 3 to 6 months, after this period patients can return to their daily lifestyle. To prevent inflammation and the development of infection, a course of antibacterial drugs is prescribed. To normalize motor activity, exercise therapy and physiotherapeutic procedures are recommended. Wearing a fixing bandage is also recommended to normalize motor activity and speed up the tissue healing process.

Early recovery period

Therapeutic physical culture can be performed from the second day after arthroscopy. Classes are conducted in a lying or standing position. All exercises are performed strictly under the supervision of a specialist. A week after surgery, the load is gradually added, first a general set of exercises is performed, that is, not only with a load on the operated shoulder, but also on other muscle groups. Exercise should be done every day to stimulate blood circulation and prevent muscle hypertrophy. During the early recovery period, each workout is no more than five minutes, 3-4 times a day. The duration of this period is 1-1.5 months - this is how long it is indicated to wear an immobilizing bandage.

Late recovery period

The late recovery period lasts about 3-4 months. Conventionally, recovery at this stage can be classified into three groups: Prevention of contracture. Prevention of shoulder muscle hypertrophy. Normalization of motor activity and endurance training. In addition to exercise therapy, massage, swimming, and physiotherapy (electrophoresis, phonophoresis) are indicated. As soon as the fixing bandage is removed, special attention should be paid to strengthening the muscles. After immobilization of the shoulder joint is completed, it is recommended to wear a weak fixation bandage, this will prevent damage to the joint capsule. To normalize motor activity, exercises with a gymnastic stick, ball, and static exercises with a constant increase in load are recommended. Over three months of exercise, the patient must increase the range of motion so that the flexion of the operated arm occurs at 140-150°, abduction - 130-140. At the end of the third month of the recovery period, you need to add power loads. Exercises with dumbbells, expanders, sticks, balls, etc. are recommended. Maximum weight – no more than 3 kg. You need to start at a slow pace, and if there is no pain or discomfort, constantly increase it.

Pre-training and training period

This period starts from 3-5 months. This depends on the complexity of the pathological process and the scale of the operation. This period is especially important for those who play sports professionally. The direction and nature of physical activity depends on the sports specialization. The main goal of the pre-workout and training period is to restore full load and regain endurance. As for professional competitions, the athlete can begin them no earlier than one year after the arthroscopy of the shoulder joint. You should also pay special attention to the shoulder braces - bandages. They are an integral attribute in the rehabilitation process.

Classification of dressings

Bandages are divided into groups according to certain parameters:

  • by duration of use – temporary and permanent;
  • by purpose - pressing, strengthening (bandage, adhesive and plaster) and immobilizing (plaster and splint);
  • according to the method of fastening - adhesives, stickers, bandages (mesh, gauze, tubular-mesh, fabric). In addition, sling-shaped, scarf (gauze or fabric) and T-shaped;
  • according to the properties of the material - hard and soft;
  • method of application - spiral, circular, spicate, intersecting, etc.

Some types of dressings contain composite materials, such as plaster, as well as solid elements (splints, splints, etc.), which help improve fixation of the damaged part of the body. In addition, the bandage can be contour, scarf, mesh and tensor, etc. Proper bandaging looks neat, does not cause discomfort to the patient and completely covers the injured limb.

Indications and contraindications

A product such as an orthosis and its fastening to the area of ​​the human wrist joint is used at a time when contraindications in the form of purulent inflammation, tumors at the site of use of the orthosis, as well as diseases for which hyperthermia is prohibited are not identified.

In case of injury to the wrist joint, it is possible to use light and medium rigidity orthoses with varying degrees of fixation for:

  • joint bruises;
  • injured ligaments;
  • progression of arthrosis;
  • during recovery after fixing joints with a plaster bandage, after surgical interventions.

Bandages secure and relieve stress on the wrist joints. They are used in certain cases:

  • as a therapy for osteochondropathy;
  • for recovery after ligament injuries and bruises of the wrist joint;
  • prevention with increased loads on the injured part of the body;
  • after surgery on a broken joint.

Rigid types of orthoses can be used for the following medical indications:

  • injuries of the wrist ligaments;
  • postoperative recovery period;
  • wrist instability and rheumatism;
  • inflammation in the joint and soft tissues;
  • peripheral nerve neuropathy;
  • excessive loads.

Types of materials

The shoulder brace, made only from cotton or wool, is very comfortable to wear. It does not rub the skin, allows air to pass through well, and has a moderate warming effect. But such an orthosis has a significant drawback - when worn, it quickly stretches, loses elasticity, and ceases to reliably fix the diseased joint. Extend service life by washing in cool water and drying on horizontal surfaces.

Medical devices made of neoprene are inexpensive and do not lose their healing properties with prolonged use. Synthetic material reliably retains heat in the shoulder. Thanks to the warming effect in damaged tissues:

  • blood circulation accelerates;
  • metabolic processes and regeneration are normalized.

But neoprene practically does not allow air and moisture to pass through, which negatively affects the condition of the skin. The problem is solved by lifting thin cotton or linen clothing.

Polyester and elastin combine all the positive qualities of neoprene, cotton and wool. They do not stretch when washed, are moisture- and breathable, and hypoallergenic. But they have one drawback - the high price.

The history of the appearance of the Deso bandage

Pierre Joseph Desaud is recognized as the best surgeon and anatomist of his time in France. Despite the fact that the government did not like him and arrested him several times, he was called to help the seriously ill King Louis XVII. However, the doctor was unable to help his patient. He died the next day, after a trip to the palace. Rumors circulated for a long time in Paris that he was deliberately poisoned, and the death of the great physician was not accidental. Nobody knows what really happened, but in the official historical version, the autopsy of the body was performed by Pierre Deszo's student, Marie François Xavier Bichat. He denied the version of his teacher’s murder and confirmed his natural death.

The Deso bandage was named after this French surgeon. Its first versions began to appear in 1780-1795, when Pierre Joseph Desault developed a technique for treating a fractured collarbone. Previously, the bandage was adjusted using a special technology based on elastic bandages. Now many manufacturers of bandage products, such as Medtextile, Trives, Rehabilitimed, have a ready-made substitute for the Deso bandage on the shoulder joint, which is easy to put on, convenient to use, and more effective in treatment.

Types of fixing devices

Shoulder braces vary in design complexity, indications for use, price and even availability. Devices designed for weak fixation can be found on the shelves of pharmacies and medical equipment stores. But orthoses for immobilizing large areas of the shoulder and chest can be purchased upon pre-order. Measurements are taken of the length of the shoulder, the circumference of the biceps, and the height of the person is necessarily taken into account. Structural rigidity is important for proper restoration of the structures of the shoulder joint. In accordance with this parameter, bandage devices are classified as follows:

  • soft. In the manufacture of such fixing devices, elastic materials that allow air to pass through were used. Soft orthoses securely fix the shoulder joint, slightly limiting its mobility. They are suitable for constant wear and rarely cause allergic reactions;
  • semi-rigid. Their design contains metal or plastic inserts to firmly fix the joint. These devices are intended to be worn during the treatment of acute or chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Traumatologists recommend the use of semi-rigid structures during the rehabilitation period after dislocations and subluxations of the clavicle, ligament ruptures;
  • hard. These are the most reliable fixing devices that firmly immobilize the shoulder joint. Orthoses consist of metal and plastic parts fastened into a rigid structure. They are necessary to wear after dislocations with ruptures of tendons and ligaments, and complex fractures.

Bandages for the shoulder joint are classified depending on their purpose.


Soft shoulder orthoses are used as a preventive measure in case of risk of injury. They are used by athletes or people with mild joint diseases. They are very comfortable, invisible under clothes, and do not lose their supporting ability even with frequent washing. Such medical devices provide the necessary level of compression on joint structures, including ligaments, tendons and muscles.

The most commonly used support bandage is the Deso bandage. The bent arm is immobilized by one or two straps thrown over the shoulder and a wide clamp. The Deso bandage is used only for medicinal purposes and is not suitable for prevention.


Fixation devices are usually semi-rigid structures with plates, splints, or hinges that cover specific areas of the shoulder and forearm. They securely hold the joint, ensuring the restoration of damaged tissue. When using such an orthosis, the possibility of moving the arm or moving the shoulder to the side is completely excluded. And with the help of hinges you can set the required angle between the arm and the shoulder joint.


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Restrictive movements

The device completely covers the injured shoulder and upper forearm. Complete immobilization is also ensured by a wide belt, which is threaded from the opposite side of the body. Despite the strength of the structure, the bandage is thin and invisible under clothing. The length of the belt can be adjusted to set the desired range of motion. Traumatologists recommend wearing them to patients after surgery on the collarbone after its dislocation or fracture.

Type of shoulder braceprice, rub.
Ottobock 5055 Shoulder bandage made of thermoregulating material Acro Comfort8800
Ecoten FPS-01 Compression bandage fixing the shoulder joint2500
Shoulder bandage with mobility limitation function, left Medi Omomed5500
Warming shoulder bandage Ottobock 71265900
Shoulder support bandage Kerchief Trives T-8102500
Bandage fixing the shoulder joint (Dezo bandage) T-81011100
Shoulder bandage ORTO ASR 206 right2450

Operation stages

The operation is performed under general endotracheal anesthesia.

After cutting the skin, the joint capsule is removed and the joint is exposed.

All damaged fragments of bone tissue and scar tissue are excised.

The components of the prosthesis are attached to the humerus and to the articular surface of the scapula. Fixation of the endoprosthesis is possible using special bone cement, or by tightly installing it into the bone (press-fit method). In the latter case, screws are additionally used for fastening to the blade.

Next, all soft tissues are sutured in layers. A bandage is applied.

A drainage is left in the wound for 1-2 days - a thin tube through which blood and discharge from the surgical wound drain.

An x-ray is taken to monitor the correct installation of the endoprosthesis.

Bandages and orthoses for the shoulder joint

Bandages and orthoses for the shoulder joint are special orthopedic products that allow you to fix the shoulder in a given position, making it physically impossible for it to be abducted in an undesirable (based on the characteristics of the injury) direction.

The distinction between shoulder braces and orthoses is not always clear, due to the wide variety of models, but in general, braces are more often used to fix the shoulder and forearm in their natural position, and orthoses are designed to fix the shoulder and forearm at a strictly specified angle.

Types of braces and orthoses for the shoulder

In addition to the main classification, shoulder braces/orthoses can be divided into groups according to the form in which the product is made:

  1. Limiting. Do not allow the limb to be abducted to the side greater than the established limit (angle). As a rule, they leave the possibility of limited use of the hand, and only protect the patient from random sudden movements, which are undesirable until complete recovery. They are used for bruises, sprained muscles or ligaments, mild dislocations, as well as during the rehabilitation period after healing of a fracture.
  2. Immobilizing. They make it possible to completely immobilize the shoulder joint, acting as a replacement for an obsolete plaster cast. Used for fractures, severe dislocations and tissue ruptures.
  3. Corrective. Allows you to set and subsequently adjust the permissible length of flexion and abduction angle of the limb. They are used during the rehabilitation period of the shoulder after severe injuries.

All orthopedic products designed to fix the shoulder and forearm after injury are divided into three main groups:

  1. Outlet bus. A means for immobilizing a joint and fixing a limb at a strictly specified angle.
  2. Headband. Helps to partially immobilize and at the same time relieve the shoulder joint, taking on the weight of the upper limb.
  3. Anatomical design. The product follows the anatomical contours of the shoulder and forearm, creating a minimum of comfort for daily wear.

Also, braces and orthoses for the shoulder are divided into right- and left-sided, and according to the degree of rigidity of the product itself - into soft, semi-rigid and hard.

How to choose a shoulder orthosis and brace

To select the correct size shoulder brace or brace, you may need the following measurements:

  • full height of the patient;
  • chest circumference;
  • arm length from shoulder to elbow joint;
  • length of the arm from the elbow to the middle of the hand;
  • circumference of the forearm and hand.

The results of the measurements obtained will need to be compared with a size chart from a specific manufacturer in order to select the required orthopedic product within the dimensions of a specific brand.

Recommendations for use and care

Wear the brace strictly as directed by your doctor. Observe the hourly schedule and duration of wearing. If you need to remove it, do it as carefully as possible, it is better to have someone help you. Do not make sudden movements. Do not put the bandage on wet skin, including after applying various creams or ointments. Wait until they are completely absorbed. Please read the instructions carefully. As a rule, they clearly show how to properly put on and secure the bandage. To ensure that the bandage does not lose its properties and does not change visually, follow a few simple requirements. It is advisable to wash by hand; it is not recommended to use a washing machine. The maximum water temperature is 30 degrees. Use only gentle washing powders or gels. This product must not be ironed.

Rules for applying a bandage to the shoulder joint

It is better to apply fixing bandages to underwear. They should contain only natural fabrics. You should not pre-smear the skin with ointments or gels. If there are skin diseases or open injuries, the use of a bandage with fixation is contraindicated.

The bandages should not become loose, slip or press.

The time for wearing bandages varies from 3-4 weeks, in children - slightly less. After removal, it is recommended to develop the limb - physical therapy and physiotherapy.

There are many bandages that can be applied to the shoulder. But there are certain rules for everyone:

  • before applying a bandage, wash your hands thoroughly under running water and soap or wipe them with a disinfectant wipe;
  • place the victim in the most comfortable position for him, while the position of the injured limb must correspond to the position of the patient;
  • During the bandaging process, constantly monitor the patient’s facial expression: if pain appears, correct the tension of the bandage;
  • if possible, immobilize the bandaged area to avoid displacement of bone fragments, if any, during the process of applying the bandage;
  • always bandage from the periphery to the center, to the right, the bandage roller is in the right hand, the left holds the bandaged area;
  • start with a fastening turn of the bandage - it is applied at a slight angle. During the second round, secure the protruding end of the bandage and wrap the bandage again for security;
  • each subsequent turn should cover the previous one by two-thirds: this way the bandage will not become loose or slip;
  • When applying a bandage, do not twist the bandage or bandage it too tightly - this will impair blood circulation in the affected limb and significantly slow down the healing process.

After applying the bandage, check to see if the fingers or toes have turned blue, and if so, loosen the tension of the bandage.

How to properly apply and wear retainers

Orthoses should only be applied by a doctor.

Depending on the degree of tissue damage, soft orthoses are prescribed for permanent use (around the clock, without removing), and for “temporary” (removed at night or put on only when there is a load on the wrist joint - while working at a PC, playing a musical instrument, or playing sports).

What kind of orthosis for fixing the arm is needed in a particular case can only be determined by an orthopedic traumatologist.

Basic rules for wearing orthoses:

  1. The limb and/or joint is fixed in an anatomically correct position.
  2. You cannot put on or take off orthoses yourself, without the permission of the attending physician.

ORDEKT thermoplastic orthoses are moisture resistant. They can be used for water procedures, including swimming in a pool or ponds. They are easy to clean with a sponge and running water with the addition of detergent. To avoid damaging the coating, the orthosis should not be rubbed with hard devices.

Orthoses made of low-temperature plastic provide:

  • Rest of the joint.
  • Load distribution on bones, ligaments and joints.
  • Fast rehabilitation.
  • Supporting normal blood supply to all tissues of the hand for their better regeneration.
  • Elimination of pathological mobility of bone fragments during a fracture.
  • Rapid resolution of pain, swelling and inflammation.
  • Reducing relapses in habitual dislocations, rheumatoid arthritis, degenerative and inflammatory joint diseases.

Orthopedic products fix the arm in its natural position, which promotes proper fusion of bones and regeneration of ligaments.

How to apply tape to a shoulder

◩ The shoulder joint is rotated inward. We apply tape to the collarbone in the middle. The tension is half as great.

◪ Glued along the front of the shoulder joint, gradually moving it back.

◩ Next, the joint rotates outward.

◪ Glue the beginning of the next tape to the line leading from the shoulder blade to the shoulder.

◩ Also, the degree of tension is not more than 50%.

◪ The main application is on the back of the shoulder, gradually bringing the tape forward.

◩ The third tape is applied on top of the first 2, starting from the surface of the neck. The direction is slightly forward.


Patients with shoulder instability may have few or no symptoms. With atraumatic shoulder instability, the first symptom may be partial shoulder dislocation or pain in the shoulder during or after performing certain movements. With post-traumatic instability, the patient usually reports the presence of specific painful injuries that caused problems in the joint. Usually we are talking about dislocation (dislocation or subluxation), often this occurs with a combination of abduction and external rotation during injury. After an injury, the patient may experience pain during certain activities and also afterward while resting (especially at night or early in the morning). In addition, the patient experiences sensations in the shoulder that he has not observed before.

Patients with shoulder instability may notice a clicking or other sensation in the shoulder when performing certain movements. The patient may also notice decreased muscle strength in the affected shoulder and a feeling of weakness during certain movements (for example, moving an arm overhead). Patients may also experience tenderness in the anterior and posterior aspect of the shoulder joint and a fear of dislocating the joint when performing throwing movements. Patients may also experience pain and a feeling of joint displacement when sleeping on the affected side. In severe cases of shoulder instability, patients often experience repeated episodes of subluxation or dislocation of the joint. These episodes may be accompanied by pain, sometimes complete numbness of the shoulder, which usually lasts a few minutes. In these cases, or in cases of multivector shoulder instability, patients may self-inflict dislocation. In more severe cases, dislocations can be caused by even minimal movements, such as yawning or turning over in bed.

Shoulder Taping Tips

It is necessary to bandage the shoulder joint in case of dislocations, fractures or other injuries. The most common use of a bandage is to ensure that the bandage holds firmly, does not press, but does not slip, it must perform its functions correctly, the bandage must be applied correctly to the shoulder.

Basic Rules:

  1. The bandage should be applied firmly, but not put pressure. The part of the body to be bandaged must be accessible. Bandaging is always done from left to right. When drawing a circle around the shoulder, it becomes clear that crossing the tape is required. It is produced in a spiral or figure eight.
  2. To carry out dressing, a wounded person needs to be provided with reliable support in a static position, without bending back. This is provided by one more person. The shoulder can be supported under the elbow if there is no reliable support.
  3. When applying a bandage, you must stand facing the victim, hold the bandage in your right hand, and hold its initial edge with your left. The bandage should be pulled evenly over the entire shoulder to avoid wrinkles. For dressing, you should choose a wide bandage.
  4. A bandage is applied to the shoulder joint in a spica-shaped manner, as it is the most durable and effective. The bandaging begins from the upper third of the joint, the upper turn passes through it, the lower turn - in the armpit on the opposite side of the wounded arm. Then in front along the chest and joint, moving the tape under the armpit on the sore side, overlapping in the shoulder area, return the bandage to the armpit of the healthy side. This is done several times until the shoulder joint is completely covered with tape tissue. The extended edge of the bandage is attached to the upper third of the shoulder along with the initial edge brought out from under the bandage.

The video shows how to apply a bandage to the shoulder joint:

Preparing for surgery

First, a consultation with an orthopedic traumatologist is necessary, during which the doctor assesses the clinical situation, the condition of the joint, the general physical health of the patient, examines X-ray images and, together with the patient, decides on the need and possibility of shoulder replacement.
The list of preoperative examinations usually includes:

  • X-ray of the shoulder joint in 2 projections
  • CT scan
  • Electroneuromyography (according to indications)
  • Fluorography of the chest organs
  • ECG
  • General clinical examinations of blood and urine
  • Biochemical blood test with liver tests, assessment of kidney function, coagulogram
  • Testing for standard infections (syphilis, HIV and viral hepatitis)
  • Determination of blood group and Rh factor

To make an appointment with a doctor

Why do doctors prescribe orthopedic bandages?

When prescribing the wearing of a bandage, orthopedists and rheumatologists pursue the following goals:

  • Fix the sore joint.

If a person is already undergoing treatment for arthrosis of the knee joint, it is important to stop the progression of the disease. There will be no acute pain in the fixed joint, since accidental inaccurate movements are excluded.

  • Limit joint movement.

Relevant after surgery, for example, endoprosthetics, and after injuries. Only rigid bandages are suitable for these purposes.

  • Remove the load from the damaged joint.

Arthrosis is often accompanied by exacerbation and inflammation. During such periods, a properly selected bandage relieves unbearable acute pain.

  • Prevention.

Athletes and people who subject their joints to heavy physical activity will never hurt to fix their joints to avoid sprains and injuries. If the orthopedist recommended that the patient lose weight due to excess weight, he will probably be prescribed to wear bandages to prevent the development or progression of arthrosis.

Bandages are prescribed for arthrosis and for its prevention

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