Nordic walking with coxarthrosis: is it possible to do this sport?

Lifestyle with coxarthrosis

In addition to the basic recommendations on physical activity, nutrition, and water regime, you should choose the right furniture for yourself, or rather chairs or armchairs, so that the knee joints are lower than the hip joints.

The doctor will definitely advise you to walk. The duration depends on how you feel at the time of the walk. Shoes must be special orthopedic or a high-quality model with the correct comfortable sole, soft top, and without heels. For arthrosis of any joint in the lower extremities, high heels are contraindicated.

Proper nutrition

It is necessary to remove simple carbohydrates from the diet so as not to gain weight and not create additional stress on the joints. If arthrosis begins in the hip joint, it can also affect the knee joint, so you need to be on alert.

Products containing gelatin - jellied meat, fruit jelly - are of great importance. Gelatin helps joints receive the necessary nutrients to restore cartilage and bone tissue, in particular collagen.

Water regime - at least 1.5 liters of clean still water per day, not counting tea and compotes. Coffee should be avoided as it dehydrates the body and interferes with the absorption of calcium. As an option, drink a glass of plain water before a cup of coffee, but not more than once a day.

The doctor may prescribe additional medications to replenish the reserves of chondroitin and glucosamine in the body. These products must be taken regularly so that the nutrition of the cartilage is not disturbed. Physical activity will help speed up metabolism and ensure access of nutrients to the joint.

Therapeutic gymnastics and sports

You will have to give up professional sports with arthrosis of the hip joints if they are associated with strength loads: weightlifting, bodybuilding, long-distance running.

The risk of developing coxarthrosis increases in people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, as the hip joint receives less nutrition and oxygen. The tissues experience starvation and are gradually destroyed. To stop the process, it is necessary to regularly perform a set of exercises to develop bone joints. You can consult your doctor about what movements to do and how many times a day. The Internet describes the author's methods aimed at treating and restoring the functions of the hip joint: V. Gitt, S. Bubnovsky, P. Evdokimenko. There are many videos in the public domain with techniques for performing exercises for coxarthrosis of the hip joint. If any movements cause pain, you need to abandon them or perform them half-heartedly. After exercise, you should get a massage or take a warm bath to relieve pain and relax your muscles.

Exercise therapy programs are selected in such a way as to make the joint move, strengthen the muscle corset, tendons and ligaments. Movement provides blood flow, which supplies nutrients to the joint capsule.

  • Nordic walking for arthrosis of the knee joint

Patients with coxarthrosis benefit from practicing yoga for several reasons:

  • all movements are performed slowly, with elements of static load, which gently tones the muscles;
  • Meditation during exercise helps relieve muscle and psychological tension.

Callanetics is a modern version of yoga - a set of 29 stretching exercises that are extremely uncomfortable to perform. Such movements do not occur in ordinary life, so at first they cause discomfort and pain. Callanetics is useful for people who are overweight. It is based on static movements, therefore it is indicated for people with heart problems in which increased physical activity is excluded.

For coxarthrosis of the hip joint it is not recommended:

  • engage in fitness, as training involves sudden movements with a large amplitude, jumping, running;
  • play football, because this sport is associated with increased stress on the lower limbs, which is undesirable;
  • Alpine skiing is a traumatic form of physical activity.

It is not recommended to perform exercises during an exacerbation of the disease, when severe pain is felt. For high blood pressure and heart failure, it is recommended to give preference to static exercises, dosing the load.


At stages 1 and 2 of the disease, it is useful to combine physical exercise with swimming. This sport reduces axial load and tones all the muscles in the human body. Depending on the degree of mobility of the joint, the swimming style is chosen:

  • with good mobility, you can swim breaststroke, spreading your legs to the sides;
  • if the joint has limited movement, choose freestyle.

In the third stage, it is difficult for a person to get to the pool, but he feels better in the water, since the body weight in the aquatic environment decreases and pain is felt less.


Walking should be done several times a day, without overstraining the body and the joints themselves. The load is distributed evenly; if necessary, you must use a cane. The benefit of walking for coxarthrosis of the hip joint is to saturate the whole body with oxygen. Many doctors recommend doing breathing exercises while walking, which involves activating the diaphragm. Most people breathe only in the upper part of the lungs, the rest is not used, so the body initially receives little oxygen, and there is not enough for all processes.

Shoes must be specifically selected based on the structure of the foot. First, determine how the arch of the foot is located: to do this, you need to stand on paper with wet feet, then trace the outline with a pencil and show it in the store so that salespeople can help you choose comfortable sneakers. Comfortable shoes are not always helpful, as they do not prevent the foot from being in the wrong position. The right shoes, on the contrary, straighten the foot, reducing the load on the spine and joints.

Many patients enjoy Nordic walking for coxarthrosis of the hip joints. This is a kind of training for all the muscles of the body. Benefits of classes:

  • 90% of muscles are involved;
  • burns twice as many calories as normal walking;
  • The muscles of the upper and lower extremities work simultaneously.

Walking with special support devices requires prior mastery of the technique. It is recommended to first watch the video, which clearly demonstrates how to correctly distribute body weight. For people with coxarthrosis, it will be easier to move with sticks, since part of the load falls on the hands.

Riding a bicycle and motorcycle

Cycling with coxarthrosis of the hip joints of 1st and 2nd degree on a flat surface is not contraindicated, since the joint is unloaded and works as best it can. It may be difficult to climb uphill, in which case you need to use the bike carefully and adjust the speed in a timely manner.

  • Walking with arthrosis of the knee joint. Useful or not?

When riding a motorcycle, movement is replaced by vibration emanating from the engine. This is a kind of massage of the lower extremities. When traveling regularly, such as biker runs, you need to listen to your feelings. Perhaps long rides will be harmful, but short-term driving around the city will not harm.

Visiting the sauna

Physiotherapy is used in the treatment of arthrosis. The thermal method is one of the most useful. Here it is necessary to observe moderation. Optimal temperatures are up to 42 - 45 degrees. Steaming with coxarthrosis of the hip joint is not prohibited. The time spent in the sauna at temperatures up to 45 degrees is about 20 minutes. At temperatures up to 80 degrees – 10 minutes.

Thermal effects accelerate blood circulation in the vessels, facilitating the flow of nutrients into the joint capsule. Combine a bath with swimming and massage. The number of procedures per month is from 3 to 5.

Sex life

Sexual life with coxarthrosis is not stopped. The exception is stage 3 of the disease, in which movements in the joint cause pain. The most common obstacle is a depressed psychological state and fear of pain, which prevents you from focusing on your own feelings.

If hip arthrosis is diagnosed, you should be creative. It is necessary to choose the most comfortable position for sex and introduce your partner to the nuances of sensations. You need to look at intimate life as a way to get rid of pain. Mobility during sex should be limited, especially if it causes discomfort. Before sexual intercourse, you can use additional relaxing procedures: massage or warm bath.


Massage should not cause acute pain.
It is useful to combine massage procedures with water or gymnastics exercises. At the same time, they take vitamin complexes, vasodilators and anti-inflammatory drugs. Massage is practiced by chiropractors, restoring and strengthening the correct position of the spine relative to the hip bones.

The session is carried out using folk or pharmaceutical ointments, enhancing their penetration into the joint capsule using various techniques: tapping, rubbing.

After endoprosthetics, massage procedures begin to be performed after a rehabilitation period, when the patient is able to get back on his feet. This accelerates the growth of bone tissue into the artificial prosthesis material.

Specific types of walking for arthrosis

The complex of exercise therapy for arthrosis of the knee sometimes includes an interesting exercise - walking on your knees. Leaning on the knee joints affected by arthrosis, the person slowly moves forward and backward on the carpet. The torso remains in an upright position, and the back should be flat.

The exercise can be done with arthrosis only in consultation with a doctor. If everything is done correctly, you will feel that the pain has decreased. The ligaments around the joint are strengthened more intensively than during normal walking, since they are directly impacted. Since other muscle groups must be used to perform movements, the entire musculoskeletal system is strengthened.

Not everyone can “walk” on their knees

If you love sports but can't afford to play basketball or volleyball, rock climbing or tennis, switch to walking. Nordic walking in many countries is considered a very exciting activity and arouses a lot of interest among representatives of different age categories. Walk a lot and have fun - your joints will thank you!

Therapeutic recommendations

Coxarthrosis is treated with courses of hyaluronic acid injections. Benefits of the procedure:

  • Hyaluronic acid is a safe substance, since it is produced by one’s own body and is an integral part of synovial fluid, which is becoming less and less in the joint space, the processes of friction and cartilage breakdown are intensifying. Several injections restore the amount of fluid and reduce friction.
  • It takes 1 – 2 courses per year to relieve constant pain.

Plasmaphoresis is a safe treatment method in which the patient’s plasma is injected into the joint, which triggers tissue regeneration processes. At the same time, you can not abuse painkillers, which negatively affect other organs and systems.

  • Massage for coxarthrosis of the hip joint: rules of implementation, contraindications, self-massage

Patients are advised to periodically visit sanatoriums. Treatment at resorts is comprehensive. The climate, which helps reduce pain, is important. Salty sea water can open pores on the skin and replenish mineral deficiencies in the body. In addition, physical activity during swimming helps improve overall well-being. Sunlight stimulates the formation of vitamin D, which is necessary for the absorption of calcium.

The benefits of swimming in the treatment and prevention of arthritis

The disease is accompanied by inflammation of the joints due to infectious diseases, metabolic disorders and injuries. When bacteria penetrate the joint cavity, infectious arthritis develops. When biochemical metabolic processes in the body are disrupted, metabolic arthritis occurs.

Swimming for arthritis is the only type of physical activity allowed during the acute course of the disease. The water cools the joints, which significantly reduces pain and swelling. Regular exercise in the pool promotes massage of the periarticular tissues, which leads to the outflow of lymph. Swimming also improves the metabolic process in the body, thereby eliminating the cause of the development of pathology.

Great importance when practicing swimming should be given to the level of load. Intense training is contraindicated for joint diseases. The slightest pain in the knee should be a reason to stop exercising.

When moving in water, all the muscles of the body are involved, so such training is the most effective method of treating and preventing arthritis, as well as other diseases. When immersed in water, there is no compression of the joints, so a person is able to perform various exercises without pain and discomfort. The main condition for proper training is water temperature. For joint diseases, hypothermia is highly discouraged.

The duration and intensity of classes are determined individually, depending on the stage of the disease, the patient’s age and level of physical fitness. During the remission stage, the duration of swimming increases, and you can also visit the pool more often. But with acute arthritis, the load is reduced to minimal or absent altogether.

Swimming can significantly strengthen certain muscle groups, which is very important for joint diseases. Recommended methods of movement in the water are breaststroke and freestyle. If it is impossible to swim in a specific way, or if movement coordination is impaired, training can be carried out by practicing individual swimming elements.

Recommended set of exercises for swimming in the pool for arthritis of the joints:

  1. Alternately move your legs (up and down) while in the water on your back (with your hands you should hold onto the handrail or side).
  2. Movement-bicycle. Being in a similar position, the legs bend at the knees alternately.
  3. You need to grab the handrail in the water with your toes, then bend and straighten your knees at the same time.
  4. Relaxation: push off from the side with bent legs and lie on your back in the water.

This set of exercises is basic. Regular performance of the elements will restore the mobility of defective joints and improve well-being. With a good level of physical fitness, more complex movements in the water are performed. Physical therapy is one of the components in the treatment of arthritis. You should also adhere to certain dietary rules and undergo physical therapy courses. Regular exercise reduces the risk of developing joint inflammation.

What you have to forget about with coxarthrosis

Prohibited foods for coxarthrosis
In order not to worsen the situation, you will have to completely give up alcohol. This substance has a depressant effect on the nervous system, as the absorption of B vitamins is impaired. Vitamin B1 affects the condition and function of muscles, which are conductors of nutrients to the joints. With muscle spasms, the function and elasticity of blood vessels are disrupted, in which blood clots or cholesterol plaques can form.

Alcohol has a negative effect on the digestive system, especially on the liver and pancreas, which are involved in the breakdown of food. The proper nutrition of bone and cartilage tissue depends on how well the digestive organs work. The exception is tinctures, rubs or ointments made with alcohol. In small doses, alcohol has a warming effect, which does not harm the joints.

Therapy for coxarthrosis (damage to the joints of the pelvis and hip) necessarily contains exercise therapy. In addition to special complexes, the patient can engage in certain sports. One of these is Nordic walking (NS). This technique helps strengthen muscles with minimal stress on joints. Is it possible to do Nordic walking for coxarthrosis as self-medication? You will find the answer in our article.


Nordic walking

It’s not every day that we manage to lead an active lifestyle, but of course, a combination of physical inactivity, poor nutrition, disruption of work and rest, together with bad habits can lead to a number of serious diseases.


It’s not every day that we manage to lead an active lifestyle, but, of course, the combination of physical inactivity, poor nutrition, disruption of work and rest, together with bad habits can lead to a number of serious diseases.

  • on the part of the cardiovascular system, this can manifest itself as hypertension, myocardial infarction, unstable angina;
  • from the endocrine system - obesity, diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome;
  • from the musculoskeletal system - osteochondrosis, arthrosis, hernia, etc.
  • from the nervous system - from a banal deterioration in mood, apathy to the development of deep depression.

In the USA, in the 60s, a study was conducted that assessed how employees of those years and today lead an active lifestyle at work, incl. do physical labor.

It turned out that in the previous century, more than 50% of people were engaged in some kind of physical labor at work; currently, less than 20% of the working population is engaged in physical labor at work. It turned out that there was a decrease in calories spent at work by approximately 142 kcal. According to scientists' calculations, it was assumed that as a result the weight would increase to an average of 80 kg, but in fact it turned out that the weight of employees ranged from 90 kg and above.

As a result, another study was carried out in 2003-2004: more than 6,000 participants were taken and their activity was monitored throughout the day using special sensors.

It turned out that more than 50% of the time people are in a static position, namely sitting. As you know, people spend most of their time in a sitting position - in the workplace, in a car or public transport, and many spend their free time either at the computer or watching TV shows, etc., which as a result leads to disorders in the muscular system.

Various muscle groups begin to react, and one of the most important is the iliopsoas muscle, which originates from the anterior surface of the lumbar region, passes through the pelvic floor and is fixed to the lesser trochanter of the femur. With prolonged static load, this muscle tends to shorten.

As a result of this, there is constant tension in the flexor muscles (quadriceps femoris), the gluteal muscles and abdominal muscles are constantly in a relaxed position, and the position of the internal organs gradually changes; a load appears on the cervicothoracic region, kyphosis forms in the thoracic region; The load also occurs on the visual apparatus, headaches and fatigue appear. When a person stands up, the tense muscles begin to change the center of gravity. This manifests itself as poor posture, pain in the lumbar region, hip and knee joints. The result will be a complex effect on the musculoskeletal system, internal organs and systems.

Therefore, we need to find some kind of golden key to our health that can help all organs and systems at once. This key exists and everyone has known it since childhood - this is walking.

There are several types of walking:

  • leisure walking,
  • health-improving
  • sports.

Walking walking has a slower pace - about 3-4 km/h; Race walking is a high-achieving sport included in the Olympic program. And there remains healthy walking, of which Nordic walking is a representative,

which will be discussed.

I would like to start a conversation about Nordic walking with the famous phrase of Jacques Pesce: “The new is the well-forgotten old.” People have always used sticks for support when necessary.

When traveling long distances, travelers, shepherds, and pilgrims always took a staff with them. Two sticks were originally used to facilitate skiing on snow, as can be seen in rock paintings in Russia and Scandinavia from 2000-1500 BC.

In 30-40 years. In the 20th century, Finnish skiers used ski pole walking in the summer. In the 70s, Finnish skier Juha Mieto was the first to include cross-country ski pole races in his summer training program; such athletes were even called “swamp skiers.” But when analyzing the results of the competition, it turned out that the achievements of these athletes are much higher than those who train using the traditional method, and Juha Mieto himself became an Olympic champion in 1976. Ski coach Mauri Repo was the first to substantiate the effectiveness of walking with poles for training athletes in the summer, describing its anatomical and physiological aspects. And the school teacher, later a professor at the Faculty of Sports Sciences, Leena Jaaskeläinen, actively introduced walking with poles in physical education classes since 1966, as an alternative and safe form of physical activity. This was especially true for students exempted from physical education classes.

In 1987, under her leadership, the first public event with a demonstration of walking with ski poles was held at the Olympic Stadium in Helsinki.

Finnish skier Marco Kantaneva played a major role in the development of Nordic walking. Since the 1990s, he has been developing various techniques for walking with poles, and participated in the development of special poles and a “boot” for asphalt pavement. In 1997, special poles for Nordic walking were released, and this year is considered the year of the emergence of Nordic Walking, in the same year the Nordic Walking Federation (ONWF) was organized. Gradually, Nordic walking moved from Finland to Scandinavia, Europe, and from there to the USA, Saudi Arabia, China and Russia. Today, more than 12 million people in the world are engaged in agriculture, and in Russia there are already more than 2 million “Scandinavians”

In 1992, the first study was conducted in Oregon, which involved 86 overweight women. They were divided into three groups: the first group did standard aerobics, the second group did walking, and the third group did Nordic walking. The purpose of the study was to assess exercise tolerance, muscle endurance and “quality of life” of the participants. After 12 weeks, it was proven that the parameters of physical fitness (in metabolic units), muscle endurance (assessed by dynamometers) and “quality of life” (mood swings were noted in a specially designed questionnaire). According to the testing results, it was Nordic walking that took first place in these indicators, after which a number of more studies were conducted. It was found that as a result of using special sticks, the shoulder girdle is included in the work, due to the involvement of more muscles (80-90%), kcal loss increases, muscle tone improves, and efficiency and safety for many categories of athletes increases. SH began to be used as metabolic training, prevention and treatment of dorsopathies.

In 2010, Nordic walking officially appeared in Russia, schools and clubs for Nordic walking enthusiasts are actively opening, and in recent years this direction has begun to be considered as a method of exercise therapy and rehabilitation. International symposiums are actively held to discuss the use of Nordic walking in cardiac rehabilitation, treatment of diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, treatment of children with bronchial asthma, women with urinary tract diseases, people with gerontological diseases


Nordic walking is the optimal and most physiological type of aerobic physical activity for healthy people and people with health problems, including those without training experience and the elderly.

It has virtually no contraindications and does not require special equipment, but compared to regular walking, it is a more complex coordination type of physical activity.

With regular physical activity, the body's resistance to the influence of unfavorable environmental factors, as well as those associated with psycho-emotional stress, increases.

Against the background of general improvement of the body, optimal physical activity helps to increase the functional reserves of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, reduces morbidity and, therefore, mortality of the population.

The effectiveness of Nordic walking has been confirmed by numerous scientific studies confirming the effective functioning of the muscles of the upper limbs during training.

Nordic walking retains all the advantages of regular walking over another type of popular exercise - running, which is especially important for people with health conditions, including cardiovascular diseases, obesity, joint and back pain, and the elderly.

Compared to running, any walking does not have a large “impact” load on the spine and joints,

severe shortness of breath, excessive increase in blood pressure and pulse. The use of special poles during Nordic walking reduces the load on the joints and spine by 15%, connects the muscles of the upper limbs, shoulder girdle and torso to work, increasing the body’s energy consumption and thereby increasing the metabolic effect.

Nordic walking is a more balanced and more energy-intensive form of exercise than running. When running, mainly the leg muscles are involved, 45% of the muscles are involved in the work, and 300 kcal are spent per hour.

When practicing Nordic walking, more than 80% of the body's muscles are involved, and energy consumption per hour is 700 kcal.

According to these indicators, Nordic walking surpasses even cycling, which uses only half the muscles of the body, and energy consumption is 500 kcal. Due to the active work of the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle during exercise, the cervical and cervicothoracic spine is strengthened.

Nordic walking is an effective and safe form of physical rehabilitation for patients with cardiovascular diseases, since during exercise its reserves increase: the stroke volume of the heart, minute volume of blood circulation, and physical performance increase.

It has been proven that outdoor exercise increases the synthesis of endorphins and serotonin.

A study was also conducted among people susceptible to depression confirming that outdoor activities restore strength faster and reduce stress and depression.

Many years of research have proven that with proper training, Nordic walking exercises have a positive effect on the entire body as a whole.

From the cardiovascular side - economization of myocardial work (decrease in heart rate at rest and increase in stroke volume), increase in elasticity and density of the vascular wall, decrease and normalization of blood pressure, decrease in cholesterol levels, stimulation of extracardiac circulatory factors (diaphragm, gastrocnemius and soleus muscles), improvement of blood supply to organs.

On the part of the nervous system – improvement of cerebral circulation, normalization of excitation and inhibition processes, expansion of the plasticity of the nervous system, beneficial effect on mental activity, formation of permanent motor skills, development of dexterity, speed and accuracy of movements.

Muscular system - improving muscle nutrition, increasing the intensity of redox processes, increasing the number of mitochondria in cells, thickening and increasing the strength of ligaments and tendons, improving communication between internal organs and systems (proprioception).

Skeletal system - increasing the strength of bones, compacting cartilage tissue, increasing the range of motion in joints, improving musculoskeletal function, ensuring the anatomically correct position of internal organs (discussed above using the example of a position at the workplace).

From the senses – the development of proprioceptive sensitivity (perception of one’s body in space), the inclusion of deep muscle stabilizers.

Genitourinary system – improved excretory function, improved regulation of acid-base balance, improved blood supply to the kidneys.

Digestive system - increased secretory function, increased gastrointestinal motility, improved nutrition of the walls of the stomach and intestines, increased insulin resistance.

Respiratory system - increase in vital capacity (increase in the captured volume of oxygen), decrease in respiratory rate, increase in blood oxygen saturation.

Thus, we can conclude that Nordic walking is comprehensively useful, accessible regardless of gender and age, and can be used as an alternative type of physical activity in physical education classes in schools.

Nordic walking actively develops such qualities as strength, agility, flexibility, endurance and speed.

Nordic walking has no special contraindications, except for general contraindications to exercise therapy - ARVI, heart defects, valvular insufficiency grades 3 and 4, hypertension 3.

In any case, having decided to engage in Nordic walking, you must consult with your doctor.

Nordic walking does not require expensive or bulky equipment; you only need special poles, clothing that does not restrict movement, or a tracksuit; shoes should be selected in size and eliminate the possibility of calluses, which is especially important for people with diabetes.

Scandinavian poles are different from ski and trekking poles. They have a special removable lanyard, which is worn like a mitten and conveniently secures the hand; handle made of rubber or cork; the shaft of the stick can be solid or made of several sections. At the bottom there is a metal tip for walking on soft ground and a rubber boot for better shock absorption and reduced shock load on the joints of the upper limbs when walking on hard surfaces. The length of the pole is selected using special formulas, taking into account the walker’s height, health status and training goals.

For a positive effect, the correct technique of the Scandinavian step, determining the target heart rate limits, monitoring your condition before and after the lesson, and competent construction of the workout itself are important. Classes should be conducted under the guidance of an instructor who will teach the correct technique and competently structure the lesson. It has been proven that when all factors are observed, Nordic walking has a positive effect on all body systems.

In Russia, there has been a Voluntary Physical Culture Union for several years, headed by Olympic medalist, seven-time European figure skating champion Irina Slutskaya. The main projects of the Union - “Walk, Russia!”, “Woman and a Healthy Lifestyle”, Irina Slutskaya’s Nordic Walking School, “Live, Conquering Diabetes!”, are taking place throughout Russia with her direct participation.

“Health is the most important thing we have. Preserving and increasing it is our main task. We are convinced that a healthy lifestyle, physical education and sports will help citizens strengthen and maintain their health. And our task is to help them with this” - Irina Slutskaya.

International symposia and Meetings are organized, where doctors, instructors and simply Nordic walking enthusiasts share their experience, research results in the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of various diseases and injuries.

The scientific expert of the Union is a doctor in physical therapy, assistant at the Department of Sports Medicine and Medical Rehabilitation of Sechenov University, head of the Rehabilitation and Recovery Complex of the Scandinavian Health Center, author and director of the Nordic-health project, author and teacher of the Theory and Methods of Nordic Walking program . Instructor in Nordic walking" at the National Institute of Biomedicine, author of Russia's first advanced training course for doctors "Nordic walking in rehabilitation" Kristina Volodina.

The Nordic-health project became one of the first projects in our country to summarize and adapt advanced theoretical and practical developments in the field of Nordic walking. Kristina Andreevna Volodina, for the first time in Russian practice, was able to combine the medical and sports aspects, combined with personal experience in professional sports and coaching, and developed unique methods of training and teaching Nordic walking. All instructors of the Voluntary Physical Education Union project were trained under her leadership.

A Nordic walking course has been opened in Domodedovo, led by medical workers who have undergone special training. You can sign up for a class by phone

The article uses materials from the Nordic-health project with the consent of the author of the project, Kristina Volodina.

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Comprehensive treatment in the center

  • Backache
  • Scoliosis
  • Flat feet
  • Spinal hernia
  • Osteochondrosis
  • Arthrosis
  • Radiculitis
  • Neuralgia
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Heart arythmy
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome

Benefits of CX

CX is understood as recreational walking with special poles. The point is that the sticks are an extension of the upper limbs, so when pushing them off the road, a person uses his arms and legs. SC is actively used to restore patients with:

  • impaired metabolism;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • diseases of the respiratory organs;
  • mental disorders;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

SC is actively used for the treatment of coxarthrosis, since it allows:

  • Use about 90 percent of the muscles in the human body.
  • Unload the affected joint that needs development, but without heavy load.
  • Correct your posture.
  • Get rid of extra pounds. Scientists have proven that walking is 38 percent more energy efficient than regular walking. During a 30-minute walk, a person loses about 280 kcal.
  • Provide the patient with moderate cardio exercise. The pulse rate during SC varies within 15 beats. A walking person experiences disappearance of shortness of breath, stabilization of breathing, strengthening of vascular walls and activation of the most important processes in the body.

Another undeniable advantage of CX is that it is as energy-intensive as running. Only the latter has many contraindications. For example, if a patient has been diagnosed with coxarthrosis of the hip joint, the joints will suffer from impact loads when running. Ultimately, this will lead to a deterioration in the patient’s well-being. The sticks used in SC minimize the negative impact of blows. CX is also one of the safest types of physical activity (provided that the person follows the safety precautions for using poles).

Like any therapeutic method, SC has certain contraindications. It may harm patients suffering from:

  • hypertension or hypertensive crisis;
  • acute infectious disease.

Also, it cannot be used during the rehabilitation period after abdominal surgery.


How to walk correctly with coxarthrosis

SH in our country is considered a relatively new method of treating coxarthrosis. Because of this, more than 87 percent of patients do not know how to move properly with poles. Experts highlight the most common mistakes:

  • holding sticks in hands, lightly touching them to the asphalt;
  • using sticks as canes or crutches;
  • using sticks as additional support when moving.

In order for SC to have the required therapeutic effect, you need to push off the surface with sticks. In this case, the contact of the stick with the ground should be short but energetic.

CX principles:

  1. The right arm is bent at the elbow, slightly moved forward, resting on a clamped stick. The left arm is slightly lowered, the body is tilted. The main weight of the body passes to the right side of the body.
  2. The left foot takes a step forward, the foot lands on the heel. A smooth roll is made from the heel onto the toes. The weight shifts to the left side, but the right hand serves as a support.
  3. The weight shifts completely to the left side. The right leg and cane in the left hand push off the surface. The push is directed first down, then back. The left hand relaxes, the cane does not take part in movement.
  4. The right leg takes a step forward, the left arm is brought forward, rests on the stick, and the body weight is partially transferred to these limbs.
  5. With your left foot and right hand you push off from the surface and move them forward.

As practice shows, only a few patients can independently figure out how to walk correctly. Other patients need several sessions with an instructor.

Important! In order for walking to give a good result, the muscles need to be thoroughly warmed up before training, and then relaxed.

How often can I use CX? Like any complex of therapeutic exercises, SC requires systematic and regular implementation. WHO recommends the use of moderate exercise. Patients who have successfully mastered the technique of therapeutic walking can exercise five times a week for 30 minutes. The pace for the walk is selected individually.

What equipment is needed

Many patients use hiking poles, ski poles, or simply improvised means for CS. This is a gross violation. The effectiveness of farming largely depends on the right equipment, which should be purchased only in specialized stores.

Therapeutic walking sticks are different:

  • A combination of lightness and strength. They are made from high-strength aluminum or metal alloy.
  • Shock-absorbing function, the ability to reduce the force of impacts that occur when the stick comes into contact with the ground. Aluminum performs this task well, but some manufacturers additionally equip their poles with a vibration compensator.
  • Pointed, wear-resistant tips designed for walking on dirt or snow. They also have protective rubber caps that protect the poles from damage when coming into contact with asphalt or other hard surfaces.
  • A reliable locking system that prevents the poles from spontaneously folding under the influence of body weight.

To once again protect yourself from injury, experts advise buying fixed poles. In addition to this element, proper CX equipment consists of:

  • special gloves;
  • trekking socks with stitched heels;
  • comfortable sports shoes.

Shoes should be loose and not restrict movement.

Walking and Walking

Is race walking and walking beneficial for coxarthrosis? As practice shows, the therapeutic effect of these types of exercise therapy is somewhat lower than that of SC. But despite this, these methods allow:

  • keep joints mobile, protect them from damage;
  • maintain muscle tone, prevent the development of malnutrition;
  • maintain natural ligamentous elasticity;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • activate metabolism and nutrition of joints.

Race walking
In addition, leisurely walks have a positive effect on the central nervous system and strengthen the entire body. Due to stress, a person develops muscle and vascular spasms, and hormones that destroy cartilage enter the blood. Walking strengthens the spine, minimizes the development of coxarthrosis and gonarthrosis (damage to the knee joint). Walking also has a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Gonarthrosis of the knee

The initial stage of coxarthrosis allows you to walk for a long time. If the disease is advanced, it is better to minimize exercise therapy.

Note! Hiking and running errands are two different things. If you have coxathrosis, it is strictly forbidden to lift weights, run or walk until acute pain occurs.

How to climb stairs

For people suffering from coxarthrosis, walking up stairs brings severe discomfort. To at least slightly reduce the intensity of pain, you can use a cane. How to move up the stairs correctly in this case?

  1. Use your free hand to hold onto the railing.
  2. When climbing, place your healthy limb and cane on the next step. Leaning on the latter, pull up the affected leg.
  3. When going down, place the cane and the sore limb on the bottom step, and only then the healthy one.
  4. Make sure the cane and leg are in one line.

When climbing stairs, you can use an extension step. This will make your gait slower, but more confident.

Correct walking with a cane

For arthrosis of the hip joint, walking with a cane can be used. The cane reduces the load on the diseased joint by 19-38 percent and slows down the destructive process. But the cane also needs proper use. First of all, you need to choose it correctly. It should be equipped with a comfortable, durable and non-slip handle, sufficient support area and a rubberized tip.

The length of the cane is also very important. To calculate it, you need to measure the distance between the wrist of the lowered hand and the floor. In this case, the person must be wearing the shoes in which he/she will be engaged in SH. If this parameter is selected correctly, when leaning on the cane, the forearm should deviate from the vertical axis by 20 degrees.

Correct use of the cane:

  1. Hold the object with the hand opposite the side of the affected joint.
  2. Bring the cane forward at the same time as the affected limb: this will help transfer body weight to additional support.


Bottom line

Health-improving exercise therapy for coxarthrosis is an excellent type of physical activity that contributes to a speedy recovery of the patient. To increase the therapeutic effect, the patient needs to walk at a moderate pace. The duration of walks depends on the stage of development of the disease. To engage the maximum number of muscles and activate metabolism, you need to use special sticks.

Before you start using CX, you should definitely consult with your doctor and take a training course.

The main method of treating joint damage is. Loads are calculated based on the patient’s physical condition and the degree of illness.

Moderate walking for arthrosis of the hip joint is a therapeutic necessity and is available to all categories of patients. Often this is an obligatory component in a complex of therapeutic exercises.

Clinical anatomy of the hip joint

The hip joint is innervated by the femoral, obturator and sciatic nerves. Although the hip joint is not as flexible as the ball joint or shoulder joint, it is firmly fixed in place. The significant muscles that end at the greater trochanter of the femur are the piriformis, obturator femoris, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus. The significant muscles that end at the lesser trochanter of the femur are the psoas muscle and the iliacus muscle.

Is walking beneficial for coxarthrosis of the hip joint?

Walking is a panacea for almost all health problems. This is the best prevention - it has a positive effect on cardiac activity and the system as a whole, and normal digestion is, in principle, impossible without physical activity. And this effect can be seen throughout the body.

Is walking beneficial for coxarthrosis? Of course – this is exactly how every competent specialist will answer. But before starting classes, you need to undergo an examination, get an accurate diagnosis and recommendations.

Each treatment has its own limitations and nuances, which should be known before starting classes, so as not to harm yourself even more.

After all, arthrosis of the hip joint is a complex disease that in advanced cases leads to disability.

What are the features of the therapeutic load?

Walking with coxarthrosis causes more stress on the joints than staying in a horizontal position, which can accelerate the process of cartilage destruction. At the same time, complete absence of movement will not solve the problem.

The bottom line is that when moving, metabolism accelerates, blood supply improves, which means nutrients are delivered faster to problem areas. It is the lack of nutrition of joint tissues that is one of the main reasons leading to their diseases.

In addition, movement will help maintain muscle tone and prevent cartilage tissue from losing elasticity. These are the main goals pursued by exercise therapy:

  • maintain mobility;
  • increase hemodynamics, that is, blood circulation;
  • activate regeneration processes in the body.

Walking is important even with grade 3 arthrosis of the hip joint.

  1. But with this diagnosis, you should refrain from hiking for many kilometers. You can’t carry heavy objects or bags, but taking a walk near your home is a must.
  2. In this case, a visit to the pool is recommended - swimming reduces the load as much as possible. But, unfortunately, the last stage is often an indication for surgical intervention.

Long walking with coxarthrosis is possible only in the initial stages of the disease. But this does not mean that it should be excluded completely.

In any case, you need to listen to your feelings, mainly to the sore spot. It is attention to yourself and your body that allows you to avoid major health problems in the future.

Why physical therapy is necessary:

  • Helps reduce the severity of pain.
  • Improves the mobility of the affected joint and prevents the formation of contracture. An individually selected program allows you to develop the hip joint and restore full range of motion.
  • Increases the strength of the muscles surrounding the joint. This is a very important point, since the muscles can take on part of the load and provide stability to the joint.
  • Speeds up recovery. Physical activity allows you to quickly return to everyday activities, which is important for social rehabilitation.
  • Helps correct abnormal movement patterns that further contribute to joint destruction.

In addition, exercise therapy is an important stage of recovery after hip replacement surgery. If the patient, for any reason, is unable to perform the exercises, this is a contraindication to endoprosthetics.

Where to start exercise therapy?

It is better to start physical therapy exercises for coxarthrosis with low-intensity loads:

  • Walking. Measured walking at a comfortable pace in the fresh air has a beneficial effect not only on the physical condition, but also on the mood of the patient. For those who have problems with coordination of movements, you can use treadmills in the gym.
  • Exercise on an exercise bike. The good thing about an exercise bike is that, firstly, it can be used at home, and secondly, adjusting the load allows you to slowly and gradually increase muscle strength.
  • Classes in the pool. Exercises in water allow you to unload the joint and increase the range of motion.

Exercises to strengthen muscles

The exercise therapy complex must necessarily include exercises aimed at increasing muscle strength. This will help reduce stress on the joint and improve balance. Strength loads are performed no more than 2 times a week. The complex is determined by the doctor based on the condition of the affected joint.

Stretching exercises for the hip joint

These exercises are carried out to improve the mobility of the joint and restore the amplitude of its movement. They are usually prescribed for coxarthrosis of stage 2 and higher. It is recommended to do it every day. Such exercises will not only restore range of motion, but also improve the ability to move.

Exercises to coordinate movement and improve balance

Exercises help reduce the risk of falling, give confidence when moving, and also allow you to correct pathological postures that inevitably arise with pain in large joints.

Aerobic exercise

Aerobic exercise, or cardio exercise, is an intense workout that significantly increases your heart rate. Such exercises are useful for increasing cardiovascular tolerance and maintaining overall fitness. Patients with osteoarthritis of the hip joint need to be careful during such activities, especially if the disease is at an advanced stage. As part of your workout, you can use brisk walking, exercise on an exercise bike, or swimming.

Aerobic exercise promotes weight loss, which is very important for patients with coxarthrosis. With a decrease in body weight of only 4%, the severity of pain syndrome decreases by 25%. And reducing weight by more than 20% helps reduce the intensity of pain by half.

What can't you do?

It is not advisable to start running if you have hip problems. Moreover, already at grade 2 this is a clear contraindication. When running, the load increases 5 times.

  • Under such pressure, the healing effects will simply not have time to combat tissue destruction.
  • Excessive load inevitably leads to a stressful state, which will most likely lead to new damage.

Therefore, it is necessary to exclude the corresponding sports - running, football, tennis.

You cannot endure and overcome pain. If movements are accompanied by pain, then something is going wrong. Contact a specialist to adjust your treatment program.

Such a pain!

You cannot envy a person suffering from coxarthrosis: severe pain in the hip joint, which can radiate to the knee, the front and side of the thigh, the lower back and even the groin, sometimes interferes not only with walking fully, but also with sitting and lying down.

Eventually it gets to the point where, due to excruciating pain, patients can no longer move independently, which is why they are forced to use special devices - canes, crutches, walkers.

The source of trouble is the destruction of cartilage tissue. At first, microcracks form in it. Over time, as arthrosis progresses, bone growths (osteophytes) form in place of the thinned cartilage tissue. Changes also occur in the tissues surrounding the joint: thickening of the joint capsule, inflammation of the tendon bursae, spastic muscle contraction. The thigh muscles atrophy - they dry out and decrease in volume. This may lead to shortening of the leg.

Support point. What joint diseases threaten young people? More details

What else to treat?

In addition to regular walking, a real effective remedy for coxarthrosis of the hip joint is Nordic walking. Using sticks has several undeniable advantages:

  • Nordic walking for arthrosis provides additional points of support to reduce the load on the joints;
  • muscle work is activated, the back and abs are strengthened;
  • promotes weight loss, which is also necessary during treatment;
  • strengthens the body as a whole.

Thanks to this, we reduce the effect of negative factors and enhance positive ones. This is the essence of any treatment. This method is available to almost everyone and is an excellent prevention.

Any actions aimed at treating a particular disease should be performed only with the permission or advice of the attending physician!

It would not be superfluous to ask him a question: is walking useful for arthrosis of the hip joint in the case of the patient who applied? Each case is individual and may be accompanied by other contraindications.

The doctor may decide that in a particular medical history it would be more correct to prescribe swimming or a combination of walking and visiting the pool. You cannot self-medicate, and the main thing is to remember that the disease can be defeated by following the recommendations and believing in yourself.

If you want to get more information and similar exercises for the spine and joints from Alexandra Bonina, check out the materials on the links below.

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Denial of responsibility

The information in the articles is for general information purposes only and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for therapeutic purposes. This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, therapist). Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.


The benefits of swimming in the treatment and prevention of arthrosis

With degenerative changes in joint cartilage and destruction of joint tissue, arthrosis develops. The initial stage of the disease is characterized by damage only to the cartilage. But with the development of the inflammatory process, destruction of bone parts occurs. Arthrosis is a common pathology that most often occurs in overweight people. With obesity, excess body weight creates strong pressure and stress on the joints, which provokes their destruction.

Almost all joints in the body are affected by arthrosis, but wear and tear is usually observed in the knee and hip joints, which are most susceptible to functional stress. The main characteristic symptom of the disease is pain when walking, especially after a long immobilized position of the body (in the morning, after a night's sleep).

Is swimming good for arthrosis? Most doctors claim that the benefits of swimming in the pool for joint defects are invaluable. Swimming not only helps strengthen all muscles and tissues, but also normalizes metabolic processes in the body, which are responsible for losing excess weight. With arthrosis, it is quite difficult for people to play sports, which in turn leads to low mobility and weight gain. And to reduce pressure on the defective joint, activity and movement are simply necessary. This vicious circle can be broken through regular training in the pool. In water, the joints will not experience excessive stress, which will allow you to perform quite complex exercises to work the muscles and cartilage.

Swimming for arthrosis of the knee joint is a complex of aerobic elements that can improve flexibility and increase a person’s endurance. The recommended water temperature during training is not lower than 350C.

Exercising in the pool allows you to move your legs without pain; excess weight will not cause discomfort, because in the water a person feels only half of his weight. Research shows that regular training strengthens the muscle corset, ligaments and articular cartilage.

For severe arthrosis, it is recommended to perform the following set of exercises:

  1. Walking. Walking straight, sideways, forward with your back in shallow depths, or on the deep side of the pool helps to increase muscle tone. Walking in deep water is considered more strenuous, so it is better to start in shallow water.
  2. Swing your legs. Holding onto the side, the leg rises up and bends at the knee at an angle of 450. The element is repeated for the other leg.
  3. Raising your legs to the side. Standing waist-deep in water, raise your legs one by one, holding in this position for several seconds. Exercise allows you to increase the range of motion and develop flexibility.
  4. March in the water. To support the quadriceps and hamstring muscles, which are significantly affected by arthrosis of the knee joint, marching movements with high hip elevation are performed.
  5. Squats. With your back resting on the wall of the pool, you perform regular squats with your knee bent. To begin with, you should do no more than 5 repetitions, and gradually increase their number.
  6. Circular movements of the legs. By bending the leg at the knee, circular movements are performed along a large and small trajectory.
  7. Tendon stretching. Standing waist-deep in water, leaning on the wall of the pool, the thigh and gluteal muscles tense, the arms are extended to the sides, the palms touch the wall. One leg is extended forward and straightened as much as possible. The position is held for 5 seconds until a feeling of stretching of the tendons appears. It is recommended to perform 5 repetitions with each leg.
  8. Breaststroke swimming. An ideal way to move in water for arthrosis of various joints.

Such simple but effective exercises will significantly reduce pain in the knee joint and improve its mobility.

Swimming for arthrosis of the hip joint is also widely used in the treatment of the disease. The complex of elements in water remains approximately the same, but when performed, the degree and severity of the pathology and possible limitation of mobility of the hip joint are taken into account. For severe forms, it is recommended to use freestyle swimming. If there are no restrictions, use the breaststroke technique.

The patient’s lifestyle also plays an important role in the treatment and prevention of arthrosis. By losing excess weight and following the rules of nutrition, it is possible to reduce the risk of developing joint diseases and alleviate conditions during exacerbations.

Therapeutic swimming for diseases of the musculoskeletal system can significantly improve joint function, increase range of motion, and eliminate pain. Gentle exercise in the pool for arthritis and arthrosis is a unique and effective method of treating joint diseases.

Arthrosis is a disease of the elderly...

“How long can you walk with arthrosis of the hip joint?” This may occur in those who know firsthand about this disease. According to statistics, arthrosis is an age-related disease, and it mainly affects women over forty years of age; after 60 years, arthrosis of the hip joint, or coxarthrosis as it is otherwise called, occurs in one out of three patients who seek help. After 70 years, arthrosis of the hip joint already occurs in more than 70 percent of referred patients. This is mainly due to the aging processes occurring in the body of older people.

What is coxarthrosis?

Osteoarthritis is a group of systemic joint diseases that are characterized by degenerative-dystrophic changes in tissue (primarily cartilage), chronicity, pain, dysfunction and deformation of the limb.
Osteoarthritis of the hip joint is called coxarthrosis. Among all articular pathologies, this disease ranks second in frequency after gonarthrosis and first in terms of the onset of disability. Such a high prevalence of the problem explains the fact that at an orthopedic doctor’s appointment the question is often asked: “What can’t be done with coxarthrosis?” The development of pathology is associated with:

  • deterioration of tissue nutrition during the natural aging process;
  • the presence of hereditary predisposition and/or developmental abnormalities;
  • excessive overload of the femoral head (non-physiological loads);
  • injuries;
  • systemic and infectious diseases;
  • unfavorable environmental conditions;
  • stress, etc.

The first manifestations of the disease are pain, dysfunction of the joint, and changes in gait. Particularly characteristic are the so-called “starting pains” that occur when attempting to move after a long period of rest. As the pathology progresses, pain begins to persist even at rest, muscles atrophy, and the leg on the affected side shortens. Depending on the nature of changes in tissues, three degrees of coxarthrosis are distinguished.

Treatment of coxarthrosis in the early stages can be carried out conservatively, both with the help of drugs and non-drug methods. In case of severe damage to the joint, surgery must be resorted to.

In order to slow down the destruction of tissue and do without surgery for as long as possible (and ideally without it at all), it is important to follow the doctor’s recommendations regarding treatment, as well as what not to do for coxarthrosis.

Moderate approach in everything

In addition to walking and physical therapy, to prevent the development of coxarthorosis, you must also adhere to proper nutrition, use physiotherapy, massage, and you can also use the help of traditional medicine. Skiing is also appropriate for arthrosis of the hip joint. The main thing is to ensure that there are no sharp jolts or impacts on the joint. If your physical condition allows and only the initial stage of arthrosis is present, then for the purpose of prevention, light jogging is acceptable, but it should not be long and should not cause excessive strain. Another remedy that helps relieve joint tension is swimming. Swimming in sea salt water, rich in minerals and trace elements that penetrate into the joint and heal it from the inside, is especially beneficial. But you should always remember the golden mean. Moderation is necessary in everything; do not overdo it in achieving a positive result, because this can only bring harm. By following all the necessary recommendations, leading a healthy lifestyle and maintaining physical activity, you can forget about sore joints for a long time.


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