Orthopedic knee pads for the knee joint with a magnet

Types and methods of using magnetic knee pads.

To treat joint diseases, medicine often uses not only standard techniques, medicinal ointments, but also fixing bandages. The simplest of them is to use an elastic bandage.

There are also more advanced techniques that help not only fix the knee in a specific position, but also improve its health. One such invention is tourmaline or magnetic knee pads. In this article we will tell you in detail about these products and how to use them.

Operating principles of magnetic knee pads

A magnetic knee pad fixes the joint and relieves pain.
Tourmaline inserts are sewn into the knee pad, which emit infrared flows and microcurrent. This leads to the destruction of peroxidation products formed under the influence of inflammatory processes. And the magnetic field enhances this effect.

The absorption of peroxidation products relaxes smooth muscles, has a positive effect on cells and blood vessels, and improves the supply of oxygen and nutrients.

The effect of magnetoelastic knee pads can be compared to physiotherapy or massage.

The electromagnetic field stimulates reflex zones, as a result of which local metabolic processes improve, the state of the nervous system improves, and leg fatigue is eliminated. The complex positive effect contributes to the effective treatment of knee joints.

No constant external power supply is required. Knee pads are charged from any thermal source. You can simply put them under the sun's rays for 3 hours, this is enough for 10 days of uninterrupted operation. Important: do not allow the knee pads to heat up above 50°.

How to choose knee pads for arthrosis of the knee joint: where to buy, price and reviews

Knee braces for knee arthrosis are an integral part of supportive therapy, but it is important to understand how to choose the right model.

A properly selected bandage can not only fix the damaged joint, but also reduce pain. With its help, you can perform light physical activity and lead an active lifestyle. This is why making the right choice is so important.

Do not forget that knee pads are needed for everyday wear, so they must have a number of other functions.

What is a knee brace for?

Arthrosis or gonarthrosis is a lesion of cartilage tissue that leads to joint deformation. It most often occurs in older people, although it can also be diagnosed in young people. Occurs due to wear and tear of the joint. Arthrosis can be primary and secondary. With primary arthrosis, it is impossible to establish a clear cause of the disease. Secondary occurs due to a number of reasons:

  1. Injury – the consequence of improper treatment and a long recovery can be arthrosis.
  2. Dysplasia is a congenital defect of the joint, so deformities after it can occur in young people and even teenagers.
  3. Inflammation is caused by various infectious diseases that destroy connective tissue. Syphilis, staphylococcus, tick-borne encephalitis.

It is worth distinguishing between the causes and factors influencing the development of arthrosis. Factors can provoke illness in an absolutely healthy person who has never suffered from joint pain. The main reasons are as follows:

  1. Genetic predisposition. Therefore, it is better to carry out preventive complexes for people who are at risk.
  2. Age. Primary arthrosis mainly occurs in older people.
  3. Obesity puts a lot of stress on the joints, thereby causing their deformation and wear.
  4. Poor metabolism and lack of vitamins and microelements weaken the strength of connective tissue, including cartilage.
  5. Great physical activity also contributes to rapid wear of cartilage.
  6. Severe hypothermia has a very bad effect on joint health.
  7. Environment, smoking, and alcohol abuse can cause inflammatory processes, and as a result, arthrosis.

It is important to practice prevention, especially if there are risk factors. But if it has already happened that arthrosis has begun to develop, treatment must be started urgently.

For reference! The first thing you should do if you feel unwell is to buy a knee brace. It is needed for strong fixation of the affected joint and the ligaments surrounding it.

It has some other properties:

  • reduces pain;
  • improves blood flow;
  • relieves swelling of the knee.

A knee brace is a very important thing, and its quality should not be neglected. It is important to note that the knee brace should not restrict movement, but rather promote free rotation.

Types of knee pads and their properties

It is not recommended to choose bandages yourself. Your doctor will tell you how to choose knee pads for arthrosis of the knee joint. But it is better to understand the types of knee braces, as well as know their functions and qualities.

Elastic bandage

The simplest type of support bandage. It is often worn by athletes for prevention. For various knee diseases, it is recommended to use it only in the earliest stages. In addition, it has a number of significant disadvantages:

  1. It has to be bandaged very often.
  2. With active movement, the elastic material may become untied.
  3. It is quite difficult to independently select the tension force, and if wound incorrectly, there is a possibility of causing significant harm and pinching the vessel, as a result, worsening blood circulation.

But it won’t hurt as an auxiliary material; it can be used as a bandage for compresses. It's worth buying, the price is low. The bandage is most often made from spandex or rubber, which gives it elasticity.

Closed latch

This bandage completely covers the knees, as shown in the photo. Its function is to support the joint and compensate for soft tissue weaknesses. Very often such knee pads can be warming.

It is used for almost all joint injuries and diseases. It can also be worn for prevention or as soon as the knee starts to hurt, but the diagnosis has not yet been made. It will protect against overload, so you can wear it on an ongoing basis. When choosing it, you should take into account the anatomical cut, size and material from which the retainer is made.

For reference! A quality retainer is usually made from neoprene, which provides breathability.

For a warming effect, acrylic threads and wool can be added. Their prices are not high and you can buy it at any sports store or pharmacy.

Open retainer

Its functionality is practically no different from the closed view. The only difference is the round cutout at the knee and the ribs as seen in the photo. Most often they are used by athletes, as they are designed for an active lifestyle.

The open area allows the joint to function as usual, bending and unbending with ease. It does not restrict movement at all, but at the same time firmly fixes the knee. May have tension adjustment.

This function is very important in the postoperative period, which allows you to painlessly put on the brace and adjust it, especially if there are pads left on the knee after surgery. It is also made from neoprene, but there are also nylon options.

Tension belts are made of rubber to ensure their strength and elasticity.

Warming bandages

The use of such a bandage must be agreed with a doctor. The heated retainer is a modern compress. It is prescribed for chronic pain syndrome. It provides local application of heat, which greatly speeds up recovery.

The temperatures in such fixatives are usually low and act very gently. This knee brace is not intended for regular wear. It is usually used in sessions of 40-50 minutes a day.

If your skin begins to burn or wearing it causes even the slightest discomfort, you should take it off and discuss it with your doctor.

Other side effects include dizziness or low blood pressure. In such cases, you should refuse to use the heating function. Another disadvantage is that it runs on batteries, which need to be recharged frequently. Warming bandages can be of the following types:

  • halogen;
  • infrared;
  • magnetic;
  • mineral.

Mineral ones are made on the basis of tourmaline. Its warmth penetrates deep into the tissue and improves blood flow. It is most often used for arthrosis that arose due to infectious diseases, because it acts at the cellular level. It is not recommended to wear it on a wet body or use it in the bathroom.

Articulated orthosis

These knee pads are made of metal or plastic material with a fabric covering.

Fact! The bandage fixes the joint as rigidly as possible and keeps it immobile. This avoids any microtrauma, and cartilage tissue is regenerated as quickly as possible.

It should be worn constantly, and it is not recommended to remove it even at night. There are several varieties:

  1. Corrective - correct the functioning of the joint, directing its movements in the desired direction.
  2. Fixing – rigidly secures the knee and does not allow it to move. This knee brace reduces pain, eliminates swelling and inflammation.
  3. Unloading – help distribute the load and completely relieve tension from the joint.
  4. Functional-corrective – correct deformities and changes in the appearance of the knee, which can cause arthrosis.

Hinged orthoses have a voluminous appearance due to their complex design, and they can also rub with their hard parts. Therefore, it is better to wear a cotton stocking under them. Often used in the postoperative period for quick recovery.

Ligament support bandage

Provides reliable fixation of ligaments and tendons and relieves stress on the knee joint. Its practical appearance allows it to be used for prevention and during active training. It does not restrict movement at all, but provides a supportive effect. This knee brace is not orthopedic, so it is not used during the acute period of the disease. But it is very convenient after the rehabilitation period and prevention of arthrosis. Its materials are often arranged, so it usually consists of the following materials:

  • rubber;
  • polyester;
  • nylon;
  • polypropylene.

For the best effect, you should choose several options for knee pads. In addition, their regular change will ensure body hygiene. But if this is not possible, a universal option is an open bandage with rigid ribs.

Knee braces are prescribed immediately after arthrosis is diagnosed. The type and strength of fixation is determined by the attending physician. But it is important to know what they can be:

  1. Dynamic. Prescribed in the postoperative period, as well as for patients suffering from chronic arthrosis.
  2. Functional. Fixes the knee and limits joint mobility. The most commonly used are articulated orthoses.
  3. Stabilizing. Completely immobilizes the knee for rapid restoration of connective tissue. Usually used after surgery.
  4. Stage-functional. It is used during rehabilitation, as it allows you to gradually increase loads and movements by reducing fixation.

The treatment period determines how much fixation the joint needs.

Important! It should be remembered that regular wearing of hard knee pads is not recommended without the advice of a doctor. Excessive enthusiasm can cause problems, including necrosis of the epidermis.

How to choose a therapeutic knee brace?

The type of fixator should be selected by an orthopedist. However, subsequently the patient is faced with a large number of companies producing knee pads, elbow pads and other braces. It’s easy to get lost among such a huge selection, so it’s worth considering some rules:

  1. The first thing that worries the patient is where to buy a quality knee brace. Better choices would be pharmacies, large sports stores or official distribution sites. You should beware of fakes; incorrect fixation can lead to negative consequences.
  2. Carefully study the materials from which the clamps are made. The base should be neoprene or nylon. Rubber may be present as fastening straps. The addition of wool is also a wonderful indicator, which means that the knee pad has a warming effect.
  3. The correct size is a very important factor in selection. Each manufacturer has its own sizing chart, so it is better to seek advice from an official representative or consultant.
  4. If the knee pad has fasteners, it is important to check their strength. A constantly falling off bandage can cause a lot of inconvenience.
  5. The retainer must have an anatomical cut. You should not purchase it if you feel the slightest discomfort.
  6. For arthrosis, the knee brace should be orthopedic.
  7. It is better to choose bandages from well-known representatives: Orlet, Medi, Pharmacel. Adidas, Nike and others have also proven themselves excellent in the production of open and closed knee pads.

After purchasing a bandage, it is worth remembering to care for it. It should be washed by hand so that it does not lose its shape.

Find out about knee supports for athletes here.

Still, the best option would be to choose a knee brace not for the treatment of arthrosis, but for its prevention. Therefore, it is worth taking care of your knees both during heavy physical activity and when the joints are overstrained. It is important in such situations to wear a bandage that will support and provide soft shock absorption.

What reviews are there about knee pads?

Since arthrosis affects a wide segment of the population, knee braces are very popular. Does fixing the joint help? Reviews from patients will help answer this question.

I started wearing a knee brace with a warming effect at the initial stage of arthrosis. This therapy helped a lot, I don’t feel any pain at all and lead an active lifestyle.

Alexey, 63 years old.

I go in for sports professionally. I always wear orthopedic knee and elbow pads when training to keep my joints healthy. I never complain about my joints, unlike my colleagues who neglect this method of preventing arthrosis.

Dima, 21 years old.

Due to knee dysplasia, my son developed arthrosis. Articulated orthoses have greatly helped us prevent the consequences of the disease. Now my son calmly plays football with his friends.

Nadezhda, 38 years old.

I know from my own experience the consequences of an incorrectly selected bandage; my knees began to hurt even more. I turned to an experienced orthopedist who helped me choose an open knee brace. Now I'm running!

Vasily, 54 years old.

Review of Bradex products

The Bradex magnetic knee brace is created using unique Israeli technology. It is made of durable and thin material that resembles artificial leather. Inside there is a special strip of flexible magnet, which provides a healing effect.

Magnetic knee pad "Bradex"

A special Velcro tape is sewn along the entire length to securely fix the orthopedic product in the correct position. The small clasp allows you to adjust the design taking into account the thickness of the leg.

The magnetic product is placed on the leg just below the kneecap and securely fastened with a strap. A correctly worn knee brace does not interfere with blood circulation and immediately begins to work.

The Bradex product is recommended to be worn when the patient is sitting, walking or performing physical activity.

It is in motion that the magnetic field will be emitted. Using the product at rest is not recommended.

Indications for use

A knee brace made of medical silica gel with 8 magnets will help people with problems with knee joints:

  • arthritis, arthrosis;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • arthralgia;
  • bursitis, synovitis;
  • meniscopathy;
  • chronic gonarthritis;
  • deforming osteoarthritis;
  • tendinitis (inflammation of the joint);
  • Koenig's disease;
  • Otgut-Schlachter disease;
  • sports injuries.

The bandage is suitable for athletes to prevent injuries, as well as during the rehabilitation period.

Product Review “Be Active”

Knee pad “Be active”
The manufacturer claims the following effect:

  • reduction of pain syndrome;
  • relaxation of the sciatic nerve connecting the legs and lower back;
  • eliminating tension;
  • fixation of joints and ligaments.

This complex effect is achieved with constant use of the orthopedic product. It can be worn at home and at work, put on at night, discomfort is eliminated even when moving. A correctly selected knee brace can be worn on the right and left leg, regardless of its fullness. Special rubber bands of the orthopedic product help to adjust the fit taking into account the fullness of the leg.

Rules of use and care

The silicone knee brace is placed over the knee so that the magnets are positioned around the joint and the kneecap is in the groove. The device has a universal size, stretches well and is suitable for legs of any size. The product can be washed daily in warm water and soap and dried at room temperature. Keep away from sunlight and heating devices. Do not leave the knee pad near sources of electromagnetic radiation.

Features of the use of orthopedic products

If your knee is bothering you, moisten the central part of the product with water and put it on your leg. After 10-15 minutes the effect will be noticeable, a feeling of pleasant warmth will appear. You can also wear a dry knee pad, but its effectiveness will be slightly lower.

Before the procedure, you can apply a medicated ointment or cream to your leg. The medicine will act faster and stronger.

Initially, it is recommended to limit yourself to 15 minutes twice a day. Subsequently, the wearing time should be increased to 20 minutes, and the frequency of use – up to 3 times a day. Noticeable results will appear in about 2.5-3 months.

Products must be regularly cleaned of dirt without using aggressive detergents or soaking in water. Just wipe it with a damp cloth.

Prices for magnetic knee pads for joints range from 200-700 rubles.

A magnetic knee brace can be used not only in the treatment of diseases, but also for healthy joints. It will help prevent injuries, relax ligaments after intense exercise, and quickly remove waste products from tired muscles.


The magnetic knee pad should not be worn on damaged skin.
Products with magnetic inserts should not be used for:

  • infectious lesions of the joint;
  • wounds and abrasions on the skin;
  • elevated body temperature;
  • frequent bleeding;
  • impaired sensitivity of the skin;
  • presence of implants or pacemaker;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Monitor your condition carefully. If you feel worse after wearing the products, stop the course and consult a doctor.

Reviews about magnetic knee pads for joints are written by people with different diagnoses and expectations; you should not rely only on them. It is better to consult with your doctor, he will help you choose the appropriate model and optimal mode of use.

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