When to use tourmaline knee pads, their effectiveness, how to wear

From this article you will learn how effective tourmaline knee pads are for various knee diseases (arthrosis, arthritis, bursitis and others). How they work, what symptoms they help relieve. Features of use, contraindications.

Author of the article: Victoria Stoyanova, category 2 doctor, head of the laboratory at the diagnostic and treatment center (2015–2016).

Article publication date: 06/22/2019

Article updated date: 12/16/2020

Tourmaline knee pads are fabric products with tourmaline inserts.

Tourmaline knee pad

Tourmaline is a multi-colored mineral from the borosilicate group. When heated (in knee pads - from the human body), tourmaline emits infrared radiation, which:

  • activates metabolism in cells;
  • improves microcirculation and enhances oxygen supply to tissues;
  • has a warming effect.

Tourmaline mineral
These devices help cope with pain and stiffness, but they are not able to completely eliminate any disease or even slow down its progression.

They are used:

  • for pain of low intensity instead of painkillers;
  • as a means of enhancing the effect of medications for local application.

Official clinical studies of the effectiveness of tourmaline knee pads have not been conducted, so it is impossible to speak unequivocally about their positive effect on the body.

Doctors recommend using them as part of complex treatment for arthrosis, arthritis, osteoarthritis and other pathologies of the knee joint.

The patient can purchase tourmaline knee pads on his own - they are available for free sale. Before use, consult your arthrologist or orthopedist.

The effect of tourmaline on the joint. Click on photo to enlarge

Indications for use, contraindications

Tourmaline knee pads will help relieve the unpleasant symptoms of many diseases, however, under a number of conditions their use is strictly not recommended:

Arthritis of the knee joint - its inflammation Exacerbations of joint diseases
Gonarthrosis – degenerative changes in the cartilage of the knee joint Skin diseases in the knee area
Pain syndrome after injury (dislocation, sprain) Neuropathies (nerve dysfunction) with temperature sensitivity disorders
Bursitis - inflammation of the bursa of a joint (bursa - surrounding the joint) Early stage of rehabilitation after injuries – first 2–7 days
Prevention of hypothermia of the joint during exposure to the cold

Eliminating the negative consequences of joint hypothermia

Varicose veins on the legs
Reducing the risk of pain and the development of diseases with increased loads on the joint - playing sports or heavy physical work Oncological neoplasms (anywhere in the body)
Acute infectious diseases accompanied by elevated body temperature
Tendency to bleed
Pregnancy and breastfeeding
Presence of implants or pacemaker in the body

Before use, be sure to consult with your doctor - arthrologist, orthopedist, traumatologist or sports doctor. If a specialist forbids you to warm up your joints, then tourmaline knee pads are also contraindicated.

Knee pad on

Functions of knee pads for arthrosis

Knee pads for arthrosis of the knee joint act as an orthopedic brace for the affected knee. They give the joint the correct position.

The purpose of wearing knee pads is to make walking easier and stop the development of degenerative processes. Proper fixation of the knee joint helps reduce pain, relieve inflammation and improve blood circulation in the affected area.

With regular use of knee braces for arthrosis, you may notice:

  • reduction of pain while walking;
  • increase in range of motion;
  • improving the outflow of joint fluid, reducing swelling;
  • increased blood circulation in the knee joint.

Two types of knee braces, their effectiveness, reviews from doctors and patients

There are 2 types of therapeutic knee braces:

  1. The usual options with tourmaline are a fabric product with a tourmaline plate sewn inside.
  2. Tourmaline therapeutic knee pads with magnetic inserts - contain magnets to enhance the effect. They have a more intense effect on the human body.

Tourmaline knee pads with magnetic inserts. Click on photo to enlarge

The tourmaline mineral emits special infrared radiation, which produces a warming effect on the joint. Also, the instructions for the products state that this radiation can destroy oxidation products that are formed as a result of the inflammatory process in the joint. However, this information has not been proven by any scientific research.

Therefore, objectively we can only talk about the warming effect of tourmaline knee pads. Thanks to him:

  • pain sensations decrease;
  • excessive tension in the muscles surrounding the joint is relieved;
  • blood circulation in the tissues is activated, which helps relieve stiffness and improve mobility in the knee.

Also, tourmaline knee pads, like any other, relieve excessive stress on the joint, fixing it. This helps fight pain and speed up the rehabilitation period after injury.

The instructions for products with magnetic inserts indicate that the magnetic field improves metabolism and relieves fatigue. This supposedly complements and enhances the effect of tourmaline. However, this information is also not confirmed by authoritative scientific sources.

Reviews from doctors

Medical opinions about tourmaline knee pads are divided:

  • some doctors advise wearing them to get rid of symptoms;
  • others consider their use inappropriate and recommend replacing expensive products with a regular heating pad or (if a fixing effect is needed) with a medical knee bandage.

Medical knee bandage

Patient reviews

Many patients who regularly wear such knee braces note:

  • reduction of pain and stiffness;
  • increasing the period between exacerbations;
  • faster recovery from injuries.

Tourmaline mineral

Tourmaline got its name from the Sinhalese language. It meant “crystalline magnet” and fully justified itself, because even in ancient times its ability to attract dust was noted. It also has other names: verdelite and rubellite, indigolite and crimson schorl, dravite and sibirite. But regardless of the name, unique energetic properties are present in each of the gems. Belonging to a subgroup of complex minerals, boron-containing aluminum silicates, tourmaline has the amazing ability to transform weak electrical currents that can affect surrounding objects.

The mesmerizing crystal has a complex chemical composition that affects the color of tourmalines. It includes:

  • iron and magnesium;
  • aluminum and sodium;
  • silicates and potassium;
  • silicon oxide and boron oxides.

Tourmaline knee pads contain substances that have a beneficial effect on the human body.

How to choose and wear correctly

For the product to really have an effect, you need to buy a high-quality copy of the appropriate size:

  1. Under no circumstances purchase products from unverified sellers. The manufacturing company must be well-known. If your doctor has approved the use of tourmaline knee pads, ask him which one is best for you. Perhaps your doctor knows a trusted manufacturer whose products help his patients.
  2. It is important that the knee brace fits your size. If it does not fit tightly, it will not properly warm and secure the joint. The best thing is to try on the product before purchasing.

If this is not possible (for example, when ordering online), contact the store and ask for help choosing the size. To do this, you will need to measure the circumference of your knee.

Knee pad sizes. Click on photo to enlarge

Terms of use

  • You don't have to wear 2 pieces at once. If you have pain in 1 joint, you can wear 1 tourmaline knee brace.
  • Increase the duration of wearing gradually. Start with 1 time per day for 15 minutes. After a week, you can wear the device 2 times a day for 15 minutes. If necessary, if you do not feel the desired effect, after another month you can increase the wearing time to 3 times a day for 20 minutes.
  • If you are using knee braces to relieve fatigue and prevent joint diseases due to increased stress, wear them after physical activity - as often as necessary, but no more than 3 times a day.
  • To ensure a better fit, it is advisable to wear it while lying down or sitting with your leg extended, straight, and slightly raised.

Instructions for using a tourmaline knee pad. Click on photo to enlarge

Possible side effects

Due to the intense heating effect, patients sometimes report a burning sensation and redness during and after wearing knee pads. They usually go away completely within 1-3 hours after removal.

If these symptoms cause you severe discomfort, stop using the product.

Magical properties of crystal

Since ancient times, these gems have been credited with miraculous properties and are actively used in folk medicine.

Crystals owe their origin to volcanic eruptions, which is why they were credited with magical properties that both frighten and attract people. The different colors of the stones influenced their purpose. Thus, minerals of green shades were used for diseases of the kidneys and liver, and blue ones healed vision and relieved headaches. Blue tourmaline saved from insomnia, relieved nervous tension and warded off nightmares. Black stones were endowed with magical properties and were loved by sorcerers and magicians, helping them concentrate on the main thing. Magical properties were attributed to the amulets made from tourmaline, which, combined with natural magnetism, attracted good luck, health and revealed the creative potential of the owner.

Modern lithotherapists have adopted the centuries-old experience of the medicinal properties of minerals of this group and began to actively use them in the treatment of various diseases. And by using nanotechnology, they were able to put the amazing quality of minerals at the service of man, creating products such as knee pads with tourmaline inserts. The product can have a miraculous effect on the human body.

How to store and care

To maintain their effectiveness as long as possible, follow these rules:

  1. If the product has magnetic inserts, it should not be stored near objects with magnetic properties, microwave ovens or other electrical appliances.
  2. If the knee pad becomes dirty, do not soak it in water for a long time.
  3. Washing should last no longer than 5 minutes at a water temperature of no more than 40 degrees.
  4. Do not use bleaches, washing powders, or soaps.
  5. Ironing is also prohibited.

Recommendations for the use of knee braces for arthrosis of the knee joint

In order for the use of a knee brace for arthrosis to bring only a positive effect, the following recommendations must be followed:

  • wear a knee brace no more than 3 hours a day, unless otherwise recommended by a doctor;
  • The knee pad must be washed manually, the temperature should not exceed 40 degrees;
  • Detergents should not contain chlorine;
  • Knee pads should be dried away from heating devices;
  • the knee pad should not cause discomfort, rub or overtighten the leg;
  • It is forbidden to tighten the knee pad on the leg too much, as this will impair blood circulation;
  • You should combine wearing a knee brace with other types of treatment recommended by your doctor.

The Aesculapius chain of salons in Rostov, Bataysk and Azov offers the purchase of a knee brace for arthrosis of the knee joint. You can buy knee pads at a discount in our online store.

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Summary: Pros and Cons of Knee Pads

Tourmaline knee pads act as an effective complement to the treatment of joint diseases. They relieve excessive stress on it, warm it and improve blood circulation. This helps relieve pain, stiffness and improve mobility in the joint.

The products are easy to use, but among the huge variety of products on the market, it is difficult to choose a truly high-quality item.

The warming effect of knee pads can be replaced with a heating pad or a warm compress, and the fixing effect can be replaced with a medical bandage. As a brace, a regular bandage will be even more effective than a tourmaline knee brace.

Combines warming and fixing effects Exaggerated claims for joint benefits
Replaces 2 procedures - no need to do warm compresses or heating separately, but wear a bandage separately The information in the instructions is not supported by scientific evidence.
Easy to use A large number of low-quality products on the market
Putting it on and doing everyday things Cost – more expensive than a regular fixing bandage
No need to lie down (as is the case with a heating pad)

Prices for tourmaline products

The cost of tourmaline elbow pads, belts, gloves and other products can vary greatly depending on the store, manufacturer and other factors.

Thus, prices for tourmaline knee pads start from 600 rubles, neck pads - from 500 rubles.

A tourmaline belt will cost 1800-2000 rubles, and gloves - from 600. Tourmaline socks can be purchased at a price of 250 rubles.

You can buy tourmaline knee pads, for example, in the Zdoroveevo store >>>

How crystals work

The popular Chinese teaching on the movement of energies suggests that all diseases are associated with improper circulation of life-giving energy in the human body, the stagnation of which can lead to death. And the principle underlying the production of tourmaline knee pads is precisely aimed at stabilizing energy and increasing the protective properties of the human body. Products made from the mineral are capable of emitting healing warmth upon contact with the skin, relieving pain and swelling in the legs and joints. They are recommended for use for sprains and dislocations, arthritis and bruises, rheumatism and inflammation of various joints.


It is foolish to hope to purchase a quality product at a ridiculous price, and then complain about the lack of therapeutic effect. When you purchase tourmaline knee pads, their price should not be lower than that offered on the manufacturer’s official website. Otherwise, the buyer risks paying money for a fake, which can lead to serious health problems. The cost of a set of knee pads varies from 1370 rubles, not including delivery. Experienced users do not need to be told where it is better to purchase products without the risk of being deceived, and buyers who do not have sufficient experience in purchasing products in online stores should make purchases only from official representatives.

What are the benefits of tourmaline knee pads?

The materials used to make the products, which have found their customers and are deservedly popular, have a special composition. A unique fabric obtained thanks to the development of nanotechnology made it possible to create a tourmaline magnetic knee pad. The product contains heat-sensitive fibers with the addition of highly purified germanium and tourmaline crystal granules. In contact with the skin, tourmaline fibers create infrared radiation, which helps to warm up the tissues. And the negative ions formed by crystals are aimed at destroying harmful substances in the body.

When used, tourmaline knee pads have positive reviews. This is confirmed by the information of doctors who note an improvement in the well-being of patients after using products with the addition of crystals of a unique mineral. According to laboratory studies, patients using knee pads experienced the following as early as the 4th day of use:

  • improvement of the general condition of the body;
  • reducing the manifestation of chronic diseases;
  • stimulation of physical activity;
  • lightness in the legs;
  • swelling subsided;
  • joint pain went away;
  • blood pressure stabilized.

Reviews from doctors characterize tourmaline knee pads positively. There are, of course, contraindications, and they should be taken into account when following the instructions.

Research and Chinese Medicine

Back in the century before last, researchers, the Curie spouses, discovered when working with a mineral the presence of a constant electric charge in it, coinciding with the energy of the human body and equal to 0.06 mA. When using the electrical properties of the stone to influence the human body, positive dynamics were noted, affecting well-being. A surge of vitality was felt after the beneficial effect of minerals on the patient.

The piezoelectric characteristics of tourmaline, used in the manufacture of medical equipment, began to be studied more deeply and found application in the manufacture of products aimed at balancing energy in the human body. Chinese medicine has actively taken up this mineral’s ability to transform energy in its developments. The movement of energies in China is equated to the movement of life, so the influence of the mineral has a great effect on a person’s well-being, because it affects all systems of the body.

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