What diseases are cold compresses used to treat?

Author Tatyana Otradnaya

04/08/2004 09:10 (Updated: 05/12/2021 14:32)

Health » Health and prevention » Prevention

New methods of treating various diseases using cold compresses are becoming increasingly common in home physiotherapy. The head of the therapeutic department of Moscow polyclinic No. 122, Alexander Grigoriev, talks about them.

Cold compress

What is a therapeutic compress

Most often, it is a multi-layer dressing that is applied both dry and wet. It is the second type of compresses that can be hot, cold, or medicinal. The main purpose of the procedure is to cool the surface tissues of the entire body, as well as narrow the blood vessels.

The most common uses of a cold compress are:

  • after bruises;
  • to stop bleeding;
  • fight against fever;
  • pain relief.

To carry out a treatment procedure, you can not only apply bandages.
Special napkins do a good job of acting as a cooling compress, and ice cubes, a rubber bladder with frozen coolant, and other homemade analogues of pharmacy cryopacks are suitable for providing a freezing effect. It is enough to apply them to the sore spot and hold for a while. Cold packing is also used to prevent bruising, for example after hypodermic injections. The compress eliminates discomfort from sprains, closed fractures and inflammation. Doctors also recommend applying ice for rheumatism, spastic muscle paralysis, and burns. An ice compress is one of the easiest ways to relieve headaches caused by vasodilation.

Warming and cooling compresses

Warming compress

A warm compress causes long-term dilation of blood vessels, which leads to an increase in blood flow not only to the skin, but also to deeper tissues. This achieves the absorbent and analgesic effect of the compress.

Remember! A warming compress cannot be used at high temperatures or when the integrity of the skin is damaged.

When applying a compress to the upper limb, you must:

  • prepare: a bottle of 45-degree alcohol or an ampoule of 25 percent magnesium sulfate solution, gauze, compress paper, cotton wool, bandage, container;
  • Wash the hands;
  • roll up a gauze napkin into 6-8 layers;
  • moisten the prepared gauze napkin in a container with 45-degree alcohol;
  • apply a moistened napkin to the injection site;
  • place a larger compress paper on top of the napkin (the paper should be 2 cm larger than the gauze napkin on all sides);
  • put a layer of cotton wool on top of the compress paper, completely covering the two previous layers (the cotton wool should be 2 cm larger than the compress paper, so it will retain the heat generated under the compress);
  • secure the compress with a bandage so that it fits snugly on the limb, but does not restrict movement;
  • leave the compress for 6-8 hours (preferably overnight);
  • Wash the hands;
  • check the moisture level of the lower napkin 1.5-2 hours after application;
  • Wash the hands;
  • remove the compress after 6-8 hours;
  • wipe the skin dry;
  • apply a dry bandage;
  • Wash the hands.

Note: medications used for compresses can cause irritation, therefore, before applying the compress, the skin must be lubricated with petroleum jelly.

Alcohol compresses dry out faster, so they need to be changed after 4-6 hours. You should not apply a compress to skin lubricated with iodine - this can cause deep burns.

Cold compress

A cold compress is used for severe pain, bleeding, and high fever (above 39°C). It causes cooling of the skin and constriction of blood vessels. When applying a cold compress, the caregiver should not leave the patient, as the wipes should be changed every 2-3 minutes. The duration of the procedure is from 5 to 60 minutes.

  • Prepare: a container with cold water at a temperature of 14-16°C (cool in the refrigerator), 2 napkins:
  • moisten a napkin in cold water;
  • squeeze out water;
  • fold the napkin in several layers;
  • place a napkin on the surface of the skin;
  • moisten the second napkin in a container of cold water;
  • squeeze out water;
  • fold the napkin in several layers;
  • replace the first napkin (if it gets hot) with the second one.

Note: Wring out the napkin better so that it does not leak water onto the patient’s pillow or bed.

Ice pack

For a deeper effect on blood vessels, organs and tissues in case of pain and bleeding, use an ice pack. The effect of dry cold is due to the narrowing of blood vessels, as well as a decrease in the sensitivity of nerve receptors.

Prepare: an ice bubble, a container with ice, a container with water at a temperature of 14-16°C:

  • place the ice pack on a smooth surface and screw on the lid;
  • wrap the bubble in a napkin and place it on the patient’s body;
  • drain the water from the bubble as it melts;
  • add pieces of ice to the bubble.

Note: If you don't have an ice pack, you can make two plastic bags inside each other. Fill the bags with ice and place them on a flat surface. Press down the bag with your palm, release the air from it, tie it tightly, wrap it in a napkin and use it like an ice pack. Change bags as the ice melts. The ice pack is kept for a long time. Every 20-30 minutes you need to remove the bubble or ice pack for 10-15 minutes

How to properly use cold for gastrointestinal diseases

The technique of applying the bandage depends on what diseases the cold compress is used to treat. The most common patterns of exposure to cold are discussed below.

Doctors also recommend applying a cold compress to patients who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Apply an ice pack to your stomach and, lightly massaging, move it in a circle - this method helps eliminate the discomfort caused by prolonged constipation. For diagnosed intestinal inflammation (colitis), accompanied by ulcerative bleeding, the compress is applied not on the stomach, but along the spine at the level of the thoracic and lumbosacral region. In a similar way, cold is applied to relieve pain from hemorrhoids.

Contraindication for cold compress

Avoid applying ice packs to the eye area or on infants.

Cold compresses are usually safe. However, some conditions, such as arthritis, benefit from warming. In general, for injuries that persist for long periods, use warm compresses.

To limit the risk of a cold compress:

  • Never apply ice directly to your skin as this may cause burns.
  • Do not use a cold compress on a serious injury.
  • Never apply ice for long periods of time as this can cause frostbite.

Related article - Do compression stockings help with varicose veins?

Diseases of the joints and blood vessels

So, in order to relieve swelling of the limbs, it is enough to apply a cryopack or a homemade compress for 10-20 minutes. If the cause of leg fatigue is varicose veins or thrombophlebitis, a massage with ice cubes will be more effective.

The use of cold is advisable for patients with arterial hypertension. To stabilize blood pressure and improve the patient’s well-being, a compress is placed on the collar area and stomach.

Cold for arthrosis and arthritis is applied not only to minimize discomfort and pain, but also to improve joint mobility. When determining a treatment regimen, most specialists recommend a course of cold massage to their patients. As a rule, three minutes is enough to carry it out every day throughout the entire treatment period.

Wet cold compresses: indications for use

— Alexander Alexandrovich, what explains the effectiveness of cold compresses?

“They cause local cooling, which is soon compensated by the body’s reaction to the stimulus: small arteries in this area of ​​the body dilate, and thanks to the increased blood flow, the patient no longer feels cold, but a pleasant healing warmth. This occurs approximately five to eight minutes after applying the compress.

If after this time the patient continues to feel chills, it means that the blood vessels did not respond to the cold - there is not enough energy in the patient’s body to restore heat. Therefore, this method of physiotherapy cannot be used to treat emaciated or severely weakened people.

Cold compresses not only have a local effect - relax muscles, reduce pain, but also have a beneficial effect on the condition of the body as a whole, helping to cure many acute and chronic diseases.

However, cold compresses should not be considered a panacea for all ailments. They are good mainly as an addition to the treatment prescribed by the doctor.

— How can we explain that this effective treatment method has appeared only recently? Couldn’t they have thought of it earlier?

— Indeed, it is new only in our Russian medicine. Cold compresses were “invented” back in the last century by the German monk and healer Sebastian Kneipp , and since then they have been successfully used by his followers in some clinics in Germany. Presumably, they began to be used in our country thanks to the increasing number of trips abroad by Russian doctors in recent years.

The fact that not all Russians can afford medicines today also played a role - so doctors have to turn to non-medicinal methods - remember the well-forgotten old things, take an interest in the experience of foreign colleagues.

What other diseases can be treated with cooling?

The use of a cold compress is also considered justified in a number of other cases:

  • For menstrual pain and menopause, ice is applied to the lower abdomen and held for 5-10 minutes.
  • Cold bandages are applied to the mammary glands for cystic mastopathy. The compress relieves heaviness, swelling and the feeling of fullness of the mammary glands.
  • Applying an ice pack to the sacrum and abdomen is recommended for patients diagnosed with uterine fibroids. A cold compress is also effective for men suffering from prostatitis.
  • At first glance, therapy for sinusitis using cold may seem inadequate and illogical. However, the recommendations of otolaryngologists convince us otherwise. According to doctors, a light circular massage with an ice cube in the area of ​​the frontal and maxillary sinuses and nasal septum will help temporarily relieve the burning sensation and limit the area of ​​inflammation.

Compress for cephalalgia and fever

A cold bandage is the most primitive way to combat headaches. By helping to lower body temperature and spasm blood vessels, the use of a compress significantly limits the area of ​​inflammation. To apply a cold compress to your head, you only need two items:

  • fabric (a multi-layer gauze bandage is ideal);
  • container with cold water.

Everyone knows for sure how the procedure is performed: the bandage is well soaked in water.
Next, the fabric is wrung out and laid out on the forehead. You should not keep the bandage on your head for more than three minutes, otherwise the procedure will not bring the expected result. A wet compress quickly heats up, acquiring body temperature, so periodically you need to rinse the bandage in water. Regardless of the disease for which cold is used, we must not forget about precautions. For example, if you use a compress with ice cubes incorrectly, you can get mild frostbite. The optimal duration of procedures is 10 minutes.

Where to apply the compress: rules

— On what parts of the body are cold compresses most often applied?

- It depends on the illness that the patient suffers from.

Compresses on the chest

For acute or chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, back pain arising from spinal disease, compresses are applied to the chest.

The inner layer requires a strip of fabric 35 cm wide and a length, depending on the patient’s build, from 125 to 180 cm. It is very important to achieve the correct tension. It is best to apply the compress while half-exhaling - then it will not be too tight on the chest when you inhale and will not loosen too much after exhaling. Care must also be taken to ensure that the upper edge of the compress does not cut into the armpit.

In some cases, compresses are made that cover not only the chest, but also the shoulders. This is required for diseases in the area of ​​the tops of the lungs or for painful tension in the muscles of the shoulder girdle, which often occurs in people who have been sitting in a tense position for a long time at a computer or driving a car.

And then a shoulder compress is applied on top of the chest compress and connected with pins. If such compresses have to be done frequently, special shoulder “straps” are sewn to the middle of the strip of the inner fabric of the chest compress - strips 15 cm wide and approximately 80 cm long.

Or you can do it differently: instead of inner fabric, use an old men's shirt with short sleeves, cutting it to the middle of the chest, and put on a warm pullover over it.

Compresses on the stomach

Apply for ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, inflammation of the bile ducts and pancreas, mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines.

For them, fabric strips 25 cm wide are used. They are applied for a long time, including at night. In addition to their main purpose, such compresses have a general relaxing effect on the body and, as research results have shown, quite significantly reduce high blood pressure.

Impact of low temperatures on facial skin

By the way, cold is also used in cosmetology. With the help of ice, women fight the signs of aging, preventing facial skin from losing elasticity and firmness. Many girls use cold to smooth out wrinkles. If you believe real reviews, then, unfortunately, significant results cannot be achieved, but most representatives of the fair sex still manage to make the folds less noticeable. However, experts most often find other uses for cold. Cryomassage of the skin is recommended for those who suffer from acne and acne. A more pronounced effect can be achieved if cold procedures are alternated with washing with hot water. The contrast of temperature effects on the skin allows you to maintain its tone.

DIY ice compress

As already noted, the pharmacy sells ready-made cryopackages that resemble cold heating pads. They are filled with a special gel that maintains a low temperature for a long time. However, in the absence of one, you can make an analogue of a cryopackage with your own hands at home.

To prepare, you will need a regular heating pad and a saline solution (110-130 g of salt per 1 liter of water). Having filled the rubber container to the top, it is sent to the freezer. It should be taken into account that in order for the saline solution to completely freeze, it is important to set the correct temperature (at least -3 °C). The heating pad should remain in the freezer for 3-4 hours. Once it has completely hardened, it is wrapped in a dry cloth and applied to the sore spot.

Cold compress for fever and headache

You can use a damp towel or flannel to relieve headaches.

A cold compress does not have to include ice. Instead, a cold, damp towel can be wrapped around your head or placed on the sore area.

The same compress can reduce fever. Place a cool, damp cloth on your head, neck, or chest.

A cold compress can reduce symptoms of a variety of conditions, including:

  • eye allergies;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • gout pain;
  • muscle tension.
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