What is the difference between phonophoresis and electrophoresis?

How to replace electrophoresisDescription
Therapeutic patches for the back and jointsYou can do electrophoresis at home, but if you don’t have a machine or filter paper for the procedure, you can replace it with medicinal patches.
They are designed for the back and joints. They differ in action and are:
  • irritants are pepper and mustard patches;
  • retaining heat;
  • painkillers;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • medicinal;
  • combined action;
  • based on chondroprotectors.

There are patches that help with microtrauma of fibers and muscle spasms. Such injuries not only cause discomfort and pain, but can even limit a person’s movements.

Before purchasing any product, you should definitely consult your doctor.

GalvanizationThis is a good alternative method that can replace electrophoresis.
Galvanic current has several effects on the human body:
  • absorbable;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • regenerative.

Galvanization procedures are prescribed for:

  • diseases of the central nervous system, peripheral nervous system;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, when there is a violation of motility and secretion;
  • pancreatitis;
  • climacteric disorders in women;
  • neuroses;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • vertebrogenic diseases.

Electrophoresis procedures can now be performed at home. A special apparatus, filter paper, is sold in pharmacies. This is very convenient for those who have limited physical activity or a number of other diseases.

Not everyone has the opportunity to buy a special device or visit a medical facility. In this case, it is important to know what can replace electrophoresis to stabilize and improve the general condition of the body.

When is electrophoresis used in children:

Medicinal electrophoresis is widely used in pediatrics, as it allows one to avoid injections that frighten children, and allows one to reduce the concentrations and doses of drugs, reducing their side effects and preventing allergic reactions. The medicinal effect is “targeted”, because the drug is injected into the skin exactly in the affected area. At the same time, a so-called “depot” of the drug is created in the skin, which makes the effect more long-lasting. Electrophoresis is used in all medical fields, from surgery (for example, cleaning infected wounds with electrophoresis with enzymes), to cosmetology, dermatology and dentistry. In children, it is actively used in the treatment of neurological diseases, in the treatment of bone fractures, and in bronchopulmonary diseases.

Effects and possible side effects

  1. Relaxation of smooth muscles that cover organs.
  2. Normalization of the work of internal organs.
  3. Positive effect on pain syndrome.
  4. to drugs increases
  5. For a certain period of time, the blood vessels dilate.
  6. Restoring the functioning of all metabolic processes of the body.

The procedure itself does not pose any danger. The devices are designed in such a way that they can be used by ordinary people without special skills.

The only complication that may occur is an allergic reaction to the drug used.

As a rule, this complication is manifested by the following reactions of the body:

  • hives;
  • itchy rash;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • Quincke's edema;

A little physics: what is the mechanism of action of electrophoresis

The administration of medicinal substances is based on the properties of equally charged particles to repel, and oppositely charged particles to attract. During electrophoresis, a drug is placed under the active electrode, the active ions of which have the same charge as the electrode: negatively charged substances are placed under the cathode with a negative charge, and positively charged substances are placed under the anode with a positive charge. Ions of all metals and most alkaloids are introduced from the positive electrode, and acid radicals and metalloids are introduced from the cathode with a negative charge.

The injected ions enter the skin to a depth of 1 mm, mainly through pores, sweat glands and hair follicles. Further migration of the substance into deeper tissues is achieved through diffusion.

Medicinal substances are retained in the skin for up to 3 weeks, reducing the need for large doses of active substances. For local effects, 5–10% solutions of substances are used, and for segmental reflex effects, 1–2% solutions are used. All solutions of medicinal substances are prepared using distilled water to avoid the formation of unwanted active ions. The current strength is usually limited to 5 mA in children and up to 12 mA in adults.

An important advantage of administering drugs using electrophoresis is the activation of active substances due to dissociation into active ions. Drug electrophoresis allows you to create a high concentration of the active substance directly in those areas of tissue where treatment is necessary. At the same time, due to the targeted action and low concentrations, the overall effect of the drug is reduced, which makes it possible to prevent many side effects, including common allergic reactions.

Similarities, advantages and disadvantages of each procedure

Some of the differences and similar characteristics have already been highlighted above, so let’s summarize in the table:

principle of operationgalvanic current ultrasound
sensations during the sessionslight tingling shouldn't be felt
medicinal products (medium for the procedure)definitely charged drugs almost any skin care cosmetics
combination with other procedures and medicationswith doctor's permission with doctor's permission
patient age restrictionsfrom 3 years, but different session times for adults and children from 5 years, but different session times for adults and children
by-effectrarely; itching, redness, fever rarely; redness
indications for useENT, gastrointestinal tract, cosmetology, dentistry, skin problems, eye diseases and rehabilitation period after operations in cosmetology, skin cleansing, inflammation, swelling, circulatory disorders, cellulite
contraindicationspacemaker and heart failure, cuts, wounds, tumors, high fever, skin diseases, severe asthma. pregnancy and lactation, facial and trigeminal nerve palsy, skin diseases, oncology, mental disorders, varicose veins, pacemaker and heart failure.

Both procedures can be done independently at home with different purposes and medications.

To choose the right way to improve your health, you can consult a doctor for free.

And as a universal remedy for the whole family, Fermenkol Elactin is suitable - a transparent anti-scar gel cools, relieves itching and penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis, thereby stimulating the production of healthy cells.

Remember, the sooner you take care of your skin, the faster it will please you with its appearance!

Duration of electrophoresis procedures

The amount of ions introduced into the body is determined by the strength of the current, the area of ​​the active electrode and the duration of the procedure. In children, depending on age, it can reach 20 minutes. In pediatrics, it is always preferable to increase the procedure time instead of increasing the current intensity to avoid discomfort in children. In any case, a slight reddening of the skin will be noted under the electrodes - due to local expansion of microvessels from irritation by acidic and alkaline electrolysis products.

Medical patch

The use of a variety of medicinal patches helps relieve pain symptoms and alleviate the condition. The advantage of such a tool is that there are no problems with its use.

The patch is glued to the location of pain and discomfort and left for 12-24 hours. You can use such a remedy only after examination by a doctor and his prescription, since there are a large number of types of such remedies and each has its own specific specifics.

Plasters should not be applied to damaged skin, areas with irritation or rash. You can’t fix it with anything from above, much less warm it up additionally. This is strictly prohibited. The patch cannot fully replace electrophoresis; it only slightly alleviates the general condition.

Electrophoresis is used for the following diseases:

  • Nervous diseases: perinatal pathology of the central nervous system, hypertension syndrome in children, muscular dystonia syndrome, neuritis, neuralgia, migraines, sleep disorders, enuresis in children
  • ENT diseases: sinusitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, otitis
  • In the treatment of ARI - pharyngitis, tracheitis, pneumonia
  • Vision pathology – for the correction of myopia, astigmatism, farsightedness
  • For kidney pathology: for the treatment of pyelonephritis, cystitis.
  • Diseases of the digestive system: stomach and duodenal ulcers, colitis, gastritis, cholecystitis
  • Pulmonary diseases: chronic and acute bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia
  • Surgical diseases: recovery in the postoperative period, treatment of scars
  • Dermatology: atopic dermatitis, acne scars, seborrhea, rosacea

Ion therapy is effective in treating a number of diseases:

Muscle hypertonicity in newborns . When performing electrophoresis, aminophylline is used. This drug increases blood circulation and promotes the growth of cartilage tissue.

Bronchitis . In case of illness, a procedure with calcium is prescribed. If there is a large amount of sputum, the patient is injected with calcium chloride using a current, and if there is a dry cough, calcium iodide is administered. Electrophoresis supplies the localized site of the disease with a drug that effectively fights the inflammatory process.

Pathologies of the joints and spine: arthrosis and osteochondrosis . The procedure is carried out using an anesthetic - novocaine. During the procedure, the main manipulations occur in the area where severe pain is localized. A gasket soaked in a 0.5% solution of novocaine hydrochloride is placed between the anode and the patient’s body. The standard course of treatment is at least 10 procedures. In case of severe pain, electrophoresis is prescribed 2 times a day for 15-25 minutes.

Skin diseases : melanoma, acne or furunculosis. In these cases, copper is used as a drug, as it has an anti-inflammatory and antitumor effect.

Keloid scars . Only scars at an early stage are treated with electrotherapy. To combat them, procedures with lidase are used. Sometimes this treatment is supplemented with electrophoresis with collagenase, since only with an integrated approach can the scar be reduced in volume or stop its growth.

Gynecological diseases associated with unsuccessful pregnancy. Treatments with zinc are prescribed. They are contraindicated on certain days of the monthly cycle, so they are not recommended without the approval of a gynecologist.

Intervertebral disc herniation . The disease is effectively treated with ionotherapy with Karipazim. This drug softens the hernia, so its effect on the nerve ending weakens and the pain goes away. The procedure will require two pads. Karipazim is applied to the first one and is connected to the positive pole of the device, and a heated 0.9% sodium chloride solution is applied to the second (it is connected to the negative pole of the equipment). The affected joint of the spine should be placed between the pads and current should be passed through it. Treatment of a herniated disc with electrophoresis is a long process. It will take 2-3 courses of 20-30 procedures every 1-2 months.

Increased uterine tone during pregnancy . The procedure is harmless for both the expectant mother and the baby. But if fears still creep in, then it is better to abandon electrophoresis during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Pathologies of cardiovascular diseases . Calcium electrophoresis is performed.

With the help of electrophoresis, pathologies of the nervous, digestive, and genitourinary systems, sleep disorders, neuroses, migraines, burns, and a number of other diseases can be cured. Sometimes one drug is not enough to completely improve the patient.

Ion therapy cannot be used as an isolated method in the treatment of pathological processes in the body. It can be used as additional therapeutic procedures, for example: along with taking antibiotics. The dosage of drugs may vary. Children and the elderly are prescribed a reduced dose, which is one third lower than for the average person. Electrophoresis sessions should be carried out daily, perhaps every other day. The course of electrotherapy ranges from 10 to 30 procedures.

Despite the fact that there is no harm from electrophoresis, you should not self-medicate either. First you need to consult a doctor, namely, he should prescribe a drug or a set of drugs for electrophoresis.

How does the medicinal electrophoresis procedure work:

The medicinal electrophoresis procedure is performed in a physiotherapy office or, if necessary, in any medical office and even at home. It is important to carry out procedures on intact skin.

Electrodes with electrode pads soaked in water and a medicinal solution are placed on the surface of the skin. Dry electrodes must not be used. Electrodes with pads must fit tightly to the skin, otherwise uneven distribution of current can lead to skin irritation. Electrodes with medicine or drugs are applied to areas of the body that require therapeutic effects.

Before the procedure, the child is explained that he must immediately inform the doctor of any unpleasant sensations. A slight tingling or tingling sensation is considered normal during the electrophoresis procedure.

Then turn on the device and slowly increase the current. A typical electrophoresis procedure takes 10 to 20 minutes, depending on the age of the child. After the procedure, the physiotherapist turns off the device and removes the electrodes. Redness of the skin under the electrodes is considered a normal reaction to the procedure.

Indications and contraindications for electrophoresis

Electrophoresis should be carried out only after examination by a doctor and prescribing a course of these procedures. Most often it is prescribed for the treatment of:

  • inflammatory processes;
  • dystrophic diseases;
  • allergic conditions.

This procedure is completely safe. It can even be prescribed to pregnant women who are at risk of miscarriage.

Despite all the advantages and safety of electrophoresis, it also has contraindications that are important to consider. The procedure is prohibited if:

  • diagnosing malignant neoplasms;
  • heart failure;
  • if there are purulent formations on the skin;
  • skin diseases;
  • increased or decreased blood clotting;
  • constant increase in body temperature.

Electrophoresis may be contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to electric current. If it is not possible to attend such procedures or buy a home device, you should know what can replace electrophoresis.

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