Methods for tying boxing bandages: how to learn how to wrap correctly





How to properly perform a dressing

The skin protects human organs and systems from the penetration of foreign organisms, performing not only thermoregulatory and metabolic functions, but also protective. However, it itself is practically not protected from mechanical damage, which results in abrasions, cuts and other wounds that accompany a person throughout his life. To ensure that they pass as quickly as possible, dressings are used, the main features of which will be discussed in this article. After reading it, you will learn how to perform them correctly and find out what the consequences of neglecting this important procedure may be.

Why do a dressing?

The procedure is multidisciplinary; it simultaneously pursues several goals. All of them will be discussed in more detail below:

  • Protection. Wounds need to be protected from dirt and dust. Only in conditions as close to sterile as possible will they heal truly quickly.
  • Disinfection. Every day (and sometimes several times a day), changing the dressings in the dressing rooms, the medical staff treats the wound with antiseptic compounds, which minimizes the occurrence of infections, suppuration and other pathological processes
  • Fixation of medications. Ointments and gels, due to their consistency, cannot adhere to the surface of the wound on their own, so they urgently need reliable fixation. This is ensured by bandaging

Specialists in dressing rooms solve one of the above problems or all at once. This process is an integral part of the postoperative period, in cases where surgical intervention has taken place.

Method 1 - easier

This option is easy to learn and takes less time, so it is used most often. Ideally, you will need a bandage no shorter than 3.5 meters. First of all, make a couple of skeins around the brush. After this, you need to bandage the thumb on both sides, fixing it securely - this will protect you from common ligament injuries. Then you should move on to bandaging all the remaining fingers one by one, starting with the index. After each of them, make one skein around the brush. Be careful not to overextend your hand—your fist should be able to clench easily!

In the next steps, we recommend that you cover the striking surface with three or four rolls of bandage, and use the remaining length to fix another “problem” area - the hand. Ready!

Preparation for the procedure

Each dressing room of a medical institution contains a set of medications, consumables and special products that are used for treating wounds and taping. Performing dressings with their help is convenient and quick. Here are the most in demand positions:

  • Antiseptics. Iodine, brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexedine and pure ethyl alcohol are used. In special cases, the wound is covered with streptocide powder or treated with fucorcin, which, in addition to the antimicrobial, has an antifungal effect, the presence of which is necessary under certain conditions
  • Cotton pads, tampons, gauze pads. In dressing rooms they are used in the process of washing the wound and as a basis for applying ointments, gels and other medications. Their structure allows air to penetrate, but does not allow drugs to leak out.
  • Healing, anti-inflammatory and other special drugs. Apply to the wound during dressing. Both narrow-profile drugs and broad-spectrum drugs are used
  • Bandages and plasters. These consumables are essential. They are completely breathable and durable enough to provide the necessary hold.
  • Medical instruments. When performing a dressing, doctors use forceps, scissors, a clamp or tweezers, and sometimes a scalpel.

Having such a kit at hand, you can make a quite passable dressing, if you have the necessary knowledge and skills, at home. Therefore, doctors, if they see that the patient is recovering, allow him not to visit the dressing room.

How to tie an elastic bandage correctly

The question: “how to tie an elastic bandage” can be answered very briefly - just like a simple bandage. Those. dressing with an elastic bandage should follow the schemes developed for dressing with a regular bandage.

Of course, there is a difference, it consists in the huge advantage of an elastic bandage - by creating additional continuous pressure (compression) perpendicular to its surface, it leaves soft tissues and joints the opportunity to move and function within certain limits.

This quality of the elastic bandage allows it to be used both for securing bandages and for treating injuries to the musculoskeletal system and diseases of the vascular and lymphatic systems. How to properly apply an elastic bandage

Before using an elastic bandage, let's consider the basic dressing schemes and the goals they serve.

Circular bandage.

We hold the edge of the bandage with our left hand, and with our right hand we make several rounds at the same level - as a rule, this is how they begin to apply an elastic bandage.

Spiral bandage - ascending and descending.

With an upward spiral, an elastic bandage is applied from bottom to top. With a downward spiral, you need to apply an elastic bandage from top to bottom: This is how you bandage your shin, hand or chest. Each subsequent round overlaps the previous one by about 1/3

Creeping bandage

Very often we have to solve the following problem: how to properly apply an elastic bandage to a large surface. For example, the whole leg. To do this, you need to apply the bandage in two layers. In the first, we use a method similar to a spiral, but we do not overlap the previous round, but move away from it at a certain distance equal to the width of the bandage. And in the opposite direction we bandage or spiral, or some other method recommended by the doctor.

Cross-shaped (eight-shaped) bandage.

How to properly apply an elastic bandage to an ankle joint or knee is shown in the pictures below:

Spica bandage (a type of figure eight).

When applying it, the crosses are located along one line and are shifted at each round by ½ - 1/3 of the width of the bandage. The spica bandage recommends how to apply an elastic bandage to such dissimilar parts of the body as the first finger of the hand, shoulder and hip joints.

Turtle headband.

Bandaging the knee, elbow and heel with an elastic bandage is the most common procedure in everyday life.

Take a close look at the picture below, this is the so-called “Turtle” bandage for the knee joint:

Left and center - we wrap an elastic bandage towards the center, this is a “converging” tortoiseshell bandage. But on the right we wrap an elastic bandage in “up and down” circles from the center - this is a diverging turtle bandage.

You can use an elastic bandage on the elbow joint in the same way.

But you need to figure out how to wrap an elastic bandage around your heel. We make 2 circular fixing rounds on the shin above the ankle and along the oblique side of the back of the foot we go to the ankle joint and fix it with a circular round. Now along the inside we go above the heel and again secure it in a circular manner:

To avoid a loose fit of layers 2 and 3, they are secured with an additional oblique bandage 4, running from the back surface of the ankle joint down and anteriorly to the outer lateral surface of the foot. Then they continue to apply diverging rounds of the tortoiseshell bandage. The bandage ends in circular circles in the lower third of the shin above the ankles.

Stages of dressing

In the medical literature, dressing is defined as a set of therapeutic and diagnostic measures carried out in the presence of various types of damage to the skin. In a hospital setting, it is performed in specially designated rooms – dressing rooms. If there are no health risks, the procedure can be performed on an outpatient basis or at home. During the procedure, the order of actions of specialists may vary, but is usually performed in the following sequence:

  • Inspection. Conducted by a doctor. During a visual examination, the doctor determines the condition of the tissues, on the basis of which conclusions can be drawn regarding the need to use certain medications
  • Treatment. To perform it correctly, before each procedure it is necessary to wash the wound, treat it with an antiseptic solution and apply anti-inflammatory/healing/regenerating agents (if necessary). Sometimes cleaning and disinfection is enough
  • Bandaging. This is one of the most critical stages. The patient's comfort depends on the quality of its implementation. If the bandage is applied too tightly, blood will circulate poorly, which will negatively affect tissue regeneration, and if the bandage is loose, the wound may become contaminated and drugs may leak out.

Bandage structure

As a rule, they are formed by three components:

  1. With the bandage itself.
  2. A small loop. It is needed to fix the entire structure around the circumference of the thumb. To create an attachment point, it is simply threaded on. Additional turns and knots are not needed. If there is no loop, serious discomfort is felt.
  3. Velcro or tie. These elements are necessary for final fixation. The first one is more in demand. The second option is more difficult, especially for beginners.

What determines the speed of wound healing?

This process is influenced simultaneously by several factors:

  • Extent of tissue damage. The rate of regeneration of skin, muscles and connective tissues is inversely proportional to the amount of damage. The larger the wound, the longer it will take to scar and the more often dressings will need to be performed.
  • Presence of chronic diseases. Some illnesses, dysfunctions and pathologies interfere with the healing process. If they occur, it is advisable to first do procedures that will reduce their destructive influence
  • Patient's age. It should be understood that in young people metabolic processes are more intense, which allows wounds to scar much faster

Properly selected medications and regular dressings, which are performed in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Health and SanPin, can significantly speed up the healing process of a wound of any etiology. As long as the basic requirements are met, it does not matter whether they are performed in a hospital or at home.

Models and brands

There are simple products. They have been used since the beginning of the 20th century. Their material is cotton. There are also gauze options. They are also called Mexican.

Professional fighters use elastic gauze products. They tightly wrap around all the fingers and the whole hand, duplicating the contours of the hands. When tightening, the athlete feels whether he has pinched them or not, whether blood circulation in this area has been disrupted.

When tugging, it is dangerous to hit with your fist; you can immediately injure several fingers, stretch or tear ligaments.

The choice of bandage depends on the level of the fighter. Below are some examples of well-known brands:

  1. Everlast. These are high quality products with a long service life. They meet optimal parameters to achieve maximum comfort and safety.

  1. Title. This is also one of the leaders in the production of boxing bandages. Like point 1, it complements traditional products with a shock-absorbing gel layer. Some models received strengthening of the first 40 inches. For this purpose, a corresponding gasket has been introduced.

  1. Ultimatum. Their elastic products with a length of 3 - 4.5 m are especially popular. There are versions with gel pads.

Additional recommendations

The athlete should learn how to properly wrap the bandage around their dominant hand. Right-handers go to the left, and left-handers, respectively, to the right. In order for the process to proceed correctly, it is important to follow the instructions. In addition, there are additional recommendations that should also be followed:

  1. Winding should be done only at arm's length.
  2. No folds should be allowed.
  3. After completing the process, you should move your fingers. During exercise, blood tends to the tendons. If the winding is very tight, discomfort will be felt. Excessive compression of the joints and hands should not be allowed.
  4. You should carefully select bandages based on the type of material and length.
  5. For a small brush, it is better to choose a narrow ribbon.
  6. After classes, the bandage should be washed and dried.
  7. You must have 2-3 pieces available per shift.

Before wrapping your arm with an elastic bandage, it is important to choose the right tape and carefully study the recommendations for different wrapping methods. The boxing bandage is designed to fix and protect joints, knuckles, tendons of the wrists and hands from injury. It is used not only in boxing, but also in other sports.

It is important to choose the right width of the bandage - a narrow model is suitable for a small brush

You need to bandage your outstretched arm

Do not allow wrinkles to form

Excessive pinching of joints and hands is also prohibited

How long should I take the bandage?

Decide for yourself. If you have a small fist, then 3.5 m may be enough, but if you have a strong fist, then 5 will not be enough. Of course, the bandaging method you choose also affects the choice of size. Professional boxers prefer 4.5 m wraps. With the same wrapping method, cotton bandages are needed in a smaller size than elastic ones. Polyester is thinner than cotton, that's why. To make the fixation of your fingers, knuckles and wrist even more secure, wrap your hand in the same way a second time. This is where a long bandage comes in handy. Choose the color of the bandage to your taste. Basic ones: red, classic black and beautiful blue. When the hand sweats, the new ones take on a little color. It is recommended to wash them immediately and then wind them for the first time. Men, buy 4-5 m bandages, and smaller ones are suitable for women. And having studied all the methods, and having chosen yours, wind them correctly. This will save your hands from injuries, which will take a couple of months to heal before you can start training, not to mention participating in serious competitions, especially team ones. Take care of yourself.

Beginner mistakes

As already mentioned, if the winding is incorrect, you can get injured. The most common mistakes when wrapping bandages are:

  • folds - the risk of injury is minimal, but the skin is abraded until it bleeds;
  • high pressure on the veins and nerves - because of this, sensitivity is lost;
  • bad winding - weak contact, because of this everything unravels.

How do you know if you have wrapped the bandage correctly? Most often, beginners make mistakes when winding a Mexican (elastic) bandage. They can easily compress soft tissue. The fact is that even with the slightest effort, the fabric shifts and stretches. As a result, your hands may simply go numb.

The fabric should squeeze the hand gently, without interfering with turning in the joint area. When clenching and unclenching your fist, the fabric should neither squeeze nor hang too loosely. Only experience will help you wrap your hands correctly.

Potential Injuries

If you ignore hand bandaging or do it incorrectly, you can get the following injuries:

  1. Ligament and tendon ruptures.
  2. Dislocations.
  3. Cracks and fractures of bones.
  4. Stretches.

Their treatment takes about 1-2 months. No fighter needs such gaps. For this reason, you should tie bandages on your hands. In addition, it increases the impact. Also, sweat first saturates the bandages, and only then gets into the gloves. This extends their service life.

Beginners must listen to the mentor and wrap the bandages strictly according to his instructions.

The figure eight method

It began to be actively used during the Soviet Union. The wound bandage resembles a glove. Thanks to this method, the blows are stronger and harder, since the hand is firmly fixed, and the product fits better to the hand.

With this method, the joint of each finger is treated separately. This significantly reduces the risk of injury. The beginning and end of the technique are identical to the classic version.

The differences are as follows: after wrapping the knuckles in two circles around the circumference, you should pass the bandage sequentially between all fingers except the thumb. First between the index finger (IP), then the middle finger (SP), then the ring finger, and finally the little finger.

During the tying process, the fingers spread to the sides. The turnover starts from the zone opposite to the BP.

Each turn ends with a transition to the wrist. This provides additional fixation. Then there is a return to the next finger.


In conclusion, consider a few tips that will definitely come in handy when winding:

  • try to wrap the bandages yourself - don’t trust anyone. This is because it is difficult for another person to feel the optimal degree of tension;
  • After removal, take care of the bandages. At a minimum, they need to be dried and folded correctly;
  • When winding the bandage, make sure that the product does not put pressure when you unclench your hand. When the hand is clenched, the product should fit tightly around the fist.

Classic method

There are different ways to tie bandages. But there are only two main ones: classic and eight. The first one is the simplest. They usually bandage the hands of children and beginners. There is no complicated algorithm here, but it is necessary to bring certain actions to automaticity.

The classic bandaging plan is as follows:

  1. Fixing the power supply in the loop. The rest of the process follows from there.
  2. The product is wrapped around the circumference of the wrist, goes to the BP and with just one turn makes its final fixation.
  3. Wrapping the attacking surface. Move to the inside of the hand. And each new skein overlaps the previous one by 50%.

The process starts with the dominoes. They require enhanced protection. And those places where the hand is less covered with a bandage are covered with the last two turns.

  1. Fixation of all structures in the wrist area. Velcro or ties are used.k4

The trainer shows you how to tie bandages correctly in the first stages and helps you in this matter. Using the indicated instructions, you can hone the process to create the perfect home. It is better to remember it on a mechanical level and continue to act “automatically” than to try to remember the correct order of actions.

For this method, products whose length is 2.5-3 m are usually used. For beginners, these are the optimal solutions.

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