How to do a back massage correctly: the most common methods

From this article you will learn:

  • How to properly massage your back to relieve pain
  • How to properly massage your back with cupping
  • How to properly massage your back with your feet
  • How to properly massage your back
  • How to do a back massage correctly so as not to harm

In our article we will talk about the back and neck as the most vulnerable parts of the body. It will be useful for many to learn how to properly massage the back and collar area for themselves and another person in order to get rid of muscle spasms and pain, as well as to provide assistance with osteochondrosis.

Benefits of back massage

Massage is extremely beneficial if done correctly and regularly:

  • pain caused by pinched vertebrae disappears;
  • muscle relaxation occurs, spasm is relieved, and a sedative effect occurs;
  • skin tone and elasticity improve due to increased blood flow, which means the aging process stops;
  • tension goes away, the body rests, energy balance is restored;
  • massage helps eliminate manifestations of spinal curvature, removes tension, relieves headaches;
  • helps improve immunity;
  • by increasing blood flow, the nutrition of cells in internal organs and the spine is improved, and skin cellulite is reduced;
  • muscles are strengthened;
  • helps remove excess salts from the body.

Indications for prescribing massage procedures

The doctor should choose the treatment technique based on the clinical picture. Typically its use is prescribed for:

  • Scoliosis when the symmetry of muscle tissue is disturbed (on one side there is strong muscle tension, on the other - weak). Massage fixes stretched back muscles, normalizes tone, and relieves pain.
  • Curvatures of the spinal column. Massaging helps strengthen the muscle corset, relieve pain, relieve spasm and tension.

The use of appropriate techniques in combination with physiotherapeutic manipulations accelerates the processes of regeneration of joint functions and normalizes blood circulation in case of spinal injuries.

When you can and cannot do a back massage

You can do a back massage yourself when:

  • You have back pain and feel overexerted. With the help of massage you can relax your muscles, remove tone and get rid of discomfort. But you need to be careful and know how to properly massage your back with a massager or your hands when the vertebrae are displaced, as well as in the presence of a hernia, otherwise you can cause harm.
  • You need a mood lifter. Massage improves the condition of the nervous system, the emotional background stabilizes.
  • You want to improve your sleep quality. A properly performed back massage completely relaxes the body and helps you fall asleep well.

If you experience shooting pains and limited mobility, even if you know well how to properly give a back massage to a man or woman, it is better to abandon this idea and turn to a professional. Pregnant women need light exposure, including soft stroking; there should be no tapping or pressing. And only if the attending physician allows it.

Contraindications for back massage:

  • blood diseases and taking anticoagulants;
  • skin damage in the massage area;
  • illnesses in the acute stage, when medical attention is required;
  • tumors, lumps of unknown origin in the massage area;
  • external and internal bleeding;
  • acute infections;
  • heat;
  • malignant neoplasms and tuberculosis.

Therapeutic effect

Massage therapists perform physiological effects on specific segments of the body. It is also used in the fight against osteochondrosis. Systematic modernization of massage techniques increases the potential chance of rapid rehabilitation after illness.

Stroking is performed with the palms, but other options are also possible. Deep stroking is carried out with one palm, while the second plays the role of a weight, exerting pressure of various forces on the back surface of the working palm.

Vibration is performed by applying single, rhythmically following blows.

Massage improves blood circulation directly in the affected area, eliminating spasms of muscle tissue in the cervical-dorsal area (pain is reduced, muscle tissue is strengthened).

Types of back massage

What is the most important thing before properly doing a back and neck massage? You need to decide on the purpose of this procedure.

We list the main types of back massage:

  1. Medicinal – used for diseases of the musculoskeletal system and disorders of the heart and blood vessels, as it eliminates swelling.
  2. Relaxing – this type is used more often than others. It helps relax muscles, accelerates blood flow, strengthens the immune system, and rejuvenates the skin.
  3. Reflex – produces a pronounced analgesic effect. Internal organs correspond to certain points on the body that the specialist influences during the massage.
  4. Sports is definitely included in the training program for athletes. It is recommended to do it after intense training and at the end of competitions. It relaxes muscles well, eliminates spasms, helps to relax and gain strength. There are preliminary, training and restorative types of massage.
  5. Cosmetic – included in the anti-cellulite program, helps get rid of the “orange peel” on the skin.

Now for the cervical region:

  1. Classic massage is a traditional system consisting of stroking, kneading, rubbing, squeezing and vibration.
  2. Relaxing – used to relieve muscle spasms.
  3. A type of acupressure – a specialist works with acupuncture points in the neck area associated with internal organs.
  4. Cosmetic - helps remove fat deposits, restore skin firmness and elasticity by improving blood circulation.
  5. Wellness type massage - necessary for the development of osteochondrosis or other disorders in the cervical spine, for headaches, and salt deposits.

Use of essential oils

The use of essential oils allows you to increase the effectiveness of massage techniques several times. It is important to choose the right concentration and proportions of oils. The proportion is 5-10 drops of essential oil per tablespoon of base oil. The oil temperature should be room temperature. If this temperature is not reached, heating in a steam bath is used.

Different essential oils are used for different types of techniques. The table below shows which oils are best suited for each type of massage.

  • Rose;
  • Geranium;
  • Sage;
  • Jasmine.
  • Mint;
  • Lavender;
  • Sage.
  • Orange;
  • Lemon;
  • Grapefruit;
  • Geranium;
  • Juniper;
  • Patchouli.
To improve brain activity
  • Mint;
  • Thyme;
  • Bergamot;
  • Lemon.
  • Jasmine;
  • Patchouli;
  • Geranium;
  • Carnation;
  • Sage.
Massage for pain relief
  • Mint;
  • Melissa;
  • Needles.
To improve scalp and hair
  • Sandalwood;
  • Thyme;
  • Orange.
To improve skin condition
  • Orange;
  • Chamomile;
  • Thyme.

How to properly give a back massage to another person

Let's take a closer look at how to properly and simply massage your back. Any more or less hard surface, for example, a sofa seat or couch, is suitable for conducting a session, so that a person can lie flat without falling through. If the base is too soft, then place a yoga mat or something similar on the floor.

It is recommended to place your head on an inflatable horseshoe-shaped pillow or a folded thick towel.

The shins should be slightly raised by placing a pillow or blanket under them. This will make it easier to relax your lower back.

It is necessary to undress to the waist or at least unfasten the bra clasp so that your back is exposed.

Before the massage, the hands or body are lubricated with oil or cream for good glide. Traditionally, the “Children’s” cream with the image of a fox on the tube is used (it is usually called “cream with a little fox”), other suitable types are “Alice”, “Nega”, “Ballet”, Johnson's Baby oil.

You can also purchase almond, hemp, argan, avocado, shea, jojoba or grape seed oils for back massage. They are light and penetrate the skin well.

If a person does not mind (there is no allergy), then for an additional aromatherapy effect, one to four drops of essential oil can be added to the base cream or oil.

If there is nothing better at hand, then use any vegetable oil.

There are certain requirements for how to properly do a relaxing or other back massage:

  • All manipulations must be performed on the muscles near the spine, without touching the bones.

    This is very important : do not put pressure on the spine, as this can cause injury. Only specialists are proficient in the techniques of realigning vertebrae. They are called chiropractors, or chiropractors.

  • Hand movements should be done in accordance with the flow of lymph, that is, from the lower extremities up and from the spine to the sides. The instructions must be followed unquestioningly.
  • Move slowly, follow the sequence of techniques: first stroke, then rub, and at the end slowly and smoothly knead the back muscles. This massage will be more effective.
  • Be attentive to your patient. You cannot massage when your muscles are tense: either change the action or end the session.

The techniques need to be done two or three times. Complete completion of the complex usually takes 15 minutes.

A person should not experience severe back pain. If he feels discomfort, then you need to end the massage.

Superficial planar stroking.

Rub your hands together and generously lubricate them with oil or cream to warm them up.

Using your palms and fingers together, lightly stroke your back two or three times, starting from the sacral area to the neck, then move along the neck area to the shoulder joints.

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  • Stone massage: description, benefits, methods
  • MRI of three parts of the spine: when is it necessary and what are the features of the procedure

Start making deep, flat strokes.

Press a little harder with your palms, following the same lines as with the first movements.

Alternate rubbing.

The movement is performed with palms with fingers connected. Work with both hands, moving them back and forth, which will move the skin slightly. Choose any direction for rubbing: along the back or across.

Spiral strokes.

Perform spiral movements with both hands, keeping your fingers together. Move from the lumbar region to the neck and shoulders. The skin should not move.

Spiral rubbing.

To perform the massage movement correctly, bring the four fingers of your hand together. Walk through your back in a circular motion, direction from your thumb. Start from the lower back and move up in spirals.


The movement is performed by the middle phalanges, so the fingers need to be bent. You need to move from the middle part of the back up to the junction of the neck and shoulder, then from the lumbar region to the armpits. Hands should move gently, without pressure. Do not move the skin.


Using the ribs of both palms, you need to perform sawing movements back and forth along the back, you can choose any direction. Work this way on both sides of the spinal column. How to correctly do this movement when massaging your back, look at the photo.

Separate-sequential stroking.

First, stroke one side of your back from bottom to top, then move your palm along the other side. Remember to do each movement two to three times.

Rake-like stroking.

Use your fingers in the form of a “rake” to move from the spine to the lateral surfaces of the back. Place both hands first on one side, then on the other.


Place your hand with open fingers next to your spine. Move, making short movements - “strokes” - to the side of your back. To ensure your actions are accurate, watch a video on the Internet about how to do a back massage step by step and correctly.

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10. Rake-like stroking.

Spread your fingers on your hand and perform several strokes from the vertebrae to the side surfaces of the back.

Comb-like stroking.

Squeeze your hands tightly - this movement should be done with your knuckles. Move them along your back from the bottom up, without pressing on the vertebrae.

Spiral rubbing with thumbs.

Place your thumbs on either side of your spine. Rub your back, moving in a spiral from the sacrum to the shoulders.

Separate and sequential stroking with two fingers.

Before performing, remember the movement of sequential stroking, when the second palm follows the first. Only now you will carry out stroking using only the ring and index fingers. First massage on one side of the back, then on the other.

Shading on the sides of the spine.

You have already become familiar with this massage technique above. Place your hands on the lower back near the spine, spread your fingers and make strokes moving towards the upper part to the shoulders.

If some movements are unclear, then you need to carefully watch the video on how to properly do a back massage.


Stroke your back with light movements of the middle phalanges of your fingers.

Planing on the sides of the spine.

This massage technique is performed with both hands. The starting position of the first hand is with the palm straightened, four fingers connected, and you will perform planing with the edge. Now move your thumb away and hold it with your other hand. Start “planing” from the lower back, on the sides of the spine, without touching it.

Planar stroking with weights.

This is a slightly modified movement that you did with one hand at the beginning of the massage. How to do it correctly? Cover the first with your second palm to increase pressure on the back muscles. Move sequentially: first from the sacral area to the cervical region, then to the point between the neck and shoulder and to the shoulder joint.

Some people are interested in how to properly massage a guy’s back. Others ask about how to properly massage a girl’s back. The answer is this: the basic techniques are the same for everyone, here you need to take other points into account. Now let's continue about massage techniques.

Rolling onto the thumb.

Place your palm on your back with your fingers connected, away from your spine. With your other hand, make a circular motion, grabbing the skin above your thumb and rolling onto it. Repeat the massage technique, moving higher up your back.

Walk twice in three directions on both sides of the spinal column:

  • from sacrum to neck;
  • from the middle part of the back to the junction of the neck and shoulder;
  • from the lower back to the armpit area.


The middle phalanges of the fingers are involved here. Give a few gentle back rubs.

Rolling onto a fist.

How to do this massage technique correctly? One hand: fingers clenched into a fist, place it on the right side of the spinal column with the knuckles towards the shoulders. The second hand grabs the tissue in a circular motion and lifts this roller onto the fist. Slowly move higher up your back.

The action must be performed in three directions on both sides of the spine:

  • from the lower back to the shoulders;
  • from the lower back to the point connecting the neck and shoulder;
  • from the middle of the back to the armpit.

Separate-sequential stroking.

Place your straight palm at the sacrum and move it upward, first to the right, then to the left of the spine. With your second hand you catch up with the first with the same movement.

Semicircular kneading.

Keep your fingers, except the thumb, together. Start the massage from an area slightly above the lumbar region. Place your palm along your back so that your extended thumb points toward your spine. Using four fingers, make a semicircular movement towards the thumb, grabbing the skin and muscle tissue. While maintaining your grip, bring your fingers back, then release. Repeat the movement, moving your hand up.

Follow this line from the lumbar region to the armpit, then from the middle part of the spine to the point between the neck and shoulder. Perform sequentially on both sides of the back.

Planar spiral stroking.

With a straight palm and fingers joined, stroke in a spiral from the lumbar region to the shoulders.

Transverse kneading.

This movement warms up the upper part of the trapezius muscle, located from the neck to the shoulder joint.

So, how to do this back massage technique correctly? Place both palms on one side of the spine below the neck, join your fingers and turn them towards your head. With one hand, grab the skin and muscle tissue and move it slightly towards you. Do not release the grip, move the second palm towards you, and the first returns to its original position. Consistently go through the entire area, moving your palms towards the shoulder joint and making a new grip. Then work on the other side of your back.

Separate-sequential stroking.

Do light strokes next to the spine from bottom to top. First, go to the shoulders with one hand, then with the other.

Deep and then superficial flat stroking.

Perform the same movements in reverse order as at the beginning of the massage. Always start from the sacrum. First, go to the cervical region, then from below to the shoulder joint and to the point between the neck and shoulder.

To learn how to do a back massage correctly, watch the video:

How to properly massage your back

It is convenient to massage by placing tennis or massage balls under your back. They are sold at any sports store.

How to properly massage your back:

  • Prepare a place on the floor. It's better to practice on a yoga mat.
  • It is convenient if there is a free part of the wall nearby, since for some techniques you need to take a vertical position.
  • Wear tight tights and a tank top that will not impede your movement.

Important rules for self-massage:

  • Manipulations are performed only on muscles and soft tissues. Do not touch the bones of the spine.
  • Maintain even, calm breathing.
  • Act on a specific area for 30–60 seconds.
  • If you experience pain, walk the ball around this area of ​​your back.

Let's talk in more detail about how to properly do this back massage:

  • Treatment of the cervical and thoracic regions.

Stand against the wall and grip the massage device with your upper back on the right side of your vertebrae. Perform circular movements with your shoulder two or three times. Feel the movement of the ball on the soft tissues. Then squat and straighten up several times, trying to roll the ball up and down along your back.

Perform the same massage technique on the left side of the back.

  • Rolling the ball under the shoulder blades.

To perform, lie down on the mat. The ball should be under the shoulder blade on the right side of the back. The knees are bent, the feet are on the floor, the arms are clasped around the shoulders, and the thoracic spine is slightly rounded. Start moving back and forth while rolling the massage ball under your back. You can make small circles.

Repeat the same movements on the left side of your back.

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Therapeutic massage for the back: features, indications and contraindications Read more

  • Midsection massage.

The exercise should be done standing, placing a ball between the middle part of the back and the wall. Remember that you are not touching the vertebrae, but only massaging the muscles. Squat and rise up, moving the ball up and down over the soft tissue. Roll the right side first and then the left side.

  • We warm up the lumbar region.

Starting position: sitting on the mat, bend your knees, feet on the floor. Lower yourself onto the ball until it is under the right side of your vertebrae. First, simply straighten both legs. Feel the pressure on your back muscles. If it is sufficient, then lie on the ball for a while.

To work your lower back deeper, place your feet on the floor, bend your knees, lift your pelvis slightly and begin to make circular movements, rolling the ball under your back. Try different directions of movement.

Don't forget to repeat on the other side of your back.

How to properly massage your back with cupping

It is useful to include cupping back massage in complex therapy for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and for recovery from injury. This method gives a good effect: the flow of lymph and blood increases, muscle spasm is relieved, swelling is reduced, pain is reduced, immunity is stimulated, and metabolic processes throughout the spine are improved.

At one time, cupping was very popular and was used to treat a variety of diseases. Today this method is used as an additional procedure, since numerous contraindications have been identified that limit its implementation.

It is important that after such manipulations a person feels better, pain decreases, the skin becomes smoother, and movements are freer.

In order for the use of this method to benefit the patient, you need to know how to properly massage with cups on the back. Usually after the session the disease stops progressing and the condition of the spine improves.

The cupping massage technique accelerates recovery processes after various types of injuries (bruises, sprains, fractures), when the functions of the musculoskeletal system are impaired, and helps reduce scars on the skin. Its use is indicated if a person has first-degree hypertension, some gynecological diseases, sleep problems, nervous tension, back pain of various origins.

Although back massage with cupping can be useful for many pathologies, this technique also has contraindications. They must be treated responsibly, otherwise you may not help, but harm the patient.

You should not massage with cups if:

  • the presence of blood diseases and bleeding;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • open form of tuberculosis, hemoptysis or pulmonary hemorrhage;
  • hypertension of II and III degrees;
  • fever, active inflammatory or infectious process;
  • benign and malignant neoplasms;
  • open wounds on the skin or purulent lesions of the body;
  • mental disorders;
  • hypersensitivity of the skin and tendency to seizures;
  • general serious condition of a person.

Unfortunately, there are many diseases on the list for which cupping massage is prohibited. You should definitely consult your doctor for advice before carrying out such manipulations.

Let's look at how to properly do a therapeutic back massage with cupping. First, you will need a set of latex or glass jars, a tube of Vaseline or oil, matches, some alcohol and cotton wool. Previously, specialists had a special device - a wick. It was a metal rod with a piece of cotton wool placed on its jagged tip. It was used to create a vacuum in glass jars before placing them on their backs. The skin must be lubricated with a cosmetic product to ensure slipping. After this, the cans are attached to the back: the air is quickly burned out of the glass ones, and the latex ones are squeezed by hand.

It is considered normal if after the session there are redness and swelling at the place where cupping is placed, and even bruising in sensitive areas. But these traces disappear after a few days.

Then the specialist should put all the cups on and start doing the massage. There are certain movement patterns. The cans are moved in a circle, zigzag, along straight lines. It is necessary to ensure that the actions coincide with the flow of lymph and blood; you should not linger on the lymph nodes. The massage time is 5–30 minutes. During the session, burning and tingling may occur, but there should not be severe pain. If discomfort occurs, you need to stop the massage to avoid complications.

Quite often, bank manipulations are carried out at home, which is a big advantage. You just need to know how to do this back massage correctly, and the location of the massage does not affect this. Do not forget to discuss the duration of the procedure at a preliminary consultation with your doctor so as not to provoke complications.

Sometimes cupping massage is combined with honey massage. Honey is mixed with oil and applied to the back. This mixture effectively cleanses the skin, it becomes smooth, and metabolic processes improve. Cupping massage has long proven its effectiveness for various ailments.


Massage is not performed in the following cases:

Lumbar massage

  • Increased body temperature.
  • High blood pressure.
  • The postoperative period is up to 6 months.
  • Any damage to the skin of the back (burns, wounds, skin diseases, warts).
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Tumors of any location.
  • Poor general health on the day of the procedure.
  • Alcohol or drug intoxication.
  • Mental disorders.

How to properly massage your back with your feet

It’s worth figuring out how to properly massage a woman’s or man’s back using a technique that ensures moderate, safe pressure is applied.

1. Thai massage technique.

During the session, the master works with his knees and feet. The massage is performed without taking into account specific directions. The location of the pressure is determined depending on what problem needs to be solved.

Before the session, the skin is lubricated with oil.

How to properly do a back massage using the Thai method?

If you need to work on your upper back or are bothered by pain at the level of your shoulder blades, the procedure is carried out as follows:

  • You will need a gymnastics mat. The patient lies on his stomach, the specialist walks on his knees along the entire back, applying more pressure in the lumbar area.
  • The next technique: the person lies on his back, and the master lifts him up, his legs straightened.
  • Next, the client turns on his side, he needs to lean on his elbow. The masseur rotates the shoulder. Then he raises his hand and makes several stretching movements.
  • The patient sits down and butterfly stretching exercises are performed for the shoulder joints.
  • Now all movements need to be repeated while lying on your stomach.

How to properly massage the lower back:

  • The patient lies with his stomach on the mat, the master walks on his knees over the entire surface of the back, lingering more on the lower zone.
  • Now the client turns over onto his back, begins to rotate his hips, periodically shaking and swaying his legs. After this, the massage therapist takes hold of the ankle, pulls the leg forward towards himself, and the body moves forward and backward. The patient sits in a “half lotus” position and presses on the outer surfaces of the legs.
  • Each technique is performed for five minutes: the master passes his knees along the entire back, then bends his legs towards the buttocks.
  • The movements are repeated starting from the first.

How to properly massage your back if your neck and shoulders hurt:

  • The patient needs to sit down so that the specialist can work on the upper back area. The shoulders are targeted for five minutes, then a neck massage is performed.
  • The client lies on his stomach, the master presses on the shoulders, does cervical traction, and swings his legs.
  • After this, the patient sits down again and the complex is performed again.

2. Turkish massage session.

The duration of the procedure is approximately 30 minutes. It is usually offered by hammams and spa centers.

What is included in a Turkish massage session:

  • First, the client steams in the hammam, then he is asked to lie on an elastic mat.
  • A large towel is placed on his body, and the massage therapist will need support (bars, bamboo sticks, rings).
  • The action is accompanied by beautiful oriental music, to which the specialist works with his knees, feet and even elbows, stretching his back along the spine.
  • At the end, rest for about 10 minutes and remove the remaining oil from the skin.

3. Lakshmi foot massage.

This erotic massage is capable of delivering sensual pleasure, which is why it bears the name of the goddess Lakshmi. It is used for relaxation and rest, relieving tension, and getting rid of stress. This type is not considered medicinal, but after it a person feels renewed and calm.

This procedure has many fans, especially among men. In salons it is performed by petite girls. They are taught how to properly massage the back with their feet.

First of all, essential oil with a pleasant aroma is applied to the skin and a short classic massage is performed. When redness appears on the skin, the specialist moves on to Eastern practice:

  • the girl begins to move along the back of the lying client with light, smooth movements;
  • Pressing with the toes is carried out at special points.

Self-massage of the neck

If you feel tension in the cervical region, you can relieve it with self-massage.

Find out how to do it correctly to get good results.

  1. Sit in a comfortable position, remove your hair, warm massage oil in your palms.
  2. Tilt your head with your chin down and start stroking your neck from top to shoulders.
  3. Make several circular rotation movements along the cervical vertebrae using the pads of your fingers. Then perform intense stroking. Alternate techniques.
  4. Light pinching of the skin near the vertebrae works well.
  5. Lift your chin and perform three or four strokes from bottom to top.
  6. Now, using your index finger and thumb, make several circular movements from your collarbone up to your chin. Stroke the surface of your neck with your palms. Repeat all movements again. The massage can last 5–10 minutes.
  7. Finally, stroke your entire neck with your palms again.

Knowing how to properly massage your back and neck yourself, you can prevent the development of various diseases, maintain good muscle tone and relax.

Nowadays, you no longer have to spend a lot of time performing complex and unpleasant procedures at home. It is much easier to seek help from real professionals - the Veronika Herba beauty and health center, equipped with effective and modern equipment.

Why clients choose Veronika Herba beauty and health center:

  • Why clients choose Veronika Herba beauty and health center:
  • This is a beauty center where you will get laser hair removal of the chin area at a reasonable cost, and you will be treated not by an ordinary cosmetologist, but by one of the best specialists in Moscow. This is a completely different, higher level of service!
  • You can receive qualified help at any time convenient for you. The beauty center is open from 9:00 to 21:00, seven days a week. The main thing is to agree with your doctor in advance on the date and time of your appointment.

Sign up for a consultation with a specialist by phone +7 (495) 085-15-13, and you will see for yourself!

General rules

In order to get the maximum benefit from massage, you need to make sure that there are no contraindications to the procedure. The room should be warm, but not stuffy. The last meal should be no later than 2 hours before the session.

A special massage couch is used for the procedure, and if the procedure is carried out at home, then any hard and flat surface. Duration 15–30 minutes. How long the procedure lasts depends on the patient’s condition and the type of massage used. Course duration is 10–15 sessions.

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