Is it possible to do massage with intervertebral hernia of the spine?

Spinal hernia can rightfully be called one of the most common diseases, which literally overshadows a person’s life, reducing mobility and ability to work. Treatment of a hernia is a rather complicated procedure, since any incorrect movement or action will only aggravate the situation. One of the most popular and effective options for treating a hernia is massage.

What is an intervertebral hernia

Intervertebral hernia is a disease of musculoskeletal tissue in which the nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc is displaced, accompanied by rupture of fibrous fibers.

When a disc herniates, the annulus fibrosus ruptures and the nucleus pulposus prolapses.

Most often, a herniated disc is diagnosed in the lumbosacral spine. In rare cases, it occurs in the cervical or thoracic spine. Depending on the course of the disease, the fibrous ring of the disc may be partially damaged, or it may be completely destroyed due to physical exertion and compression of the vertebrae.


The main condition for the development of Schmorl's hernia is hereditary predisposition. Factors that provoke its appearance and further progression:

  • rapid growth in adolescence - bone structures develop unevenly, the skeleton forms more slowly than soft tissues, voids appear in the spongy body of the vertebrae;
  • old age – degenerative processes begin, accompanied by a decrease in tissue elasticity and bone strength (osteoporosis);
  • spinal injury resulting in deformation of the intervertebral disc;
  • calcium deficiency in the body;
  • excessive physical activity, professional sports, regular weight lifting.

Basic methods of hernia treatment

A herniated disc most often requires complex treatment, which includes:

  • taking painkillers and anti-inflammatory medications;
  • use of preparations for external use (ointments, gels, creams) with a therapeutic effect;
  • administration of anesthetic drugs to relieve pain;
  • taking vitamins and chondroprotectors;
  • massage;
  • physical therapy (special exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the spinal column and relaxing the fibers that compress the nerve endings);
  • medicinal baths.

If conservative treatment fails, surgical intervention is resorted to . Surgery to remove a hernia can be performed using an endoscope or by cutting soft tissue. If it is impossible to restore the structure of the intervertebral disc, they resort to installing an implant in place of the damaged disc.

Prevention measures

Any physical activity that puts stress on the back and is performed regularly or too vigorously can cause the development of a vertical hernia of the spine.

To prevent the formation of a hernial protrusion or to prevent complications with already diagnosed Schmorl's nodules, preventive measures should be followed. It is necessary to exclude excessive physical activity on the spinal column, especially during its growth (in adolescence), control body weight so that additional stress is not placed on the spine, and do not lift heavy objects. It is important to observe moderation when engaging in strength sports.

The use of massage for lumbar spinal hernia

Massage is an integral part of treatment for a herniated disc in the lumbar spine . With the help of massage, you can achieve normalization of blood supply to the damaged area of ​​the spine, elasticity of muscle fibers, and strengthening of the muscle frame around the spine.

How massage can help with a hernia

Performing a massage for a spinal hernia is possible to eliminate severe pain. Massage will not eliminate the herniated disc itself, but it will help prevent further destructive development of the vertebrae, pinching of nerve endings, and can also relax the back muscles.

Important! Performing a massage can only be entrusted to a highly qualified specialist. In addition, it is very important to comply with the conditions under which it is permissible to perform massage for a herniated lumbar disc.

At what stages can massage be done?

If you have an intervertebral hernia, you should follow the rules under which massage manipulations can be performed, otherwise the likelihood of complications and serious disorders is inevitable.

Rules for performing massage for a herniated disc:

  • massage should be performed strictly after pain syndromes have been eliminated;
  • the presence of an inflammatory process prevents massage manipulations;
  • It is strictly forbidden to perform massage during the acute stage of the disease or exacerbation of the disease.

It is best to perform a massage in the initial stages of an intervertebral hernia, when the disc has not yet prolapsed

Massage is a restorative procedure , so it can be performed either for preventive purposes, when the hernia has not yet developed, or after the main treatment (effectively during the rehabilitation period after surgery). Massage helps relieve pain in the presence of a hernia that does not require surgery.

Contraindications to the use of massage for hernia

When prescribing massage procedures, the doctor takes into account not only the degree of damage to the intervertebral disc, but also other features in which it is unacceptable to perform massage:

  • during severe pain;
  • in the presence of inflammatory or purulent rashes on the skin;
  • with hypertension of the second or third stage;
  • in the presence of an inflammatory process accompanied by high temperature;
  • during pregnancy;
  • with a tendency to thrombosis;
  • with a blood disease;
  • upon detection of oncological processes in the body;
  • in case of disturbances in the functioning of the heart;
  • with osteomyelitis or bone tuberculosis.

Each case requires an individual approach , so the doctor prescribes a massage not only based on the clinical picture of the disease, but is also guided by the general health of the patient. In each specific case, it is possible to use certain massage techniques that are most effective in a particular case.

Video: “Non-surgical treatment of spinal hernia”

Symptoms of the disease

Schmorl's hernia forms gradually and until a certain point does not touch adjacent arteries and nerve roots. Therefore, for a long time, Schmorl's hernia does not cause any symptoms.

Pain in the back may gradually appear in the following cases:

  • prolonged physical activity;
  • lifting heavy things;
  • long static stay in a standing or sitting position;
  • hit in the back or chest.

As the protrusion progresses and its size increases, the following symptoms occur:

  • soreness, tingling in the back muscles;
  • limited mobility in the thoracic spine;
  • inability to sit for a long time without back support;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • dizziness, headaches.

Types and techniques of massage for lumbar intervertebral disc herniation

There are several types of massage, each of which is aimed at eliminating the symptoms caused by a herniated disc.:

  • in case of compression of the intervertebral disc or pinched muscle fibers - classic massage with traction;
  • for muscle weakness - honey with a strengthening effect.

In addition, there is a vacuum massage, which is aimed at nourishing the disc and a rush of blood to the damaged area, acupressure, segmental, and hydromassage.

Massage technique

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Pay attention to the rules for performing a massage for a spinal hernia. Each type of massage has a specific technique, which involves performing actions aimed at improving the patient’s condition, depending on the symptoms that occur with the disease.

Classic massage

The preliminary stage when performing a classic massage is warming up the surface of the skin .

To do this, stroking and light rubbing movements are made with the hands without force.

A special feature of massage for a herniated lumbar vertebra is the softness of movements, the absence of pressure or force during massage manipulations.

The movements are performed in stages, starting with stroking the latissimus and longus dorsi muscles. Next, the gluteal muscles are kneaded, and then the back muscles again.

After warming up all the muscles, begin the main massage, which includes:

  1. rubbing from the buttocks to the back, stroking the broad muscles of the back towards the buttocks and back;
  2. light squeezes in the buttocks and lumbar region with the edge of the palm;
  3. point rubbing with fingers along the spine and then stroking;
  4. stroking with the outer edge of the palm along the spine and across the spinal column;
  5. straight and spiral rubbing up and down along the spine;
  6. rubbing across and along the sacrum, produced by the edge of the palm;
  7. kneading the buttocks with a clenched fist.

In addition, pinching and shaking of the soft tissues around the spine and other manipulations are performed that help to work on the gluteal and lumbosacral areas of the spine. Movements can be performed 3-4 times.

The total massage time is from 30 minutes to an hour . The course of massage activities should be carried out from ten to twenty days. Then a break of two to three months is necessary. A repeated course of massage can be prescribed according to the indications of the attending physician.

Honey massage

The technique of performing honey massage is similar to the classical one at the preliminary stage . When performing a massage, honey is used as a softening and nourishing agent. After warming massage movements, honey is applied to the damaged area in a thick layer and a light massage is performed.

During a honey massage, all movements should be smooth and soft. Pressing on problem areas and using forceful techniques is unacceptable.

Important! Honey massage cannot be performed for large hernias.

After most of the honey has been absorbed, only a sticky layer remains, apply your palm to the sticky area and quickly tear it off the skin. This ensures the restoration of the reflex activity of the muscles of the damaged area, and also restores its blood supply and nutrition.

The duration of the honey massage should gradually increase from the first day. You need to start the course in a few minutes.

Vacuum massage

Vacuum massage can be carried out either using cans or with the help of special devices. The vacuum type of massage involves the use of cans tightly attached to the body. Some air is sucked out of them using fire.

Thus, the jar, like a vacuum, draws in part of the skin. The massage therapist moves these jars in the desired direction, thereby ensuring blood circulation and muscle relaxation in the area where the jar is located.

The level of skin sucked into the jar should not exceed two centimeters to ensure comfortable sliding.

As a rule, two cans are used, which are placed symmetrically to each other relative to the spinal column.

They are moved along the spine in straight, wavy or zigzag paths from the lower back to the cervical region up and down, without touching the vertebrae. To ensure better glide, it is permissible to use ointments and creams.

Other types of massage can be used in combination with the main ones; their use must be approved by a doctor.

Video: “Reflex massage for spinal hernia”

Find out more about the use of massage for hernias in other parts of the spine:

  • Is it possible to massage a herniated disc in the cervical spine?
  • Read more about how a spinal hernia is treated using manual therapy on the page
  • How a back massage is performed during protrusion is described here

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In our center, we have assembled an excellent team of doctors who can not only professionally diagnose and formulate a course of treatment, but also carry out all the necessary procedures. You can get to know our doctors and the level of their work better in the video on the website and from the video reviews of our patients below.

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Learn more about manual therapy

Benefits of honey back massage:

  • relief from pain
  • improvement of blood circulation, acceleration of lymph flow
  • removal of toxins
  • reduction of manifestations of osteochondrosis, radiculitis, diseases of bones and joints
  • prevention, treatment of musculoskeletal diseases
  • general relaxation, relief from physical and mental stress, improved mood
  • getting rid of unwanted fat deposits in the neck and lower back
  • improved posture
  • acceleration of metabolism
  • getting rid of dizziness and reducing the manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia
  • increasing the level of working capacity
  • relief from headaches, insomnia
  • increasing immunity, getting rid of the problem of frequent colds and viral diseases
  • improvement of complexion due to accelerated blood circulation, increased volume of oxygen received by cells
  • treatment, prevention of spinal hernias

The smallest particles of honey penetrate deep into the epidermis and begin to act at the cellular level. It is on the subcutaneous layers that proteins, minerals, and vitamins work, which explains the effectiveness of honey massage not only for selected areas, but also for the entire body.

Indications and contraindications

Massage is prescribed to people at risk of developing osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernia. These include office workers who spend more than 12 hours a day at a computer, workers who endure intense physical activity, or who have suffered an injury or pinched nerve. Here, massage will completely restore impaired metabolic processes and maintain health. But there are a number of cases when resorting to the services of a massage therapist is dangerous. These include the following conditions:

  • The presence of cancer in the body of any location.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Psychological disorders or diseases.
  • The period of bearing a baby.
  • Phlebeurysm.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • Pathologies of the skin.
  • Swelling or urticaria.
  • Infectious diseases.

It is forbidden to massage during periods of increased body temperature, fever, or disturbances in the digestive tract. Each disease method may have specific contraindications, which a specialist usually warns about before starting the course.

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