A selection of exercises for warming up and training against arthrosis of the ankle joint

Gymnastics therapy

Effective treatment with exercises begins with a set of exercises. When choosing the optimal option, focus on the sensations both in the foot and in the ankle and knee joints. Consultation with your doctor will help you make a choice in favor of those exercises that correspond to your age, severity of the disease and other individual characteristics.

A few of the most common foot exercises:

  1. Stretch your legs while lying down. Bend your toes and bring them back. Do it 10 times.
  2. Without changing your position, make circular movements with your feet clockwise and back. Repeat 10 times in each direction.
  3. Also in a lying position, bend your knees and place your heels on the floor. Now bend and straighten your legs at the ankles. The number of repetitions is 10-20 times.
  4. Sit on a chair. Press your toes into the floor first, then your heels. Perform 20 - 30 times.
  5. Without getting up from the chair, make circular movements with your heel (toes remain on the surface).
  6. In a sitting position, cross your legs and rotate your feet, first clockwise 10 times, then counterclockwise the same amount.
  7. Also while sitting, place your toes on the floor and lift your feet up. Quantity 20 - 30 times.
  8. Perform squats without lifting your heels off the floor. 10 to 20 repetitions.
  9. Stand on one leg. Bend the other one at the knee, lift it and bring it forward slightly. Stay in this position for about five seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat 10 times with each leg.

On a note. Physical therapy for foot arthrosis should include, among other things, exercises aimed at strengthening the ankle and knee joints. Everything in the body is interconnected, and the condition can only be improved by approaching the problem holistically.

Doctor Bubnovsky's technique

Arthrosis requires an integrated approach to solving the problem. The program of one of the most famous doctors, S.M. Bubnovsky, is based on this. He carefully studied the effects of gymnastics on the body with arthrosis and developed his own system not only for the treatment, but also for the prevention of this pathology.

Bubnovsky exercises are a set of exercises aimed at strengthening joints and improving overall health. The essence of the technique is the activation of restoration processes in the human body. The main thing is to come to a strong muscle corset, which will protect sore joints from stress.

General recommendations

In order for the complex to really bring benefits, you must follow certain advice from the doctor:

  • start the exercises with a light massage or just stroking - this will prepare the joints and muscles for the load;
  • perform therapeutic exercises, starting with a few seconds and gradually increasing the time;
  • be sure to drink a lot of water during training - the amount is regulated only by your desire;
  • do gymnastics regularly;
  • watch your breathing - it should be deep, in rhythm with your movements;
  • Complete your workout with stretching to reduce pain after performing gymnastics.

Complex for feet

The exercises are aimed at improving the condition of joints, activating metabolic processes in cartilage, and strengthening muscles:

  1. Make circular movements with your foot counterclockwise and back.
  2. Lying on your back (arms and legs not bent), extend your big toe away from you, then toward you. Repeat 10 times.
  3. Bring your big toes together, then spread them apart as hard as you can.
  4. Squeeze your toes, then open them as much as possible.
  5. Bend your knees, straighten (the soles slide along the surface, the heel should touch the buttocks when bending).
  6. Get on your knees (back straight). Slowly lower yourself onto your heels and sit down. The total duration of the exercise can be up to five minutes. If at the initial stage it is difficult to perform, then place a cushion under your knees.

On a note. Any gymnastic complex does not guarantee an immediate effect. To get results, you need to exercise regularly and listen to your body.

Basic exercises in a lying position

At the initial stage of exercise therapy, it is recommended to perform simple exercises in which the load on the joint is minimal. A suitable option is exercises in the “lying” position:

  1. Lie on your back. Stretch your legs forward and your arms along your body. Relax your body completely. Make circular movements with your feet to the left. Repeat 5-10 times, then rest for 30 seconds and do a second approach, but in the other direction.
  2. Stay in the same position. Develop your big toes: bring them together and spread them to the maximum possible distance. Alternate between bending and extending all your fingers. Perform 10 repetitions for each exercise, repeat 2 times.
  3. Lying on your back, pull your feet up one at a time - first pull your toes towards you, then in the opposite direction. Perform 10 repetitions on each leg. Rest and do the 2nd set.
  4. Bend your knees. Slowly lift your left leg, gently pull it towards your chest and return it to its place. Repeat 10 times on each leg.
  5. Sit on a low (about 30 cm) bench, chair or edge of the bed. Extend your legs completely, pressing your feet to the floor. In this position, lift each leg in turn, imitating actions similar to normal walking. Repeat 10 times. Do 2 sets.

On the first day, perform the complex once. If there is no muscle pain the next day, exercise twice a day: in the morning and in the evening.

Massage as an additional method of improving condition

Massage is an especially necessary and important procedure for poor blood circulation in the tissues. It helps activate metabolic processes, improves overall muscle tone and, as a result, alleviates the condition of arthrosis. Spend 5-10 minutes on your feet before going to bed. First apply a light massage cream to clean skin and follow these steps:

  • stroking and rubbing, starting from the fingertips, moving to the ankle joint;
  • finger rotation;
  • flexion and extension of toes;
  • stroking with light pressure on the sole of the foot, then the top and sides;
  • light pats on the heel area.

Prevention of joint diseases

Arthrosis occupies a leading position in joint diseases. The cause of the disease lies in poor blood circulation and lack of tissue nutrition. The best prevention is walking barefoot on uneven natural surfaces: stones, sand, grass.

Other preventative measures include:

  • massage mats - used when it is not possible to walk barefoot on grass or sand;
  • a balanced diet rich in substances necessary for joints;
  • walks in the open air;
  • daily gymnastics.

These activities will help maintain healthy legs and the whole body.

Arthrosis of the feet causes a lot of inconvenience and requires mandatory treatment. It is not possible to completely get rid of the disease. Therapeutic exercises and massage will help reduce pain and slow down the process of destruction of cartilage tissue. It is important to follow your doctor’s recommendations and perform a set of exercises regularly.

We also recommend reading:

Osteoarthritis of the foot is a very common disease. It is impossible to fully assess the extent of the disease. Patients turn to doctors when the pain becomes severe. The disease progresses slowly, but leads to irreversible changes in cartilage tissue. Therapeutic gymnastics in the subacute period and in remission improves recovery processes, reduces the need for painkillers and speeds up the patient’s rehabilitation.

The main causes of the disease

Adequate support for the foot is provided by walking on rough surfaces (earth, grass, sand, pebbles, etc.). When walking on a hard and level surface, the spring properties of the arches are lost: the foot flattens, the heel and toes take the wrong position. Violation of the biomechanics of foot movements entails destructive and degenerative changes in all joints of the spine and lower extremities, leading to stagnation of venous blood. Cartilage destruction and joint dysfunction are caused by many factors:

  1. Congenital or acquired deformities of the joints and bones of the lower extremities.
  2. Longitudinal and transverse flatfoot.
  3. Injuries to the lower extremities, such as fractures, bruises, sprains.
  4. Chronic metabolic diseases: diabetes, gout and others.
  5. Chronic autoimmune diseases.

Predisposing factors for the development of arthrosis will be:

  1. Using the wrong shoes. Wearing shoes with high heels or, on the contrary, with too flat soles, poor fixation in the ankles, uncomfortable lasts, non-breathable materials, shoes that are too narrow or, on the contrary, too wide - this is an incomplete list of factors that contribute to cartilage damage.
  2. Heavy weight. The joints of the lower limb are supporting. Increasing the load on them can lead not only to fatigue, but also to arthrosis.
  3. Pregnancy. A pregnant woman's weight increases. Due to the fact that the body is weakened, the ligaments lose their elasticity.
  4. Professions, especially those associated with vibration, hypothermia, may result in occupational injuries.
  5. Genetic predisposition.
  6. Excessive sports activities.
  7. Poor nutrition.

In patients with arthrosis, the disease begins gradually. They may note that there was a period of discomfort in their legs, and then nothing bothered them for a long time. Then there are complaints about the appearance of “foot bunions”, “corns”, Heberden’s nodes (thickenings on the joints), and joint deformation. Poor circulation, trauma and compression of periarticular tissues, muscle spasms cause pain. In advanced cases, the pain becomes constant and bothers you at night due to poor outflow of venous blood.

Treatment of osteoarthritis is complex. Medications (anti-inflammatory, painkillers, chondroprotective) are combined with treatment methods such as a balanced diet, physiotherapy, massage and physical therapy. In cases where joint deformation causes the development of persistent contractures, surgical intervention may be indicated.

Basic principles of physical therapy at home

In order for therapeutic exercises for arthrosis of the foot to be beneficial, follow the basic rules for its implementation:

  1. Daily and regular execution. Do exercises 2-3 times a day, spend at least 10-15 minutes on it.
  2. Start with tasks that are simpler and more understandable to you.
  3. Gradually increase the load.
  4. Perform movements slowly.
  5. Watch your breathing, it should be calm.
  6. Therapeutic exercises are started only after the acute pain syndrome has reduced.
  7. Perform your first workouts lying down on a hard surface. Then you can begin to perform physical complexes while sitting on a chair. For more complex exercises, gymnastic equipment is used.
  8. Never do tasks through pain. It is better to reduce the intensity or amplitude of movements, so you will avoid unnecessary tissue trauma.
  9. Exercise therapy can be supplemented with massage and physiotherapeutic treatment methods.

How to do therapeutic exercises correctly

Like any other treatment method, exercise therapy gives results in cases where the principles of training are not violated.

Doctors recommend following a number of simple rules:

  • Increase the load gradually. Start with a small number of approaches and simple exercises. Over time, increase the number of repetitions slightly.
  • The goal of gymnastics is to moderate stress on joints and ligaments. Sports training should not cause you significant discomfort. If acute pain occurs, exercise should be stopped immediately.
  • Flexibility exercises can be performed only after a warm-up and warm-up complex. If you don't do this, you risk pulling a muscle or tearing a ligament.
  • Pay close attention to your breathing while doing the exercises. Take a deep breath at the beginning of the exercise and gradually exhale when finishing. Do gymnastics in a well-ventilated area.
  • Choose clothes suitable for sports training. Things should not hinder your movements.

The key to successful therapy with exercise therapy is regular sports training. With light loads, classes can be carried out daily. When the load on the muscles becomes higher, it is recommended to take a short break (1-2 days) so that the muscles have time to recover.

An approximate set of exercises to perform at home

In the initial lying position, the back should be pressed to the floor, the muscles of the neck and back should be relaxed. It is better to perform tasks not in bed, but on a hard surface.

  1. Legs are bent at the knees. We lift the heel and place the foot on the toe, returning to the starting position, pressing the foot along with the heel to the floor.
  2. Legs extended. We alternately pull the socks towards and away from ourselves.
  3. Legs extended. We alternately perform circular movements in the ankles.
  4. Legs extended. We squeeze our toes as much as possible, as if we are trying to grab something, and then unclench, spreading our fingers.

In the starting position, sitting on a chair, straighten your back and straighten your shoulders.

  1. Initially, we press our feet to the floor. By alternately raising your heels and toes, we imitate walking.
  2. We spread our legs shoulder width apart. We tear off the socks from the floor, while keeping the heels firmly pressed to the floor. We repeat the movements, but tear off the heels, the toes remain on the floor.

Osteoarthritis develops in both older and younger people and young children. There are no age-related contraindications to gymnastics. Elderly and old people need to do exercises to prevent the progression of the disease and the development of complications. For children, exercise therapy for the feet is one of the main methods of treatment, since not all medications can be used in pediatrics.

Five useful exercises to strengthen your ankles

Ankle weakness is a very common problem. Its presence is evidenced by a tendency to twist the legs when walking in heels, frequent painful sprains, pain in the middle and ring toes even after light exertion. Usually people with this pathology relieve discomfort with painkillers, but this does not completely eliminate the problem. Meanwhile, you can strengthen your ankle at home. For this, doctors at the Canon clinic offer a specially designed set of exercises.

1. Walking on different parts of the feet

This exercise is known to everyone: it is with it that the warm-up begins in physical education classes in kindergarten and school. It’s very simple: while doing household chores, move around the apartment, alternately stepping on different parts of your feet. For example, walk to the kitchen on tiptoes and walk back to the room on your heels. Then you need to use the inside and outside of the feet. You need to perform the exercise barefoot. If the floor in the apartment is not very warm, you should wear thick socks or knitted slippers.

2. Circular movements of the feet

Sit on a sofa or chair with your legs extended and slightly elevated. Rotate your feet, keeping them suspended, first towards each other (inward), and then in the opposite direction. In order for the muscles and ligaments to receive the necessary load, you need to make 15-20 movements in each direction. However, this standard is individual. Experienced trainers advise performing the exercise until a slight burning sensation appears in the joints.

3. Walking barefoot

Walking barefoot is useful not only for strengthening the muscles and ligaments of the ankle. There are many acupuncture points on the feet, the impact of which strengthens the body's defenses, improves the condition of internal organs, reduces swelling and cramps, and relieves the feeling of fatigue. In addition, this procedure helps improve blood circulation in the lower extremities and significantly reduce the risk of developing varicose veins. To really benefit from this activity, you need to choose the right surface for barefoot walking. A floor covered with linoleum or tiles made from pressed raw materials based on synthetic resins is unlikely to be suitable for this. It has been established that walking on the following types of surfaces has a positive effect on the body:

  • grass or straw mats;
  • bamboo mats;
  • cork slabs;
  • boards made from solid trees of various species;
  • sand; small pebbles;
  • dense short grass.

It may seem that cottage owners have more opportunities to use the right massage surfaces, but this is not the case.
In any city apartment you can organize a training corner equipped with a mat or a shallow tray filled with smooth, medium-sized pebbles. Ready-made massage mats that have several areas with different surfaces are also very convenient. When purchasing such a device, you should give preference to a rug made from natural, environmentally friendly materials. 4. Lifting objects with your toes

This is another exercise, familiar from childhood, that strengthens the ankle.
To complete this, you will need small hard objects (pebbles, glass balls, buttons, etc.) and a low container. Sitting on a chair, you need to collect objects from the floor, grabbing them one at a time with your toes, and transfer them to a basin or box. The exercise can be performed standing on one leg (legs should be changed periodically). In this case, it will serve not only to improve the condition of the ankle, but also to train the vestibular apparatus and coordination of movements. 5. Exercises with a rubber bandage
A pharmaceutical rubber bandage is one of the most successful devices for strengthening training. With its help, you can do exercises that have a positive effect on the muscles and ligaments of the ankle: sitting on a chair, place your feet close to each other and tie them with a bandage, securing the knot on top. Now place your heels on the floor and lift your toes. In this position, try to spread your socks to the sides several times, stretching the bandage; secure the bandage in the same way as in the previous exercise. Cross your feet, place your heels on the floor and again stretch the bandage several times, trying to move your toes as far apart as possible; secure the bandage knot to a support (such as a cabinet leg). Place the toe of your foot into the resulting loop (the heel should be on the floor) and pull it towards you several times, overcoming the resistance of the bandage. The movements can be performed with each leg separately or with both legs together.

Jumping rope is also an excellent exercise for the ankle. Experts recommend jumping without bending your knees: in this case, the ankle joint receives the necessary load. Weakening the muscles and ligaments of the ankle can lead to frequent injuries to the lower legs. If such a problem occurs, you need to choose the right shoes for leaving the house. For a regular walk or work, hard boots that keep their shape well are suitable. Orthopedic insoles are also very useful in this case. For active recreation, you should wear high-top sneakers that hold the joint in a fixed position. Of course, in the event of an ankle injury, you should make an appointment with an orthopedic traumatologist and discuss with him not only treatment issues, but also the choice of strengthening exercises. Phone number for appointment +7

Physical therapy for a child

In children, foot deformities include flat feet and hallux valgus (X-shaped feet). Gymnastics for these pathologies will not only help strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the legs, but will also prevent the development of arthrosis of the feet in the future. It is convenient to conduct classes in a playful way.

For flat feet, it is good to combine training lying on the floor and sitting on a chair with walking alternately on your toes and heels, as well as on an uneven surface (pebbles, sand, ribbed rug).

Below are exercises for hallux valgus in a child (1.5-2 minutes for each set).


  1. We rise onto our toes several times and lower ourselves back onto the entire sole.
  2. We squat with our feet pressed tightly to the floor.

Sitting on a chair

For classes, you need a chair that matches the child’s height and a gymnastic ball with a medium-sized ribbed surface, and you can also use various small objects, rags, and handkerchiefs.

  1. We put our feet on the ball. Pressing on the ball, we roll it with both feet.
  2. We squeeze the ball with our feet one by one.
  3. We stretch our legs forward and use our toes to collect and move small objects. We practice for about 10 minutes.

It is good to supplement the exercises listed above with walking: alternately on your heels and on your toes, on the outer edge of the foot, on sand or small grains, along a straight line (drawn or imaginary), in a bathroom, at the bottom of which a bubble mat filled with warm water is laid (temperature 35 degrees Celsius).

Add vegetables and fruits and foods high in calcium to your diet. Don't forget about good emotions and smile. Do exercises every day and leg pain will not bother you.


Arthrosis of the feet is a dangerous disease that manifests itself in the form of destruction of cartilage tissue in the joints. Without timely treatment, degenerative-dystrophic changes will become irreversible, as a result of which the joint will completely lose mobility. Exercises for the feet with arthrosis are part of a comprehensive treatment. Such gymnastics can also be performed to prevent the development of pathology.

What are the features of therapeutic exercises for arthrosis diseases

When prescribing gymnastics, the doctors of our clinic take into account all the nuances: the stage of development of the disease, the age and physique of the patient, as well as the level of his usual physical activity and the volume of daily activities.
It is important to implement the physical exercise program in a strictly prescribed mode and volume; it is not recommended to overdo it - exceed the load, so as not to reverse the expected effect of the procedure. Gymnastics for knee joints with arthrosis is prescribed for preventive purposes or during the period of remission (weakening) of the disease. It is right to start such exercises with a light warm-up and simple exercises. The main one in gymnastics for knee joints with arthrosis is stretching with a small amplitude. If you start with the most popular exercise - the so-called and well-known “bicycle”, then it should be performed traditionally in a supine position (pre-warm up your knees), but not exceeding 10 seconds. If the patient, due to his age or state of health, cannot perform this kind of exercise, then as part of the gymnastics for the legs for arthrosis of the knee joint, exercises with the most simplified version of implementation are advisable. For example, lie on your back and stretch both legs at the same time, while straightening them at the knees as best as possible. Repeat the exercise 5-6 times without a break. It is preferable to perform it at the beginning of the day to prepare the joints for the upcoming daily physical activity.

You can do gymnastics for the ankle joint with arthrosis if you are not bothered by acute pain, there is no swelling, and there is no redness of the tissues. It is advisable to select a set of exercises together with a physical therapy doctor, and then learn how to perform them correctly with an exercise therapy and sports medicine instructor. Thus, if the pain does not intensify during or after exercise, you can continue exercising at home.

During gymnastics for the hip joint with arthrosis, it is not recommended to exercise in sudden squats, as well as in excessive load or increasing the amplitude of extensive movements. So, for example, with coxarthrosis of the first or second degree, it is better to perform the exercises while sitting or lying on the floor, with the third degree - while sitting on a chair. First you need to warm up - do simple exercises, and after exercise, raise your arms and take a deep breath, then lower them and exhale: this will help restore your heart rate and even breathing, and relax.

Gymnastics for shoulder joints with arthrosis is performed slowly and smoothly, very carefully, without sudden movements, so that pain does not return. It is important that before gymnastics for shoulder joints with arthrosis, the affected area is warmed up enough to begin the next, more complex exercise. Gymnastics includes an exercise called “hugs.” In this case, the left hand lies on the right shoulder, and the right, on the contrary, is located on the left. You need to raise your elbows as high as possible, and reach your back with your fingertips. The exercise is repeated 5–6 times. During gymnastics for the elbow joint with arthrosis, you must carefully listen to your well-being: you must not allow intra-articular discomfort to intensify, and if this happens, you must immediately stop exercising.

You should also try to avoid discomfort or pain when doing gymnastics for the wrist joint with arthrosis, but if painful sensations arise, you should immediately bring your hand to a resting state and begin exercises only after some time. During gymnastics for joints with arthrosis of the hands, preference is given to exercises aimed at restoring range of motion, strengthening immobilized (weak) muscles, and ligament mobility. Exercises for flexion/extension of the wrist help to increase muscle strength. It is convenient to use a foam sponge for this, and after a short period of time you can increase the load and replace the sponge with a denser object (for example, a rubber expander). If after gymnastics for the joints of the fingers with arthrosis, the pain or swelling of the hand does not go away, do not hesitate to visit your doctor.

Symptoms and causes of the disease

The main symptom of foot arthrosis is pain. At an early stage it is felt only while walking, and at a later stage even at rest. This condition is explained by heavy loads on the joint, poor blood circulation and the negative effects of biological agents. In the morning, the patient may experience slight swelling. The reasons for the development of arthrosis of the foot may be as follows:

  • injury;
  • excess weight;
  • congenital ankle pathology;
  • elderly age;
  • arthritis;
  • pinched nerves;
  • metabolic problems;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • wearing shoes with uncomfortable heels.

All deformations that are observed during the development of pathology affect gait. After diagnosis, the doctor prescribes comprehensive treatment. It includes not only taking medications, but also performing therapeutic exercises for the ankle.

Physical therapy after an ankle fracture

After removing the plaster, rehabilitation specialists at the Yusupov Hospital provide rehabilitation measures to patients with an ankle fracture. First, electromagnetic therapy is performed to restore blood circulation and lymphatic drainage and relieve swelling. Then a complex of exercise therapy is prescribed for an ankle fracture.

At first, the patient will not be able to do without support, so he needs to purchase an elbow crutch. Thanks to the balanced support, the arm is not overextended and the patient becomes easier to move. After 2 weeks, the patient gradually refuses the crutch. The remaining lameness can be eliminated through exercise therapy.

Therapeutic exercises for a broken ankle are the path to a full recovery. The joint must be effectively developed after a long static position. A patient in a rehabilitation clinic performs physical therapy exercises under the supervision of experienced exercise therapy instructors. Rehabilitators at the Yusupov Hospital adhere to the following principles when prescribing exercise therapy after an ankle fracture: first, it is necessary to restore the range of motion of the ankle joint, and then give it full load when walking.

Benefits and features of exercise therapy

In the treatment of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, exercise therapy occupies a key place. You can start exercising only after relief of acute pain. When performing the exercise correctly:

  • strengthen muscles;
  • prevent the formation of persistent contracture;
  • make ligaments more elastic;
  • relieve spasms;
  • increase the overall tone of the body;
  • activate blood circulation in problem areas of tissue.

For the purpose of treatment, the load on the joints should be minimal. Jerking and excessive tension are unacceptable.

A doctor should be in charge of selecting exercises. It takes into account the general condition of the patient, the stage of the pathology, its type and the cause that contributed to the disease. The purpose of such physical activity is as follows:

  • pain reduction;
  • improvement of blood circulation in periarticular and cartilaginous tissues;
  • formation of correct gait;
  • strengthening the muscles and ligaments of the legs.

In order for gymnastics to be beneficial for arthrosis of the foot, it is necessary to adhere to the principles of physical therapy, otherwise you can harm yourself and aggravate the course of the pathology. You can get the necessary therapeutic effect by following these principles:

  1. Training should be regular. It is recommended to perform exercises for 15 minutes 2-3 times a week.
  2. You need to start with simple exercises and a minimum number of repetitions. The load should be increased gradually.
  3. All movements should be performed as smoothly and slowly as possible.
  4. Breathing should be calm and measured.
  5. Classes can be carried out only after the acute pain syndrome has passed.
  1. Training should be regular. It is recommended to perform exercises for 15 minutes 2-3 times a week.
  2. You need to start with simple exercises and a minimum number of repetitions. The load should be increased gradually.
  3. All movements should be performed as smoothly and slowly as possible.
  4. Breathing should be calm and measured.
  5. Classes can be carried out only after the acute pain syndrome has passed.

The first training sessions are recommended to be done in a lying position. The surface must be hard. After some time, you can begin to perform therapeutic complexes while sitting on a chair and using gymnastic equipment.

It is forbidden to perform exercises while overcoming pain. Strength and range of motion should be continually adjusted to prevent re-injury. To achieve maximum results from exercise therapy for arthrosis of the ankle joint, the set of exercises should be supplemented with massage.

You can start exercising only after you stop taking anti-inflammatory drugs. During menstruation, women should avoid gymnastics. It is important to properly warm up your muscles before the main workout. After finishing the exercises, you need to lie down for a while so that your heart rate returns to normal.

The importance of gymnastics for ankle arthrosis

Performing ankle exercises with arthrosis may seem problematic, painful and even pointless. However, in fact, it is dosed physical activity that helps to achieve progress in treating the disease.

Below we will present to you a number of reasons why exercise therapy really helps with ankle arthrosis:

  1. During moderate physical activity, blood circulation improves in the affected area. Thanks to this, the necessary vitamins and microelements are delivered to the diseased joint faster.
  2. Regular training increases the elasticity of the ligaments. This helps prevent frequent injuries and associated pathologies.
  3. Moderate exercise during gymnastics safely forms the muscle corset and, in combination with diet, reduces fat mass. This helps reduce further pressure on the joints and prevent musculoskeletal diseases.

You can do gymnastics in a medical facility or at home. You can start exercising at a time when the exacerbation has subsided, the pain has become less pronounced, and joint mobility has increased.

Before training, consult your doctor - this simple precaution will help you avoid complications that may arise after training.

Basic exercises

All movements should be smooth and careful, the patient should not feel discomfort. After warming up the muscles, you can move on to rotational movements of the ankle. First, the exercise is performed in one direction, and then in the other.

Next you need to take a sitting position. Socks are lifted from it with legs crossed at the feet and lowered to the starting position. The next exercise is to move your toes. You need to try to squeeze the lying tissue with them.

No less effective are exercises for twisting the feet inward and spreading the heels. They are recommended to be performed while sitting. You can also do the bicycle exercise using your feet. Squats without lifting your heels off the floor give a good effect.

You can do step exercises in the gym. To do this, the toes are placed on an elevation, and the foot remains on the floor. The movements should be upward.

While performing gymnastics, you need to carefully monitor your joints. If pain occurs, you need to stop doing the exercises or reduce their amplitude. The number of repetitions and approaches is determined by the doctor or trainer, who has familiarized himself with the patient’s diagnosis in advance.

What you should absolutely not do

During gymnastics, light exercises are prescribed that provide the necessary load, but do not overstrain the muscles, ligaments and joints. To avoid causing complications, experts prohibit the following:

  1. Deep squats. They are dangerous because they cause severe tension in the ankle joint and knees in general. It is recommended to replace deep squats with half squats with a smaller amplitude. The angle of inclination should be less than 90 degrees, and the knees should not extend beyond the feet. Barbell squats are also not allowed.
  2. Rotation of the pelvis (provided that the person is standing on straight legs). To reduce the risk of injury and damage, it is recommended to bend your knees.
  3. Sharp swings of the leg backwards. Such exercises require great flexibility and, if used carelessly, can cause torn ligaments or pinched nerve roots.

In case of serious violations, any exercise in the gym and experiments with heavy weights are contraindicated.

A safe alternative is swimming in a pool under the supervision of a trainer who knows about your disease and is ready to select a set of exercises in the water.

Evdokimenko complex

A set of exercises developed by Dr. Evdokimenko is effective for the treatment of arthrosis of the feet. The simplest exercise is a deep bend while touching the floor. It is recommended to stay in this position for several minutes. Not everyone manages to touch the floor and stay there the first time, but after six months of training, the elasticity of the ligaments will increase significantly. To begin with, you can make a lightweight version with a bench. To make the exercise as effective as possible, you need to tense the muscles of your lower back and legs as you inhale, and completely relax as you exhale.

The second exercise assumes the following starting position: a straight stance, in front of the patient there is a chair, on the back of which he leans with his hands. You need to rise high on your toes and hold for a minute. You need to return to the starting position smoothly. The optimal number of repetitions is from 10 to 15 times.

Exercise therapy for the ankle with arthrosis involves emphasis on the heel and maximum tension of the toes upward. You need to fixate in tension, and then smoothly move to the entire foot. The repetitions should be quite dynamic. When the foot touches the floor, it should be relaxed.

Physical therapy exercises for ankle fractures

Rehabilitation specialists at the Yusupov Hospital begin exercise therapy for an ankle fracture while the leg is in a plaster cast. During this period, you should not put any weight on the injured limb. The goal of exercise therapy is to improve blood circulation in the injured limb. At the very beginning, patients do exercises every other day, and then do physical therapy daily.

While the leg is in the cast, the patient can perform several exercises. It is necessary to stand on your healthy leg near a wall or chair and lean on your hands so as not to lose balance, and perform cross swings. First, you need to start moving the injured leg - move it to the side while inhaling and, while exhaling, perform an adducting movement, crossing in front of the healthy leg. From the same starting position, swing your legs to the side. The affected leg should be lifted as high as possible, held for a few seconds, then lowered. You need to perform this exercise 10-15 times.

Without changing the starting position, lift the knee until the thigh is parallel to the floor. You need to stay in this position for a few seconds and then lower your leg. The exercise is performed for 30 seconds.

Standing on your healthy leg and leaning your hands against the wall, lift your legs back. The injured limb must be raised back as high as possible. Then you need to pause for a few seconds and return to the starting position. When performing this exercise, you should not bend at the lower back.

Bubnovsky's gymnastics

Classes using the Bubnovsky method involve both static and dynamic muscle contraction. Exercises can only be performed with the permission of a specialist and under his supervision.

Starting position: lying on your back. The surface must be hard. Place your arms along your body. You need to spread your legs and pull your toes towards you to feel the tension in your back muscles. In this position, circular movements are made with the toes. First the exercise is performed in one direction, and then in the other. While maintaining the tension, perform the same movements with the entire foot.

The optimal number of repetitions varies from 10 to 20 times. During training, you need to ensure that your heels always remain on the floor. To finish, you need to squeeze your fingers tightly, and then relax and fan them out.

To tune in to the gymnast, you can turn on light music. During exercise, you need to monitor your breathing, since the body must receive the necessary amount of oxygen.

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