Surgical treatment of tears and injuries to the meniscus of the knee joint

Arthroscopic resection of the meniscus (meniscectomy) is a rational method of treatment when it is not possible to achieve the desired results with alternative methods and drug therapy. The specialists at our medical group clinics have modern equipment and successfully use the latest surgical techniques to eliminate any problems associated with damage to the ligaments, muscles and joints of the knee. We offer high-quality medical care on favorable terms and guarantee positive treatment results for our patients.

Arthroscopic meniscal resection: what is it?

The concept of arthroscopic resection of the meniscus means partial or complete removal of the affected part. Given the low degree of invasiveness of the procedure, today arthroscopy is the most common and effective method of surgical treatment. The operation is characterized by safety and minimal risk of negative consequences after surgery. External exposure to the diseased area is limited to minimal incisions. Next, the necessary manipulations are performed from the inside, through the introduction of an arthroscope.

Just a few hours after meniscus surgery, the patient can step on his foot. Hospital stay is limited to 1-2 days after surgery. After 1-2 weeks, you can gradually increase the load on the knee. Resection of the medial meniscus using the arthroscopic method guarantees restoration of the joint, including return to sports.

Where is meniscus arthroscopy performed in Moscow?

Here - in City Clinical Hospital No. 31! We perform arthroscopy:

• Diagnostic – study and examination of joint tissue to assess the general condition and identify pathologies • Therapeutic – treatment of existing diseases and injuries.

Arthroscopy, as a method of treating joints, has a number of important advantages:

• Maximum comfort for the patient • Local anesthesia reduces pain during surgery to 0 • Optimal cost • High efficiency • Low percentage of complications • Quick recovery after the procedure.

It is worth noting that the rehabilitation period plays a significant role. The final result of the operation and the further physical capabilities of the joint depend on the quality of its implementation. During rehabilitation, the patient takes medications in the first days and is in the hospital. Among the main recommendations for the postoperative period, we note:

• Wearing compression garments on the knee • Applying ice • Performing specially designed gymnastic exercises • Using crutches, and in the later stages of rehabilitation, an orthosis.

When and why is resection of the medial meniscus prescribed?

Indications for resection of the medial meniscus are the following types of damage:

  • Meniscus tear in the central part in the vertical direction.
  • Detachment of any of the fragments.
  • The occurrence of a meniscus tear in the peripheral area with displacement.
  • The occurrence of a meniscus tear in the peripheral area without displacement.

As a result of complete removal of the meniscus, it is possible to relieve the patient from pain and blockage of the knee. In this case, complete removal of the meniscus can cause dystrophic changes at the level of the knee joint over time. Thus, previously used meniscectomy methods provoked the development of arthrosis in 85 out of 100 patients 15 years after the operation.

Today, resection of the medial meniscus is performed mainly with preservation of the intact part of the cartilage or provides the possibility of restoring the integrity of the cartilage tissue. Specialists at the multidisciplinary clinic “Your Doctor” strive to limit themselves to partial, that is, partial resection of the meniscus, as a result of which the function of the knee joint remains unchanged and the osteoarticular apparatus is not destroyed.

Partial removal of the meniscus is aimed at high-quality processing of the inner edge parts of the meniscus to achieve an even edge. If signs of destructive changes are detected at the level of cartilage tissue, the doctor will prescribe additional treatment for the meniscus to strengthen the articular ligament. This means that the risk of arthritis and other pathological changes is practically eliminated.

Meniscus damage

The widespread occurrence of meniscal injuries is explained primarily by the location of this joint structure, as well as the mechanics of the injury. Damage can be traumatic or degenerative. The former most often occur at a young age due to rapid rotation of the joint or sharp bending and/or stretching (including during an impact or fall). As a result of such movements, the free edge of the meniscus falls between the articular body, which in turn causes a partial or complete tear. In older people, the cartilaginous structures of the knee joint may suffer (rupture) due to prolonged degenerative changes.

Meniscus tears can be isolated; sometimes such injuries are combined with damage to other structures of the knee joint (for example, ligaments).

Damage to the meniscus is an indication for mandatory treatment, since a rupture of this cartilaginous structure cannot disappear on its own (the meniscus is not capable of regeneration). If the injury is not treated, the damage will provoke constant friction of the cartilage, pain, swelling, early osteoarthritis, and the formation of cysts.

How is the meniscus resection procedure performed?

The procedure for arthroscopic resection of the meniscus or its separate part is performed using the endoscopic method. During surgery, the doctor uses an arthroscope. In the area of ​​the sore knee and the location of the meniscus, 3 minimal incisions are made to:

  • introduction of a device that visualizes the articular cavity on the screen,
  • introduction of an auxiliary surgical instrument,
  • administration of saline during surgery.

Necessary manipulations in the meniscus area are carried out under the control of equipment to visualize the area of ​​work. Particles of damaged areas of the meniscus are removed from the cavity of the knee joint along with saline solution. Next, the meniscus flaps are removed, followed by alignment and suturing of its edges. The torn parts of the meniscus are fixed with sutures using special medical clamps. Complete removal of the meniscus is carried out only if it is completely destroyed.

Diagnosis of meniscus tear

An experienced doctor may already suspect problems with the meniscus during the patient’s initial visit and external examination. To make a final diagnosis and select adequate therapy, you may need:

  • X-ray examination (for better visualization of the joint, x-rays are taken in two projections);
  • Ultrasound of the knee joint;
  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging);
  • joint puncture (to collect fluid from the joint cavity and examine it in the laboratory);
  • arthroscopy (examination of the joint from the inside through small punctures using special endoscopic equipment).

Treatment of menisci in Germany may include additional research, as well as consultations with other specialists.

Benefits of arthroscopic meniscectomy

The meniscus is subjected to the necessary manipulations without making complex incisions on the outside. Thus, it is recommended to remove the meniscus or its fragments using the cavity method only if there are concomitant pathological changes in the knee joint that do not allow endoscopic surgery. The meniscus is sutured using general anesthesia or epidural anesthesia, so the patient does not experience pain.

The list of advantages of endoscopic resection of the medial meniscus with an arthroscope includes the following:

  1. Maximum accuracy in diagnosing damage and destruction of the meniscus.
  2. Almost complete absence of external damage to the skin and soft tissues.
  3. Low level of blood loss during removal of the meniscus and its fragments.

If you are concerned about the meniscus in your knee, then the doctors at Vash Doctor Group will take care of solving the problem with the least risk and discomfort, returning your usual quality of life.


Damage to the meniscus leads to severe unpleasant symptoms that simply cannot be ignored. A rupture of the cartilage structure manifests itself:

  • severe, sharp pain that is localized in the knee and appears immediately after the injury;
  • swelling (swelling) of the injured knee;
  • hemarthrosis (accumulation of blood in the joint cavity), occurring just above the patella;
  • limited motor function;
  • a feeling of painful crunching inside the joint.

If meniscus injuries are a consequence of degenerative-dystrophic changes, the clinical picture will not be so pronounced. The main symptom of the problem will be gradually increasing pain.

Recovery after meniscus resection

After the patient has had the meniscus or part of it removed, the knee area requires the use of a cold compress. Additionally, painkillers may be prescribed. If, after removal, nothing bothers the patient, and no signs of infection are detected, you can begin to develop the knee joint. The patient is recommended to walk with crutches, perform flexion-extension movements with the legs and other exercise therapy exercises. Physiotherapeutic procedures and massage help shorten the rehabilitation period.

You can learn more about complete or partial meniscectomy (removal of the meniscus) in consultation with the doctors of our clinic. Make an appointment online and receive qualified medical care for meniscus damage in a comfortable environment for you!

Make an appointment

Treatment by the best specialists

ensures that the treatment of our clients is as effective as possible. We cooperate with many German clinics and in each case we select for patients those doctors who specialize specifically in their problem. When it comes to meniscus surgery, Germany is rich in many qualified orthopedic centers. One of the best specialists in the treatment of knee joints is Dr. med. Sven Scheffler. This is a recognized leader in the quantity and quality of knee surgeries. Every year he performs about 800 arthroscopic and open interventions, restoring quality of life and freedom of movement to people. Sven Scheffler is a successful author, scientist and teacher, he successfully treats world sports stars and ordinary people far from professional stress.

Specialists will help organize consultation and treatment with Sven Scheffler or other doctors specializing specifically in your problem.

Why is it worth coming to Germany for meniscus treatment?

In addition to the general reasons and advantages of treatment in Germany, which we described in this section of the site, in Germany doctors never refuse to treat patients who have already come to their clinic for treatment. If the doctors agreed to accept you for treatment, then they will not send anyone home, but will fight until they defeat the disease. When deciding on the need to use a particular technique, German doctors proceed from the patient’s condition and the appropriateness of treatment, but never refuse further treatment only because of the patient’s age or condition, as is often the case in post-Soviet countries. If it becomes obvious that it is no longer possible to stop the progression of the disease, the patient is offered a well-thought-out program to alleviate suffering and remove pain as much as possible.


After arthroscopic surgery, recovery is quick. The patient can return to his normal lifestyle in 2-3 weeks. Sports activities are allowed after 4-5 months. Walking is indicated the day after surgery, but full weight bearing on the leg is not allowed. When removing the meniscus, vertical load is prohibited and you must use crutches. When suturing, you will have to walk on crutches for up to 6 weeks until the gap heals completely.

To speed up healing the following is prescribed:

  • taking medications to relieve pain and inflammation;
  • Exercise therapy, starting with general strengthening exercises and moving on to developing the joint;
  • cryotherapy to relieve swelling;
  • physiotherapy activities, massage.

How is the session going?

First, the patient undergoes a consultation with the attending physician. During the consultation, the doctor will examine the knee joint and clarify a number of questions (make sure there are no contraindications, clarify when the injury occurred, etc.).

After the indications for MBST therapy are confirmed, the patient receives a treatment regimen for the meniscus of the knee joint. The therapy session takes place in a comfortable environment for the patient. The number of procedures is determined by the attending physician.

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Benefits of MBST Therapy

This technique allows you to activate bone and cartilage structures and launch rapid cell renewal. The release of inflammatory mediators is blocked, oxygen utilization by cells improves.

Even after one therapy session, the patient immediately feels an improvement in his condition - the pain decreases, the swelling goes away. In addition, one cannot fail to note such advantages as:

  • safety (no complications);
  • painlessness;
  • acceleration of regeneration processes;
  • non-invasiveness of the method (bloodless);
  • long-term (cartilage tissue grows over several months, and the effect of treatment lasts for at least 5 years);
  • no side effects.

The procedure can be used at any age and has virtually no contraindications: treatment of the meniscus of the knee joint with this method is not carried out for an abscess in the knee joint.

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