Ozone therapy in the treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint

Ozone Therapy for the Treatment of Osteoarthritis of the Knee Osteoarthritis is a common chronic degenerative disease associated with wear and tear of the joints, causing pain and reduced functionality, with important consequences for daily activities.

One of the most common forms is gonarthrosis (osteoarthritis of the knee joint), which in later stages may require knee replacement. Treatment of patients at an early stage of the disease is usually conservative, for example using infiltrative therapy to reduce pain and improve functionality in daily life.

The injections include cortisone, hyaluronic acid, platelet-rich plasma (PRP), and ozone mixed with oxygen.

How does carboxytherapy work?

Pain in joints and muscles is provoked by degenerative and dystrophic processes occurring in them, accompanied by a decrease in the amount of nutrients and oxygen starvation. The lack of oxygen causes muscles to tighten, spasms, and pinched nerves, which causes pain.

Injecting carbon dioxide into the back muscles and joints that are bothering the patient further increases the lack of oxygen, which puts the muscles in a stressful situation. The body responds to stress by sending nutrients and oxygen to problem areas through the bloodstream. After the introduction of CO2, the level of oxygen in muscles and joints increases several times.

Carboxytherapy activates restoration processes in the human body.

The effectiveness of oxygen-ozone therapy

We propose to consider a review of all studies in the literature on the use of oxygen-ozone therapy for osteoarthritis of the knee joint.

Injections of ozone mixed with oxygen have a very interesting anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, since they have no side effects and are therefore suitable for all patients.

In studies analyzed in patients with gonarthrosis, oxygen-ozone infiltration was compared with those performed with placebo, hyaluronic acid, cortisone and PRP. Some studies have shown that the results in terms of pain relief and anti-inflammatory effects obtained with ozone, especially in the first months of treatment, are comparable to those of cortisone and significantly superior to placebo,” explains Dr. Sconza.


Carboxytherapy should not be used in the following cases:

  • heart disease;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • heart failure;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • dysfunctions of hematopoiesis and breathing;
  • vein thrombosis;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • epilepsy;
  • liver and kidney failure;
  • psychoneurological disorders;
  • dermatological diseases in the injection area;
  • suppuration and tissue necrosis;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • incompatibility of medications taken.


Among knee joint diseases, the following diseases and conditions are considered indications for the use of PRP:

Arthrosis of the knee joint or gonarthrosis. A degenerative disease associated with the gradual degradation of articular cartilage. The use of PRP at stages 1-2 can improve regenerative processes in cartilage tissue. Thanks to this effect, a significant slowdown in the development of the pathological process is achieved. With the help of PRP, doctors are able to eliminate many symptoms of arthrosis, delay the need for knee replacement, or even abandon the operation completely if an effective conservative therapy regimen is used, in which PRP is one of the elements.

Injuries. The knee is often injured by athletes. Most often these are ligament ruptures and meniscus damage. Intra-articular fractures occur. If the doctor determines that conservative treatment is sufficient, he or she may use PRP to speed up the healing of the lesions. Otherwise, they can take a very long time to recover. This process takes weeks, or even months.

Operations. After arthroscopic surgery on the knee, a rehabilitation period follows. It continues until all tissue damage is restored. PRP can be used to speed up this process.

Defects of the articular surface. PRP is used for cartilage deficiency of articular surfaces of any origin. The cause may be injuries, arthrosis, inflammatory diseases of the knee, metabolic pathologies, psoriasis, systemic connective tissue lesions and other diseases. With a small defect, it is possible to enhance the regenerative processes of PRP. If there is a significant area of ​​cartilage thinning, surgical treatment is indicated.

Effect of carboxytherapy

  • pain disappears;
  • spasm disappears;
  • lymph flow and blood circulation improves;
  • the clamping of nerve endings is eliminated;
  • the feeling of stiffness disappears;
  • swelling goes away;
  • the regeneration process begins;
  • metabolism accelerates;
  • immunity is strengthened;
  • waste and toxins are removed;
  • stimulates the production of collagen, which improves joint health;
  • joints become stronger and more mobile;
  • Joint pain disappears due to weather changes;
  • the general condition of the patient is strengthened;
  • The mood improves and a surge of vitality appears.


Ozone therapy for spinal hernia shows very high effectiveness. The technique is also used in patients with osteochondrosis for back pain (in the neck, chest and lower back). Ozone eliminates microcirculatory disorders and ischemia of spasmodic muscles.

  1. In this case, ozone is introduced into the so-called trigger points (areas of greater pain) and also into acupuncture (biologically active) points. 4-5 ml of ozone per injection is administered intramuscularly. Course treatment: 6-8 times.
  2. Just as in the treatment of joints, the course is supplemented with intravenous drip administration of 200 ml of ozonized saline solution.

After 4-5 procedures of ozone therapy of the spine, patients note a decrease in pain, muscle relaxation and an increase in the range of active movements in the spinal column. It is important that ozone treatment can significantly reduce the drug load on the body. Depending on the purpose of use, it can be minimized. After this course of ozone therapy, patients note a regression of pain and an increase in the range of motion in the affected joint. It is necessary to repeat the course of ozone therapy after 5-6 months.

Pros and cons of carboxytherapy


  • the procedure causes minimal discomfort;
  • there is no rehabilitation period;
  • by activating the recovery processes, carbon dioxide is removed from the body through the lungs and kidneys in a few minutes;
  • safety;
  • no age restrictions;
  • effect after the first procedure;
  • does not cause complications in the absence of contraindications.


  • The procedure does not eliminate the problem completely; it is effective only with complex treatment, together with other health and therapeutic measures.

Principle of the method

The PRP method in the treatment of knee joints is based on enhancing the regeneration of intra-articular tissues. Thanks to platelet-rich plasma, cartilage, menisci, ligaments and other tissues are restored faster.

Even in ancient times, doctors drew attention to the fact that traumatic injuries accompanied by the formation of a hematoma heal much faster. The reasons for this have been established only in recent decades. It turned out that platelets secrete a number of substances that accelerate regeneration. These are the growth factors:

  • epidermal;
  • epithelial growth;
  • endothelium;
  • fibroblasts;
  • insulin-like;
  • transformative.

These substances have a polypeptide (protein) structure. They have different purposes. But all of these compounds take part in tissue regeneration. They stimulate the mitotic activity of cells, accelerate their growth and division.

Plasmolifting (PRP therapy) of the knee joint makes it possible to significantly increase the intensity of reparative processes of both soft and bone tissues. In medicine, platelet-rich plasma is increasingly used. It is used for any injuries: soft tissue damage, muscle and ligament ruptures, bone fractures. All types of tissues regenerate faster if a sufficient number of platelets are present.

How does the procedure work?

In our clinic, the carboxytherapy procedure is performed by a qualified doctor with extensive experience. It was the specialists of our clinic who were the first in Tula to use this method.

  1. The doctor makes sure that there are no contraindications by studying the patient’s medical history. Prescribes a course of treatment.
  2. Identifies problem areas, specifies which joints are bothering you and where your back hurts.
  3. Prepares instruments and preparations.
  4. Disinfects the skin surface to safely introduce CO2.
  5. The doctor draws a small amount of a mixture with carbon dioxide into a special apparatus for administering injections, and puts on a disposable sterile nozzle with a thin needle.
  6. The doctor gives small gas injections into problem areas. In the first 2-3 minutes, a slight burning sensation may be felt, after which the body gets used to it and the patient does not feel discomfort.
  7. The patient rests a little and can continue to do his business.

Preparation and process

How to prepare for ozone therapy of joints The main preparation is a detailed examination, identifying possible contraindications and indications. A preliminary consultation with a doctor will help with this. Ozone therapy is indicated for arthrosis, especially large joints (knees, hips). Contraindications are most often associated with individual intolerance, or with general conditions such as decreased blood clotting.

Description of the process Ozone therapy for joints can be carried out in different ways. This can be an injection into a joint (knee or other), puncture of fatty tissue around the joint, or a bath in water with ozone. In the case of large joints (hip, knee, shoulder), intravenous ozone therapy has a good effect. During one course it is possible to combine different methods of introducing ozone.

What to do after ozone therapy for joints The first sessions of ozone therapy are carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor to identify early signs of intolerance. Arthrosis and other joint diseases are most effectively treated by a combination of various treatment methods. So, in addition to ozone therapy, the doctor may prescribe physiotherapy, massage, and medication.

Post-procedure care

No special care is required after carboxytherapy. After the procedure, it is recommended to rest for 10-15 minutes, and then you can go about your usual activities. In some cases, your doctor may recommend mild physical activity such as exercise or walking.

As a rule, to achieve a noticeable long-term effect from carboxytherapy, the doctor prescribes a course consisting of several procedures. Therefore, after the specified time, the patient must return to the doctor for new procedures.

If you have back or joint pain, make an appointment with our specialist for a carboxytherapy procedure by calling +7 (4872) 49-57-57 or using the form on the website.
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Features of the procedure

Ozone therapy is usually performed without pain relief. It is believed that ozone itself has an analgesic effect. If there is great sensitivity, before injecting the joints, it is possible to treat the injection sites with a spray of lidocaine or anesthetic cream. To develop a full therapeutic effect, usually one session of ozone therapy for joints is not enough, especially when it comes to the hip or knee joint. On average, there are from 7 to 20 sessions per course. Positive feedback after the first ozone therapy sessions provides good motivation for treatment. Before the first course of ozone therapy for joints, a doctor is consulted, indications and contraindications for the procedure are identified. It is possible to prescribe additional examinations, for example, X-rays of the knee joints.

After operation

PRP knee therapy is used after ligament and meniscus surgery. There are many studies demonstrating the effectiveness of this procedure for accelerating the recovery of intra-articular structures.

One common area of ​​application remains rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament of the knee. She herself cannot fully recover from a complete rupture. Therefore, to normalize its fusion (ligamentization), surgical treatment is used. Free autografts are used.

There are different types of them. STG (intrinsic tendon) and BTV grafts (“bone-tendon-bone”) are used. In both the first and second cases, the introduction of PRP into the knee allows one to achieve significant positive treatment results.

First of all, PRP is performed to speed up the rehabilitation period. Studies show that when using STG grafts, the ligamentization period is on average 369 days (about 1 year), while the use of PRP reduces this period to 177 days (6 months). That is, the terms are reduced by 2 times.

Even more significant results can be achieved when using PRP therapy for the knee after using a VTV graft to reconstruct the anterior cruciate ligament. The average time for ligamentization is about 1 year. When using PRP it was possible to reduce it to 3.5 months.

Studies demonstrate that ligamentization after surgery is significantly better in patients receiving PRP therapy than in the control group. True, the results are better only 4-6 months after surgery. The examination of patients after 1 year shows that the final results are the same.

However, PRP therapy can significantly reduce the recovery time for patients after surgery. This is especially important for professional athletes who want to return to training as quickly as possible.

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