Treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint according to Neumyvakin: compresses of hydrogen peroxide and soda

Arthrosis, or osteoarthritis, is a real scourge among rheumatic diseases. This is a disease of the joints, accompanied by a lot of unpleasant symptoms. The affected joint becomes inflamed, causing severe pain. In order to get rid of this disease, many people turn to both official medicine and innovative ideas and folk methods. One of its brightest representatives is Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin, a professor who uses experimental medicine for the complex treatment of a wide variety of disorders in the functioning of the human body. Among other things, Dr. Neumyvakin deals with arthrosis. Let's try to figure out what alternative medicine offers when it comes to this difficult-to-treat disease?

Basics of the technique

Professor Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin is known to many as a Doctor of Medical Sciences, the developer of space medicine. According to him, many serious pathologies can be cured without the use of any medications, since every person is able to get rid of the disease on his own. Today, the doctor’s technique is actively used in health centers known as “Hearth of Health.”

The essence of the treatment of arthrosis according to Neumyvakin is as follows:

  • cleansing the body and strengthening the immune system using hydrogen peroxide;
  • drinking baking soda to normalize the acid-base balance;
  • moderate physical and breathing exercises performed daily;
  • regular therapeutic compresses with sapropel;
  • use of diet therapy.

Comprehensive fulfillment of all requirements can significantly improve the condition of the knee joint, reduce pain and other unpleasant symptoms. The technique can be used at home, but all actions must be carried out strictly according to the instructions.

The opinion of official medicine

Hydrogen peroxide is a widely used antiseptic that everyone probably has in their home medicine cabinet. Treatment with peroxide according to Neumyvakin is an alternative method, but is not approved by official medicine. Modern medicine uses peroxide only externally for antiseptic treatment of the epidermis and in the treatment of large wounds.

In modern medicine, treatment of inflammation of the inner ear with peroxide is also practiced, as this remedy helps protect the body from the spread of infection. Official medicine does not approve of the use of peroxide for pathologies of the cardiovascular system. It has been proven that in atherosclerosis, taking peroxide aggravates the course of the disease and disrupts the transport of oxygen to the myocardium. Overuse of peroxide by patients with cardiovascular disorders can lead to the formation of blood clots.

In this regard, it is recommended to carefully weigh the pros and cons before starting home treatment. To avoid complications and negative reactions of the body, it is recommended to use peroxide to treat joints only externally. The effectiveness of this method of treatment is beyond doubt; moreover, the method of external treatment with peroxide is often recommended by doctors.

Uses of hydrogen peroxide

According to Neumyvakin, the human body is a complex bioenergetic system that is quite capable of self-regulation. The most common causes of arthrosis are:

  • poor blood supply to the joints;
  • insufficient absorption of nutrients that are essential for joint tissues;
  • metabolic disorders.

  • poor blood supply to the joints;
  • insufficient absorption of nutrients that are essential for joint tissues;
  • metabolic disorders.

To eliminate the negative consequences of these factors, the doctor developed a special therapy based on hydrogen peroxide, which allows you to quickly enrich the tissue with oxygen, and the body with various minerals and vitamins.

Numerous experiments on peroxide indeed confirm its medicinal properties. After the substance penetrates inside and then combines with the catalase enzyme, the element is split into water and atomic oxygen, which is a kind of energy source for many processes occurring in the human body.

Peroxide has the following effects:

  • oxidizes harmful toxins that prevent the intestines from functioning normally;
  • destroys pathogenic microorganisms that destroy hyaline cartilage;
  • improves digestion;
  • corrects bioenergetic processes at the cellular level;
  • dilates blood vessels, which means the blood supply to the joints is normalized.

There are several ways to cure arthrosis of the joints according to Neumyvakin. But the doctor strongly recommended a comprehensive approach, which included oral administration and intravenous injections. In addition, enemas and therapeutic compresses are additionally prescribed.

Oral administration

  • The most effective methods of treating joints with hydrogen peroxide by Professor Neumyvakin

Oral administration

Medicines should be taken orally strictly according to the schedule. Each dose consists of 2 large spoons of boiled water mixed with hydrogen peroxide. Every day, the dose of the medicinal solution is increased by another drop and taken three times a day 30-60 minutes before meals. As soon as the concentration reaches 10 drops, the course must be stopped for three days and then continued again with the same dosage. Thus, if the duration of treatment is five days, then the break lasts the same amount.

If you feel worse or any side effects occur, it is recommended to reduce the dose or stop treatment completely. In any case, the use of such products must be treated with extreme caution, strictly following the instructions and regimen.

Intravenous injections

Intravenous injections

This treatment option involves injecting hydrogen peroxide into the body through an IV. To do this, use a solution with a reduced lead content. To make a medicinal product, you need to dilute 2 ml of peroxide (3%) in 200 ml of saline solution. During use, the dosage is increased to 10 milliliters.

The drip is placed every other day during the first week, and from the second week the procedures are performed every three days. If arthrosis is not in an advanced form, then five sessions will be enough, while in severe cases 15-20 procedures may be needed.

Compresses and enemas

Compresses and enemas

To make medicinal compresses, you need to take two small spoons of peroxide and mix them with water. 50 ml will be enough. Then moisten a napkin or clean cloth in the resulting mixture and apply it to the sore area. It is advisable to fix the bandage and insulate it with a scarf or towel for an hour, and then remove it. After the procedure, you need to treat the skin with any moisturizer.

You can also do enemas yourself, but only after consulting a doctor. The medicinal composition allows you to quickly and easily cleanse the body of accumulated waste and toxins.

To make the solution, you need to prepare 200 ml of hydrogen peroxide and any additional component - boiled water or ascorbic acid. The mixture should then be slightly warmed to room temperature. Before administering the healing fluid, it is necessary to do a regular cleansing enema with water.

Important nuances

Before you start treating joints using Neumyvakin’s method, you need to study some instructions that can be found on the doctor’s official website, in his books or in a video where the doctor talks in detail about the therapy.

In addition, there are some points to consider:

  • as a treatment, you should use only a well-purified solution, and you must make sure that the drug is not expired;
  • in order not to violate the dosage, it is recommended to use a special bottle equipped with a dropper;
  • the prepared product must be kept in a container with a lid - this way the oxygen will not evaporate;
  • when preparing an intravenous solution, it is prohibited to add any other medicinal components;
  • if peroxide is taken orally, it must be done half an hour before meals or at least 2 hours after it;
  • If a person experiences any inflammatory processes, then it is worth abandoning such treatment for a while.
  • as a treatment, you should use only a well-purified solution, and you must make sure that the drug is not expired;
  • in order not to violate the dosage, it is recommended to use a special bottle equipped with a dropper;
  • the prepared product must be kept in a container with a lid - this way the oxygen will not evaporate;
  • when preparing an intravenous solution, it is prohibited to add any other medicinal components;
  • if peroxide is taken orally, it must be done half an hour before meals or at least 2 hours after it;
  • If a person experiences any inflammatory processes, then it is worth abandoning such treatment for a while.

In addition, Dr. Neumyvakin recommended combining his technique with diet therapy. It is necessary to stop consuming salt or at least reduce its amount to a minimum, completely eliminate alcohol, tobacco and hot spices.

  • Rheumatoid arthritis treatment with hydrogen peroxide

When treating joints, it is advisable to use a decoction made from 5-6 bay leaves poured with 300 ml of boiling water. Boil the mixture over low heat for about 10 minutes, allow to cool and filter. You need to take one tablespoon daily before breakfast.

Neumyvakin joint pain. Treatment of joints according to Neumyvakin

One of the most popular methods was developed by Neumyvakin for the treatment of joints. The method is based on the use of an inexpensive material that can easily be found in any first aid kit - hydrogen peroxide. It is generally accepted that treatment with a substance can only be done externally, but the academician proved the effectiveness of the drugs when taken internally.

The essence of Neumyvakin’s technique

Joint diseases involve the development of unpleasant symptoms that reduce the quality of life. It is believed that hydrogen peroxide can only be used as a compress for the treatment of joint pain. However, Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin refutes this opinion and proves the benefit of the substance in the treatment of coxarthrosis through internal use. According to the scientist, the gastrointestinal tract is the “core” for the successful functioning of the whole organism. This is explained by the fact that this system contains ¾ of the immune system and more than five thousand bacteria and microorganisms that process, synthesize and break down substances. In case of dysfunction of the digestive organs, metabolic failures occur and problems with joints begin. According to the academician, treating joints with hydrogen peroxide saturates the body with oxygen, due to which metabolic processes are normalized.

Therapeutic measures for the hip joint can be carried out in this way only in the absence of contraindications.

Useful properties of peroxide

Treatment with hydrogen peroxide stimulates the body's metabolic processes.

Therapy of arthritis of the knee joint with the substance shows a number of positive results, which are manifested by normalizing the condition of the whole organism. Among the beneficial effects are:

  • synthesis of nutrients;
  • oxygen supply to cells;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • stimulation of the immune system;
  • balancing hormones;
  • restoration of the ratio of healthy and diseased microflora.

In addition, when treating coxarthrosis in the knees with peroxide according to Neumyvakin, the tissues retain moisture and due to this, the load on the joint is distributed evenly. Also, the amount of water activates the production of synovial fluid - a special substance that prevents friction between the articular surfaces.

Methods of treating joints according to Neumyvakin

Treatment of arthrosis with hydrogen peroxide is carried out by taking the substance orally or through injection into a vein. The scheme proposed by Dr. Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin is carried out using a pharmaceutical aqueous solution with a saturation of 3%. Stir 2 drops of the product in 125 ml of chilled boiled water. A serving is taken 30 minutes before a meal or 2-1.5 hours after a meal. You need to drink the product in one gulp. In this way the medicine is taken 3 times. in a day.

The initial dose of the product is no more than two drops.

If the patient feels well after 3 days of regular use, you can gradually increase the dose of the drug. Every day you need to take one drop more. The maximum allowable amount is 8 drops. For the treatment of joints, this dosage will be sufficient for a 2-month course. After this, the dosage is increased by 2 drops per day daily. For 5 months, the dose should be at least 30 drops per day.

Contraindications to the technique

If third-party symptoms appear, it is necessary to reduce the amount of substance consumed until you feel better. Treatment of joints with salt according to Neumyvakin or the method with hydrogen peroxide is prohibited if:

  • allergic reactions;
  • disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • oncological diseases;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The use of hydrogen peroxide orally is contraindicated during exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases.

In addition, before starting therapy with a substance, it is necessary to consult a doctor and, perhaps, he will identify other circumstances under which such treatment is prohibited. Also, you cannot carry out therapeutic measures without medical supervision or independently adjust the regimen and dosage of the drug. In case of hormonal and autoimmune disruptions, additional consultation with an endocrinologist is required.

The list of contraindications may vary depending on the individual characteristics of the human body.

Possible adverse reactions

In case of non-compliance with the dosage rules during Neumyvakin therapy or violation of the medication regimen, there is a risk of pathological reactions to the drug. Among them:

  • allergic reactions on the skin;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • drowsiness and causeless fatigue;
  • cold-like symptoms;
  • diarrhea.

When treating with a solution of hydrogen peroxide, it is important to understand that the medicine is rather preventive and is not able to eliminate the root cause of the development of the pathological process in the joint. However, you should not take the medication without consultation, and if adverse reactions occur, you should immediately consult a doctor to change the therapeutic course.

Treatment with baking soda

Dr. Neumyvakin’s technique allows not only to strengthen the immune system, improve digestion, but also to launch regeneration processes in cartilage tissue. Particular attention should be paid to the liquid you drink: the patient should drink at least one and a half liters per day, and preference should be given to pure still water, since all kinds of juices and sweet compotes cannot replace it.

To cleanse the blood and thin it, as well as to prevent acidification, which causes bones to lose large amounts of calcium, the doctor recommended using baking soda. However, you should not stop taking it after the first improvements. To completely get rid of the pathology, it is recommended to complete the entire course.

Use the product according to the following instructions:

  • Pour boiling water over the soda and cool (you can also simply dilute it with cold liquid).
  • The solution should be consumed warm (the optimal temperature is 60 degrees).
  • Can also be diluted in milk if there is no allergic reaction to this product.
  • During the first three days, take a quarter of a small spoon of soda diluted in 250 ml of liquid. Then you need to gradually increase the dosage and bring it to a whole spoon.
  • Middle-aged people are recommended to take the solution twice a day, while older people need to take it once.

It is worth adding that people with cancer should refuse such treatment, especially if the disease is at a late stage. It is also prohibited to use this technique for ulcers, diabetes and pregnancy. It is necessary to treat arthrosis using baking soda and hydrogen peroxide separately.

Neumyvakin pain in the right hypochondrium.

Pain in the right hypochondrium is a fairly common cause of complaints among doctors in the clinic. The patient feels heaviness in the right side, tingling, discomfort and distension in the liver area. There may also be a bitter taste in the mouth, nausea, and a tendency to constipation. The worst thing in this situation is that patients begin to take, on the advice of friends, medications that were not prescribed by the doctor. Most often these are drugs for pain in the liver (hepatoprotectors). But sometimes after taking these drugs there is no improvement for a long time. This is due to the fact that the reason is not damage to liver cells. Disturbances in the biliary system, gallbladder dyskinesia or cholecystitis are often possible.

If you are concerned about pain in the right hypochondrium, it is best to consult a doctor, undergo examinations (ultrasound of the abdominal organs, biochemical blood tests) and rule out serious liver pathologies - cirrhosis, hepatitis, fatty hepatosis. If you are diagnosed with chronic acalculous cholecystitis, gallbladder dyskinesia, you can undergo a course of treatment!

Here is a small list of herbs used for problems of the “right hypochondrium”:

Immortelle - used as a choleretic agent, regulates bile formation, reduces the concentration of bile acids and bilirubin content, increases the tone of the gallbladder;

Corn silk - used for cholanitis, cholecystitis;

Great plantain - used for cholecystitis;

Rose hips - for hepatitis, chronic cholecystitis.

You can make mixtures of the listed herbs. Take a course of 10-14 days every 2-3 months.

Increases the protective properties of the liver:

Milk thistle - contains vitamin K, essential oils, macro and microelements;

Solyanka kholmovaya - contains lohein. Take long courses for 2-3 months.

For inflammation of the gallbladder and liver, cholecystitis

Pour 10 g of hop cones into a glass of water. Take 3 times a day.

Can be replaced with tincture: 25 g of cones per glass of vodka. Drink 40 drops 3 times a day.

For diseases of the biliary tract

Calendula officinalis tincture (pharmaceutical preparation) should be taken from 30 drops to 1 tsp 2-3 times a day.

For liver diseases

Cottage cheese, strawberries, raisins, nuts, and cheese are healthy.

Consume 0.5 kg of grated raw pumpkin pulp or 1/2 cup of juice from the pulp per day.

It is necessary to take a mixture of carrot juice - 7 parts, celery - 5 parts, parsley - 2 parts.

Simple gymnastics

As an additional treatment for arthrosis according to Neumyvakin’s method, it is recommended to do gymnastics, which has a beneficial effect on diseased joints and develops them. Also, a set of exercises helps strengthen muscles.

The main exercise, which activates blood circulation in the knee joint, and at the same time eliminates all stagnant processes in it, is performed as follows:

  • First you need to stand in the doorway, lean your hands on the doorframe, but not high, but at the level of your navel.
  • Then squat down, keeping your arms straight and at the same time moving your back back.
  • First you need to stand in the doorway, lean your hands on the doorframe, but not high, but at the level of your navel.
  • Then squat down, keeping your arms straight and at the same time moving your back back.

For the first month, you should not squat too low; it will be enough to do it 10-15 centimeters. Over time, it is necessary to gradually increase the amplitude and number of repetitions. Such therapeutic exercises are absolutely safe, since during the exercises all actions are performed slowly, with minimal load.

Dr. Neumyvakin’s technique is based on activating the body’s own capabilities. Eliminating toxins and waste, restoring the metabolic process and daily stress on the muscles - all this allows you to stop the development of arthrosis of the knee joint, and you won’t have to spend a lot of money on purchasing expensive medications.

  • How to get rid of joint problems with baking soda at home


The use of hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin can bring not only benefits, but also harm. This happens when the dosage, time and number of doses are grossly violated.

Main contraindications:

  • individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • acute form of dermatitis;
  • severe liver and kidney diseases (cirrhosis, glomerulonephritis);
  • hypertensive crisis.

There is conflicting information about taking the solution during pregnancy. Doctors do not recommend taking hydrogen peroxide orally, since the effect of the drug on the fetus has not been studied, and irreversible adverse reactions are possible. Given the characteristics of the medicine, external use is permitted, with the exception of warm baths.

Neumyvakin peroxide should not be used in patients who have undergone internal organ transplantation, so as not to cause tissue rejection.

An aqueous solution of peroxide is not an alternative to basic therapy, although it helps to cure many ailments. It can be combined with many techniques, thereby enhancing the therapeutic effect of pharmacological drugs.


Arthrosis, or osteoarthritis, is a real scourge among rheumatic diseases. This is a disease of the joints, accompanied by a lot of unpleasant symptoms. The affected joint becomes inflamed, causing severe pain. In order to get rid of this disease, many people turn to both official medicine and innovative ideas and folk methods. One of its brightest representatives is Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin, a professor who uses experimental medicine for the complex treatment of a wide variety of disorders in the functioning of the human body. Among other things, Dr. Neumyvakin deals with arthrosis. Let's try to figure out what alternative medicine offers when it comes to this difficult-to-treat disease?

Peroxide and joints: treatment, side effects

Hydrogen peroxide is a colorless liquid with a metallic taste, soluble in water, ether and alcohol, and odorless. Many are accustomed to using it externally for various damage to the surface layers of the skin.

But in recent years, peroxide and joints have become inseparable concepts.

And all thanks to academician Neumyvakin Ivan Pavlovich, who developed a theory about the effectiveness of treating arthrosis, arthritis, coxarthrosis, rheumatism and other joint diseases with peroxide.

Arthrosis: reasons for its appearance

The causes of arthrosis can be different: joint injuries, congenital disorders, previously unsuccessful operations on the joints, excessive load, microtrauma of the articular cartilage, endocrine disorders (for example, a lack of the hormone estrogen in women) and even genetic predisposition. For the treatment of I.P. Neumyvakin offers several methods based on his many years of experience in the field of alternative medicine. Any joints are susceptible to arthrosis, but more often it is the hip or knee or finger joints. People over 40 and those whose professions involve intense physical activity are more susceptible to this disease: athletes, loaders, professional dancers, people who are very overweight. Osteoarthritis of the fingers can occur in pianists. With age, the joint wears out, the pain in it intensifies even with a slight load. As a result of disorders that occur with arthrosis, blood circulation and cellular metabolism are disrupted in the tissues of the joint, various degenerative-dystrophic processes begin in the cartilage tissue, leading to loss of tissue elasticity, and deformation occurs. The mobility of the affected joint is impaired. Such manifestations, according to Dr. Neumyvakin, can be eliminated by normalizing metabolic processes in the body, most of which are associated with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. For this purpose, hydrogen peroxide is widely used in his technique. It is worth dwelling in more detail on it and other methods of treatment for arthrosis used in the practice of this amazing doctor.

The essence of the technique

Modern city dwellers experience oxygen deficiency. This is especially true for residents of megacities and cities with developed industry. It should be noted that drinking boiled water and thermally processed food also deprive the human body of a legitimate portion of oxygen. Subsequently, oxygen starvation leads to the development of arthritis, arthrosis and other diseases. However, this can be avoided by taking hydrogen peroxide.

The essence of I.P.’s technique Neumyvakina: in the body, the substance breaks down into water and atomic oxygen. The tissues absorb oxygen, after which the body’s recovery process begins.

Throughout life, the human body is attacked by viruses and pathogens. The role of orderlies is assigned to antibodies that surround the “strangers” and destroy them. Why does this happen? During a microbial invasion, leukocytes and granulocytes produce the aggressive oxidant H2O2 from atmospheric oxygen and water. The resulting substance reacts with catalase (a blood enzyme), after which it is converted into atomic oxygen.

The purpose of atomic oxygen is to age nearby tissues, destroying everything “foreign” for the body, normalize redox processes, and activate the body’s protective properties. In addition, by oxidizing fats accumulated on the walls of arteries, atomic oxygen prevents atherosclerosis.

Using hydrogen peroxide for joints is very convenient. The technique does not require special devices, tools or recipes. Treatment can be carried out at home, armed with a tablespoon of water and a bottle of H2O2.

Having tried the technique on himself, I.P. Neumyvakin recommended that both sick and absolutely healthy people take hydrogen peroxide every day for the rest of their lives.

Doctor Neumyvakin's technique

Professor Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin is a doctor of medical sciences, a man who became one of the founders of space medicine. He owns about a hundred developments in the field of space and aviation medicine, which the doctor has been involved in for more than 30 years. Ivan Pavlovich is also an academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. His views on medicine are somewhat far from traditional. It should be noted that Neumyvakin is a supporter of alternative means of treating various diseases and a member of the Presidium of the All-Russian Medical Association of Traditional Traditional Medicine Specialists and Healers. Some doctors are skeptical about the treatment methods used by the professor. But, nevertheless, his views became widely known. Neumyvakin created his own treatment and prevention center, to which thousands of patients come for help every year. From Neumyvakin’s point of view, the human body is a single energy information system that has a powerful ability to regenerate virtually without any external intervention, the main system of which is the gastrointestinal tract. Failures in its work affect all other energy processes in the body. Arthrosis, from the point of view of Professor Neumyvakin, like many other diseases, is a consequence of disruption of metabolic processes in the body. And like many other diseases in his extensive medical practice, it is completely treatable without drugs.

Oxygenation theory

Under anaerobic conditions, various cell mutations begin to occur in the human body. In particular, this was established 100 years ago regarding cancer cells. Hypoxia promotes the accumulation of free radicals. Accordingly, the introduction of oxygen intravenously increases metabolic processes several times. At the moment, a huge number of articles have been written on the topic of introducing hydrogen peroxide into the human body. The role of hydrogen peroxide in the interaction of the body with various foreign agents has been proven. Hydrogen peroxide for arthrosis has a positive effect by enhancing metabolism. This condition helps slow down degenerative processes in the joint.

What happens after hydrogen peroxide is introduced into the body?

Hydrogen peroxide is produced by the human body. Immune system agents (white blood cells and granulocytes) produce hydrogen peroxide from molecular oxygen and water. With the help of the enzyme catalase, hydrogen peroxide is decomposed into water and atomic oxygen. With its help, the immune system kills:

  • viruses;
  • bacteria;
  • fungal microorganisms;
  • parasites.

Hydrogen peroxide is produced by liver cells and is used to synthesize bile acid. The substance is involved in the oxidation of fatty acids and the breakdown of purines and amino acids. With its help, hormonal balance is maintained, blood sugar levels are normalized, and energy is produced.

Hydrogen peroxide helps transport macro and microelements to cells. It oxidizes toxic substances and cleanses the body of toxins. The substance prevents the development of cancer. In an oxygenated body, cancer cells die.

Atomic oxygen contributes to:

  • formation of vitamins;
  • formation of mineral salts.
  • improves the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Thanks to oxygen:

  • necessary substances are synthesized;
  • the supply of tissue cells improves;
  • metabolism accelerates;
  • the immune system is stimulated;
  • hormonal balance is leveled;
  • a healthy ratio of beneficial and pathogenic microflora is restored.

Activation of all vital processes helps cartilage tissue recover faster. The regenerative capabilities of articular cartilage depend on the activity of cartilage cells - chondrocytes. Due to their small amount, cartilage tissue is poorly restored. Often regenerative processes develop more slowly than destructive ones. Therefore, joint disease develops.

Restoring healthy metabolism and normal hormonal balance allows the body to produce the required amount of hormones that accelerate metabolic processes in the joint. Thanks to them, all parts of the joint are strengthened and perform their functions better. Insulin-like growth factor is actively produced.

When treated with hydrogen peroxide, collagen synthesis is accelerated. This substance occupies about half of the intercellular space in articular cartilage and is one of the main proteins of connective tissue. When sufficient collagen is produced, the strength of articular cartilage increases. They become more resistant to any type of deformation - stretching, twisting or tearing.

Normalization of metabolism allows tissues to retain moisture. The intercellular space of cartilage saturated with water increases the shock-absorbing properties of the joint mechanism. Water helps distribute the load on all elements of the joint, protecting the organ from damage. A sufficient amount of moisture allows you to produce the required volume of synovial fluid. The joint fluid acts as a lubricant, preventing friction between the articular surfaces.

The essence of Dr. Neumyvakin’s discovery

The discovery of the famous doctor Neumyvakin is based on the interaction of the human body with foreign agents. Let's take a closer look at his discovery. It is as follows:

  • when damaging agents enter the human body, the immune system is activated;
  • The cells that react first are leukocytes, then macrophages, and antibodies are slowly produced;
  • antibodies bind foreign agents and remove them from the body;
  • cells of the neutrophil series produce a peroxide oxidizer in relation to any agent;
  • due to this, an oxygen explosion occurs, and the foreign cell dies;
  • in addition, hydrogen peroxide interacts with various blood enzymes;
  • the immune system is stimulated, redox processes are accelerated;
  • atomic oxygen, which is formed when peroxide interacts with blood enzymes, helps cleanse the body of various metabolic products.

It is the last stage that provides a cure for many diseases.

Neumyvakin hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide: does not heal, but cripples

» Yandex produces tens of millions of results. It follows from this that bubbling obscurantism has spread across the Internet no worse than soda, which “cures cancer.” When there are no more words to explain, you have to scare. There is no other way, so listen.

What do we know about? 3% solution, sold in pharmacies. Treating scratches and abrasions with this universal antiseptic is commonplace. Although in the United States this method of disinfection has long been considered, since peroxide can not only kill bacteria, but also damage healthy tissue, slowing down wound healing.

Some citizens use peroxide to gargle when their throat hurts. It is safe. If you don't swallow it. Well, or if another method - safe and effective - did not come to mind.

The so-called food grade is a concentrated version (12%, 17% and 35%). And so its Internet charlatans suggest diluting it with distilled water to a 3% solution and taking it to treat everything except childbed fever: arthritis, infections, multiple sclerosis, cancer, HIV... These sites usually use the term “oxygen therapy.” And if you still haven’t realized that this is all complete nonsense, read one. In short: a man saved his wife from a recurrence of ovarian cancer with the help of peroxide and, of course, did not save her. She took the prescribed medications, that is, she was treated traditionally, but at the same time she drank peroxide. Her husband believes that she could not cope with the disease, the authors of the article believe that she could not cope with peroxide. And that's why.

Why is it dangerous to take orally?

If you accidentally drink 3% (this usually happens to small children who are left unattended by their parents), the maximum that threatens is temporary nausea and vomiting (according to the American Association of Poison Control Centers). But if you drink its concentrated solution (more than 10%), there is a risk of serious damage to internal organs and death. This can happen spontaneously: websites that sell food grade peroxide recommend storing it in the refrigerator. And cases of unintentional poisoning are associated precisely with this recommendation. In the same way, people get poisoned with vinegar, or drink vodka instead of water if it is stored in an atypical container.

In high concentrations it can cause severe burns to the mucous membrane and tissue destruction. Even one sip causes serious injury to the gastrointestinal tract, which manifests itself in the form of severe pain, bloating, vomiting with blood, ulcerative lesions of the mucous membrane and perforation. Despite this, there are enough supporters of “acidifying” the body in order to “eliminate bad cells from it.”

When peroxide enters the stomach, it interacts with the natural enzyme catalase, and extreme oxygen release begins. It is impossible to get rid of excess air (sorry, burp) due to the volume. And this bomb can explode anywhere. Due to the destruction of the walls of blood vessels by oxygen bubbles, the pressure sharply decreases, a heart attack, stroke can occur, or develop. If help is not provided on time, the person may die.

Sometimes the doctor cannot determine at all why the patient is exhibiting severe, life-threatening symptoms because he will not admit that he was “treated with peroxide.” Precious time is wasted, and the risk of sudden death for unknown reasons increases. If you're lucky, oxygen bubbles accumulate in the blood vessels surrounding the stomach or liver, rather than the brain. There is a greater chance of recovery if you receive the right treatment.

What else do you need to know about peroxide?

The FDA has been warning about the risks of use for the prevention and treatment of diseases since the early 1980s. In America, the dissemination of information about this method of “treatment” (and the sale of a concentrated peroxide solution for these purposes) is punishable by law. In our country, such measures are still far away; the Ministry of Health already has something to do. Therefore, this is the only thing left for us.

An example of charlatan advertising

The top illustration clearly shows that peroxide can be used to sanitize the toilet and bathroom. And also for cleaning from any contaminants - blood stains, wine, chocolate, grass, coffee, but not for cleaning your own body.

What is Dr. Neumyvakin’s treatment method based on?

Dr. Neumyvakin suggests hydrogen peroxide as a treatment for arthrosis. He believes that all pathological processes in the body are associated with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. What happens in the body during gastrointestinal disease?

  1. With the pathology of this system, energy depletion of cellular structures occurs.
  2. The development of pathological microflora in the intestines contributes to a decrease in the immune system.
  3. The amount of slag increases.
  4. All recovery processes suffer. After all, their implementation requires energy. Consequently, with energy deficiency, these processes will slow down.
  5. Lack of absorption of various micronutrients leads to the development of electrolyte disturbances. This leads to a change in the functioning of the circulatory system. The vessels of the microvasculature suffer.
  6. Against the background of the above, degenerative-dystrophic processes develop.

In the joints, blood circulation is physiologically slow. This is due to the anatomical features in their structure. Accordingly, in the presence of gastrointestinal pathology and predisposition, pathological changes will occur. Dr. Neumyvakin offers treatment of arthrosis with hydrogen peroxide without drug therapy.

Causes of development of chronic tonsillitis

The development of chronic tonsillitis is possible according to 2 scenarios:

  • as a result of tonsillitis (acute tonsillitis), which was incorrectly treated or the treatment was not completed;
  • as a result of decreased immune defense and constant exposure to aggressive factors (this is a non-anginal option).

The following are aggressive stimuli:

  • inhalation of tobacco smoke;
  • poor nutrition;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • carious teeth;
  • inflammatory processes in the paranasal sinuses (sinusitis, sinusitis, etc.);
  • impaired nasal breathing that occurs when the nasal septum is deviated, polyps or hypertrophy of the inferior turbinates. Under such conditions, the oral mucosa dries out and the formation of immunoglobulin A is disrupted, which reduces the immune defense of the ENT organs.

However, exposure to the described factors alone is not enough for the development of chronic tonsillitis. Currently, it is considered the result of infection with pathogenic bacteria against the background of allergization (altered immune reactivity). Local changes in the lymphoid tissue after previous tonsillitis, as well as the factor of heredity, which manifests itself only under certain conditions of the internal and external environment, also have a role in this process.

Infection. The most common causes are streptococci and staphylococci. In this case, the maximum danger is posed by pyogenic streptococcus, which is called beta-hemolytic (belongs to group A). The risks associated with this pathogen are the likelihood of developing autoimmune diseases, i.e. when your own immune cells damage other cells in your body. This happens with glomerulonephritis, rheumatism, polyarthritis and other similar diseases.

Altered reactivity of the body (its allergization), which is characterized by excessive production of class E immunoglobulins. Under such conditions, the re-entry of antigens (for example, foreign bacterial proteins) triggers an allergic reaction that constantly maintains inflammation. This corresponds to the exacerbation phase of the pathological process.

It has been proven that the likelihood of chronic tonsillitis in people whose first- or second-degree relatives suffered from this disease is much higher than in other people. This is due to the peculiarities of the anatomy of the tonsillar crypts and immune status (tendency to an allergic response).

Hydrogen peroxide for arthrosis

Hydrogen peroxide is probably found in every first aid kit, and, as a rule, no particular importance is attached to it. Nevertheless, Dr. Neumyvakin constantly uses this miraculous remedy in his practice, claiming that its capabilities are incredibly great in the treatment of many diseases. He authored the book “Hydrogen Peroxide: Myths and Reality.” Hydrogen peroxide, as the professor assures, is involved in most metabolic processes of the body (in particular, in the transport of sugar in the blood) and can serve as an indispensable assistant in the restoration of its various systems. This chemical contains atomic oxygen necessary for the body: there is a sufficient amount of it in the cells of the body strengthens the immune system, destroys foci of inflammation and infections. There are two ways to use hydrogen peroxide to treat rheumatic diseases. This is for oral administration and external use (compresses). Ingestion can be done either orally or by injection (2 ml of hydrogen peroxide per 200 ml of saline). For joint pain, compresses with hydrogen peroxide will be useful. The solution for them is prepared in the ratio of 50 ml of water to 2 teaspoons of peroxide. The compress should be wrapped on top with plastic wrap and a warm scarf or scarf. No later than an hour later, the compress must be removed and the sore area smeared with a nourishing cream (any rich hand cream will do). If you prefer taking drops with water to intravenous injections, Neumyvakin recommends following the following regimen when using peroxide. You should start with 1 drop dissolved in 30-50 ml of water, half an hour before meals, 3 times a day. Gradually the number of drops is increased to 10, then you need to take a break of 2-3 days. Then this amount (10 drops) is taken three times a day for 2-3 months. It is important to remember that the amount of hydrogen peroxide should not exceed 30 drops per day. People with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should use this remedy with caution. One of the essential conditions for treating arthrosis with hydrogen peroxide is a plant-based diet. It is worth minimizing the consumption of spicy and salty foods. Patients who have used this type of treatment speak of it as an effective way to cleanse and strengthen the body. However, it is worth keeping in mind that the use of hydrogen peroxide for the treatment of joints and general health is still an experimental treatment in medicine.

Neumyvakin pain in the knee joint. Treatment of joints with hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin

Oxygenation (oxygen saturation) with hydrogen peroxide for joint diseases is one of the most effective methods of therapy without the use of medications.
Under anaerobic conditions (lack of oxygen), various cell mutations occur in humans. Back in the 90s of the last century, scientists discovered: “The most favorable environment for the growth of cancer tumors is anaerobic.” In organs with poor oxygen supply, cancerous tumors occur most often. OUR READERS RECOMMEND!

Our readers successfully use Sustalaif to treat joints. Seeing how popular this product is, we decided to bring it to your attention. Read more here...

When the body is saturated with oxygen, all metabolic processes begin to work to the maximum. For example, in arthrosis, peroxide has a very positive effect due to increased metabolism, and this not only relieves pain, but also helps slow down all degenerative processes. According to Neumyvakin’s theory, a solution of three percent peroxide has a significant effect on:

  • absorption of minerals, beneficial bacteria, carbohydrates, vitamins, fats;
  • protein synthesis.

We recommend reading about the treatment of nail fungus with hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin.

When the cycle of physiological blood circulation is slowed down in the movable joints of bones, this is directly related to the anatomy of the structure of human organs. Thus, with any pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, unfavorable transformations usually occur. Taking H2O2 is quite possible to improve the condition of the musculoskeletal system and other systems/organs. The substance is administered intravenously or orally; the technique is very effective in combination with oral administration and compresses (lotions).

Internal reception

Hydrogen peroxide intake regimen: 100-125 g. Add 2 drops of 3% peroxide to boiled chilled water (preferably with a pipette). It is very important not to violate the dosage schedule - 3 times a day. Drink the thoroughly mixed solution within 30 minutes. before meals. Every 3 days, increase the dose of peroxide by 1 drop by the same volume of water. As a result, the number of drops will reach 8 in 1 approach.

For joint disease, it is recommended to use this solution for 2 months without disturbing the regimen. After this time, increase the dosage to 10 drops. for 1 dose. Use the drug for another 3 months.


The compress is prepared as follows:

  • Take clean water (50 ml), 2 tsp. peroxide, mix it all thoroughly.
  • Dampen a cloth (preferably cotton) and apply the bandage directly to the sore area. Be sure to put the film on top and wrap it tightly (but do not overtighten) with woolen cloth.
  • After removing the bandage, apply a moisturizing, nourishing baby cream to this area. For arthrosis of the knee joint, apply such compresses three times a day.

It is strictly not recommended to administer peroxide intravenously on your own - only with the agreement and under the supervision of a physician.

The new article provides more details about treatment with hydrogen peroxide using the Neumyvakin method.


Magnetotherapy is one of the types of physiotherapy, during which a person is exposed to a static or pulsed low-frequency electromagnetic field. The use of this method dates back to the times of the legendary Paracelsus and eastern medical practices. In his activities I.P. Neumyvakin warmly recommends the use of magnetic pulses, in particular, for the treatment of arthrosis and other diseases of a rheumatic nature. Nowadays, there are many devices for magnetic therapy, different in both the type of radiation and the price category. Based on their operating principle, they are usually divided into two types:

  1. Permanent magnets. These magnets are most similar to the ones we are used to: they have positive and negative charges and a constant pulse intensity.
  2. Electromagnets. Their action occurs only when a weak charge of electric current passes through the magnet. They are most often used in medical devices in hospitals and for home use.

In Russia, the idea of ​​​​creating a device for magnetic therapy belongs to V.S. Patrasenko, a famous inventor. The benefits of magnetic therapy are based on the fact that, according to Patrasenko, the Earth’s magnetic radiation weakens over time, and our body needs it. The influence of magnetic radiation affects human metabolic and immune processes. Having lost it, the cells begin to experience energy hunger, and as a result, the circulation of fluid throughout the body deteriorates, swelling, blood stagnation and other similar phenomena occur. The use of magnetic therapy helps the human body improve a number of processes occurring in it:

  • restore its rheological properties (intensity of fluid flow through the body);
  • improve blood circulation;
  • get rid of swelling;
  • increase the speed of nerve impulses.

The effect of magnetic impulses in arthrosis can have an antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory effect, and relieve joint pain. But speaking about the benefits of magnetic therapy, as an experienced doctor, I.P. Neumyvakin does not forget to mention contraindications to it. They may be:

  • cerebral atherosclerosis;
  • epilepsy;
  • type III hypertension;
  • oncological diseases;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • presence of a pacemaker;
  • childhood age of the patient.

Gymnastics for joints

This may sound strange, but in the early stages of the disease, gentle exercises can be of great benefit. The fact is that human joints do not have their own blood supply system - they have the same system as in the adjacent muscle tissue. Thus, the more actively the muscles work, the more blood, and accordingly, more oxygen and nutrients will flow into the cartilage and joint tissue. Useful types of gymnastics include swimming for arthrosis and physical therapy exercises. Dr. Neumyvakin advises to practice breathing exercises at the same time, which are beneficial for the general condition of the body. The doctor also recommends doing daily exercises. In the morning, after sleep, you need to lie down on a hard surface. The muscles should be contracted one by one. Then use your palms to rub the entire surface of the skin. This allows you to activate the work of all organs and systems, due to irritation of skin receptors. Next, exercises are carried out to prevent arthrosis. It is necessary to rub the second limb with the heel of one nail. After performing these exercises, the doctor recommends getting up and performing voluntary movements for several minutes. Physical activity can improve joint mobility, normalize blood pressure, and return the patient to normal well-being. But at the same time, it is extremely important to maintain moderation of the load, start with a very small one, gradually increasing it, avoid overload, and perform the exercises slowly. In no case should you engage in physical therapy “through force”, overcoming pain - this will only worsen the condition of the diseased joint. If after gymnastics the pain intensifies, swelling and redness appear in the area of ​​the affected joint, muscle spasms occur, exercise should be stopped. Doctors recommend paying special attention to the period of remission after exacerbations. During an exacerbation of the disease, it is better to temporarily interrupt classes to avoid exacerbations. Excessive physical activity can contribute to even greater destruction of the joint. However, when used correctly and performed regularly, physical therapy is extremely useful in the treatment of arthrosis.

Be sure to consult your doctor before treating any illness. This will help take into account individual tolerance, confirm the diagnosis, ensure the correctness of treatment and eliminate negative drug interactions. If you use prescriptions without consulting your doctor, it is entirely at your own risk. All information on the site is presented for informational purposes and is not a medical aid. All responsibility for use lies with you.

Arthrosis is one of the most common rheumatic diseases, causing a large number of unpleasant symptoms. Treatment of the knee joint according to Neumyvakin is very popular among patients. Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin is one of the brightest representatives of alternative medicine. His methods help to effectively relieve inflammation in the joint and reduce pain. What principles is the professor’s therapy based on?


Neumyvakin pain in the lower back. Professor Neumyvakin on the correct treatment of spinal hernia

According to Professor Neumyvakin, treatment of intervertebral hernia should be comprehensive and timely. According to the famous healer, osteochondrosis should be treated with massage, physical therapy, ointments, cold and hot compresses.

Professor Neumyvakin, who has studied spinal pathologies for a long time, in particular osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernias, has developed his own comprehensive methods of combating the common disease. Treatment of spinal hernia according to Neumyvakin consists of strengthening the back muscles, reducing painful symptoms and stopping the progression of the disease.

Back exercises

To strengthen the spine, develop it and restore its former flexibility, the professor recommends performing special exercises while lying on your back. They need to be performed gradually, slowly, so as not to provoke the appearance of painful sensations:

  1. Lie on your back, raise your arms up and clasp them together at the back of your head. Connect the lower limbs. Raise your legs straight up, holding them for a few seconds. Over time, to enhance the effect, you should raise your head and shoulders at the same time as your legs.
  2. The starting position is similar. You need to grab your knee with both hands and pull it up, touching your chin.
  3. Bend your knees, clasp your arms tightly, and then make several rocking movements from side to side.
  4. Raise your upper and lower limbs so that they are perpendicular to the flooring. It is necessary to strongly pull the feet and toes upward, shaking vigorously. The exercise time is at least 3 minutes.
  5. Lying on your back, you should raise your straight legs up and, without lifting your pelvis from the floor, tilt them alternately in different directions. Hands should be located along the body.

It is important to perform physical therapy regularly over several months. During classes, you should not be distracted or make sudden movements.

Exercises performed on the stomach

The following complex for the treatment of intervertebral hernias is performed on the stomach in this way:

  1. Stretch your upper limbs forward, close your lower limbs and extend your toes. Try to stretch your body as much as possible, arching your back and swaying slightly.
  2. Place your palms on the floor, lift your upper body and bend your back. After this, you need to turn your head in different directions, trying to look at your feet.
  3. Place your palms on the floor, bend your back, and raise your legs bent up. Wrap your arms around your legs and sway from side to side.
  4. Kneel down, rest your hands on the floor. Bend your back, imitating the movement of cats. Repeat several times, touching your head to your back and your chin to your chest area.

The number of repetitions needs to be increased every day. It is enough to perform one full set of exercises per day to achieve positive results in treatment.

Treatment of intervertebral hernias using rubs and ointments

Treatment of intervertebral hernia according to Neumyvakin involves the use of various ointments and rubs invented by the professor. People have long used these remedies to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system and managed them without the use of drugs. The preparations are prepared independently, from natural products.

  1. To prepare the ointment, you need to mix 1 chicken egg, 0.5 packs of butter, 1 tbsp each of wheat flour and vinegar in a sterile glass container. After mixing all the components, the product is set aside for several hours in a dark, cool place, and then the film that has formed is cleaned. Then it is rubbed into the back where degenerative changes are observed.
  2. Warming ointment is prepared from such components as kerosene and vegetable oil, 200 ml each, and 8 pods of hot pepper. All components are mixed and infused in a warm place for about 2 weeks. The finished product is used to rub pathological areas on the back.
  3. To prepare a good painkiller, you need to grind 50 g of bay leaves and 8 g of juniper needles to a powder, then add 0.5 packs of butter. The resulting ointment is used to eliminate unpleasant symptoms.
  4. Severe pain that occurs during an exacerbation of osteochondrosis can be easily relieved with the help of a special ointment containing alcohol. To prepare it, you need to mix 2 tbsp. alcohol, 0.5 tbsp. radish juice, 100 g honey and 1.5 tbsp. salt.

The basis of the Neumyvakin technique

Pain in the knee joint
Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin is one of the specialists and founders of space medicine. He has been involved in this area for more than 30 years. Neumyvakin primarily practices alternative methods of medicine. Not all doctors are supporters of his methods, but despite this, they are widely used among patients.

Neumyvakin’s position is based on the fact that the human body has enormous potential energy that can independently restore lost functions without any external influence.

The professor created his own treatment and prevention center, where thousands of patients come every year and successfully undergo treatment. Treatment of knee arthrosis using the Neumyvakin method is becoming popular every year.

Treatment of arthritis with gelatin

What is the healing power of treating arthritis with gelatin? The thing is that gelatin contains a huge amount of various amino acids that can slow down destructive changes in joints, as well as increase their elasticity. In addition, it consists of 90% protein. It contains no carbohydrates, fats or preservatives.

A huge therapeutic effect comes from regular use of gelatin products in the diet. In this way, the occurrence of destructive diseases of the musculoskeletal system can be prevented. Among gelatin products, it is recommended to eat jellied meat. It contains a huge amount of collagen, which plays a big role in the condition of the joints.

In folk medicine, the following gelatin recipe is used for rheumatoid arthritis :

  • Take 1 tsp. gelatin, fill it with 100 ml of cold boiled water.
  • Let it steep all night.
  • The next morning, add 1 spoon of honey to this mixture and add warm water to a full glass.
  • Mix all this and drink on an empty stomach.

It is worth noting that it is necessary to be treated with edible gelatin strictly in courses. The above recipe should be used for 10 days, after which you need to take a break for the same period. All treatment depends on the degree of the disease and the characteristics of the body. But usually at least 3 months of gelatin therapy are required

Discovery of Neumyvakin

Academician Neumyvakin - made a great contribution to medicine.
According to the professor’s research, the human body begins to produce mutating cells under hypoxic conditions. Metabolic processes in the body can be increased several times if oxygen is infused intravenously.

The basis of Ivan Pavlovich’s treatment is the introduction of hydrogen peroxide into the body. Once in the human blood, peroxide breaks down into atomic oxygen and water. It is oxygen that becomes the source of active energy. Thanks to it, the following reactions occur in the body:

  1. Oxidation of toxins occurs, which disrupts intestinal function.
  2. Harmful bacteria that adversely affect the integrity of cartilage are destroyed.
  3. Digestion improves. This helps prevent food debris from rotting in the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. At the cellular level, energy exchange processes improve.
  5. The joints begin to actively absorb minerals.
  6. Blood vessels dilate. Blood supply to organs improves.

The academician created a whole regimen for taking the drug so that it could give maximum effect.

What is the role of the palatine tonsils?

Tonsils are organs consisting of lymphoid tissue that are located in the nasopharynx and perform the function of immune defense. They got their name because of their external resemblance to an almond, which is why anatomists began to use the name “almond.”

Lymphoid tissue in the pharynx is present not only in the palatine tonsil, but also in other structures:

  • lingual and nasopharyngeal tonsil;
  • lymphoid foci of the posterior pharyngeal wall.

The lymphoid tissue of the pharynx is an important part of the immune system, since on its surface contact of the body’s immune cells with the environment occurs. The information received by the immune cells in the lymphoid structures of the pharynx is transmitted to the next level of immune organs (thymus, bone marrow, lymph nodes) for the production of protective proteins (immunoglobulins). Subsequently, they neutralize pathogenic viruses, bacteria, fungi and protozoa that enter the body from the external environment.

With age, the role of the tonsils as immune organs is gradually lost. Lymphoid tissue is gradually replaced by connective tissue elements, so involution (reverse development) of organs begins. The nasopharyngeal tonsil is the first to undergo involution, later it spreads to the lingual and palatine tonsils. Therefore, in the elderly, the tonsillar tissue (tonsil) decreases to the size of a pea.

The palatine tonsil is the most complex in structure. It consists of a large number of channels - crypts (or lacunae). Some crypts look like a shallow, more or less straight tubule, others have greater depth, branch like a tree, and some crypts are interconnected. Often, where the crypt opens into the pharynx, there is a narrowing of the canal. This makes it difficult to clear it of its contents, against the background of which an inflammatory process develops.

The palatine tonsil is bounded by a capsule - a dense connective tissue membrane. Outside of it there is a layer of loose tissue - paratonsillar or peritonsillar tissue. With severe inflammation, the infection destroys the barrier of the capsule and goes beyond it, causing inflammation of this fiber. This condition is called paratonsillitis. It refers to a serious complication, which, if treated incorrectly or untimely, can have serious consequences, such as the development of a purulent focus in the soft tissues of the neck (peritonsillar abscess, phlegmon of the neck), sepsis, and damage to internal organs. Therefore, it is necessary to start treatment as early as possible.

The use of hydrogen peroxide for arthrosis

Peroxide for treating joints
Treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint with hydrogen peroxide is a central method in Neumyvakin’s theory. This product is in almost every first aid kit. Atomic oxygen, which is part of peroxide, can strengthen the immune system, relieve inflammation and infections. Peroxide can be taken either orally or used in the form of compresses.

Compresses with hydrogen peroxide are good for relieving joint pain. Anyone can make a compress of hydrogen peroxide on their knees at home on their own. To do this, you will need to mix 2 teaspoons of peroxide with 50 ml. water. A bandage is soaked in the resulting solution and applied to the inflamed area. The compress is insulated on top. You need to carry out the procedure for at least one hour, then lubricate the sore spot with a rich nourishing cream.

An important condition when using hydrogen peroxide to treat joints is diet. It is necessary to exclude spicy and salty foods from the diet.

Peroxide can be used orally as an injection. To do this, drops of the drug must be mixed with water. The academician has developed a whole scheme that must be followed when applying this method. You need to start with 1 drop, which is dissolved in 30-50 ml. water, injections are given three times a day half an hour before meals.

The number of drops increases daily, the maximum number should be 10 pieces. After this there is a break for three days. It is important to observe the daily amount of the drug. Do not use more than 30 drops per day.

Contraindications and precautions

Read also: Garlic for joint pain: effective recipes

If you are hypersensitive to hydrogen peroxide, you should immediately stop using it.

Having figured out how to get rid of the disease and how to treat joints, you need to know the contraindications of hydrogen peroxide therapy. Internal use of the drug should be abandoned in the following cases:

  • pregnancy,
  • lactation,
  • peroxide intolerance,
  • organ transplantation,
  • severe gastrointestinal pathologies,
  • heart failure,
  • gastritis with high acidity,
  • peptic ulcer,
  • severe renal dysfunction.

In the first days of taking peroxide, you may experience stomach pain and heartburn. Typically, such side effects disappear a few days after the start of therapy.

When using peroxide internally, you should avoid taking medications that thin the blood, including heparin and acetylsalicylic acid. You should also stop drinking alcohol during treatment.

There are no contraindications to the external use of peroxide, except in cases of individual intolerance. It should be remembered that compresses with peroxide can dry out the epidermis. In the presence of damage and wounds on the skin, this may temporarily reduce the rate of regeneration of the epidermis.

Treatment of joints with soda

Soda for the treatment of arthrosis of the joints
Professor Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin gives soda an important role in the treatment of arthrosis. The academician lists the main properties of this product as:

  • blood thinning ability;
  • analgesic effect;
  • relieving inflammation;
  • dissolution of deposits;
  • increasing the level of immunity in cells.

The action of the drug in the body occurs as follows:

  1. Together with soda, the carbonic acid anion enters the human body. It provokes an increase in alkali levels.
  2. The active work of the kidneys begins. They remove chlorine and sodium from the body.
  3. Simultaneously with the decrease in sodium levels, the amount of potassium increases.

These processes improve metabolism at the cellular level, preventing their premature death.

Professor Neumyvakin suggests actively using soda to treat the following types of joint diseases:

  • arthritis of any type;
  • arthrosis with destruction of cartilage;
  • osteochondrosis.

Treatment of chronic tonsillitis

Chronic tonsillitis is treated using both conservative and surgical methods.

Conservative methods are:

  • antibiotics that are prescribed both locally (gargling) and systemically (tablet or injection forms);
  • direct washing of lacunae and introduction of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs into them;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures (hallotherapy, magnetic laser treatment of lymph nodes, phonophoresis and ultraviolet irradiation of the palatine tonsils).
Treatment methodMechanism of actionTarget
Irrigation of lacunae using a cannulaThe lacunae are cleaned of pus, microorganisms, food debris, and epidermal plugs using a jet of antiseptic solution. In the future, an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drug may be administered Cleansing lacunae Bactericidal effect Anti-inflammatory effect
Washing lacunae using a vacuum nozzleDue to the action of vacuum, the contents are removed from the lacunae.Cleaning gaps
Magnetic laser therapy (MILTA)The effect of a magnetic field and laser radiation on the area of ​​inflammation. The microcirculation of the affected area improves, and the local protective properties of the mucous membrane are activated. Anti-inflammatory effect Activation of local immunity
PhonophoresismedicinesThe effect of drugs (antibacterial, anti-inflammatory) on the mucous membrane of the tonsils. Under the influence of ultrasound, drugs penetrate into the deep sections of the lacunae. Anti-inflammatory effect Bactericidal effect
Ultraviolet radiation (UV)Ultraviolet radiation has a bactericidal effect and activates local immunity of the mucous membrane.Bactericidal effect Activation of local immunity

Surgical treatment methods:

  • Tonsillectomy – removal of the tonsils along with the capsule (instrumental and bloodless technique).
  • Destruction of lymphoid tissue in the tonsil (radio wave ablation, cryodestruction).
  • Cryptolysis (“soldering” of palatal lacunae).
Method of therapyMechanism of actionAdvantagesIndications
Tonsillectomy performed with traditional instruments (instrumental)Isolation of the tonsil and its capsule is carried out with surgical instruments (loop, raspatory)Speed ​​of surgeryPrevious treatment was ineffective. Beta-hemolytic streptococcus was detected. Toxic-allergic form of tonsillitis.
Tonsillectomy bloodlessThe tonsil is released from the capsule using a laser, radio wave, cold plasma energy or other physical methodsSimultaneous dissection and coagulation of tissue. The intervention is bloodless Previous treatment was ineffective. Beta-type hemolytic streptococcus was detected. Toxic-allergic form of tonsillitis.
Destruction (ablation) of the lymphoid elements of the tonsilRadio waves, laser, high or low temperatures destroy most of the lymphoid structures of the tonsilsCan be carried out in a clinic settingPrevious treatment was ineffective Simple (catarrhal) form of tonsillitis
CryptolysisDestruction of the epithelial layer of lacunae due to physical methods of influence. Under such conditions, they stick together, so food particles and microorganisms do not penetrate there, i.e. inflammation cannot develop. Can be carried out in outpatient settingsPrevious treatment was ineffective Simple (catarrhal) form of tonsillitis
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