Potato sprouts as a powerful folk remedy for many known diseases

Most people think of potatoes only as a staple food. But this is a mistaken opinion. Although it contains a lot of starch and is high in calories, it can bring many benefits to the body.


Potatoes are a very controversial product, the consumption of which many try to limit because they are quite high in calories. But not everyone knows how useful it can be. The root vegetable contains potassium, and this element is extremely important for the body. In addition, not only the potato itself benefits, but also its sprouts.

History of the spread of potatoes

Today's “second bread” has a long history of entering our culture. There have been repeated attempts to introduce potatoes into peasant farming. However, both in Europe and on the territory of Rus', “potato” riots broke out more than once. What is the reason for such a negative attitude of ordinary people towards the nightshade plant?

Like all nightshades, potatoes contain solanine. This toxic substance is distributed unevenly throughout all parts of the plant. The largest amount of solanine is found in potato berries and sprouted green tubers. The smallest is in the roots and tubers (in the potatoes that we eat every day).

Potato berries and young green tubers became the cause of most poisonings during the introduction of nightshades into agriculture.

Therefore, potatoes (as well as tomatoes) were planted exclusively for decorative purposes in the 16th century. They were cultivated for bouquets and fashion decorations.

Potato flowers - against many diseases

Walking along the rows of flowering potatoes, you are surprised to see. There is not a single bug or bee on the flowers. And only when you study special scientific literature, you understand what’s what. - Potato flowers are simply poisonous. And they contain serious poison - the alkaloid solanine.

The tops and greened and sprouted potato tubers are also rich in this substance. Neither humans nor animals can eat them.

Solanine can cause severe poisoning. Its main symptoms:

  • abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting;
  • depression of motor and mental activity;
  • difficulty breathing, cardiovascular failure.

In severe cases - coma. First aid: gastric lavage with an aqueous suspension of activated carbon or a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate. If necessary, artificial respiration.

However, in small doses, solanine has medicinal properties. It has a wide spectrum of action with radical and effective results. This is what I experienced for myself and my loved ones. About the treatment with tincture of flowers and potato sprouts below.

Potato sprout tincture recipes

Potato sprout tincture can be used both internally and externally (in the form of compresses, lotions, rubbing). If the medicine is intended for internal use, it is better to use high-quality vodka or food alcohol. Even country moonshine is suitable for external use.

To make a tincture, you can collect sprouts in storage or wash, dry and place 50–60 healthy potatoes on a well-lit surface (on a loggia or just on a kitchen windowsill). When the sprouts reach a length of 5–10 cm, they should be broken off, washed and laid out to dry on paper napkins. A tincture is prepared from dried sprouts in one of three ways:

  1. The sprouts are ground in a meat grinder or blender, then squeezed through 2 layers of gauze. The resulting juice is mixed with vodka in a ratio of 1:2 (per 100 g of juice - 200 g of alcohol);
  2. the sprouts are cut into small pieces with a knife, placed tightly in a half-liter jar so that they occupy 2/3 of the volume, and filled with vodka;
  3. The sprouts are crushed with a blender (or pounded in a mortar) to a pulp and poured with vodka at the rate of 200 g of vodka per full tablespoon of ground sprouts.

In the first case, the potato shoot extract is ready for use immediately; there is no need to infuse it. Tinctures prepared according to the second and third recipes differ only in concentration. The jar with sprouts filled with vodka is closed with a lid and kept in a dark place at room temperature for 2–3 weeks, shaking daily. Then the potato tincture is filtered through two layers of gauze. The resulting sprout extract is stored in a cool, dark place.

The first version of tincture (tincture) is mainly used for external use. This method of preparation is especially convenient when you urgently need to make a compress and there is no time to wait for the extract to infuse. The extract prepared according to the second version of the recipe can be used both internally and externally, according to the third - internally.


In search of the causes of pain or dizziness, the patient can contact doctors of various specialties: therapist, cardiologist, gastroenterologist, neurologist. To diagnose osteochondrosis, a comprehensive examination is required, which includes:

  • radiography and computed tomography: effective only in the later stages of the disease, when changes become clearly visible;
  • magnetic resonance imaging: thanks to a high degree of visualization, it allows you to see even initial changes; is currently the main diagnostic method;
  • duplex scanning of the arteries of the head and neck: allows you to assess the quality of blood flow and identify vasoconstriction; used to determine the causes of headaches and dizziness.

Read the table for diluting alcohol with water, how to properly dilute moonshine.
It is mandatory to interview and examine the patient, determine areas of pain and the degree of mobility of the spinal column, and evaluate the quality of reflexes. For differential diagnosis with other diseases with similar symptoms, the following may be prescribed:

  • ECG, ultrasound of the heart;
  • daily monitoring of ECG and blood pressure;
  • chest x-ray;
  • consultations with specialized specialists: cardiologist, ENT specialist.

The benefits of tincture for joints

To understand whether it is possible to use a compress made from potatoes and a tincture of its sprouts to treat joints, you must first become familiar with its composition. After all, it is the substances contained in the plant that can explain all its properties.

Potato composition:

  • vitamins: C, PP, B, D, U, E and K;
  • folic acid;
  • amino acids;
  • carotene;
  • salt; potassium, phosphorus, calcium and phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • organic acids;
  • carbohydrates;
  • proteins.

Thanks to such a rich composition, potatoes have some properties that can be used for medicinal purposes. I would like to clarify in advance the fact that sprouts contain solanine in especially large quantities.

Indications for use

An infusion of potato shoots for arthritis and knee arthrosis helps eliminate unpleasant symptoms. It reduces pain and relieves inflammation. Therefore, this type of treatment is rather symptomatic.

Due to the beneficial properties of potatoes, it can also be used to treat other ailments. However, such therapy is possible only after consultation with a doctor.

Useful properties of potatoes:

  • inhibition of the secretion of digestive juice;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • has a healing effect;
  • has a diuretic effect;
  • reduces blood pressure;
  • improves intestinal functions;
  • relieves pain.

Thanks to the described beneficial properties, potatoes in various forms can improve digestion, be used for eczema and burns, and can also be used for heart and vascular diseases.

Potatoes are also considered one of the least allergy-prone vegetables. Therefore, it is often used to prepare baby powders as a base component.

Potato sprouts

This vegetable can be used to treat joint diseases in different forms. This could be compresses made from raw potatoes to treat joints, a vodka tincture of potato sprouts, or even potato decoction. Each cooking option has its own indications.

! Precautionary measures

Potato sprouts for joints, compresses from fresh tubers and flower tinctures should be used with great caution, as there is a risk of side effects, such as:

  • allergic reaction - redness of the skin, itching and the appearance of pimples;
  • formation of injuries on the skin - wounds, eczema, fungal lesions, cuts;
  • deterioration of the condition due to individual intolerance to alcohol-containing drugs.

If any of the mentioned manifestations occur, you should stop the course of treatment and seek help from a qualified doctor.

Potato sprouts healing power

Potatoes are an indispensable attribute of our table. Every second dish is prepared using it.

Now it seems surprising and strange that several centuries ago, when Peter I first brought a bag of potatoes as a gift to Count Sheremetyev, no one knew what to do with it next.

Then people began to eat green berries, which ripen after the plant loses its color. And, naturally, they were poisoned by them...

This compound is also found in small quantities in potato tubers, but most of all in the stems and green berries. The amount of solanine in tubers increases if they are kept in the light for some time (at the same time they begin to turn green). Usually such tubers are thrown away.

Solanine is also formed in green potato sprouts - those that grew in the light.

Any poison in small quantities is a medicine. Solanine is no exception. It is known to have a vascular strengthening effect, analgesic, diuretic and anti-inflammatory. Solanine also acts as an antispasmodic, can normalize blood pressure, and has antiviral and antifungal effects.

Alcohol tincture - recipe

Solanine is crystals consisting of glucose and salonoidin. This substance is practically insoluble in water and readily soluble in alcohol. This is the basis for the preparation of an alcohol tincture of potato sprouts, which is used as a pain reliever for joints.

To prepare an alcohol tincture, you only need potato sprouts and alcohol (or vodka). To get sprouts, you first need to germinate the potatoes - keep them in the light for some time in a warm place. In a maximum of three weeks, sprouts should appear on the tubers.

To prepare the tincture, take sprouts about 5 cm long. The washed and dried shoots are crushed in any available way (using a blender or passing through a meat grinder), placed tightly in a jar and filled with alcohol so that the liquid completely covers the material.

It is recommended to prepare the medicine in a dark glass container. The container with the tincture is tightly sealed and placed in a place inaccessible to light. After 14-20 days, the brownish solution is ready for use. It is recommended to strain it before using it for rubbing.

If your joints hurt, rub potato sprouts with tincture every day, morning and evening. This solution can also be applied as a compress in the traditional way. This compress is kept for two hours. The therapeutic effect is usually observed after 2 weeks.

Many patients who have treated arthritis or arthrosis with this tincture note that this remedy easily replaces painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs like Diclofenac and its analogues. This remedy perfectly relieves pain in the joints and relieves swelling.

Basic recommendations and contraindications

We have already talked about using potato sprout tincture to treat joints. But keeping in mind the many undoubted medicinal properties of this solution, it is also used for a number of other diseases.

Using potato tincture, you can significantly improve your vision and even get rid of cataracts or glaucoma. To do this, take a teaspoon of tincture three times a day every day before meals. The course of treatment is 2 or 3 months.

This tincture has good antiseptic properties. This is the basis for its use for any damage to the skin (cut, abrasion), as well as for the occurrence of herpes on the lips. In this case, it is enough to moisten a cotton or gauze swab with the tincture and apply it to the wound. Here this drug works no worse than iodine or brilliant green.

Potato sprout tincture is also used in case of detection of malignant tumors. According to a certain scheme, drink a few drops of the product, after diluting it with water.

This medicine will also be useful in case of caries. In order to stop the development of the disease, it is enough to place a few drops of tincture on the brush before each brushing of your teeth.

However, there are also contraindications to the use of tincture. This product is strictly not recommended for use by pregnant and lactating women, children under 12 years of age, diabetics, as well as people with sexually transmitted diseases and intestinal pathologies.

Potato sprout tincture is primarily a traditional medicine

And in any case, before using it, it is necessary and important to consult with your doctor

Why shouldn't you throw away potato shoots?

Potatoes are probably the most popular vegetable, both in the CIS and abroad. There is no such person who has not tried potato-based dishes in his life. It is grown in almost every garden.

There is no doubt about the popularity of this vegetable, but few people know that potato sprouts contain a lot of useful substances and based on them you can prepare a wonderful vodka or moonshine tincture.

In the process of evolution, plants have learned to defend themselves from their many enemies: ticks, moths, mice, caterpillars, pathogens - bacteria, fungi, viruses, etc.

Each plant has a whole arsenal of protective agents, which are found in the stems, leaves, and seeds. In potatoes and many other plants, such protective agents are alkaloids, which in the overwhelming majority have enormous specific activity and, with a few exceptions, are highly poisonous.

It is known for sure that the first bag of potatoes was sent to Russia from Holland personally by Peter I as a gift to Count Sheremetev with instructions to send “earth apples” throughout the country “for brood.” Peasants were forced to plant potatoes.

True, no one knew how it should be stored. It happened that people died after eating green tubers, and sometimes fruits (green berries). Potatoes were popularly dubbed the “devil’s apple.” The peasants believed that they were being killed, and responded with riots called “potato riots.”

Alkaloids help plants survive and escape from many misfortunes, which means that with the help of these same natural compounds you can fight human pathogens.

For example, alkaloids such as morphine and codeine (from poppy seeds), atropine (from belladonna), berberine (from barberry), and reserpine (from rauwolfia serpentine) are widely used in medicine. Currently, the number of alkaloids isolated from plants is about 10 thousand.

This series of natural compounds also includes the alkaloid solanine, which is found not only in potatoes, but also in their sprouts, tops, flowers and especially berries. And also in many other plants of the nightshade family, for example, in the tops and unripe fruits of tomato, physalis, etc.

Sprouts begin to appear on potatoes in the winter-spring period when they are stored in a room with a high level of humidity, often a cellar or basement. Many people who grow potatoes themselves periodically sort through them, tearing off and throwing away the sprouts, so that the potatoes do not grow prematurely and last longer.

And almost no one thinks about the fact that sprouts contain the main amount of useful amino acids, microelements and vitamins. Previously, people considered potato sprouts in vodka almost a panacea for all diseases.

It is no secret that potato sprouts contain a poisonous and very toxic substance - the glycoside solanine. And this is true, but its content is very small and cannot cause much harm. For example, eggplant and green tomatoes contain much more solanine, and yet people are not afraid to eat them and do not suffer much from it.

It is thanks to solanine and other alkaloids that plants protect themselves from many enemies: mice, bacteria, ticks, caterpillars and other pests. And if you use this property wisely, you can protect yourself from most ailments. As you know, even deadly snake venom is used to prepare some medicines.

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of sprouts is quite interesting. They appear in order to give rise to a new plant, therefore they are distinguished by the rich composition necessary for new life. They contain proteins, sugars, starch, and mineral salts. Many microelements such as: calcium and magnesium, iron and potassium, phosphorus...

Among the vitamins, the presence of thiamine and riboflavin, ascorbic and nicotinic acids is noted. There is a huge group of amino acids: allantoin and acetylcholine, xanthine and choline, hiscidin and tryptophan, leucine, lysine and argenine.

But the most remarkable thing is that they contain a huge amount of the active alkaloid solanine, which, despite its toxicity, has medicinal properties. Sprouted potatoes that have turned green are not usually eaten, and for good reason.

This substance, along with other alkaloids (cocaine, morphine), can act as a stimulant on the nervous system. Thanks to its steroid component, solanine is able to block painful spasms.

In addition to potatoes, solanine contains black nightshade berries, as well as unripe tomatoes. Solanine in large doses can cause severe toxicity to the body, and sometimes death.

Are potato sprouts poisonous? Yes, they are poisonous. Solanine in large doses is life-threatening; it is a poisonous crystalline substance of natural origin. Potatoes contain solanine in small quantities that are absolutely harmless to humans.

A dangerous amount is considered to be 200–400 mcg, while 100 grams of potatoes contain 2–10 mcg of solanine. Cases of solanine poisoning due to eating potatoes are very rare, because for this you need to eat a whole kilogram of sprouted potatoes along with the peel.

Reproduction and preservation of sprouts

In order to obtain shoots, it is necessary to create special conditions: the tuber must be kept cool, at least 10 degrees Celsius, and also create optimal air humidity. To grow, the tuber must be placed with its eyes facing up so that the shoots have access to air and sunlight.

If you did everything correctly, then in a week you should have beautiful white shoots. In order to use them in folk medicine, it is necessary to use only freshly picked shoots.

You can preserve the shoots by placing the sprouted vegetable in a cool place, but this method of preservation only lasts for a couple of days.

Beneficial features

Solanine, which potato sprouts are rich in, has a disinfecting and antibacterial effect, and therefore promotes the healing of cuts and scratches. This substance has:

  • anti-inflammatory,
  • antiallergic
  • cardiotonic effect.

In addition, preparations prepared from sprouts cope with bacteria, viruses, and have an antimycotic effect.

They strengthen the walls of blood vessels, reducing their permeability, and also relieve pain, which is also an important factor. In addition, sprouts take all the most valuable things from the tubers, including flavonoids - compounds that strengthen the walls of blood vessels and prevent premature aging.

Solanine kills fungal infections, prevents the proliferation of staphylococcus, has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, and relieves spasms. The alkaloids contained in potatoes have a detrimental effect on pathogenic bacteria, fungi and viruses, so infusions of sprouts are also used to treat plants against insects and pests.

To preserve all these useful substances at home, use alcohol. Alcohol tincture of potato sprouts is used in folk medicine for the treatment and prevention of the following diseases:

  1. dermatitis, eczema, herpes, various rashes;
  2. abscesses, scratches, cuts;
  3. colds, bronchial asthma;
  4. inflammation of the gums and caries;
  5. glaucoma and cataracts;
  6. otitis;
  7. joint pain arising from arthritis and arthrosis;
  8. migraines;
  9. diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver;
  10. heart pain;
  11. high blood pressure;
  12. malignant tumors.

Subtleties of care

​When planting potatoes sprouts up, you can increase the same length of the underground part of the stems using hilling. Simply planting with sprouts down allows you to avoid such a labor-intensive operation that delays the development of potatoes.​

​When planting early in unheated soil, the tuber should be closer to the surface, since the surface layer of the soil warms up earlier, and the potatoes here do not experience a lack of heat;

​Potatoes from sprouts​

​Sprouts are planted with row spacing of 10 cm, and in rows between neighbors of 6 cm. The planting depth is determined by the size of the sprouts: those that are longer are planted deeper, but short ones are planted shallower, but so that about 1/3 is visible above the ground. Then watering is carried out, the rows are sprinkled with dry soil or humus, and in sunny weather the plants are slightly shaded. Five days after planting, the sprouts begin to turn green and begin to grow, and after 18 - 20 days they can be transplanted into the ground according to the pattern 60 - 70 x 18 - 20 cm. It is advisable to do this when the sky is overcast or in the late afternoon. Then the area is watered abundantly.


Treatment with potato flowers for colds, caries, rhinitis

I also used the tincture for inhalation for colds and upper respiratory tract diseases.

This procedure gives amazing results. — Coughing, sneezing, itching of the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, and pharynx disappear immediately. I remember I suffered for two nights. “I was choking with a cough, my nose was completely stuffed up, I couldn’t breathe. I took an inhalation and immediately everything disappeared, as if it had just disappeared!

I brush my teeth, rinse my mouth and throat with boiled water, into which I pour a little tincture of potato flowers. of dental caries stopped

. Those that still survived became white and fresh, like new.

If I had known earlier about this healing effect of potato flowers, I would not have lost a single tooth. Now I'm glad that I found a means to preserve the remaining ones.

I rinse my nose, especially when it’s stuffy. I pour some water into my palm with the addition of potato flower tincture, suck it in with my nose, then splash it out. And when I have time, I treat my throat, nose and mouth with an inhaler. “I inhale the sprayed particles of the flower solution with my entire chest, so that it reaches my lungs.


  • medium-sized potato tubers are thoroughly washed, after which they are crushed without removing the peel;
  • the resulting mass is placed in hot water, which is subsequently further heated to temperature values ​​exceeding 38 degrees;
  • The boiled mass is placed in a special bag made of burlap without squeezing. In this case, the bag should follow the shape of the part of the body to which it will be applied;
  • Oilcloth material is preliminarily laid under the bag;
  • the potato mass is evenly distributed in a layer equal to 1.5-2 cm;
  • The sore spot is wrapped in a bag, which is then covered with oilcloth and bandaged.

The pain will go away before the next exacerbation occurs. Such a compress should be applied daily before going to bed during the week. If the pain disappears after 2 - 3 days of using the compress, it will not be needed until the next exacerbation.

It is useful to consume potato broth on an empty stomach. Eating a couple of raw potatoes, previously grated along with the peel, is considered no less therapeutically effective.

  • whole potato tubers are applied to sore joints;
  • in the presence of a tumor process in the joint tissues, it is advisable to finger small potatoes like a ball, putting a potato glove on your hand at night or tying the vegetable to the sore joint.

No less popular in folk medicine are potato sprouts, which are also widely used to combat a variety of diseases:

  • fungal skin lesions;
  • cold-type diseases;
  • joint pathologies.

Potato flower treatment method

I took a break for a week until I felt that the symptoms of poisoning had passed. Then he started taking the drug again (water infusion of potato flowers + vodka), but in smaller doses. - Every other day, 2 times a day, 2 tablespoons. I also washed it down with a small amount of warm boiled water. This moderate use had no toxic effect.

And then I completely switched to taking a tincture of flowers, prepared only with vodka, without the presence of water. I repeat once again: Since potato flowers are poisonous, they must be treated very carefully. Not a single extra drop should be applied.

For example, I now take no more than 10 drops per day orally. (I add them to tea or just clean water). And I just felt that there were even the slightest signs of poisoning. — I immediately stop taking it for 2-3 days, or even longer.

Medicinal properties and effects of solanine

The glycoalkaloid solanine was thoroughly studied in 1960, when its antibacterial properties and ability to influence the contraction of muscle fibers in the heart were confirmed. This alkaloid stops the spread of fungi, pathogenic bacteria and viruses, and has an anti-inflammatory and healing effect. Consumption of solanine improves metabolic processes and restores the normal level of acidity in the gastrointestinal tract. Tinctures and decoctions with the substance are used in the treatment of many diseases, including:

  • glaucoma, cataracts, keratitis, conjunctivitis;
  • gingivitis, periodontitis, stomatitis, gum inflammation (rinsing);
  • sore throat, bronchitis, prolonged cough;
  • gastrointestinal and liver diseases;
  • arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatic pathologies (inside and rubbing of diseased joints);
  • dermatitis, allergic and nervous eczema, furunculosis, fungal (mycotic) skin diseases (lotions).

Sprouted potatoes contain the toxic substance solanine, which is used in many folk recipes.
In addition, potato sprouts contain flavonoids - these compounds strengthen the walls of blood vessels and have antioxidant properties.

In order to get sprouted potato tubers at any time of the year, it is enough to place several of them in a humid, warm environment, for example, behind a central heating radiator.

Treatment of infections

Pathogenic microbes can be the cause of rheumatic disease, so we identify and treat chronic infections, overt or hidden.

Failure to treat infections may be due to reinfection due to weak immune defenses. We will perform immune status studies and find out what exactly your immune system lacks to function properly. The data obtained will help bring the immune system into working condition.

Chronic infectious processes rarely develop with healthy immunity

We find these infections most often:

  • Sexually transmitted infections (STDs) (chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, gardnerella);
  • Viruses of the herpes group (herpes, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus);
  • Chronic intestinal infections and dysbiosis (helminthic infestations, Giardia, enterococci, salmonella, etc.), treatment of dysbiosis is especially necessary after long-term use of antibiotics because this can negatively affect bowel function;
  • Chronic infections of the tonsils, pharynx and nose (tonsillitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis).

Potato sprouts medicinal properties

Potatoes have long been the most popular vegetable in our country, but it turns out that they can not only be eaten, but also used as medicine! To do this, just put the potato tubers in a warm and bright place for 2-3 weeks, and after germination, use the potato sprouts for treatment.

Potato sprouts - medicinal properties

Potatoes, like many other plants, are protected from numerous pests with the help of special substances that are formed in potato tubers as they sprout. Potato alkaloids repel not only mice, rats and insects from tubers, but also destroy pathogenic bacteria, fungi and viruses that try to “settle” on the surface of the plant. Due to the action of solanine, a very active alkaloid, flowers, fruits and sprouted potato tubers can cause serious poisoning or even death of a person or animal, but in small doses solanine has a pronounced therapeutic effect. In addition to antibacterial, antiviral and antimycotic effects, potato sprouts have a beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels, strengthening them and reducing the permeability of the vascular wall. Also, preparations based on potato sprouts have analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and wound-healing effects. Potato sprout tincture is used to treat:

Skin diseases - for fungal skin lesions, dermatitis, eczema and other diseases; Inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract - for sore throat, bronchitis, laryngitis, colds and so on; Diseases of the oral cavity - for stomatitis, gingivitis, caries and so on; Osteoarticular diseases systems - for arthritis, gout, arthrosis; Wounds, cuts, abscesses, boils - for damage to the skin, potato tincture helps speed up healing; Oncological diseases - potato tincture is taken according to a special regimen.


Potato sprout tincture should not be used by pregnant, lactating women, children under 12 years of age, patients suffering from diabetes mellitus and other diseases with metabolic disorders. Also, potato sprout tincture is not recommended for use by people suffering from sexually transmitted diseases and increased sexual excitability. Patients with acid-base imbalance or intestinal diseases - enterocolitis, colitis and enteritis in the acute stage should not drink potato sprout tincture.

Potato sprouts - recipes

To prepare an alcohol tincture from potato sprouts, you need sprouted tubers and 40% alcohol. The sprouts are broken off or cut off from the sprouted tubers, they are washed, dried and filled with them in a glass jar (preferably made of opaque glass) to 14 - 13 volumes, then filled to the top with alcohol.

The tincture is left in a warm, dark place for 2-3 weeks, after which it is filtered and used for oral and external use. To treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract and oral cavity, you can prepare a rinse with the tincture - add a few tablespoons of tincture to 1 tbsp of warm water and gargle or gargle 3-4 times a day until complete recovery. You can also make compresses or rub alcohol tincture into the interscapular area and upper chest.

To treat skin diseases, wounds, boils and other skin damage, the wounds are washed with a tincture solution (1 tbsp tincture per 2 tbsp water). Compresses with tincture are also very effective - for this, clean, folded gauze or cotton cloth is moistened in undiluted tincture and applied to the affected area, leaving for several hours or overnight.

For joint diseases, tincture of potato sprouts is rubbed into sore spots, the joint is wrapped in warm woolen cloth on top and left overnight. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks. For cancer, the following treatment regimen is used - 1 drop of tincture in 12 cups of water 3 times a day, then add 1 drop to each dose daily until it reaches 15-25 drops at a time.

If signs of solanine poisoning appear - nausea, vomiting, weakness, dizziness - stop treatment. After reaching the maximum dose, treatment is interrupted for 5-7 days, during which you should not eat meat and drink as much natural juice as possible, then the course of treatment is repeated.


• Favorable effect on the gastrointestinal tract;

• Fight staphylococcus;

• They have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and cardiac properties;

• Effective against fungal infections of the skin (dermatitis, eczema);

• For diseases of the respiratory tract (pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis);

• To help teeth and gums (caries, stomatitis, periodontal disease);

• Beneficial effects in case of bruises, burns, wounds;

• For arthritis and arthrosis;

• With functional liver failure;

• To improve vision;

• For oncological diseases.

Potato sprouts are used in the form of tinctures and decoctions. The content of the toxic alkaloid solanine should be taken into account. In case of an overdose, poisoning and subsequent negative consequences are possible; to be more precise, it destroys red blood cells in the blood and inhibits nervous activity. In folk medicine, preparations from the shoots have long been practiced, but since there are contraindications, you should be careful during treatment, it is important to consult a doctor. Use the information wisely, follow the dosage when using infusions and decoctions.


Considering the toxicity of solanine, ingestion of any potato infusions has certain contraindications:

  • excessive nervous excitability;
  • individual intolerance;
  • diabetes;
  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • exacerbation of colitis, enterocolitis, enteritis;
  • venereal diseases.

Self-made alcohol-based products using potato sprouts and flowers for internal use are prohibited for children under 16 years of age, nursing women, and during pregnancy.

The use of potato sprouts and inflorescences for medicinal purposes is based on the pronounced ability of alcohol extracts based on these raw materials to quickly relieve severe pain that occurs with joint lesions.

Similar drugs also help with other diseases, provided that medical prescriptions are followed when taken orally. The appearance of signs of intoxication in the form of nausea, dizziness, rapid pulse, and convulsions serves as a signal to stop using the drug and immediately seek medical help.

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Treatment of tumors with potato flowers

When I was still being treated with an aqueous infusion of potato flowers with the addition of vodka. Then 2 times a day, morning and evening, I drank 0.5 glasses of this drug. — In order to get rid of two tumors

. They are on my chest, almost under my armpit, and in my groin.

At first there seemed to be an improvement, but after two weeks poisoning set in. His symptoms were the same as I described above.

I immediately stopped taking the flower tincture. But it was necessary to undergo treatment, especially since I knew it. — That tinctures of potato flowers are considered one of the most effective remedies in traditional medicine recommendations.

And from the medical literature it is known that ingestion of small concentrations of solanine gives a significant therapeutic effect. Back in 1965, Soviet pharmacologists discovered its anti-inflammatory and heart tone-improving properties.


As you know, potato flowers and sprouts contain solanine. I began to think. I read some more scientific literature and came to a conclusion. — That solanine, like some other toxic substances, has a cumulative effect. That is, it gradually accumulates in the body when consumed for a long time.

This gradual accumulation of toxins in the body is completely unnoticed at first. And therefore, no signs of poisoning are felt. (That is, the penetration of toxic substances into organs and the occurrence of persistent long-term disorders). I also learned that solanine is retained firmly in the body and is excreted very slowly from it.

Critical dose

The critical dose of solanine that causes human poisoning is 200-400 mg of the toxic substance. Considering that potato tubers contain 0.05% solanine, it can be calculated that the critical dose of potatoes (which can cause poisoning) is from 2 to 4 kilograms of unpeeled tubers.

With such calculations we show that it is almost impossible to get poisoned by fresh autumn potatoes.

The amount of solanine in potatoes reaches critical values ​​when storing tubers in the light. At the same time, they accumulate up to 500 mg per 100 g of potatoes. Even taking into account that 80% of solanine is removed with the peel, 100 mg of solanine per 100 g of pulp remains in the pulp. This means that for poisoning it is enough to eat a good portion of boiled or fried potatoes (400 g).

It is important to know: heat treatment does not neutralize the poison. Therefore, no amount of boiling can make a green tuber edible.

As for tomatoes, their fruits are poisonous only when unripe. A ripe red tomato contains almost no solanine.

How does a toxic substance affect the human body?


Next we will talk about the shoots on the root crop, which appear six months after harvest.

If you move potatoes to a warm place in winter and leave them there, sprouts will definitely appear on them within 2-3 weeks.

Everyone has seen them, but few people know what they consist of.

Chemical composition

The main function of potato sprouts is new life . First of all, they are needed for the reproduction of a young plant. Therefore, they have a rich composition:

  • amino acids;
  • Sahara;

  • minerals: calcium, potassium, magnesium, chlorine, iron, phosphorus, sodium;

  • vitamins: A, C, E, PP, H and almost the entire group B;
  • solanine alkaloid;
  • starch.

Separately, I would like to note that solanine is a toxic substance that in large quantities is harmful to the human body (you can find out more about what solanine is in potatoes and why it is so dangerous here).

However, potatoes contain little of it, so it is safe. The amount of 200-400 mcg of solanine is considered critical. 100 g of potatoes contains 2-10 mcg of dangerous solanine .

That is, if a person eats 1 kg of sprouted potatoes along with peels and sprouts, poisoning is possible. Solanine causes excitement and then depression of the nervous system, decomposition of red blood cells. Solanine can be toxic to humans and animals. Thanks to a significant reduction in the solanine content in modern potatoes, intoxication has become rare.

Traditional medicine recipes

Solanine contains glucose and solanoidin, which are more soluble in alcohol than in water, which is why the most common healing agents are in the form of tinctures.

For preparation:

  1. Wash the fresh sprouts, cut them, place them in a prepared jar and pour vodka so that the liquid covers them by two centimeters.
  2. Leave for two weeks in a dark place.
  3. Strain through a layer of gauze or a fine sieve.

Take according to this scheme:

  • morning and evening, 3 drops per tablespoon of water;
  • increase the dosage by one drop every day and take 6 drops until the end of the week;
  • take a week's break.

Continue with the same regimen for two months for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. This not only reduces the acidity in the stomach, but also slows down the spread of pathogenic bacteria on the mucous membrane, which cause gastritis and ulcers, and stops colic and abdominal cramps.

Tincture with potato sprouts helps with stomach diseases and strengthens the immune system

When treating bronchial asthma, take the tincture, starting with 3 drops three times a day, with water. Then add 1 drop for 3 weeks, then take a week break and continue treatment.

For sore throat, bronchitis, pharyngitis, stomatitis, flu and respiratory diseases, you need to rinse your mouth and throat with tincture diluted in water: 1 tablespoon per half glass of water. In addition to this, rub the sternum and interscapular space, and then wrap the patient in warm clothes or a blanket.

Alcohol solution with juice from potato sprouts

To prepare the product:

  1. Finely chop the washed potato sprouts or put them in a blender or meat grinder.
  2. Squeeze out the resulting mass properly.
  3. Dilute juice with alcohol in a ratio of 1:2.

Treatment of eye diseases

For glaucoma and cataracts, the solution is diluted with water 1:1 and taken orally, 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals. If there is excessive mucous discharge, you should consult a doctor to prescribe medication for the timely drainage of fluid from the tear ducts.

Getting rid of wen

If a wen (lipoma) appears, add 1 tablespoon of alcohol solution to half a glass of water and drink half an hour before meals 3 times a day. This remedy also effectively copes with inflammatory skin rashes caused by stagnation in the sebaceous glands. Continue for three weeks, then stop for a week.

Sprouts are ground in a blender or meat grinder

Use of drugs in cancer therapy

For cancer diagnoses, traditional healers recommend using solanine tincture under the strict supervision of the attending physician. Take internally, starting with 1 drop in half a glass of water 3 times a day before meals, adding one drop every day up to 15 drops. Continue continuously until the condition improves.

If tolerance is poor, you can take a break for a week, during which you drink half a glass of diluted potato juice with water 1:1 3 times a day before meals. It must be remembered that it is forbidden to engage in complete self-medication of cancer diseases; constant monitoring is required at the oncology center.

Rubbing for joint diseases

The prepared solution can be taken not only internally, but also used for compresses and rubbing. For arthritis and rheumatism, rub the product with a cotton or gauze swab in a circular motion into the joints 2 times a day. You can leave the compress with a warm woolen bandage overnight.

An alcohol solution with solanine helps with arthritis, arthrosis and rheumatism

How to make an aqueous solution with potato sprouts

If you are intolerant to alcohol or prohibited from drinking it, you can prepare an aqueous solution with potato sprouts. For this:

  1. Scroll the sprouts through a meat grinder.
  2. Fill with water in a ratio of 1:2.
  3. Place the resulting mixture in a dark place and leave for two days.

During this time, you should get a greenish liquid that needs to be diluted with water: 2 tablespoons per half cup. Take before meals with the addition of honey to taste. In undiluted form, it is used for compresses and lotions in the treatment of joints.

Decoction with potato sprouts

Taken for atherosclerosis and hypertension. To prepare you need:

  1. Take half a glass of sprouts, chop and crush with a masher.
  2. Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, cook over low heat for 10–15 minutes.
  3. Cool, strain.

Take 1 tablespoon before meals for two weeks, then take a two-week break.

Reviews about the treatment of joints

Natalya O.: My joints have been hurting for 2 years now. At first it was difficult to get out of bed. A neighbor recommended a recipe for tincture with sprouted potatoes. I insisted on vodka for two weeks. I thought it wouldn't help. I started rubbing my knees every morning and at night. After a week I felt improvement. The pain has decreased significantly.

Anna Grigorova: Mom had a sprained ligament in her joint. They tried to treat with all sorts of ointments, but nothing helped. I decided to look on the Internet. On a health forum I saw a recipe for a tincture of potato sprouts with vodka.

We decided to try it. We applied compresses twice a day. Mom began to sleep peacefully, the inflammation subsided, the pain went away. After 5-6 days she was able to walk on her foot.

Oleg F.: I have been suffering from gout since I was about fifty years old. My feet swell constantly, it’s impossible to walk in shoes, the pain is hellish. My wife once read in a magazine about sprouted potatoes. She prepared a tincture and began making lotions for me in the evenings.

Gradually the pain went away, the swelling also went away. Of course, the disease did not completely recede, but I began to feel better.

Previous Traditional medicineBurdock for joints - healing properties, methods of use, recipes, contraindications Next

Traditional medicineComfrey: use for joints, properties, recipes, precautions

Potato ringing will awaken dormant buds

​So, at what depth should tubers be planted to get maximum yield?​

By the time of planting, the tubers have time to turn green, and tiny leaves appear on the dark green sprouts. I would like to note the fact that I do not green up the selected planting material in the fall before storing it. The reason is that no matter how carefully the owner selects the tubers for planting in the fall, he will still not notice the degenerate potatoes, unsuitable for spring planting, which, closer to spring, produce thread-like sprouts with small nodules on them. Such potatoes are suitable for processing or for livestock feed, provided that the tubers have not turned green in the fall. Otherwise, all you have to do is throw it away.​


Treatment of skin diseases with potato flowers

I continued to study in detail the healing properties of potato flowers and came to a conclusion. That they, it turns out, are beyond competition among plants capable of suppressing the pathogenic activity of fungi. Primarily the Candida type, as well as Staphylococcus aureus.

How to apply potato flower tincture externally for fungal skin infections

? Simply moistening, say, nails and areas between the fingers that are infected with fungi with it is ineffective.

It is best to thoroughly mix the tincture with Vaseline (although these components do not mix well). And then apply this mixture to the areas affected by the fungus. This mixture stays on the skin for a long time, does not dry out and works better than simple wetting.

My whole family treats fungal skin sores with potato flower tincture. On my daughter’s mole on her lower back, a certain itchy growth

. In addition, it was constantly irritated by the belt.

The doctors didn't help. The daughter only smeared the mole with a tincture of potato flowers several times. And this stopped the growth of the tumor, and then it disappeared completely. I also remove various types of stains on my skin using potato flower tincture.

At night I continue to lubricate my two tumors. Although they do not disappear completely, they do not increase in size and do not cause pain.


Results of treatment with tincture of flowers and potato sprouts. - What has changed in my body? A lot of things.

The main thing is that now I am not so overcome by fatigue, and leg cramps occur less often. I felt some kind of lightness in my body, emotional elation, optimism.

Sometimes I even forget about my age. Rejuvenation?! Hardly. Most likely, this is a cleansing of the body, all its organs and cells. Blood and brain from accumulations of fungi and other harmful microorganisms. Thanks to this I feel like a healthy, full of energy person.

Grigory OSCHENKO, Poronaysk, Sakhalin region.

Source www.fismag.ru

All about planting potatoes. Propagation of potatoes by sprouts. Tuberous planting material.

It is better to place rows of plantings in the direction from north to south, leaving a distance between rows of 70 centimeters, and in rows between tubers - 30-40 cm for early varieties and 40-50 centimeters for mid-season and late-ripening varieties. If the soil is light and the climate is dry and hot, the planting depth is 10-20 cm, and in a humid climate - 10-12 cm.​

This is a simpler way. A tuber sprouted in the light with small thick sprouts is cut into pieces so that each section has 1-2 sprouted eyes (Fig. 1). Large, well-sprouted tubers can be cut into 12-15 parts so that each has one sprout.​

​, a number of effective methods are used.​

Anyone who decides to plant tubers with their sprouts down must be prepared for the fact that potatoes will sprout later than from tubers planted with their sprouts up. With a no-till planting method, like mine, this is not a problem. It takes a little longer to germinate, but you can plant it earlier - the top layer warms up faster, and I don’t need to bury the tubers.​

Potato flower tincture for diaper rash and itching

I have used and continue to use potato flower tincture not only internally, but also externally. For example, he applied thick flannel cloth, richly soaked in tincture, to his tumors. This also had a positive effect. First I applied the cloth for 1 hour, and then for the whole night. Allow the fabric to cool from time to time as it gets very hot.

After just one treatment with the tincture, the diaper rash on my legs

. Although before that I lubricated my fingers and feet with pharmaceutical ointments to no avail.

Lotions made from tincture of potato flowers completely relieve skin itching and acne.

and a number of other skin diseases.

Contraindications to the use of folk remedies and side effects

The therapeutic benefits of solanine in recommended doses are well known, but sprouted potatoes should not be used in regular dishes. If you assume that you bought a vegetable with torn sprouts, it is better to peel it in a thick layer and use it for frying, then the toxic effect is almost invisible.

An overdose of solanine is very dangerous for the body and manifests itself in the form of rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, and nausea. Visual disturbances, headaches and fainting are possible.

Pregnant and lactating women should take medications containing solanine with particular caution, only if they are fully confident that the possible benefit from them outweighs the likelihood of a side effect. It is contraindicated to take medications with solanine for the following categories of patients:

It is contraindicated to take medications with solanine for the following categories of patients:

  • children under 12 years old;
  • patients with diabetes mellitus;
  • suffering from intestinal diseases in an acute stage.

It is necessary to observe not only the single dosage of drugs, but also correctly limit the duration of use. It is necessary to take breaks between courses of home therapy using such remedies.

First aid medicine for headaches and joint pain

This mixture should be in every home.

Add 1 tablespoon of coarse salt to a liter of water and stir. Separately, take 80-100 ml of 10% ammonia and pour in 10 grams of camphor alcohol. Shake the mixture and combine with saline solution. White flakes will appear. Close the container with a lid and shake the container until the flakes disappear. The mixture is ready.

To relieve headaches

Heat the mixture in a water bath, wet your entire head with it and tie your head with a warm scarf overnight.
For joint pain,
apply a lotion to the joint, placing paper or cellophane on top and wrap it up. Lotions can be done 2-3 times a day. Cheap and effective.

Folk remedy for arthritis with potatoes: You need to boil the potatoes in their skins, mash them well in the water in which they were boiled. Let it sit well. Starch remains below, and medicinal infusion remains on top. Carefully drain it and drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day. The result: pain is relieved and you can lose weight.

How to sprout potatoes at home

The easiest way to germinate:

  1. Select healthy and strong tubers. They shouldn't be too large. Medium sized potatoes are preferable.
  2. Place them in water at about 50°C for twenty minutes.
  3. After the water has cooled a little, add as much potassium permanganate to it as needed so that the liquid turns a bright pink color.
  4. Remove the potatoes, rinse and let air dry.
  5. Place the tubers prepared for germination in a well-lit place at a short distance from each other.

You can speed up the germination process in one of two ways:

  • Place potatoes in plastic bags (no more than 12 each). Make small holes to allow oxygen to enter. Hang the bags in a bright, dry, well-ventilated place, but not in direct sunlight. Turn them periodically during germination to ensure even light and humidity. Thanks to the greenhouse effect, strong shoots emerge from the tubers.
  • Place the potatoes in layers (no more than 8 rows) in boxes with soil and peat. Leave in a dry place. Water the soil once every few days. Instead of soil, you can use sawdust, sprinkling it on each row of tubers. Thanks to this method, the germination period is reduced to two weeks, and the lack of light does not affect the vigor of the sprouts.

Treatment of stomach ulcers with potato juice

Hippocrates said: “Our food should be a remedy, and our remedy should be food.” Potatoes fully correspond to this statement.

I got a stomach and duodenal ulcer. The prescribed treatment with expensive drugs did more harm than good. Antibiotics and enzymes caused severe allergies and hair began to fall out. Other drugs increased pain, caused nausea, heartburn, and vomiting.

I once came across a folk recipe for ulcers - treatment with potato juice. I started drinking 100 ml of this juice 3 times a day:

  • 1 dose in the morning;
  • 2 - half an hour before lunch, which, like breakfast and dinner, consisted of oatmeal porridge with water;
  • 3rd dose - before bedtime.

After just 4 days, the pain, heartburn, and nausea disappeared. I conducted a course - 15 days, 5 days break. During it, I drank, alternating, cabbage, calendula, and aloe juice.

The second course is 10 days, but with 50 ml of potato and 50 ml of carrot juice. Break 5 days.

Third course - 10 days, 50 ml and 1 tablespoon of carrot and beet juice. It is advisable to take red and pink potatoes.

I was treated like this for three months. At the same time, I took hydrogen peroxide, 10 drops in half a glass of water. What was the result?

Pulse and blood pressure are always normal. I feel great.


Before we talk to you about the use of potato flowers in folk medicine, as well as about its sprouts, let's look at the benefits of the root vegetable itself. Few people know that regular consumption of this vegetable crop reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, since it contains a large amount of potassium. It is worth noting that it also contains a large amount of protein, its composition is very similar to that of the animal. That is why this product is a staple in the diet of vegetarians.

By purchasing this amazing product for a long time in large quantities, over time people notice that small white shoots appear on the fruit, and such root vegetables in most cases are sent to the trash bin. After all, they contain a large amount of the alkaloid solanine, which has a negative effect on the body. There is an even greater concentration of this element in green tubers, and therefore doctors recommend throwing them away and not eating them. But, as you know, even the most dangerous poison in limited quantities can benefit the body.

Speaking about why potatoes need solanine, it should be noted that it plays an insecticidal role in protecting the root crop. By peeling the tubers and cutting off all the green areas, you almost completely get rid of it, and therefore your body is not poisoned.

About the benefits of solanine

Despite the fact that people consider this element dangerous to health, in minimal doses it has a large number of beneficial properties for the body. Research conducted back in 1965 in the USSR showed that this element has anti-inflammatory properties and also has a positive effect on the heart muscle, maintaining its tone. Solanine has also been proven to be the best remedy in the fight against fungal and viral infections. Moreover, this element stops the spread of Staphylococcus aureus, heals wounds, normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, is an excellent antispasmodic and is used in the treatment of cancer.

ATTENTION! Despite the large number of positive qualities of solanine, it is prohibited to use it without prior consultation with a specialist. Incorrect dosage or uncontrolled use can lead to severe poisoning, accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Shortness of breath.
  • Nausea.
  • Headache.
  • Vomit.
  • Cardiopalmus.
  • Fainting.

If you do become poisoned, you must call an ambulance, and before it arrives, use the usual methods of dealing with such a condition. Drink plenty of liquid to flush the intestines and take adsorbents.

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