Adam's apple tincture (maclury): application, recipes

We can talk about the amazing medicinal properties of orange maclura (Adam's apple) for a long time; there are countless examples of helping people. Sometimes there are situations when a person needs help urgently and maclura helps out.

For example, a woman whose jaw is very inflamed. The poor thing could not eat for several days and completely close her mouth from pain, nothing helped. The problem was solved by a compress with a year's tincture of maclura, applied at night. In the morning the woman was able to eat and close her mouth.

Or a man with peritonitis after removal of appendicitis - a constantly elevated temperature, a “bump” formed under the surgical suture, the doctors were thinking about repeat surgery. And again, maclura performed a miracle (though together with adaptogens, anti-inflammatory herbs and mumiyo) - the lump resolved within a few days (the year-old tincture is very strong).

There are many such examples. I really want people to be able to help themselves in such situations. Many years ago, basic knowledge of medicinal herbs was a necessity, a condition for survival. Today people don’t know what to apply to a bruise or cut, what herbs to drink for colds and flu, and run to the pharmacy.

But let's get back to our miracle maclura...

Useful properties of tincture

The tincture has a lot of useful properties thanks to the active substances contained in the Adam's apple fruit.

The main active elements are flavonoids

, which act as antioxidants in the body and have anti-carcinogenic and anti-sclerotic effects.
In addition, the fruit contains many sterols
, from which vitamins A, B, C, D and E are obtained.

saponins in the composition

, which accelerate the absorption of nutrients.
The fruits are also rich in citric, bile acids, and pectin substances
, which have a beneficial strengthening effect on the human body.

Simply put, Adam's apple tincture can:

  • relieve pain;
  • suppress inflammation;
  • remove toxins;
  • accelerate wound healing;
  • strengthen the immune system and circulatory system.

It is also often used as a preventive measure against cancer.


It is strongly recommended to consult a doctor before using maclura

Maclura tincture is not recommended to be taken orally without consulting a doctor. The fruits of this plant are toxic and can cause severe poisoning. Contraindications for external use of the product:

  • Adam's apple allergy
  • large wounds and abrasions in the area of ​​application,
  • diabetes,
  • phlebeurysm,
  • capillary fragility.

Treatment of leg joints is contraindicated for people with circulatory disorders of the lower extremities, and therefore the product should not be used by patients with diabetes and varicose veins.

Methods of using Adam's Apple tincture

The tincture is used externally or taken internally for:

The course can be repeated after 2 months.

Dietary supplements with maclura

Maclura ointment for joints can be purchased at a pharmacy or online store. Dietary supplements are produced by various manufacturers in plastic or glass bottles, packaged in 30, 40, 50 ml. There is no secondary packaging or is represented by a cardboard box with instructions for use inside. In addition to maclura, the ointment also contains other active ingredients with anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and anti-edematous properties. A high-quality dietary supplement usually contains several of the following components:

  • phytoextracts of chamomile, cinquefoil, comfrey, golden mustache, celandine, Indian onion, knotweed;
  • essential oils of spruce, pine, juniper, fir, eucalyptus, thyme, mint, rosemary, cypress, thuja;
  • propolis, mumiyo, royal jelly;
  • bear, goose, badger, shark fat;
  • turpentine oil, red hot pepper extract, bee or snake venom.

Additional components used by manufacturers to form the ointment base can be any. These are paraffin, petroleum jelly, lanolin, petroleum jelly. They provide optimal transdermal and transepidermal absorption of bioactive substances from maclura juice directly into pathological sites. Some of the auxiliary ingredients (palm oil, animal fats) enhance and prolong the effect of phytoextracts and essential oils.

Pharmaceutical ointments with maclura, manufacturer, costOther active ingredients of dietary supplements
Maclura ointment, 50ml (House of Herbs) - 360 rublesEssential oils of eucalyptus, mint, fir, chamomile phytoextract
Maclure ointment 40 ml (PSOR-SERVICE) - 450 rublesEssential oils of mint, eucalyptus, fir, Indonesian palm oil
Balm Nuxen V Bone and joint with maclura, 100 ml (House of Herbs) - 430 rublesBlack walnut fruits, Altai mumiyo, burdock and cinquefoil roots, oat straw, bird knotweed, orthosiphon staminate, mullein flowers
Maclura cosmetic ointment 50 ml (Russian roots) - 390 rublesEssential oils of mint, fir, natural eucalyptus oil, palm oil
Herbal ointment Caucasian healer "Maclura" 30 ml (Mr. Herbalist) - 180 rublesShea butter, oil extract of medicinal mud of Lake Tambukan, calendula macerate, essential oils of lemon balm and thyme, beeswax
Herbal ointment Caucasian healer “Maclura” 30 ml (Bizoryuk - health factory) - 200 rublesShea butter, healing mud oil extract, calendula macerate, lemon balm essential oil, thyme essential oil
Maclura ointment 40 g (for health) - 350 rublesEssential oils of mint, eucalyptus, fir, Indonesian palm oil

Maclura ointment is used in the treatment of joint pathologies in accordance with the attached instructions for use.

For dietary supplements from different manufacturers, the dosage regimen may differ significantly, as well as the duration of the therapeutic course. Typically, the ointment is applied in a thin layer to the area of ​​pain and inflammation and rubbed in with light massaging movements until completely absorbed by the epidermis.

Adam's apple tincture recipe

Maclura fruits

Fruits collected in October or November are best suited for tincture. Before use, the fruits must be washed thoroughly, but cleaning their surface from all pathogenic microorganisms is extremely problematic. Therefore, for infusion, it is best to take alcohol or moonshine 96° - at such a strength, all microfauna on the surface is guaranteed to die. In addition, apple fruits are very juicy, and with prolonged infusion, the total strength of the drink will drop to a comfortable 50-55%.


  • Adam's apple fruits - 0.5 kg;
  • alcohol/moonshine 96° - 0.5 l.

Remember that the Adam's apple is extremely easily soiled, and it is very difficult to clean your utensils from it. I recommend using those that you don’t mind throwing away later. Some people clean them with sunflower oil or alcohol, but this is a very labor-intensive process.

Cooking procedure

  1. Wear gloves to avoid contact of moclura juice with skin. Grind the fruits (on a grater, in a blender or through a meat grinder).
  2. Mix the resulting slurry with alcohol and put it in a cool, dark place to infuse.
  3. The infusion time depends on the method of application. The optimal period is 1 year. If the drink is needed urgently, then a 2-week tincture is enough for external use, and 1-6 months for internal use.

For storage, it is best to choose a dark, cool place where the tincture can be stored for 10 years without losing its qualities.

I recommend not throwing away the remaining cake - you can make an excellent ointment from it, which is no less effective than the tincture itself.

Features of treatment

In pharmaceutical products, maclura is contained in small quantities along with phytoextracts of other medicinal plants.

But in homemade ointments the concentration of poisonous juice is quite high. Throughout the entire therapeutic course, safety rules should be followed:

  • after rubbing the ointment into the sore joints, you must wash your hands thoroughly using hygiene products;
  • the container with the product should be stored in places inaccessible to small children;
  • If the consistency, color or smell of the ointment changes, you should stop using it for treatment.

If dyspeptic (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea) or neurological (headaches, dizziness) disorders occur during therapy, you should immediately stop using the ointment. These symptoms may indicate the accumulation of toxic compounds in the body and poisoning. You need to see a doctor for examination and, if necessary, treatment.

Tincture ointment recipe and its use

The ointment is made like this: mix the cake with olive oil and melted pork fat in a ratio of 1:1:1, then beat with a blender.

The ointment is great for getting rid of warts and wen. It is also very effective for hemorrhoids.


Fat must be melted very carefully. Ideally, it is best to use a water bath for this to prevent it from boiling. The melted fat must be cooled to room temperature and only then added to the mixture.

Compress for joints and cartilage

For the compress you will need a tincture of half a kilogram of maclura fruits. The container for the future compress must be sterilized. This can be done using the oven. Place the entire Chinese orange, cut into small cubes, into a prepared glass jar. Fill the jar with vodka or alcohol to the rim. The mixture needs to infuse for two weeks with the lid tightly closed.

You can apply a compress by applying gauze soaked in the tincture to the sore spot. Wrap the area with film and wrap it with a warm cloth or scarf. Application time is from half an hour to several hours. To achieve the effect, the procedure must be repeated every day for 1-2 weeks. The compress will perfectly cope with the symptoms, warm and relieve pain. The joint will become mobile again. But do not forget that a compress will help relieve symptoms, but not cure the problem.

Side effects

Since Chinese orange has strong properties, it must be used very carefully so that the healing effect does not turn into harm. In case of an overdose, you can get an allergic reaction or poisoning with symptoms such as diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. If the tincture is used incorrectly, it can harm the liver.

You should not take maclura medications orally while you are taking a course of antibiotics. It is also strictly prohibited to consume alcoholic beverages while using products from this fruit.

Do not combine or use the tincture after chemotherapy. When using the drug on the skin, make sure that there are no manifestations of allergies (hives, rashes). Wash your hands thoroughly after use - do not allow the tincture to contact the mucous membranes of the body.

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