Maclura, or Adam's apple: properties and applications

Maclura apple or orange is a mulberry fruit plant native to America. Today this tree can be found in central, southern and eastern Europe. The unusual large fruits of maclura received a romantic name - Adam's apple - and are valued among traditional healers as a panacea for all diseases. Medicinal products from these fruits are even used to get rid of cancer. We will also find out how to make an effective medicine from the Adam's apple.

What it is

Maclura, scientific name - maclura pomifera, refers to deciduous trees with a lush, spreading crown. It grows up to 15-20 meters in height and is covered with large fruits in the warm season. At first glance, it is difficult to determine whether it is a vegetable or a fruit: the peel of the fruit looks like citrus, and the pulp smells like a fresh cucumber, but you cannot eat it. The botanical description of this plant notes that maclura bears poisonous fruits.


  • What it is
  • Why is it useful?
  • Leaf tincture
  • Fruit tincture
  • Healing cream
  • Maclure oil
  • Precautionary measures
  • In conclusion: where to get maclura

The tree is valued decoratively because it looks very impressive during the flowering and fruiting period. Growth spans three continents: South America, Europe, Central Asia. It is cultivated in the CIS countries as a garden and ornamental plant. But it has earned particular popularity, nevertheless, thanks to its extraordinary fruits.

In addition to the Adam's apple, the maclura fruit has received more than one other name: dye mulberry, Chinese or Indian orange, false orange. Due to the similarity of the poisonous fruit to citrus, it is also called the “inedible orange.” The etymology of "Adam's apple" comes from the legend that the first man ate the forbidden fruit. The name implies that this fruit got stuck in Adam's throat.

When the fruit ripens, it reaches a diameter of 14-16 cm. From the cross-sectional photo you can see that under the rough skin there is a slimy pulp with seeds, which contains toxic substances, so it is better not to taste it. But if used correctly, you can get great benefits from this pulp.

False oranges take two to three months to ripen, and the fruits are harvested in late autumn. Ripe fruit is removed from the trees with gloves, as its slimy juice is very difficult to wash off your hands. You can preserve such fruits either fresh or in the form of tincture or cream. The shelf life of fresh maclura is up to six months if you keep it in a cool, dark place, and it does not lose its medicinal properties.

Why is it called that?

Many sources write that the tree got its name thanks to Williams McClure. Allegedly, it was he who discovered the plant for the world. But this man did not deserve the title of discoverer at all, because the first description of the fruit can be found in the American botanist Constantine Rafinesque. However, they began to call the representative of the flora this way, indeed, thanks to the name of the scientist, albeit a different one.

Geologist William Maclura took these laurels for himself. But it was the Adam’s apple that the fruit was called, most likely based on biblical stories. After all, as we all remember, the first people on our planet tasted the forbidden fruits, which were poisoned.

Why is it useful?

If you cut the fruit, a milky juice is released from it, which permeates all the structures of the fruit. The wide range of uses of maclura in informal medicine is largely due to this milky juice. It contains a huge amount of fatty acids that are beneficial for all internal organs. Although these fruits are inedible, they provide all their benefits in tinctures and other medicinal products.

The chemical composition of these fruits is very similar to mulberries, which is why they received another name - dye mulberries. The pulp contains up to 10% pectin components, the seeds consist of 30% essential oils, and the leaves of maclura are rich in citric acid. When the fruit ripens, its milky juice contains the most valuable component - flavonoid compounds. These substances are powerful antioxidants; a separate group of them – isoflavones – are indispensable for strengthening blood vessels and heart muscle.

Traditional medicine identifies the following main properties of this plant:

  • bactericidal;
  • antitumor (protection against cancer);
  • healing;
  • antisclerotic;
  • painkiller;
  • anti-inflammatory.

Ointments, tinctures, and oils are prepared from the leaves and fruits at home. The root is rarely used for infusions, which is also not eaten. Such drugs are used for almost any disease: externally or internally, as monotherapy or as a collection, for treatment and prevention. Thanks to the beneficial properties of false orange, wounds heal quickly, fatigue goes away, fungi and viruses are neutralized. Let's find out in more detail what can be prepared from maclura.

Chemical composition

The composition of the Adam's apple is very diverse - the juice that permeates all parts of the plant includes the following components:

  • pectin substances;
  • vitamins;
  • organic acids;
  • enzymes;
  • micro- and macroelements.

The most valuable substances in the fruit are considered to be flavonoid compounds, which are similar in structure to vitamin P. They are potent natural antioxidants and have anti-cancer properties. Maclura contains the largest amounts of kaempferol and isoflavone.

Leaf tincture

Maclura apple also has valuable foliage. Young twigs and leaves are rich in fiber, vitamin P, essential oils, and natural antioxidants. They are used to prepare healing tinctures.

In the spring, before the poisonous tree is covered with flowers, you need to collect shoots and leaves. Then they need to be finely chopped and poured into a glass container. Soak the maclura blank in alcohol or vodka so that the liquid completely covers the greens. So the covered mixture should stand for at least two weeks in a dark place.

After preparation, the tincture must be filtered through cheesecloth, and the resulting liquid mixed with pure vodka, the ratio is 1:1. The resulting remedy is used for colds, rubbing the chest and wrapping up for a couple of hours or overnight.

Such rubbing is also used for spinal hernia, heel spurs, and varicose veins. Compresses against papillomas are made from it.

Traditional healers recommend rubbing with maclure tincture for rheumatism, radiculitis, and osteochondrosis. To treat with an alcohol mixture, rub the patient’s back and wrap him warmly; the heat needs to be kept for several hours or overnight. The course lasts no more than a week with a break of two to three months. It is useful to do this rubbing for sore joints and for dilated veins in the legs.

In addition, the prepared tincture of leaves can be taken orally for prevention:

  • colds;
  • vascular and heart diseases;
  • immunodeficiency;
  • liver and kidney diseases.

For oral administration, stir 2-3 drops of tincture in a tablespoon of clean water.

You can drink this remedy once a day, the preventive course can be extended for a month, but then be sure to take a break for the same amount of time.


It is strongly recommended to consult a doctor before using maclura

Maclura tincture is not recommended to be taken orally without consulting a doctor. The fruits of this plant are toxic and can cause severe poisoning. Contraindications for external use of the product:

  • allergy to Adam's apple;
  • large wounds and abrasions in the area of ​​application;
  • diabetes;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • capillary fragility.

Treatment of leg joints is contraindicated for people with circulatory disorders of the lower extremities, and therefore the product should not be used by patients with diabetes and varicose veins.

Fruit tincture

A tincture made from the fruits of this tree is considered more effective. Chinese orange has a very wide range of uses: from the common cold to the treatment of oncology. The pulp and green peel are rich in useful components that help prevent and cure many diseases. Methods for treating maclura fruit tincture are the same as for leaf tincture.

This healing infusion is recommended during periods of recovery after injuries, operations, and attacks. This remedy is very effective for fractures, sprains, muscle and joint tears. They also treat the degenerative process in the shoulder and elbow joint - epicondylitis. In folk medicine, it is believed that an effective medicine will be obtained if it is kept for as long as possible. Thus, the classic cooking recipe requires aging for one year, and the instructions for use include almost all known diseases.

Fresh fruits are cut into small cubes and placed in glass containers. The Adam's apple must be filled with alcohol so that as little air as possible remains in the jar. This mixture is covered with a nylon lid and left in a dark place for at least six months.

The prepared tincture is used to treat:

  • mastopathy;
  • salt deposits;
  • myoma;
  • spurs and corns;
  • hypertension;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • polyarthritis;
  • radiculitis;
  • gout.

It is also taken for prevention:

  • the appearance of tumors;
  • blockage of blood vessels;
  • hypertension;
  • disorders of brain activity.

When the false orange tincture acquires a dark brown tint, it can be used for therapy at home. It is important to remember that the fruit is poisonous and such products should be used with caution.

The course lasts a little over a month. One drop of infusion is diluted in a tablespoon of water and drunk once a day. The next day, two drops are dripped into a spoon of water, on the third - three, and this continues until they reach 20. After this, the number of drops is reduced one by one until it reaches one. Then they take a break for a month and, if desired, repeat the treatment cycle. It is believed that this treatment can be used for weight loss.

To prevent diseases of the uterus and ovaries, a different dosage regimen is used. Five times a day, take 2-3 drops in a tablespoon of water. This therapy lasts a month, after which you need to wait a week and repeat the cycle again.

Tincture of maclura fruits is used for compresses and tampons. For example, for sinusitis, make a mixture of tincture and clean water in a ratio of 1:5. Cotton swabs are soaked in this liquid and kept in the nose for 15 minutes. This procedure must be repeated twice a day, seven days of therapy is enough.

If you mix the tincture with olive oil in a 1:1 ratio, you can get rid of polyps in the nasopharynx. Cotton pads or swabs are soaked in this solution and kept in the nose for 15 minutes. The treatment regimen and duration are the same as for sinusitis.

This medicinal product should be stored in a cool place without sunlight; it is better to choose glass as a container. The shelf life of the infusion is up to 5 years.

What diseases does it treat?

Let's start with the not most dangerous, but extremely unpleasant infection - warts. Sometimes it is not possible to get rid of them for years. But all you need to do is get fresh juice from the relief fruit. And treat the hated growth with this liquid. The same remedy can be used when treating scratches and small cuts. After all, the composition can make healing quick. For the same reason, the product can be applied to skin areas affected by psoriasis, burns, and various dermatological problems.

A lot of sugars can be found in fruit tissues. A tenth of the composition is pectin. But the main trump card that the plant can boast of is flavonoids. They are the real fighters against various types of cancer. And their advantages don’t end there. Vascular diseases are also a reason to take a closer look at this component.

The most popular reason to use fruit-based products is maclura for joints . Also, those who are trying to boost their immunity or fight viral infections would not mind using them.

This mulberry is especially popular among women. No, not to make things look better. It helps to cope with gynecological sores. Myoma is one of the very common problems. And this is exactly what they are trying to cure by using the fruit. The older generation cannot be ignored either. Elderly people praise the product for its ability to cope with radiculitis, as well as polyarthritis.

The remedy will also help those suffering from sinusitis. You should not think that it is enough to use such miracle remedies once, and the issue with sores will be resolved. As a rule, you need to patiently use the drugs for at least two months. But the real effect is visible if you do not deviate from the course throughout the year.

Healing cream

Of all the healing remedies made from Adam's apple, ointment is the most popular. It is made at home from fruits and fat. The scope of this cream is as wide as that of the tincture. With its help, they get rid of: psoriasis, arthritis, acne, cervical erosion, treat adenoma and much more. This product can be applied to the skin or made into candles.

So, to prepare this ointment yourself, you need:

  1. Pick a Chinese orange or buy one. For an effective remedy, you will need fruits whose skin is more orange rather than light green.
  2. Cut the fruit into small pieces and place in a fireproof container.
  3. Separately, melt the pork fat. One part of fruit will require five parts of fat.
  4. Fill the prepared false orange with fat.
  5. On top everything needs to be covered with a layer of regular dough made from flour and water.
  6. Place this preparation in the oven at the lowest heat possible and keep it for a day. You can steep the ointment for one day, turn it off at night, and then keep it in the oven for another day.

The finished balm can be transferred to a convenient container, the main thing is to use glass containers. This product should be stored in the refrigerator or simply in a cool place.

There is a simpler way to prepare Adam's apple ointment than the previous one. The tincture of the fruit is mixed with animal fat in the following proportion: one part infusion and two parts fat. Any of the creams is recommended for mastopathy, intervertebral hernia, and fibroids. To do this, it is recommended to make compresses from ointment: apply a good layer of cream to a piece of cloth, apply it to the sore spot and wrap it tightly. Keep this compress for 10-12 hours, once every two days. The course of therapy lasts three months.

For the treatment of mastopathy, additional cabbage is used. Fresh cabbage leaves are dipped in boiling water for a minute, then beaten a little and spread with ointment. This compress is applied to the chest and wrapped well; they can be used for sore joints. Such activities need to be repeated every other day for 3 months.

For inguinal hernia, cervical erosion and hemorrhoids, suppositories from the same cream are used. You will need a thick thread and cream; you need to form oblong candles yourself and keep them in the refrigerator to fix the shape. Suppositories are used at night, treatment lasts 2 months.

To improve the effectiveness of the action, it is recommended to use fish oil instead of pork fat, or you can simply add it to the general mixture. This cream helps well with skin lesions, ulcers, and burns. It is recommended to apply it to varicose veins, arthrosis of the knee joint, and cervical osteochondrosis. To be effective, it is better to make compresses with cream one day, and simply spread it on the sore area on the other.

Features of using maclura

Treatment with maclura continues until symptoms disappear completely.

Having figured out how to use Adam's apple tincture to treat joint inflammation, you need to adhere to some rules.

  1. Before the first application of the product, you need to conduct a sensitivity test. Maclura juice is poisonous and can cause negative reactions from the skin.
  2. In case of purulent bursitis, rubbing should be avoided, as this can lead to the spread of the pathological process to surrounding tissues. It is recommended to consult a doctor about the advisability of using this product.
  3. For arthritis of small joints, hot baths are useful to reduce pain. You can add a few tablespoons of Adam's apple tincture to the bath - this will increase the effectiveness of the procedure.
  4. The product is intended for external use only. During rubbing or compresses, you must avoid getting the tincture or ointment on the mucous membranes and eyes.

On average, the course of treatment lasts up to three weeks. If undesirable side reactions occur, use of Adam's apple should be discontinued.

Maclure oil

In addition to traditional medicine, the inedible orange has found its use in cosmetology. The antiseptic properties of the fruit cleanse the skin well and reduce inflammation. Essential oils and fatty acids in the seeds and milky juice nourish the hair and skin well and increase tone. This oil is used for pigment spots on the face, acne, and to lighten and even out skin tone.

For cooking you will need fresh maclura fruits; only ripe ones are suitable, because unripe ones have much less beneficial properties. A ripe Adam's apple should be slightly sticky with a bright orange-colored skin, while a green apple should have a more green color. The cooking sequence is very simple:

  1. Cut the Indian orange into cubes along with the peel and place it in a jar.
  2. Pour vegetable oil over everything: olive, sesame, sunflower. To improve the therapeutic effect, it is better to take cosmetic oil: grape seeds, wheat germ, avocado seeds. If you use coconut oil, you can get a homemade cream.
  3. Cover the container and place in a dark place for aging. The oil should sit there for two weeks.
  4. After this, strain the mixture and pour it into a clean container, where it will be stored. If you used coconut, melt it in a water bath and then pass through a large sieve.

This cosmetic product is suitable for improving appearance and therapy. It treats dermatitis, acne, and is used against psoriasis and eczema. For cosmetic purposes, the oil can be applied in a small layer to the scalp or face, or to dry or affected areas. It is recommended to use this product no more than three times a week. If the oil is used for treatment, it is applied in a course of 1-2 months.

Therapeutic action and effects

The ointment serves as a soothing agent for rheumatoid joint pain, eliminating inflammation and releasing accumulated fluid. Skin affected by wounds, ulcers, and ulcers return to normal after using the product, due to the harmful effects of the components on various manifestations of infection.

Salt deposits gradually soften, relieving joints of stiffness and pain when moving. The ointment is often rubbed into people with spinal problems. The intervertebral hernia resolves and the manifestation of osteochondrosis recedes.

Precautionary measures

Considering that the inedible orange contains toxic substances, it is necessary to use medicinal products with it carefully. This is especially true for tinctures that are taken orally: they should be taken exactly as the instructions indicate. Before use, be sure to consider contraindications.

Reviews from doctors about such home therapy measures are not very positive. Firstly, in official medicine, maclura fruits are not used at all, since their benefits and harms are poorly studied. In the pharmacy you can find ready-made tinctures from it, but they are not medicines. Secondly, doctors are extremely categorical about self-medication and note that it is dangerous if used carelessly.

However, this fruit has found its purpose in folk medicine and continues to gain popularity. Today, you can purchase any of the described medicinal products via the Internet, and positive reviews from those who have tried them only increase the demand for such products.

You cannot use this medicinal tincture:

  • diabetics;
  • pregnant and nursing mothers;
  • for severe stomach diseases;
  • with individual intolerance.

The reaction to the ointment also needs to be tested first: spread it on a small area of ​​skin and monitor the condition of the epidermis. If there is no reaction within two days, then this remedy can be used.

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During the period of treatment with maclura, the consumption of any alcohol and additional medicinal tinctures with alcohol is prohibited. You cannot combine Adam's apple with antibiotics and chemotherapy courses.

If, during the use of tinctures from leaves or fruits, nausea, stomach pain occurs, breathing becomes difficult, sleep is disturbed for no reason, you need to stop taking the medicinal product.

Indications for use

Adam's apple is widely used to treat various diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

The use of Adam's apple for the joint is indicated in the following cases:

  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • gouty arthritis;
  • bursitis;
  • dislocation;
  • joint bruise;
  • sprain;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • intervertebral hernia.

The drug is widely used to treat various diseases of the musculoskeletal system, but only externally.

Adam's apple is poisonous and should not be taken orally.

You can prepare Adam's apple tincture for joints yourself or purchase it at a pharmacy. Maclura fruits are recognized by official medicine as an effective remedy for joint diseases, so tinctures, ointments and balms based on this plant are widely available in pharmacies.

Do women have an Adam's apple?

The Adam's apple is a distinctive feature of the male body, but even in the fair sex it is not completely absent, it is just barely noticeable. However, a woman is able to feel it - to do this, she needs to lightly press on the larynx and make a low, drawn-out sound. In isolated cases, the Adam's apple will stand out on a woman's neck. This usually happens when male hormones predominate in a woman’s body. As a rule, in the latter case, the Adam's apple is not the only sign of pathology: for example, a girl may have increased body hair, a low timbre, or delayed sexual development.

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