A unique medicine for many diseases, marsh cinquefoil

Benign and malignant tumors, various inflammations are the scourge of our time. Stressful conditions and unbalanced nutrition lead to metabolic disorders. A sedentary lifestyle impairs blood circulation. The air of cities is becoming increasingly toxic for humans. These conditions create a favorable background for the development of tumors and pathologies in the body. In such cases, traditional healers prescribe medicinal products from anti-inflammatory, adaptogenic and detoxifying plants. One of them is marsh cinquefoil. People call it “Russian ginseng”, bogwort, bitter fieldfare or swamp rose. It is believed that this medicinal herb restores joint health, improves immunity and prolongs youth.

Brief description of marsh cinquefoil

Marsh cinquefoil is a perennial plant that is widely known and used. This plant is called dekop, swamp rose, dry grass, swamp rose, and so on. Alternative medicine appreciates the beneficial qualities of the herb, which has a special composition and a small list of side effects and contraindications.

The subshrub grows up to one meter in height, mainly in swamps, wet forest-steppes and near water bodies. The root system is quite branched, it goes deep up to 3 meters. The stem has a reddish tint and is branched in itself. The leaves are serrated, consisting of five to seven parts. Flowering period is July-August. It grows with reddish flowers resembling stars, from which fruits are subsequently obtained.

Back in the seventeenth century, a description of the beneficial properties of cinquefoil and drinks made from it appeared. Scientists of that time said that the decoction could give vigor and energy. Healers of Siberia claimed in their notes that tea from bogwort saves from illnesses and stops old age.

The natives of Lapland used this drink to survive cold nights; according to their beliefs, the root of dekopa drove away demons and spirits, and the leaves were food for deer. In Chukotka the herb was also used as a medicinal drug. This tradition came to them from the Mongols and Japanese. In Japan it is used in medicine, recently used to treat tumors. Chinese medicine also values ​​the plant. It is added when creating medicines for pain syndromes. Nutritionists advise using it for the effectiveness of diets and for toning. In cooking, it acts as a flavor enhancer and seasoning.

Many healing herbs have ancient legends. Sabelnik was no exception. One legend says that the people who lived in the north in swampy places suffered from various ailments. Their prayers were answered, and a rider appeared in the area, whose actions influenced the growth of purple flowers. They, in turn, helped residents cope with illnesses.

Another legend speaks of an army tired of battles. It reached the Altai lands, which amazed them with its beauty. As a sign of reconciliation, the warriors stuck their swords into the ground, and in this very place, flowers of a reddish hue in the shape of a star sprouted.

Procurement of raw materials

Sabelnik is not poisonous.
All parts of the plant are used for medicinal purposes. My grandmother collected cinquefoil grass during flowering on the new moon, and the roots in early spring or autumn during the full moon. It is easy to distinguish marsh cinquefoil from other plants. This is the only inhabitant of the swamp that has a brown tree-like stem, the continuation of which is also a tree-like root, sometimes reaching several meters, which does not need to be dug up, it is enough to pull it out without much effort. But there is a catch: since the plant has bactericidal properties, it takes a long time to rot, and therefore the root, sometimes outwardly quite alive and healthy, has actually died a long time ago. This can only be determined by cutting or breaking the root. A live one at the break will be white or slightly yellow in color, a dead one will be dark brown to black. Unfortunately, there are slightly more dead roots than living ones, and if you make a cinquefoil tincture at random, then, naturally, there will be no treatment result. Therefore, carefully check the quality of cinquefoil roots, break them and break them. In the spring, the harvesting of roots begins before the flowering period, when the cinquefoil shoots have just appeared and the healing powers have not had time to go into the leaves and flowers. In the fall, you need to wait until the cinquefoil grass has already withered. The cut roots are thoroughly washed with running water, cut into pieces half a centimeter long, and dried in the sun in a well-ventilated place. Final drying can be done in special dryers or in an oven at a temperature not exceeding forty degrees. A sign of well-dried raw materials is a cracking sound when broken; only under-dried roots bend.

The cinquefoil grass is cut off at a certain distance from the ground or water, so that the lower leaves that have turned yellow and have begun to rot will not be included in the harvest. Dry the raw materials in a well-ventilated place, protected from direct sunlight, turning and turning them frequently so that the wet raw materials do not begin to rot.

Store finished raw materials in linen bags, or in paper bags, or in glass jars in a dry place. The raw material of cinquefoil retains its healing power for three years.

Useful properties of cinquefoil root

Sabelnik is used entirely as a medicinal plant. The rhizome has the fundamental properties, but the leaves and stems also have certain beneficial qualities. The rhizome has many components in its arsenal that have a healing effect. The tannins in its composition are used to treat tumors. But this fact is considered insufficiently studied. Research into these possibilities of the shrub is still underway.

Swamp rose has many functional capabilities, as it has the following properties:

  • protection of nerve endings;
  • stopping bleeding;
  • pain relief;
  • increased sweating;
  • blocking inflammation;
  • healing of wounds and abrasions.

Raw materials are collected and prepared in spring and autumn. But it is recommended to do this in the fall, since it is at this time that the plant is saturated with useful substances. When the root looks like hollow tubes, it is considered to be most effective. It is stored whole and does not need to be crushed. This is how you can preserve all the healing qualities. There are many methods of use in folk medicine, but experienced collectors claim that it promotes rapid healing of dislocations, bruises and sprains.

Complex diseases are also susceptible to cinquefoil: hepatitis, joint inflammation, sclerosis. People who use herbal decoctions and infusions report relief from complex symptoms. It is able to cope with diarrhea, dysentery and gastrointestinal upset. The sweating caused by bogweed is used to treat colds and flu. The decoction has a beneficial effect in the fight against ARVI, pneumonia and bronchitis. For various inflammations in the mouth, a decoction of the root will relieve pain and the spread of the disease.

Suholom has a complex effect on the liver, joints and muscles, as well as on the heart. It boosts immunity and promotes detoxification, which is especially useful after an infection. It is also recommended for toothache. To do this, you need to rinse your mouth with a decoction. It also has a beneficial effect on metabolic disorders and weight problems. For this purpose, decoctions and dry grain are used.

Complex treatment with dry wood is known even to doctors. For this purpose, decoctions, tinctures, and so on are used. Treatment with dry wood often occurs with the help of other beneficial herbs.

What cures

Since ancient times, cinquefoil has been used to relieve toothache and joint pain, for tumors, bruises, and hemorrhoids. It helps reduce salt deposits in joints and regulate metabolism. After treatment with cinquefoil, joint mobility increases and the normal structure of cartilage is restored. All this makes it an indispensable plant for the treatment of osteochondrosis, vertebral hernia, and sciatica. Sabelnik strengthens the immune system, treats colds, stomach diseases, and ulcers. Crushed fresh leaves will help with wounds, trophic ulcers, boils or inflammation, mastitis, and bruises. Decoctions and tinctures are used for hepatitis, diarrhea, gastric bleeding, tuberculosis, tumors of the mammary gland and stomach. Sabelnik is also taken to prevent cancer. It helps cleanse blood and lymph.

Recipes and methods of using cinquefoil

Cinquefoil root is an excellent folk remedy for ailments associated with digestion and intestines. The root of the bush relieves pain and also produces a calming effect. Traditional medicine has many effective recipes based on this plant.

Tincture of cinquefoil with vodka

Based on dekop, an effective alcohol tincture is obtained, which is used for oncological, motor, and viral diseases. The infusion is able to update metabolism, which affects the removal of toxins from the body. If a disease is discovered in which drinking alcohol is not safe, then such treatment should be postponed. They are replaced with tea drinks and decoctions.

To prepare you will need:

  • 2 s./l. roots in a crushed state;
  • filled with vodka (1/2 liter);

Infuse for 21 days. Infusion takes place in a darkened and cool room. After three weeks it is filtered and placed in the refrigerator. Application is based on the following:

  • one s./l. tinctures are mixed with half a glass of water;
  • administration is carried out three times a day before meals;
  • the course lasts three weeks;
  • Then a break is taken for a week and repeated again.

Decoction of cinquefoil

The decoction is used for pain in the stomach, joints, also in the presence of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections, disorders of the intestinal tract, and so on. Preparation proceeds as follows:

  • one tablespoon of crushed root is poured with boiled water (one glass);
  • This is followed by heating for thirty minutes in a water bath;
  • infusion for two hours;
  • filtering the decoction.

Take two tablespoons per liter three times a day before meals.

Oil tincture for joints

Sabelnik in the form of an oil tincture is used to rub inflamed joints. Preparation proceeds as follows:

  • one glass of crushed root is poured with half a liter of oil (any vegetable);
  • infusion for three to four weeks;
  • stirring the mixture regularly;
  • straining stage;
  • cold storage.
  • The infusion is applied to the painful area by rubbing.


My grandmother in the village was famous for her cinquefoil tea. It was drunk during bad weather and hard work to protect joints from inflammation and gain strength. To prepare tea, pour one teaspoon of chopped grass or cinquefoil roots into one glass of boiling water, add one teaspoon of dry or soaked blueberries (cranberries or lingonberries). They drank tea in the morning and at night.

The roots of cinquefoil. Photo prom.st

Contraindications of cinquefoil root

  1. Pregnancy and lactation period;
  2. Neurological abnormalities (epilepsy);
  3. Low pressure;
  4. Slow heartbeat;
  5. The presence of pathologies in the protective function of the body;
  6. Oncology in the active stage (increased immunity during the progressive phase of cancer can have the opposite effect);
  7. Children under fourteen years of age;
  8. Allergic reactions or intolerances.

The dosage during use must be monitored, and the treatment regimen must be prescribed by a therapist. Particular attention is paid to the compatibility of dry wood with other medicinal herbs.

Some general tips

When collecting any medicinal plants, you should adhere to several basic rules.

  • If you want to get truly healing raw materials, which at the same time as treatment will not harm your body, always collect herbs away from industrial enterprises, busy roads and railways, and waste dumps.
  • Remember that when collecting, you should not cause irreparable harm to nature by thoughtlessly destroying the entire population. Such barbaric extermination can significantly disrupt the natural balance of a particular ecosystem. Always harvest only a small portion of the plants so that nature can quickly repair the damage done to it.
  • Always pay attention to the weather. Raw materials collected on a sunny day will be much easier to dry and protect from mold fungi.
  • Please note that the above-ground parts (stems, flowers, buds and leaves) are best collected during the waxing moon, when the bulk of the healing substances is concentrated in the upper part of the plant. Roots and rhizomes should be harvested when the Moon begins to wane. During this period, thanks to the accumulated juices, the medicinal value of the underground part increases many times over.


There are situations in life when classical medicine is powerless, and the prescribed treatment does not have the desired effect. In this case, it is worth turning to alternative medicine, and in particular to medicinal herbs and herbs. Marsh cinquefoil has a huge range of beneficial properties that have a beneficial effect on the body. It can be used for both treatment and prevention. The result is one – efficiency. Any use should be supervised by your attending physician and carried out in accordance with the treatment regimen and dosage.

Ecology and habitats

Marsh cinquefoil is found throughout Russia. The perennial usually grows in colonies because it reproduces vegetatively by rhizomes. If you once find a plant, remember where it grows and visit regularly. Over time, it will become noticeable that the number of shoots is increasing.

It is better to collect marsh cinquefoil when the shoot has not yet begun to develop. Then the most valuable substances are collected in the roots.

Usually this is March-April, that is, early spring. The second time the rhizome contains a maximum of useful components in the fall. The above-ground part of the plant gradually dies off, and the rhizome accumulates valuable microelements for overwintering.

Where to collect

Marsh cinquefoil can be collected in swamps, along rivers, lakes, wet holes and bays. In areas of former swamps, where stable waterlogging and numerous hummocks of moss remain.

The perennial can also grow in soils with an excess of calcium.

Medicines with cinquefoil extract

Self-prepared tinctures, decoctions and ointments from cinquefoil are considered more effective, but not everyone has the desire or time to cook according to folk recipes. An alternative may be to purchase pharmaceutical preparations containing pentafoil extract. The pharmaceutical industry offers:

Alcohol tincture. Available in a dark 100 ml bottle. Drink 2-4 times a day, diluting a teaspoon of liquid in a small volume of water. Used as a general tonic for the prevention or treatment of diseases.

Sabelnik-evalar tablets. Contains root extract and cellulose extract. Taken twice a day. Indicated to strengthen the immune system, or as an additional therapy for various pathological conditions.

Capsules Sabelnik-evalar. They have the same properties as tablets, but instead of cellulose, the additional substance is gelatin.

Gel-balm Sabelnik 911 , manufacturer Evalar. Additionally, the gel contains extracts of nettle, juniper, thyme and eucalyptus. Eliminates swelling, stimulates tissue healing. Sold in 100 ml tubes.

Sabelnik ointment lifebuoy . Produced in Poland. Other active ingredients included: cinnamon, vitamin PP, glucosamine. Recommended for use for joint inflammation and first aid for bruises or sprains. Available in 50 ml tubes. The proposed dosage forms contain the necessary therapeutic dose, so they can be used instead of traditional medicine recipes. The instructions included in the package indicate how to use the medication correctly.

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