Bruised ribs - how long does it hurt, symptoms and treatment features

What is dangerous about bruised ribs?

Due to severe pain, a person tries to breathe less deeply. Therefore, the lungs are poorly ventilated, and there is a possibility of developing Bruised rib care / US National Library of Medicine pneumonia.

At the same time as a bruise, a person can also suffer a rib fracture. It is not always possible to distinguish them from each other on your own: the symptoms are almost the same. But in case of a fracture, there is a risk of damage to internal organs, such as Blunt Chest Trauma Treatment & Management / Medscape heart, liver or spleen. If you do not see a traumatologist in time, life-threatening bleeding may occur.

Functions of edges

The rib frame performs a barrier function - it protects the internal organs (lungs and heart), taking on the entire blow. The ribs expand the chest and are raised by the levator muscles under the influence of innervation.

In the intercostal spaces there are blood vessels, which can be damaged due to injury, which causes the appearance of bruises (hematomas) and swelling.

The hematoma resolves on its own. If there is a crack or rupture of the muscle tissue on the ribs, the pain and swelling will intensify.

When you urgently need a doctor

If a rib bruise is accompanied by an injury to internal organs or a fracture, a person may develop dangerous complications. Call an ambulance if Broken or bruised ribs / NHS:

  • the injury occurred after a car accident;
  • there is shortness of breath, which only gets worse;
  • chest pain gets worse;
  • stomach or shoulder pain;
  • there is a cough with blood.

If immediately after the injury the condition was normal, but after a few weeks there is no improvement, you also need the help of a doctor, in this case a therapist. Another reason to go to a specialist is a high fever or cough with yellow-green mucus. This is usually a sign of pneumonia.


It should be noted that the symptoms and treatment of bruised ribs are closely interrelated. There are 3 degrees of rib bruises:

  • 1st degree – the pain is slight, may intensify with sharp bends, turns and other movements, during palpation, but is absent at rest. Treatment in such cases is not required, and everything goes away on its own within a week. The absence of a bruise is also an indicator of 1st degree injury.
  • 2nd degree – there is a hematoma; As a rule, the pain is constant and intensifies with the slightest physical effort. Differential diagnosis is mandatory. Treatment is medicinal to eliminate swelling.
  • 3rd degree occurs when falling from a height, the symptoms are combined. Accompanied by compression of the lungs. The pain is so acute that it is difficult to breathe.

How to treat bruised ribs

First, the traumatologist will take a Rib Fracture Workup / Medscape X-ray of the chest to accurately understand whether it is a fracture or a bruise. In some cases, even CT, MRI or angiography is performed. These methods help to see damage to internal organs and blood vessels.

If all is well, bruised or even broken ribs will usually heal Broken or bruised ribs / NHS on their own within 3-6 weeks. But to alleviate the condition during this period, the doctor may suggest symptomatic therapy:

  • Take over-the-counter painkillers without exceeding the recommended dose.
  • In the first 1-2 days, apply Bruised rib care / US National Library of Medicine an ice pack to the site of the bruise for 20 minutes 2-3 times a day to reduce swelling.
  • Rest. Take a vacation if necessary.
  • Breathe normally and cough if necessary. This will help clear mucus from the lungs and prevent infection. If the cough is accompanied by pain, hold a pillow to your chest.
  • Move your shoulders periodically to make breathing easier.
  • Do gymnastics once an hour, 10 slow deep breaths.
  • The first few nights sleep on your back in a semi-upright position, and then on your healthy side.
  • Drink more fluids and eat fiber-rich foods to avoid constipation. Otherwise, you will have to strain your stomach in the toilet, and your ribs will hurt more.

If pneumonia occurs, antibiotics will be prescribed to treat it. If there is internal bleeding, emergency surgery will be required.

Elimination of the consequences of a severe bruise

Sometimes diagnostics after a rib injury can reveal a fracture, fissure, or the development of hemopneumothorax.

  1. As a result of a fracture, the pleura and lung can be damaged. In case of prolonged swelling, a puncture is used to remove fluid (for hemothorax) or air (for pneumothorax) from the pleural cavity. If this is hampered by clotted blood in the area of ​​the hematoma, then surgical intervention is performed to eliminate such accumulations.
  2. If a crack is detected, a pressure bandage is not applied, but other standard treatment methods are used. For example, physiotherapeutic procedures (UHF, electrophoresis, Sollux, dry heat). It is important to ensure that there is no bleeding into the chest.
  3. Pneumonia can occur after an infection enters the lung, if the bruise leads to prolonged inflammation. In this case, antibiotics are used.

Diagnosis of chest contusions

​If the bruise is marked by minor pain and there is no need to call an ambulance, the first actions that will help the patient are immobilization and taking the most comfortable lying position.​

  1. ​Symptoms of a rib bruise, which are characterized by compressive pain, may indicate fractures and cracks in the bone tissue, so if you identify such pain, it is better to contact a specialist for further diagnosis.​
  2. - boiled and mashed beans are applied 1-2 times daily to the bruise;
  3. ​This injury has its complications. That is why treatment with folk remedies is allowed, but only after consultation with a doctor. Among the most effective methods of traditional medicine are herbal compresses. They are made from calendula flowers or chicory root. Such remedies help relieve swelling and get rid of pain. You can use painkillers and anti-inflammatory ointments; they are most often available without a prescription.​

​auscultation (this is a method familiar to all of us from childhood, which involves “listening” to the work of internal organs);​

  • Sometimes, if the bruise is severe, pneumonia occurs due to prolonged inflammatory processes. Such injuries are not always accompanied by classic fractures with bone displacement. But there is always the danger of cracked ribs.​
  • ​This is mechanical damage to external soft tissues without compromising the integrity of the skin. Therefore, a rib injury without a bruise or tumor is impossible. A rib bruise without external signs is possible only when exposed to a blast wave, compression between planes and a fall from a height. There are no bruises or swelling, but hemorrhage, lung rupture and other serious disorders are possible. ​
  • ​Limit physical activity;​
  • ​During the entire treatment process, patients should rest more and try not to overexert themselves physically. Try to lie more on the injured side: oddly enough, this will make breathing easier and partially relieve the pain.​

​How and with what to treat bruised ribs on your own?​

Treatment of bruised ribs

Treatment for a bruise is always comprehensive, and rehabilitation is also complete. What and how to treat a bruised rib? The first goal of treatment is to reduce pain. There are 3 types of analgesia for bruises and fractures of ribs:

  1. “Paracetamol” - if it is well tolerated, then there will be no side effects from it. You shouldn’t get too carried away with it, as it is harmful to the liver and blood.
  2. NSAIDs mentioned above. Drugs in this series are very widely presented and can be used both in the form of tablets and for local treatment in the form of ointments and gels. Among them are “Ibuprofen”, “Diclofenac”, “Nise gel”, “Fenistil gel”, “Ibuprofen”, “Nimesil”, “Naproxen” and many others. etc. They perfectly relieve inflammation and swelling. How long do ribs hurt after a bruise when taking NSAIDs? With an average degree of bruise, the pain goes away after 1-1.5 weeks. The condition for taking them is to drink plenty of water after eating. There is one condition - they cannot be combined with anticoagulants.
  3. Analgesics containing codeine will not only relieve pain, but also reduce coughing. Their side effect is that they can cause drowsiness and constipation. But during the healing period of bruises, this has its advantages - the bruise can be “slept over.”

Regardless of the type, painkillers are taken regularly, without waiting for the peak of pain. Gradually, as you recover and the injury passes, the dose will be reduced by the doctor.

Important! To know how long a rib bruise hurts, in each specific case the doctor must assess the severity of the injury. For minor injuries, all discomfort disappears in 2-3 days.

Differences in damage

Only a qualified traumatologist can tell exactly what type of injury the victim has. But since it is very difficult to visually distinguish a fracture from a rib bruise, additional diagnostics will be required in any case. Let's look at the distinctive signs of various damages in more detail.


Although the symptoms of a bruised or broken rib are very similar, it is possible to distinguish injuries that are not too serious from severe injuries. A simple bruise is characterized by damage to soft tissues without accompanying violations of the integrity of the bones. Despite this, the pain, for example, after a blow, is very severe and may not go away for several days.

A contusion is usually suspected when there is bruising of the skin in the injured area. However, there are often cases when external manifestations are expressed only in swelling and edema.

If the main area of ​​the bruise is located inside the chest, a hematoma forms on the reverse side. The deep location of the vessels and depreciation due to the developed muscular frame explain this phenomenon.

When the ribs are bruised, soft tissue is damaged, but the integrity of the bones is not compromised

In case of a bruise, the motor ability of the chest and torso as a whole is partially limited. This effect persists for the period of intense pain.

Gradually the pain subsides and the person returns to normal. If discomfort persists or increases, more serious damage should be suspected.


During the initial diagnosis, it is very easy to confuse incomplete fractures and bruises of the ribs. A crack in the bone does not have specific signs of manifestation, like a complete fracture, and therefore may well be perceived as a bruise. In this case, the integrity of the bone is violated, but without its separation from the main part.

A crack can be suspected if there is severe swelling and movements are accompanied by pain, which only intensifies over time. In any case, hardware diagnostics is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis.

When a rib crack occurs, the integrity of the bone tissue is disrupted without separation from the main part of the bone.


As for complex fractures with separation or displacement of bone elements, it is easier to identify specific signs.

A victim can be distinguished from a fracture or bruise of the ribs by the following symptoms:

  • with a fracture, the pain intensifies when you press on the damaged area, there is a feeling of being struck by an electric current;
  • upon palpation (palpation), you can hear a crunching sound, this is the so-called bone crepitus;
  • the shape of the chest may visually change;
  • breathing is very difficult, the damaged side may completely disconnect from the process or lag behind in the act of breathing;
  • the victim turns pale, becomes covered in cold, sticky sweat, and the body temperature may rise;
  • if the lung is damaged, there may be hemoptysis;
  • coughing attacks appear, which the patient is forced to suppress due to severe pain;
  • when air accumulates in the pleura or soft tissues, air crepitus appears (a sound similar to the creaking or crunching of snow).

Severe rib injuries often result in multiple bone fractures.

Since it is very difficult to determine a bruise or fracture of the ribs without the use of special medical equipment, you must go to the hospital immediately.

Rehabilitation period

It becomes necessary because bed rest should be replaced by restoration of rib mobility. To do this, you can do exercise therapy under the supervision of an instructor and perform breathing exercises. Swimming becomes very useful, as it strengthens the muscles of the back and chest very well.

How long do ribs hurt after a bruise combined with a fracture? If the injury resulted in a fracture, the doctor will have to treat 2 types of injuries simultaneously. The healing of bone tissue during fractures also depends largely on the body and its capabilities. The process will take more than six months.

How long does a rib bruise hurt? Based on reviews, one can draw a conclusion about the individuality of the organism in each specific case. Often the consequences of a bruise can last for several years. When using Ibuprofen and analgesics and staying in bed, it takes several months to complete the process.

For some people, the bruise may remain painful for up to a year. There are cases when, even after 10-12 years, a reaction to the weather remains - when it changes, aching pain is noted in the ribs.

A little about the structure

The ribs are flat, long, flat bones that protect the chest organs from injury. In total, a person has 12 pairs of ribs, which have their own name, but do not differ in structure. The only exception is the first. The first seven pairs are called true because they are attached to the sternum. The eighth to tenth pair of ribs are called false ribs because their cartilage is attached to the overlying one. The eleventh and twelfth pairs are called false, their end ends freely in the back muscles.

The rib is attached with its head to the thoracic vertebrae, which have semi-fossae for them. The head is followed by a neck, after which there is a tubercle; it is attached by means of a joint to the transverse process. Next, the rib has a body, it is flat, the edge is rounded at the top, and at the bottom there is a groove of the rib along its entire length. The groove contains the neurovascular bundle.

Judging the severity of an injury by the size or intensity of the bruise is incorrect. Superficial, shallow bruises may be accompanied by large hematomas due to rupture of small vessels. At the same time, with serious fractures, there may be no changes in the skin. If large vessels are damaged, blood accumulates in the pericardium and pleural cavity.

General symptoms

A fracture or severe bruise of the ribs is very similar in manifestations. This is the main difficulty in separating them at the stage of primary diagnosis.

The following symptoms are common to such injuries:

  1. Pain. Any rib injuries are characterized by severe pain, which may not go away for quite a long time. This affects a person's motor ability and breathing. In some cases, this can lead to shock.
  2. Swelling . Swelling occurs and the temperature of the damaged tissue rises.
  3. Change in skin color . The skin in the damaged area may turn pale, acquire a bluish tint, or become covered with purple spots in areas of bruising.
  4. Difficulty breathing . Severe pain does not allow the victim to breathe deeply, and shortness of breath develops. In some cases, the damaged side lags behind or completely falls out of the respiratory process, which is expressed in asymmetrical movement of the sides of the chest.
  5. Subcutaneous hemorrhages . With a strong blow, small blood vessels burst, which provokes the appearance of bruises and hematomas. However, even with serious damage, this sign does not always appear.
  6. Restricted chest mobility . The victim tries to minimize his mobility so as not to provoke attacks of pain. In this regard, breathing becomes shallow, which often provokes a lack of oxygen.
  7. Tachycardia . Lack of air provokes an acceleration of the heart rate in order to compensate for the lack of oxygen in the cells due to more intense blood circulation.

Rib injuries have similar symptoms: pain, swelling, discoloration of the skin at the site of injury

Possible complications

How long does a rib bruise hurt, and how long does it take to treat it? Therapy does not last long if all medical prescriptions are followed - usually 2 weeks are enough. And after 3 weeks a person can consider himself completely healthy and return to work.

With complicated bruises, the pain becomes prolonged and full breathing is impossible, which causes hypoxia of tissues and organs. Adverse symptoms that require urgent action:

  • impaired consciousness, fainting, dizziness;
  • thread-like rapid pulse (more than 120-160 beats per minute) of weak filling/tension;
  • shortness of breath - respiratory rate - 28-30 times per minute;
  • cardialgia.

In such cases, blood circulation and breathing can be disturbed catastrophically.

With severe bruises of the ribs, they may rarely occur, but are possible:

  1. Pneumothorax - accumulation of gases or air in the pleural cavity.
  2. Hemothorax is an accumulation of blood in the pleural cavity or mediastinum.
  3. Acute impairment of pulmonary ventilation and circulation.
  4. Cardiac tamponade is the accumulation of fluid in the pericardial sac.
  5. Post-traumatic pneumonia. It becomes possible due to developing hypoxia, which leads to stagnation.
  6. Lung contusion.
  7. Fractured ribs.

Bruised ribs that impair ventilation can cause breathing problems and cardiac arrest.

Ointments and preparations

Existing local edema and hematoma increase the risk of developing an inflammatory process. Therefore, ointments are prescribed to help. They have a very different focus:

  1. Ointments with an anti-inflammatory effect - Indovazin, Voltaren, Diclofenac, Ibuprofen; They are based on NSAIDs.
  2. To relieve swelling - “Bruise-off gel”, “Express bruise”.
  3. A good analgesic effect is provided by “Fastum-gel”, “Finalgel”, “Bystrum gel”, “Nise”, “Apizartron”, etc.
  4. Heparin ointment has proven itself very well for the rapid resorption of hematomas. It has unique absorbable properties. Bodyaga also helps a lot. “Trental” and “Pentoxifylline” accelerate healing.

There are a lot of ointments in pharmacies, but you can’t choose them for yourself. It would be better for a doctor to do this.

How to treat a rib bruise after an acute period? At the end of the acute period, physiotherapy comes into play. It marks the beginning of rehabilitation. Of the prescribed physiotherapy procedures:

  • electrophoresis;
  • UHF therapy;
  • Microwave therapy;
  • galvanization;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • Exercise therapy.

Victims are often interested in the question: how long does a rib bruise hurt? Much depends on the individual characteristics of the body, the threshold of pain sensitivity, age, the presence of concomitant pathologies, the state of the immune system, the degree of damage and the presence of complications. An uncomplicated bruise generally bothers you for about a month.

How long does a rib bruise hurt in more severe cases? In more severe cases, it will continue for at least six months.

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