How to take eggshells instead of calcium

How to understand that the body does not have enough calcium | Osteoporosis | Fractures

Calcium deficiency can be easily determined by the following signs:

  • Fast fatiguability.
  • Distracted attention.
  • Allergy.
  • Diseases of the respiratory system.
  • Bleeding gums.
  • Cramps in calves.
  • Lower back pain.
  • Layering and brittleness of nails.
  • Hair fragility.
  • Tooth decay.
  • Muscle pain.
  • Tachycardia.
  • Protrusions and hernias in different parts of the spine.
  • Scoliosis.
  • Decreased growth.

Over time, calcium content in bones decreases. Calcium is washed out of the bones by the body and the work of ion channels is used up for the secretion of hormones, metabolism, and much more that the body needs for life.

Calcium is washed out of bones with lack of exercise.

A lack of calcium can cause some diseases, mainly osteoporosis in adults.

But it is possible and necessary to slow down the process. To do this, you need to eat foods rich in calcium and lead an active lifestyle.

People pay special attention to the calcium content in foods. received a fracture. Of course I want it to grow together as quickly as possible! And bones need calcium.

In this case, take eggshell powder and eat foods with good calcium content (I give a table of foods below).

Scientific research

Scientists have been studying the benefits of eggshells for humans for several decades.

In a series of studies, they concluded that it helps with brittle nails and hair, bleeding gums, constipation, chronic colds and asthma, strengthens bones in osteoporosis, accelerates the healing of bone fractures and, according to some experts, removes harmful toxins and radioactive elements from the body.

Its effectiveness is higher than most nutritional supplements! In addition to calcium, the body receives magnesium, zinc, sulfur, iron, molybdenum, fluorine, selenium and silicon. More than 90% of eggshells are composed of inorganic materials, which is similar to the composition of human teeth and bones.

The use of the product does not cause any side effects, medicines from it are easy to prepare and do not require costs.

About foods, herbs and medicines for strong bones

How is osteoporosis diagnosed | Find out calcium in the body

If you have some of the listed signs, you should consult a doctor for a comprehensive examination.

A large number of different methods are used. The methods, in my opinion, are chosen by the doctor from those available in a given medical institution.

Main diagnostic methods: bone densitometry and complex biochemical tests of blood and urine. After a comprehensive examination, the doctor will make the correct diagnosis.

I don’t self-medicate myself. There were attempts that ended in complete fiasco.

Which doctor should I contact? First of all, see your local physician. Further, after the initial examination, the doctor may refer you to specialized specialists to clarify the diagnosis: an endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, urologist.

Treatment must be comprehensive. And the use of homemade calcium supplements is one of the components of treatment.

Unfortunately, some doctors insist on using expensive pharmaceutical calcium preparations for well-known reasons.

Well, if we have the opportunity to replace them with proven home remedies, the effectiveness of treatment will increase. And the cost, fortunately for us, will go down!

Good drugs are expensive, especially calcium in chelate form. But the effect of such a medicine has not yet been fully studied.

Growing seedlings

And here the shells will serve us well. Firstly, in shells filled with nutritious soil, you can plant seeds for seedlings. As it grows, the seedlings are planted in the ground or in seedling boxes along with the shell. True, first you need to break the underside with a spoon so that it cracks and the roots of the plant can grow further.

Secondly, calcium carbonate activates seed growth due to the proteins contained in the seeds. Thirdly, you can save on containers for growing seedlings. Even the cardboard cages in which eggs are sold can be put to good use by placing the same shells with seedlings there.

What color should the shell be?

I assure you, color does not matter. The egg receives pigmentation when moving through the bird’s oviduct; the egg is “enveloped” in a special pigment.

The color of the pigment depends on the breed of chicken and does not affect the properties of the egg. Brown and beige eggs in dominants, marans, loman-browns, and Moscow. Russian Cresteds have pinkish eggs. Pushkin eggs are white, highsex white. Americans are completely green!

No one has any research to prove that white eggs are better than others.


Egg shells strengthen teeth, enriching them with minerals, protecting them from weakening and destruction.

A study published in the Journal of Clinical Research in 2015 found that the powder effectively mineralized tooth enamel.

Ingredients for making toothpaste:

  • powder from 12 eggshells,
  • 1-3 tbsp. coconut oil,
  • 1 tbsp. baking soda,
  • 10 drops of any vegetable oil.

Mix all ingredients until smooth. Store the mixture in a tube or small container with a lid and use it to brush your teeth every morning. Be careful not to swallow the paste!

Effect of calcium on the human body | Calcium transformations

So, calcium carbonate CaCO3 (calcium formula in eggshell) is insoluble in water and alcohol. So, calcium is absorbed only after dissolution in water. It is important to know that the digestion process occurs with the participation of hydrochloric acid secreted in the stomach.

And this is what happens in our stomach: CaCO3 + 2HCl = CaCl2 (calcium chloride) + Co2 + H20.

Calcium carbonate + hydrochloric acid = calcium chloride + carbon monoxide + water. Reduces stomach acidity.

Calcium carbonate helps reduce acidity, so it is also prescribed for heartburn, but is not recommended for those with low stomach acidity.

Next, let's look at using eggshells with lemon juice.

Reaction of calcium carbonate with citric acid:

CaCO3 + C6H8O7 = CaC6H6O7 + CO2 + H2O

Calcium carbonate + citric acid = calcium citrate + carbon monoxide + water.

Next in the stomach: the reaction of calcium citrate with hydrochloric acid. CaC6H6O7 + 2HCl = CaCl2 + C6H8O7

Calcium citrate + hydrochloric acid = calcium chloride + citric acid. Increases stomach acidity.

Calcium citrate reduces the acidity of gastric juice, and with long-term use does not form kidney stones, as it reduces the amount of oxalates in the urine.

I repeat: eating eggshells with lemon juice, judging by the formula, increases the acidity of gastric juice.

For pregnant

During the period of bearing a child, taking eggshells (calcium) is useful not only for pregnant women, but also for the proper development of the fetus.

We are talking about an element that is a building material for the bones, internal organs and tissues of the child. While in the womb of the mother, the baby takes from her body all the necessary calcium reserves. As a result, the condition of the pregnant woman’s hair, nails, skin, and teeth worsens.

If an important element is missing in her body, the fetus cannot develop normally - this causes congenital malformations and increases the risk of miscarriage. During pregnancy, a woman needs daily calcium intake in the amount of 1 tablespoon per day.

How to take eggshells for better absorption

It is best to take eggshell powder in its pure form, dissolving it in water. This is suitable for people with high stomach acidity. In this way, they can make up for the lack of calcium and reduce their stomach acidity.

And for people with low or zero acidity, it is better to take powder quenched with lemon juice.

I wrote how to prepare eggshell powder in another article.

Approximately 40% of people over 50 years of age have low acidity, because of this, their absorption of calcium carbonate drops to 2%.

Elderly people cannot absorb calcium due to insufficient digestion, so they develop diseases associated with calcium deficiency.

Finally, it is completely clear why eggshell powder needs to be sprinkled with lemon juice.

Quenching with lemon juice or citric acid: pour the powder into a tablespoon, pour in 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Wait until the violent reaction ends, and then take it with water.

Choose who needs to reduce and who needs to increase acidity.

There are also studies that show that calcium supplements are absorbed better in small quantities than in high quantities. Therefore, it is better to divide the medication into several times a day.

For men

In addition to strengthening bones, the benefits for men include increasing fertility. With a lack of calcium in the male body, a weak sperm is unable to break through the membrane of a female egg and produce fertilization.

This is one of the most common causes of male infertility. To prevent and treat it, it is recommended to consume 1 tbsp. per day.

Calcium water

Calcium water gives excellent results in strengthening the body. To prepare it, place the crushed shells in water.

Egg shells saturate water with calcium ions and cleanse it of impurities: it sorbs chlorine, heavy metal salts and microorganisms.

Calcium is found in water in ionic form and is easily absorbed.

Water infused on the shell turns into alkaline, more beneficial for us.

Calcium water is especially useful for children; their growing bodies constantly require calcium.

It is difficult to give calcium to small children, especially infants.

In folk medicine there is one well-known recipe. Remove the shells of two or three chicken eggs from the inner film, wash with soap, heat in the oven, crush, and place at the bottom of a 5-liter bottle with clean water. Infuse for one day.

Mothers use this water to prepare infant formula and porridge. They get amazing results: children grow up very strong, stand on their feet early, and start walking at 9 months.

The shell can lie in water for 1 week until all the water is used up. Next you need to rinse the jug, replace the shell, and pour water again.

Please note that you must remove the inner film from the egg if you want to infuse the shell in water, otherwise the water may acquire an unpleasant odor.

Calcination and boiling do not change the healing properties of eggshells.

Shell water is used for rickets and anemia in children. This water is used to prepare drinks, cereals and soups.

For women

Normalizing muscle tone and stabilizing hormonal levels are the main medicinal properties of eggshells that are beneficial for women.

The ability of the product to improve the function of the uterine muscles is important - with sufficient tone of the uterine muscles, childbirth is as easy as possible.

The main benefit for the fair sex is improvement in the condition of hair, teeth, skin and nails.

Eggshells for the garden, vegetable garden and pets

Ground eggshells are added in spring or autumn when digging the soil. Under the influence of calcium, the soil becomes alkalized and produces high yields.

Of course, experienced gardeners know that there are a large number of plants that prefer acidic soil rather than alkaline soil.

And the best fertilizer for home flowers is calcium water.

For pets and birds, eggshell powder is added to food in courses; the dosage is calculated depending on weight.

Allergy medicine with lemon

Dissolve the shells of 10 eggs in the juice of 1 kg of lemons. Be careful: when the active substances interact, a large amount of foam appears! Leave to dissolve for 24 hours.

Drink the solution chilled, 100 ml in the morning and 100 ml throughout the day. The medicine is not at all tasty, but useful - you can get rid of various types of allergies within 3-12 months.

Important! To get rid of allergies in children, the preparation and dosage are different:

  • fill the shell of 1 egg with the juice of 1 lemon,
  • leave for a day.

The child should take the resulting amount throughout the day.

Soil deoxidation

If the soil is highly acidified, then the rate of application of shells is up to 1 kg per 1 sq. m. m. Collecting such a quantity of shells, of course, is problematic, provided that the weight of one shell is only 5-10 g. The only correct solution is to add egg flour directly into the hole when planting seedlings.

It is after adding flour that the soil, after watering or rain, does not form a dense crust with capillaries through which moisture evaporates. At the same time, the shell, like a leavening agent, works in the ground for several years, since it decomposes slowly. If you need to neutralize the soil faster, use dolomite flour.

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